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enna s&clitfliEF &t 7,6i foi2te..4, so_ii)7n rut JIAV/) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 / : OFF ,' Frk,a 71010 JIVA: ADM OFF OFF 3r/DL Al; AO Acting Assistant Director for Operations 1 1:4. rr" Acting Chief, FBID FBID Progress Report for April 1964 GENERAL fr 3 50X1 1. During April the Cyprus situation was marked by Greek Cypriot efforts tereliminate Turkish-held strongpoints and to open the Nicosia. Xyrenia road to Creek traffic. Repeated outbreaks of fighting in the Kyrenia range brought little change in the overall situation, but tension was particularly increased by Cyprus Government demands that the Turkish Army contingent return to its barracks and by Greek Cypriot threats to use force when the Turks did not do so. U.N. troops found it increasingly difficult to stop the exchanges of fire in the area. Despite the tense and unpredictable situation, however* the Mediterranean Bureau was able to continue uninterrupted operations on the much-reduced scale which has prevailed since the mass transfer of monitors in early February. Meanwhile, fortunately, total processing of broadcast material has maintained former levels despite the Mediterranean Bureau disruptions. Production reports show that while the Mediterranean Bureau daily wordage has dropped to some 6,000 from the average of 23,000 in the months preceding the coverage transfers, the London Bureau file of 80,000 words included nearly 9.000 words of FMS Mideast coverage and the Austrian Bureau file of 30,000 words was up some 8,000 words. The only coverage lost completely so far is that of the internal-Soviet TASS service. Forced evacuation of the Karavas station and resultant loss of the Mediterranean Bureau's remaining coverage remains a threat, however. Permission of the Israeli Government was sought for an interim FBIS monitoring operation in Tel Aviv to maintain coverage of Greek. TurkiSh and Cypriot broadcasts if it became necessary to evacuate. This request brought a counteroffer from the Israelis to provide a small complement of FBIS translators assigned to the American Embassy in Tel Aviv with tapo recordings of broadcasts, a method which would not be wholly satisfactory to EMS. The Israelis indicated this procedure could be implemented on two days' notice. The entire Mediterranean Bureau situation will be reviewed in early May during the visit to Cyprus of MT. Joseph Laroceue. Jr., Mr. Roger G. Seely, SECRET GR3u? Exclodril from Wrath downtrodln: act; crtrt;:t1:1:Wpa 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 _ Oranr;ffir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for April 1964 2. In line with further contingency planning to meet possible crises in Saigon, contacts were made with VOA officials to determine facilities available in Baguio in the Philippines for emergency relocation of the Saigon Bureau, The VOA people said they could provide operations space!, antennas, and equipment and that communications and other facilities would be available in an emergency. There still remains the question of the attitude of the Government of the Philippines. No formal approach will be made to that government at this time. 3. FBIS submitted a memorandum outlining the way it could increase its processing and publication of North Vietnamese press material to eliminate the collection deficiencies noted during preparation of a Special National Intelligence Estimate. The deficiencies were pointed out in a memorandum to the DCI from the Director of Intelligente and Rose:was Department of State which was quite laudatory of FBIS performance and capabilities. To meet the requirements effectively, PSIS would need two additional Vietnamese translators for press exploitation and an additional Headquarters typist to assure publication of the material. 4. FBIS provided a short history of the Saigon Bureau for inclusion in a report on the Agency's Vietnamese effort since 1950. 