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H gnx1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? - ha, Agars ION EPORT 111M-A N IMITELLiGENGE AGENCY ' This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meant] 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthoriz * 50X1 ge Laws, Title !Med by law._ .4& 50X1-HUM. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Pilot's Instructions Manual on the MIG-21F-13 /FISHBED7 Aircraft THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES Fet6r Cito,?P 2 RD 50X1 /.44g 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM English-language manual entitled MIG-21F-13 Aircraft, Pilot's Instructions 2. The major headings of the Table of Contents are as follows: a. Aircraft Maintenance b. Engine Running on round c. Checking Aircraft Systems after Engine Starting d. Engine e. Flight f. Flight Limits g. Service Instructions on KKO-3 Oxygen Equipment and Pressurized COckpit h. Flying Aircraft under Difficult Meteorological Conditions, Landing Approach and Landing with gmployment of Instrument Landing Systems 50X1 S E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION SAC X (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "*".) NFORMATIQN ,REPORT ",INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T -2- j. Firing in Flight k. Rocket Equipment Carried Aboard 1. Emergency Situations in Flight 50X1 -HUM 4(r 61'''50X1 ' Aircraft MIG-21F-13 m. Maximum Flight Values of Indicated Air Speed, Mach Number, and Load Factor n. Time and Range of Flight S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM f 747- ? La , 11' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 13151P: 3 CENliAli INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ' This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the mean 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthor COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 ge Laws, Title bited by law. USSR Pilot's Instructions Manual on the MIG-21F-13 /YISHBED7 Aircraft 50X1 -HUM REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1 2 RD 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM STATE 1. an English-language manual entitled MIG-21F-13 Aircraft, Pilot's Instructions 2. The major headings of the Table of Contents are as follows: a. Aircraft Maintenance b. Engine Running on round c. Checking Aircraft Systems after Engine Starting d. Engine e. Flight f. Flight Limits g. Service Instructions on KKO-3 Oxygen Equipment and Pressurized Cockpit 11,. Flying Aircraft under Difficult Meteorological Conditions, Landing Approach and Landing with Employment of Instrument Landing Systems 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T ARMY X NMN IX lAIR DIA 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM G}201112 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION ix .1,CAIKNIC1X SAC X (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T -2- i. FlightS j. Firing in Flight k. Rocket Equipment Carried Aboard 1. Emergency Situations in Flight Aircraft MIG-21F-13 m. Maximum Flight Values of Indicated Air Speed, Mach Number, and Load Factor n. Time and Range of Flight ? if ? 50X1 -HUM " 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RbP80T00246A630200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ilimr-21.-13 AIRCRAFT PILOT'S INSTRUCTIONS am Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 CONTENTS Pale I. Aircraft Maintennoce I. Pre-Flight Inspection 2. 41roraft Ioepectior. 9. Inspection of Cockpit a. Inspection nfter Taking Seat in Cockpit 5. Checking; PC-5T Radio Set 6. Gyro Induction Coopaee, Type FrA 7. Ireparatioo of Gyro Induct!.00 Compel. for Fligbt 8. Saitoblog Cno and Ch.-clog lyre :eduction, Compose before Taxiing . . 9. Cbeoking Gyro Inductioo Compass before Tolne-Off 10. Operating Gyro leduction C'oopase to Flight 11. A4.1 Gyro Hartman 12. Level Flight I). Climb nod Deacon* 14. Performance of Aerobatics: teclutiooe 15. Automatic Radio Camps.. AF1-10 16. Aircraft Tonal* 11. place goccios. 08 GrOulig 17. Preparation) for Startlog 18. Engles Groumd Startles' IC. Engioe Starting for Fuel Feed ganaal Cootrol 20. iatonocouo Starting 21. Engine Sergio/5 Op sod Teetiog 22. Boat. toceleratioo Test III. Cbeokiog Aircraft lysteaa after 'calve 3tartlo1 29. Cootplt Freeensisaticon System Cbeck C. Generator Cheek 25. Rydraullo System Check 26. Cheat of Aileron cod Stebilleer Cfotrol 27. Cheek of Loodlog Flap Cootrol Iv 2.1pArlaspla1atioo for 'reviles sod taxiing 29. General 30. logics Reticles 91. Engine Aoceleration Time Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP801-0074RArnry,nnn7nrml 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 -4- Page 32. 'nine Rating 21 3). Assented Ratios 21 W. Flisht, 22 22 34. Tan-Off 35. Side Wiod Take-Off 23 36. Reonogular Pattern Flight 37. Fail Coosueptioo Cootrol 2/i 38. Preparation for laving 24 39. Lantos Approach 24 40. Lenin 25 41. tot boa to Be Carriod Out by Pilot durios Landing Rua 26 Fier Larding Marks (Correct Reekooing) 42. Actions to Be Carried Out Shoo Flylog over Loodlog Marks for Landing on United Runway 26 43. Recommendations to Pilot !hen Automatic Brake Staten Falls . . ? ? 26 44. Rsconendatioos to Pilot When Both Automatic and Manual 27 Brake Syeties Pail 41. Lenin with Sidi Wind If 46. Lendlog without Ertonding Flaps 47. Go-Aronn 27 48. Stopping engine at Perking 27 49. Climbing to Coiling Altitudos 28 28 50. ening W ituaber (without Suspensions) 28 31. Mertium lodicated Speed without Rocket Pods 29 37. Plight ...tit, Prop Tank 5). Flight mitb Inc 1-13 Self -Boeing Rockets, without Drop TROk . ? 29 54. Flight with two 1-1) Rocket end Drop Took 30 55. isconwring 30 56. Backed Tura 31 57. Chandelle 31 39. half-Turn 32 19. Roll 32 61. iesterow", Loop 33 61. Oblique Loop 33 62. intern's Half-Loop 34. 63: lees 3+ 64. toning Half-Toro -95 65. Spiral 35 66. Spit! .36 7//.. ymnioelcstructions on fr.seurieed Cockpit 67. tresisAied-Csakpii 66. Chnklog High-Altitude Precoure Suit and Omfges Equip:ant When Priparing So- Plight 69. Chickiog 00-30 Omfget Equipment before Plight 70. Operation at Owygeo gouipment to Flight VIII. tirtuo_Airerofe nadir plfficult Mftiorological Coaditioos, Isodiog Approach and landing with Eiploymot of Instrument 1044dng /yens UO-3 Oryget Enuipmmt and 39 .39 490 71. Prior to Flight 72. Climbing through Overcast and level Flight tonna Distook Bowlog Radio Station IX. rimAli Flights 7). Prior to Flight Page 4.1 0 e3 We Ve 45 45 4 5 96 9 7 48 SO 51 31 52 55 54 54, 54 54 5S 56 Se 56 56 57 S9 58 59 59 60 60 60 60 74. Landing Lamp Imployeent during Night Plights I. Firing in Flight 75. Aroament Control to Ground and in Air 7'5. Prior 4, Employing Sight 22. To Firs Rockets Suopeoded in Rocket Pods 78. To Effect Dropping of Rocket Pods together with Rocket Pad Carrier XI.Rooket Inuiposot Carried Aboard Aircraft NEF-21045 79. General Ioformation 80. Dsaoription of Rocket 1-17 81. EmplOynent Of Rocket 1-13 82. Air and Ground Control of Rockets 1-13 83. Rookil Launcher 1-1.3 Controlled while Firing Rockets III. Bnergenn Situations in Flight 84. Pilot's Aotiona when login Pails Spontaneously to Plight 85. 86. 02. 88. 89, 90. 91. In-Plight Starting of Engine Eosin. -Off Landiog Procedure Pilot's Actions Necessitated by Fsiluri of Hydraulic Systen . . . Pilot's Actions in Case of Fuel Pressure Drop. Pilots Actions in Coin of Oil Pressure Drop in Engine Pilot's Actions in Case of Eosin Fire Pilot's Lotions in Camp of Failure of Pitot -Static rube MA-5 and Pitot Tube TA-156 92. Pilot's Actions under Icing Cooditions 93. Pilot's Actions after Broakdowo of Aircraft Clygen System 94. Pilot's Actions it Case of Monies of Canopy Glass Pants . . 95. Pilot's Actions in Ihk-Preisnised Cockpit at High Altitudes . 96. Pilot,* Actions upon Detecting Snake in Cookplt 97. Pilot's Actions in Case of Diming of Pressuriaed Helmet fransparont face-Piece 98. Pilot'i *ottani during Itoirgeon Erticsion of lending Geer . 99. PilOt's lotions to Cass of Osnerator Failure 100. fealuri of 'averts? A0-250 101, PllOt's Actions after BrostdOwo of Tariable-Ratio utositii Boost Control Snit L1148 102, Pilot's Lotion after Ereakdoon of Anti-Surge Shutters . . . 103. Pilot's Actions sftir Breakdown of Retranible Co.. Control System Autolatto Spatial 104, failure of Jet Rotel* Shuitsr Control followelip Syste.. . . 101. Rapid Norio', in Begin, 2.P.9. (1810i 806) due to Amour* Suros in =gine . ? . 106. Pilot's Actions during Surge to Air Intake . ? . ? El Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 meow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 6 ? 11160 10f. Pilot .a lotions while Bailing Out SI1 206. Seat Sjeotion with Canopy 61 109. Seat !realm with Prelisloary Jettisoning of Canopy 61 110. failure of Seat Spiotion Onn at Bish altitude* 62 /11. Co1eP7 rails to Separate from seat sifter ileetlos 62 112. Irwrgenor /soaps fres Aircraft ea trend XIII. parirse night Values Of fodloated Lir Ppood. Mob 11321WRi pail Load rooter * 62 IV. rise sod_genge of flight A ? ? ? ft ?7- 1. AIMULUrf ELIPTEUSCS 0 1. Vre-flAghtIosoection 1. Before the teke-titf hare the aircraft teeltalelsa revert es the aireraft 10042Aess tot 2110b, Os tdity of foolioil, ailopso also alosboi, laadiag. nest pod end bomb 'Intuition, as well as OS the sedateness* or repair eferstiasa performed on the &trepan Wee the last flight 047. S. Aircraft fospeotioa 5. Prior to Utica soot in the cockpit' - check condition of tyres of 1..O. wheels; - mote aunt the MI airopood tab* sod 22456 Mot tine ars free if PTO' tentire oava and coverel . sake rare safety looks era inserted into the hole is the seas", mover zuo rods - sake sure the ereeeent circuit breakers are set off iamb Odom "Out should be cut to OD the 00%* prior to tatetiff$ * mai &UT, ibo soot oplettiaa pc is therge0Y - sate sure the heroes* relesee *easels* Mee la !Wesel to the, rigbe-loi4 ? belt .trap end the pull-out cord le attaohell to the tortes* leoti - see that nO 'Weise Objects ere left in the deetpit sr se the esiti, - cheek *tether ironed leeks ere loaerted lets the seal arias 60obsotao safety pin and Soto the teem reveres levers; Cheek *bother the fade osrtels5 triggers IS ow aretesta, 5511 *mai - moo jotti000 lever oat borrow loot moorgosop taloa*, beadle ere UAW *All eirej - sate sure the kW sahep hareems loot and feet elesp epealeg oviseatio Oaoobaofoo la Cooked lot *Out,. for 1.1.1,41.1 * OW* Whether the flerible pia of the erteeatli Seekaalea le leekad eat the pall-oot iota Oa fe50ete0 to the striven *lee by seals at the stetsg hies. respretlee if_C10109.1. , IS the cockpit sefety sessurra beteg preeervedi - pato arra lb. Atom* better, ls charged sad Is 4,1400 IS, *12 eireitit 'Weevers'-ere she egg oneok whether the cireSit breaker* es the right-assol reef' (to be seitobelfes prier to late.efliare Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 8 -- - take sure the actuating mechanism of the KB-2? oxygen apparatus is joie- ad to the OPE-2 common connector upper block and the hose of the 1(11-2? apparatus is connected to the MA-3 preseure regulator; - make sure the disoonneotion cord is attached to the lever of the OPE-2 cots= coonector lover block; - sheet whether the emergency brake haodle is sunk ip position and looked properly; - check whether the L.O. switch is in the neutral position and looked; - make sure pressure in the mato and emergency air lines is within 110 - DO kg/eq.cm.; - make sure pressure is the oxygen system equals 150 kg/sq.cm. (at an ambient air teeperature of .15eC): - check whether the oxygen feed valve is open (the presiure being from 9 to 10.5 kg/sq.en.); - tete sure the fuel flowmeter pointer shoes 2400 lit., the aircraft being filled to eepsoity (without the drop tank) or 2900 lit. (with the drop tank sue- peoded). Check whether the OPT-2 common connector is properly coupled by puling it upwards. It to clearance appearo between the blocks, the connector is considered properly attached. Check the upper block of the 0PE-2 common connector for proper Attachment to the parachute strap*. Cheek the rip said of the KAII-3 parachute automatic mechanism for attachment to the Cost. 4. Ieepeetion after Taking Sent in Cockpit take the seed 1c the cockpit and cheek the seat for proper adjustment aocord- leg to your height and the petiole for proper adjustment according to the leggth of icor legs. Put the parachute harness on the shoulders. Pass the leg yokes of the harness through the, loops of the paracnUte side Straps. Fasten the straps together with the harneea by the main lock. ?setae the valet belt by rocking the beadle on toe right armrest. Cheek the fastening of the shoulder belt (never Using the candle) in the following order: - bend forwerd eo es to coopletely draw tht belt out of the shoulder belt Lock; to thie event, the shoulder belt cechaniem must get uelooked; - lest backward end prep, your beak to the ejection dent back rest. Upon that, the shoulder belt mechscise operstee to fix the pilot in the backward position. When is the cabin, the pilot should Avoid sharply bending all the ray forward an se to Obviete his spontaneous locking. The pilot.* shoulder belt ie unlocked by the handle on the left armrest of the election seat. CAUTIOWO (a) The heroes cunt be adjusted on the pilot at: tight as poatible, the *boulder strap closely adhering to the neck and shoulders without going loose. (b) When the pilots plat on winter germenta for flight, the alioUlder strap way be adjusted either ander or Over the collar closely adhering to the oeok end Shoulders of the pilot. If pilots of different height are expected to fly the aircraft, the aircraft technician should check the seat adjustment to fit the pilots. height after the pilots have entered the cabin. lo this event: - the pilot should press his head to the headrest; - the seat should be brought all the way up by means of the button switch (port side of the cabin); the technician must check the clearance between the top' of pressurised helmet MOM and the canopy glass panel seeing that it is about 50 mm. In this position, the necessary degree of safety is ensured in case the pilot's bailing-out. In case the clearance is below 50 mm, pull the seat down to get the required clearance and adjust the actuated cylinder switeh.off mectuiniem. Connect the hoses of the flying helmet (or oxygen mask) and of the Pressure suit to the PCB-3 pressure regulator. Couple the electric plug conuector and switch cm the Teeter of the preasurieed helmet transparent face piece. Check the oxygen equipment set for proper operation with and without excessive preseure applied. Command: "Remove seat end csuopy ground locks' (ground locks from the seat triggere to be removed befors the pilot takes his nest to the cabin). Check whether the locks are removed from the canopy remover gun operating rods. Cheek the brake systec for operation with the front wheel brake applied and released. The pressure in the brake system oust equal 10 -7 11 kg/eq.cm. (by the pressure gauge in the onbi0). When the pedals are actuated with the brake lei*? pressed, the pressure in the wheel released of the brake pressure crust drop dawn to O. Check the engine control lever for easy arovetent sod proper fixing in posi- tions cur OP? mon ), low spEED'(taa rA3 ), NOPMAL ( HOUNHAA), KAMM ( UM- IAK ), AOOKEUTATION ( 00PCAS). CAVTIORs TO avoid emerfuelling. perform checking with_the cite:sit breaker of tank Ito.) (service tent) cut off.. Check the control stink for etsooth travel when controlling the ellereca (with the oiler= boosters off). Command: anon:wive pluga, cut in ground power etuireitaf.. ,p.01108: Rot to discharge the aircraft storage battery, eoploy only ground power sources for checking the aircraft int:trinket:to and its. Cut in the storage battery. By reeding off the aircraft volteeter. Unice sere the ground aouree of power is connected (the volteeter oast shoo 22 or 29 V). With the ground power source cut to, cheek the lamps 00 the L.O. signal panel and on the T-4 and T,6 light panels by pressing In turn their 0)1ECE bettOos. Check the operatioe Of the fuel feed end fuel trace*r peeps by their eighei lisps. Press the FLAPS RETRACTED pusit.lnitten to mote sure the corresponding loop flashes on. Set the altimeter pointer to the scale sere nud cheek whether the Dere:Settle Pressure Settle reeds the pressure of the day. ? Check whither the clank Indications are Correa sod prepare the clock for flight. Cut 10 the aileron boosters. make eure the air duet Inlet eche COOtrel Rod aati-surge ehattere editehets ere in Proper positional - inlet duet manual control switch Must be in the position RETRACTED (IWEHO)t -Amtakaahdi "."h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 10 - Inlet duct control selector swita must be set to the AUTO (AUTOMAT) posi- tion and looted; - anti-surge shutter :switch oust be set to the ADTO(ABTOMAT)peeltion and looked. Cheat operatics of the triomer effect aechaniem: - press the push-button on the control Stick ?ONWARD and BACKWARD, the re- leased ooctrol stick Knot scoordingly deflect either forward Cr backward. The illunieated imoriptim Trams MIXT RIUTRAL on the T-4 light pacil must go out lamedlatelr an praising the trimmer effect button (provided the trimmer offset mocha:Am has been eestral prior to pressing the push-button); - after checking, set the trimmer effect meobanien to the central position amordlog to the signal lamp oo the T-4 light panel. The neutral maitiou of the trimmer effect mechanism in adjusted with the pusb-buttan pressed he the.baokward direetioe (froa the position PORIARD); - after setting the trimmer affect mob:miss in the neutral position, defltot the control stict to extreme position': to mate sure the signal leap remains horn- ing. amen whether the API-SB stabilizer dottrel erste* is ready for operations - check whether the selector creitob is set in the Avfto position and looted; - tale sure the pressure switch LOi SPEED -HIGH SPEED (MAUR C6OPOCTIo-BOX5- EAR ClUalirrlb) is to the motrill petition; - the signal leap STABILIZER is Lonomm Paitftds (CSABRIASAM HA BOW?, ) meet burn ea the T-4 light panels - mate eure the pointer Of the arm potitioe Indicator la le the extra** left positim. Meet *tether the air duct inlet cone control system is ready for opmeattes: - the tem 'patrol *elector switch met be set in the AUTO position, closed with a eap la the BACKWARD position end locked; - the motel control mite: wet be in the RETRACTED position (full BACIWARD position). - out to sod sheet the ATA-1 artificial barters . ICI grro induction ocm- page, SID-53 tern it:elector. PCNY -sr radio set. AM-10 automatic radio cospass. CPO-1 airmail transponder. pickles n1-57 J0,0.10 sire To *beet eperatim ef the PCZNir radio set, - emelt the plug comeolor of the bead-piece cord; - switch on the radio set and warm It up Curiae ) or Lute.; - switch on the Mime channel. Cheek the radio set operation. Men changed weer to tUrePTIM ( DM) by listening to the receiver noises in the beed..pleosej - a:JIMA on the salsa surrussoa 01(MBITLIb MUM ) sad ?bock its operation with radii set exeretlas for RIOCEPTICN: the mime most be suppressed; - Menge Mer the radio set for tracemissiot, cheek it for self-monitoring aad ettabliab a tem-my ocmunlostion with the airfield radio station. Switch en the theme chamel after checking the radio set for proper opere- tta' en Other chemela. Whet fines with the r1-141 helmet on set the 71411 amplifier switches la sated as the left lids 41 the vain into the HELMET ( Ft ) and MIJROPMCME (N) mistime; its, sties the bled-phone with the oxygen mak set, these switches inte the MEEK Kin (Ti) end MOAT %MOROSE (A) positions (CMS will switobeff"the 7126 sep11! ten. ? 11 -- Note: To ensure a maximum communication range at all altitudee: (a) twitch on the stiLl. POWER (UMBER 11(11:11075) switch; (10 switch out the MIS! SUPPRESSOR awitalt. 6. Orro Ioduotion Comma, TYIK RCN The gyro induction oompase. type (12 ? installed aboard the aircraft le Intended for deteredeing: - the aircraft course; - the landing course angles; - the bearing of radio stations. It has the following advantages as compared to compasses $111-3 and rel?) .ftstad on the aircraft of earlier matte: - it ensures adequate precision of the course determiastion (40 being the maximum error) on the straight level flight; - it affords high degree of mouracy while deteredaing the course during wh- etted, flight. . ? 7. Prenaret1on of Gyro tadootlaa Gamma* for Irllitht Set the silector of control pmel BY-3 to !OEM (CRIMP) whoa the flights are carried out in the northern hemisphere. Set the latitude seale of control panel BY-3 to the latitude of the startled paint; there is no pecessity to change the scale setting when tb, radius of flight does not exceed 450 - 550 on. Theo the flight distal:toe is greeter (latitude changing by more thee 4 5e). set the latitude seal, on the control panel to fit the man latitade of flight. B.pultohina On and Cheating Orro Janette= Cesnass before Taxiing . Start the melts and then oat 10 the circuit breaker sf resete-iodlostimi gyre I:torte:to Ari. Cut in ths 101 circuit breaker, after the lamp se fheAIR islicater has goes out. Press the fast.slaelag button 1 1.1 minutes after euttlag-la the supply set keep it pressed until the course ice:eater mole has ceme Se ? Map. This dem, read the megestie cowrie and mkt sure the indicator shoes sprosiestely straws course. If neveseary. Mutual:it* the rook to adjust Its specific Marss lathe scored indicator. go. nhaovithe Gyro Yedestioe Seensee looftrtiste-lon Trier to the tate-oft stile the aircraft be op the recsap, "rue ihe fact. aeries butte* aed hasp it created mail the Scale Of tie course indiseter lose tone to ? stop. The readings of the sessetic empire soft correspond to the ft:petit *Mete ef the aircraft on the reality. EgLis Mile *booties the gyro leductlent MieMs. trIS SW 6 Sat Wirt& fuse. tuning. it is tsseeekseded that the elsege inditeter rhollegeitigla he verified against the magattle empees Were aid atter greesieg the button. The change should wet *steed - 49 it after notate* the *ogee. tie coop'ss hes leaded eerreet tacelala Were tartlet be the rualay. