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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: .01A-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 1 ARMY REGULATIONS No. 623-105 *AR 623-105 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON 25, D.C., 2 May 1961 PERSONNEL EFFICIENCY RATINGS OFFICER EFFICIENCY REPORTS Effective 30 September 1961 SECTION I. GENERAL Paragraph Page Purpose and scope 1 2 Use of efficiency reports 2 2 Responsibilities of commanders 3 3 Restrictions 4 4 II. REPORTING PROCEDURES Applicability 5 5 Rater, indorser, and reviewer 6 5 Preparation and forwarding 7 6 Inclosures 8 7 III. REPORTS TO BE RENDERED Types of reports 9 7 When complete report is rendered 10 8 When administrative report is rendered 11 10 When letter report is prepared 12 11 Nonrated periods 13 13 Temporary duty 14 13 IV. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERSONNEL OFFICERS General instructions 15 13 Complete reports 16 13 Administrative reports 17 17 Letter reports 18 18 V. INSTRUCTIONS FOR RATING AND INDORSING OFFICERS General instructions 19 19 Specific instructions for rating officer rendering adminis- trative reports under paragraph 11 a(2) or b 20 21 Specific instructions for completing parts I through VIII ?df by rater and indorser 21 21 VI. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWING OFFICERS General instructions 22 32 Specific instructions 23 32 VII. SCORING Purpose and use of scores 24 33 Scoring procedures 25 34 Information available at Department of the Army for individual officers 26 34 *These regulations supersede AR 623-105, 18 October 1956, including C 1, 14 June 1957, and C 4, 11 October 1960. TAG() 15879B?May 570487?-81 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 2 SECTION I GENERAL 1. Purpose and scope. These regulations contain the concepts upon which the officers' efficiency reporting system of the United States Army is based. They prescribe procedures for officer efficiency reporting; include detaileh instructions for the preparation and use of the U.S. Army Officer Efficiency Report (DA Form 67-5) ; and prescribe procedures for iforwarding complete, administrative, and letter reports for officers. Instructions with regard to Academic Reports (DA Form 1059) are prescribed in AR 623-106. Modifying .) instructions applicable to USAR officers not on active duty as officers will be contained in AR 623-105-1. Modifying instructions appli- cable for Army National Guard officers are contained in NGR 21. 2. Use of efficiency reports. a. Officer efficiency reports provide the Department of the Army with information on an officer's effective- ness in various assignments. They serve two primary purposes? (1) Provide a measure of an officer's overall value to the service, to be used with other information as a basis for personnel actions. (i.e., assignments, school selections, RA appoint- ment, promotions, retention, and elimination.) (2) Furnish information necessary for efficient utilization and assignment of individual officers. b. Each efficiency report is intended to report the manner of per- formance of specific duties for a specific period; it is not to be affected by prior reports. A single report provides an estimate of the officer's manner of performance, personal qualities, professional qualifications and potential as demonstrated during a specific period and in a par- ticular duty assignment. No single efficiency report will be used as the sole basis of any personnel action. The information producedit .??????????? a series of efficiency reports rendered by different rating officials in a variety of duty situations becomes an indication of each officer's progressive development and' a basis for measure of his value as com- pared to his contemporaries. Ultimately this information, when incorporated into and considered with the whole record, becomes a sound basis for competitive personnel actions?in short, the qualita- tive management of officer's careers. c. A distinction is made between officer efficiency reporting for the purposes stated in a above and counseling. These two performance appraisal functions are performed by rating officers separately but 111111 are coordinated. The Officer Efficiency Report is an evaluation process to meet the needs of personnel management for officers of the Army. Counseling is performed by the rater for the purpose of assisting the TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 3 individual in improving his performance in his present position and advising him on his future career. Various counseling methods are available and must be adapted to the needs of the specific situation. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of counseling is to present to an individual the analysis of his performance in such a way as to encourage maximum self improvement and development. Counseling should be performed both as the need occurs and in a systematic, orderly interview covering an overall appraisal. Counseling starts on the day the officer reports for duty and seeks to bring about improvement at the time and when the need is observed. It will not be deferred until the formal counseling session or until efficiency reports are due. A formal session will normally be held 4 months prior to the time an annual efficiency report is due. At that time, the rating officer will arrange a personal interview with each officer he rates (or, when distance would preclude, communication through correspondence) and will enumerate any deficiencies as he may have observed, giving positive suggestion for improvement and further development. The efficiency report form may serve as a checklist to aid in counseling. 3. Responsibilities of commanders. Commanders are responsible for insuring that? a. Each rating, indorsing, reviewing, and personnel officer has been instructed on all particulars of these regulations in order to insure accurate, impartial, and timely accomplishment of DA Form 67-5. b. Specific reporting channels are established and published timely at all levels of command in cases where the channels are not clearly identifiable by the organizational structure or when commanders deem it justifiable to deviate from the organizational structure for rating purposes. c. Each officer knows who his rating and indorsing officers are and on whom he must render or indorse an efficiency report. d. Rating officials continually correct deficiencies and stimulate improvement in subordinates. The time for such corrections is when the need is observed and will not be deferred until formal counseling sessions are held or until efficiency reports are due. e. A control system is established to insure that rating officials systematically counsel their subordinates. Whenever possible formal counseling will be conducted during the fourth month prior to sub- mission of annual efficiency reports. When this is not possible, coun- seling will be scheduled as far in advance of submitting the efficiency report as possible in order to permit the officer an opportunity to make corrections if necessary. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: 1CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 4 f. Each indorsing officer makes preparations to observe the per- formance effectiveness of subordinates whose efficiency reports he will be required to indorse. g. Each reviewing officer is aware of his responsibility to make qualitative analyses of rater and indorser entries from the standpoint of sufficiency of information included, and from the standpoint of fairness with respect to the interests of both the rated officer and the Army. Ii. Efficiency reports are completed at the lowest level possible in order to obtain two accurate and considered opinions based on inti- mate knowledge and close observation of the officer. 4. Restrictions. a. Except as required for compliance with the administrative provisions of these regulations, no commander or other officer is authorized to require changes on an efficiency report. How- ever, obvious inconsistencies or errors should be brought to the attention of the rating officers by the indorser or the reviewer, as appropriate. b. AN EFFICIENCY REPORT WILL NOT BE SHOWN TO THE RATED OFFICER EXCEPT AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 26. c. Reference will not be made to punitive or administrative action taken against an officer, or to an investigation concerning an officer, un- less such action or investigation has been processed to completion, adjudicated, and final action has been taken thereon by the officer or agency competent to do so. d. The retention of copies or extracts of any portion of an efficiency report is prohibited. e. In no case will a numerical score be retained or transcribed from the efficiency report to the field copy of the DA Form 66 (Officers Qualification Record). f. Efficiency reports will not be rendered unless specifically author- ized by these regulations or as directed by the Department of the Army. g. There are no provisions for a rating of NR (Not-Rated) , NA (Not Applicable) or UNK (Unknown) in the scoring system. There- fore, the rater and indorser must evaluate the rated officer in each item of parts IV and VI on complete reports. (This does not prohibit the indorser from utilizing the check indorsement as provided for in par. 19b(3).) h. With the exception of the Chief of Chaplains, the Deputy Chief of Chaplains, and the Commandant of the Chaplain School, no chap- lain will render an efficiency report on another chaplain. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: .01A-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 5 i. DA Form 67-5 will be used only by rating officials who are officers of the United States Armed Forces, or who are United States citizens employed by the Federal Government. SECTION II REPORTING PROCEDURES 5. Applicability. An efficiency report will be rendered when due on all officers except general officers who have a permanent grade of Major General and are serving in a higher temporary grade. The term officer includes all male and female commissioned and warrant officers of all components and branches of the service. Efficiency re- ports will be submitted to cover every period of an officer's service in an active duty status, except that academic reports (DA Form 1059) will be rendered on officers serving in a student status as prescribed in AR 623-106. 