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Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013712/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 Chief, ICAFS Aseistant Pireetor for Operations Central Translation 9ervice 7 izarch 1949 1. Attached are our preposals on the above subject, which be used as agenda for the next meeting of the 1,,,d goo Coomittee on Central Translation if you coneur. You mtll note that they are drafted. for your signature. 2. As a. result of a discrssion with the hief, Foreign Documents Pranch? on the differentiation between "atriet translation,' and the proposed "exploitation" of foreign doeumentsl this .1-ffice believes that a new committee shoulc: be formed at a lower workine level to - consider the problems mentioned in Para. 3 and 4 of the attached. Collection and exploitation aetivitiee in the field of foreign documents are not usually handled by the same branches or units in the IAC aeenoies as handle agency translation facilities. Any 'recommendations made by nuch a new ammittee would paturaIr be submitted to TCA[' *7 for inter.-agency diecussion on a higher isrel before presentation to the Standing Committee of the TAO. GE1BOE Cr. CARE/ teat 1 Nemo 7 ear 47 to ed en Central Translations fr ,:!hief? LAD/aeg Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 ?111111r- -I Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 IP IP 14 noo Comittee on Central Translations Chief, ICAPS Central Service and Coordination of Translation 1. The recommendations of the TAO agencies on this subject maybe split into two major categories. The first deals with translation per se. Four of the five akeneiss. namely State, Army, Navy and Air, recommend maintenanos of individual facilities with a high degree of 000rdination. The arguments for this may be summarised as follows: a. The problem of establishing inter-agency priorities in a central bureau for each &money's priority material is too complicated. Mere satisfactory results can be accomplished through coordination. (Army, Air) b. Material of unique interest for a single agency should be processed by that agency and then lode available to other agencies. (Army. Navy) 0. By coordinating and utilising existing services, additional personnel otherwise required to give full servioe needed. by the intelligence agencies maybe considerably re- duced. (State) d. Responsibilities within several agencies for the translation of other than intelligence information requires the maintenance of separate translation faoilities. (Army, risTr) e. The Gest of ortabliahment and maintenance of a central bureau would be excessive. (Army) f. The close cooperation between the analyst and the translator for technical translations of speoialised service interest could not be maintained, resulting in decrease in overall efficieney. (Army) g. The same results can be attained through cooperation and coordination if measures are taken by the IA0 agencies to insure that all translations node within their organisations be disseminated by the originating agency its cit. or by furnishing a copy te CIA for dissemination. 2. aw It is evident from the almost unanimous reecomendations of the /AC ageneies that editing service translation faeilities must be maintained for translation or priority and unique service-interest material. They must also be maintained for the translation of other than intelligens, material. SEGIal Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 roztelaticaugratiul - L ? retoommon lonolpny rectoatten 414-1.10, ? . Ai"' - ,t,-;., an i ,431132 e.ailitiois 4,-.-.4 , 4 ,,,,,?t: 4,-,..-sor ; , - ' ,,..4,-,....,,,,,,,... i :.?' ',.i. 4.013:1 r Or ,. - Ili iiiiiccrc,0 ? - -- .,,..,.? rcpec p x? t anti ilabaern r?...? fl Declassified and Approved For Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 ' Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 "Avon i ' a. Central exploitation of ,brelem languaee periodicals and newspapers is necessary. (;4.vy) b. A central service is needed to provide all the Tee agencies with e4 tomplete coverage of all untranslated intelli- gence documents less those in i mediate or urgent demseal by onc of the services. (kir) c? Steps should be taken on a country by country basin for coordinated collection enploitation and dissemination of publications of intelligence value aleng the lines of the efforts velich have been made with respect to Soviet and Tunoalav peblications. (State) d. AU agencies should proeinle ?accessary Re:eliable seeterials for proceseng by such a central ?Service. (Navy, Air) a, As l'breign Documents eranch is now performine some of the needed ?service envi...eaeed it should be ntrarefehened so as to an the g:ip betv1) V. czcistinr end needed services. (Etates Navy) f. A group should be anpointe e to work with the eesearch and Development 2oard or other Dor -412 enencies attempting to solve the translation problem on an crrerall Uoyernmenteeride basis and to make recomendatione to the aC as to the partici- pation of the ac in any proposed solution. (state, Eav-y) 4. 3eyord the field of strict translation, it is thus recommended by a majority of the TAC ELL:uncles that a =anon service of exploitation (collection, screening and processing of foreign laseenege dotes:yenta) is both desiranle and necessary. Such a service ie a complex one and deserves careful consideration in order to meet nest ef.acierrtly the needs of all agencies served. It shouli be surveyed with the cooperation of the in- terested agenclei in order that the capabilities and limitations of exist- ing facilities may be thoroughly understood and practical recommendations may be made for the most economical use and easementatiom of those facilities. Such a survey zonld best be made by a purely working-level ad hoc conssittele composed of representatives of the collection units of the IAC ageecies, under the chairmanship of' the Chief, Foreign i'ocuments :3ranch, 10.? CIA. S. Riving determined that a Central Translation aureatt is not desirable, it is recoemended that the Committee approve the folic/1,11ov a. illaintenarce of individual agency translation sections. b. Coordination by CIA of translatioe work accomplished by such sections. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/11:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2 111, wri. lir c. bstablishment of a new committee, to be designated the "Committee on l',xploitation of .oreign Language Documents," to study the problems outlined in paragraphs 3 and 42 above, and to make recommendations through normal chanels to the Standing ComTittee of the IC, UnWr Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210015-2