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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1,3 ( N,t runt! :11?3Nr itti. a Wombs, IlinCIWIMAI tab Id-. 111~/** MAI eh V. A. Ilta Oa. COD U?O? 311. 0CD 00 67 50X1 nue 00 50X1 steam tressutereseik 4Standardisttial it Spelling it reedit limn 1. Saving bees designatedtPZ7Ohara= for the first mooting to disease the above eab that rs the first meeting. limited to CII personnel, tabs prZra ilredmeedgy, SS Desember /940, at 14101 la Rosa 1211 er S. It is further proposed that at the first meting a permanent Ohairama be decided upoa mad that the fel/awing points related to the ahoy* **jest be tiseveseds Traneliteratisa of Russian and Moravian- Board it 0oegraph1e Name System-Other systems. b. Tremeliteratieit it 0hineee-ne4e-4i1es Systee.Othor systems. s. Treasliteratioa of KerememileOiseWtelsehavar Systandfhe Old Spites. J. J. SAOYALL Sating Chid. AMU* Dneneeate Mink Ftilllit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Acting Chief, FOB 3 December 1948 Assistant Director for Operations Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Ramos 1. The attached memoranda from AD/ORE. AD/OCD, Chief, ICAPS. end DAD/0SO indicate the desirability of a meeting to discuss the above subject as soon as convenient to those con- cerned. 2. It is recommended that: a. Acting Chief, FOB be the Chairman of the first meeting and prepare the agenda for same. b. The committee for the first !Meeting be limited to CIA personnel to include: Zr. MacCarthy of ICAPS Mr. Tidwell of ORE of IR,OCD of GR,OCD of BR,OCD of BR, OCD of 00 of FB/8,00 qr. Daman of FDR400 c. A permanent Chairman of the committee be decided on, at the first meeting, to monitor the project until such time as it is ready to be turned over to IMPS for discussion with IAC members as reoommended by the Chief, ICAPS. GEORGE G. CAREY End: 4 lemo k8 Oct 48 fr ORE Memo 26 Nov 48 fr OCD Memo 27 Oct 48 fr ICAPS 3emo 26 Oct 48 fr SO GGC/acg eNekc,17.1mr71-71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 50X1 Aft Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11 CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1j Assistant Director, 00 26 November 1948 Assistant Director, OCD Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Names Memo, Assit Dir. 00, dated 25 Oct 48, subj. as above. 1. The problem of the transliteration and standardization of spelling of foreign names as discussed in the above referenced memorandum has been stlidied in the Office of Collection and Dissemination. 2. The recommendation that a committee be formed at the work? ing level with CIA for preliminary discussion of the problems concerned with the transliterationand standardization of foreign names is excellent and represents a much needed step toward unifica? tion of methods within our own organiz,-,tion. Systems for transliter? ation of personal and geographic names have been established by the Library of Congress, the Board on Geographical Names, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Harvard?Yencning Institute and other specialized or university libraries requiring accredited language departments and research. Members of a committee for the study of the problem within CIA should be acquainted with all such systems in use to date. It is well to bear in mind that the scholars and specialists working with the problems of transliteration have in many cases evolved systems of their own which are at variance with standardized systems. To convince such scholars that a system other than that employed by them is technically more feasible, practical and accurate will be difficult. It has been this atti? tude on the part of scholars tnat has in large part prevented standardization in the past. 3. It will be constructive indeed if CIA can arrive at defi? nite conclusions as to :ystems to be employed, but it would be unfortunate if any final decisions were reached before other agen? cies and departments cacing the same problems had ;peen consulted. To quote Mr. Carl Nelson, Department of State, Division of Biographic Information: standardization is to be attempted it can only succeed if the problem is studied by a group of qualified experts representng all interested agencies, among which the Army Map Ser? vice should be included, and backed by adequate authority to order compliance by all agencies when a standard has been agreed upon. An ill conceived standard might do more harm than good." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11 CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 AM IL Alb Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-j ? ?2- 4, It is requested that the following persons fron. this Office be appointed to serve on the proposed committee: JAI ES M. kr ),1..ZIS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: 'CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Assistant Director, Operations October 28 1948 Assistant Director, Reports and Estimates Transliteration and Standardization of spelling of Foreign Personal Names 1. The Office of Reports and Estimates has a definite interest in the problems of transliteration and standardization of spelling of foreign geographic names, has been the subject of considerable study over the last two years. Close collaboration has been maintained with the Board, be invited to participate in the meetings of the CIA working level committee. 2. Mr. William A. Tidwell, Jr. is nominated as the ORE represent? ative to the committee. /s/ THEODORE BABBITT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Aft Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 _ CONFIDE AL Assistant Director for Operations 27 October 1948 Chief, NAYS Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Personal Names Reference :Answering your memo of October 25 on the above subject 1. Mr. MacCarthy of ICAPs, who is currently handling a proposal about a translation project, would like to attend early meetings about the standardization of foreign personal names while firming up CIAls position on this subject. 