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/ a 7,5 6-647- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 1P. TOP SECRET PART I PART II PART III PART IV PART V ATTACHMENT A TO BYE )4635-62 PHOTOGRAPHIC EVALUATION REPORT Mission 9044 291 30, 31 August 1962 1, 2 September 1962 Z FE No. 35-62 PAGE FORWARD CAMERA 1-5 AFT CAMERA 6-10 FRAMING CAMERA 11-12 VEHICLE ATTITUDE DATA 13-14 DENSITY CHARTS 15-17 TOP SECRET BYE 3819-62 18 October 1962 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY GROUP1 E.dudedfm d...gra&nganddedossifi* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET Mission No: Camera No: Slit Width: Film Type: PART I - FORWARD CAMERA 9044 92 0.200" 7.123-7800 (SO 132) BYE 3819-62 18 October 1962 Filter, Main: Wratten 21 Aperture, Main: f/3.5 Filter, Horizon: Wratten 25 Evaluated By: IH, TK, CL, ES 1. Shutter Operation (Horizon Cameras): Operational. 2. Horizon Camera Exposure: a. Take-up (Port): Slightly underexposed at 1./6.8 with a 1/200 second speed. b. Supply (Starboard): Slightly overexposed when image is present at f/6.8 with a 1/200 second speed. Vehicle attitude results in loss of horizon imagery on some passes, most noticeable on ascending passes. 3. .Camera Number: Operational throughout the mission where a second?or third binary record is exposed at the camera-off position. The number is legible but underexposed. 4. Binary Operation: The binary record functions throughout the film, however, the index lamp is underexposed. Extra binary readings at the camera-off positions do not expose the binary index lamp. Double binaries and single end-of-past markers are present on 42 frames, all occurring on the last frame before camera-off. Fourteen additional frames throughout the mission have a single binary recording in association with the end-of-pass marker. 5 Film Metering: a. The average metering between the supply (port) horizon camera and the following terrain frame is 0,28" except between frames 73 and 74 of pass A65 where Metering increases to 0.75"- b. The average metering between the take-up (starboard) horizon camera and the previous terrain frame is 0.30" except between frames 72 and 73 of pass A65 where metering increases to 0.75". Average metering on pre- vious missions is approximately 0.20", 6. Film Tracking: Normal throughout the film. 8. Timing Pulses: Readable, but recorded as double images. ?The pips appear outside the format area, terminating as much as 11.3" from the supply edge of the last terrain frame of all passes. The gap in the timing pulses, signifying the center of scan time, is difficult to read, as the lamps continue to glow faintly with a dim pip imaged on the film. The streaked pulse signifying the firing of the framing camera operates on the seventh and eighth consecutive frames on certain passes. Examples: pass A01, frames 9, 10; 16, 17; 23, 24; 30, 31. Fiducials: a. Main camera - The fiducials are slightly ragged but usable. b. Horizon Cameras - The fiducials are well defined with little or no flare. 9. Light Leaks: A diagonal light leak consisting of two parallel streaks is present in the second, third and next-to-last frame of some passes, Occur- ring a total of 20 times throughout the film. Equipment image reflections occur on 10 scattered frames, usually on the first or last frame of a pass. Miscellaneous light leaks fog portions of 14 other frames, usually the last frame of the pass. HANDLE VIA BYEKAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET IP BYE 3819-62 Page .2 of 17 10. Static Electricity: Possibly corona static fogging first appears as a di- agonal streak on pass D06, frames 3-8, occurring at 6.3" intervals along the leading edge of the film. Static fogging is then present on all other passe, with the greatest degradation on the third through eighth frames from camera-on and gradually dissipating toward the end of the pass. How- ever, the effect becomes more dense and persistent as the mission progres- ses affecting more frames per pass. Approximately 1000 frames are somewhat affected by this phenomenon. Pass D40 is a representative example of the amount of degradation resulting from the corona static effect on this mis- sion. Edge static occurs intermittently. 