6. Rater, indorser, and reviewer. a. Rater. (1) Efficiency reports will be rendered by immediate supervisors in the chain of command or staff who are in positions to render considered reports. In some cases the immediate supervisor may not be an officer of the unit to which the rated officer is assigned but may be the supervisor for the principal duty which the rated officer is performing. (2) No rater will render an efficiency report on another officer who is senior in grade (grade in which serving). (3) No rater will render an efficiency report on another officer who is of the same grade (grade in which serving) but is senior in date of rank except as provided in (4) and (5) below. (4) A rater who is assigned to a command position will not render an efficiency report on another officer who is senior in date of rank (grade in which serving) unless he is assigned to command by direction of the President as prescribed in AR 600-20. In such cases a copy of the order affecting the rater's assignment will be attached to the rated officer's efficiency report. (5) A rater who is assigned to a command position may render an efficiency report on another officer who is senior in date of rank and who is ineligible by law to assume command of troops other than those of his own service. In such cases a copy of the order which announced the assumption of com- mand by the rater will be attached to the rated officer's efficiency report. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 6 (6) A rater who is assigned to a staff position will not render an efficiency report on another officer to whom he is junior in date of rank (grade in which serving). (b) Indorser. (1) Normally, an efficiency report will be indorsed by the officer who prepares the efficiency report of the rater. However, ex- ceptions may be made when this would result in the indorse- ment being prepared by a superior who is not in a position to have personal or official knowledge of the performance of duty of the rated officer. In some cases the indorser will not be an officer of the unit to which the rater is assigned but rather the superior officer of the rated officer's supervisor for the particular duty which the rated officer is performing. (2) The indorser must be of equal or higher grade than the rater, senior in date of rank to the rated officer, and in an appropri- ate duty position over the rating officer. e. Reviewer. The reviewer will normally be the officer who rates the indorser. 7. Preparation and forwarding. a. Except for the signatures, entries for DA Form 67-5 will be typewritten or neatly printed in ink or indelible pencil. Only typewriters with ribbons which make clear and distinct impressions will be used. Any changes or erasures will be initialed by the personnel officer, rater, indorser, or reviewing officer, as appropriate. b. Continuation sheet will be used in the event additional space is required for an entry or for explanation or justification of an entry. In such cases, enter in the appropriate item "continued", and record the continued portion on 8-by 101/2-inch bond paper and attach to the report. The rated officer's name, grade, and service number and the period of report will be placed on each continuation sheet, to insure that it remains identified as a part of the efficiency report. It is important that comments on the continuation sheet be identified as to the part or item of the efficiency report they pertain to. Authentica- tion of these comments will be made by its originator. The continua- tion sheet will be listed as an inclosure to the report. e. Efficiency reports will be prepared in original only, will not be folded, will be placed in an envelope suitable for flat mailing, and will be forwarded without letter of transmittal to The Adjutant General, ATTN: AGPF?FP, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D.C. (exempt report, par. AR 335-15) . d. Exceptions to o above will be made only in the case of efficiency reports rendered on the Research and Development Chief of each TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: .01A-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 1 Alt 822-105 7 technical service, regardless of the positions occupied by the rater, indorser, or reviewing officer, in which case the report will be for- warded as indicated in c above through the Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army. A written evaluation of the rated officer's performance by the Chief of Research and Develop- ment will become an integral part of the efficiency report and a matter of permanent record. e. Reports will be forwarded to reach The Adjutant General not later than 45 days after the last day of the period of the report. It is imperative that reports be forwarded as expeditiously as possible in view of their impact upon personnel actions which may be under consideration by the Department of the Army. f. Initial distribution of revised DA Form 67-5 will be made by U.S. Army AG publications centers immediately upon receipt of stock. 8. Inclosures. a. Cited below are the only inclosures which may and must accompany DA Form 67-5 in original only as an integral part of the rendered report: (1) Orders substantiating command authority of the rater as directed by instructions in paragraph 6a (4) and (5). (2) Letter reports, dual status comments, scientific evaluations, and personal comments of rating officials only concerning the rated officer's performance of duty as prescribed by these regulations. (3) Continuation sheets submitted as prescribed in paragraph 7b. b. All favorable and unfavorable communications such as letters of appreciation, commendation, admonition, and reprimand of a punitive nature, Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 15, and similar correspondence will not be attached to or accompany an effi- ciency report. These communications will be forwarded as soon as possible after issuance to The Adjutant General, attention to the appropriate office as required by AR 600-31, AR 640-98, and AR 672-5-1. e. An official opinion of a medical officer who is other than a rater, indorser, or reviewer will not be attached as an inclosure but will be processed in accordance with medical procedures. SECTION III REPORTS TO BE RENDERED 9. Types of reports. a. Complete report. A complete report re- quires that entries be made in all appropriate parts of the efficiency report, DA Form 67-5, by the personnel officer, the rater, indorser, and the reviewing officer. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 8 b. Administrative report. An administrative report requires com- pletion of a portion of part I, II, III, and VIII. It is rendered by the personnel officer, or by the personnel officer and the rating officer, as appropriate. c. Letter report. Letter reports will be prepared and submitted as provided for in paragraph 12. 10. When complete report is rendered. A complete efficiency re- port will be rendered on each of the following occasions: a. A complete annual report will be rendered on the schedule listed below when the reporting period contains a minimum of 60 duty days since the last preceding report. An annual report will not be ren- dered if on the annual reporting date the rated officer is attending a Branch Officer Orientation or Familiarization Course; is a student at a service school or civilian educational institution attending a course of instruction or training for a period of 60 calendar days or more, or if the rated officer has been promoted during the interim period between the terminal date of an annual efficiency report and the an- nual reporting date for his new grade. (1) 30 September?warrant officers. (2) 31 October?second lieutenants. (3) 30 November?first lieutenants. (4) 31 January?captains. ( 5 ) 31 March?majors. (6) 30 April?lieutenant colonels. (7) 31 May?general officers and colonels. b. When an officer is called to extended active duty, a complete re- port (initial efficiency report) will be rendered upon completion of his initial 6 months of performance in a particular duty assign- ment provided that a complete report (DA Form 67-5) was not previously rendered. c. For periods of 60 or more duty days when? (1) The rated officer ceases to serve under the immediate super- vision of the rater. (2) There is a permanent change in the principal duty assign- ment of the rated officer, even though the rater remains the same. However, in cases of redesignation or other organi- zational changes where there is a permanent change in the officer's principal duty assignment, but the type of principal duty remains the same or similar (e.g., C.O., 1st Battle Group, 3d Infantry, transferred as C.O., 2d Battle Group, 3d Infantry), no report is required unless there is a change in rating officer. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 9 AR 623-105 (3) An officer departs on temporary duty under such circum- stances that he will be serving under and responsible to a different immediate superior for a period of 60 calendar days or more. In such cases, a complete efficiency report will be rendered by his immediate superior in the parent organiza- tion, immediately on the officer's departure on TDY status. -Upon completion of the temporary duty, a complete, admin- istrative or letter report, as appropriate, will be rendered by the superior for whom the officer performed duty in TDY status. (4) There is a termination of a period during which the rated officer has been assigned a principal duty prior or subse- quent to serving in a student status, or during the interim period between courses or school years while in a student status. (5) The rated officer is missing or dies. In such cases, the report will be submitted as of the date of incident. (6) The immediate superior (rater) dies, is missing, or is men- tally or physically incapacitated to such extent that com- petent medical authorities believe the rater does not have the faculties to render a considered report. In such cases, the report will cover the period terminating as of the date of the incident, or date of determination of incapacity, and will be submitted as soon as practicable after status of the rater has been officially established. These reports will be accomplished by the person who would have been the in- dorser provided that the person rendering the report has served in the same relative position with respect to the rated officer throughout the duty period reported. If this person has not been serving in the same relative position with re- spect to the rated officer for the entire period of the report, see paragraph lla (2) (f) for instructions. d. When a rated officer has completed a special or specific duty as- signment in a probationary or competency test period which was arranged in order to determine general or specific abilities to perform assigned duties. e. When there is a reason for a report to be rendered and less than 60 duty days are involved, a complete report may be rendered at the dis- cretion of the rating officer provided the rated officer has served under the same rating officer and in the same principal duty for 60 contin- uous duty days or more prior to the closing date of the report to be submitted. TA-GO 5879B?May 570487*-61-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Alt 623-1t15 10 f. When, in the opinion of the rater, the manner of performance of duty of the rated officer is so deficient as to justify submission of a special report. Whenever an officer is relieved of his duties for cause, a complete report will be submitted unless this would conflict with the provisions of paragraph 4c. g. When, in the opinion of the rater, the manner of performance of duty of a rated officer is so outstanding as to justify submission of a special report. A report of this nature will only be rendered for truly outstanding performance of duty and will not be rendered solely for the purpose of submitting a complete report for periods of less than 60 duty days. h. When, after a period of 30 duty days or more under combat or conditions of rapid turnover of personnel in a combat zone, the rated officer ceases to serve under the immediate supervision of the rating officer and, in the judgment of the rating officer the period of obser- vation has been adequate to permit a fair and impartial evaluation of the officer and his performance of duty. 11. When administrative report is rendered. a. An administra- tive report will be rendered on each of the following occasions, as ap- propriate, when 60 or more calendar days and less than 60 duty days have elapsed since the closing date of the last report. (1) When an annual report is required in accordance with the schedule specified in paragraph 10a. An annual report will not be rendered if, on the annual reporting date, the rated officer is in a casual status (travel or delay en route) ; is at- tending a Branch Officer Orientation or Familiarization Course or a student at a service school or civilian educational institution attending a course of instruction or training for a period of 60 calendar days or more; or has been promoted during the interim period between the terminal date of an an- nual efficiency report and the annual reporting date for his new grade. (2) When other than an annual report is required and? (a) The rated officer ceases to serve under the immediate super- vision of the rater. (b) There is a permanent change in principal duty assignment of the rated officer, even though the rater remains the same. In cases of redesignation or other organizational changes where there is a permanent change in the officer's principal duty assignment, but the type of principal duty remains the same or similar (e.g., C.O., 1st Battle Group, 3d. Infantry, transferred as C.O., 2d Battle Group, 3d Infantry), a re- port is not required unless there is a change in rating officer. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 11 (c) An officer departs on temporary duty under such circum- stances that he will be serving under and responsible to a different immediate superior for a period of 60 calendar days or more. In such cases, a report will be rendered by his immediate superior in the parent organization, immedi- ately on the officer's? departure on TDY status. Upon completion of the temporary duty, a complete, administra- tive or letter report, as appropriate, will be rendered by the superior for whom the officer performed duty in TDY status. (d) There is a termination of a period during which the rated officer has been assigned a principal duty prior or subse- quent to serving in a student status, or during the interim period between courses or school years while in a student status. (e) The rated officer is missing or dies. In such cases, the re- port will be submitted as of the date of the incident. (f) The immediate superior (rating officer) dies, is missing or is mentally or physically incapacitated to such extent that competent medical authorities believe the rater does not have the faculties to render a considered report. In such cases, the report will cover the period terminating as of the date of the incident, or date of determination of incapacity and will be submitted as soon as practicable after the status of the rater has been officially established. The administra- tive report will be accomplished by the individual who would have been the indorsing officer. An administrative report also will be rendered in a case specified in paragraph 10c (6) wherein the individual who would have been the indorsing officer had not served in the same relative posi- tion with respect to the rated officer throughout the duty period of the report. b. For periods of 60 duty days or more when the duty has been per- formed under conditions which preclude personal knowledge by the rating officer of the rated officer's capabilities and manner of perform- ance or when the rated officer with no principal duty has been perform- ing only miscellaneous duties while awaiting trial, reassignment, etc. 12. When letter report is prepared. Letter reports will be pre- pared under the following conditions: a. When a rated officer is assigned to an international headquarters or other organization at which he is subject to having other than TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 12 U.S. Armed Forces or U.S. citizen civilians employed by the Fed- eral Government as his rater and/or indorser. In order to insure that each Army officer assigned to such a headquarters or organiza- tion is rated in the same manner, letter reports will be utilized notwithstanding the possibility that at any given time the rater and/or indorser might be a U.S. Armed Forces officer or U.S. citizen civilian employed by the Federal Government. Officers assigned to U.S. Troop Support Units or similar organization at an interna- tional headquarters are excluded from this requirement and will use the Efficiency Report, DA Form 67-5. The administrative unit, head- quarters, or office charged with the rated officers administration will prepare items 1 through 12, 13, and 20 through 22 of the DA Form 67-5 and request the rated officer's immediate superiors to submit a letter report for attachment thereto. The indorser's part of the report will consist of an indorsement to the rater's letter. The for- mat and content of the letter will be as prescribed by the head- quarters concerned but will include, as a minimum, the following: (1) Basis for the letter report (i.e., information required for completion of item 10, part II, DA Form 67-5). (2) All duties performed by the rated officer during the period of report. (3) The manner of performance of duties. (4) Leadership abilities and mental and moral qualities. (5) Demonstrated specialties or special qualifications. (6) Demonstrated strengths or weaknesses which enhance or limit potential for performance of present or future assign- ments of greater responsibility. b. When an officer has been withdrawn from his normal rating channels for more than 15, but less than 60 duty days, to participate in a major field maneuver (controlled by a headquarters comparable to a corps or higher). Such reports will be prepared by the indi- vidual's immediate superior during the period of the maneuver and will be forwarded within 30 days to the parent organization by the rating officer's immediate superior for attachment to his next sched- uled efficiency report. The parent organization, in preparing the next scheduled efficiency report, will account for the number of days on maneuver in item 8, DA Form 67-5 as "other days." Each report will include but will not be limited to the following: (1) Basis for the report. (2) Period covered by the report. (3) Principal duties performed by the rated officer during the period of the exercise. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 13 (4) Manner of duty performance and effectiveness, with partic- ular emphasis on assessment of the rated officer's early ad- justment and efficiency under new situations, changing con- ditions, and stresses. 13. Nonrated periods. Every period of less than 60 calendar days for which a report is not required will be recorded on DA Form 66 as described in AR 611-103, and the nonrated periods will be accounted for as other days in the next efficiency report in item 8, DA Form 67-5. Consideration should be given to the advisability of rendering a complete report under the provisions of paragraph 10e, prior to making a decision not to render a report. 