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 10. Operatiog Gyro Induction Complies in Plight C. tot Press the faat-slaving button of the gyro induction cOmpess and the mage-wmcage switch ef the AJ T to flight. mg, It is anatomy PROHIBITED to press the oage-uncoge switch Of the giro vertical of the 4rri-1 during cereal operation in flight. ghee the button is pressed while performing eerobetico evolutions, pitchirr. oc, giving with angles of bank exceeding 80, at great angles of back and pitch (a-re tbas 13 - 200), Oreseet4 ra-2 is liable to fail thereby rendering unser- eirettle the grrt intuition toxemia used ae the directions' gyro. ' noels it becow fteceasso to precisely determine the magnetic ootree Moder the wetitioas if vernal operatic? of gyro induction cosines , or when the yofeeecce cre of the art on oroacope TA-2 fells to function, proceed as fol- levri test on straight level flight at co-patent speed nose 20 - 20 seconda before Puuolog the gyre iotaction cooreas fast-sieving button and at the homect of Metall( the Wisc. Ibet reed the esgoetic duree off the indicator with the fast- a-evtaa batten pressed the weeest the seals cowea to ? stop. If it uniformly soul& it both tirestioos, the readings should be tenen relative to the middle pa- lmate.* Of 'he scale. 12122t 1. Whet the reference gyro of the A1's-1 (or the msnect resettles of the magnetic course can te obtained only with Lb. fast-eldles button Pressed. 2. failure of gyroscope ri4 and therefere of tbe gyre into-0- th= *Mott Wed as ? directional gyro ledicstor dun to malfunctioning of the L32 mite ST the gyre vertioel of the I1x-1 es veli as flights with W1. dot angles, WM he deteeted plidgius by the followleg factors: (s) Swing the 'trete/at flight, the indicator scale irregularly teed* (retstd. wings dee the dee ',Arkin; of the scale through .is dee it yroet deed). Sr :Atlas wrreittrtie readings of the dear.. WU; Mabee, turnies ea chicon the merge, tht ledicateT =ate Cal. sot "Wee. ISO peeitiso or shoes the course dirge with greet me- rod (fella to fellee tee tern), dietertiOg the actual sogle of tars ref ite i.e. galT:mr: be mum to tare of the circuit breaker eerdet TIT prier to oottiog emit the miremit breaker of the ATI ad the kraid hifIZIf - GUM cuivinr-s, 60/10E. iMIT(10 ditch. 21. ,k17-I aro Jensen lassawase flight: thlm gyve irrismes if marlin add, the lacremm.,em &fiords meyrtat isdiestiese of the aircraft stilted* at diving - Aloe mew/ oat r?-eriect the elision when chsagiest from dieted to 210. grre dried el the Ark-1 bis the felleeleg siesta eee es weeperail ti capas sp is Y.4, erste: for the 270'0.1 SO 9010.5? angles. *11 dehmedi hemming. Ware elm teke-eff set the beak ioddel sere with the aid Of the Mem idemilirsi rest. Thm cribbed-eft VS Wad: for esploseet 1 2 middle after engagingOgiD gyroscope t-2r 1 fails, 12. idol plight Out the rate-of-011d indicator pointer at zero for the level flight. Thep the bank centering pointer Is at giro the aircraft silhouette shows the angle of tent, i.e. the angle hetiteen the airornft fore-and-aft dim and the harts= plane If the 10010 airoraft flies at steady 'speed with the sir density being *outwit, the coapase card has constant shifting value relative to the sad bank index through the magnitude correspondiog to the angle of attack. The variation of the attack angle doe to the ohmage Of the flight speed, air density and the aircraft levelling, *add the change of the bank scale on the compose card relar tie* to the politico of the silhouette plane. The positive Or negative angle of the aircraft pent is 0,0081110 by the pa- llid= Of the central point Of the silhouette plane. After obtainlOg the eddy aped of the aircraft barite constant angle of atteok, the level flight should be carried out by referee*, to the silhouette plane to he asiotaletd at the positive angle by the bank smile. 13. Clizei eng 1400010 During the hackled allot, the stationary silhouette pled det "OW gamiest the hltta lattgrtalin above the artificial hooted lid which des Ade. The bash *ogle should io thit instead be ealoteloed by reference to the positive of the allhoeette plane as the hank acale. Suring the backless Oudot, the fired silhouette glees east be Irept egotist the brows hectgroved helm the artificial bonsai Lim which ems de Tam eagle Cf bash shoed be seidaded by refereed to Ilk! **etre poiat if the allhesette Oise te the bent soil,. 14. ,Perfereede Of drehatie iviairtieee 'hill pirforciag the eerebello etoleticee. the position If the atteraft in apses (1.e. its Wait) sheaf be goveraed by the keditles at the @l)bded* Ade relative to the lid Of the 0001041 lieriese. Tim piteli of the aireraft obsalg be 400004 by the putties of the restre dist Of the silheeette plaid is the pita dale. The ellehieg eammidres meet he toartorata steml aike wawa at aaaaaa fres is 11th the eilhesette pie* steeling issiaat the hies heeggreesg. flit perferaing the demeddieg masederee *Maio the eagle soae et 100! to MCP5 tie allholette place oast he seee spinet the bran beekgrecof. The allheeette plane terse *did demh Am* tie *Inman perfame the ~ail= lel sea tessebeleg bereetarree 'stain Itroegf the Weida& lenge of llOtei 211014.e CIPTICUC te nee fee lestruseet yield. irrabeese Iselsotiess stilt atela be ' Selisot IT ateldoetel tiseeetieuatioa ef the goaer *opt5 ties the draft *Utile he brought to the 1011 MA% with sigaltscietio presets' of the Switel sante4 TO IS MID Cl SAM MUT OM (1111117IILTI mos TOPV20111131101 Sang ). After tkat, the espe.useeis leap is tie Sealestd mad light up (megleg ti.. Wisp 2, aided). The leditailsa leap fliga out War - lie terulestlee et tie 'seep epeleA'se sego-eueuse *vita Med he ROM Oaf eteem the bask eagle* keep antis Se. 2. ft le /10211112bte see the t*ge-aeage 0110 It the 014 POW. tiles ppepeply epee evitehieg is the armee obi is flight. 1111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 11. Autcestic_Redle Cosines AP11-10 The evartzci. reoel rownti additional rheostat for varying the illeeleatioc ..etv?vasity of the Leis stele (lotted ern ) for night flights. Theulooft is provided vitb a special equipeeti for automatic changing erne tme wee,' hae-hy beacon (to be dome the sown the alseraft flies over the tsiter' Or the ton teeing beim= if the airereft lending gear is retracted. tie ta arias over the inner homieg beam. the APE-10 altoratie .wete teesenme astortticelly imitate over to the outer hare radio beacon again as are ett alert= needle has travelled through 40 - 500 in either elreetlec. Votker.the4.4?0.se eestier cooditione, the Mtn MIRO EZACOX - 00718 amigo ) selector &eau be set to the Wm (ZUlegE) vat- =es. me 1-1 this tartest, the change-over will be done :automatically. tryaA eeelymeat gets disconnected upon setting the ISM - 00-021 (E12- - enTIVI relic:Lax it the UWE ( EIIIRR)1) vesicle?. 16. Aircraft Teeing Sipe tsetse the ettwArt over the airfield, resesber itat loaleg mith the open meow te Tattier. :14* rot of the nu airspeed tube mat be raised. The speed of erwmee 1.2 Wra.tt 20 to 11 taihr ever a contrite reverent or within to 6 Seib? ~wan vars. II. MCIII ISISVING CM OROWSD 17. Preparation for !Maritsa os 1* touted for operation at retire end asgsented ratings to the . 40 GO ? initial site lateeded for this perprite. wiatted free a grimed genree of power. Cleat* tont be 610004 mitre Ise sereteet wheels tie eiroraft mat be equipped mitt ell fire.fighting 00100,- mowto stualme ww0wvit all foreign objects fileod le treat If ere betted sir ammen. to serette: got 02: the Aerate 'buttery, geserator end circuit treater 152e0 WI - ser it tie .or sad lever rose Of vire-mit treaters legated 0a the left emmftst pine is creiterieg tie tar-bsedle te effect their elevitereeer eedeeeties. ? peTsitt *era eget The le-fliglit startles lusts:1'6*hr* the *Wee* ere Lfteasx 2. IS facilitate startles, de eat milli* the ess~-e.'ust pertale. the Mgr of01.0 Severities aed mattes* alseet, Arts et virtu:tile ehaeletra eat *Weise salts eaS bora set due te the ernes 517727.solemse loassoc. nes cm le-flute scents* votes Is tested with thee.* light reel tall fleet' ea. Ito leap will 0 emt ries the 3. Memo. eta WI. WWI to the 00114 kweteo. =Ia. TIMM =O&M COTerbt 1101013:0 (MEAL TEM. )101. of the kigh-preessre turtle* are net ever Dewitt the 170001 MI= ) le set le. the 141, GiuseteO (rieriTCP SLIM 1 et elle* the eirealt brisker 6IOSAL Mars Cl sstimaTOO. ?a PM- ? 18. Engine Ground Startle* Coonand: 'Clear the engine:* and atart the segiee on hearing: *Engine ?leered:* Start the engine no follows: - shift the engine control lever to the LOW SPEED position; - depress the starting button for 1 or 2 sec. and then release it. After the posh-button is pressed the engine r.p.s. irst.antocatioslly settle at low speed during a tire period of not over 60 ago. When the starting crele is over the START'S? light on the 3-6 light panel goes out. The Mount gad tesperatore at the turbine outlet mat not exceed 550?C during the promme of starting. The low pressure turbine r.p.s. must cot exceed 29.5+2% st the low speed rating. Votes: 1. The high pressure turbine r.p.e. in the end et the starting seal* suet be not less thee 163 and cot over 33%, at the lee speed rating the r.p.s. must *rue' 46.5.2%. 2. as moon as the high pressure turbine r.p.s. reach 6 or 16*, the rreasure ono pointer oust indloste oil pressure in the *este, sestee. 3. To avoid reassure surges cever shift the eagle* control levees beyond the low speed posit 100 derlog the starting process. After the engine is started, cut to all the circuit treetere located is the right electric panel (grierator, peep stilt, resete-ceetreil artifiaiel healer:, radio set trimmer effect, etc.). eAtflOet It the engine fall* to start et if the perldasIble valets are eX- erttled during the etertieg, die:metier, startles Isreelatele 01 briegieg the aegine control levers to the CW2 MX PWWIttOn. If the aegis* is stopped Were the genet *Tann leap seta sot, est in the startles orate aed teen lies witched 40 est lees time e0 use. to complete the Interrupted crol* if astematie startieg 4eite. A repeated starting cell be prairiei only after the carte ef the tailor* OAS toes fora and elieleeted. 19. pea* Stertieg_with twel_terlifteual Ceetrek fla etertina with the feel feed seenel **steel it persitaible Is seas the settratic etertiet ceseet be perfereed due to sate eerie is ether. The startles la ittrfersed es fellews: - plats the legtee altetrft lever it eta CPT OJT gentile; depresa its push-tuttee STAMM eel keep It wooed for 1 or to... Atter this 'Nail terns& fuel ti the esose es, &welt *lilies the *Ws* ewers' leT0 towards the 141 SPIRD Seattle,. TVs ertanst gas tesperetere et the twill.* setlet mast set *rime 'WC. The cod of the eteitieg aisle ill 10410ted 10 the 'soot the cams 1009 ea the 3-6 lied petal gert set. 20. piessmoesillstlivi Fit auteetoses *et le the allerepriste eirseit treaters (es is the sees if /Maritsa fres the greutel seeree); ? mft Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T0074RAmn9nnn7nrw 0 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?16- - set the engine control lever to the LOW SPEED ( RAW rA8) Pepition; - press the START ( 3411105) button and release it 2 - 3.secende Inter. Rotes: 1. In the case of autonomcme otartiog, it le possible that the engine r.p.e. should reach the low speed in 80 ;seconds after atart- . leg. 2. The autonomous starting nay be repented three times at maxi- mum with the storage batteries completely charged and two times at maxim5 if the storage battery integrating meter shows 40 Aihr oapseitance. Pith introduotion of autopocoue etartieg of the engine, to ensure the engine etertiog on the ground air by-pane valves are inetalled on the engine and the flaps open poeition is brought in. in the precool, of starting, the flape should be opened to keep the position eerrespoodlog to the full eugeented condition until the engine speed hat reeehed 654 of the high preeeure turbine r.pcs, after which they automatically sasumm the position correspoodlog to the maximum duty. rhea the engine control lever is pulled back:hard5 the flaps outomatlealle leave the MAXIMUM gm (0AftCril2 ) position to oome to the TOLL AUGMENTED CONDI- TION (nonwl 00Ped) correepondlog to 606 of the high presaure turbine r.p.m. The difference in the r.p.e. of 606 and 65% le provided to prevent apoutaneous repeated epealoe end cleat*, of the flare 'beg the flight apeed of the eogine appremlemtee 6/6. . p0770ii Shoeld the eagles fell to obtain the apeeds correepoodlog to 484 of the high pressure turbine r.p.e. (no startles took pleas), out out the eireelt breaker marked STARTING owns (OMAN 3Al1YCKA ) eta bringing the engine coetrol lever to the STOP (man) poettion. legit* Ilmitatiops Th s mazitera permiseible r.p.a. of the high pressure turbine on the ground sot to flight should be within e ? 103.54. The mazieum porttottb24 variation of the low pressure torobtal r.y.s. under the .6411210 41417 are segmented condition should not go beyond ? 100*1? *. 21. Eagle, farming Up and Testing After the eaglet is started and the LON SPE2D rating la established, allow the *seise to ewe at the sate rating for 0.5 Or 1 mia, and check the readioge whimh suet lies a ? NZ (la texhaust gee sell Poseurs turbioe r.p.m.) -; - net over 420PC; - at least 1 4/v1.a. fe?2101( At low gotta the eagles cottioutme operation is permissible for at car 10 eto. etea tbe eaglet for operation et ects and got ratings. Cheek the engine for operatic? at normal rating: Pali (la pressers turbine r.y.e.) ?83=0.74i pal - fro* )., to 4.0 41/44.0m. fist of continuous operetta is unlimited. ?2.7? CAUTION: 1. it ratings above noroal the engine is tested on a site specially iotended for the purpose and furninned with apecial wneei ?peeks and wire ropee. 2. During the engine testing the none of the sir inlet duet oust be completely retraoted. Never teat the engine if the CONE EXTENDED lamp ie burping. 3. At temperatures below cero the engine operation at a speed of less Ulan 502 in perolasible for not over 2 min., after this the engine opted oust be rained to the r.p.o. above 504 for at least 30 sea. Check the engine operation at mexiouo rating. At maximum rating the gauees ouat iedicate: o ? PRA (low pressure turbioe r.p.m.1 ter/must gne not over_7.1.?C; Poll - from 3.5 to S kg/aci.om. Time of contimmus operation 1O 10 or 15 sec. Cheek the engine operation at auenented rating: - ellift the engice control lever to the AUGMENTED position until it rests against the atop; - the oomect the augmented ratiog le switched on in indicated by the le-tp Auaammuum flaehing on the T-6 light penal and by a jerky - whet the augmented rating is evitched on, the erheust Eno temperature must drop by 40 to 90?C no oompared elth the temperature of the MalriteU2 ratio,: with its eubeequent rise. A abort-time iecrease in the lo* pressure turbine r.p.c. up to 106.54 during 5 Bea. to pets/edible wheo the augmented rating le eetiblished? then the r.p.m. must settle at the actually adjusted maximum *peed value (low presosre turbine) during a period of not over 2 ato. nelfigrit 1. In case the auguented rating etanee-over is necompelnied by a PTee80TO surge or exhaust gas temperature ries above the Holt (700?C). shift the engine control lever tio the 111X110111 poeitioo OT *Ten leaver. If PluieUre Borges and tesperature rise persist, stop the engine by Placing the engine control lever in the COP 0?? position. The engine may be start - ed'again only after the comae of trouble, hoe been elleicated. 2. If the engine eontrol lever shifting fells to atop the augmente.. tics), cut it off by means of the switch AUGMENTED- MAXIMUM. 3. If elth the engine changed over to the augmented rating the fuel fails to burn in the efterburner (the exhaust gat temperature trope be- low 450?C), ehift the engine control lever to the MIXIMUN position. Inetrutent lodientiote at the augmented rettee mutt be as follewet 0(10m Pressure turbine) ?1024_0.%; tee..., gee not Over 700 'CI pOil - fros 3.5 to 4 taist.es. Time of continuous Operation if not over 15 Seo. 22. Engine Acceleration fat Cheek the angles acoeleratiof by shifting the tiOgin control lacer fraU los Speed to Ittlrimoli during 1.3 Or 2 ate. The aceeleratilm tip to PH.4 (lo, pressure turbine r p...). 99::: "Oat 'tato ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? Is? free 9 to 12 sec. at ambient air tespersture tot below .1900. At lower teeperaturee the acceleration ties lacrosse. toourdingly (but -oat over 16 sec. whoa the subject air temperature reaches -400C). An tot:ream, to the temperature of exhaust gapes as stesured it the torblem outlet oust pot exceed 720?C. An 'caress* in the low pressure regulator r.p.m. oust be cot OVOT 106.9% dn2ind set. aith a eaccessive resteretice of aotuall, adjusted r.p.e. during ? period of not oral 2 sio. raging low speed - augmented ratiog acceleration is chatted to oases this is found accessary. The Acceleration tie& (frau low speed to augnented rating) wort sot be over PO sec. All lemlt values for ex:hewn gas tesperatures and turbine r.p.s.'sre stellar to those giveo for ths be speed - manic= ratios soosleration teat. After testing the sogiee, cheek operation of the igoition plugs. III. eteIturc AIRCRAIT SIXTUS AFTER INOUE STARTIKO 23. Peekoit ?restarts:sties Metes Cheek, To cheek the cockpit systems, proceed as followst - aloe. the canopy; - pressurise the cockpit. fte oeokpit air feet &rotes must be checked with the *seine operating at pelmet reties sot the cockpit sir feed cook open. Note sere the cockpit is free of seeks. To cheek the operstiou of the electrical air distributor set the switch ti the cult see 202 'saltine. After the check set the owitob te the AffrO poeitiou. fe. Geserator_Cbset U the Leverets? operate* Doreen', its signal lamp with the insoriptite erlICIAITIN Orr to Abs 2.-6 light peoel dote sot tyro at all retina of tit, Ogise. The voltmeter seat tallest. 27 or 29 W. 25. prOraulie erstew_theek . After the low epee. retiog **Mts. the pressure ie the Osie AM booster 11,44 Mei *seal 110 kefss.ea. (4) With the esotrel stick shifted emertetioelle aloes the diagonal (and ths elliree be?eters 00, the pressure is the Asia sod boosts, lises must sot drop %slam NO kg/eq.eo. (b) Chest airfreft otatreli eperetiom ftem the male %Orville line. POT this purees. press the 11008111 LINE Or, betters en the rigit.bend *antra panel. With the antral stiet shifted Aloft the diagonal, the pressure it the booster /Ise meet set deviate free 210 kg/et.om.. While is the male Ilse the pressure Wet net dm below lad egiscem. 26. peek Or Ailey., eedAtstiliser cibtybk With the elleres butter, is, essethly defltet the *enrol stick Ie entre* Positi.rea 3e3 A time.. Ne jerks er ample* oast be telt. Nabs sore the effort le crested by the artifieial feel **Oasis,. Deflect tie 'tetra *lick fereare see beekvard te Amok the operation St -- 19 ? of the stabilizer control bocAter. The etiok seat be free of jamming or jerks acid stet fully deflect to extreme potations. thee released, the stick must return to the oeutrel position. 27. Check of Laodlux Play Cobtrol Actuate the flaps by pressing the buttoo EXTENSION - RETRACTION. The fine position is checked by the light of the FLAP MENDED liOry 00 the L.G. light panel and seconding to the eigos giveo by the to-oboists?. 20. Preparation for Taxiing sod Taxiing The eagle*, lostruesot and system operation having beim found cornea, ask persiasioo to tart the airoraft to the rummy. Nabs sure the eat:gooey brake lever is sunk io place and looked ADO the easel's brake lice is disoonoseted. Close the canopy and peeesuriee it. Nike sure the locks are properly closed. Coonect the election gun Interlock release cable to the wow. yeae ths w00010 sed issue the calmed to ',wove the chocks. !Alt When tasting, to save the compressed sir and to effective', Varier* broktng,it is oeeeasary to chases 0000 from the autmatie to *shoal brake. The 04021101; speed must not exceed 30 kn/hr or 13 tm/kr with the drop teak sod rocket launcher suspended. ?11 turns during torLieg *est be esototh." Taxi to tho runes, and ask for tazilog to the tate-Aft panties (if the ma- ny is fres). Place the aircraft spot the roovae, taxi the aircraft 30 or '50 a. *lose the tece,22 line to set the 0000 00041 into the aircraft airstrip Ille plate .14 or- teed the flaps. Valook the 1.0. control head's. APPLY the Ass* Wheal bribes by turtles the trete boodle etsetmles see fix the straps. ysorst 21. deeerel The PII0-1):Icegise Wits a tkrett of 1790 te (beeeb tests) regulated at ovetated ratios allows elesth thrust regOlaties by alms el the eagle. *tetra Levers fres the pasittea MINIM= AOGNMATION ( 22212andia WNW) ti the peel- tilt if strUna bOsurrArlos ( KIENIII11012 001C11) tut allswieg 011000,007f0 et ?what lunette,* it 'high eltltudee. Whet the *Woe operates it LOC 11001118, MEAL RAVINE tied MAXIM MATING. the Monet seasle shutters' ere eligatir elided OW do set Osage the emelt dieseter if At =MOM AOGNINTATION the Steele disaster is 610410 as. At PUIL Abowinetiow (mad 00PC110 tbe eetehe disaster is 671_10 as Tits le* preeeere regalater youalee stalls vitiate the rause if MIMI WONINTATION - Min= AININENTXTION, the eiloset (se teeyerstere It segsestaties threttling ictreesse by 19 - 23ft. The Wei meows regatta': t.p.i. testiest* by 1 sr 1.10. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A03020no7nnn1_R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?20- 30. Angie* _Ratio/cm foe Retinas Low pressor* re? guletor r.p.o., Exhaust gis tesperature (behled ter. blot). C' 011 pressure, vegisq.as? Contionotis operation 1 Maxima 10010.5 duriog Sot over 700?C Pram angoebte, change-over, Dot Over 720?C 3.3 tine Short-time rhea funnies to .. -p.m. leoreases time exceeds. 4.0 1. sot over 106.3 90 sec. (sot exceediog 5 sec.) 2 Oleimus itot 0.3 got over 700?C, Pros auseeta- not over 720?C 3.5 tieg vbso runniog to time *reeeds 4.0 30 see. 3 Maxims 1000.9 tortes Sae* Sue estiog abooge-aver, abort-time r.p.e increases sot over 106.5 4 dermal. rstleg 5 0.4 ef ogrual rating 6 lee speed 7 Start lei 9)=0.7 Without licit* Saes Me0.7 Sees Seas Ot At least 420?C 1 Lae mooed r.p..e. are sdineted on the ground relative to sabient sir supine. tore Wet over mot Not over 13 see. on the droned, not over 10 eio. et altitudes below 10,000 u. add cot over 20 ale. at altitudes over 10,000 O. got over 15 see, an the ground, oat over 10 Rio. et altitudes up to 10,000 e. end not over 20 eio. at altitudes over 10,000 e. lot aver Isla. cm the ground, est over 10 ale. at altitudes up to 10,000 m. and not over 20 min, at sititudee over 10,000 m. Without lialts Sift Oat over 10 elm. cm the ground, without limits to flight lot over 60 els. free the moment stertiog iseb-buttou is depres- sed till lee speed is attaleed, set OTtrt 60 Imo. daring Anto.. some stilettos 21- 31. Engine Acceleration Tie* The engine control lever ehifting tine durieg acceleration is 1.5 CV 2.0 aeo. (a) acceleratioe time from low ...peed r.p.e.: to 991 to nugmeoted rating (maximum, minim= nod intermediate). ? (b) acceleration tioe from. 85.* rating to 99 % 9 - 12 deo. not over 20 aeo. front 7 to 10 sec. (c) engine acceleration from maximum rating to augmeoted rating (maximum, minions; and interuedinte) not over 9 aeo. Votes& 1. Time of engine continuous operation within the range of 95 - 100* ie netted similarly to operation et onsioun ratios. 2. Repeated acceleration up to ratings over 95* (by the L.P. regulat- or) to permissible only after engine cooling at Dorval or lower rstinga (at leant for 1 min.). ). Decrease in oil preseure down to 3 tg/sq.co. at altitudes over 10,000 11. is peraissible. 4. Mariano r.p.m. of the R.P. regulator equals 103.5*. 5. Short..tioe (not over 5 dec.) rapid increase of the L.P. regulator r.p.o. duriog eugoented ratios o0.nge7over and during ateeleratioe is oat over 106.95. 6. When the engine is Marled, check operation of apart plugs during 30 sec. at los opeed toting. 22. Mksinue patine Ie oiled, with the engine opereting at a ensigns rating eibaust gee tempers. tux* behind the turbine usually eomewhat decreeses. At the altitude of 10,000 e. gas temperature at the turbine outlet must act be lower then 590?C. Sigultaneously sill the gee temperature redoetioe. the M.P. regulstor r.p.a. decreases up to 1* due to a decrease in the anbieot eir teerernture. 33. Augmented bating The maxima angemeoted rating con be set reItablr Pt altitudes below $ . 16,000 m. when the indicated epeed Is not lees than 450 tettri It Sighs? eltitedee the eloimne air speed at watch the amylase augmentea ratios ems be set valeta., looreesse. At attitude of 19,000 kw. it teethes 600 05/ha, eheoge.ever time beteg up to 4 Oee. Ifteo eliaegleg over for the sogeented rating, -etch the Auskarna RATIOS lamp, both rotor r.p.o. sod erhaust gee teeperature at the turtle* sUllet. decreeee in the ortieuet gas teeporature as measured at the turbies outlet kkx reach 90?C. k Short-time (tot over 5 see.) letTeitS0 in the L.P. reguIeler r.p.e. Oust not exceed A desreess to the X.P. regeletar r.p.u. can Os registered tong the ewgesetw ed retied getting, but so 'lilts are epetified for the deortese. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?22? no engteated ranee mist be ictroduced scoothlz, without sharp icoremies and above-Limit temperatures of exhaust gases. Pc ease the change-over far the augxeated rating is acocepaned with spied rise end exhaust gas tesperaturo jumps shift the engine *petrol lever hack to tti WAZ/NUN BATISO. If the lever ebift falls to return the ecgice to the eaximmi ratios, atop the autemeeted operation of the eosin* by switching off the AMMUNTIO RATIND ( ) twitch. Oboe the inane operates et tbe'augeented rating or picks up speed, matdh both rotors r.p.m., cad exhaust gas tempetature. when the englem picks up speed, the CP. regulator r.p.e. increases. Nana= speed of the 2.P. regulator is 103.52, maxieras temperature of er- tenet men as wessern at the terbice outlet to 700?C, at altitudes up to 15.000 a. sod 7206C at Annan* op to 15.000 S. II ftwi the R.P. regulator speed is abte? 103.52 or the ezbaust pis tone- rater. *reeves ?WC, atop eagles acceleration and fled out the cause of the nimble as sae as the aircraft leads. Thee the 2.P. regulator r.p.e. reeches 102.5 or 103.50 with the eagles atill plena* op speed, ? renetion Is the L.P. regulator r.p.m. may be registered. The 2.P. regnatet p.o.e. reaelme the 'maxim= value whet the 0 camber in the flight to elsee to the aeries* value. Tim *Wet *sr be cheesed svor for renege below the maximum ratiog When the extent am temperature aels at 300?C (after the locum). She. the nalee *perste* St the SWIM AVONINTATION, the fuel pressure b.- ales lees as simpered to the pressure registered dazing the eerie= augeenence, the feel berneg lessen less stable. All tlis mar result to thrust pulsation (at Mgt altitedes ape eean lanceted air speeds). Ian:mated speeds at wlich the eagne operetta' becomes untable (at 'minima segentaties) *rat - 400 rafte at eltitude of 13.000 e.; 4$0 Imilr at altitude of 19,000 a.m - 560 trorre at altitude of 12.000 e. Os etas anal Valetta/ to TOgiStorst at tbe throttled audented TstIt2 nigh is es andeen if the fuel 'astable burgles, place the engin control levet, anion, to the POLL AU5OES1ATIO2 position; in case the ainraft is flees with time out** opening et NISI= AMMUTATIOW lucre.** the tenoned speed - Or Mime the altitude. V. MUT 34. atjain Potrero the take-eff with the LA. auteenie bran operatics. Os ebleisieg pernesiee totals-off, gredeallr isereaae the even r.p.e. op to earls:am, make sure the testae *watts serially, release tall brake hatidle aed We, the tato...Wm. Perrin the tate-eff with the eaglet operands at ? steins reties or at time NUM= AMINTATION ratimg sod tbe flaps encoded. If a reds:Mies of the tatO-Oft dinesse la pecessitated, to. fell alcaosted retitle eaa le esplered dune& Abe tate-off. :II 1 ! , ? 23 ? At the begiesicg of the take-off run the control stick must be kept in the central position. As 0000 as the speed of 200 Wiz; is gaiced. raise the nose when fro, the ground Op a saooth backward pull at the control stick. Outing ? corma rat:slog of the nose wheel the aircraft con eust oleo rise to the horizon and preserve this position till the take-off. CAUTION: Never raise the aircraft nose above the borlsoc otherwise the *fr- ozen false keel mar hemp opine the ktrionr. The aircraft clears off the ground at ? speed within 310 to 311 he/hr. 11121: The take-off distance with the engine operating at the miss, ratios, without tta drop teak suspended and the flap* *needed is from 400 to 1100 s.; with the take-off performed at the as:vetted rating the dist- mnoe conentates 650 e. The length of tate-off run at serimue ratios with two 1-13 rockets is free 2200 to 1300 m. tte locith of take-off run at augwented rating elta drop testa as. two 4-13 rockets is 900 or 1003 e., that without drop taste is 800 a. Take-off with one reeket pad has no peculiarities. The pre:macs of the drop tact talcum the tat-ff but ineconderably. After the take-off the aircraft west display-a proper *utility without ? tallow for bitable.; or tattles. Eats As the aircraft is mmelppel with bleat offestiv. elliTeeto the 1402' -tewieg roll during the tate.off is teepee with the &stereo 6'111-angle 'vomits to mid a Urge-aaplitvilo Tellies soar tbe ems4 at teall amts. &Waal the 'media* gest es motley 20 or 12 e. atm the small. At speede op le 5,0 ke/kr Ite laelleg tear retro:nee nett U? er S mito at MONT epee., the ritualise time letrea***, besides as templets fatuities of the tunes soar say to ttio milt el Meter *pude. ' Chest flatter the lasdias gm 'Wattles IA tidiest*. Wf lb. 1061111 11.214 sod IT a pre:tare rise it the Wrenn. Opens (op le 210 02/44.400. Mate sou it: laultag sear to titillated orel *et tbo Lei. tOOtSil 'flat* to the moduli putties. MUM. ti Me les if the atoll lanais*. sot b1011 With Oar totriatet 53 kip speeta, teop the 1.4. Henn van le tte MUTRACTID NO' WM ail lames* Us epee. Me to 450 War. This Mt WM ? eimplote rotraotise it the levities peer. Retract neva at eltindes eittle 100... 130,. ?tee:meet the flaps ere is. trailed the attar:aft louts. 33. 114.44 WUd rate=Oft purleg the tatmff vitt ? We etsI of 10 it 15 WIWI. 1140114 the alsetratt toils to Mt to the *Ids *ppeolt* to the vied. Sastialt to euellpoutemilleto. with. ellgtt tore. Ite MOM to bolls* at. Motu to outilf toseiss ir mum./ its 611erooe Menet 'the best. to Unten lb* fluettes at the usuelft if the tato-off ress obool trate. sap to s.d. olso if. ,A radial Strewth if spiel 40 ' so Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 inoreses in the effeotiveneas of the eontrolled surface? lessen coneiderably the ?iroraft teodeney to backing and turning. 36. Reetaagular Pattern Flight Climbing to a flight altitude during the traffic flight above the airfield is usually conducted with the engine operating at a normal rating. Daring the traffic flight above the airfield with the landing gear retraoted maintsio speed of 500 km/hr. The low preasure turbine r.p.m. will be 801. 37. Fuel Consumption Control ;bet consumption in flight is eheeted by the lonicatioue of the floe oeter and by the light of the eignal leaps. CADTIOS: 1. Cut out the respeotive circuit breaker, on the left control panel in accordance with the fuel consumption progress and poop signal lights. 2. The gmho of the 4th sad 5th leeks rust be out out 8 or 10 min. after the respective loops flash oo. 3. When the FUEL RESERVE (AEAPPIR1i2 OCTATOI ) light panel flashes on (to, dooeseios the Fuel reserve it the tanks), engage all fuel pusps that bare been preview:41r disengeged, end thin discontent thee after heady hurt:tog of the leapt of every. pwitp. 38. Preparation for istedlog Prter to leading: - cheek 'bother the gun circuit breaker he cut off and the fire butter: (in tame gees base been used to flight) is safetied; - mate ear, the preesure in the hydraulic, eystee equals 220 141/41?414i - ?heck Whether air preseure equele 130 kg/eq.os. intho emergency grate. eon WD or 100 kg/se.as. In the sale air ayetes. reduce speed to 500 amity end en-tend the landing gear. Cteet the lauding gear extension by the light of the green leaps. Peep the L.G. control 'sive in the grill= position till tallies the air- overt to the nattier place. Pee flylog with the leonier gear crteaded anietain speed at 450 Smihr (the leo pre ** ure turbine i.p... will be 804). Cheek whether the autosatie brake spites and the nose wheel brate art switelted co. Set the trials.r effest sechautss to the neutral position. 39. Leadlog Approaoh Petters the beritantal flight and the 3rd tura after "needing the landing jeer es mall es gliding before es-tending the flaps at'a speed ef 430 War. Were the 374 ter? mate aura the inscription STOW= IS LINDISO posmow (cusuntantr RI man ) time 7-4 light pima Is illuminated. Teter* the 4th turn extend the flaps and cheek their matetiat by the might ST the signal leave. The ertession of the flaps origlestes a alight tennotcy for pitching thich is essiLy rairorod by a deflection of the control dick. --- Note: If the lamp EXTEND 1.0. flaehes on after the flare are extended show- ing that the landicg gear extension hes not been effected (or ham been incomplete), go around, extend the lending gear completely and that Perform leading. Perform gliding after extending the flape at a apeed of 400 km/br. The final turn suet be performed at a epeed of at least 400 km/hr to be fi- nished at an altitude of 300 m. When gliding after the final tura with the flaps extended maietaio speed at 350 km/hr graft:all; reducing it to 320 km/hr at the beginning of levelling Off. When landing with rockets, the glide apeed ahould be increased by 10 - 13 km/hr. Glide to the tonob-daan point calculating to apply power to reach it. All oarreotione Oust be perforsed either by changing the engine r.p.e. (lo *sae af undershooting) or by applying air brakes (to case of overshoot/mg). loll: When landing with the lending: gear and flaps extended the engine speed (low pressure turbine) must be maintained at 60 Or 701. 40. Landing At an altitude of 10 or 12 m. reduce the angle of gliding by pulling the control stick backward so as to bring the aircraft to 1 s. above the greyed. Raving levelled eft the aircraft, smoothly pall the eagles coetrol level* to the LOW SPEED positioe to perform floating. Float with s gradual descent, for ehich pupae* Innate the &ogle of Scold. epos by smoothly pulling the control stick backward to lead the aircraft epee two IMAIC rheela (111000 patmaking) with the stied: pulled almost to the extras* poet- tee. Dories ? normel Undies (fuel reserve of 300 - 500 lit., flaps 021e:tied) the landing speed is 260 or 200 taihr. Dories landings with the control *tisk leaeffielestly pellet beet the last,- ing speed end 1s041e4 rut icerrowe respectivelre When floating, keep looking at 300 to the lett and 3007 fervor( spot the ground. After the touch-gem (upon too stools) ...satiate te leak forfeit and to the , eft its when floating. Only after the ease is dome, leek straight forward tad 'begin braking. Div TO Mhos the laaditig run, do eet held the aireraft magi's with Om ?see leg up for ? long time. Al sees as the aircraft Is Main* on the two mate iheels,hel) the aircraft to lemer the sese Wheel by peighist slightly the eeetrel disk forward tad begit braking. The aircraft *heels are braked by pressieg upon the broke liver to caveat the attometie brake 'mita. !ply The eatesatte brake areteu allot* to oblit the Uglily *enrol lover fully backward after the tear 'tool lo dect(olthemi glides ries A* skidding) and to oecoiderably redues the laedleg rat. Me Undies rut Is reduced, as a rile, by ispleylog the drag partelatitie The , drag parsdbete la released at speeds set over 200 Imihr. It Ohs aircraft Welts gas t4 sem, alatabe lo the lattitg teazle's*, the eireraft polities Is eerrestod mo fallouts . when leading at higher 'Peelle (the *tee elitel 14 slightly the,* tlk0 restrict further haleeelog co cois es the airotaft 0404 Ohm grenit aid theto em Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? ? the Speed and altitude reduce, lend the aircraft upon the two main 'bottle; - -bee isediog et oore?1 or even lover apeede,arreat the control stick to the position it has ?coupled at the gement of belooning. Aa the aircraft approach. so the ground, land the aircrIft upon the sale wheels by a emooth but energetie ;.11 at the control stick. In once of ? high floating (above la). stop pulling the control atlak back- card and then land the'sircraft upon the toe wheels after the aircraft lose? speed otod altitude. Then the mato brake spate. fella, alow dawn the aircraft apeed with the help of the drag pereobute; besides aprly steel brakea repeatedly by pulaes using for this purpose the energecoy brste control valve. After the leading run is over, retract the flap*, switoh in the 0086 wheel steering seebaciec, cot off the none wheel brake end taxi the aircraft off the ruewey, cAUTION. eeeee tail the aircraft with the ?scoff open. Al. Actions to fhb Carried Oct by Pilot daring }MAUI& Roo emir lending Berta (Correct Reckoning) The per.cbute should cot be released for correctly reckoned landing rust. (s) After the mile legs have touched the ground, the pilot oust bring the airtroft to nose-don positioo at one.. (h) Re oast pleas the Orel,u lever all the way 001D. (e) After the aircraft !Ina pose to a stop, the landing flaps must be retract- ed. (4) i, soar abeel Mate suet be diaengaged. ? (e the eutarette beste toggle stitch suet be changed Over to the MANUAL (PTOWE1 position, end perform the taxiing. 42. setioo; to Me Carried Out When Plying Oven Lending Marta for Landing obj.lielted Runway Pot 'stories the leael long root (a) after the eeic legs have touched the ground, the pilot gust et 0005 Wing the airtraft ooze dean taf gectly pushing the control stint forward during I - P **needs. (k) The broke parachute east be released immediately after brieglog the (tees nowt. (0) At the S.M. sweat the brake lever must be pressed all the way down. (4) The lending flops suet be retracted. (e) If Ofe eeeeee ,stop the eagles. (f) fitter the eiroreft hmo cone to a atop, the cose wheel brake should be Cit oat. (g) tite urtoustic brabe toggle amiteh should be act at the MANUAL (PAM) comities after which the tailing may be dooe. 4). gerteeetrenetime to Pilot thelt Automat/0 puke 8701ath If the eutematic brats system fmile, the 151101 *nett (a) Release the brake parachute end retract the landing nape. (b) Let go of the hake lever coapletelr (to avoid *bidding while obabglng over to the manual contril). (0) Set the automatic brake later to the MANUAL (Frain ) Politica. (d) Brake the aircraft by smoothly pressing the brake lever. (0) Disengage the eosin.. 44. Reoommendations to Pilot When Roth Automat/. and Manual Brake Siatitua Tall Should the automatic) and manual brake aystess fall (meet of sir, break of rope, etc.), the pilot must: (0) Releaae the parachute. (b) Change over to euergency bratlog hy pulling forward the esergenny brake valve control to abort pulls (to avoid tear of tyres). (0) Retract the landing flaps. (d) Stop the eosin.. 45. latodlog with Side Wind The landing with a aide wind Of up to 15 ahtee. blowing at 900 iri relation to the aircraft affordo no great difficult:. Compensate the aircraft drift by slipping in the opposite direction with a bank of 10 or 130. to case of a atronger clod the drift must be compensated by Clipping along.. Olde with changing the aircraft lissalog. By the end of floating, gradually reduce clipping ee se to eolialuste banking oospletely (the pedals east be in the neutral palatial') by the neuestst the touch-does. land the aircraft upon two sale wheel*. after Leading graduelly 10WiT the Wale wheel usill it reaches the grefrilt with the parpose of locreaairig the aircraft directional stability. ortietain the direction of the rue by deflteting the pedalo teammate the aide Oppeelte to the tura (dialed the fleet half Of the ie.) and by tirphlyiss the brakes (during the &semi half of the run), 46. &endive without Brteedieg 11841 When landing with flaps latently- inactive, keep the gliding altered at A0- )70 kaihr gradually reducing it by the begiuniag of the rowdier-sit II 330 er 340 kaihr. ? aircraft speed et gliding gust be usiataised at 60 or WM (low inglienre turbioe). 47. Sio.ersuird The de.arotted la petaille Siva any *Waage (ease revadleg-eff altitude). After taking the decialoo to go errand, lesinate tau eagles 7.0.14 up to MAXIM. Oa ?trashing the speed et 330. 370 ireihre begia eliebieg eel tetratt Use lauding gear. Retreat flare at at altitude of 1,0. 203 8. 46. revaled dealeejoi reeriag After flaelag the aircraft ler aeraieg de-mtgiet all eleetrie etatearit, (except rasp sea) and ettta the eagive by plaelsi lb* *Wee *tetra loner is the COP OPP jireiticn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 In case the engine operatea at 85e, first keep it operating at 8711 durlog 10 aec. and then shift the lever to the STOP position. After setting the lever to STOP, out off circuit breakers STORAGE BATTERY, PUMP 110.2, MUTING UNITS, SIGNALLING OF OIL PRESSURE, GENERATOR AFTERBURNER CE. CtUTION: Never oboe the main fuel line abut-off cock (except oases of fire) before the high pressure turbine stops. 