5. Weekly analyses of communist propaganda on South Vietnam were instituted recently as an additional FBIS contribution to the Vietnamese effort, These analyses, submitted by the Saigon Bureau Chief in his role of IBIS representative on the Vietnam Mission Reporting Team, are incorporated in a new report prepared for the Vietnam Coordinating Committee, 6. A roundup of reaction to President Johnson's 20 April speech and the decisions to curtail fissionable materials production was disseminated on the FBIS Wire at the request of the DD/I. 7. Rapid FBIS handling of the spurious report on 13 April that Soviet Premier Khrushchev had died evoked a "magnificent job" comment from the OCI Watch Office and expressions of appreciation from other consumers. The London Bureau's initial 22-precedence message quoting the West German news agency DPA cleared the FBIS Wire 11 minutes ahead of Reuters and 13 minutes ahead of the Associated Press. OPAos subsequent cautionary "hold" on the item and reports of TASS and Moscow radio behavior dominated the wire for the next 1 hour 42 minutes. DPA's later explanation and cancellation of the item cleared the FBIS wire 12 minutes ahead of Reuters and nearly 2 hours ahead of A.P. The Wire was deluged with phone calls from the White House, the Department of State, the DCI Watch Office, and analysts asking for verification of the report. Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 ?127 =NW wawa ? .a .", ? SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for April 1964 8. The Brazilian Government crisis beginning 1 April which culminated In the overthrow of President Coulon produced another well-coordinated POIS coverage effort extending over several days. The West Coast and Panama Bureaus shared the major task of monitoring Brazilian broadcast stations, the East Coast.Buroau filed from some voice broadcasts and a large volume of press intercepts, and the Key West and East Coast Bureaus shared the coverage of ostensive Cuban radio and Prensa Latina reaction to the Brazilian situation. FBIS Wire Service wordage on 1 April exceeded 36,000 words, due largely to the Brazilian monitoring effort. 9. FBIS reporting on the 19 April Laotian rightwing coup ran more than an hour ahead of Reuters and Associated Press dispatches, The Saigon Bureau's first ZZ-precedence measage confirming ccup reports cleared the FBIS Wire 78 minutes ahead of Reuters and 80 minutes ahead of the A.P. Followup coverage by Saigon and the Okinawa Bureau provided comprehensive reportage on the various communiques and decrees issued by the military revolutionary committee. 10. A special report prepared at the request of the Assistant to the DD/I for Policy Support and issued as a special memorandum on 2 April described OAR radio and press treatment of U.S. and British policies and loaders during March 1964. The report was transmitted by the Office of the DWI to the Whitt House, the Department of State, and other interested consnmors. It was also wirefilod to various U.S. Embassies in the Mideast. II. P815 succoasfully fulfilled a White House request for fast handling of the text of the 24 April Caen note to the United Nations to meet the needs of the President and Ambassador Adlai Stevenson. The White House also requested that BIS provide the text of President de Gaullo's press conference on 16 April, which was broadcast at 1400 local time, prior to President Johnson's own press conference at 1630. This deadline was missed by two minutes, but salient passages were supplied from AFP coverage. Congressional requests included a roundup of statements by Khrushchev during his visit to Hungary for Senator Fulbright, the text of a Pravda article attacking the Joint Economic Committee and Senator Douglas for 'the Sonator, and information on Cuban broadcasting for Congressman Fascell of Florida. 12. The Army Security Agency at the Defense Intelligence Agency complex at Arlington Hall became the 35th recipient of the FBIS Wire Service. 13. Regular services initiated include: a) filing to the U.N. Command in Korea all Chinese Communist, North Korean, and Moscow items concerning Korea; b) providing the U.K. High Commissioner in Cyprus with all Cyprus items; and c) adding Maj. Gen. Roland del Mart Director of the Inter. American Defense College, as a Latin America Daily Report subscriber. Other services included: a) filing of Soviet comment on the now Iranian - 3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 sin PPROM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013708/07 : CIA-R6P83-00586R000300250010-3 witiwin-BA SUBJECTt FBID Progress Report for April 1964 Government and the U.S,-Iranian joint military maneuvers to the U.S. Embassy in Teheran; and b) providing a tape recording of the Chinese Communist national anthem to the Columbia Broadcasting System. 