14. Temporary duty. A report is not required for a period of temporary duty of less than 60 calendar days, except for the letter report as prescribed in paragraph 12. The parent organization, in preparing the next regular efficiency report, will account for the num- ber of days on temporary duty in item 8, DA Form 67-5, under the column "other days," when the rated officer has been responsible to a different immediate superior. Periods of temporary duty performed in connection with rated officer's principal duty, when he remains responsible to the same immediate superior, will be included as duty days in the next regular efficiency report. For periods of temporary duty under a different commander for 60 or more calendar days, see paragraphs 100(3) and 11a (2) (e). SECTION IV INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERSONNEL OFFICERS 15. General instructions. The personnel officer is responsible for reminding a rater when any type of an officer efficiency report is to be prepared, including those prepared under AR 623-105-1. As the custodian of the rated officer's records, he is further responsible for furnishing accurate entries on DA Form 67-5 in accordance with the instructions contained in paragraphs 16,17, and 18 and for providing administrative assistance to the rater, the indorser, and reviewer in completing their portions of the report. Inasmuch as ready access to these regulations are essential at the time of rating, indorsing, or re- viewing, the personnel officer will provide the rating official with a copy of these regulations, or locally-produced appropriate section (s) , with the report form (s) to be completed. 16. Complete reports. a. Part I?PERSONAL DATA. (1) Items 1 and 2. The name and service number will be the same as listed in official records. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: LCIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 14 (2) Item 3. Grade in which serving. (3) Item 4. Date of rank of the grade in which serving. (4) Item 5. Basic branch (and, if appropriate, also branch in which detailed) in abbreviated form as recorded on DA Form 66. If detailed under paragraph 11, AR 614-100, this will be indicated in item 11. In the case of warrant officers, the control branch will be entered in item 5, under "basic." (5) Item 6. Indicate whether officer is, or is not, serving in his "initial appointment" (probationary) as an officer or warrant officer in the Regular Army by use of an X in appropriate box. (6) Item 7. Title and present station of the specific unit, organi- zation, station and major command to which the rated officer is assigned, to properly identify and distinguish it from all similar units. A major command is defined as an Army, major oversea command or comparable organization report- ing directly to U.S. CONARC or Department of the Army. b. Part II?REPORTING PERIOD AND DUTY DATA. (1) Item 8. In all cases the period of the report will begin with the day following the last date covered in the preceding report (whether such preceding report was a complete, ad- ministrative, letter, or academic report) and will end with the date of the event which is the cause for rendition of the report. (a) "Duty days" is computed by subtracting all nonrated days (equal to "other days") from the number of calendar days covered by the period of the report. (b) "Other days" includes all nonrated periods (duty and other days) as indicated by a "none" entry in type of report column in item 18, DA Form 66, in addition to the accumulated nonduty days specified in AR 611-103. When the number of "other days" total 60 or more, the status and/or duty% of the officer during the period, with inclusive dates, will be explained in item 11. (e) Reports required on a permanent change of station or upon the departure of the rated officer on temporary duty will end with the date preceding the day of departure from the old or home station. In the case of a permanent change of station, the receiving unit will account for the time en route by appropriate "none" entry on DA Form 66, even though the time elapsed between departure from the old station and arrival at the new station may total 60 or more calendar days. In the case of an officer who departs on TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 hi 1CI11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: A-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 15 temporary duty under such circumstances that he will be serving under and responsible to a different immediate superior for 60 or more calendar days, the temporary duty station will account for the temporary duty period by an appropriate entry on DA Form 66, or if the DA Form 66 is not available, will provide the custodian thereof sufficient information to make the appropriate entry. (2) Item 9. Place an X in the appropriate box to indicate the reason for rendering the report. If the block "other (spec- ify)" is used, alone or in conjunction with another block, the entries cited below, when pertinent, will be entered. (a) For report required when rated officer entering on extended Active Duty has completed 6 months' performance in a particular duty assignment, enter "Par. 10b, AR 623-105." (b) For probationary or competency test periods report enter "Par. 10d, AR 623-405." (a) For a complete report rendered under provision of para- graph 10e, enter "Par. 10e, AR 623-105" in addition to checking the appropriate box as to the reason for the report. (d) For report rendered because of deficiencies in perform- ance of duty of rated officer or because rated officer was relieved for cause, enter "Par. 10f, AR 623-105." (e) For report rendered because of outstanding performance of duty of the rated officer, enter "Par. 10g, AR 623-105." (f) For reports rendered for combat or related emergency situational conditions, enter "Par. 10h, AR 623-105." (g) For report required when rated officer is missing or dies, enter "Par. 100(5) or Par. 11a(2) (e), AR 623-105" and "Rating officer missing" or "Death of rated officer." (h) For periods of 60 duty days or more, a report is required when the immediate superior (rater) dies, is missing, or is mentally or physically incapacitated. In such cases, enter "Par. 100(6) or Par. 11a(2) (f)," and one of the following explanations, "Rater missing," "Death of rater," or "Rater physically (or mentally) incapacitated." (i) For report required when the rater or rated officer either retires or is separated from the service, enter "Retirement of rater" "Retirement of rated officer," "Separation of rater" or "Separation of rated officer," as appropriate. (3) For any other type of special report directed by Depart- ment of the Army, refer to appropriate directive. (3) Item 10. Check to see if rater and indorser have properly completed this item. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 16 (4) Items 11 through 14. Enter the principal duty and only major additional duties performed. Although accuracy of these items is the responsibility of the rating officials, the personnel officer, from information available from TOE's, TD's, Unit SOP's, and guidance of the commander and/or rating officials, will make this entry. If the principal duty title is self explanatory no further comments are required (i.e., company commander, Battle Group commander, Bn commander, S-3, G-3, Ord Officer, etc.) . In cases where the principal duty title is not self-explanatory or the level and magnitude of the assignment is not clearly established when considered in relationship to the unit or organization to which assigned a brief description of duties and responsi- bilities will be provided. In the event there are no major additional duties the space provided may be utilized for continuation of comments concerning principal duty. In any instance in which the duties of an officer involve the planning or conduct of joint, combined, or allied operations, a specific description of duties will be included and the per- centage of the officers time devoted to such duties will be indicated. (5) Item 12. Enter the rated officer's duty MOS number for the period covered by the report. (6) Item 1$. Enter the authorized grade for duty assignment. If the duty assignment is a special assignment without a spe- cific authorization for an MOS or Grade, an entry of NA (not applicable) will be made and an estimated grade level of the duty performed will be entered (i.e. "Estimated grade level?Lt Col"). ' c. Part III?MANNER OF PERFORMANCE. (1) Item 15. (a) If applicable, enter the name, grade, and service number of a deceased, missing, or incapacitated rating officer (par. 100(6) or 11a(2) (f)). (b) Enter "See attached letter report" in those cases where letter reports are rendered under paragraph 12. (2) Item 16. If the indorser marks the block "I am unable to evaluate this officer" the personnel officer will check to insure that the reason has been entered by the indorser. d. Part VIII?AUTHENTICATION. (1) Items 17 and 18'1 Type or print the identifying data as indicated. Insure, that the entries of the duty assignment TA.G 0 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 17 AR 623-105 of rater and indorser indicate job titles which clearly estab- lish relationship to the rated officer. (2) Item 19. Type or print the identifying data as indicated. Insure that the reviewer has checked a box pertaining to his review of the report. When the indorser is a general officer, this item will not be completed. (3) Item 20. Indicate number of inclosures (par. 8). (4) Items 21 and 22. Prior to forwarding the efficiency report to the Department of the Army (par. 7c), as appropriate, enter the date the entry required by AR 611-103 was made on the rated officer's DA Form 66. When the rated officer's DA Form 66 is not available, enter the date upon which a let- ter was forwarded to the rated officer's new organization, with information as to the type of efficiency report submitted on the rated officer. When the indorser or rater is not assigned to the organization having custody of the rated officer's DA Form 66, enter the date the efficiency report was forwarded to the appropriate officer for completion. Initial the report to indicate all action required locally has been completed. e. Enter the name and service number above part IV, on reverse of the form. .1. Parts IV through VIII. (1) Personnel officers at appropriate levels have the responsibility of checking to insure that the rater, indorser, or re- viewing officer entries and comments required by instructions in section V and VI have not been inadvertently omitted in the completion and signing of the efficiency report form and continuation sheets. (2) Personnel officers will verify the scores in parts IV, VI, and VII to insure that all scores are tabulated and entered correctly. (3) In cases where the indorser checks item 16 and does not complete parts IV through VII, the personnel officer will duplicate the entries of the rating officer in part VII and compute the composite score. 