49. Climbing to Ceiling Altitudes Cliatios at the engine MAXIMUM rating muet be performed at speeds' within 900 to 950 in/hr (smaller pointer). Co reduce the cltnbing tine, esploy the engine augmented rating. In this case the clichiog speed mud be within 950 - 1030 ke/br (ammller pointer). Climbing to the service ceiling altitudes is performed as followet - dish to the aimede of up to 8000 m. with the engine operating at the essimus ratite and speed nsictelosd within 900 to 950 ket/hr (ssaller pointer); - et the &idled,. of 8000 m. change over for the &needed rating and climb further with the X cumber gratually locreaslog from 0.81 to 0.9 at the altitude of 8305 a. and to 1.0 at altitudes of 13,000 or 13,500 m. The further eliding up to the ceiling will be performed with ot conetant .0:00 (1.6) of the m cumber. thou dishing with the engine operating at the augmented rating from the al- titude of 30,700 0. s sensible reduction of -per-tical speed component froS 17 to 20 5/s.c. to 7 07 7 a/sec. it observed at altitudes above 19,000 a. it ear-nice ailing altitudes the engine emrforeicoe in amble at the augmeot - ea rating eea allows smell totes, with the control stick in the extreme back po- sition the aiter'eft use perform ? taro accompanied with g growing to 1.5 or 2.0 sme e resit lose of epted. sten the service ceiling altitude is attsined on the augmented rating pod with the drop tact not suspended, the total fuel reserve amounts to 600 or 700 lit. rertitting to fir at the ceiling altitude.during 3 min. On toblog deoiniot to finish the flight, shift the lever to atop the sus- 'Meted wipe descend with P number gradually rettecies. The eoa.et the augmeated rating ie switched off the aircraft shows a cOtidt- Ceroble lose of speed. VI. ?LIGET LIMITS 50. Maximum X dumber (without Ouspeosiocal 2.05 is tstsblished as the merle= value of 11 cumber in flights without suspension loads slush as drop tank 07 bombs at an altitude above 12,500 e. Salo speed in a boritootal flight or eltb 4 slight loss of altitude with the ougnesten rating of the engin,. The shifting of the dr inlets' none into the sedind(letersediate) and extra., fled positives is &coon:soled with ? change to the solid erested in the 'Intake tied. The sircreft 14 stable during enceleratiah. The change of efforts exerted epee the control stick is medically Itsiscificaot. With the M pusher Wirlog elm,* 1.1 or 1.2 the efforts on the pedal. (to perform ellppleg) grew ?Mader- ? 29? ably. Aileron, are effective throughout the whole range of changes in the M oust- er up to the limit values. The following instruments must be under coestant control of the pilot: - exhaust gas teeperature indicator; - r.p.m. indicator; - oil pressure lodiostor; - 1,4 and Tu6 warning light pleads. 51. Maximum Indicated Speed without Rocket Pada The limit wane for the indicated speed (larger pointer) during flights without suspended loads le 1200 km/irt from the grotted to 12,500 ca. During the aircraft acceleration with the triamer effect nechanism oeutral, cartel? efforts appear on the control stink at the indicated speed of 730:100 km/bri at the apeed of 850 or 950 km/hr the efforts decreese until they are almost care and remain praotioally constant at a further inoresse of the indicated speed up to 1200 tailir. With the aircraft the efforts arising on the control stick are easily remored by the trimmer effect sechaniss. firing at limit 'slues of indicated speed and M ember, 52. Flight with Drop Tank Prier to flight tasks sure the circuit breskere EMERGENCY MUSS cm TOM, DROP TANI, MEET POD are nut-in on the right-hand itatrument panel (mhder ? trees- parent shield). (hen taking-oft with the primed drop tank euspended sever forget to extend laps. The twilit:Mee of taking-off with the tank suspettded has no peculiarities afe for the lecressed length of the take-off rut. The Units gives below are estadiehed for Ohs flight with the drop task sespeededt Sias 1000 kmilir (larger polder) at &intuits. fres 0 to 12,000 re. ed M a 1.6 at altitudes shove 12,000 m. The grogib of U molter above 1.6 results to leteasive slipping which **WA he ocapenested lsoatute of greet efforts applied to tbo central pedals. The flight with limit values ef apao6 sea U aumher bee tie peculimr The aircraft la stable throughout the whole resgs of apeteds and If shahs? valves. Tbe drop tank can be jettisened le a level flight at Speeds of 500 - 1000 Imi/hr (larger polder) ead at M amber of up to 14. The task lettlems to effected by actuating the posh-button. To effect the drop tank podded,' swing back the mafety osp ee the left peed set prole the butte* WI DROPPIIIGi ee son as the tank is dropped, the lisp DROP TA!! 8173FINDED (04 the lostrusiet peed lower part ) scree out. Is esnt the tank Is dropped in esergeticy with the fed sedative., the peak- legs of the feel flee Meter remain false for the **oast of tool troinow tulle sat. - 3). pigat _wittily* 243 ilelf-hemiegheekete% toltboutProp fast thalehe tadioatod speed at altItodoa fro* 0 to 5000 M. . 12,110 Maximo* ladlootea 'mod at altitedes T2N 'coo to 12,300 *. . .1200 Wit* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?30? M nuaber at altitudes above 12,300 m 20 Maximo overload (0,)-- 7.0 54 Plight with Two K-13 Bookets and Drop Tank Maximum indicated epeed at altitude, from 0 to 12,000 ? 1000 km/hr M cumber at altitudes above 12,000 a 16 Maximum overload with C-op tank full or eopty (87) 6 33. ItntIrgrin ? The aircraft Mgr414.4)le well controllable during simple, oompiloated and advanced manoeuvres. Ilegetivo and tern overload, created during manoeuvre, suet last not over 15 sec. at engine ratiogs without augmentation and not over 5 nee. at the aug- er:A*4 rating. CAOTIOPt The aanoeuvres with negative and zero overloads are possible when the fuel reserve is not below 500 lit. (the LOW LEVEL lamp dOes not burn). A manoeuvre with a negative overload any be repeated only after 30 see. of a level flight. Dariag asnoeveree with negative and zero overloads the oil pressure at the **glee inlet ear drop dawn to sere. The oil pressure at the engine inlet must restore isatdiately on finishing the sacoeuvre. c017/01: Costae operation with the mere oil inlet pressure is persisaiblo for cot over 15 atm. ? Theo performing aerobatics in the vertical plane with V numbers exceed/0g 1, the aireraft yields ably to esmgerated movesents of the control at job. The radii it vertical aerclatios are iudreased due to high entrance speeds. Darla* vertleal aerobatics with the engine at the maxims rating, the air. *raft suffers a rapid loss of speed when ipprosoblog the upper ;rola of the stessavre. This requires exact and coordinated moveeents of the control stitk. 80 elteck the accuracy of atrobatie satmeurres, resort to the ledioatioos ff the 1rA-1 artificial hest-atm which allows: - to exiotly set the values of the given hanks, angles of diving, pitching est to chest thee during escoeuvrithei - to 'heck whether the revelments of the control stick and pedals are coordi- nated elute 'Merles the aerobatie manoeuvre, when in the Proaelle of the 0,100e?7. Or vbes remelt& ieff$ . to literates the aircraft attitude in relation to the horisoa and ti car- riot the aircraft attitude; - to detest mistakes (banks, alippleg, toto.coerdiosted atmeeents of the noutrel stick aid pedals), espastally dories vertical aerelatios. :Dories aerobatics at seen altitudes-with high overlaida s06 at high altittelee with ocalarstively small overloads the aircraft displaps phoneys& charaoteristie Of the stalling angle condititms (prs-stall buffeting, wieg-towrics Yell). Oi obiereleg these phew:mess, arrest the ootstrOl stick in its movosint backward. De cot reins, the backward Ferment until the buffeting and roll disappear: When perforsios acrobatic senoeuvres including a desoent camper:it, increase the engine r.p.s. at a dive angle of 30?i enter the vertical 000p011ent frees 1 ?31? flight with the engine operating at a given duty. During acrobatic flights trim the aircraft at the altitude of 6000 0. and indicated speed of 800 ba/hr. Use the anti-g atilt to perform aerobatio manoeuvre, at los and mean alti- tude, or when performing a steep diving from high altitudes. When mastering the 11x1W18Zaircraft, perform aerobatics at altitudes not below 4000 m. 56. Banked Turn Banked turns can be performed at any altitude and speed rated for the IDID-210-13 aircraft. The right and left banked turns do bot differ from each other. The banking elerect of a turn performed at the engine =sic= rating at an altitude above 5000 0. may reach an angle of 60?. A bank of over 60? oar result in a speed reduction. During banked turns the aircraft displays buffeting at email overload values. A further increase la overload values does not result in the aircraft stalling into the spin as Cy .(lift coefficient) is considerably higher than Cy in the beginning of the buffeting. Bever pull the control stick exceesivelp backward as this will cake the aircraft roll from wing to wing which war end in a spiel. During oanked torus or epics performed at speeds corresponding to M ? 1.1 or over and altitudes above 10,0110 a., the control stick may be pulled all the war backward (in oertnio oases) without establishing the Cr.., oondlt100e. Bear in clad, however, that with the V number below 1.1 the aircraft develops a considerable angular aovecent and increases the angle of attack due to se increase In the stabilicer effectiveness. In thle case reduce the control stick defiectioo to compensate the.wovettent *ogles. ' Characteristics of banked turns most advactagenua in time ars giVet 10 tie Table Delo.. Tab1s Characteristica /Does rating Mariana aurae ed M ? 3000 m. 11 . 10.000.. , X 000JBA Indicated air epee./ (Vim). tisibr 900 900 2000 Time (t), sec. 50 100 a, Radius of turn (11), la. 2000 400n 4000 Load factor (c) 3.2 1.8 2.3 Bneked turas with the rocket pada suspended proottcally de not differ from turns without the rocket pads. _57. Vanden. The ?Modelle can bee performed at nor-cal, teallaus and augarted ratiegs of the engine end speeds not exceeding rated matlana 'aloe*. During a chandelle performed at the mariatia rating sod 4c117 speed (iedlootOd) of 900 or 950 km/hr the aircraft achieved an altitude of 3000 OP 000 a. (at ae entrance speed of 4300 m.). The speed Of recovering fros the Chandelle oust to 014 leas thee 400 ka/hr (indicated). ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 The teohaique of performing a ohandella has to peetiliaritiee es compared to other type aircraft. 58, Half-TUre Ralf-turn oat be performed at any altitude between 5000 m. aod the ceiling. The nelf-turn entry epeed (indicated) depende on the altitude and uaually equals the following values: not over 400 kg/hr at altitudes of 5000 from 400 to 600 lestihr at altitudea within 6000 -10,000 in.: from 400 te 500 keihr at altitudes within 12,000 - 14,000 0.; ? ' fres 330 to 400 kg/hr at altitudes above 15,000 to. The half-tures at the above speeds can be performed either with retracted or est:to:led (at the entry) air brakee. When learning to perfore the half-turn above the Airfield begin the half- term at altitudes eithie 6000 - 10,000 m. The lose of altitude mill eonatitute :roe 3000 to 7000 4. Prior to ectering the bolt-tort establish ti.' required apeed (depending on the eltited01 theo elovly pull the coctrol atl, backwards to eat the pitob eagle eith1c 10 to 13?, deflect the control stick and the pedal. to the aloe of lb. half-tort at ike to turn the aircraft eith vhaela upwarda dunes 2 or 3 Sec. *el reduce the melee r.p.e. dove to the lo. Speed value. lc the vbeela-up pastelist:, stop tura:tie the aircraft end, yithout ttried to preserve the posittoe, sroothly pmll the coctrol atick backward to roll the air- craft sat of the dive into ? level flight it at indicated speed withip 600 to 700 km/hr. ghee ti. eircreft is bele', recovered trot the dive, efforts of ? gull- ies oharacter *ill be felt on the control atice. Whet reooverieg frog the die, be careful to coordinate the control otitis sieveoect with the recovering procedure. to case tie eActrol stick eovenect to too slow, the aircraft speed irtorosses coz?sderably thua eausics a coosiderable lose of altitude. Recover the mireraft fro* the dive to this ease vttki a more ecergetic pull at the control stick (with- out alt.:vice the aircraft to roll troy *tag to vies). T. Roll The strcraft desist permits to perforo snap sod sloe controlled rolls. Pot treiclor Pullen** ? Boo; tot:trolled roll is performed as follows. Dries the aircraft Seto a level flight at an iodlcated opted of 600 or 700 to/hr. lot- ^eeves 4 pltok1104 via an angle of 10 or 150 sod fly tryiog to preserve the Peti- tion attaiced, thee yith a elOath movement of the control stick towards the aide Of rolling tura the aircraft arched Ile loogitualoal aria. The tAte deeded for the soap roll is A Or 7 seo. To perfore a camp roil at high speeds, the pitch *ogle is set eithia the lieita of 20 - 300 ( depecalog ou the speed). In all other aspect(' the high-opted soap roll does cot differ !roe the roll performed at 600 or 700 to/hr. A sloe controlled roll takes. 10 or 12 sea. It ia performed with a ttariable eagle of attack (ote part of the canoeuvre requires positive angle* of attack, the other port of the meaaeuvre - negative angles of attack), the pilot oeft2105 overload* varying in sign. . ? To perform the aloe roll, briog tbe aircraft from a level flight at at: Jodi- 33 --- :sated speed of 600 or 700 to/hr to a pitch of 15 or 200, keep it It the position and toll the aircraft around ite lonsitudieal axle by a acooth deflectioo of . coctrol .:Ick towards the side of rolliag. Durieg the roll, coordinate the movemect of the oontrol stick and pedele to keep the aircraft tone from 1o:series. The barrel rolls can be performed both is the horizontal aod vertical places at speeds of dot below 400 toilar (indicated :speed). Double (multi) rolls are two or more rolls performed one after soother yith- out letervale. The two (or eulti) rolla say be either soap or slov horisontal ones. The entry epeed in this caae is.cot belga 600 or veep 700 hon/b?. The technique of perforates a double (multi)roll le similar to siegle snap and aloe controlled rolla. 60. Reaterov'e Loop Enter Nesterov's loop at altitude. cot over 4000 - 504010 a. trith the MOOS at the maximum rating or at altitudes of eat over 6000 - 7000 la. with the eagles at the augoented rating. The entry ledicated speed at the eastalte ratios must not be less than 900 ti/ho. The loop la perforaea ea folios's. 4410 the required speed and deflect the coetrol stick bactwarde so 44 to so- lute an overload value of 4.5 or 7.1 when the tircraft .Stains 30 Or 404 Of Alte4. Without reducing the pull, keep the aircraft or the trajectory curve la the vorti- cal place. The cootrol atick boateard artmement is perforeed so as to Seep the aircraft roll (angular apeed) appromiamtely constant nod to sneer* to &caseated speed of not les. than 150 Imalltr (with at overload basher of 1.5) by the comsat the sir- croft occupies a wheela-ep Thee to the loop, tee; the aircraft frog backlog AS this Till leAS the air- craft *am: from the verticel plane. In the upper point of the loop, echett the sin:raft note mullet the barites, elcrely reduce the eaglet r.p.m. up to the loe speed toting, otter the dive sod then level off as rebels poet:mace stellar actiets in ? bested tura. The peculiarity of Restorer./ loop at the carless reties is ? great lose of speed in the upper Wet which reettires fie accurate ceertieetel staimtelt 02 ISM aircraft controlled surfaces. Theo the aircraft stick is excessively deflected, the ail-trill tiafilaps buffeting eta, a wicg-to.siog roll. A tee slow Movemect Of the wastrel 'Stet tosaal- 17 results It ? loss of speed asta ?Iroreft .beetrice. The overload it sheave! Curios the loop by the lead rector Indicator. 61. Oblique lcep Oben the pilot creates a bout of 10 to 45? relative Id the barites pried tO testerovas loop sod then follows the loop presented the Preset 10,9te "9 all'. Craft will describe ? oloast carTO in a plate oblates ta the lierieto. The oblique loop is perforate siailtrly to Iteeteree.s leop. The male difficulty to perforelog the obligee loop le to wow,* the pre... set bootleg when approaching or passitg the hyper hetet of the loop. Olsen in the obtele-up positiots, the pilot, whose eeetreetteettl settee* Of the herlson,to-earth position Woos, reversed, matt dottrels, led prootrve the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 -- aircraft backing relative to the constant horizontal. Thia meane that with the aircraft in the upper point of the oblique loop and with the left-wing booking (provided left-ming banking has been chosen), the pilot must keep the left wing lowered and the right wing raised relative to the horizontal. Theo, as soon as Ohs airoraft enters a dive, the pilot must tread upon the pedal opposite to the bask to primers? the direotioo when levelling off. ,ta sooe se the aircraft la levelled off, the pilot must eliminate the bank sod set the pedals into the neutral position by gradually reducing the deflection angle. Duriog the seooed half of the oblique loop the aircraft must not roll around Its longitudinal aria, especially towards the bank es this mar result in a tight spin. When performing oblique loops for the firat time, never est a bank exceed- tog 20?. Altitude and speed limits for the oblique loop do not differ from those es- tablished for Nesterov.a loop. 62. Itesterov.a Half-loop The first half of the manoeuvre is smaller in its character and technique to the first half of iesterov.a loop. The half-loop entry speed suet not be lees than 900 or 950 km/hr at an al- titude cot above 7000 c. with the engine maximum or augsmoted rating. When entic- ing the half-loop at en altitude of 5000 a. (at the maximum rating) the aircraft cliche through a distance of 4000 s. The speed of the aircraft in the wheele-up position in the upper point must to at least 370 km/hr. then panning the upper flint, smoothly deflect the Control stick towarts'the chomp side of the roll and perform a half-barrel by eettleg the aircraft through 1800 around it. longitudinal axis. The movesent of the controlled surfaces oust ensure a complete half-barrel during a period of 3 or 4 gee. itioultameouttly with the cootrol stick deflection towards the roll side, slightly relesse the control stick to move it a little bit forward when the air. craft cospletea a roll through 90? in order to increase the aircraft directional ntability and to reduce the angle of attaok (so as not to loose speed). In case the atroraft speed le the upper point of the half-loop is less than 370 ta/hr, coovert the manoeuvre into kesterov's full loop as stall speed and largo deflection angles of the controlled surfaces mar lead to a spin. 63. Zoom The noon can be perforodi with the engine operating at the aortal, maxim's, or eugeented rating at an entry speed not exceeding the maxinus speed value at the given altitude aof angles of ascent up to 030. The zoom ends in a turn following which the airoraft elegies a level flight. The speed is the begieeing of levelling off suet be'-not lees that 49) - .500 km/hr at ascent angles 'Titbit' 60 - eo? or 400- 450 ksihr at ascent angles less than 60?. The climb dories the sons depeede on the engine rating. (retry speed, angle of ascent, end entry altitude. -- 35 64. roosted lialf-ornalt The half-turn to snoring is possible at any altitude withie 4000 is 110:00 a. The speed of entry ranges from 600 km/hr to the mazimum speed value of ? level flight. When performing a sousing half-tore for training purposes' start at altitudes within 5000 to 10,000.. at a speed of 600 or 650 ti/hr. Only those pilots who have mastered the technique of flying this type aircraft mut perform noosing heir-turns at altitudes below 5000 6. or above 10.000 a. and entry speedo above 650 ta/112. Prier to entering aerobatic manoeuvre with the Mice control lover in the SCOVAL position, accelerate the littoral to gain the required aPlesd and Meoothlf poll the (wastrel stick beetward to intro:Int:HO the angle Of ascent the vales of which fully deviled' an the *rotas Of the aircraft speed. flue, the angle of aseest introduced at a speed Of SOO or 050 keihr moat be within 40 to 45?. Shen the aircraft speed believes equal to 500 al 450 Ine/hr 10 the unite Foist of the coos (provided the entry Speed is 890 to(b2). effect ? esooth dialectics of the controlled surfames to roll the aircraft around its longitudinal aria through 1600 (a half-barrel) and poll the -control stick boatyards until the air- craft IS le the wheels-up position (at a speed of 400 Am/hr). Depending on the altitude the seaming half-turn say be ended dither by ? emceed half of the loop or by levelling off. In case the zooming ectry speed approvieetego the parlous value sed the angle of ascent is within 60 - 600. begin the l000-roll it ? speed of 600 or 560 tail& and try to settle the wheels-Op position to the upper valet of the measles half- turn (mben the aircraft bees reaches the barium) at & speed sot lees thou 370 hsfisr. 65. ptdrol The spiral with a belt of 490 eau he pfrfaried at a opted et SOO 510 Wee with the engine operating at a lee epee. retie'. Prior to entering the spiral, bogie 0 glide at ? speed of 500 - 990 hafeft aid then bring the aircraft into the spiral by &abilities the cettrel stiet *14 the pedals. The speed in the spiral he change4 by leverlog or estates the aircraft ern, 1.e. by changing the angle beteseo the aircraft loseitadimai skis led the lerissa. The technique of flying Ohs atrelate in the spire, does sot differ It its - main features fres the teakettle* required te perform e tented tors. The IOU is altitude constitutes 1500 or 1600 0. per use tors of the spiral preeteel the egret has begun at the altitude of 5000 e. The reuadiag-out laieffeeted by situating the *astral stio ase the patois seecepeuied by as Icereae. le the *ea** t.14*. at the bettealet if a Wel flight. The sestet r.p.oseap be also isaressed duties a glide after reerlurieg free the spiral. elars acoospliahiss a steep astral vitt the ante at sore tbss 30 Wpm the herleee 400 the alfeman 10061tedlual aris. first ellialeate ills bash and use level off the aircraft frog the dive. rerfora the spiral with the 14. Aid flap, setteesi at tlie laeraseel itavt6 Of the engine, at the iedleeted Speed af 00 laibr ate at the virtual larefeadies speed ocaptmest of sot over 26 er SO Witee. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 36 66. giiie The aircraft atallt tote a spin only in sate the pilot makes serious nietakes in the flying technique or aim: at epinning for sone reason or other. The loweet indicated speed at which the aircraft loses its stabilitreith tie eaglea at the low epeed rating and with the L.G. and flaps retracted to 215 re/hr. A slight buffeting appears whet the speed is still further reduced frou ? value of 280 railhr (with the pedals in the neutral position). The buffeting increseee but slightly as the speed le gradually reduced to the minimum value. The effectiveness of the ailerons decreases considerably at the speed of 260 ra/te (indicated) sod them Deem:ea reduced to nought at speeds of 250 or 240 be/hr. The stabilizer nod the rudder are effective enough to keep the air- craft in a level flight without a bank end to bring the aircraft to a glide with the zuryoee of increaelog the epeed. The balanced position of the control stick 0:th the eiroraft flying of tte levee% speed is at the point which cane 2/1 Of the control etick backwerd travel. at the speed of 215 re/hr the aircraft drops to ? sing which le aceomeatied by ? cost-heavy totditioc. To reetome the aircraft controllability and to reduce the angles of attack at thin gement, release the control stick to shift it for- to dIfferette le observed in the technique of the right nod left spirals cafe for the fact that the right spiral is characterized with a greeter uneveo- tea& of rotation. Fir aircraft is rather stable when running the first 1.5 turns of the :spiral but the speed of rotation elate down in the end of the torn and the aircraft One reachee 20 or 300 alreve the bottled:. Then the,epeed of rotation becotee still greater uneven. 1/4 oz 2/4 of a tore later the aircraft etalle, rolls from clog to wing, but cootie:tees 6j:toeing tovarde the gives leg. The angle beweet the aircraft longitudinal tele and the horison changes Iron 800 of disc to 20 or 300 of pitoh. Theee changes are characteristic of the aircraft only a. onciared to the perforonoce of other type airoraft to the spin. The effort, applied to the pedalo vary le the prooeeo of the epic. A consi- derable buffeting ascoefeeiee the aircraft rotation and, especially, etalliOg. It wee the pilot faila to keep the aircraft from entering the spin, the pilot eutt shift the engine control lever to the low speed position. deflect the pedal along the epic, and pull the control stink all the way backward (with the ailerons it the neutral position). Then he euet run the airoraft through a turn and then entreeticelly push the pedals avlinet the epinl 0.5 or 1 leo. later the tilet euet fueb the control dela forward beyood the equilibria' position. abet the pedals are deflefted, the aircraft ellen down It. rotation atd re- 000ere fro. the spin ae eoon all the control eller is pushed forward (the recover- ing period must last not core theo one turn). ? ? To round Off from the eple when the aircraft stalls in its rotation, it in sufficient to est the pedals neutral and to push the control etiok forward. The aircraft will rec0,er from the epic icamediatelr. VII. SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS ON KKO-) OXYGEN ROUIPKIRIT AND PRESSURI211) COCIPIT 67. Pressurized Cockpit Irrespective of the altitude all flights must be performed with the cockpit preseurieed and the air feed :system operatiog. The cockpit is pressurised by setting the pressuriention cock on the left side of the cockpit to the front neutral position. The cockpit air supply line is set tato operation by shifting the handle of the cockpit air feed cock on the right control peed l it he front extreme posi- tion. In flights the melte' COCKPIT HEATING cosorfts UMW ) suet be in the peel- tion AUTORAT15 (413TOMAT)? If the cockpit glazing dies during the flight, set the COCIPIT BRATI0 switch to the RCM (MAUR ) position. In case the dizzies persists, increase the flight speed for a short tine. The 000kpit is depreeauriced on the ground when the aircraft reaches it* parking place. This ie perfumed automatically by opening the canopy no the canopy opening handle is interlocked with the aockpit air feed cook. Besides, the cockpit can be depressurized by Moving the nir feed cock handle to the entrees rear position (with the canopy cloned). The aircraft oxygen equipment eve be teceasarily operative sad the 0.27 parachute breathing apparatus pnesect and connected during the flight. It ie permiesible for the pilot to fly the aircraft at altitude* up to 7000 e. and at speeds not over 750 tet/hr (indicated speed) in the IN-)0I reek teed the OUR-Il anti -g suit, the usage of the BEK-311 high-altitude pretty:me snit sod 11-411 pre:mu:geed helmet being untecesaary in this coat. Tbe'teme of the PCA pressure regulator feeding Oxygen to the pressure suit rust be plugged. Flights up to the altitude of '13,000 o. at speeds of up to 750 ISA, Coe be pert creed with the employment of the Kel-3C0 oast together with the III -31 rIVOSUre Plights at altitudes shove 15000 le. or at speeds evocation 7,0 Inien (1a- reopective of the altitude in the last case), aed else fulfilling oftbst tasks. are perviosible only with the high-altitude preeeture suit add proluturtsed helmet on. CAOTI011i Prior to ? flight in the Pfoonure edit loot the head Of the DA-SA automatic unit overload regulator in the KIWI= MIXON ) Posi- tion. gg gheokiog Olgbwilltitude_Preesureigeitest CuCrrin ?by!' Prssanot for Meet Prior to potting on the jortsauro suit (proviottAIP adSuated to the pllotio else), Olga the suit fabric, mot, caws set Wes of the tigbteolog devloo for totattoess sod the suit sippers for proper eoodtttoo,.Dosidot. nate sore the fruit shows co frond pieces. torn or witted locos. =121041 the pressurised helmet and the oxygen toot guying attettlft to We follow-sago ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?.18--- - iotaotoees and proper condition of hoses, inhaling and exhaling valves, body, rubber gaskets of the hose bayonet jolotel - lotactness of the helmet treneparent fame-piece; - lotaotoese of heater conductors, communication wires and plug conc.:eters; - tightness of the mask ichallog valve; - tightness of the meek exhaling valve. Ivor this purpose, through a bayonet Joint :motet the mask exhaling valve to the hose running to the maak-to-face tightening device. Theo press the mask tightly to the face and make a deep exhale. If the exhale is obstructed, the exhaling valve le airtight. Check the tightness of the meekto-face tightening device. For this purpose nee tote the tighteoiog device hose through the south, clasp the hose with flogere act check whether the device is intact sod allows no leakage. Check whether the L1127 parachute oxygen breathing apparatus is properly erratgee no the parachute bog pocket and properly charged, end whether the coo- :motion mocha:ism oafety pin locklog in in a proper condition. The presidium lc the breathing apparatus is checked by the pressure gauge through a glass-protect- a4 port. The pressure of oxygen at teayeratures from -3?C to +20?C must be 190 kg/eq.cw. Ti. breathing apparatus is inserted Into the bag picket with the *witch forward and with the coop/ration mechanise (hose coosected to the 07T-2 easeeotar) on the left eids. Atter putting On the suit make sure it is properly fitted. eith no pressure I0 the ttsntestas devisee, the suit tightly fits the body without causing un- pleasant eeceatioos or hindering the pilot's moveatiets. If the suit is exceseively loft., ask the tooter as est, to tighten the respective lacee. Cheek the *sit tightening device for leakage by ,onotiotieg the suit to the 27-1 etygeo installation Or MY apparatus and creating a pressure gradually rises, to 1 kg/me.em. (the cheat:lag is conducted by the doctor on duty or by a technietec to charge). Duties the cheek go over all mesas, laces, nipper, to see they are le a proper condition, see slats that the pressure exerted by the suit epos the beer la tellers. Defer* flights in the peessuriged helmet, check Whether the helmet is air- tight (etth the help of the EOT device) sod is propene fitted. *apt The seleetiou end fitting of the pressure mutt, headset, pressurised helmet sod the omen mask with the lash-to tie:tonics devloe are torritel *St by the dotter In eecordaece with Instruotions on etpleyseet of exrgen breathing equipmect. 69. ;bookies t20-, Oxygen Pinimmtot before Jaunt CV teeing @est in the cookpit, open peace:its the oxygen apparatus valve se 'beet it. elegise. Cheek the isygeo pressure in the system by reading off the pressure gauge Of the F1-18 lodloator. The systes pressure must be equal to 190 holee..se. (et the &ablaut air teeperature of +1)00). Check btatiog of the pieSsurlsed helmet triespareat fees-piece (by the tessatles of heating). Is ease the transparent face-pies, dime, it is allOwable to elielamee (Imolai; by prenolog the button SCAM ACCILIRATED RUTIN? (RCM' OS(MI mann ) foe 2 or 2 sin. Cheek plosttlea of the or/goo apparatus toot: and hendles on the AY-2 central pool. The egoeseive pressure keet, east be turned Si) the way eletkwiet, lho air fern hulls must rest to the position 11711172 (012Cb ), while the handle oontroll*1 leg the *trees feed to the pressure suit must be in StUTRAL (2) position. ?39 Chest the oxygen equipment se follows: (a) at excessive pressure: -.flit the helmet traGeparent face-piece or the oxygen task le the operating position; - open the suit oryeen supply line by setting the bindle on the Vl-.2 cont- rol panel in the SUIT ON (BAAKRERAL KocTou ) potation; - by fingers *lose the openings In the FCA-3 pressure regulator bodri - by slowly turning the excessive preSetire knob coniter-oloakties create a pressure corresponding to 2000 ms or 1000 as of eater in the helmet or is the oast. Watob the pressure rise on the scale of the 14-20n1 pressure ;page. The oxygeo_equipment operation is considered corset if the suit Increases its pressure upon the body with a pressuredise in the seek and helset and the 1-2003 pressure gauge displays a pressure drop during an inhale and a pressure rise during so exhale. After the cheek: - set the suit oxygen feed beadle In the neutral (2) position; - turn the excessive pressure knob all the way elects/se. ;AU7I011; 1. The flight Oust be postponed if the oxygen equipment Is toned faulty, 1.e. a full; open tool, does not crests pressure Cf 2000 mm (for the helmet and of 1000 on of eater for the emsk),due to some leakage: le the system or other defects. 2. Never build up ;measure is the helmet or mist if the pressure suit As not put on or shows so presets* as this may Injure the Isege (alder portal conditions the proseetre is the suit builds up 1 or 2 sec. earlier than In the belest or mask). (b) without stet:solve pressure: - inhale end exhale severe! tires with the air feet central kettle es she A7-2 ooctrol panel set in turn to stateless 'MUNI *on loos 02. The sguitotigt operstioo is oonsitInfeg corset if the flag' at the 1Z-1 indicator follow every inhale sod exhale. tag: The lodlealleg flags may regale hottooless thee silt SOS'S at al- titudes from 0 to 2001 e. with the air feed setts,' kettle la the positios TO. Operstioa of emegen gettemeit_leillght Put en the east or fit the transparent fase.plete at the preestrilet heist when JO the ground, prior to tamileg te the take-sff lite. In flight (Usk the crime tieeiverties by, the 11-40 ledlaetter presser* gauge ant Operatic* of the AD44 same regulator toy the lediestiette Of the 11-18 isotastet. The Indioatieg flags suet rise spell at ise totals awl fill down together at each **bale. If the exrgee pressure is the cyst., drops he 30 tglee.ot. and belie, lower to a safe altitude (4000 m.). Thee flying it the preSeurised beliet, see that the treesparest Fatte-pleel of the helmet la properly boated. As Sego as the !steed:11.W 1e40.1140, displays dImalee, tura clockwise the hew* or the IWO heater Atilsest is the liable left side. As seon ae Aligning is elisiseted, turn the boodle heel Weill the le. Sex of ths heed's is is ? position eorrespesSisit is eSs 'sole esSesselfss? npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 -- 40 ? It ?sae the helmet tracspareet.feee-plece heater rheoatat faile (the traneparent face-piece recalee diSeed), periodically Un. the HELMET RAPID REATINO button on the cookpit left side by preseidg it for 1 or 2 min. and lower to a eafe altitude (4000 m.) If it to difficult to breathe due to a great resistance to breathing or due to the pilot's poor state, ? eontinuous (eseergenoy) oxygen eupply line meet he connected by setting the atilt oxygen eOPPlf handle on the rt-e control panel (las- Asa coatrol panel) frog the temtral (R) pOeitiOn to the SUIT ON position. Thla will ieflate the suit bladders cod will ,end oxygen Into the pressurised helmet and the mak to ? cootimous airman. Ae s000 ee the cockpit becomes depressurised (cockpit altitude being 11,000 and 13,000 a. or eves sore es shoes by the cockpit altitude end differential premiere iodinate?), the aircraft elates builds up preeeure to the pressure twit 1 or 2 eeo. later and, ape more second later, in the such or to the pressurized helmet. Prom this sweet on the pilot is supplied elth oxygen under a pressure depending On the oania *altitude:the higher is the altitude, the sore is the preeeure in the meek (pressurised Iselret) and HIM pressure suit. The pressure under the monk le s3beeked it Ibis case by the scale of the pressure gauge. . The flight It ? depressurised cockpit at *altitudes* above 12,000 m. may laet 10 sic. provided the 1200 orygeo equipmeet set is employed. I loader flisht in a depreeeurisee cockpit may be perforated only at altitudes set exceedlog 12,000 e., the tie, of the flight depend/Ls fully on the !Motet Of ozysto contained to the aircraft WitoNS. 7c save oxygen during s long-tiee flight to a depressurized cabin at se alti- tude of 12,000 a. cr bolo.. discoopect eacually the occtinuoua oxygen supply lics by settles the suit oxygen supply Dandle Cu the EY-2 control peoel fros the neut- ral position to the os0-07r (Bal.arrOta) an this line can he automatically dip- s...sated only at altitedes from 0000 to 10,000 S. If ? rise in the flight altitude (sod cockpit RaltItude") abase 22.000 a. la still nacos * ** t * d. set the suit eater supply beadle to the neutral position be- tore * ff ** tics the rise. Shea flyieg in the sate at atomic rediatlot, use only pure oxygen, for which serene. eel the hantle op the EY -2 control panel to the 1009 02 position before oe ***** g the sone. wimp basics the meet emelt on, *eke it fit sore tightly to the fate toes. 'lade the 2.04100CtiVO 40St from the breath/at organs. Ao *ma a. the cockpit altitude in the and of the flight drops to 41000 am revers the oxygen seat Or the trsceprtet feco-piece of the pressurized helnet. VIII. MINS 11/02111T UNDER DIFFICULT METEOROLOGICAL 0070I7I0S8. 1.819190 ArIMOACI AID 1490010 6170 =FLOM:PT OP ISZTAVIOST LANDING ST019313 Landing epproaeb sod Ladies by using lestramente ood lostruisect Leading sys- tems asy be performed as a straight-10 landing with two 181e-turas or a rectal:1gal- 5r patters leadiag. 71. prior to night Prier to beginning a flight under difficult eeteorological conditions. Sake SM7O tie IM1 artificial borisee, U7D-53 turn Winston, gyro induction nem. pees, Arg.10 direction Misr. 9E7 los range radio altimeter, and flight ocmtsoi tostrusiete eperete nerrally. Never forget to cut to the circuit breaker ARTIFICIAL HORIZON (er ) a. tie right electric panel 3 or A mill. before tie take-off, to preclude flights with the artificial horizon inoperative. Cut in the circuit breakers AIR SPEED TURB-CLCCE (a)311-42.00 ) and 11000.410 SPEED TUBE (ABEP.BB$ 1 and give the comand for the techoiolan aDeutalleed 10 instruments to ,heck operation of the heater. (by touch). The cheek everjout out the circuit breakers. Prior to atarting the engloee Oct the course sitting poloter of the 26.4-2 course indicator to the landing heading position and est is tie EH Coepase circeit breaker oe the right-hand electric panels When still at parking, prior to taxiing, or whoa oo the rummy, prior to the take-off, depress the synehrocieias button until the fig-2 *curse ittilostor and mngoetic course indications become eyochronised, i.e. until the sessolic course scale atops rotating. After starting the engine cheek operation of the flight control icetrumeete, radio communicatlOn, radio technical and radar equipment. Prior to the take-Off, out in the heaters of the air speed tube and 'angina air speed tube, cheek the AFT-10 direction finder indications! (Its radio statism relative bearing oust be equal to 1800), ledieetlona Of the course setting wait (its pointer must rest spinet 00 - loodlog beading), an proms the tie* commter button on the clock. 72. clieblar through OnsOint and sel 1 t towards laces eel to 015 ice titer the teke-off, retract the landing gear, check 'bother artificial hen- son indications correspond to the true position of the size:lett in relatios tO the natural horizon, and then bogie the climb. A traloius olio!) trust be perfOreee with the resie. Operettas at the aortal or .4711.01:1 rating, pod the TO Surlier pointer at 900 Sr 930 rear all the time while climbing through clouds. A trained pilot may replay the entreated ratios (If found necessary) during the clieb. When gaiolog altitude pay particular atteation to foreserviOg the outran lateral etebility (by tbe indications of the artificial I:Orients). ingtteitssl atability (by the TAO values) and directional stability (by the ladleattele Of the gyro induction cam:rase. type EC2 ). Regularly check correctoette Of the artificial bora** itilestiets hiinnia ring thee with those Of the turn-mad-slip itaticator, rate-tat-etwes ialicatet abed compatee to detect smoothie errors la the indication in dee tire. In tate the ale an induction otopase flails, the Night an ba pirtnin by the indisottoos of the ern:16141 horleve constaetly nines solid ants.. tins of the turn-and-slip indicator. If the A11-1 artificial Uri:ft feats check the flight by the indications Of the turo-atad-elip itnilettor in nniaattes with thcee of other flight control instrumects. The flight conducted spinet the turn-and.elip imileoter retaliate (mitt:lett the artificial hatless) moires t*arbst attattioa Arad Skill en the part at elm pilot. CO finding the radio in, directioa finis, tin snit, aad ttaispin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: orA-RDP-80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 42 ? simultaneettsly icoperative (which is due to the failure of tbs inverter feeding all thee* consulters), switch In the emergency supply eiroult by outtiog in the circuit breaker ItMERGERCI MESTER (18114fitil op000tomertao ) on the right electric patel. Molest 1. Seer in sine this action will out off the eight sod the radar tactics unit. 2. The radio Oct .111 become serylosable again after its valves gel varied dialog 1 or 1.5 aio. As soot so the radar ranging unit is found to looter ceeded, eat the eight /mita beariog the icsoriptiot RADAR - OPTICS (1120.0011M) 10 the position OPTICS to exclude its isflueooe upon the API-10 direction fielder then flying to. wards the distant lasing radio station during the lostrmeectal lending, and to avoid the *tsar detection. Pe exclude errors to iodications of the SCE gyro Induction OMPSOS after flight unstable tooditient, aynchroniee the 101 gyre induction' ?tapas* lodiostiote prier to approaching for the lostrussotal Landing by measles the sylobronialog peete.lrettec after 40 set. of ? *treight level flight at a* constant spud. /fees the revared altitude (in the *levee or above the oloude) Is gaited, set the aircraft it ? level flight (by tieing I18 lodications), tallith* indicated epeed at ico ta/kr, taro towards the distant bowleg radio illative checking the aireraft pesitioo after the tura sod the direalloo of the further flight by led/- tattoos of the, IC2 gyre ioduetioo cospasa and by sandlot transponder requeets. After the die:tett bodice radio station le left babied, perform manoeuvres te enter the leading bellaloa. sr.. riot' PLIGHTS pi. prior to Plight Meet the lighttog etalpseut of me aircraft, - ?ert to the Circuit bread.? aircraft LIGHTS. L.G. AXONAL LIMIT (01PM, VECNIVEaltrt4lni22 UCCe) located in the tract right-baud eleetrio - relish it the circuit breaker OICIAL LAMPS 07 OSEERATOR, TURI IEDICAitn, cOcrrif 14Cortoc. OIL MUM! (Cfnill3AUXR TIMPATan. 8/11, ISC.AVIMUTIE NACU ) tee the left wlettrie Pacell - West testrit lightiog by wepleylog the IMMO rheostat; - by calot the F760145 rheostat light up the too altra-eiolot lamps, adjust their light filters eat Sit the lest fittlage in the wartlike pesitleap - ewitea on oevitetienel lights, set the stitch to tee ef the require" pcsi- time; set the &Ireton lights switch to the TSUI= LICHT (PYIEZIA ) pottitioo to sate sure the tailing light fuheticom properly sod is corrOot17 oeJliatod. Then wet the settee to tail LAVDIMO LICHT (SOCAZTA ) position to ties that the landing light ie lo ? peeper 40041110s cud sends ? Light bets ia the required dir10010a. A ift*r this set the switch la the RZTAAfT (YUMA ) positioe; - est to the circuit breakers PUNT ELAM (mama nPKWA ) and SINT (TP7ZT2)4Trtszt4 to tie frost right-haat electric ;mislead adjust the retkitroe beightoese ef the eight reticle, after 'bleb cut out the circuit breakers! - fir the *butters ef the Tut aad 0.