14. Still picturei taken of East Berlin television programs by the Gorman Bureau were enthusiastically received by consumers, and some of the pictures wore immediately incorporated into reports. To help meet .the increasing interest in such coverage.. the German Bureau procured a second still-picture camera and conducted a survey with the cooperation of the Federal German Government for alternate sites Which might proVide better television reception. The survey did not turn up better reception areas. 15. FBIS assisted VOA in the selection of a frequency for a high- powered medium-wave transmitter installation in South Vietnam. The station, to be located near Hue, will be used to broadcast to North Vietnam. 16. The Soviet May Day slogans were analyzed in Radio Propaganda Report CD. 244, and a propaganda analysis item on the Wire discussed aspects of Havana propaganda following Castrots statements on U.S. overflights in his 19 April speech. 17. A 73-page USSR/BE Daily Report supplement published on 6 April contained the report to the 14 February CPSU Central Committee plenum. by Secretary Suslov outlining the Mlles basic positions in the Sino-Soviet polemic. 18. In April SS percent of the Daily Report was devoted to broadcast materials and 12 percent to press scrutiny* 19. Twenty-one percent of the items appearing in the DCI Digest were based wholly or in part on material supplied by FBIS. 20. A revised system of coordinating press scrutiny with the Foreign Documents Division/OCR was instituted to reduce duplication in publication. Under the new procedure, press scrutiny material processed by the Austrian Bureau is logged and FBIS handling noted. Items not published by FBIS are attached to the log and passed on to PDD for review and: possible use. 21. Coverage coordination for Cuban broadcasts was expanded to include the Panama Bureau, When circumstances require it, Cuban coverage will be divided between the East Coast, Key West, and Panama Bureaus, with ECB acting 34 central coordinator. 22. FMS representatives participated in discussions at.the end of April on automated procedures planned by FDD to determine their applicability a 4 . WM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Neni: %/hid; I tb. SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for April 1964 to FBIS needs. The FDD system, which will be developed by IBM over the next two years, envisions automatic translation from Russian to English through use of stenogrephs, computers, and high-speed printers. FBIS would use the IBM equipment for conversion of regular copy into stenowriter code for automatic "translation" and high-speed offset mat printout as a means of reducing the time required to produce the mats to print the Daily Report, FBIS will continue to follow the progress of the system, but initially it appears highly unlikely that it would increase FBIS efficiency. 23. There were significant changes in Soviet broadcasting patterns. Coincident with its switch to a spring-summer schedule at the end of the month, Moscow reduced broadcasting time in many European languages and in English to North America and increased broadcasts in Hindi, Nepali, Korean, and Mongolian. FBIS is covering the increased broadcasts except for those in Nepali, in which it has no capability. For the first time MOSCOW began broadcasting in Malayalam and in Zulu. Neither FB/S not tbo BBC has capability in these languages. Earlier in the month Moscow increased its transmissions in Mandarin 3 1/2 hours daily. FBIS is covering the now program. It was also noted that a Khabarovsk-originated program in Spanish for Latin America was not parallel with Moscow broadcasts. The content of these broadcasts is being checked. It was discovered in early April that after a five-year lapse Tashkent had reintroduced programs in Uighur in its international service. The two 30-minute daily programs apparently are radiated on beamed antennas for good reception in China's Sinkiang Province. FBIS has no capability in this language. 24. To meet the strong interest ofWcP and OCI in the content of the new Moscow Uighurelan2uaae broadcasts ERIS supplied tape recordings for review by Similar arrangements were made for reviewing recordings of the Zulu broadcasts made by the BBC in Nairobi. 