17. Administrative reports. The personnel officer is responsible for informing the rater when other than complete reports are indi- cated, but at the same time he should remind the commander of the pertinent conditions in paragraph 10 which give the rater au- thority to render a complete report for periods of less than 60 duty days. TAGO 5879B?May 5704S7-61 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AU tiza?luo 18 a. Completion of administrative annual reports. Complete only the following items: (1) Items 1 through 8. In the same manner as prescribed for a complete report. (2) Item 9. Enter both "annual" and "other" and specify "administrative report." (3) Items 11, 12, and 13. In the same manner as prescribed for a complete report. In addition, indicate the status of the officer during the entire period of the report, with inclusive dates (e.g., "Casual, 15 March 60 to 15 May 60; Exec, Tex Mil Dist, 16 May 60 to 31 May 60," or "Patient, Med Holding Det, WRAH, 15 Mar 60 to 31 May 60"). (4) Item 17. Enter the personnel officer's name, grade, service number, organization and duty title (which on complete reports is filled in by the rating officer), the date and the personnel officer's signature. In cases of an administrative annual report on a personnel officer, this item will be com- pleted by his normal rating officer. (5) Items 21 and 22. Complete as indicated and enter "Adm" on DA Form 66. b. Completion of other administrative reports to be rendered by the rating officer as provided in paragraph 11a(2) and b. Complete the following items: (1) Items 1 through 8. In same manner as prescribed for com- plete reports. (2) Item 9. Check the appropriate box as to the reason for the report and enter "adm rept" in the block labeled "other (specify)." (3) Items 11, 12, and 13. In the same manner as prescribed for a complete report. In addition, indicate the status of the officer during the entire period of the report, with inclusive dates (e.g., "Casual, 15 March 60 to 15 May 60; Exec, Tex Mil Dist, 16 May 60 to 31 May 60," or "Patient, Med Holding Det, WRAH, 15 Mar 60 to 31 May 60") . (4) Item 17. In the same manner as prescribed for complete report. (5) Item 21 and 22. Complete as indicated and enter "Adm" on DA Form 66. 18. Letter reports. Personnel officers will call to the attention of commanders when letter reports are to be submitted on members of the unit or command who are assigned requiring such reports (par. 12). Items 1 through 9, 12, 13, and 20 through 22, DA Form 67-5 will TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14 CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 19 AR 623-105 be completed in the same manner as prescribed for complete reports. Letter reports will be attached to the form and forwarded to The Adjutant General. The DA. Form 66 will be annotated accordingly. SEcriorr V INSTRUCTIONS FOR RATING AND INDORSING OFFICERS 19. General instructions. a. Rating concepts for rater and indorser. (1) It is expected that the immediate commanders or supervisors (rater and indorser) will take every advantage of oppor- tunities to observe the performance of the rated officer in order to render a complete and considered report. For com- plete reports, appropriate entries will be made in every part (1 through VIII of DA Form 67-5). It is appreciated that occasionally exigencies of the service preclude the op- portunity for daily intimate contact with the rated officer. However, each rating and indorsing officer must personally observe subordinates whenever possible and take advantage of all other means of seeking information in order to be- come fully informed about their subordinates and the man- ner in which they perform their assigned duties. (2) EACH RATING AND INDORSING OFFICER WILL TAKE THE SAME PAINSTAKING CARE IN THE COMPLETION OF THE EFFICIENCY REPORT ON HIS SUBORDINATES AS HE WOULD EXPECT IN THE PREPARATION OF HIS OWN EFFICIENCY REPORT. (3) Efficiency reports are of such far reaching importance to the Department of the Army and to the individual officer that the greatest care must be exercised in their preparation. In order that the Officer Corps may attain the required stand- ards to meet the demands placed upon it, the efficiency re- porting system must be effective. The success of the system depends upon the complete and accurate use of the efficiency report and the regulations governing its preparation. Ef- ficiency reports are the media for obtaining a continuous picture of each officer's performance and potential. The rating and indorsing officers alone are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this picture. Hence, the preparation of an efficiency report is a serious responsibility. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14 CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AIC 623-1U5 20 The quality of the officer corps and each officer's career de- pend to a great degree upon the information, and in many cases the lack thereof, contained in each report. Each officer must understand that the successes or failures of the efficiency reporting system lie in his ability to report the truth objectively, fairly, and without prejudice. (4) THE RATED OFFICER WILL BE EVALUATED IN COMPARISON WITH OTHERS OF SIMILAR GRADE, BRANC H, EXPERIENCE, MILITARY SCHOOLING AND TIME IN GRADE. (5) Evaluations by rating and indorsing officers must be based upon observation and/or information of the rated officer in a typical performance of duty and should cover his failures as well as his positive accomplishments. Evaluations must not be based upon a few isolated, striking incidents. (6) Avoid overrating or underrating. Giving a rating higher than that merited by job performance is unfair not only to other officers but to the individual himself. The ideal is to give ratings that are neither higher nor lower than merited. (7) The current status of the efficiency of an organization will not be the sole basis for judgment by a military superior as to the efficiency of the commander thereof. The degree to which the efficiency of an officer is reflected in the efficiency of his organization will be measured in direct proportion to his opportunities for influencing the organization with con- sideration being given to the time element and with due al- lowances for factors beyond the control of the rated individual. (8) In the event additional space is required for any portion of the report, continuation sheet will be prepared as prescribed in paragraph 7h. b. Additional rating concepts for indorsers. (1) The indorsing officer contributes to the report by supply- ing an independent evaluation of the officer reported upon. This evaluation should reflect his considered opinion of the officer being rated and may or may not agree with the opinion of the rating officer. The unqualified remark "I concur" will not be used since it is not in keeping with the principles of objective reporting based on independent evaluation. (2) When the indorsing officer receives a report containing entries which in his judgment are not warranted, whether favorable or adverse to the rated individual, he will incorporate his TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 iCDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: IA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 21 AR 623-105 views in his comments. In addition the indorsing officer will refer any reports to the rating officer for further comment if, in his judgment, injustice may otherwise result, or if the best interest of the service will be served by so doing. Such com- ments will be attached as an inclosure to the efficiency report. (3) If the indorsing officer has been in a position at the same or higher command or supervisory level to observe the perform- ance of the rated officer for a period of 60 duty days or more, he will complete all parts of the report. (There are no provi- sions for NA's, NR's or unknown (par. 4g) .) Otherwise, he will not make entries in parts IV through VII but will check the printed statement in item 16, part III and state the reason for not evaluating the officer being rated. In addition, he may add such comments in item 16 as he feels qualified to make. (4) The indorsing officer's evaluations are of equal importance with those of the rating officer, and are scored equally. How- ever, if the indorsing officer does not complete the scored portion of the report, no penalty against the rated officer re- sults since the numerical rating given by the rater will be doubled for the purpose of arriving at a composite score. Only parts IV and VI of the efficiency report are scored. Therefore, to assist in the determination of an officer's relative standing among his contemporaries, it becomes most impor- tant that both the rating and indorsing officer give serious consideration to each selection prior to making a numerical entry. 20. Specific instructions for rating officer rendering adminis- trative reports under paragraph 11a(2) or b. a. Verify the cir- cumstances that justify rendition of an administrative report. b. Verify all entries made by the personnel officer on DA Form 67-5. c. For administrative reports rendered under paragraph lla (2), the rating officer will make an entry "not-rated" in item 15 and make reference to the appropriate subparagraph (e.g. "Not-Rated Par. 11a(2) (a)"). d. For administrative reports rendered under paragraph 11b, the rating officer will make an entry "Not-Rated Par. 11b" in item 15 and will explain the circumstances involved as to why an administrative report was rendered for 60 or more duty days. e. The rating officer will date and sign in item 17 and return the form to the personnel officer. 