-6 'arnica light petals and Of the flight eectrel eigoallist salt 11 the potation c0000tioct for the night !nett; -oleo. the abutters of the Pilot lawful: - check position of the loetrusent pool shutter intended to remote light entrbee bed leetruscot refieetiose from the oacopy glass papilla; - ooioot the 110tios of the direction finder control panel stele with the help of the SCALE LUST (BOXSZT ) knob. Note: Prior to taking Beat in the cabin, cake sure all the circuit breakers arranged on the rear right-band electric panel are out is. NO peonliaritica are obsorred in starting the engine and it taxiing the air- craft at night. The tabe....ff at night and in the de: tine is performed following the same technique. The tate-off direction is checked against the lights of the 000eO7. After the take-off level off the aircraft greaten: increasing the speed and altitude, retraot the landing gear and then begin climbing. In a mato-lit night the flying technique does not differ from that of fly- ing the aircraft in the day time. In case the natural boric= is Invisible, fly the aircraft according to the indications of the flight control instrusents. The ltd turn in the landing approach oust be performed sosewoet farther than in day time. The final turn stet be finished at an altitude of 250 or 100 o. The Lending on ? light...flooded stows, presents co special difficulties, its technique is similar to that of lending to the day tise. The aircraft is equipped with a Landing light which allows to Luta without . ground light facilities. when landing without ground lightst - do not reduos the engine r.p.s. to values below 60 or 706 well the levelling- off altitude is reached. When the altitude of levelling off is Teethed, sraluslif pull the engioe control lever ell the way bectwerd. The landing with the lending light (without ground lights) is sere 4Iffisilt sod requires higher ettentiot sod &till on the part of the pilot. After the Loeb- iog run is over, set the switch into the TAXIING LIGET position aid taxi Om sir. croft to the parting place. TA, ?Witte Lamp Esplereat during Might plot. Dozing the Undies eppreatibt Set the LAIDI00 LAMP, LANDING, TAZIIMO. MITUCTIOE OMAXXA. ISOM) 'mita to tic 14E0IE0 (TenAJCEA ) positise ever the lower cloolavrottor or at altitudes of 210 to 120 settee. It thie *vest, the tome *tie of the elitheard lloding light will fata !insert Coverlet 50 - 60 0. tree at so Altiteit ef'50 met- res. It vill be directed some 11? off the far...est-eft art* lefteordo, i.e. fel- lowing the direction of the pilet's eyes. The left 1iftete8 Loop IA two tito leallabee dtreated to lofisity. After loodtOt sod opoi *rivets,' of tile jai* *tont, tits 6466 Of the starboard landing issp siet leder the eirtiraft. SillS Ilia 6.661 of the pert fide use will intalaste the forward botiloPitoTo 0060 fa.. 60 Wire" ahead of the aircraft libelee', ef the eterleard leaflet light. At the end if the root - sot lb' While/ loop eolith le TAMING Mani ) "Mitts* 10 tel tie left hadlog leap should illoodooto the till's,. After tallies to the potillo Pleteel - cut oet the terlits leap fly taints tb, 0.115k to the tilEAETIOM (21014 Petition. 1. nom Is 75.tiLMAPALSatral_tat \Mot to the flight tut is tits *treat Ortiorora amazed 10.47 11* LWs oceer co the aircraft storloortt moon mum. wen PM, SW Tin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 -- 44 - (ABAMPHY2 CD0C, PC, CEPOC SARA), Gm, ROCKET PODS, CAMERA an (IDEA. PC,OHE ). DROP TANI, ROCKET PODS ( SAK,PC), ARMED - SAFE (B3FSB - HEB3P0 ). Vote: On the ground the gun to loaded no that it requires: only one charging (which ie performed by the pilot in the alr)to load the guns finally far firing. 10 or 15 min. before the actual firing prepare the sight and radar ranging unit for firing by cutting ic the circuit breakers SIGHT ( HFRIZE), SIGHT HEATER ( OSOPPC8 CMCCIA), RADAR RANGING OMIT ( PAAMORAMOMrP). If a possibility estate to employ the eight and the rader raeglog unit lomediately on taking-off, out in the above circuit breakero on the ground, after atarting the engine. 76: Prior to Employing Sight cheats over the sight to the GYRO ( rMPO)position; set the saltch on the eight control panel to the RADIO (PAM) position ?124 cheek eHtther the HIGH VOLTAGE ( 39COCCE PAQPRIERIO ) lamp lights up; - check the eight for proper functiocing by performing saal turns; the soviet reticle oust deflect to the side oppoeite to the tura; - adjust the brightues* of the retiole. The goo fire le effected by actuating the fire control push-button on the ocatrol stick. To fire the tun: - cut in the circuit breaker OUR ( ); - reload the gun 17 deo:tog:log the reloading push-button for 2 eso.; - theta whether the gun Is ready for firing by the light of the red lamp to the iceer tort of the instruseet pacell - Check whether the sight selector switch is in the HP-70 position; - gulag cli4 the trigger guard; - elm at the target; - prates levet the trigger guard (the fir. will be estcmatically controlled by the misers lo rose the CAMERA OUR Circuit breaker la est in). 77. lreltre peclukto puspeoded if: leatetT000 - eet the eight select*, eettch to the ItOCETT POD (TC) position; . eel to the ROCIRT POD (PC) circuit breaker and check the ROCKET PCM ZERO. ( ETKEROC SOICIM2IKE PC) by the light of the starboard signal loupe. Depending au the teak set the required rot. of firing by actuating the atiltith AUTOMATIC SALTO (an(IAT-31411 )1 - get the required *title of elevation (depending on the altitude); - twigs the trigger guard tannin! j - *etch the target; - press opoo the trigger guard (the fire will be controlled by the Colaufre ID eerie the cAngta COMPOLith circuit breaker le Cut in). ? Ti preclude oozier stalla, fire the gun at SAS of net lea. than 680 rwihr4 ghee 2 reciet pod. of 7B-16.59 typo are suspended, clever exceed the speed. ef 1000 PLAT (Indicated speed) end the voice of the M number equal to 1.15. Pir- alias/010 load teeter east net metre n.6. to nee the Desire gun without firing, - Site Curt the circuit breakers CUSS and ROCKET PODS are off. while; the OM. ?45? CAlEHt GIM circuit breaker is on; - set the eight selector switch to the 11P-30 or accrcT POD (PC) positiooi - swing the trigger guard forward; - aim at the target; - presa upon the trigger guard. Note: It is forbidden to uae the camera gun after the gun or rocket pod fire. The fire over, reload the guns, swing bock the trigger guard, act the eight to the FIXED (MAU) position, cut out the circuit breakers GUM (17CX1. ), RADAR HkSGIDG UNIT (PAZIOZAILHOUEP ), SIGHT (nMEA), SIGHT HEtTER (OBOrra 0PZUFAN ), HO:KET POD (PC) and CAMERA GUM (OM. luring Bighting and firing bear in mind the Yollowirig: - use the dasplog push-button to reduce the tise required to net the Angle of lend when dialog with the aircraft ruining up the target; - prior to manoeuvring the aircraft to eatiume the attack poeitico, met the outer base raogItil unit tO a range of 2000 a.: - to enaure a proper follOS-up of the eagle of teed, keep the sight retlete centre upon the target oentre for I or 5 ems. prior to firing. Mote: Slight deflectiene of the sight reticle relative to the target centre with an Amplitude of 2 or diameters of the central point Cr. Perste- gable nod reentry no further correction to aiming. Attempts at earsrat- Ida the accuracy of aiming Say teed to s negative result: iticreaset error in aiming due to the aircraft *log-to-vies roll. - the plane-to-terget dietacce during aiming Is afforded by the range cater (the eccuracy is =100 or 150 a.); - aiming sith the radar ranging unit ee7107ed end the CP X sitting* usla twttohwd on (search distance limited) must he coodueted et altitudes not lower than .000 - 1301 ei - in cos* the redo: rootlet unit foils Obf riRDIT WNW ON (=In) luny sconice dead and the pointer of the raft. indite:ter ea the eight heed is settee- lean), eet the target blue bog easually introduce the tscge 'alma ma iediested by the outer bane range finder; - the radar ranging unit cannot be **played for siaitig it -graced targets, therefore the range Tellies in thie caee must he *pirogued ugneelly wit) the help of the outer bane tease filmier; - when the automatic Cyst.* of the eight title (at tarns the retitle SIMI'S incovable), set the eight switch in the PIKED Petitt*0 dad um the flY*01 WIN" for aiming. 78. To off the deo 0 0. t carrier, suing off the protacirr SOMA RILRASS, ittleigT 20D3 wor gap led paves the pubb-button (two green loops eget go eel). To drop signal flares. !urn ea the stabil flere_twiteh 'se ireee sten the Nub-button of the needed colour. II. ROCKIT =arum CARRIED amp uscitur air 3 TT. peoeral_IcfersetiOti The rocket equipeeot elates 6.1pri#1 otesa? the sirerstt *ea defigisttal Z.13 II letended to bit sir targets soder the edited Med elegitie404 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 The equipseat is used: - at speeds of 0.8 Mach to the maximum value; - at altitudes of 500 m. to the upper limit; - at recces of aimed fire of 1 to 3.5 he.; - target aspect angle of 0 to 3/4. The employ:mat of the equipment Carried aboard the aircraft 112P-2119-23 is limited at altitudes exoeeding 12,000 a. due to hampered visual deteetion of the target scd sighting. The rocket equipsect of the aircraft 2sf-2119-13 includes& (a) optical sight /CD -5HA: (I) eiroraft distaoce-seasuring ecuipment CPA ensuring the target look-ce at dietancee op to 5 he.; (c) rocket peraissible launching range computer 8P8-21; (d) aircraft overload transmitter 8n-28A operating, In oonjunotion with eltitode earclog unit 31-14300; (e) too startles acits ATI-13y; (f) tee self-hostile rockets 8-13. pill: The 1-13 typeerrockets are used with the equipment ooly temporarily. Later. rockets 1-131 having increased period of powered !Light (up to 21 **coeds) and, hence, increased firing range will be used. 60. Deseription of Rocket 6-13 The I-13 rocket is divided foto foss eompartseotet - costrol compartmect with beet baser ( Trc) sod rudder oceparreept acroceeodat log tee pairs of rudders sod eolia-reactent gas generator (nkA ); - warhead isteaded to produce blist effect; - previaity epticel fuse; - solid-propellast eogice. The housing of the rocket is 2137-mm long cylinder baying 12?-mm diameter. Maenad to the loosing are four control surfaces - *logs with rolleress (defleol- log serfs... 'blob stabilise the rocket in flight obviating the roll effect and rapier the prieciple of gyre) attaehed to the wing edges. The roetet has a stress- hood shape sod setae 76 kg. The ecotrel cmarettoect eerves to hose the rocket on the target after the haunch with the oetessary degree of preeislon affording the Mottos's" of the fuse. While sighting, the optical stria of the beet haw keep* Wooed with the eight *xis (accurate "tibia 0.10). When 110 target is seem rithio the field of vision of the best baser, the pilot bears weak atilibeit vaulted by the best bosom as an ladlostits of its ?owl operatiOn, is the target located at ? disteoos of 6 10 to. (de/endue ea the tips of the target sod she rating of its eaglets) comes withis the field of violet of the heat boat?, the latter sends an aural signal (chargoterletic rumble) to the pilet's headset. The aural signal Intlicatee that the heat hosier bee looted ee the target. pol14-resetavt gas xeneretar Is Intended for geseratiog power simesart tof driving the rudders sod charging the supply unit of the control eesparteest. Thu reeved flight of the rocket lasts is long as 11 seoceds, the dime the solid- reaetast gas generator is functioning. 47 ? Prieriaitt optical fuse secures explosion of the warhead as :he rocket flies by the target not more than 11 metres oft it, and the destruction of the rocket soes 17 - 20 Seconds after launching if it fails to hit the target. The fete IS armed (reedy for functioolog) 0.1 -b.. seconds after the aolib-pTopellsot iodine of the rocket hes stopped. In this testate*, the rocket hos already covered at toast 0.5-km. range from the nervier aircraft. Solid-propellent engine is used to accelerate the rocket to the sea,' P7 speed. The time of the engioe operation is within 2 - 3.3 seneues. Ouriog tile ties the rocket suoodede to samara etme additional speed at 2000 km/hr relative to the carrier aircraft. After the eogicut has stopped, the rocket flies on by the leertio deoelerat log and ocotionlog to bone on the target. 81. Rsploysect of Rocket W-13 Hosing rocket 8-13 is effective against the targets UM/ Oelerio radiation when launched frOS the side of the rear hew/sphere at *Spent angles op tit 3/4. The serious peredealblie Isnot/ling range depends upoo the altitude and spool of the eircraft and upon the closing rate. The greater are the altitude and Ole,- ing rats the greater is the ear/mut lauoching reap. That, whin firileg at TA" of 1000 he/hr without exceeding the target speed (Mies We at walls** speeds), the maximus permissible launching range is 1.7 to. at oltAtodes of 2003- 30TO ree. and 3.2 to. fat altitude of 12.000 metre*. 320-tifice WW1: rate Wrecks** the maximum computed range of lasuohicg by smother I to. Mote: When rootets 1-13 Wigs solid*reectast tote gmetatot ( na) with 11- oec. operettas tie* are lassehed How Worst! witted Witter paten* 3P14421. its Wm, Weekteg woe gest let wend 3.9 0066 aa ocoputere MIRA cars the lisitatos Of Wystiag the issiehial roots for restate 143A Wigs ealid-reseteet gas gurtatera with 21-sec. operettas tido sad he,.. greater reap if the laueettleg. is this event, the sortie& rasps if 'welsh's east be ceetrelled by Wee of the range iodicater of radar twist lilt 714. Vicious Isabelita' Paw aseirieg 1 te. is Wired 117 MIMI' &mill the fvw. The rocket is provided with heatwetiog goldatee antes,. Writers the w- rier aircraft is free ts Wine W seeetavre *pee WNW: at the tenet. Whoa algatiog, it shoal tat Wee le WI that the boot Weir *We die awl (bottles) signal to the pilot,. Wiest it it ie direeted Ward the elea Seslit clouds, 000trails, .id the lits. The rocket* way he leeeeked 411 twins Mist *low asl helm the aircraft . at ospeet angles Op to 2/4 is the vartteal glee tree the petedssible Tow* it the pilOt ehaast. a of visual costrol the target we wiset the bitelsgreadd et its clouds or rt a The target sestrsil is eo !my Wpm, the Males if the reitste The laucabiog leaftes Wessille if gleet etatets Weise the fighter mad the target and it the sate is we at bearing wise Of tt. 3e. thee *Wetlng the target towd the tett eader aegtte of 40 . Se, the altel Weal le dittioalt to hear se the hest homer lewdly Woes, is the dee. It is prohibited to Isonett the Matte If the leed Tatter of the Water aircraft etaeede 2 at sititudel Whig 0 is 14.200 Wm. ei 1.4 at aliltedee the rocket is liable ts perreet the WW1 Wee dhow titling to bit the target.0 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 48 ? The rocket to cormally homed on the target if the initial rules of launching are obeerved, i.e. if: - the pilot hns superimposed th, central point of the sight reticle upon the target and separate the maximum level of the aural signal sent out by the heat homer; - :he rmi overload warning lamp is out thus allowing the pilot to launch the roctetc; - the green permissible range lamp is on and the dietanoe to the target down not exceed 3.5 km. Rote: Men the rocketa are launched from the aircraft in level flight at altitudes below 1000 metres, it ie PRORIB/TED to make use of the In- dications of the distance meaauriog equipment and the computed permis- cible range lamp due to the effects of the ground. In ouch deans, the rocket nay be launched for 1 - 1.3 km. range to be determined usually. The surface of the ground affects the iodicationa of the diatanoe measuring eluipsent when the rockets are launched at altitude. below 2500 metres from air- craft diving through 30? angles. 82. Air and Ground Control of Rooketa K-13 Eopk.st_Cpne.r21_gluireoet_CablS of lar-24.43 Aircraft (el The left oonsole of the aircraft cable mounts: 1OCE-00 SIGNAL (CMFE.SUB. ) rheostat serving ad a volume control of the coral signal debt out by the heat homer to the pilat's headset; - ROCKET POD - can= - ROVING ROCKETS (PC, n)mme-CC ) msdo-of-operetion selector for distanoe measuring equiement and firing circuits; - nom:fa ROCKET LAurcuinc - LEFT - nom (u$UA CC-IEJL-RPABUI ) selector .or individual launching of the rockets and individual smattering of the aural signals eect out by their honors; - HOMING ROCKET LAORCRIEG - SAINO - SIVGLE ( nzen CC-36111-01(111lOtR0) aeleotor. Shen the selector in set at SALVO ( 8A111 ), too rockets are launched open pressing the siring button (le this icatanee, the position of the ROCKET LAUNCHER? - selector is immaterial; it is used for soeitoring the aural signal. ?nip); - OWE SALVO - /eh SALVOES - A050mArIg ( PC I 3A111-23AIR-48TONAT ) rocket group, Oillett07. (0) The upper left portion of the instruseet panel earriest - EMEROESCT Emus& or accrers, ROCKET PODS (ABAP.CUPOC PCXY ) button serves for eaergeimy release of both pocket pods A117-137/ together with the rooketa or without the rockets if they have already been launched; - TAKE armor ( kRIP.CEPOC 5An 1 twitch; . - STARBOARD CANNON RELOADING ( REM:APR/RA RPABAR ) button. (c) Mounted on the left portico Of the bracket Of sight ACII.5H9 sin - range indlostor of distance measuring equipment 15-1 with 0 to 8 kn. scale showing the present range-te-taMgel.data determined by the distance measur- ing equipaent at the momect of launching; - CONTACT BROKEN (NMI 88 ATARR ) red warnlog loop showing that the aircraft stands at ? break-salty starting dietaoce from the target (1 he.); ovEgtnap (CRIMEA nrizrP. ) red warning leap goes on under overload oondl- tioes eten the rocket pannot be launched; ---- 49- - PERMISSIBLE RANGE (Pl3PENERHAR 11AlbHCCPb) green warning lamp showiug that the aircraft in the permissible range off the target (the signal being sect ant by computer BPS-St ); _ sight range indicator with 0 - 2000 m. scale ahowing the PrOsett range data to the target aa determined by the optical range finder cm distance measuring equipment when firing ahella or launching rockets; - selector marked B-C intended for switching over the sight and firing circuits to the rockets; - selector marked PC-BP-30 (ROCKETS - CINNON 87?,0) and ictended for switch- ing over the sight and firing a/remits to the roeketo or cannot; - selector marked 8-AC and intended to ?Detect the altitedie traosmitter or attack and slip angle transmitters to the sight. (d) Mounted in the right parties at the bracket ef sight aco-snx arse - OFTICAL - RADIO (mune ) 'sleet:a seed der sapplyieg the data to the sight either from the optical raoge !leder or fro, ths ilstacoe eassorlog equipment; - RICH VOLTAGE ( WORM) green earning lamp ladicating the readiness of th., diatom:e measuring equipment for operatics. (e) Arranged in the right upward porticos of the isstresest pasel ores - two green warning 'asps labelled Mead ROCEET3 MTV= ( MOM CD and LEFT-RIGHT (2E8. -CPAS) serves to show thatt the rockets are available is lama. ere *27 -137 . As noon as the reekets castor the la:weber* the lamps ilk Sit; - EMERGE/la LAOICHIRO OP EOM= MINS ( ABAP. =ICC) belles der emir.. log voltage to the Igloo plegs or the solid-ptorellsig rester ostlers et beth rockets lo cum of esergeter laspebisg. (f) The aiddle boar' seder the lastromeet noel carries: - ROCKET POD SUSPLIDID ( ROXBECIA ) pees merlins leave (tee Limos) shoelog that rocket pets are SeSpeoded free the esdervieg Web oarritte. the ' lamps go out open the suergess, lannotieg; - CARSON (MIA ) red ladiestisg leen lighting up to slice not the eative 1. reedy for firing; - ran WM susrsrun (110181:CIA SIBA ) cm* iedlaeiled lidtP e)ddieg lbst the fuel tank Le auipeedei. (11) rhe right omeols in the salrie is melded eitb: - two green warping Lisps seated /DO KWH= - IMMO . UI ( 0188. nozoz. PC,. DAB.) ate stowing that the restot lawber teeirele ere brought to the original positios. (h) Arranged io Abs upper roll'of the frost board ef the right ereirage le the cable is: - COMPUTER CONVERT= ciroult treater emyllgieg vsitege ill *errata 1174254 that supplies Dower to e?6144.2 1152*. The second row of control* (left to right) haled's: - SIGHT (nmula1 cirosit %testes; - SIGHT HEATER (0sorpza mom) 'wont breast; he voltage to !evertor It04501 - DISTANCE MORIN/ monism (rgle)101110117 ) 'trent breoto..1i apils?0 riPPlpieg geter to the%NZ aml te Mho lieetrel panels - Illei-RED 8193? (Ca-52 ) 'trent brietur; - Eton (PC) ounit br.arat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?50- - CAMP (fl/GA) circuit breaker; - COMA OUR (an 1 circuit breaker; - Rum ROCKET HEATER flEUFTE CC) circuit breaker. It supplieo the voltage to the beater, of the aolid-rencten: gas generator; - HOSING ROCKET FILMIEST (HAW CC ) circuit breaker. When switchadon, it supplies voltage to the heat boner acd the honer gyro rotor atarte apioning. 