2. When the CIA position is established, it is thought that ICAPS should then take up this matter with the IAC members in an endeavor to arrive at a more all-incluxive agreement on this subject, than just State's Biographic Information Division and FBIB. 3. Another thought has occured about list. Has it been furnished to ECAP for its use and the use of the XXIV Corps? /s/ PRESCOTT CHILDS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-j 26 October 1948 1ilL0hANDI.1.! FOR: ASSISTANT DIdCTOR, oFFICE OF OPERATIONS SUBJCT: Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Personal Names RE: Your Confidential Memo dated October 25, 1948 1. This office recognizes the usefulness of some standard? ization of transliteration of foreign names into English. However it is not considered necessary that we be represented on a com? mittee for the determination of procedures, usages, etc. 2. If the Director will designate one office to supply the accepted spelling for use throughout the Agenc, we -will be glad Li' conform. Deputy Assistant Director Special Operations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: ICIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1_p Assistant Director, 00 26 November 1948 Assistant Director, OCD Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Names Memos AssIt Dir. 00, dated 25 Oct 48, subj. as above. 1. The problem of the transliteration and standardization of spelling of foreign names as discussed in the above referenced memorandum has been studied in the Office of Collection and Dissemination. 2. The recommendation that a committee be formed at the work- ing level with CIA for preliminary discussion of the problems concerned with the transliteration aid standardization of foreign names is excellent and lepieseuts a much needed step toward unifica- tion of methods within our own organization. Systems for transliter- ation of personal and geographic names have been established by the Library of Congress, the Board on Geographical Names, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Harvard-Yenching Institute and other specialized or university libraries requiring accredited language departments and research. Members of a committee for the study of the problem within CIA should be acquainted with all such systems in use to date. It is well to bear in mind that the scholars and specialists working with the problems of transliteration have in many cases evolved systems of their own which are at variance Ilth standardized systems. To convince such scholars that a system other than that employed by them is technically Lore feasible, practical and accurate will be difficult. It has been this atti- tude on the part of scholars that has in large part prevented standardization in the past. 3. It will be constructive indeed if CIA can arrive at defi- nite conclusions as to systems to be employed, but it would be unfortunate if any final decisions were reached before other agen- cies and departments racing the same problems had been consulted. To quote Mr. Carl Nelson, Department of State, Division of Biographic Information: "If standardization is to be attempted it can only succeed if the problem is studied by a group of qualified experts representing all interested agencies, among which the Army Map Ser- vice should be included, and backed by adequate authority to order compliance by all agencies when a standard has been agreed upon. An ill conceived standard might do more harm than good." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1j ?2- 4. It is requested that the following persons from this Office be appointed to serve on the proposed committee: JA-ES M. A.ICEEWS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 STAT . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11 CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1,) 111P 26 October 1948 MEMORANDUM FOR: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF OPERATIONS SUBJECT: Translitaration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Personal Names RE: Your Confidential Memo dated October 25, 1948 1. This office recognizes the usefulness of some standard? ization of transliteration of foreign names into English. However it is not considered necessary that we be represented on a com? mittee for the determination of procedures, usages, etc. 2. If the Director will designate one office to aupply the accepted spelling for use throughout the Agenc, we i11 loo glad to conform. STAT Deput Assistant DirecLor Special Operations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 P MEW Assistant Director, Operadons October 23 1948 Assistant Director, Reports and Estimates Transliteration and :tandardization of spelling of Foreign Personal Names 1. The Office of Reports and Estimates has a definite interest in the problems of transliteration and standardizatdon of spelling of foreign geographic names, has been the subject of considerable study over the last two years. Close collaboration has been maintained with the Hoard, be invited to participate in the meetings of the CIA working level committee. 2. Ir. William A. Tidwell, Jr. is nominated as the ORE represent? ative to the committee, THEODORE BABBITT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: 1110 CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1j Assistant Director for Operations 27 October 1948 Chief, NAPS Transliteration and Standardization of Spelling of Foreign Personal Names Reference :Answering your memo of October 25 on the above subject 1. MacCarthy of ICAPs, who is currently handling a proposal about a translation project, would like to attend early meetings about the standnrdization of foreign personal names whle firmin1L, up CIA's position on this subject. 2. then the CIA position is estaolished, it is thouLht that MAPS should then take up this matter with the LAC members in an endeavor to arrive at a more all?incluxive agreement on this subject, than just State's biographic Information Division and FBIB. 3. Another thought has occured about list. Has it STAT been furnished to SCAP for its use and the use o1 the XXIV Corps? /s/ PRESCOTT CHILDS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 IOW - ? ? ? ^ ? " ' ? ?? ? ? I -1 11; 1.21 I," ? s4.4 ' f ? 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: ? CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1 I 1,11,L.t.k1 If!!' . :-.. t ?''''' t :".1 , ? 4. - ''; ,. ? - , 1.., . . ? ?,, ' 1 ? g , 1. 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V*. ?rtuart nrkm A i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11: - , CIA-RDP81-00706R000100220015-1