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o frk Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/12:CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - - STANDARD SOURCELINES 22 August 1961 Laws pertaining to copyright and tele- communications require that this publi- cation be classified For Official Use Only. Foreign Broadcast Information Service OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. B. CONTENTS GENERAL OFFICIAL BROADCASTS A-1 and A-2 1 General B-1 2. Voicedasts for foreign audiences B-2 3. Voicecasts for vaguely defined foreign audience's B-3 4. Exceptional sourcelines for international vOicecasts B-4 5. Telecasts for foreign audiences B-5 6. Telecasts on international networks B-6 7, 8. Nbicecasts for domestic audiences Exceptional sourcelines for domestic services B-7 B-8 9. Press agency voicecasts for domestic audiences B-9 ' 10, Telecasts for domestic audiences B-10 C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 1. General C-1 2. Directed voicecasts C-2 3. "Clandestine" voicecasts C-3 4. Telecasts C-+ 5. Voicecasts and telecasts on private networks C-5 6. Exceptional sourcelines for semiofficial broadcasts C-6 D. PRESSCASTS 1. General D-1 ? 2. Interagency transmissions ? D-2 3. Correspondents' Dispatches. ... . . . ............ . . ....... . .. 0. D-3 4. Clandestine presscasts ... D-4 E. BRIEF SOURCELINES ????E-1 (issued with Revision No. 1) 'OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY A, GENERAL a. Sourcelines identify the broadcasts and presscasts from 'which monitored material is taken. To make editorial copy more meaningful to readers, sourcelines Should answer three questions: Ariaglisoonsible fimIlLe statements made in the brOadeaSt or xiresscast? (Soureelines answer this implicitly, by naMing the city of origin, and/or explicitly, by naming the broad caster or press agency.) For whom ns. the broadcast 2rpresseast ntended? (Source - lines answer this by stating which language was used and, often, by indicating the target area or recipients.) When was, the material trantted? (See paragraphs dAnd e.) b. To assist the reader further, sourcelines distinguish teleeasts from voicecasts, presscasts from broadcasts, clandestine services from regular one, correspondents dispatches from regular presscasts, and private network broadcasts from private local broadcasts. c. FBIS monitors the output of many broadcasters and press agencies, each of which organizes its transmissions in a different way. The monitor- ing operation itself is widespread. These diversities tend to cause differ- ences between sourcelines which should be similar. To avoid such differences and to insure that each soureeline contains just those elements which enhance the understanding of the material by the reader) FRIS has tet up standardized procedures for sourteline formulation. These procedures are outlined in the pageStith follow, d. Each sourceline includes a time, date and bureau indicator in addition to the elements shown herein. The example: London General Overseas Service in English is understood to stand for: London General Overseas Service in English 0000 GMT 6 June 1964--E or a similar sourceline in actual copy. e. The time shown for broadcasts is the nominal -Starting time of the program containing the material, For presscasts the time shown is approX- iMately that at which the item was actually tran8mitted. Substitution of "0001 GMT" when "0000 GMT" is intended is not authorized. It is essential that the date reflect Greenwieh reckoning instead of that of the monitoring bureau. (continued) Al OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. ;OENERAL (Continued) f. The city at the beginning of sourcalines is the nominal regular origination pointcof the broadcast or preascast. (For_ broadcasts this is the studio location.) The origination point may be a long distance from the site of the transmitter actually monitored. When necessary for clarity, the name of the city may be followed by the name of the country' colony, or region in 'which it is located. Examples: Tumbes Peru Domestic Service in Spanish Petropavlovsk Kazakhstan Domestic Service in Rusaian Santiago Chile Radio Corporacion Network in Spaniel Jerusalem Israel Domestic, Service in English g. Each sourceline has an alternate form for use in editorial briefs. Brief forms are described in part E. h. Sourceline spelling, punctuation and capitalization rules derive from Editorial Branch style. I. Field ?editors are encouraged to include additional information about the broadcast or presscast in subsourcelines When Such explanations enhance understanding of the monitored material. j. Sourceline formulation problems not covered in this manual should be brought to the attention of the Field Operations Staff. A.4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 1. General a. Official broadcasts are those voice or television Services Which have program production under the acknowledged control of one of the following: --the chief broadcasting component of a government; --a cluasigovernmental or semigovernmental corporation or institute; governmental press agency. (In all cases the ownership of the transmitters used is irrelevant.) Offi- cial broadcasts may be presumed to be in harmony with the basic policies of the government as a whole. Not all governmental broadcasts are official: the exceptions are considered in part C. b. Certain private stations (particularly in Latin America) devote part of their broadcast time (regularly or it emergencies) to the trans- mission of official programs. At such times the stations lose their private character and the sourcelines are changed accordingly. c. Sourcelines for official broadcasts distinguish between: --services for domestic audiences and those for foreign audiences program for both generally is considered to be a domestic service); --Se/4vices controlled by press agencies and those controlled by other official broadcasters; ?.radio programs and television programs. On the other hand, sourcelines make no distinction between fre- quency modulation and Amplitude modulation broadcasts. B-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Voicecasts for foreign audiences a. Official broadcasts for listeners outside the country of origin as a rule take sourcelines in the form: in to Studio Language: Target Examples: Moscow in Swahili to East Africa Peking in Burmese to Burma Paris in French to Indochina Hilversum in Dutch to the Netherlands West Indies Tokyo in Japanese to Australia and New Zeland Cairo in French to Europe .? b. Targets should be chosen so as to reflect best the broadeaster'S probable primary intent. A distinction should be made between the physical beaming of a transmission (determined by the availability of antennas) and the target (where the intended listeners live). For many broadcasts these are not the same. For example, a transmission for Europe in several languages may include a period in Spanish. The sourceline should read " Spanish to Spain" not " Spanish to Europe." Similarly, a source- line should read "in Burmese to Burma" not "in Burmese to Southeast Asia." Generally, when two interpretations of the target area, one broad amd one narrow, are available, the narrow one will be used. c. On the other hand, it is correct for sourcelines to read " French to Europe," " English to Africa," " Cantonese to South- east Asia," " Armenian to Europe," etc., when a- language is widely spoken, or