11. Pinholes: Pinholes are few in number and Scattered throughout the filM:". 12. Abrasions and Scratches: Present intermittently throughout the photography. Miscellaneous small scratches occur on approximately 55 scattered frames. Numerous light, parallel abrasions, that are continuous, are present on passes A04, A16, A18, r18, A19, A20, D20, A21, D21, A33, A48, A49. These appear to be handling marks introduced after processing and after the material left the processing site. Numerous shiny base rubs are present in a random pattern throughout the film with a specific base rub appearing continuously 0.75" in from the trailing edge on passes A33, A48) A49, D54. 13. Tearing: None. A transparent splice is present on pass D40 between frames 97 and 98. Manufacturing splices occur on pass A21, frame 8 and pass A53, frame 26. 14. Water Marks: Few. 15. Pressure Streaks: None present. 16. Processing Streaks: None can be definitely defined. 17. Blistering and Crimping: Blisters are few and intermittent, occurring on approximately 16 frames throughout the film. 18. Contrast: Low 53%) medium 44%) high 3%. HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET BYE 3819-62 Page 3 of 17 19, Apparent Resolution: Image quality is good, comparable to mission 9041. Acuteness of the aft camera appears better than that of the forward camera. 20. Apparent Granularity: Fine. 21. Photo Quality: a. Main Camera - Degradation due to corona static fogging, and light leaks results in a rating of "fair" b. Horizon Cameras - The pOrt horizon camera imagery is "fair," being slightly underexposed. The starboard horizon camera imagery is "poor" due to out of focus, multiple images that are slightly overexposed. 22. Camera Operation: a. Main Camera - A rating of "fair" is assigned to this camera with degrada- tion due to corona static effects, light leaks, underexposed camera number and binary index, excessive metering and malfunctioning timing pips. b. Horizon Cameras - A rating of "fair" is given to the horizon cameras since degradation is due only to the poor imagery, possibly the result of filter. problems. 23. Suitability for PI: Due to fogging? and atmospheric conditions, a rating. of "fair" is given to?thia photography, although imagery not affected by the above degradations is good. ? - ? Remarks: 1. Handling marks such as abrasions, crimps and fingerprints are present on numerous passes and may be attributed to film handling prior to evaluation. 2. Foreign matter consisting mainly of small wax deposits and opaquing material from the titling process, is present on approximately 85 frames, and obscures a very small portion of those frames. Examples: passes D40, A51, D53, D55. 3. Emulsion lifted fromthe base occurs on 37 frames and usually destroys a very small area on certain frames. 4. Creases are present on pass .3140, frame 75. Small indentations are present on pass A50, every 8.1" along the leading edge of frames 46-58. Thin desensitized streaks and spots occur on pass D05, frame 31; pass D07, frame 15; pass D20, frame 45; pass D55, frames 115, 116. 6. Skiving marks are present intermittently throughout the film but are of little consequence. 7. Excessive vehicle roll occurred after pass A47. 8. The following are descriptions of overlap and film transport for camera number 92 as determined from approximately the fifth and the last frames of each pass where possible. Cloud cover, low sun angle and no imagery may preclude determination of these values in some passes. Overlap Film Transport (Percent) (From Take-Up Side in Inches) Pass Beginning End First Frame Last Frame Percent Percent A01 3 24 NM 12.5 A02 2 4 NM 13.0 A03 30 25 NM 12.5 A04 NM. NM NM 13.0 denotes"Not Measurable" TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ... Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET BYE 3819-62' Page 4 of Pass Beginning End First Frame Last Frame Percent Percent DO4 1 9 NM 17.7 DO5 15 15 15 17.5 Do6 12 8 NM 18.0 1X7 4 4 NM 17.0 A09 0 1 15.0 6.5 D39 4 5 NM 16.5 A14 5 5 14.5 9.3 D15 o 0 NM NM A16 0 2 NM 9.5 A18 4 10 7.5 11.0 1)18 10 10 NM 16.5 A19 4 6 NM NM A20 NM NM NM 10.0 D20 0 1 NM 17.8 A21 NM NM 15.5 12.3 1)21 1 NM NM NM 1)22 NM 1 NM 23 A30 10 10 18.5 NM A31 1 20 NM 13.2 A32 4 10 NM 10.0 A33 4 10 NM 10.5 1)39 12 6 NM NM 1)40 10 1 NM 17.5 A46 NM 13 16.0 10.0 A47 5 8 NM 8.0 A48 2 9 NM 9.5 A49 o 11 NM 11.0 A50 6 8 NM 11.0 1)50 NM NM NM NM A51 o 15 NM NM 051 10 NM 9.5 10.75 A52 15 NM NM NM A53 NM NM NM 13.0 D53 11 0 NM 19.5 1)54 13 12 17.5 NM D55 10 7 16.7 18.7 1)56 9 12 NM 18.0 A62 lo 10 NM NM A63 4 12 9.1 10.6 A65 4 10 NM NM 9. Density readings were taken on every pass using the MacBeth Quantalog Densitometer Model EP 1000 with an EP 20 attachment and a 0.5 mm aperture. Terrain and Limiting density value readings for D Max; D Min and Gross Fog are correlated below. Reading Pass Frame Terrain D Min Limiting Gross Fog D Min D Max D Max 1 A01 14 0.92 1.64 0.72 1.90 0.28 2 A02 32 0.60 1.48 0.58 1.82 0.18 3 A03 7 0.51 1.71 0.32 1.71 0.15 4 Ao4 3 0.68 1.58 0.68 2.11 0.14 5 Do4 4 0.40 1.22 0.38 1.88 0.14 6 1)05 10 0.40 1.21 0.36 2.01 0.14 7 1)06 52 0.58 1.41 0.44 2.10 0.13 8 78 0.27 1.42 0.27 1.99 0.12 9 Do7 61 0.28 1.90 0.27 2.10 0.12 TOP SECRET 17 Sun Angle* HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET Heading Pass Frame Terrain Limiting BE 3819-62 Page 5 of 17 Gross Fog Sun Angle* D Min D Max D Min. D Max 10 A09 6 0.68 1.52 o.68 2.18 0.12 -1.4 11 DO9 4 0.39 1.21 0.27 2.06 0.12 12 Al4 11 0.48 1.79 0.11.8 2.03 0.14 13 D15 4 0.14.6 1.60 0.28 2.14 3.16 14 Al6 7 0.62 1.71 0.82 1.71 0.12 15 Al8 6 0.57 1.82 0.1114. 1.82 0.12 16 81 0.62 1.50 0.62 2.09 0.12 17 Di8 15 0.57 1.12 0.42 2.06 0.12 18 Al9 18 0.62 1.56 0.62 2.00 0.12 19 A20 6 ? 0.78 1.40 0.78 1.94 0.14 20 D20 20 0.26 0.86 0.24 2.08 0.12 21 A21 11 0.70 1.68 0.52 2.10 0.12 22 D21 31 0.32 1.34 0.32 2.10 0.14 23 79 Clouds Clouds 0.42 1.89 0.14 24 D24 24 0.79 1.64 0.67 2.06 0.14 25 70 0.32 1.20 0.26 1.92 0.14 26 A30 38 0.52 1.38 0.48 2.01 0.14 27 A31 19 0.28 1.32 0.28 1.88 0.14 28 75 0.56 1.22 0.56 2.06 0.18 29 A32 15 0.50 1.56 0.48 2.10 0.18 30 A33 12 0.54 1.56 0.54 2.04 0.12 31 139 52 0.68 1.18 0.58 1.90 0.14 32 98 0.49 1.70 0.49 1.70 0.14 33 L40 17 0.54 1.52 0.48 1.99 0.14 34 91 0.28 1.34 0.28 1.98 0.14 35 A46 25 0.52 2.00 0.38 2.00 0.14 36 A47 10 0.51 1.39 0.51 2.12 0.24 37 A48 15 0.32 2.00 0.32 2.00 0.18 38 A49 15 0.54 1.36 0.54 1.82 0.18 39 A50 28 0.69 1.64 0.69 1.94 0.22 40 D5o 2 0.52 1.60 0.52 1.60 0.22 41 A51 2 0.48 1.36 0.48 2.01 0.16 42 88 0.68 1.42 0.68 2.08 0.17 43 D51 2 0.68. 1.01 0.62 2.09 0.18 14.14. A52 25 0.62 1.32 0.53 2.00 0.27 45 82 Clouds Clouds 0.74 2.00 0.14 46 A53 2 Clouds Clouds 0.98 2.04 0.15 47 D53 26 0.61 1.28 0.49 2.04 0.14 48 81 0.32 1.02 0.22 1.70 0.14 49 D54 56 0.78 1.34 0.60 2.04 0.14 50 119 0.52 1.26 0.52 2.02 0.14 51 D55 24 0.74 1.62 0.67 2.08 0.14 52 96 0.42 1.80 0.42 1.86 0.15 53 D56 14 0.51 1.52 0.51 1.92 0.16 54 79 0.48 1.26 0.48 1.88 0.14 55 A62 27 0.58 2.00 0.47 2.00 0.22 56 A63 27 0.68 1.18 0.68 1.76 0.18 57 A65 32 0.71 1.54 0.71 1.81 0.20 Terrain Limiting D Max Range 2.00 - 0.86 D Max Range 2.18 - 1.60 D Min Range 0.92 - 0,26 D Min Range 0.98 - 0.22 Gross Fog Range 0.28 - 0.12 Average D Max 1.98 Average D Max 1.47 " Average D Min 0.50 Average D Min 0.54 Average Gross Fog 0.15 *These Sun Angle data were not available for enclosure in the Photographic Evaluation Report at the time of publication, however, upon compilation of these data, they will be published as an addendum to this report. HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 II/ TOP SECRET. IIP BYE 3819-62 Page 6 of 17 Mission No: Camera No: Slit Width: Film Type: PART II - AFT CAMERA 9044 93 0.200" 7,723-7800 (SO 132) Filter, Main: Wratten 21 Aperture, Main: f/3.5 Filter, Horizon: Wratten 25 Evaluated By: IH, TK, CL, ES 1. Shutter Operation .