2 - I cleutes later, the heat honer he ready for operation; - ROCKS 110Cret US/MI= (nYcx cc ) circuit breaker. It feeda the current to the rocket I.unching cirouite. (i) The rear board of the right console in the cabin counts: - EwERSENCT RELEtSE OF ROCKETS, FUEL TART, RCCEET POD, 0311100 ROCKZTS (ABAP. CEPOC PC. EAKA.A117, /BAP, nycgOnlarcUlt breaker. It applies voltage to the circults of rocket pod ecergency release and honing rocket emergency launching fu;nc preeeine the respetive buttonelt - CAM= - ROSINS POCKET, ROCKET, CAUERA CON (TIM, CC, PC, ORR ) cir- cuit breeker. It supilies poeer to the firing circuit, of the equine:eat to be used by ireseing the firing button on the aircraft control stick. P3. Rocket Lnunober 1-13 Controlled while Firing Rockets (o) Th, pilot suet cheek prior to the take-Off: - that the rockets ere properly and reliably autipended; - .h.ther thn protective ehrouda are taken off the heat honern, optical fume sue launott-latchee. (b titer th, pilot ma cliched into the cabin big. prior to otartinr the enrine, he audit proceed no follows: ..to auto IhOt amencncY ReLEASE 07 ROCKETS, runt TANKS, RoCirr PODS, HOU Itocrrts ( kBAP.CEPOC PC, LAKE, AH7,A130.11.TCE CC ) and CANDO - RCY:KETT. Cal/ OVI (STELA, PC-4101 airotat hreekere are Out in; - met the G-C selector to C OC -HP-30 aeleotor to R1,)0, OPTICAL -RADIO (CAITAAA-pupo) to RADIO ? aet the csat - IncApt eeitch on the eight head to plan ( HEn0A); - eel the ROCKET -CARSON - HOMING Roc= ( PC-117711A -CC ) vede-of-dPerdti eiel.eter of the dietence sessuriog oquipnect to the ROVING ROOM? CC pcaition; - set the ROMIMS KOPKRT LAVWCR ( um( Cc ) variation aeleotor to SiLTO ( or Slime (0UPC1E0 ) depending upon the flight aiee100. If it to SIROLR, additl eel edjustaect to RICHT (npAs. ) Or LApr ( 10) to required. titer eterting the engin., the pilot should: - out in the circuit breakers levelled Chet/TER Inman (nPEOSPan ), NI itrATra (OHOPPER ripiluRAA ), Siam (RPHul), D.e.E. (11770AAA1,4iOCTb), Cht.TRA GUN ( 0111). HOPING Rocterr REltell (0EOPPEE CC ), ROVING ROCKET PILAVFXT (HAKAA CC); cure that after auspeoaloa of the rockets, two corning lamps marked HOWItel LEFT- RIGHT and two vernier, lamps merited Pocxgra SOS- pm/ID - ROCKET POD (11073ECIA PC, Any ) go ON; - sate sure the 0.11.1. ready-for-operation leap Marked 111011 voLTAOR (mac la ON. ;AMT101. To avoid breaking of the heat hosier gyro, the take-off and landing SOC prohibited ghee the aircraft oarrlee the rocket load with the HONING RoCKIT 'Market ( RAW CC) circuit breaker with OPP. (d) After the tate-off, the pilot ehOuld: - licten to the noise produced by the 8tAiSOArd and pert heat itomer(by switch- over the HOUIRC ROCKET Launce - LEFT - RIGHT selector) to cake cure they fano- on carnally. It accessary, the sound volume should be adjunted by LOCK-ON SIONAL eostlt; - for safety, the RONIVO ROCKET LAUNCH (racK cc ) circuit breater should be t in 2 - 5 minutes before firing. (e) For launching the rocket, the pilot cost: - impose the target with the centre point of the sight reticle; to this event he lircraft assumes attitude necessary for the heat honer to lock-on the target; he heat honer produces characteristic sound. Genii: moving the aircraft control tick, he should find the maximum 'plume point which might stead somewhat off the eticle centre point; - watch the chcrtenicg of the range referring to the range indicator of the 13tenCe COMM/leg octal:went 7A-1 ; - press the firing button and keep it pressed until the rocket ball cleared the auhcher nil the while aightlog by the marten: volume point when the litHelssille iNGE ( PA3PEEERRAH AAKEHOCTb)laap gOea OR ( but oat more than 3.5 An. by the is- looter of D.U.E.) and there is no forbidding signal due to Overlokidie. The rocket usually leaves the launcher 0.3 - 1.0 iseccada after Frostiest the iring button. For Inunohles the second rocket, the selector should be brought to positive EFT ( Ea) or RIGHT ( 11PO4 ati required. If the aircraft continue* to approach the target, RENAL-AVAT ( sum 19 Alla) red earning lamp goes OS oheti the distance to the target beitoetto 1 to. when the rocket, are launched to salvo (the launehteg variation aelteter being vet oppottlte SALVO ( amn),AhA rocket way clear the launcher with a *sell interval (up to 0.1 second ). For emergency lauoehiog of the rookete, ROWING ROCKET NHERuiNCT LAMICIlte k ABANAHA npas CC) should. be masted. In this lostateir, both reetate leave the launcher tted fly with the control eosiarterate (oo target hoeing beteg ebtalted) neetive and the fuses active. The AU -137 rocket pad Is missile.] in swesseeey by pressitig the EXIIINENCT 0e1.E1.30 07 RocArTS - (Warr PC= (Amp.CDOC PC 07) batten. III. gMERDIECT SITOAPION3 IN MGM Readiness of the pilot to meet all accidents la flight la vital to, tskltg 4m:sautes ensuring Bate flight. 'whenever the aircraft masts with as acoidest mills* 'wail et relive mea- sures. Ili, sentiment should be wed for sending out diettess All fitilurse Of the aircraft etalpbast that May tOrpOt II mot met be reported by the pilot to the flight control Witter C. that ftri.therualitleikelf:t be carried out depending :0C the oirettastaeces sad takieg late eeeetift the orders of the flight control officer. 64. plot** Mime 000 MI" 17141.-314.4 Whim the ogle, elope oonleloonslp is flight* - lamedistely set the *Woe control lover to the CVP.017 (C11:11 ) pitaimpog - z,part the *Wee failure to the control 'taloa ever the radial Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 des000d down to 12,000 metres (towsrd row own or neighbouring airfield) and *tart the *ogee. The eogise with the oxyges supply for igoitiog the loin oombustios chambers on be reliably started at Si altitude of 12.000 m. at 20- 308 antorotation re- volutions of the low-pressure rotor. 4,0 - 610 tm/hr I.A.8. corresponds to the speoifiod rerolatioss of the suterotstios. the oyster( of the Minos supply is rated for 9 startiog promedures, the coo- tiguity of otio *tooting sot eretedlog 30 see. Malt when the garage supply votes has roe out of masa or when the orates is defeetive (the presture iodinated by the prosture gauge is 'sere) start the elegies at altitudes not enteedisg 8000 a. oith 12 - 308 auto. rotatios rovelttletts of the low-pressure rotor, whioh oorrogfaridil to 400 - 6,0 ta/11.? 1.4.11. 83. In-Plight Staftlas Of Place gring the sogioe control lever to the LOW SPUD position Pt altitudes iht erooetiog 12,000 a., provided the *igloo autcroletion rovolutiocs beep minis rersissible holler immediately after that out in the In-PLIGHT STAXIIIV (86I7C1 8 803A/16 ) cireatt breaker sod it the ease time hangs the pump, fuel starting eoleceto valve, ironies sod oxygen supply of the mato combustioo (Amster igultere. In this inothoe, light panel 9,6 with inscription =GLOB STARTIVW (MIMI xamm - rut suet go se sod the engine r.p.a. east horses.. enti tie eaglet sleeting is eontrollod by the loormaes of the e.p.t. and the apposragos of ? soucd. the temperature of the exhaust gases ti- lled the larlict goes up slowly and &scoot oerve se ? reliable hal- oath? of the lethal stage of sterling. cali211 t4 is prohibited to keep the IN-ftIOWT 8TirrI411 (nun 8 803Ern) 4414444, 40004 Ser. this 77 goo to obviate break out of the booster setts. Mesh the hoist( Nil le be storied la 30 use., *titan the 111-1014002 8112*- 1116 ( un,c8 8 60317735 cireult Wester, set the oscine control lever to the CDT-WI (7.706 1 peettios cod repeal the storting proceOure oftor blowing the eagles to the ewes. Of 15 ? 30 see. site the chortler est Out (6011211906 Orr -7EHEPOUP =MR) 1461) hap lighted up), dieeogeoi the folloviog ressumers of the power moolyt pump 6e.1. setters los, heater of the rital tubs la -176, automatic radio collie. 4.61-10 art atreraft trashooder C704 to be out to whenever oettessarr. lo ease the geserater cols out, the sight etth s beater, diallhas &miseries oesheetit, termed eight 01:642 , radio alttsetar 1,67 mariner mesas? I111-46 sad mope 80.1, 4 and 9 get tft*engoild ****. mitioally. Rimier ebtaieed the flight sowed required for starlit* the ening, out out the alters, heelers with e else le saving the hydraulic @Arturo ft, is used tot esgime.eff loottas. to, to start the eggioe dews to the altitode of 2000 S. If the *galas has fiatd te he started thou to that ellitude. the doshiel be Ishii to bill sot, or to( 1424 the &travail with the *Woe oft. the avyiri-et Lillis ass be tarried out safely eel, whet the booster IWO Ile 'setts Lynette% Viittltialy use tiv-allerai SO. Analtle-Off Landing Procedure Land the aircraft wlth the engine Off only on an airfield. rhe engloe-off landing oan be carried out safely only when the booster ttyd- ?sults orates functions faultlesely (with the sileroc boostera disconnected). prior to - eel the engine 'control lever to the CDT-OFF (CTOG ) position; - shut off pump 00.2 and close the fuel cut-off valve; - cut out the power consumern unless further (supply is absolutely necessary; - check if the 'aileron hydraulic boosters are cut mat; - check if SW UNIT (DAM:NAH CTAHUTDI ) circuit breaker is ON; - check the pressure in the hydraulic systems. After the aircraft hte retched the altitude of 2000 m., mete sure the booster ydriulle system operates faultlesoly by *Itching the pressure drop 'arnica Acp and left pointer of the pressure glue* in the booster hydraulic *yetis. Oct.: The b000ter hydraulic system to coneidered to be fuectioning ProOorlY in the following ems: - in the case of normal autorotation of the engine, the pressure is the booster hydr,ulic system to olletaleed within 120 - 210 ki/og.eo. as ledtetted by the pressure gauge, sod the yellos warnied lush is off. It thin laatance, the consusvtion of hydraulic nurture cesessAry to control the stabiliser (aileron boosters off) are coopeossted by the 101-34 main pump of the booster hydrau:ic system; - it pump n)-34 of the booster hydraulic Systes fails ti etagere the erecified pressures (due to faults of the systes et dec- f the autorotation revolution) and the pressure in the Wrestle vitas cocoa down to 16, hg/se.cle., euergency cusp unit 21-27 le @timed is operatleo mod the yellow warning lasp light* up. After that, the Free- sure in the hydraulic systes lett be safely isliteleed vial* 163 . 180 kg/so.co. The yellow warning lisp will keep as op,to the Wallas. Down to the altitude of 200 m. the aircraft should glide at * armed if 't kmihr by the wide beadle to the valet of the first lovelliag.eff (the .rot marker beacon) standing 900 metres off the ruses,. The vertical Breed of descent approsimetee 35-40 metre* per ached. !attend the leading gear as prescribed for the emerges*, cedes homier note are the lendleg ludgesent has been doh correctly. Do not evtend the flaps and the brake flaps. The aircraft having come demo to the (latitude if 200 metres, gam est the rot levelling of the plane, sod decrease the glide eagle to the tattoo typittal the lending procedure* dote with the ougise Operetta/. The vortical speed of descent rust cow 4144cO to 41 6 iotts-ta ye? writ 17 ? Altitude of 30 - 40 settee. 67 the loitial stage et the landift, the sirgeoll s s the attitude the pilot is out to as florae the troyeeterr 1100 me* the wertical speed of aeoceat ars cowers,. rottdoi the speed aim tiat to a 330- 160 imfir. rerform the sZtomd levelling-Off at an snits*. of 23 . 20m. [rattly as It gone during the oermal lauding with not 'Woe Orrittlag, bring he Orman the ground at on altitnde Oat exceedleg I e. led lied it. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 117. fIstl Aelire 110000sitete4 by ?allure of Syraulle dratre Is case both II:drills oyster fail In flight (which is evidenced by flash- log of the pressure drop Varied leaps sod story drop of pressure it the two hydraulic crater below 165 kg/sq.166., the latter beteg checked with the aid of . the presents gauge), the crew seat leave the alrorft by oatepultieg irreepeOtive el 'bettor the eagle* la "prating or mit. If one (sale or booster) tiltraullo systes falls which is evidenced by flesb-1 log of the pressure dr*, caroled lasp and by the pressure gauge iodications, the flight stoutd he stopped. It is forbidden to use the brake flaps during the land. tog &Meech, the Isodies gears ehrld be ertended as prescribed for the emergent, precedere, the flaps beteg kept it. If pop 111-54 of the booster brdreulio spites fails and pump wait En-27 to *mooed when the aircraft is fifteen imitates off the airfield. It is neoesaaryl - este sure the pump snit is operative and put it out of operatics (to avoid tverbestiog)1 - roe spprortsiog the airfield, set pump unit 111-27 into operation to build up presser* to tbe booster hydraulic system. Ito rese-eff leodir ef the aircraft with the male hearaullo 'rates felled re he rooted sut /ova, 'sir when the booster hydraulic erste* ft:Collect 607dt to set tar tbe aircraft with the engirt inoperative end the Debater hydras,. U. crates felled (presser* dropping Delco 169 ligissan.) but leave tha airoreft by Ortir as este allitere. 86. 1%1014 Aetiooe to Pape ot_reo, yriestiro Prep The preesure drep of feel totaled tee fuel sari, per is indicated by light- log up ef the 11121,17 PAU (PatztOm. Ea ) sassription of light psoel 266. It this testae** set the rile* e.).s. to the serail rating or lighter duty, briag the aircraft dems te lbs altitude of 7000 m. and dleocatieva the 6166106. Avoid forties overloads te obviate stoppage of the eagles. U. WWII tatter la Cast ot 911 Irterre pros to nee* res the pressure ef ell bee ere foot to sere, discostior the atria*, deems* the "Ogle, e.o.m. ted immedistar laud the aircraft* 100. /51014 Mire As tale of testae 71,* lie fire le iedieetr by, = Itemise op of the nel (COW ) label es light peel 1,-6i - each, trail Vehlad the atrivett toil (ern Cried the tures). re ertlegelet the first - Oct the settee retest lever ga the STOP (VTa) posttless - press the 01?-41, TAWS (01,101M201 PAM) butte's Corer the err Of Mal to 450 - 900 kn/Dri Wing ths airier* 'reediest - or... the P1224011114212211 (ontrmillua puttee of the fire ratedi - decide on Irdies the aircraft or ejecting depending co the elremsatatori - do not start the engine role after usies the fire rates. 91. )'ilot." rtiona lo Case of tellers at Pltot-dttetio Iu XEDAT5 eel Pitot tube 111-156 The failure of the static rarer' dod of the static, atd tort resters of the Pilot-static tuto is indicated by erroneous reetinge of the 'peed ledisatar, rate of.elimb Indicator and mactmoter, variable-ratio rest earrel emit 11141, nor cone automatic control indicator. ?be fellure el the Inert prearre error only copplied by Pitot-stetio tele 11211-5 is rarerl by reicher of the speed 1/Alcides, remoter, variable ratio brat retro.) rat sr 666e ere astern' control indicators. In ear of elmultatoor failure of speed ledlester, enebsetr, friable retie boost control unit and ere ere *startle carrel lediesters* esiteh lbS *spa, ayette of the erre instruerts tromp the leis titot=stette toheEll-S wet to sterner, Pitot ter e11-156. direatimes tee resin all lamd the itretaft. In ere all loiterers fail at a time wed Merle leepoollvo erre setter leg over to rergeor Pilot tube 111-156 . dlardtlowe tho suites all fly tht craft *Mil it or be lamer easeultimg the Intimater ef the Arr. irrier, turd indicator. ?egioe r.p.e. ledirteri Moir reerled dose to lb eltltede lielea 600.. shown by the radio altimeter, savIdate the eireraft Preterites to time data supplied by the greed radii* olds. Malt 1. Static Mel tube alurs eel titet tote 2045d meet be hostel ore required. for otherwise they ere Ileilla to Set geed 'bleb 'mimes shoot faller* ef the lerriert6 sereeted to the stir Mee, 1. this lastare. the 1601001er at the Aletreneelli art red *steal viler measured ere 2 3 diestee after asItabled ibt, steam um- *IV VS. 2. If the testroleste fall sloe the /tram, titos with ifterleilmit OP. disengage the letter sul morall, *St settietibie mos to the tate glual posit ioe atter trotted the airreft. J. if 811 to part of inatermatt fell le f1101. Oases tbe triable ratio bort *sutra it free PIO2 Ohs MIL (IN00Wtit00i/219 (IAA. CORM) prier Lelia( sprier. ralle 110166 Ibis, 10061 18 sled tint the red ef the *tor orlisair taboo td= 2deeo. to APIA. 92. litet.o Loll.,, reset, teitiateoditiall thee the aircraft io fiyfig timmill el, swoon seder islet eaddltiabo. Idea through the exatese awl attn bevise stabilised the oirerett is Pb. lowiol 121414. cut ?0 the de-loe: system. Magus the system by pare, (dsretiod of ode pelt* le= Lag 2 - eves.) eitb the Wired at 10 = 15 see. It leo is tome 40 the strerett whoa the latter tocleeeda Irma the *lads, there is ao Nevi to slangs the flight prosedere, tbe itt=ioir aredlis Wit dided trem eltittelee et 1000e. aid regard. The Iste 16 beet mooed tram the aircraft 11606 It Mee at bull odds& (It LI le praetteela. Seder the night eesSitioes) it epee TN Wile 244. m0 *addle eltItudee 664 apt. 900 Wirir.A.t. at tligkeleetliela Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 9j. Pilot's Actions after Breakdown of Aircraft Oxygen System The britakdoes of the aircraft oxygen ayatea is indlosted by: - scarp dmiresse of the oxygeo present.e in the aystes (as shown by the pros- mme satige); - diacoctiouttioo of the oxygen eupply to the pressurized helmet or mask (Dilater misstate of indicator 11-10 resale still in the closed position); - failure of parachute oxygen breathlog apparatuaED27to build up eroesaiee pre:louse to the chtsbirs of anti -g milt tenaloner, pressurised helmet or meek (pressure seuge 5-2000 showing co pressure) after eagaglog the ?moo supply Sys- tem in the derpressorited oabin (cable altitude and differential pressure gouge showing altitudes erceedlog 12 km.). Obserelog one of the above IndleAti000 of the oxygen system breakdown, lane- eletelt cut to the periehute oxygen breathing apparatus ES-27operaticg the seers gooey cootrol cantata sod descend to to altitude of 4000 m. mod lover. while descendlos, oak. owe the air-dilutioo switch on remote control sta- tion 2-2 is eet et MIIT0R1 ( 0B0b). Note: when engaging parachute oxygen breathing apparatue 101-27 mocually without diacoonectiog mammon connector OPE-2, ache sore the air-6110- Mo switch is brought to the MIXTURE ) position to occurs aepply of the sir from the ataoephere (at altitudes below 10,000 a.) through apparstns 211-34 elite apparatus 271-27 supplies inadequate portions of the oxygec eteded for the crew. 94. Pilot, Actions in Case of Umiak of Canopy place Panels Is the @ewe of dimwits of the canopy sloes panels, make sure the salmi lump- iris, the air to the coot-pit te opened and the canopy is pressurised, increase the eaglet r.p.s., set the regulator of the air temperature supplitd to the cock- pit to the 20: (111F9471 ) position, end decrease the speed of descent. 99. Pilot'. Act1000 10 De-Prealt1.11.8?0 Cockpit at aLga Alt leads. 50th the cockpit de-prossarimed for reasons other than deterioration of the *atop, glase peoela or each out of the canopy slidlos portion, descend until the cockpit altitalo hem.. 12,000 m. sod lower ensuring the endures** flight and fortber performance of the flight cicalae, provided no other defects have been located. ? If the estop, glass panels are derged or the oscopy elidlog portion 10 retitled oet, decrease the altitude and opted Of flight as OOOD se prat:Alegi:11a. The aircraft with the demised glass panels Of the **copy Or with the canopy Pingo:toed eac fly at speeds up to 50C km/hr if the pilot ham the headset on, awe op to 700 ks/hr if be has the pressurieed helmet on. 96. pilot'. Attlee* MD011 Ott/1311M Smoke jo ;00kiit Spot detecting mote in the cockpit, the pilot Ousts - cheese Over to the pert oxygen supply by Setting the alredilutloe switch ? 37 on the control station AY-2 to the ?1001 02* position; - disooenect the alz supply from *nice by bringing thr lapel" valve control on the right console to the extra* rearward position, and descend below 12.000 u.; - if the ssoka persists, decrees, the epee4 and altitude of the flight mid Promeed dependlog upon the circumstances. if necessary jettison the *anew. 97. rilovoitottoes in Case of frlaeles of Prommareleed helmet troesporeet Pace-non to the case of eimmtes of the transparent fees-piece of the pressurised bill- eet due to the breakdown of the heatlos states, the pilot must disco:litmus tlio flight omission sal proceed le the following wayt 1. While flying 10 pressurized or de-preset:trim, cockpit *hes the oeckpit. pressure does cot exceed 12,000 m. (according to the lodicatioas eft** amble al- titude and pressure differential gangs), he mat set the amorgrany *inn sepias awttoh on control Matta: AT-2 to the SIM COIncro (131.101f.) position shift. log it off the 91* position sod tuft the excess pressers tech all the wet liftvert. Then the pilot must bring the aircraft deem to ? safe sit/tete if 4000 e., ream the fao-lece and diem:recite the awn austiree7 daPOlor by settles the Owitth sod the knob to their Original positions. If after cutting-lo of the meet mortality selplf vette the diet if tbo pressurised helmet persists, the pilot oust regime the tresepateet fors.plete and price it to the face so that the upper edge of tee gee* 'teed. tease the iseel of his eyes but covers the nose sod dos Dot Astertere with the $1141** eloterwew tit= of the instrument lodleatleue. It is forbiedee to roue,. the treimepatiet face-pleas at altitudes excluding 12,000 m. toping the traespurent face-piece pressed to tie fate, tbe Wet dimuld brim the aircraft down to at altitude of 4000a., emit set the weerevoet wriptlso of trove mid tate the face-piece off the fees. 2. Curing the flight to do-pressurised ootkpit whoa time cockpit eltitedi exceeds 12.000 e. (according to the ledloationo et the eseklat *lefts.