when a station is broadcasting to compatriots abroad. d. Sourcelines for programs broadcast simultaneously to two separate targets (e.g., the United Kingdom and North America) should reflect both of them. When an enumeration of targets would make a sourceline too compli- cated) the targets may be abbreviated or recourse may be made_to the procedure detailed in section 3 of this part: e. The target may be either a political or a geographical area, whichever is appropriate. f. The designation of a country, rather than one of its regions, as a target for international broadcasts is preferable (e.g., " Slovak to Czechoslovakia" instead of " Slovak to Slovakia.") g. The beaming of a program may serve as a guide to the intended target in the absence of other information. (issued with Revision NO. 1) B-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY' , Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 01(FICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 3. Voicecasts for vaguely defined foreign audiences a. Alternate sourceline forms are available for instances in which it is not practical or not desirable to designate a specific target area: International Service in Studio Language Overseas Service in Studio Language General Overseas Service in Studio Language External Service in Studio . Language Examples: London General Overseas Service in English Melbourne Overseas Service in English Bern Overseas Service in Portuguese Cologne International Service in German. Lisbon Overseas Service in Portuguese Lisbon International Service in English Ankara External Service in Turkish Djakarta Overseas Service in English b. These forms may be used when the specific target is not known, when a program is broadcast simultaneously to several broadly separated_ areas, when a program is diffused vaguely to any interested listeners abroad, or when a broadcaster is known to repeat programming in succes- sive transmissions to several target areas. c.. The choice of International, Overseas, General Overseas, or External Service designations will depend on the broadcaster's own usage. In the absence of such an announcement, International Service will be used in the sourceline, d. Use of European Service, Latin American Service, and similar area designations in sourcelines is not authorized. (issued with Revision No. 1) B-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS .4. Exceptional sourcelines for international voicecasts a. Programs which originate in one country but are broadcast only on transmitters in a second country are given sourcelines in the form: via in to Studio Retransmission studio Language Target Examples: Moscow via Bratislava in Slovak to Czechoslovakia Peking via Moscow in Russian to the USSR b. Sourcelines for official voicecasts controlled by press agencies ,and intended for foreign audiences are in the forms: Voicecast in to Studio AGENCY Language Target Dictation in to Studio AGENCY Language Target ? Example: Peking CHINA PRESS AGENCY dictation in Mandarin to Overseas Chinese c. Dictation speed programs controlled by regular broadcasters and intended for foreign audiences take sourcelines in the form: Dictation in to Studio Language Target Example: Karachi Dictation in English to the Near and Middle East d. Broadcasts from Brazzaville which are controlled by the French Government take sourcelines in the form: Brazzaville French-controlled Overseas Service in Language (issued with Revision No. 1) B-4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY 54 Telecasts for foreign audiences Official television broadcasts transmitted: directly across an inter- national boundary 'Without relays in the target country are given tource, linet in the form: Studio Television in to Language Target Examples: Tallinn Television in Finnish to Finland,- Bratislava Television in Goan to Auttria Bt5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12%12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 6. Telecasts on international networks Certain television programs in Europe and North_ America are trans- mitted over international networks. In many cases the version given in a particular country may comprise two separate broadcasts: a video component produced by one broadcaster and an audio component produced by another. Whenever a telecast originating in one country is monitored from a station in a second country it is necessary that sourcelines specify the network from which coverage was actually taken. At this stage in the development of television it is not possible to lay down a general rule for this situation, but the following will take care of current coverage possibilities. For international network telecasts originating in East Europe Intervision via in Studio See Examples Language Examples: Moscow Intervision via Czechoslovak Network in Czech amd Slovak Moscow Intervision via Slovak Network in Slovak Warsaw Intervision via East German Network in German Budapest Intervision via West German Netvork in German Prague Intervision via BBC Network in English East Berlin Intervision via British ITA Network in English Helsinki Intervision via Hungarian Network in Hungarian Belgrade Intervision via Hungarian Network in Hungarian For ihterhational network :telecasts originating in West Europe Eurovision via in Studio See Examples Language Examples: Vatican City Eurovision via West German Network in German Paris Eurovision via Austrian Network in German Brussels Eurovision via BBC 'Network in English Copenhagen Eurovision via British ITA Network in English Rome Eurovision via Czechoslovak Network in Czech Monte Carlo Eurovision via East German Netwdrk in German Helsinki Eurovision via French Network in French Belgrade Eurovision via Austrian Network in German (issued with Revision No. 1) B-6 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 7. VoicecaSts for domestic audiences' a. Domestic services are Official broadegata.intended for 4udieneeS within the country or colony in which they originate,: .4.$ a rule sotrce-' lines for domestic services are in the form: Domestic Service in Studio Language Examples: Paris Domestic Service in French Shanghai Domestic Service in Mandarin Sofia Domestic Service in Turkish b. Frequency modulation services take the same Soureelines as equivalent amplitude modulation services. c. Domestic services which are transmitted also to audiences abroad will as a rule take domestic service sourcelines. d. Domestic services include: --home services (official broadcasts originating in the chief broadcasting city using a? major national language and intended for an entire country or colony); country); --minority services (official broadcasts serving an ethnic minority usually with a minority language), and --miscellaneous services (such as national programs originating elsewhere than the chief broadcasting city). (The chief broadcasting city is usually the capital, but there are exceptions such as New York, Montreal, Johannesburg, Hilversum, Cologne, and Melbourne.) --regional services (official broadcasts serving a part of a OFFICIAL USE ONLY B-7 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE _ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 8. Exceptional sourcelines for domestic services a. A special procedure is required to distinguish the Moscow oblast regional service from the Moscow home or Soviet Asian services. To the regular sourceline: Moscow Domestic Service in Russian add the subsourceline: (Oblast Service) b. An exceptional sourpeline is used for "Deutschlandsenderl broadcasts: East Berlin DeutsChlandsender in German to Germany OFFICIAL USE ONLY B-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 9. Press agency voicecasts for domestic audiences Sourcelines for voicecasts controlled by official press agencies and intended for domestic audiences take sourcelines in the forms:- Domestic Service in Studio AGENCY -Language Domestic Service Dictation in Studio AGENCY Language Examples: Moscow TASS Domestic Service Dictation in Russian Peking NCNA Domestic Service Dication in Mandarin Warsaw PAP Domestic Service in Polish Hanoi VNA Domestic Service Dictation in Vietnamese Brasilia AGENCIA NACIONAL Domestic Service in Portuguese (issued with Revision No. 1) B-9 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 10. Telecasts for domestic audiences Official domestic television services take sourcelines in the form: Domestic Television Service in Studio Language Examples: Hamburg Domestic Television Service in German East Berlin Domestic Television Service in German Tokyo Domestic Television Service in Japanese Note that the studio city reflects the origination point of the program instead of the location of the transmitter from which it was monitored. B-10 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 1. General a. This category embraces all those voice and television programs controlled by organizations which cannot be said to represent openly the policy of a government as a whole.- b. Semiofficial broadcasts include those controlled by governmental factions or components not specializing in broadcasting or news dissemi- nation (army, police, Ministry of Education, etc.) and those the control of which is not acknowledged by the government. c. Private broadcasts are those ostensibly controlled-by commercial, religious, educational, or philanthropic organizations or by dissident or rebellious groups. . d. Sourcelines for both semiofficial and private broadcasts are generally in the form: in Studio Broadcaster Language Examples: Rio de Janeiro Ministerio da Educacao,in Portuguese Bangkok Military Intelligence Station in Thai Taipei Voice of Air Force in Mandarin (for broadcasts to Taiwan) Manila Voice of National Defense in English Tokyo Asahi Radio in Japanese Caracas Ondas Populares in Spanish Iquique Chile Radio Esmeralda in Spanish Minatitlan Mexico Voz del Sureste in Spanish e. The name of the broadcaster may be abbreviated to its essential elements if it is too long. It may be translated into English if it is not easily recognizable by English-speaking readers. .(Sluglines in Program Schedules of Foreign Broadcasting Stations take these factors into account and may be used in the absence of other authority. f. Broadcasters are the entities which (nominally or in reality) have day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of program policy. Commonly (but not necessarily) a broadcaster is associated with a parti- cular group of transmitters and is identified by the announced station name. Some transmitters, however, are used for the programs of-more than one broadcaster, particularly when involved in relay or network operations. It is necessary that sourcelines designate the broadcaster responsible for the program in question. g. A broadcasting organization may have studios in 'several cities. Each is regarded as a separate broadcaster when it originates programs. (issued with Revision No. 1) C-1 ? OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 2. Directed voicecasts a. Semiofficial and private broadcasters usually trahsmit to any interested listeners within range and no target can or should be ascribed to their regular programs. When they depart from this routine, however, and address special programs to an area different from their normal service area (in particular, ?a specific foreign target or a remote ,troublesome province), it may be necessary to state the target in the sourceline in order to insure complete understanding of the item. b. In some countries the official broadcaster sets up a special program for foreign listeners which states properly its point of origin but announces as if it were a separate broadcaster. Usually this is done ?to disclaim responsibility for program material. For such programs, which ?axe treated as semiofficial broadcasts, sourcelines should state target areas. c. Sourcelines for directed voicecaats from semiofficial and private broadcasters are in the form: in to Studio Broadcaster. Language Target Examples: New York World.Wide Broadcasting System in Spanish to Cuba Caracas Radio Rumbos in Spanish to Cuba Quito Voz de los Andes in Russian to the USSR Cairo Voice of the Arabs in Arabic to the Arab World Cairo Voice of Africa in Hausa to West Africa Taipei Voice of Air Force in Mandarin to China Mainland Havana Patria Libre in Spanish to the Dominican Republic (issued with Revision No. 1) C-2 ,OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 3. "Clandestine " voicecasts a. Most of the so-called clandestine broadcasts are actually inter- national services which do not announce their true operating locations. In many cases their locations are obvious. Besides evading responsibility for program content such a broadcaster is able to enhance the prestige of sympathetic dissident or rebellious groups in the target country. The true clandestine station--a fugitive operation in the terri- tory of a hostile government--is extremely rare and shortlived. b. Sourcelines for clandestine stations are in the form: (Clandestine) in to Broadcaster Language Target Examples: Oggi in Italia (Clandestine) in Italian to Italy 'Radio Espana Independiente (Clandestine) in Spanish to Spain Our Radio (Clandestine) in Turkish to Turkey Radio Pathet Lao (Clandestine) in Lao to Laos Voz de la Libertad (Clandestine) in Spanish to the Dominican Republic c. The name of the broadcaster may be given in English or in the original language, although the latter is preferable when practical. The name may be abbreviated but should include some of the wording of the announcement or its translation. d. Newspapers sometimes print distorted versions of the names of clandestine broadcasters. These versions may gain wide currency but should be avoided in the formulation of sourcelines. e. When it is not possible to give the name of the broadcaster, substitute a description of its ,editorial line (Anti-Khrushchev, Pro- Tibetan, etc.) (issued with Revision No. 1) C-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 4, Telecasts 0 Sourcelines for semiofficial or private telecasts are generally In the form: Television in Studio Broadcaster Language b, -If 'the name of the broadcaster includes the word "Television" or 'A readily recognizable foreign equivalent, sourcelines take the (11"m; in Studio Telecaster Language Examples.: Montevideo Monte Carlo TV in Spanish Guayaquil Primera Televisota in Spanish Tokyo Radio Tokyo Television in Japanese (issued with Revision No. 1) C-4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 fr, 4 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 5. Voicecasts and telecasts on private networks a. When two or more private voice or television broadcasters join to transmit a program simultaneously they lose their individual identities and assume the identity of the network.