21. Specific instructions for completing parts I through VIII by TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 22 rater and indorser. a. Part I?PERSONAL DATA. Items 1 through 7 (rater only). Verify entries made by the personnel officer. b. Part II?REPORTING PERIOD AND DUTY DATA. (1) Items 8 and 9 (rater only). Verify entries made by the personnel officer. (2) Item 10 (rater and indorser). Indicate basis for appraisal. In most cases, "records and reports" can be checked along with "daily contact," or with "frequent observation" or with "infrequent observation," since a commander often has access to information in records and reports which can complement knowledge he has gained from personally observing the per- formance of a subordinate. In some cases the report may be based only on "records and reports" or "other" media. When the basis of "other" is checked, a clarifying explana- tion of the nature of "other" must be given. (3) Items 11, 12, and 13 (rater only). Verify the principal duty, duty MOS and authorized grade, and description of duties (if appropriate) entered by the personnel officer (par. 16b (4) ) . e. Part III?MANNER OF PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES (RATER AND INDORSER). Provide a narrative description of the rated officer's manner of performance of his current duties. (1) Items 15 and 16. General instructions. (a) The narrative description of the rated officer's manner of performance is the most important and challenging portion of the report. In assignment, promotion, school selection, retention, and many other similar personnel actions, heavy reliance is placed on the comments made in this part. The purpose here is to provide a word picture, in the rater's and indorser's own words, of the rated officer's manner of per- formance of duties as seen by them during the period of the report. The value of this part depends on the rater's and indorser's ability to describe the rated officer's per- formance so that it may be read and understood by persons and agencies not having intimate knowledge of the officer. Every effort should be made to present comments contain- ing factual, specific, and relevent facts which make the report a complete and comprehensive evaluation. These comments should contain performance information not appearing elsewhere on the report. Therefore, rating officials must exercise care to insure that their comments do not duplicate their ratings of Personal Qualities listed in TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 23 part IV. It is imperative that comments be consistent with all other ratings on the report. (b) The comments included in this part must justify the over- all demonstrated performance rating given in part VI (1). It is important that the comments fully describe the manner in which the rated officer typically carries out his assigned duties and associated responsibilities without reference to what kind of man he is. Generalizations and stereotyped comments should be avoided. Facts should be clearly presented in the minimum number of words. It is not intended that the career of the rated officer be de- pendent on the rater's and/or indorser's writing ability. (c) The comments in this part, are not to be a judicial ap- praisal of the rated officer's total "human value" or "service worth." Human value, as limitedly revealed during the reporting period, is more appropriately a matter of evalu- ation and scoring in part IV, "Personal Qualities." Cor- respondingly, "service worth" as partially demonstrated during the reporting period is more appropriately a matter of evaluation under "Potential" in part VI (2). Per- formance, therefore, as described in this part, is the manner in which the rated officer has performed his assigned job and developed with respect to standards generally accepted and/or specifically outlined for him by his immediate commander, supervisor, or superiors. (d) In all cases where striking examples of professional compe- tence and commendable application or shortcomings are contained in the description, specific comments will be made. (2) Items 15 and 16. Specific Instructions. (a) When scores which denote "Outstanding," "Exceptional," "Marginal," or "Inadequate" performance, are used in part VI (1), specific justification in support of such entries will be included. (b) In instances in which the rated officer's physical capacities have influenced his duty performance, an appropriate com- ment will be made. (c) Normally, the efficiency report will be forwarded to the intermediate superior for completion of the indorser's portion of the report. However, if the rating officer has no known intermediate superior between himself and the Chief of Staff, United States Army to indorse a report, TAG? 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 24 the rating officer will include a brief statement of explanation. (d) In cases where the rated officer is in a dual duty status (e.g., Chief of Engineers who is responsible to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, for certain activities and to other agencies for civil works activities; PMS, who are responsible to both institutional authorities and higher military authority), the rating officer will obtain the writ- ten comments of other responsible officials concerning that portion of the rated officer's duties not directly supervised by the rating officer. These comments will include a con- cise description of-- The duties performed by the rated officer which were directly supervised by the commenting official during the period covered by the report. 2. The manner of duty performance. 3. The rated officer's mental and moral qualities. 4. The rated officer's specialties. 5. The rated officer's defects or weaknesses which would affect his ability to perform present or future assign- ments. This action will not be required in those cases where the other official will be the indorsing officer. The comments obtained will be attached as an inclosure to the efficiency report. The comments of the rating officer will be his independent opinion and he will not attempt to resolve any differences of opinion appearing in the inclosure, since performance of duty in two or more different activities is involved. (e) Include comments relative to the individual's proficiency in the language of the host country in those cases where proficiency in a foreign language is a prerequisite to his duty assignment. (f) Include specific comment relative to the officer's manner of performance if performed under combat conditions during the period of the report. (g) Indicate any aptitude or special qualifications the rated officer may possess that would be of value to the service. The intent is to secure information regarding qualifica- tions not otherwise covered elsewhere in the report or by MOS or other entry on DA Form 66. Examples are: completion of particular subject matter courses, self-im- provement through voluntary off-duty academic instruc- tion, and specialized knowledge in unusual fields. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: .01A-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 25 AR 623-105 (A) Efficiency reports rendered by military supervisors on officers serving on scientific duties will be accompanied by an evaluation of each officer's performance as a soldier scientist by the officer's scientific supervisor. d. Part IV?PERSONAL QUALITIES (RATER AND IN- DORSER). (1) General. This part of the efficiency report provides a means of indicating and evaluating 20 personal qualities each of which, when developed to a high degree, is generally ac- cepted as a leadership attribute. The rater and indorser must make a subjective numercial analysis of the degree to which the rated officer has displayed these qualities during the period covered by the report. It is desired that each quality be evaluated independently rather than attempt to correlate evaluations among the listed qualities. (2) Detailed instruction& The listed personal qualities are to be interpreted literally in their commonly accepted diction- ary meaning. The principal consideration in evaluating each of the qualities listed and parenthetically defined in italics a through t is to conscientiously decide whether dem- onstration of the quality was exemplary, above average, average, below average, marginal, or inadequate. The rater and indorser, by use of the numbers .0 through .5, as speci- fied on the efficiency report form, will indicate the degree to which the rated officer has consistently displayed each qual- ity. Since in all cases decimals will be involved, the rater and indorser should exercise due care in computing the total score. When any of the three lowest scores (.0, .1 or .2) are entered for any personal quality an explanation must be entered in part III. e. Part V?APPRAISAL OF QUALIFICATIONS (RATER AND INDORSER). (1) General. The purpose of this part is to provide the Depart- ment of the Army with an appraisal of the estimated ability of the rated officer to perform in various assignments. This information will be utilized primarily by career planning agencies for all types of individual personnel actions. Through realistic and honest appraisals, the rating officials can influence the career development and efficient utilization of the rated officer. This section has no numerical value and will not be utilized in the computation of the rated officer's composite score. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: IA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 26 (2) Detailed instructions. (a) Designate, in order of priority, a minimum of four type duties which it is estimated the rated officer, by virtue of demonstrated abilities and capabilities, would be most likely to perform successfully. Indicate these priorities with 1 (duty for which best suited) 2, 3, and 4, respectively. If considered appropriate other duties may also be marked by continuing the numerical sequence according to priori- ties (i.e., 5, 6, 7, etc.). (b) In the event the rater or indorser believes that the rated officer could not perform satisfactorily because of limited qualification or is handicapped for any reason (e.g., un- suitability of family) other than current grade, length of service and/or branch of service, in one or more of the duty areas, they will so indicate with an L for such duty assign- ments. When one or more L's are used, the rating officials must briefly explain in part III, the reasons for this estimate. (c) When entries are made in item c, part AT, the appropriate level of staff positions selected will be indicated by adding (U) for unit level (G) for General Staff and (J) for Joint, combined and/or unified Staffs, in the parentheses pro- vided. For example if the rater estimates that the rated officer would best perform as a personnel staff officer at battle group level, battalion level or separate commands not having a General Staff the entry opposite personnel would read, "1(U)". (d) When considered appropriate to designate a special staff position in item d, part V, the rater and indorser will specify the position in the space provided. Special Staff includes all staff positions at a headquarters that are not included in the coordinating staff group. The special staff includes the technical and administrative staff posi- tions, e.g., Quartennastei officer, Transportation officer, Ad- jutant General, Engineer, PX officer, Club officer, etc. If deemed appropriate by rating officials, the level of po- sition may be indicated in the same manner as provided for in the preceding paragraph. (e) When considered apprivriate to designate a specialist position in item e, part V, the rater and endorser will specify the position in tlie space provided. In general, duty positions in this category pertain to an officer with profes- sional competence acquired by special schooling or exten- TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 27 AR 623-105 sive experience. Some of the general fields related to such specialization are: Advanced Business Management, Auto- motive Engineering, Chemistry, Economics, Education, Electronics, Guided Missiles, Nuclear Physics, Psychology, and specialized fields within the medical and legal profes- sion. Also relate to specialist identification are the assign- ment areas in the broad fields covered by the U.S. Army Specialist Programs: namely, Army Security, Atomic Energy, Aviation, Civil Affairs, Foreign Area Specialist Training, Information, Intelligence, Logistics, and Re- search and Development. f. Part VI (1)?OVERALL DEMONSTRATED PERFORM- ANCE (RATER AND INDORSER). (1) General. (a) The completion of other parts of the report affords a basis for summarizing the entire performance of the officer under overall demonstrated performance. In addition, it should provide the basis for a rating under estimated po- tential. It is important that the narrative description of performance include the factual incidents which justify the categorical rating. It records a rater's and indorser's numerical evaluation of the manner in which the rated officer has performed his assigned duties and associated re- sponsibilities during this period. (b) Basically what is desired is a categorical rating in terms of standards of degree of effectiveness as related to a yard- stick of the ideal or highest degree of attainment possible. The standard used as the ideal should not be absolute. It is the highest possible degree of performance of the best officer of the same branch with approximately the same period of time in grade and with about the same amount of experience in the same assignment or similar assignments having responsibilities of a like nature. (c) The evaluation should be made strictly with respect to demonstrated performance. Care must be taken not to be unduly influenced by the ratings given in Part IV, "Per- sonal Qualities," or by the rater's or indorser's intent to score the rated officer in Part VI (2), "Estimated Poten- tial." It is possible that a rated officer may be performing in a commendable manner an assignment which is essen- tially administrative, special or technical in nature but in performing such duties his actions may indicate that his TA GO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AK tiG;i-1U0 28 leadership qualities and overall service potential are of a lower standard. It is equally possible that a rated officer may have very high leadership qualifications and overall service potential, but his performance of a special assign- ment requiring great technical or strictly administrative duties may be less outstanding. (2) Detailed instructions. (a) When making an evaluation of performance in consonance with the word description of manner of performance of the rated officer, the first consideration is to arrive at a de- cision as to which one of the seven performance standards cited in items a through g of part VI (1) best describes the rated officer's effectiveness in the job assigned during the period covered by the report. In arriving at this decision, consideration should be given to the corresponding "Ex- pected Distribution of Rating," as depicted by the sil- houetted figures, which represents a theoretical distribution of a large group of officers. It is imperative that it be understood that while this diagramatic distribution may ideally apply Army-wide or to larger groups of officers, it is unlikely that it will apply to small groups or a specially se- lected group of officers at any given echelon. If category c, d, or e has been selected, the next step is to decide whether the rated officer deserves the top or the bottom of the scores within these categories as indicated on the form. This decision should be based on whether, in comparison with all other officers of like categorical standard of performance and similar qualifications of experience and service, the rated officer's effectiveness warrants upper or lower half placement. To approach the requirement of evaluating performance by first attempting to seek out a number of the numerical rating scale, instead of first deciding on the categorical rating that best fits the officer, is the most fal- lacious manner of rating an officer's performance. The scored numbers have been provided raters and indorsers to eliminate the most common objection to previous rating forms, that of rating officials commenting that they never knew what numerical evaluation they were giving to the rated officer when they indicated their categorical perform- ance rating. Rater and indorser will enter an X in the appropriate block under overall demonstrated perform- ance. TAGO 6879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 29 (b) WHEN ANY RATINGS OF OUTSTANDING, EX- CEPTIONAL, MARGINAL OR INADEQUATE ARE MARKED, THESE RATINGS, DESIGNATED BY ASTERISKS, WILL BE SPECIFICALLY JUSTI- FIED IN PART III WITH A BRIEF EXPLANA- TION OF THE FACTORS WHICH WERE CON- SIDERED IN SO EVALUATING THE OFFICER. (3) Definition of terms. The following interpretation of terms will be used in the completion of part VI: (a) Inadequate. This category applies to those officers who in their initial or probationary service periods do not display a potential for further military service; and also to those officers who have reached their limit of promotion potential and whose capacities for accepting responsibilities in duties at the same level of command and staff at which serving is limited to a restricted type of duty. Such an officer is considered unable to handle jobs of increased scope and responsibility. (b) Marginal. This category applies to officers in their initial or probationary appointment periods who are developing at a slower rate than the majority of their contemporaries; and to officers who have serious limitations for greater responsibilities at higher levels of command and staff than the level at which presently serving. Graduation of numerical scores to be assigned is dependent on progress or lack thereof when compared with all other contempo- raries in this categorical bracket. (c) Effective. This categorical rating should be reserved for the officer who has capabilities and potential for assuming greater responsibilities at the present level only. Arriving at a decision as to which of the two brackets of numerical score should be marked will depend on whether the rated officer is considered to be in the upper or lower half of the categorical rating when compared with all other contemporaries. (d) Excellent. Most of the officers on extended active duty indicate a potential for performance of duties at the next higher level of command or staff. Some, by their display of abilities and qualifications clearly reveal that they could be expected to perform competently and effectively in command and staff assignments at two levels above the one in which they are presently assigned duties. These officers TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 30 should be scored in the highest of the two numerical brackets for this categorical rating. Those who barely in- dicate their capacities for greater responsibilities at the next higher level should be marked in the lower bracket. (e) Superior. This categorical rating appropriately fits the more promising officers who have all the personal and pro- fessional abilities and qualifications for much greater responsibilities placed on incumbents in assignments at the next or higher levels of command or staff. Marking the highest and lowest numerical bracket depends on compara- tive evaluation with contemporaries who also warrant this distinctive categorical rating. (f) Exceptional. Officers warranting this categorical rating must be one of the very few who possess extraordinary personal qualifications and background which give them great potential for duties with responsibilities at the high- est command and staff levels. (g) Outstanding. This description and corresponding score should be given only to the officer whose performance standards in all duty requirements so exceed those of his contemporaries that he can, with justification, be com- mended singularly as outstanding. Such a rating infers that the officer's performance was distinctively and singu- larly over and above what could be rated as an exceptional performance expected of only a relatively few officers. It implies that the rated officer has demonstrated a perform- ance standard which could not be surpassed by any other officer of the same grade and similar experience known to the rater or indorser. g. Part VI (2) ?ESTIMATED POTENTIAL (RATER AND INDORSER). (1) General. (a) This part of the efficiency report is a rating of an officer's capacity for future development or growth and ability to assume greater responsibilities as revealed