(Horizon Cameras): Operational. 2. Horizon Camera Exposure: a. Take-Up (Port): Slightly underexposed throughout most of the film. (06.8, 1/200 second). b, Supply (Starboard): Slightly underexposed throughout most of the film. (f/6.8, 1/200 second). 3. Camera Number: Operational throughout, however, a double binary occurs at the camera-off position the second binary recording does not have a camera number exposed. Camera number is Overexposed on most of the photography. .4. Binary Operation: Operational. A double binary recording usually ap- pears at the camera'-off position. The second binary recording does not show the index lights. Film Metering: a, Metering on the take-up side (port horizon camera) ranges from 0.11" to 0.17", with an average of 013". b. Metering on the supply side (starboard horizon camera) ranges from 0.11" to 0.16", with an average of 0.14". 6. Film Tracking: Normal. 7. Timing Pulses: Functional throughout. Images appear outside of the format area but on most of the film they appear double exposed. 8. Fiducials: Well defined and clean. a. Main Camera - Well defined and clean. ic Horizon Camera - Well defined with no flare. Light Leaks: An equipment. image similar to that found in mission 9041 is found intermittently. Examples: pass A03, between frames 62 and 63; pass D05, frame 58; pass D07, frame 61; pass 1)22, frame 104. A bar-shaped light leak is present. Examples: pass D04, frame 39; pass D06, frame 101; pass DO9,:frame 56; pass A21, frame 78. Another light leak in the form of 'a diagonal line, similar to crease pattern in some previous missions, is found in pass D09J frame 57; pass D22, frame 105; pass A33, frame 66. Other light leaks are present in a general fogging pattern in pass E09, frames 54, 57; pass Al!!, frame 27; pass A33, frames 64, 65. In general, the equipment image and the bar-shaped light leak, possibly a portion of the equipment image, appears in the third-from-last frame of a camera-Off position or at the end of a pass 10 Static Electricity: Possible corona-type static is first evident on pass A14, from frame 3 through frame 6 and then disappears for the remainder of the pass.. This pattern exists at the beginning of a pass, and in the cor- responding frames at the camera-on position of a split pass, through pass D40. Slight variations may occur where as many frames as the twelfth from the start of the pass may contain the static pattern. During pass A46, however, heavy possible corona-type static patterns are present in frame 3, sometimes covering up to one half of the frame: After approximately 10 heavily fogged frames, this pattern becomes less intense as the pass progresses, HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET BYE 3819-62 Page 7 of 17 finally dissipating toward the end of the pass. The static pattern differs in some passes such as pass A49 and pass D56, from the usual static pattern to a pattern resembling a "sine-wave" curve. Pass D54 is the only pass after A46 in which there is no static pattern present. As the possible static pattern dissipates it moves out of the terrain area and is evident as an arc of approximately 0.375" in length within the leading edge rail area at intervals of 6.3". Associated with these "arcs" is a light fogged area, 11. Pinholes: Few are present in this photography. 12. Abrasions and Scratches: A camera-induced scratch is present under the binary in the terrain format area throughout most of the film Another is found approximately 5" from the supply edge of the terrain format and is present intermittently throughout. In addition, other scratches are present. Examples: pass A02, frames 1, 4, 37-45, 67; pass D06, frames 1, 2, 12; pass A21, frames 9, 14, 28, 34, 38, 39, 41; pass D39, frames 95-99; pass D40, frames 61, 110. Few abrasions are present. Examples: pass A18, frame 42; pass A21, frame 10. 