* trod prat- mere differeetial gauge), the pike scat asiteb seer be the *esteem dermseed speed 10 Order to reach so altitude of 12,000 a., is the sherteit time peesible. While descending, he suit set the owygto esergestif korai switch as ***keel rattles A7.2 to the SIM CO1NIZTED (21.10074 ) peeltios freak,* Peeltkes sod lure the excess pritsmare switob all the eat leftvard. Ibi Wet *Mat keel tie flottmTleor pressed to his face at oltitudea exceedies 22,000 a, At *MOW* hello 1204:40s. if the tannins of the transparent Pies...gess straiittr, he soit too et the femakw piece sod apply it to hie fate op that lbs upper edge Of the OW, orteids hole, th, towel Of Ale efts eel prefects his eft* oitheet loterfories vitt ebeirtalleobe Cf the instrument ledlostions. Keeping the trestiortot fette-Plete faulted to the f,es, the WWI OM *foe tend down to an altituff Of 4000 4., tad set the esergelitt smolt et eislgel 404 telt* the face-slime off the feet. falt 1. In emergency tutees AIM thee is tic other *ay let bet to asetieue the flight it 7110 altitimita the WO eight Perfire level MVO ter A abort tia, at altitudes ramie! free /20000 - 00000. (00110'llie pressure Of OXyget is the oats* le 30 kg/104.0o.) with the *Mee leer. gesop supply elates tamed. Is this lestateti, the treetralattpmeee moos of the primsurtzed tenet ear be both reseved e. pressed ti the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 face. The pilot must concentrate his attention on the consumption of oxygen bearing in mind that it sharply increases reaching the value of SO - PO lit/Ole. When the pressure io the oxygen ',stem reaches 30 kg/sq.ce., he :met descend the airoraft dove to an altitude of 4000 m. 2. Open epsagemeet of the oxygen emergency aupply system, the anti-g snit first clings to the pilots body but then the pressure le re- lieved. 98. Pilot'. Actione during imardert07 grtension of Lending Pear If the lending seer sill not ecee out by the usual method (no preaaure to the male hydraulic system), the pilot oust resort to the emergent), sateaurea prescribed far the purpose. To this end: - set the landing gear emergency control valve seltoh to the NEUTRAL (ffE27PAJ17 EO) position; - ogee the lending gear eeergency control valve; - mate sure the landing gear has come out eatables the greed earning leapt ehicn oust light up; after that proceed to landiog the aircraft. 91. Pilot'. Actives in Oast of Generator 'allure The fsiltu-e of the geterstor in flight may be deteoted by flashing of the ae-.0?Tog COP (ITEEPAUF HEMMER) inscription on light panel 7-6 and by the indi- cations of the voltaeter (the voltage cooing from 20 - 29 I darn to 22 - 23 7 Of the storage betterr). Then the generator fella: discontinue the flight sission; - report the accident to the flight control teflon, using the radio sett - cot cut the following consumers: pump 00.2 (at altitudes Delco 7000 11.), peep 00.3, caner* gun, radio altimeter, earker receiver VII-568 automatic radio corpses Aft-10 sot transponder CP0-1. The radio compass, transpooder and trees- sitter of radio Statics:. PCE7-5T should be cut to for a short time sod in turns, if aeoeseary. The time of sift flight of the aircraft with the generator felled OW the power consumers beteg supplied from the aircraft 'tares* batteries in the procedure entlined above both in the der ties and st night resolute 15 - 20 slant's. atilt I. Preetdovo of the operator in flight autocatically disconnect* the sight with the beater, distance siring equipment, infrared sight CE3-52 . radio altimeter, marker receiver 11211-921, and pump Nos 1, 4 ace 5. 2. TO increase the tine of safe flight, it is perm/411bl, to cut out Other consosers of power tbe pilot can do without under tbe flight 000- dittoes. 3. Wan the voltage in eta aircraft mains sc4s below 20 9 retract the Logics gears faltering the overeater proOednfe. In this Materna', the pilot sbould bear in mind that the brake parachute cannot be toted. ?59- 100. Failure of foverter 00-750 Etrentd000 of inverter 110-750i sOPP171042 the eoltelle to reale 'tette* PCU-5 r, radio compass APE-b, I.F1P transponder, re:Bete-reading todoetieu Mete- sure gauge m-er ? fuel !lowest'? M0-168-4, and lealsation fire warniog wait 00-2 in evidenoed in flight by discontinuation of the radio omemanioatioo (in all chancels), failure of the radio coop's. to rime,' to the depart's* Of the air- craft free the rated relative bowleg of the reale statics, failure of the feel floc gauge indicates (seal* steadies still). Raving observed the above lodloatlona of the laves's? breekdoes, the Alai oust out in the Itraffra SKSPOZICT CESSOf (2111P.REPTIA.0102212024 oiresit breaker smutted on the front right electric pawl to the otitis. All the shove consultors should be seitobed over to ether leverter 1104141. and the pilot will detersive whether they are *et Sato operetta" after bootleg of the radio valves (in 1 - 1.5 101. rilotle actiess eller Besettemi at earlahle-betio ottoman? Beset Cootrol Pitt Jirf-31 In ?sae of failure Of variable-Z*110 eettelatle boost **Steel welt ?77..3), change over to the manual control Of scree asthma:taw of the 1,17-I3 after Imola( decreased the speed of flight. ? For changing over to the sauna "patrol, eel the seloeter es the left Hotels from the itITMATIC (AMCOLiT) to the SIDMIL (MI) peeing", asi site see at the manual push button sorted Ci3lAS18-?21920 DOOM OtitTIOL COMM miturr setting it to the IOW SPUD (lulu mews) Door is mist that gria SPIED (BOMAR CIOPOCTI)) coreeposde to the wallet are of the eariablewrethe boost control unit rat, hag the SON SPttD (Mit CIMPOCM te the bigger fte. While manipulating the eariable.ratie Weal seating sail Sr WWI *WOWS than ordinate atteotice S. the letiestieee if the vorleble.relle Nowt **tad unit getup and compere the latter with the timinsgspilitel by the twit istioster and the altimeter. fee meet sot erased the 0441. te shishthe gasities of the variable-ratio boost control call eltrespeale by Mere tbs. 100 ?150 Wit. ethereise the aircraft Is liable to mess meeillatileg is the pectitime of the milt rod dolls not oorrepepoet to the apes* of flight. while a servo meshes:hes le boles emstrelleg meteelly, the level gritot slam evolutions sod lending Freesias oslp SO* he MMus& Should the salt rot fail Se the eaaller are Watinlal (eleablio weer enlin are) So that it. serve 'Washes *asset he Oastsl over te the tstspite Si lab& Ing Dimities (to bigger aro), Seerresoe ale :UM the atreift WItt 00 Cali rod orreageg at the see lisp ars. tattles with the melt OM rot at sWallat era retsina mere them ereitmoy attestaes set accurate wellies es the mist still Wet. Be Amu beet la Made that IS this Settees' the tritest ef the *Utiliser le almost Woe desroaseg. Vas efforts applied to the testa's' Miele iseresee 2 - 2.9 time. (dist 20 12). aod the sheer of ittealeg see, sp. fitereters. the taltiet *Pee net be ieefeeeee by 20 - 30 km/kr, the flings beteg Is.. at a mealier sighs of the fibght trajasts tory siege. lies meting eme Of the tris mokattatiAimadkir that the ties if the amelmatgh travel tram oe, *strait putties to the etbsr tebee lieu. irresheetivie if the flight prtmeNelne. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 50 1. Pilot's actions after Breakdown of Anti-Surge Shuttere Automatic Slatem The failure crf anti-surge abutters id indicated by the appearance of flutter oboO the flight to curled out with M . 1.5 and over after pulliog the oOntrol stick forward through the length exceeding half of its travel. It this instance, the pilot must open the shutters annually. For this purpose be moat log the shutters control from the AUTOMATIC (ABTOMAT) to the OPENED (=RPM) position. After that the fluttering must disappear. Decrease the speed, cut out the afterburner and after decreasing M below 1.9 olose the ebuttere by brioging the oontrol to the CLOSED (3AKPUTO ) poeition. Farther flight should be done with M not exceeding 1.7. 101. Pilot's tctiona after Breakdown of letractlble Cone Controi System The failure of the cone antowatIc control system is indicated by: - soc...atenelon of the cone when the aircraft flies at speeds involving m . 1.5 or 1.9 (Ian; on light panel TA to off and sound in the intake channel dose not change): - cce-retrectioc of the cone elan the aircraft speed involves M . 1.9 or 1.; end beet. In this instance: - the pilot rust tot fly the aircraft at speedo involving m exceeding 1.5 if the COO* fella to be extended. In hese the flight met be continued, the cene should be extended manually; - retract the done oanually if It fella to be retracted with M . 1.9 Or 1.9; - Oct thl eote-mi-eperatiso selector to MANUAL (FAROE ); - cot the matilal control switch to the position correaponding to N of the flight speed... . If the come failed to be retracted ritually, dlscattloue the flight missinti. while flying, keep the r.p.o. withio 83%. 104. Failure of Jet Bootle Shutter Control Pollee-UP sysAcr In case the Jet Goggle abutter control follow-up syeten fella (eogioe thrust dove oat change with the engine coctrol levere shifted from MIDIS= AUGUENTATION to FULL AUDDETTATION, ? rapid increse? or decresee or engine thrust durlOg flight rider the AUGMENTED RATING), switch an the NOZZLE EMERCENCT CONTROL switch allow- ing to effect a t.o-position control Of the abutters (the anxious augmentation position being eo?ured ). 106. Rapid Decrease It Engide S.P.M. (Below 80%) Due to Prearalrd Surgen in Bogies It case of a spontaneous:. deoreeee (bolo. 806) to the r.p.m. due to premiere Gorges it the engioe, ismoctately.ehift the engine cootrol levers to the STOP wrailon. If the pressure eurglog perciate, throw over the tuabler switch ANTI- SURGE SMTWERS on the left control panel to open the abutters. its soft as the en- gine stops, Start it anew scoording to *aircraft le-.214). Pilot's test:notions*. ?.61- 106. Pilot's Actions during Surge of kir intake Surge of the air inteke is evidenced by light knooks appearing to the air intake obannel and felt by the pilot it the cockpit. If the air intake surge is observed at the aircraft speeds Lavoie/us N . 1.3 and more, proceed as follows: - out out the afterburner with the aid of aIISIMITID CORD/TICS (Men ) control; - gradually /mead the aircraft cliebing and Meares* the speed of If the caesuras taken fail to eliminate the surge, manually opus the anti,. surge shutters by changing the shutter control fret the attfOlaTIC (AITOUST) to the ORM (0170117D ) muttlaa. after eliatostiog the surge and bringing the aircraft speed /evolving N ba- lm 1.5, return the shutter control to the origlaal position meted ammo= (LBTOILit). 107. yllot.0 Mittens while i1toi Ost The pilot must be trained an the ground to seguire automatic hebiti required by the ejection proaraoro. The oatiopy-prOtented ejection seat, se ?capered with the seat riving S east curtain to protect the pilot's face, bee the feller's% atrastagest (40 the east fully protects the pilot against the air stream erring tail Set. This allows to increase the skfe speed up to 1.130 War (lodisated speed), (b) considersbly reduces ciao necessary for preparation perler to %mil set (from the soment the desislos la takes till the Patel triggers are pentemad). te . special attitude is prescribed for the pilot, the perjettimem ties beteg seerre serf only for trigger pressiag. The **et is *Tappet IMO at asteantls Omelbesm? tightesing device 'blob ?puttee during the seat *jostles; (a) the sat ensures a war* energetic ;separates, Of the pilot free the psi, which reduce* the aiciaas safe jetti.oe altitete te 110 0. The seat of the '2W13 aircraft sea be ejected either tegniber with the *soapy or with preliminary jettioultieg Of the sassy. la. poet Mittel milk Camel. Prior 00 ejections - rods*, the aircraft speal (coalition pereittiO01 . grip the test erldetts est prose the trigger ell seedf the afiRentee or both triggers on both areftets. The conatatrtirs Asps of ojectles gorelepestenatteolly, Si SetiHe Om no part of the pilot are ensoiesary. Ilstmos altithle for eleettem is level fitilki la 110 m. Rjeotios oafs apa:41 (Vied.) 10 1100 tan,. 109. post 21ootto, with Prolisiverr rottirsolairol_Corolg Prior to ejection! - swing back ond pen the red handle co the right aid, of the itetrebiai panel to effect the jettiamiles of the eatery; - grip the feat armee* cod press spec the triggers (00 belt allSeetsj or on Are of thee). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ? 62 ? 110. failure of Seat Eleation Gun at 81eh Altitudem In ease both triggere are pressed but this does tot effect ejection, do as follows: - redoes flying speed (conditions permitting); - pull the IM-27 oxygen apparatus opening handle to open oxygen emergency fl eoPPLri - disconnect the parte of the OPE oesmon conceotor by pulling the lever of the upper block or the haedle attached to the target: supply hone; - poll at the tand:e attached to the seat bowl between the lege to aotuate cora retain it the pilot.e Wads); the es-chants= releasing the seat straps (the handle rill separate from the seat - jettison the canopy by unlocking sod pulling the emergency handle (painted rod) on the starboard; leave the aircraft; on reaching A eafe height, take off the transparent face-pica of the helmet. 111. Cacopy Pails to Separate from Seat after Eleotion In ceee the eaccry does net separate free the seat 1.5 eec. after the ejec- tire. poll st the emergency handle of the seat bowl (between the legs) to effect the seat strop release end to separate the canopy. 112. Sserstaer Secap. from Aircraft on Ground Whet an emergency escape from the aircraft on the groucd la necessitated, proceed as follow*: - open the canopy (if it has cot been removed) by sulling back the canopy opetiog beetle (go the porteidt). If the canopy still reunite in its place (des to the absence of six in the spites or to the lamming of locks), pull the emergemoy? ;467j07; 7606 ecologies the canopy emergency opening system, the pilot Gnat bend as low as possible le the cabin. - tate off the facer shield of the flying helmet (if it has not beep removed); - diecoonect the OPE cameo connector; - enerreticelly pull the larvae? emergency releaee handle et the seat bowl k, front. epentcs beetle at the starboard. XIII. CAM= 711082 VALUES OP IEDICATED AIR SPEED, WACII /1811211,AND LOkD ?ACTOR 1. Without suspended loads: (a) indicated ale speed (larger pointer seedless) at altitudes from 0 to 12,100 a. wet pot be over 1200 km/hr; (b) W number at altitudes above 12,100 m. must not exceed 2.05; (c) =mimes load fatter equals S with a fuel reserve of 1100 Ilt. or 7 when the aircraft fuel quactity *accede 1100 lit. 2. 11th the drop teak suspended (but without other suspended load): (a) indicated speed (larger pointer readiegs) at altitudes free 0 to 120)00 must not exceed 1000 km/hr; (b) Wheb number at altitudes above 12,000 s. must net be over 1.6; (e) zealous load factor must be equal to 6 (with the drop tank either full or empty). 3. With the APC-57 rocket pode suspended (without the drop took): (a) indicated air epeed (1nrger pointer readings) at altitudes from 0 to 13,500 m. must not exceed 1000 km/hr; (b) Hach number at altitudes above 13,500 m. aunt not be above 1.8; (c) maximum load factor in 6. 4. With APC-57 rocket pods and drop tank suspended: (a) indicated air speed (larger poicler readings) St altitudes from 0 to -12,000 m.-aunt-not -extmed -1000 -Welke; (b) maximum value of Mach number at altitudes exceeding 12,000 m. mast be not over 1.6; (o) maximum load factor ia 6 (with the drop took either full or esply). 5. Plight with two 2-13 rockets suspended; (a) without the drop tank: - at altitudes from 0 to 5000 m. the indicated speed is 1100 tsar; - at altitudes from 5000 m. to 12,300 a. the 'Altaird speed is 1200 im/Iri - at altitudes of 12,300.. and higher itith Osob torabar . 2.0 aasisas per- missible load teeter equals 71 (b) with the drop tank suspended: - at altitudes from 0 to 12000 a the ladicated speed is 1000 tgthrl - at altitudes of 12000ei and higher with Witch omfatter 1.6 mule= perwissible load factor (with the tank full or cispty) is 6. parriow. Angel:I:tea ratings of the eagle* allow to sale *peed' evesedise the above given values. 6. Lowest indicated sir speed (withent et:speeded leads) le 215 blfar. T. aircraft avolatlee speed at all altitudes equals 350 1?412 (Win pettier readings). 8. Warissmieir speed with the Undies gear ertooded oast eat smell TOO he (larger Rotates readiest). 9. Maxima air speed at 'blob tbe drag parachute sap bet implored esiSale 280 kr/hr. 10. The drop tank say be ejected at all altitadee awl Obtlito 291I929 Pt speeds fro': 500 to 1000 kw/Or (larger poloter readings) with Web WOWr eft ex-mu:lit% 1.5. 11. The air brat*. can he extended mithit the stele rafts of otr speed sad U Dustier values. 12. Ube flight with the *atm jettisoned is possible sweet the foliwwlift 000ditiooss (a) at opteds op to 500 tads (larger politer readies') wbes the Wet bate the beadaet and breathing Meek Oft; (b) at speeds op to /00 lia/hr (larger volute? readies*) elms time filet to la the proesurired helmet. Untie& U. Boreal lsedlog weight is, (a) aircraft weight without tied suspessles leads with the Mel feel /*NM eat exoelidlea 1200 lit.; (0) aircraft weight with racist pods with the tetal feel "001o8 700 lit. :Ago Jams. C:2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 ?64- 14. Ao overloaded aircraft may land: (a) without the wield suapeosioo loads with the total fuel reserve not ex- coedit:8 2500 lit. (ao immediate landing after the take-off with the drop tack suspended); (b) with rocket pods suepeoded and total fuel reserve pot exceeding 1800 lit. (cc issediate landing after the tate-off with the rocket poder.the drop tack to be obligatory jettisocied praOr to lanaing)r 11. Theo taxiing with the drop tank and wing loads euspended, never exceed the speed of 15 ks:/hr. EV. TIME AND RANGE OP PUGET To fir the aircraft over the maximum dietauce during the maxima period of time (ic ? level flight), maxotslo the indicated air speed eithio,ths liulte divot to the Tables 1 to 1. The flight distaczo and ties th an locreess in the flight matituft. The elazitaun flight distmmoe and times can be attaloed at altitudes withia 11,000 - 12,000 s. Table 1 pisteao? eat Jkiration of Plight Ra7-21e.41 AirereTk with P.11-500 tmcine and 7, Teel Seaerve pa Aititsde o5 .l000 Plight character- /sties Air speed, talbr, Low pre.- ewe tUrbint "'a. reel ommoup-ooninump? tion, kg/ku. Fuel tics, kg/tr. ?tits"' Duration of flight, hr. sin. 2Ddiest.. dais limed true .u. . speed 1 2 flight dist- anae opera- tiottal dist- seas level opera. Slight tional Mira- &ors, ties ti c* of flio- i,ht 4 11 87 a S x Without suspension loads with ;gloss and beam) Initial flight weight 6965 kg; Total fuel reserve 1903 kg; Peel reserve for level flight 1260 kg. tiolass diet- 520 ono, flight 925 87 0.911 901 1290 Nazimit tura. 440 tic. flight 705 e, 1.07 I 810 ilea Pith_kwe .90.1 rookelts isitial night *tight Total fuel reserve Fuel run.* for 1e1e1 flight 1 1470 1-24 1360 1-29 7110 kg; .1901 1441 1190 kg Macias. 520 *see flight as21010441.4. 925 795 91 89 1.09 1.17 1010 930 1090 1020 1100 1230 440 Sift flight 1.11 1-17 1.42 1-47 1.37 With two 1-13 rocket. and 490-lit, drop tank 1ettia0m.0. after it becomes east, Initial flight weight Total fuel reserve Fuel reserve for level flight Itudinne 320 distal?, flight Smataus 440 duration flight 923 791 92 90 1.14 1.23 1060 980 1330 1210 7160 kg; 2315 lig; 1540 141. 1180 1480 The followiag points are table into acoommt; (a) fuel *amassed lor the eagle, os the groamd (starting, wallas) daring 7 els. constitute. 60 kg; (0) fool oansmaptitm, take-off diets/ace and time for the take.eff aad correspond to thsvolues given to Tables boles; (o) fuel oossused br the aircraft following the leading Tatters above the airfield of Undies dart's 4 sin. la SO kg; (d) son-cooeused fuel reserve male 30 kg; (e) 716, fuel reserve (relative to the total Awl ftserm) to 120 kg at 3- 0,773 Wit. es. or 125 kg at I . 0.83 gles.as. 1-27 1-49 1-34 3,54 ales* **stip*, nprlaccifiari in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8 -- 66 ? Fuel Consumption, Time and Distant:is with Me-210-13 Takicg-Off and Climbing at Maximum Bating with P-114-3003081.120 Table v true w 930 km/hr Flight altitudet.iih without drop tank Flight j With twoK-13 rockets With two and drop4tank K-13 ronkets euepended p lops and heti../altitud ., Fuel Time, Dist- Fuel Time, Diet- s. m. Fuel Time, Dist- contarip- acne, oonsump- mi.. alio., consump- mi.. anoe, tion, mi.. km. tioc, km. tie!), 0 km. kit kg 1000 7C 1.3 5 1000 80 1.5 5 100 2 10 5000 160 3.0 30 5000 185 3.3 35 210 4.2 45 8020 215 4.0 50 8000 250 4.9 60 290 6.4 75 0,000 230 5.2 65 10,000 310 7.1 90 360 8.2 110 1,000 270 6.0 8, 11,000 340 8.4 110 400 9.8 130 Table) Fuel Consumption, Time and Distance with Airoratt Gliding with Drop Tank Suspended or without Drop Tank Flight altitude, a. Fuel consumption, kg Timm, min. Diatom), r., 1000 0.5 5 5000 8000 20 40 3.0 5.0 )5 60 60 7.0 65 11,000 7, 8.0 100 17,500 120 1) 165 18,000 135 14 180 SOteS: 1. Glide im performed at a low speed. 2. The engine control lever moot be at tfio low epeed atop. 3. Air brakes must be retracted. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A030200070001-8