- The network is considered to be a separate broadcaster even when its program style, personnel, and technical facilities are indistinguishable from those of its key station. b. When a station changes from local to network programming, that change is shown in sourcelines by substituting the name of the network:for that of :the local broadcaster. If the name of the network does not include the words "Network", "Roseau", "Chaine", "Cadena", "Red", or "Circuito", then the word "Network" is inserted after the network name. c. Sourcelines for broadcasts from private networks are in the forms: Network in Studio Broadcaster Language Television Network in Studio Broadcaster Language Examples: Panama City Circuito RPC in Spanish Bogota Caracol Network in Spanish Havana Cadena Oriental in Spanish Mexico City Telesistema Mexicana Television Network in Spanish Havana Television Revolucion Network in Spanish d. When the individual stations separate for local programming the network is dissolved and sourcelines revert to the ordinary form. e. Studios listed in sourcelines show the origination points of programs, not the location of transmitters on which they are monitored. (issued with Revision No. 1) C-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 6. Exceptional sourcelines for semiofficial broadcasts a. A special sourceline is used for broadcasts from "Radio Volga": Radio Volga via East Berlin in to Soviet Forces Language b. Special sourcelines are used for broadcasts from the "Voice of the Soviet Homeland": Voice of the Soviet Homeland in to West Europe Language Voice of the Soviet Homeland in to North America Language c. A special sourceline is used for broadcasts from the Chinese Peoples Liberation .Army Fukien Front Broadcasting Station: Fukien Front Station in to Quemoy Language (issued with Revision No. 1) c-6 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 drIdtAL USE ONLi D. PRESSCASTS i. General a. The term press agencies as used herein refers to news agencies, information services, and newspapers and magazines which use radio circuits for the transmission of materials intended for public information media, subscribers, or public consumption. b. Material which press agencies transmit'by Morse, Hellschreiber, or radioteletype generally is given sourcelines in the form: in City AGENCY Language Examples: Singapore REUTERS in Rnclish Cairo MENA in Arabic Lima AFP in Spanish c. Material from press agencies of communist coultries which have distinct transmissions for external and internal recipients is given sourcelines in the forms: International Service in City AGENCY Language Domestic Service in City AGENCY Language Examples: ? Moscow TASS International Service in Spanish Moscow TASS Domestic Service in Russian Peking NCNA Domestic Service in Chinese a. Material which official information services transmit to diplomatic missions is given sourcelines in the form: in to Diplomatic Missions City INFORMATION SERVICE Language (omitted if unknown) Examples: Tirana ALBANIAN INFORMATION SERVICE IN Albanian to Diplomatic Missions Budapest in Hungarian to Diplamatiz Missions (effective 1 November 1963) D-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY7 1. General (Contid) If there is reason to believe the material transmitted by official information services is intended for public consumption the transmission will carry the general sourceline given in paragraph b. e. Material transmitted to ships is given \sourcelines in the form: Maritime Service in ' City AGENCY Language (omitted if unknown) Examples: Vladivostok PACIFIC SEAMAN Maritime Service in Russian Murmansk Maritime Service in Russian f. Names of press agencies will be rendered in capital letters. Accepted abbreviations may be used when the press agency is veil known In eases of close similarity between accepted abbreviations the full name of the press agency may be used to insure Correct identification. g. In any of the above cases, an editorial note may be used to indicate specific beaming if that information is considered significant. (effective 1 November 1963) D-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 - Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE "ONLY . PRESSCASTS - 2. Interagency transmissions a. Transmissions from one press agency to another take sourcelines in the form: in to City Originating AGENCY Language recipient AGENCY City Examples: Hanoi VNA in Vietnamese t NCNA Peking ? , Havana PRENSA LATINA in Spanish to CTK Prague b. Interagency dispatches may be found in a regularly scheduled presscast or included with other traffic in a common-carrier circuit. Each interagency dispatch requires care in handling to insure that the sourceline correctly shows the originating and recipient agencies. If either is not clear, the item will take either the general se;urceline described in paragraph 1 or the correspondent's dispatch sourceline in paragraph 3. (effective 1 November 1963) D-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @_50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PRESSCASTS 3. Intra-agency and CorrespondeWs Dispatches,. a.. TransmiSsions- frOM?:one office of a press agency office of the same agency take.sourcelihes in the form: in to nri ? AGENTCY Langage AGE'NCY , City Examples: to another Buenos Aires REUTERS in English to REUTERS London Beirut MENA in Arabic to MENA Cairo Montevideo PRENSA LATINA in Spanish to PRENSA LATINA Havana b. A special sourceline id used to identify dispatches from a correspondent to his agency: Correspondent's Dispatch in to Filing 'Point Language 101ENCY tirg Examples: Taipei Correspondent's Dispatch in Japanese to ASAHI Tokyo Johannesburg Correspondent's Dispatch in English to DAILY EXPRESS London c. Correspondent's dispatch should be used in a sourceline when a very limited amount of traffic is filed irregularly from a given point9 usually on an unscheduled basis, as a point-to-point transmission. It could be filed by an assigned correspondent of a press agency or by a stringer. Traffic filed from-a-point where a press agency is known to have an office Should bear an intra-agency sourceIine; These transmissions tend to be more voluminous, regular and often on a scheduled basis. (Revised 8 June 1967) D-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY D. PRESSCASTS 4. Clandestine presscasts Sourcelines for clandestine presscasts are in the form: ______(Clandestine) in to AGENCY Language Destination Example: LIBERATION PRESS AGENCY (Clandestine) in Vietnamese to South Vietnam OFFICIAL USE ONLY D-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY E. BRIEF SOURCELINES Each tburceline has an alternate form which is used in editorial briefs. The brief form, which is enclosed in parentheses, is the same as the regular form except that prepositions and the word "Service" are struck out. Examples: Melbourne Overseas Service in English BRIEF FORM: (Melbourne Overseas English) Moscow in English to Eastern North America BRIEF FORM: (Moscow English Eastern North America) Brussels Domestic Service in French BRIEF FORM: (Brussels Domestic French) Peking NCNA in English to Europe BRIEF FORM: (Peking NCNA English Europe) Havana Correspondent's Dispatch in English to TASS Moscow BRIEF FORM: (Havana Correspondent's Dispatch English TASS Moscow) Caracas Ondas Populares in Spanish BRIEF FORM: (Caracas Ondas Populares Spanish) Oggi in Italia (Clandestine) in Italian to Italy BRIEF FORM: (Oggi in Italia/Clandestine/Italian Italy) E-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 , OFFICIAL USE ONLY STANDARD