13. Tearing: No tearing is present. 14. Water Marks: None are present. 15. Pressure Streaks: Small shiny base rubs are present intermittently on all passes. 16. Processing Streaks: None are present. 17. Blistering and Crimping: Few blisters are present on the film. Examples: pass A01, frames 2, 4; pass A02, frames 13, 44; pass D39, frames 4, 50. Crimps induced after processing are present intermittently throughout the photography. Examples: pass A02, frames 12, 67; pass A04, frames I, 2; pass A16, frames 41, 42; pass A19, frames 3,9. Few creases are present. Examples: pass A04, frame 2; pass D55, frame 141. 18. Contrast: 60% low, 40% medium, 0% high. 19. Apparent Resolution: Good. Acuity is comparable to mission 9041. Quality of the aft camera appears slightly better than that of the forward camera. 20. Apparent Granularity: Fine. 21. Photo Quality: a. Main Camera - Fair. Degradation is due to the presence of light leaks, possible corona static, scratches and low contrast. b. Horizon Cameras - Fair. Degradation is due to presenLe of possible corona static, roll motion of vehicle which negates starboard horizon camera images after pass A48, and scratches. 22. Camera Operation: a. Main Camera - Fair. Degradation is due to possible corona static fog- ging present from pass A14 to end of mission with the exception of pass D54. b. Horizon Camera's - Poor. Degradation is due to out-of-focus appearance of imagery and to underexposure of the majority of the horizon formats. The out-of-focus condition Of the starboard horizon camera image is more severe than that of the port horizon. 23. Suitability for PI: Fair. Degrading factors are possible corona static patterns, approximately 45% cloud cover, and roll motion present in the vehicle after pass A48 to the end of the mission. HANDTE VIA BYEMAN 'CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET ? BYE 3819-62 Page 8 of 17 Temarks: 1, No density gradient is present, where the gross fog is heavier at the leading' edge of the film than on the trailing edge. 2. Handling marks are evident in pass D39, frames 10, 11, 33, 34, 35; pass A50, frames 4, 6, 7; pass D55, frame 99. 3. The use of a new heat sealing type of mylar splice eliminates the occurrence of foreign matter clinging to the transferred adhesive. This is an im- provement over the type of splice previously used. Other foreign matter however, is present. Examples: pass A30, frames 29, 33; pass A33, frames 12, 13, 14, 15 (grease pencil), 59, 61; pass D39, frames 13, 41, 58; pass A52, frames 3-8, 10, 21-30, 36-39, 76, 81, 82, 84, 86-90. Opaquing material is also present. Examples: pass A02, intermittent throughout; pass D04, frames 20, 21; pass A14, frames 1, 28, 4. Lifted emulsion occurs on a few frames. Examples: pass A01, frames 8, 23; pass A02, frames 5, 6; pass A21, frames 10, 13, 18, 21, 39; pass D21, frames 3,14,9. 5. The end-of-pass marker is operational throughout the mission. 6. Uniform fogging, due to possible radiation, is not present in this film. 7. Roll motion prevents the recording of the horizon image by the starboard horizon camera after pass A48. 8. A negative density streak is present throughout some passes located 0.1" to 0.3" from the leading edge of the terrain format. Examples: passes A18, D18, A19, D21, A30, D50. 9. The following descriptions of overlap and film transport for camera number 93 were determined for approximately the fifth and last frames of each pass where possible. Cloud cover, low sun angle and no imagery may have precluded determination of these values in some passes. Overlap Film Transport TITTJJa) (From Take-Up Side in Inches) Pass Beginning End First Frame Last _Frame Percent Percent A01 A02 A03 A04 D004 DO5 1x)6 DO7 .A09 DO9 A14 D15 A16 A18 D18 A19 A20 D20 1 26 NM 9.0 22 23 NM 9.5 30 25 NM 9.0 30 NM NM 10.0 NM 11 NM 14.3 15 15 NM 17.0 13 5 NM 14.0 15 15 NM 13.0 0 0 23.5 NM 2 3 NM 12.3 5 5 10.5 6.5 0 0 NM 12.5 0 NM NM 23.0 4 13 NM 8.0 10 10 NM NM 5 10 NM ? 