50X1 25. The Deputy Chief, FBIS, returned to Washington 50X1 in mid-April following a six-week trip through the Far East. In addition to his inspection of the West Coast, Tokyo, Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Saigon Bureaus* talked with U.S. officials in Hawaii and Hong }tong. 26# was escorted on a visit to and oriented in FB/S Headquarters on 14 April. The Mediterranean Bureau was Visited by Ambassador Fraser Wilkins, Ambassador-designate Taylor G. Belcher, and Assistant Secretary of State Dwight J. Porter, The Okinawa Bureau was visited by Lt. Col. Walter Hettlinger, Assistant J4 (Psychological Operations), U.N. Command* and Maj. R. D. Renick, C.O. Korea Dept. USABVAPAC. 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1 S 0 wort. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Nies, OLAMEIL IA SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for April 1964 Mr, Karl Kochi 50X1 Deputy Director of News, Radio Free Europe, and Mr, Karl Schulz, an RYE engineer* visited the German Bureau. FACILITIES etz,n 27. A ruling was received from DCA lifting the equirement for tributary stations Served by Autodin switches. The same ruling defined FBIS indigonous?manned tributaries as U.S.-controlled outlets and therefore entitled to automatic interface with the Autodin switches. The lifting of the link encryption requirement from FBIS removes the need within ' coming years for large outlays for equipment and large increases in American comimmications personnel At field bureaus. 28. It was reconfirmed with ASA that FBIS wished to relocate its 50X1 Hokkaido Bureau fst and the Chief of the Tokyo Bureau was asked to institute action to get approval from the Japanese Government. It is hoped that the Japan Defense Agency will intercede on behalf to avoid prolonged negotiations, which ASA estimated might require two Or three years. 29. FOIS accepted a DCA offer to provide a full duplex 60-word-per* minute circuit between Frankfurt and London. Although FBIS originally requested a l00-WPM circuit, the DCA offer is entirely acceptable because of the advantages it will offer over the present nrrangement. As soon as the circuit is operative, FBIS will be able to eliminate its IND circuit through Saran, France* and effect savings of some $12,000 a year. 30. departed at the *and 50X1 of April to carry out area surveys and reception tests in Puerto Rico and Montevideo, Uruguay, Both men will survey the Mayaguez area of Puerto Rico for a nonitoring site, after which will go on to Montevideo 50X1 alone at the end of May for tests to round out the planning base for Latin America coverage. tt 31. PUS has begun investigation in conjunction with Department of State and Office of Communication representatives into an offer by Press Wireless, Ltd. to furnish New York-London cable service at a substantially lower rate than is Charged by Western Union. 32. The Okinawa Bureau's housing remodeling project waa completed during the month. ,This project involved conversion of two four-tan Bog's into fourebedroom family houses and replacement of windows in four three- bedroom houses. Initial planning is now underway for replacing windows 6 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 ornnrr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-R1D-P83-00586R000300250010-3 - , SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for April 1964 in operations buildings at Bolo Point. The Panama Bureau is well along in planning for remodeling its operations building. ADMINISTRATION 33. On the basis of an action memorandum from the Executive Director- Comptroller, the DD/I imposed a foreign national ceiling on PBXS of positions. This is the first such ceiling on PIUS foreign nationals, and while it will not affect FBIS operations at the present time, it may well cause difficulties in the future because of constantly expanding world broadcasting. 34. During the month of April one employee entered on duty, one transferred, and none separated. The on duty strength as of 30 April was including two employees on Leave Without Pay. There were eight professionals and five clericals in process during the month. 35. A report was submitted to the AD/0 outlining the areas in which PBIS could use PY-1964 year-end funds. 36. The salaries of Okinawa* Hokkaido, and Austrian Bureau third nationals were increased approximately 10 percent in April. 37. Por the convenience of staff employees overseas, it was arranged for travel advances to be made at overseas bureaus. 38. The American Embassy in Vienna informed the Austrian Bureau it was extremely unlikely that PUS staff personnel assigned to the bureau in the future would be able to obtain government housing. This makes it advisable for employees assigned to the bureau to ship their household effects* since adequately furnished houses are very scarce. 