by his actions during the period of the report. It is not a scoring of demonstrated proficiency for performance of various type duties, as reported in unscored entries in part V, nor does it duplicate the rating of performance in present duty posi- tions, the area of report covered in parts IV and -VIM . (b) This rating is an estimate of capacities to perform more difficult tasks than demanded of the officer in his present TAGO 5379B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 31 grade and/or assignment. In evaluating his capacities in terms of demonstrated abilities, attributes, capabilities, and experience, full consideration must be given to the requi- sites of his assignment. Some assignments may not be challenging enough; others place demands on an inexperi- enced officer beyond his capacities, abilities and profes- sional knowledge. Some command and staff assignments at platoon, company, or higher level may be performed well, and even exceedingly well, yet the rated officer may not have the potential to perform as well at division, corps, or higher levels. Some assignments of special or technical nature may net a rated officer average duty performance ratings even though the officer may have capabilities for a much higher rating in tasks for which he is qualified at the same or even higher level of command or staff than the level at which he is performing his present assignment. (2) Detailed instructions. The detailed instructions for part VI (1) as outlined in f(2) above will apply except for the mandatory requirement to specifically justify outstanding, exceptional, marginal, or inadequate ratings. Definition of terms from f(2) above will be used for rating of estimated potential as well as for demonstrated performance. h. Part VII?NUMERICAL VALUE (RATER AND IN- DORSER). (1) The rater and indorser will enter in the appropriate columns the scores attained in parts IV and VI, and compute the total of their scores. Care must be taken to insure that decimal scores from part IV are properly added and transposed. (2) The indorser will compute and enter the composite score, which is the sum of the rater and indorser total scores. i. Part VIII?AUTHENTICATION (RATING AND INDORS- ING OFFICER). (1) Items 17 and 18 (Rater and Indorser). Prior to authenticat- ing, enter the date, verify the typed name, grade, branch, serv- ice number, organization, and duty assignment. Insure that the exact job title of the rater and indorser indicates the true relationship of rated officer to the rater and indorser. (2) The indorser will forward the report to the reviewing officer except when the indorser is a general officer. In such a case item 19 need not be completed. TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: IA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: ICIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 32 SECTION VI INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWING OFFICERS 22. General instructions. The reviewing officer has the responsi- bility of insuring that the efficiency report provides adequate and ac- curate information concerning manner of performance, qualities, appraisal of qualifications, and an evaluation of overall potential of the rated officer. 23. Specific instructions. Item 19, DA Form 67-5. Reviewer will? a. Insure that proper rater-indorser channels have been followed. b. Carefully analyze the rater's and indorser's evaluation of the rated officer from the standpoint of fairness with respect to the inter- est of the rated officer and the United States Army. Upon receipt of unusual, adverse, or derogatory reports take as many of the follow- ing actions as deemed appropriate: (1) Make inquiry as to any unusual circumstances surrounding the rendition of the report. (2) Refer the report to the rating and/or indorsing officer for further comment or clarification, if appropriate. These comments will be attached as inclosures to the report. (3) Initiate action to reassign the rated officer if indicated. c. Insure that any report rated in part VI (1) as "Outstanding," "Exceptional," "Marginal," or "Inadequate" is adequately justified by the rating official in his comments in part III of the report. If in the opinion of the reviewing officer, the comments in part III do not adequately justify any of the above ratings, he should return the report to the proper rating official for further justification. These personal comments of the rating officials will be attached to the report as an inclosure. d. Carefully analyze reports wherein the rating and indorsing offi- cers evaluations reveal a wide difference of opinion. It is not manda- tory that the reviewing officer resolve honest differences of opinion revealed by entries made by a rater and an indorser and which are based on independent observation of a rated officer's performance. However, reports with marked inconsistencies in evaluations such as excellent marked by the rater and marginal by the indorser in part VI (1) which are not satisfactorily explained should be referred to the rater and/or indorser, for comment as appropriate. These per- sonal comments of the rating officials will be attached as inclosures to the report. If the efficiency report explains the differences in evaluations, the report need not be referred back to the rater and/or TAGO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 33 indorser, however, the reviewer will submit his views and/or recom- mendations. These comments will be attached as inclosures to the report. e. Add any additional personal comments he desires to make to protect the interests of the individual and the Government. f. Indicate in the appropriate block whether or not further action was required. g. Verify his typed name, grade, branch, service number, organi- zation, and duty assignment. h. Insure that the exact job title of the reviewing officer is clearly indicated so that the relationship to the indorsing officer is clearly established. i. Authenticate and date the report. SECTION VII SCORING 24. Purpose and use of scores. a. The scores attained on effi- ciency reports have been designed to facilitate processing and use of efficiency files by personnel management agencies when taking personnel actions on officers. However, the scores are never used as the sole basis for any personnel action. They are used as bulk manage- ment factors to be evaluated by properly informed personnel officers and agencies at Department of the Army who understand the implica- tions of the score and its limitations when used in management activities. Their principal use is that of a broad screening device as a first step in isolating a usable number of efficiency report files from a relatively much larger group of files so that a manageable number of officer records can be segregated for detailed study and analysis. b. An officer who has attained an efficiency report score which is 10 points higher than another officer is not necessarily considered the better officer. A high or a low efficiency score, even if representing an appraisal of performance for a period of years, is not used as a sole criteria for an officer's service worth nor as an absolute measure of an officer in selective personnel actions related to assignments, school- ing, promotions, integration, retention, elimination or other career planning activities. Considerable weight is given to other elements of efficiency reports which furnish information on level of responsi- bility of assigned duties, rising or declining trends in effectiveness, circumstances under which duties were performed, development at- tained in on-the-job training and formal schooling, demonstrated growth potential, self-improvement activities, commendable accom- TACO 5879B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2 AR 623-105 34 plislunents and unfavorable disciplinary actions. Furthermore, other reports and records contained in the officer's complete Adjutant General 201 file furnish additional information which is considered along with efficiency report scores and related information in all Department of the Army personnel management activities. 25. Scoring procedures. a. General. The numerical score of each efficiency report is derived from the combined entries of the rater and indorser in part IV and part VI (1) and (2) of DA Form 67-5. No other parts of the Form are scored. Composite scores under this system may range from a low of 22 to a high of 240. The scores attained on each report will not be correlated to numerical scores attained on prior efficiency reports or the current officer's efficiency index (0E1). Letter reports, although of equal importance to an officer's efficiency file, are not scored. b. Use of previously computed OEI. Previously computed OEI will continue to be used as one item of information for DA personnel action agencies to consider as is true of all items of record in an officer's complete Adjutant General 201 file. The significance of the OEI will decrease, however, as each current annual rating cycle is completed and the OEI will ultimately be dropped inasmuch as the most current information concerning an officer's performance has the greatest value in the planning of his career. 26. Information available at Department of the Army for indi- vidual officers. An officer may obtain information about his efficiency record from either The Adjutant General or his Career Branch by personally visiting the Department of the Army or by deputizing in writing another officer to examine his record to obtain the desired information (see AR 640-12). Officers assigned to Career Manage- ment activities or The Adjutant General's Office may not be deputized for this purpose. [AG 201.61 (17 Mar 61) AGPF] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: G. H. DECKER, General, United States Army, Official: Chief of Staff. R V. LEE, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution: Active Army, NG, and USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-4 requirements for DA Regulations?Personnel?Officer?A. TAGO 5879B LI. SOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICI III Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A001200010072-2