SOURCELINES 22 August 1961 Laws pertaining to copyright and tele- communications require that this publi- cation be classified For Official Use 0?Only, Foreign BrOadcast Information Service OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. B. C ONTENTS GENERAL A-1 and A-2 OFFICIAL BROADCASTS I. General B-1 .2 Voicecasts for foreign audiences 13,2 3. Voicecasts for vaguely defined foreign audiences B-3 4. Exceptional sourcelines for international voicecasts 13.7.4 5, Telecasts for foreign audiences T375 - 6, Telecasts on international networks B-6 7. Voicecasts for domestic audiences B-7 8. Exceptional sourcelines for domestic services B-8 9. Press agency voicecasts for domestic audiences B-9 10. Telecasts for domestic audiences ' B-10 C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 1. General Cl 2. Directed voicecasts C-2 3. "Clandestine" voicecasts C-3 4. Telecasts C-4 5. Voicecasts and telecasts on private networks C-5 6. Exceptional sourcelines for semiofficial broadcasts C-6 D. PRESSCASTS' 1, .General D-1 2.:. Interagency transmissions D-2 3, Correspondents* Dispatches . D-3 4, Clandestine presscasts D- E. BRIEF SOURCELINES E-1 (issued with Revision No. 1) 'OFFICIAL USE ONLY a Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 r Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY A, GENERAL a. Sourcelines identify the broadcasts and presscasts from which monitored material is taken. To make editorial copy more meaningful to readers, sourcelines should answer three questions: =Amps onsibleiht statements made in the brOadcaOt o presscas (Sourcelines answer this implicitly, by naming he city of brigin, and/or explicitly, by naming the broad,' caster or press agency,) For whom was the broadeastfor essea intended? (Source-. lines answer this by stating which lan age was used and, often, by indicating the target area or recipients.)' When. was the material Itamaktiti? (See paragraphs d,land e.) b. To assist the reader further, sourcelines distinguish telecasts from voicecasts, presscasts from broadcasts, clandestine services from regular one, correspondents' dispatches from regular presseasts, and private network broadcasts from private local broadcasts. c. FB IS monitors the output of many broadcasters and press agencies, each of which organizes its transmissions in a different way. The monitor- ing operation itself is widespread. These diversities tend to cause differ- ences between sourcelines which should be similar. To avoid such differenceS and to insure that each soureeline contains just those elements Which enhance the understanding of the material by the reader, FBIS has set up standardized procedures for , sourceline formulation. These procedures are outlined in the pages .:9pieb. d. Each soureeline includes a time, date, and bureau indicator in addition to the elements Shown herein. ,The example: London General Overseas Service in English Is understood to stand for: London General Overseas Service in English 0000 GMT 6 June 1964--E or a similar sourceline in actual copy. e. The time shown for broadcasts is the nominal 'stirting time of the program containing the material. For presscasts the time shown is approx- imately that at which the item was actually transmitted. (Substitution of "0001 GMT" when "0000 GMT" LE intended is not authorite410-004- It is essential that the date reflect Greenwieh reckoning instead of that of the monitoring bureau. (continued) A-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFIC IAL USE ONLY A. pENEML (continued) f, The city at the beginning of Sourcelines is the nominal regular origination pointoof the broadcast or presscast. (For broadcasts this is the studio location.) The origination point may be a long ,distance from the site of the transmitter actually monitored. When necessary for clarity, the name of the City may be followed by the name of the country, colony, or region in which it is located. Examples: Tumbes Peru Domestic Service in Spanish Petropavlovsk Kazakhstan Domestic Service in Rutsian Santiago Chile Radio Corporacion Network in Spanish Jerusalem Israel Domestic Service in English g. Each sourceline has an alternate form for use in editorial briefs. Brief forms are described in part E. h. Sourceline spelling, punctuation and tapitalitatiOn rules derive from Editorial Branch style. i. Field editors are encouraged to include additional infortation about the broadcast or presscast in .subtourcelines when such explanations enhance understanding of the monitored material. j. Sourceline formulation problems not covered in this manual Should be brought to the attention of the Field Operations Staff. OFFICIAL USE ONLY A-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFIC LAI BROADCASTS 1. General Et. Official broadcasts are those voice or television Services which have program production under the acknowledged control of one of the following: --the chief broadcasting component of ?a government; --a quasigovernmental or semigovernmental corporation or institute; --a governmental press agency. (In all cases the Ownership of the transmitters used is irrelevant.) Offi- cial broadcasts may be presumed to be in hatMonY with the basic policies of the government as a whole. Not all governmental broadcasts are official: the exceptions ?are considered in part C, b. Certain private stations (particularly in Latin America) devote part of their broadcast time (regularly or in emergencies) to the trans- mission of official programs. At such times the stations lose their private character and the soutcelines are changed accordingly. C. Sourtelines for official broadCastS distinguish between: ..,.,,services for domestic audiences and those for foreign audiences (a- program for both generally is considered to be a dotheatic service); ,es?controlled by press agencies and those :40ntr011td by other offibial broadcaStera; programs and: television PrOgraMS# On the :other hand," tourcelinea make no distinction between fre- quency modulation and amplitude modulation broadcasts.' _ B-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 2. Voicecasts for foreign audiences a. Official broadcasts for listeners outside the country of origin as a rule take sourcelines in the form: in to Studio Language Target Examples: Moscow in Swahili to East Africa Peking in Burmese to Burma Paris in French to Indochinal: Hilversum in Dutch to the NetheriandsI4est Indies Tokyo in Japanese to Australia and New Ze and Cairo in French to Europe 1(4 b. Targets should be chosen so as to reflect best the broadcaster's probable primary intent-. A distinction should be made between the physical beaming of a transmission (determined by the availability of antennas) and the target (where the intended listeners live). For many broadcasts these are not the same. For example,- a transmission for :Europe in several languages may include a period in Spanish. The sourCeline should read Spanish to Spain" not " Spanish to Europe" Similarly, a source- line should read "in Burmese to Burma" not "in Burmese to Southeast Asia." Generally, when two interpretations of the target area, one broad and one narrow,- are available, the narrow one will be used. c. On the other hand, it is correct for sourcelines to read " French to Europe," " English to Africa," " Cantonese to South- east Asia," " Armenian to Europe," etc., when a language is widely spoken, or when a station is broadcasting to compatriots abroad. d. Sourcelines for programs broadcast simultaneously to two separate targets (e.g., the United Kingdom and North America) should reflect both of them. When an enumeration of targets would make a sourceline:too compli- cated, the targets may be abbreviated or recourse may be made to the procedure detailed in section 3 of this part. e. The target may be either a political or a geographical area, whichever is appropriate. 