7.5 4 NM NM 7.5 3 3 NM 13.0 TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 TOP SECRET IP Overlap Film Transport BE 3819-62 Page 9 of 17 Pass Beginning End First Frame Last Frame Percent Percent A21 0 o NM 8.7 1)21 4 1 NM 11.8 D22 6 4 Nm 14.5 A30 NM 1 17.0 NM A31 1 19 6.0 10.0 A32 4 NM NM 7.0 A33 1 5 6:0 7.1 D39 10 6 3.4 12.9 D40? 6 1 13.0 13.5 A46 NM 10 18.0 7..5 A47 NM 10 NM 24.0 A48 1 10 5.5 7.0 A49 4 NM NM NM .A50 3 8 6.0 7.5 D50 NM NM NM 12.5 A51 o 16 ? None None 1)51 12 NM None 12.5 ,A52 1 NM NM None A53 11 10 None 10.0 D53 NM 2 NM 14.5 D54 10 NM 17.5 NM D55 11 5 11.3 None 1)56 10 7 None 16.0 A62 4 10 NM''8.0 A63 10 12 NM 7.0 A65 NM NM'NM NM Note: NM denotes "Not Measurable" 10. Density readings were taken on every pass using the MacBeth Quantalog Densitometer, Model EP 1000, with an EP 20 attachment and an 0.5 mm aperture. Terrain and Limiting density value readings for D Max and D Min as well as Gross Fog are correlated below. Terrain Limiting Reading Pass Frame D Min D Max D Min D Max Gross Fog Sun Angle* 1 A01 21 0.86 1.47 0..77 1.83 0.22 2 A02 38 0.90 1.68 0.87 2.00 0.10 3 A03 4 0.67 1.52 o.67 1.52 0.08 4 A04 9 . 0.24 Clouds 0.24 1.88 0.08 5 D04 10 0.24 0.92 0.24 1.72 0.08 6 105 18 0.33 0.80 0.27 1.77 0.09 7 Do6 58 0.28 0.92 0.28 1.91 0.09 8 86 0.14 1..72 0.14 1..72 0.08 9 107 59 0.18 1.12 0.18 1.12 0.08 10 A09 8 0.48 1.01 0.38 1.82 0.08 11 Dog 33 0.24. 0.74 0.24 1.80 0.08 12 Alli. 17 0.32 1.81 0.32 2.02 0..09 13 D15 12 0.20 0.82 0.11 1.98 0.08 14 A16 13 0.60 1.42 0.60 1.42 0.08 15 Al8 NR NR NR NR NR NR 16 77 0.21 0.88 0;21 1.64 0.08 17 D18 24 0.42 0.82 0.34 1.92 0.08 18 A19 24 0.43 1.18 0.43 1.72 ? 0.08 19 A20 10 0.50 0.98 0.50 1.84 0.08 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 TOP SECRET IP Reading ? Pass Frame Terrain Limiting BYE 3819-62 Page 10 of 17 Gross Fog Sun Angle* D Min D Max D Min D Max 20 D20 26 0.16 1.30 0.16 2.09 0.09 21 A21 17 ? 0.11.8 1.26 ? 0.38 1.86 0.09 22 D21 36 0.19 0.95 0.18 1.91 0.09 23 76 0.24 0:76 0.20 1.27 0.09 24 D22 30 o.35 1.51 0.27 1.87 0.08 25 88 0.10 1.62 0.10 1.62 0.08 26 A30 38 0.30 0.92 0.30 1.82 0.08 27 A31 25 0.17 0.96 0.17 1.22 0.08 28 81 0.18 0.88 0.18 1.82 0.08 29 A32 22 0.28 1.22 0.28 1.22 0.08 30 A33 17 0.34 1.30 0.34 1.82 0.08 31 D39 57 0.76 1.17 0.76 2.08 0.12 32 91 0.27 1.77 0.27 1.77 0.14 33 D40 23 o.4o 1;31 0.42 2.06 0.13 34 98 0.28 1.26 0.28 1.92 0.12 35 A46 30 0.59 1.89 0.59 1.89 0.16 36 A47 15 0.42 1.27 0.42 2.00 0.17 37 A48 20 0.48 1.80 0.11.11. 1.84 0.16 38 A49 21 0.74 1.68 0.74 1.68 0.18 39 A5o 35 0.65 1.61 0.65 2.04 0.18 4o D50 36 0.49 1.12 0.38 2.00 0.14 41 A51 24 0.52 1.50 0.52 1.86 0.13 42 87 Clouds Clouds Clouds 1.97 0.13 43 D51 2 0.11.8 1.28 0.11.8 1.99 0.13 44 A52 30 0.66 1.40 0.66 1.97 0.16 45 87 Clouds Clouds 1.01 2.00 0.15 46 A53 2 Clouds Clouds 0.89 2.01 0.16 47 D53 NR NR NR NR NR NR 48 76 0.21 1.24 0.21 1.92 0.14 49 D54 64 0.88 1.32 0.82 2.00 0.14 50 124 0.55 1.28 0.55 1.98 0.13 51 D55 31 0.60 1.22 0.60 1.90 0.14 52 102 0.62 1.82 0.62 1.94 0.14 53 D56 21 0.26 1.39 0.36 1.92 0.16 54 85 0.44 1.32 0.44 2.04 0.15 55 A62 32 0.42 1.94 0.42 1.94 0.14 56 A63 27 0.56 0.88 0.56 2.o4 0.18 57 A65 38 0;52 1.74 0.52 1.76 0.14 Note: NR denotes Terrain No Readings" were taken. D Max Range 1.94 - 0.74 D Min Range 0.90 - 0.14 Gross Fog Range 0.22 - 0.08 Average D Max 1.28 Average D Min 0.42 Average Gross Fog 0.12, .09 to pass D39 0.15 to end of mission 60% low contrast 40% medium contrast Limiting D Max Range 2.09 - 1.22 D Min Range 1.01 - 0.10 Average D Max 1.88 Average D Min 0.41 76% medium contrast 24% high contrast * These Sun Angle data were not available for enclosure in the Photographic Evaluation Report at the time of publication, however, upon compilation of these data, they will be published as an addendum to this report. HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET BYE 3819-62 Page 11 of 17 PART III - FRAMING CAMERA Mission No: 9044 Filter: Wratten 21 Camera No: 84 Film Type: 7J-30-135 (SO 130) Camera Setting: 06.3, 1/250 second Evaluated By: IH, TK, CL, ES . Shutter Operation: Operational for 24 frames, thereafter a possible film jam and shutter malfunction occurred. 