39. In order to conform fully with Agency regulations, FBIS adopted the classification control marking "Por Official Use Only" to replace "Official Use Only." Tho Daily Report and the Wire have begun using the new control marking and other FBIS components will switch over fully as soon as present stocks of preprinted forms are used up. Attachments: Personnel Supplement Production Report Daily Report Wordage Now Consumers Special Requirements 50X1 50X1 50X1 NCIi/ ehj a 7 -01711Iir? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 I. Stuimary Number of Personnel Departmental U. S. Field Foreign Field (V) Foreign Field (UV) Departmental and Field Total PERSONNEL SUPPLEMENT TO MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT T/0 Ceilin April 1964 American On In Entered Proioa Trans- kilt Process On Duty tions ferred Separated Native On T/0 Duty. * Includes two eamloyees on LtfOP ilLLjiL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 -.?CPDET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 0 0 2. Personnel enteringen Thity Date 50X1 Ramey Title/. Grade Assignment Editorial Branch 19 April 1964 3. Promotion! Old Title, Grade New TitIo, Grade Name Assignment Assignment Data _ Info Sp(For West), 6g.7 Info Sp(For Bdcs ), CS-B 12 April 1964 50X1 Editorial Branch Editorial Branch Propaganda Anal Of, GS-13 Propaganda Anal Of, GS-14 12 April 1964 Radio Propaganda Branch Radio Propaganda Branch 4 Propaganda Anal Of, GS-I2 Propaganda Anal Of, GS-13 12 April 1964 Radio Propaganda Brunch Radio Propaganda Branch Brdest Monitor (Multi), GS-10 Ordest Monitor(Multi) GS*1.1 26 April 1964 West OnSt Bureau West Coast Bureau Teleg Typur Opr, GS-5 Teleg Type Opr Supv, 65-6 26 ApriI 1944 West Coast Bureau Wost Coast Bureau 4. Reassignments Old Title, Grade New Title, Grade N e Assignment Assignment Date Teleg Typwr Opr Sopa, GS-7 Tbleg Typwr Opr Supvs GS-7 26 April 1964 50X1 Uditorial Branch Key West Bureau QT-prri , ,y1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Reassignments (Cola for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 nuad) Info Sp(For 'West), GS-9 Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS..9 26 April 1964 50X1 Editorial BranCh Saigon Bureau S. Transfer Hama Title, Grade, Assignment Receiving Component Date \ Info Sp(For Bdcst) GS-12 NFIC 20 Aprik 1964 50X1 Editorial Branch 6. Separations None 7. 00 Career Service Program employees have been accepted for Career Staff Membership. 8. Foreign Travel We Destination FBID Nest Coast. Bureau, Saigon, Okinawa,. Tokyo and Hokkaido Bureaus; Honolulu, Liawaii and Hong Kong, B.C.C. Sun Juan,. Ponce and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico MID Austrian, Germano and London Bureaus FB1D African, German* Austrian. London and Mediterranean Bureaus Duration 29 February - 7 April 1964 27 April - SO May 1964 - 16 April 1964 21 April - 20 May 1964 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 ForelftLItavel (Continued) 9741r:r' ricr FBID IVest Coast, Tokyo, Hokkaido and Okinawa Bureaus; Hong 'Kong, B.C.C. San Juan, Pence and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; !Montevideo, Uruguay, FBID Pantos Bureau nup Mediterranean and London Bureaus FBID African, Getman, Austrian, London and Mediterranean Bureaus 9.9$ 20 April 19 May 1964 27 April - 4 June 1964 5 February - 9 April 1964 21 April - 20 May 1964 50X1 9. Roger G., Seely Amerage 1/0 Grade: Average On Duty Grade: ..1.58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA--RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 uusitIllt.N I IAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 1. Daily Average of Field Bureau Production, April 1964 (Average computed on basis of 5-day week) FIELD BUREAU MONITORED Voice Press WORDAGE FILED WORDAGE DISSEMINATED** ECONOMIC ABSTRACTS (No. Items) Africa 16.5 6,000 5,240 0 Austria 18.7 - 30,010* 27,452* 26 Last Coast 25.1 229,1 23,850 15,734 0 German 14.0 18,047**** 15,199**** 0 Hokkaido 18.0 1.3 11,330 10,648 59 Key West 10.3 8,100 3,628 0 London 14.10 28.5 8,400 6,654 0 Mediterranean 27.5 24.0 5,310 1,470 1 Okinawa 54.5 47.3 44,400 32,286 11 Panama 20.0 24.5 9,400 4,966 0 Saigon 24.5 - 5,400* 4,782A Tokyo 37.3 . 6,200 5,374 0 West Coast 49.1 90.2 20,972 ......- 16,528 3 Total IBIS 331.5 444.9 197,419 --...... 150,011 100 BBC: Caversbam 156.0 129.5 66,126 57,102 33 Nairobi 11.5 5,744 4,530 0 Stockholm/Teheran 11.0 *** *** 0 Total BBC 178.5 129.5 71,870 61,632 38 Grand TOTAL (rms-mic) 510.0 574.4 269,289 ........