11--ov abwi (9?elb)1?,014 uqJgh' Aa-? f. The designation of a country, rather than one of its regions, as a :target for international broadcasts is preferable (e.g., " Slovak to Czechoslovakia" instead of ".?in Slovak to Slovakia.") g, The beaming of a program may serve as a guide to the intended target in the absence of other information, (issued with Revision NO. 1) B-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLYi Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 3. Voicecasts for vaguely defined foreign audiences a. Alternate sourceline forms are available for instances in which it is not practical or not desirable to designate a specific target area: International Service in Studio Language Overseas Service in Studio Language General Overseas Service in Studio Language External Service in Studio Language Examples: London General Overseas Service in English Melbourne Overseas Service in English Bern Overseas Service in Portuguese Cologne International Service in German Lisbon Overseas Service in Portuguese Lisbon International Service in English Ankara External Service in Turkish Djakarta Overseas Service in English b, These forms may be Used when the specific target is not known, when a program is broadcast simultaneously to several broadly separated areas; when a program is diffused vaguely to any interested listeners abroad, or when a broadcaster is known to repeat programming in succes- sive transmissions to several target areas. c. The choice of International, Overseas, General Overseas, or External Service designations will depend on the broadcaster's own usage. In the absence of such an announcement, International Service will be used in the sourceline. (d. Use of European Service, Latin American Service, and similar area designations in sourcelines is not authorized.) 0017 (issued with Revision No. 1) B-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 4, 'Exceptional sourcelines for international voicecasts a. Programs which originate in one country but are broadcast only on transmitters in a second country are given sourcelines in the form: via in to Studio Retransmission studio Language Target Examples: Moscow via Bratislava in Slovak to Czechoslovakia Peking via Moscow in Russian to the USSR b. Sourcelines for official voicecasts controlled and intended for foreign audiences are i Voicecas in to Studio AGENCY Language Target Dictation in . to Studio AGENCY Language Target Example: by press agencies W (117, ue,bdivk Peking CHINA PRESS AGENCY dictation in Mandarin to Overseas Chinese c: Dictation speed programs controlled by regular broadcasters intended for foreign audiences take sourcelines in the form: Dictation in to . Studio -Language Target Example.: :Karachi Dictation in English to the Near and Middle East and d. )Broadcasts from Brazzaville which Are controlled by the French Government take sourcelines in the form: Brazzaville French-controlled Overseas Service in Language (issued with Revision No. 1) :OFFICIAL USE ONLY B-11- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 5. Telecasts for foreign audiences Official television broadcasts transmitted directly across an inter, national boundary without relays in the target country are given tourte-: lineS in the form: Television in to , Studio Language Target Examples: Tallinn Television in Finnish to Finland. Bratislava Television in German to Austria B-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 6. Telecasts on international networks Certain television programs in Europe and North America are trans- mitted over international networks. In many cases the version given in a particular country may comprise two separate broadcasts: a video component produced by one broadcaster and an audio component produced by another. Whenever a telecast originating in one country is monitored from a station in a second country it is necessary that sourcelines specify the network from which coverage was actually taken. At this stage in the development of television it is not possible to lay down a general rule for this situation, but the following will take care of current coverage possibilities. For international network telecasts originating in East Europe Intervision via in Studio See Examples Language Examples: Moscow Intervision via Czechoslovak Network in Czech.and Slovak Moscow Intervision via Slova,k Network in Slovak Warsaw Intervision via East. German Network in German Budapest Intervision via West German Network in German Prague Intervision via BBC Network in English . East Berlin Intervision via British ITA Network in English Helsinki Intel-vision via Hungarian Network in Hungarian Belgrade Intervision via Hungarian Network in Hungarian For international network telecasts originating in West Europe Eurovision via in Studio See Examples Language Examples: Vatican City Eurovision via West German Network in German Paris Eurovision via Austrian Network in German Brussels Eurovision via BBC Network in English Copenhagen Eurovision via British ITA Network in English Rome Eurovision via Czechoslovak Network in Czech Monte Carlo Eurovision via East German Network'in German Helsinki Eurovision via French Network in FrenCh Belgrade 7Eurovision via Austrian Network in German (issued with Revision No. 1) B-6 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 7. VoicecaSts f9? domestic audiences a. Domestic services are official broadcasts intended for audiences within the country or colony in which they originate. As a rule source- lines for domestic services are in the form: Domestic Service in Studio Language Examples: Paris Domestic Service in French ' Shanghai Domestic Service in Mandarin Sofia Domestic Service in Turkish b. Frequency modulation services take the same soureelinea as equivalent amplitude,modulation services. c. Domestic services which are transmitted also to audiencea abroad will as a rule take dameatic service sourtelines, d. Domestic services include: --home services (official broadcasts originating in the chief broadcasting city using a major national language and intended for an entire country or colony); --regional services (official broadcasts serving a part of a country); ? --minority services (official broadcasts serving an ethnie minority usually with a minority language), and --miscellaneous services (such as national programs originating elsewhere than the chief broadcasting city). (The chief broadcasting city is usually the capital, but there are exceptions such as New York, Montreal, Johannesburg, Hilveraum, Cologne, and Melbourne.) B-7 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 8. Excentional sourcelines Lim domestic services a. A special procedure tE required to distinguish the Moscow oblast regional service from the Moscow home or Soviet Asian services. To the regular sourceline: Moscow Domestic Service in Russian add the subsoureeline,: (Oblast Service) b. An exceptional sOurOeline is used for "Deutschl ndSenderl broadcasts: East Berlin Deutschlandsender in German to Germany OFFICIAL USE ONLY ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL BROADCASTS :OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9. Press agency voicecasts for domestic audiences Sourcelines for voicecasts controlled by official press agencies and intended for domestic audiences take sourcelines in the forms: Domestic Service in Studio AGENCY Language Domestic. Service Dictation in Studio AGENCY Language Examples: Moscow TASS Domestic Service Dictation in Russian Peking NCNA Domestic Service Dictation in Mandarin Warsaw PAP Domestic Service in Polish Hanoi VNA Domestic Service Dictation in Vietnamese Brasilia AGENCIA NACIONAL Domestic Service in Portuguese (issued with Revision No. 1) OFFICIAL USE ONLY B-9 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. OFFICIAL BROADCASTS 10. Telecasts for domestic audiences Official domestic television services take sourcelines in the form: Domestic Television Service in Studio , Language - Examples: Hamburg Domestic Television Service in German East Berlin Domestic Television Service in German Tokyo Domestic Television Service in Japanese Note that the studio city reflects the origination point of the program instead of the location of the transmitter from which it was monitored. B-10 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 1. General a. This category embraces all those voice and television programs controlled by organizations which cannot be said to represent openly the policy of a government as a whole. b. Semiofficial broadcasts include those controlled by governmental factions or components not specializing in broadcasting or news dissemi- nation (army, police, Ministry of Education, etc.) and those the control of which is not acknowledged by the government. c. Private broadcasts are those ostensibly controlled by commercial, religious, educational, or philanthropic organizations or by dissident or rebellious groups. , d. Sourcelines for both semiofficial and private broadcasts are generally in the form: in Studio Broadcaster Language. Examples: Rio de Janeiro Ministerio da Educacao in Portuguese' Bangkok Military Intelligence Station in Thai Taipei Voice of Air Force in Mandarin (for broadcasts to Taiwan) Manila Voice of National Defense in English Tokyo Asahi Radio in Japanese Caracas Ondas Populares in Spanish Iquique Chile Radio Esmeralda in Spanish Minatitlan Mexico Voz.del Sureste in Spanish e. The name of the broadcaster may be abbreviated to its essential elements if it is too long. It may be translated into English if it is not easily recognizable by English-speaking readers. (Sluglines in Program Schedules of Foreign Broadcasting Stations take these factors into account and may be used in the absence of other authority. f. Broadcasters are the entities which (nominally or in reality) have day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of program policy. Commonly (but not necessarily) a broadcaster is associated with a parti- cular group of transmitters and is identified by the announced station name. Some transmitters, however, are used for the programs of-morethan one broadcaster, particularly when involved in relay or network operations. It is necessary that sourcelines designate the broadcaster responsible for the program in question. g. Each is A broadcasting organization may have studios in several cities. regarded as a separate broadcaster when it originates programs. (issued with Revision No. 1) C-1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 2. Directed voiceensts a.. Semiofficial and private broadcasters usually trapsmit to any interested listeners within range and no target can or should be ascribed to their regular programs. When they depart from this routine, however, and address special programs to an area different from their normal service area (in particular, a specific foreign target or a remote troublesome province), it may be necessary to state the target in the sourceline in order to insure complete understanding of the item. b. In some countries the official broadcaster sets up a special program for foreign listeners which states properly its point of origin but announces as if it were a separate broadcaster. Usually this is done to disclaim responsibility for program material. For such programs, which are treated as semiofficial broadcasts sourcelines should state target areas. C. Sourcelines for directed voicecasts from semiofficial and private broadcasters are in the form: in to Studio Broadcaster Language Target Examples: New York World Wide Broadcasting System in Spanish to Cuba Caracas Radio Rumbos in Spanish to Cuba Quito Voz de los Andes in Russian to the USSR Cairo Voice of the Arabs in Arabic to the Arab World Cairo Voice of Africa in Hausa to West Africa Taipei Voice of Air Force in Mandarin to China Mainland Havana Patria Libre in Spanish to the Dominican Republic (issued with Revision No. 1) C-2 ,OFFICIAL USE ONLY . _ Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 3. "Clandestine7 vOicecasts a. Most of the so-called clandestine broadcasts are actually inter- national services which do not announce their true operating locations. In many cases their locations are obvious. Besides evading responsibility for program content such a broadcaster is able to enhance the prestige of sympathetic dissident or rebellious groups in the target country. The true clandestine station--a fugitive, operation in the terri- tory of a hostile government.--is extremely rare and Shortlived. b. Sourcelines for clandestine stations are in the form: (Clandestine) in . to Broadcaster Language Target Examples: Oggi in Italia (Clandestine) in Italian to Italy , Radio Espana Independiente (Clandestine) in Spanish to Spain Our Radio (Clandestine) in Turkish to Turkey Radio Pathet Lao (Clandestine) in Lao to Laos Voz de la Libertad (Clandestine) in Spanish to the Dominican Republic c.. The name of the broadcaster may be given in English or in the original 'language, although the latter is preferable when practical. The name may be abbreviated but should include some of the wording of the announcement or its translation. d. Newspapers sometimes print distorted versions of the names of clandestine broadcasters. These versions may gain wide currency but should be avoided in the formulation of sourcelines. e. When it is not possible to give the name of the broadcaster, substitute a description of itS:;editarial line';(AntiKhrushchdkr,)-Pro- Tibetan, etc.) (issued with Revision No. 1) C-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @ '50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 4, Telecasts a. Sourcelines for semiofficial or private telecasts are generally in the fort.: Television in Studio Broadcaster 'Language b. If the name of the broadcaster includes the word "Television" or a readily recogniZable foreign equivalent, sourcelines take the form; in Studio Telecaster Language Examples: .Montevideo Monte Carlo TV in Spanish Guayaquil Primera Televisora in Spanish Tokyo Radio TokyoTelevision in Japanese (issued with Revision No. 1) C OitTICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 5. Voicecasts and telecasts on private networks a. When two or more private voice or television broadcasters join to transmit a program simultaneously they lose their individual identities and assume the identity of the network. The network is considered to be a separate broadcaster even when its program style, personnel, and technical facilities are indistinguishable from those of its key station. b. When