2. Exposure: Good when not degraded by uniform fogging. 3. Camera Number: Clearly registered on all frames. Film Metering: Slightly erratic, ranging from 0.12"? o 0.31" and averaging approximately 0.17. 5. Film Tracking: Normal. 6; Reseau Grid:? Clean and well defined. 7. Light Leaks: A bar-shaped light leak 0.1" wide is present on frames 4, 23 and 24. A bar-shaped light leak 0.4' wide occurs on frames 7, 16, 17, 20 and 21. Miscellaneous heavy light leaks occur on frames 1 and 3. Edge fog is present along the film edge at 6.3" intervals. 8. Static Electricity: None present. 9, Pinholes: Few, 10 Abrasions and Scratches: A small scratch is present on frame L. 11. Tearing: None. 12. Water Marks: None. 13: Pressure Streaks: None. 14. Processing Streaks: None. 15. Blistering and Crimping:. Several blisters are present on frame 21. 16. Contrast: Low to medium 17. Apparent Resolution: Good for the system employed. 18. Apparent Granularity: Slightly grainy. 19. Photo Quality: Good when not degraded by uniform fog or light leaks. 20. Uniform fogging is present on frames 17-22, possibly due to cumulative radiation as this portion of the film remained in the "chute," between the camera and the supply spool, for several passes. 21. Camera Operation: Poor. Degradation is due to a shutter malfunction after frame 24. 22. PI Suitability: Poor. Degradation is due to uniform fogging, shutter mal- function and light leaks, HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 II/ TOP SECRET IIP BYE 3819-62 Page 12 of 17 Remarks: 1. Overlap is normal; approximately 65% on all frames. 2. Numerous small desensitized spots occur randomly throughout-the-fiIm. 3. Bits of skiving or dust obstruct small portions of numerous frames. 4 'Density readings were taken on all frames using the MacBeth Quantalog Densitometer Model EP 1000, with an EP 20 attachment and an 0.5 mm aperture. Terrain and Limiting density values for D Max and D Min as well as Gross Fog are given below: Terrain Limiting Pass Frame D Min D Max D Min D Max Gross Fog A01 1 0.77 ?2 0.62 3 0.61 4 0.62 A02 5 0.36 6 0.38 7 0.82 8 0.72 9 0.91 10 0.74 11 0.56 12 o.84 13 0.92 14 0.66 A03 15 0.77 16 0.83 17 0.93 18 1.27 19 1.83 20 1.82 21 1.48 22 1.29 23 1.02 A04 24 0.52 Average Terrain D Max 1.92 Average Terrain D Min 0.89 Average Limiting D Max 2.75 Average Limiting D Min 0.86 Average Gross Fog 0.39 2.07 0.71 2.51 0.14 1.87 0.52 2.88 0.12 1.29 0.61 2.70 0.12 1.37 0.62 2.52 0.12 2.62 0.36 2.62 0.10 3.04 0.38 3.04 0.12 2.66 0.82 2.66 0.11 2.09 0.72 2.09 0.13 1.84 0.91 2.52 0.12 1.77 0.72 3.22 0.12 1.78 0.52 3.20 0.13 1.29 0.69 3.06 0.12 1.54 0.72 3.19 0.18 1.09 0.66 3.19 0.22 1.92 0.77 1.92 0.39 2.10 0.83 2.20 0.46 2.29 0.93 2.29 0.62 1.97 1.27 2.21 1.01 2.04 1.83 2.71 1.33 2.21 1.82 3.01 1.49 2.08 1.48 3.00 1.07 1.92 7-29 3.07 0.52 1.53 1.02 3.26 0.24 1.74 0.52 2.90 0.26 Range .182 - 0.36 Range 3.04 - 1.29 Range 1.83 - 0.36 Range 3.26 - 1.92 Range 1.49 - 0.10 TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 TOP SECRET Pass Pitch Variation PART IV - VEHICIR ATTITUDE DATA Pitch Roll Variation Roll BYE 3819-62 Page 13 of 17 No. of Remarks Range Range Frames A01 -19? 15' -170 o4' 2o 11' 1? 33' 00 57' 0? 