- 211,643 138 A daily average of 129,079 words were filed to BBC. * Includes Press Scrutiny. Mt Includes DAILY REPORT, Wire Service, and miscellaneous publications. fest* Included in Caversbam file. **** Includes 4,000 words for "Weekly Report on East Gorman Press". CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 0 DAILY REPOPW BOOK DAILY REP= WORDAGE KR APRIL 1964 TOTAL AVERAGE USSR/4E 1,071,400* 144,700 (22 publication days) Far East 948;640 431120 ME/AF/WE 608/960 27068o Latin America 302,500 13,750 Total. Wordage for All Sections 2,931,500 0 Total Daily Average 133,250 Total Wire Service Wordage 897,030 Wire 'Senrice Daily Average 29,901 *Includes 32,120 word USSR/EE Supplement Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 se,r NEW CONSUMERS FOR PETS PW5LIcATThNS APRIL 1964 PUBLICATION CONSUMER TITLE OR ORGANIZATION White Book DR Latin America 04 Par East DR USSR/EB DR ME, Africa-, WE DR Patriek J. Honey Cornell University Upper Volta Embassy State Bruce van Voorst Newsweek Magazine Bureau of Foreign Departient of Interior Fisheries Chiefs Western Hemisphere Department of Agriculture Branch American Embassy State OgN Kabul Don B. Smith ARA/Message Center American Embassy Oarlakosali AID State State Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 SECRET . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/-67 : CIA:Rb-P83-00586R006300250010 3 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL ADflTP reaA CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION . DATE COMPLETED -- REMARKS R4S-64 9gC 25 Mar W8 Tspe recording of. bo. fle-tiwGAp, 1654-beiWre .leved five kecords Center dabbed by ECO.-14irpouchoi_ to Loudon for SOC FSO 27 Mar Lfl Listing es11,FSIS publications !Apr Survey compiled by UR and sent vie courier to PSO R-60.64 OCI $1 Oar t4R Copy of Cbs Qsenra speech text ut 1 Apr Carbon copy sent by courier to CCI 0 - Geneva 16.51-64. OD/I Special awranduu ii VAR treatuent Of U.S.,:British e and loaders durin ;arch 1964 2 Apr Review Prepared by London and Mtn forwarded to OD/I at. 42-.64 State 2 Apr London tiedO4r ? All references in Arab'casts to U.S. Vilitery bases by nate It re target sent to Londonand --- 50X1 Leg. CoulaA 9 Apr 141Z ML arcoshchey utterances while in !kidapost 9 Apr Material collected and delivered by special courier- to Senator Felbright 50X1 11.46-64 State 1S 'Apr Tett of 12 April speech by SVM Vice Premier Noma 16 Apr Test delivered by special courier to Stets =pastor R.47.64 R.013.64 A/OCLOR Stste 27 Apr 17 Apr MCi .., LIIR Tape recording- o antbso - Cepias of VI. German Fermin Schroeder interview not published in Din 21 Apr SlApr Forwarded to .A/CCl/Public lationS for servicing CRS -? -Copi.ssentb-ycoarier tostneand Agency recipients F2r4I 531 SECRET 1E...d.272tairik I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3 (13) SECRET . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/080 : CIA46P63-00586R000300250010 3 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFF ICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK . DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS R4.69.64 R-70-64 R-71-64 in Leg. Cow'. State 22 Apr 22 Apr 10 Apr 1CR R. Vas Kyle t Signi an loc reaction to press report of 0.0. nerve gas Text of 19 April Castro speech Content survey of Caen casts beamed toiS Lik and S.C. United States , 27 Apr , 22 Apr Apr are target sent to field; sent thra OCR/Lia to DOD copy procured and delivered by special courier to Cong. Reid Ratarisi collected and relaxed to State; Info included in reply to initial rectuestor. Cont. Pascal 1 50X1 R.73-44 R-74-64 ? 167544 (:)644 R-77-64 CX USC 0Th DODS 27 Apr 29 Apr 29 Apr 30 Apr SO Apr 11CR Oki WO Tokyo London BIS Field bureau: Good quality tape recording of Castro sPeeek Reportage and comment on British Foreign Secy Sutler's visit to Japan and Philippines One hour goad quality tape recording for language trainiog purposes Information on Rama radio shortwave frequencies lire target: reaction fres any source to U.S. announcement (by President) that production of supersonic cemserciaI Jet plane Was being postponed --- --- --- 30 Apr --- Recording will be made from upcmtbmiMay Day speech Request relayed to field bur s MR wilt forward to 0Th upon receipt UIS celled intersection i3o State and 01.4 Field will file pertinent materials if any :ORA: 531 SECRET I Etiuderif Olt< Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250010-3