a station changes from local to network programming, that change is shown in sourcelines by substituting the name of the networkZfor that of the local broadcaster. If the name of the network does not include the words "Network", "Reseau", Thaine", Tadena", "Red", or "Circuito", then the word "Network" is inserted after the network name. c. Sourcelines for broadcasts from private networks are in the forms: Network in Studio Broadcaster Language Television Network in Studio Broadcaster Language Examples: Panama City Circuito RPC in Spanish Bogota Caracol Network in Spanish Havana Cadena Oriental in Spanish Mexico City Telesistema Mexicana Television Network in Spanish Havana Television Revolucion Network in Spanish d. When the individual stations separate for local programming the network is dissolved and sourcelines revert to the ordinary form. e. Studios listed in sourcelines show the origination points of programs, not the location of transmitters on which they are monitored. (issued with Revision No. 1) C-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY -- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 _ Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY C. SEMIOFFICIAL AND PRIVATE BROADCASTS 6. Exceptional sourcelines for semiofficial broadcasts a. A special sourceline is used for broadcasts from "Radio Volga": Radio Volga via East Berlin in to Soviet Forces Language b. Special sourcelines are used for broadcasts from the "Voice of the Soviet Homeland": Voice of the Soviet Homeland in to West Europe Language Voice of the Soviet Homeland in to North America Language -c. A special sourceline is used for broadcasts from the Chinese People's Liberation Army Fukien Front Broadcasting Station: Fukien Front Station in to Quemoy Language (issued with Revision No. 1) c-6 011.NICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAt USE ONLY D. PRESSCASTS 1. General a. The term 'press agencies as used herein refers to news agencies, information services, and newspapers and magazines which use radio circuits for the transmission of materials intended for public information media, subscribers, or public consumption. b. Material which press agencies transmit by Morse, Hellschreiber, or radioteletype generally is given sourcelines in the form: in ' City AGENCY Language Examples: ? Singapore REUTERS in Pliglish Cairo MENA in Arabic Lima AFP in Spanish c. Material from press agencies of communist coultries which have distinct transmissions for external and internal recipients is given sourcelines in the forms: International Service in City AGENCY Language Domestic Service in City AGENCY Language Examples: Moscow TASS International Service in Spanish Moscow TABS Domestic Service in Russian Peking NCNA Domestic Service in Chinese d. Material which official information services transmit to diplomatic missions is given sourcelines in the form: In to Diplomatic Missions_ city INFORMATION SERVICE _Language (rTitted if unknown) Examples: :Tirana ALBANIAN INFORMATION SERVICE IN Albanian to Diplomatic Missions Budapest in Hungarian to Diplomattz:Missions (effective 1 November 1963) OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. General (Cont d) If there is reason to believe the material transmitted by official information services is intended for public consumption the transmission will carry the general sourceline given in paragraph b. e. Material transmitted to ships is given sourcelines in the form: Maritime Service in City AGENCY Language (omitted if unknown) - Examples: Vladivostok PACIFIC SEAMAN Maritime Service in Russian Murmansk Maritime Service in Russian f. Names of press agencies will be rendered in capital letters. Accepted abbreviations may be used when the press agency is well known. :In cases of close similarity between accepted abbreviations the full name of the press agency may be used to insure correct identification. g. In any of the above cases, an editorial note may be used to indicate specific beaming if that information is considered significant. (effective 1 November 1963) D-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 IC? OFFICIAL ME ONLY D. PRESSCASTS 2. Interagency transmissions a. Transmissions from one press agency to another take Sourcelines in the form: in to City Originating AGENCY Language recipient AGENCY City Examples: Hanoi VNA in Vietnamese to NCNA Peking, Havana PRENSA LATINA in Spanish to qTK?Prague b. Interagency dispatches may be found in a regularly scheduled presscast or included with other traffic in a common-carrier circuit. Each interagency dispatch requires care in handling to insure that the sourceline correctly shows the originating and recipient agencies. If either is not clear, the item will take either the general e-..urceline described in paragraph 1 or the correspondent's dispatch sourceline in paragraph 3. (effective 1 November 1963) D-3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/12:CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PRESSCASTS 3. Intra7agency and Correspondent!s Dispatches a. Transmissions frau one office of a ,press agency to another office of the:same agency take the form: in to ar-E7 AGEItY Language AnliCY . City Examples: Buenos Aires REUTERS in English to REUTERS London Beirut MENA in Arabic to MENA Cairo Montevideo PRENSA LATINA in Spanish to PRENSA LATINA Havana b. A special sourceline is used to identify dispatches from a correspondent to his agency: Filing Yoint Examples: Taipei Correspondent's Dispatch in Japanese to ASAHI Tokyo Johannesburg Correspondent's Dispatch in English to DAILY EXPRESS London c. Correspondent's dispatch should be used in a sourceline when a very limited amount of traffic is filed irregularly from a given point, usually on an unscheduled basis, as a point-to-point transmission. It could be filed by an assigned correspondent of a press agency or by a stringer. Correspondent's Dispatch in to Language ANC? City Traffic filed from a point where a press agency is known to have an office should bear an intra-agency sourceline. These transmissions tend to be more voluminous, regular and often on a scheduled basis. (Revised 8 June 1967) D-4 FOR OtiiCIAL USE ONLY - Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY D. FRESSCASTS 4. Clandestine presscaSts Sourcelines for clandestine'presscasts are in the form: (Clandestine) in to AGENCY Language Destination Example: 'LIBERATION PRESS AGENCY (Clandestine) in Vietnamese to South Vietnam D-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY E. BRIEF SOURCELINES Each tOurceline has an alternate form which is used in editorial briers. The brief form, which is enclosed in parentheses, is the same at the regular form except that prepositions and the Word "Service" are Struck: out. Examples: Melbourne Overseas Service in English BRIEF FORM: (Melbourne Overssas English) Moscow in English to Eastern North America BRIEF FORM: (Moscow English Eastern North America) Brussels Domestic Service in French BRIEF FORM: (Brussels Domestic French) Peking NC be-Eti.epe 1(1'WBRIEF FORM: (Peking NCN ErucGi9e) Havana Correspondent's Dispatch in English to TASS-Messew- BRIEF FORM: (Havana Correspondent's Dispatch English TASS Nlos4sm0 Caracas Ondas Populares in Spanish BRIEF FORM: (Caracas Ondaa POpulareS Spanish) Oggi in Italia (Clandestine) in Italian to Italy BRIEF FORM: (Oggi in Italia/clandestine/Italian Italy) OFFICIAL USE ONLY E-1 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100040001-5