363 39 A02 -18 10 -17 17 0 53 -1 08 -o 05 03 33 -18 47 -17 03 1 44 -o 39 0 21 1 00 34 A03 -16 46 -15 25 1 21 0 23 0 10 0 13 28 -17 13 -16 55 o 18 -0 23 0 0 0 23 37 A04 -17 12 -16 54 o 18 -0 27 o 14 o 41 60 ro4 -17 05 -16 19 o 46 -o 50 -o 18 o 32 41 Do5 -17 11 -16 13 o 58 -o 47 -o 31 o 16 60 Do6 -16 56 -16 4o o 16 -0 39 0 o o 39 60 -16 54 -16 08 o 46 -o 33 -0 22 0 11 43 Do7 -16 20 -16 01 o 19 -0 15 0 07 0 22 63 Ao9 -17 33 -16 49 o 44 0 17 .0 02 0 15 9 Do9 -16 21 -16 04 o 17 -o o8- o 31 o 39 58 A14 -16 05 -15 54 o 11 -o 09 0 24 0 33 31 D15 -16 07 -15 36 o 31 o 34 o o o 34 16 A16 -16 47 -16 17 o 30 -o 07 o 06 o 13 25 -16 09? -15 41 o 30 -o 05 o 26 o 31 32 A18 -15 45 -14 33 1? 12 -o 05 0 19 o 24 46 -17 11 -16 05 1 06 -o 27 o o4 o 31 35 D18 -16 32 -15 43 o 49 -o 46 -o 27 o 19 40 A19 -16 38 -16 31 0 07 -o 54 -o 1.1.1 o 13 28 No data 1-11 -16 32 -16 05 o 27 -0 57 o 19 1 16 42 A20 -16 59 -16 38 o 21 -o 37 0 02 0 35 50 020 -17 29 -16 25 1 04 -o 26 -o 01 o 25 45 A21 -16 24 -16 09 o 15 -0 13 -0 02 0 11 41 D21 -16 03 -15 47 o 16 -0 05 0 29 0 34 37 -19 03 -16 16 2 47 -1 13 000 1 13 43 022 -16 36 -15 32 1 o4 -0 28 o 28 o 56 61 -18 23 -15 42 2 41 -1 41 0 02 1 43 45 A3o -16 58 -16 26 0 32 -0 06 1 05 1 11 38 A31 -15 46 -13 18 2 28 1 44 1 10 o 34 35 No data 1-13 -17 03 -16 41 0 22 0 51 0 17 0 34 32 -15 25 -14 56 0 29 -0 19 0 07 o 26 28 A32 -16 41 -15 38 1 03 o 41 o 27 o 14 31 -15 56 -15 41 o 1.6 -1 15 -0 20 0 55 27 A33 -15 33 -14 57 o 36 o 17 o 03 o 14 38 -16 51 -16 10 o 41 -1 37 -o 18 1 19 30 D39 -15 16 -15 07 o 09 -o 47 -0 13 & 34 58 -15 40 -14 47 o 53 -0 39 -o 18 0 21 41 E40 -14 23 -13 56 o 27 -0 03 0 33 o 36 77 -15 35 -14 39 1 16 -1 47 -0 41 1 06 33 A46 -16 19 -15 53 o 26 o 56 o 17 o 39 31 A47 -i6 lo -15 56 o 14 70 11 0 09 0 20 24 A48 -16 28 -16 05 o 23 -2 37 -1 53 o 44 22 -17 07 -16 26 o 41 ?-3 45 ....2 47 o 58 32 A49 -17 04 -14 35 2 29 -5 31 -3 22 2 19 73 A5o -16 31 -14 44 1 47 -4 21 -3 46 o 35 18 -16 39 -15 52 0 47 -6 22 -5 34 o 48 41 D5o -13 59 -13 Q14. 0 55 -7 26 -6 42 o 44 44 A51 -16 50 -8 34 8 16 -9 20 -5 25 3 55 87 D51 -15 33 -14 44 o 49 -9 49 -8 50 o 59 28 A52 -16 24 -8 32 7 52 -1037 -8 43 1 54 94 A53 -17 46 -17 03 o 43 -11 54 -10 59 o 55 33 D53 -14 32 -14 oo o 32 -10 59 -10 02 0 57 50 -18 59 -16 32 2 27 -9 43 -8 14 1 29 34 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 ? TOP SECRET Pass Pitch Variation Pitch Roll Variation Roll BYE 3819-62 Page 14 of 17 No. of Remarks Range Range Frames D54 -15? 00' -13? 41, 10 19 -120 22' -10 51' 10 31' 138 D55 D56 -16 -14 o4 41 -13 -13 50 05 2 ? 1 14 36 -11 -10 37 05 -8 -8 57 15 2 1 40 50 145 91 A62 -16 41 -16 22 0 19 -7 55 -7 21 0 34 39 A63 -15 41 -9 53 5 48 -9 04 -8 4o o 24 28 A65 -18 07 -14 54 3 13 -10 29 -8 33 1 56 17 -18 02 -9 22 8 40 -11 47 -10 09 1 38 66 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 1.3e03S d01. 2.5 2.0 1.5 L.0 05 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 BYE 3819-62 Page 15 of 17 Mission, 9044 Terrain DenSity Forward and Aft Cameras Part V-A A 5 i0 Forward Camera Aft Camera 15 20 25 30 Number of Readings 35 4o 45 50 55 * Indicates No Readings Made HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11 : CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 D Max D Min 6o .1.3203S dOl 13833S d01 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 BYE 3819-62 Page 16 of 17 Mission 9044 Limiting Density Forward and Aft Cameras Part V-B A 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4o Forward Camera -Aft Camera Number of Readings Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 50 55 60 *.Indicates No Readings Made HANDLE VTA:BYEMAN CONMOL SYSTEM ONLY 13203S d01 ? D Min Gross F 13?1J3S d01. 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP7860570-7A001100030003-7 Page 17 of 17 Mission 9044 Framing Camera Part V-C A 0 10 15 20 . 25 Number of Readings (Frames) Limiting Densities HANDLE VIA BYEMAN Terrain Densities -_- CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY _-arnA 1;'r7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/11: CIA-RDP78B05707A001100030003-7 30 35 Limiting D Max Terrain D Max D Min Minimum Gross Fog 13203S d01