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? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 -4 DA INTELLIGENCE RROR,T (Use this forfs only imcaptenr summer 16th -Tk Regt, LOEBAU SUMMARY GDR ^ / TIT3t1-.1forevas, , DATE OF REPORT 5 !1?I' 50X1-HUM Of Information: This report gives information on the I th Tk Mgt, ,L0aAu9 which was equipped with T-54 Tks in summer 3.957. The report includes detail on alerts9 including pinpoint location and description of the assembly area. It h also includes information on the status of ..training and training activities in 1 troop training area at liCCHTED (UTM 33UVS7258) including details of tactical training of a Tk, Pit in an attack. The report also furnishes information on nmo.t4nitiori strerlath,, ecuipment, and on morale and discipline. 50X1-HUM N:)TE: Reproduction of this doetunent in whole) or ha part ;S prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, excePr with permission of the issuing office. Ail requests ior autharitg to-reproduce will he directed to the Assistant Chief or Stall, G-2, Depareeient of the Army, CLASSIFICATICIla national defense of the United states within the Ineinfivr of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C, 31 and 32. as amen:lea, its transmission?or the revelation ef its contents or ow., manner to an unauthorized parsoi i prohilited 19!tett-. 111,; A 048 ? REPLACES OCS FORM 17A.: 4 APR $E, WHICH MAY BE USED. CAUTID"3 :1!SMOVE. PROTECTOR SHEET seFoRm 'TYPING. ":.!? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50X1-HUM 50X1-1-16M'' IA RDP81 01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 DA INTELUGENICE REPORT Wu this form onty in accordance with- instructions in SR 3b3o51) . 50X1-HUM GOIMENTI PP.0 2 16th Tk Regt, LOEBAU :1E1?011T 1. Location and Installations 50X1-HUM The 16th Tk Rest is stationed in a caserne (UTM 33UVS 779620) at LOEBAU,, The area of this caserne was somewhat enlarged toward the N in 1956 to 1957. From autumn 1956 to winter 1956/57 an unknown number of garages for tanks were erected within the caserne area) An old building which had formerly served as amnasium was rebuilt and turned into a "Kulturhaus" (cultural center). In 1952 or 1953, the Rq building was extended by another wing. In spring 1957, the conacruction of a "Panzerwaesche" (inUtallation for the cleanilv: of tanks) was started but not yet completed on 12 Deo 57 In autumn 1957, the construction of a firing range, approlamately 1-km in lenLth and 300-m in width was started and was to be completed by the beginning of Jan 58, this firing range is intended to serve as a firing range for infantry weapons and for tank /Gs. 2. Identification and 2ubordination 50X1-HUM Subject Regtls a1,0 number is Loebau 3127. The Rest is subordinate to the 7th Th Div, nRESDEN. This Div is subordinate to the 3d in LAIIC which is subordinate to oGa STRAUSBERG. Subject Rest was integrated into the EGA in Aug 56. Part of the officers, 11CC and 06 were from the 21.ecz Inf Rest, LOEBnU I, which had been deactivated? CO's of Battalion; and srecialintn (Lecnnieal officers) were assigned from u/i Tk schools and other u/i Tk Regt's located ih other parts of the CDR. At that time subject Rest was nquipped only with T-34 Tanksa The full strength of this Regt (880 Off, MO and KM) was not reached until summer 1957. In or about Jun 57, this IRest was equipped with approximately 40 T-54 type tans replacing the T=34 type tanks. These brand-new T-54 Vile tanks arrived in two RR transports at LCEBa 1 escorted by Soviet military peruonnel who drove these tanks at night into abject caserne and hf-.nded them over to the subject Rest? 1 1 5. clzanAat.11EL211LailEaIt: (See CB Summary, incl 1, and charts, lncl 2 to 4) . , The Soviet Advisor, a colonel, left subject Rest in :itn 57 or Cct 57, and will not be replaced according to Lt KRUSE, fnu4 who functioned as interpreter in the Re8t. ii g 4. 50X1-HUM 11 POL is picked up by the unit's own tankatruoks at an unknown point in DRESDEN. Two fi ling stations are available in subject cuserne but their capacity is unknown to Source. There is an order stati P all tanks and vphiclas murt hp completely filled with fuel every evening. It was only referred to as an order of the CO of it is a written order from La 11 1' 50X1-HUM Ammunition (quantities unknown for infantry weapons is kept in the 50X1-HUM the Re6t but armories or each COQ Subject Regt keeps 17 rounds of 6un ammunition per tank stnred in an ammunition depot (UTI 33CVS 789609) located close to "Loebauer Berg" (Loebau hill)p NOTE: Reproduction of this document Sratt is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP with penniasion of the issuing officq..? Chief cf Staff, 02, Department IV the authority to reproduce will 11.; airecetcl T iTcRT11.5% 04 '1 ? in whole. Or In SECRET, except All requests for to the Assistant. Army. RePLay.tC qA13TION Ramove CLASSIFICATION NOTE: This document connakaa Information ...s a national defense of the United.' States meszi?ig. ,of the Espionage Act, 30 U..S.C. 31. ,ttml 32, as amcnilt.d Icetranimission or tt.e reNistioo of its contents in z-e ?oanner t3 1.:1,inactonzed person is prohibited Ly inv n V kw tig.So. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 50X1-HUNC1%!..? CLASSIFICATION DA. INTELLIGENCE REPORT j (The this fur= only ii?gec?,_rdiince ((::nrgir3:111),F,N, ?? with marsasions in 3001051j - 1- -- L. infantry ammunition ale aiso IP 3 stored there') J . ammunition and part of the . All food is picked up by the unit's own trucks in an unknown depot in D1E3DEV 4ith the exception of tread, rolls, milk, fresh fruit and vegetables which are purchased locally,, kinor repairs on tanks and vehicles are carried out, in ance shop located in sublect caeerne. the uritfe ii 50X1-HUM ewe e,-,nten- .Trainina Up to Aug 57, when subject Regt went into the training area at NeCHTSN (UTR 33UVS 7298) for two months training consisting of routine training on tanks as mounting and dismounting of tanks, throwing of hand-grenades by tank-crews, assembling and disassembling of the EC, aiming with the gun while in motion, halting and during a short halt, instructions on tank nomenclature, loading of the gun, and firing with in.Cantry weapons. This had been greatly neglected in subject Regt for reasons eiven under Part 9 (Morale and Discipline). The firing of tanks could not be practiced at all until movement to training area because there are no facilities for such training in the area of LCEBaU,- Only the CO's of the tank battalions, of the companies and of the platoons, as well as the technical officers, were familiar with tank technique because they had been transferred to subject Regt from other tank units or tank training schooleo A great number of the tank commanders and of the tank drivers were well trained on tanks because they had been assigned to subject Regt from the "Lehrbaeis" (a training battalion in r.hiata tank commanders and tank drivers are trained) located at SPREMBERC 33UVT 5714)* Between Dec 56 and Dec 57, three training courses for tank gunners, of six weeks duration each, in which 30 to 40 men each participated, were held in subject Regt, and are to be continued in future* In Jun 57 to Jul 57 a training course for the 12 technical officers of subject Reat was held at 22ITILIk. (UTI. 33UU.3 8488). This course lasted four to six weeks with the officers received training on the Te54 tanke itost of the officers of subject Regt are not in possession of a license for driving a motor vehicle (and cannot drive one) because of the shortage of fuel alineated for this purpose. Cu the other hand an order had existed for tbe last two years that-all offices should possess a driving license 3.;o 5 (for passengbr cars and trucks)e In Jun/Jul 57, checks made in subject Regt by the Div, the LI) and by .GA revealed that the training status of the Begt was poor and the combat effectiveness was not ensurede In dug 57, subject Regt went for two months to training area at mcnTell. At =HMI: there was no time for routine training on tanks. The Regt started immediately with tactical training on T-54 tankso The first training phase was The individual tank in the attack and in the defense however, this training took only a few days() NOTE: Reproduction of this document In whets or in pert is prohibited, if SECROF or TOP SECRET, exeunt irls permission of the- issuing office, All requests for authority. to mprodum will be directed to the Astistant Chief Staff. 02, Departnent of the Army, CLASSIFICATION NOTEs Thts document contains, information .afketing thr, national defence of the United Sectea within the nseaniim of the Espionage Ant, 50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as emendta. 1 Ice transmission or the revelation of its 'conmacs in any 1 manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law. ?? N.,11.0 ffniC or:ORM eul -- OCT G3 11s. 11 REPLACES OCS FORM 170.. APR SS. WIIICH NAV SE USED, CAUTiON RnioVkt PROigeToR .SHEigi BEFORE. T,.yPINGt - 171,v4 - Carliti7Pf1 r.npv Approved for Release 0-Yr 2014/03/04 CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 INTELLIeg.N.CE V.EPOT f.ise this form only im accolyksuce with instructions hi SR 380101) I CLASSIFICATION Clang ERTL 50X1-HUM PAGE 4 The next phase of training consisted in the'treening of a Tk Pit'1n't0,:4tack the defense, but stress was laid on training for en attack. et:a.saltiNip tack and the defense were first discussed by a Staff Cf 1' and officeis batiaiions and the companies. The CO's of the compeniee then discussed the saMe cpi-4le1 with.the COle of the platoons. Finally the platoon leaders discusse4.16e same'probiem at the sand-table with their platoone, in the presence of the Co CO'saOhe Bn COoo A special eand-table was also set up at an elevated point, in the training area so that the training on this sand-table could be compared with the actual tactical training performed by,a Tk Pit in the terrain below. One Tk Pit pre- pared fpr a demonstration in the terrain while nearly all the officers of the Regt were assembled near the above-mentioned sand-table. These officers received general instructions by the Deputy CO of the Regt on the tactics of a Tk Pit in an attack, whereas the CO of the demonstrating unit explained the various phases of the demonstration. (See Incl 5)e The demonstration of the attack by this Tk Pit was a* follows: The,?lt had moved into the assembly area (See a, Incl 5) located in a forest. The'tanks were spaced 40 m to 50 m apart. An air observer with an A, 'del, was posted on one of the tanks. The crews of the three tanks were concealed near their tanks, except for the platoon leader and the commanders of the other two. tanks. These three creeped to an observation point (b) for reconnaissance and, upon the COs return to the platoon, the crews of the tanks were informed of the situation'. AS stated before, most of the officers, including Source, stocd around the sand-table (See cl Incl 5). The CO of the Co stood on top of a tank to observe the performance, to supervise same and to have certain phases of the attack repeated if not carried through efficiently. eith him was a radio operator to transmit orders to the CO of the demonstration Plt,, liowever the latter was in charge of the operation. Svery phase of the operation was observed by the officers on the hill, and the CO of the Regt gave them certain explanations. First the Tank crews practiced the attack on foot in double time. Then the tanks in the assembly area (See a, Incl 5) formed a column and deployed at a point located about 500 m in front of the lane (See d, incl 5)e en engineer unit had previously prepared a lane (See d, Incl 5). through simulated minefield. The tank of the platoon leader halts at the, side of this lane (See d, lncl 5), and gives fire support to the other two tank' which drive at great speed through the lane. After they have passed throu h they deployed at once The Pit th-eff-uen its attack on the fit enemy trencho The tanks fired alternately during short halts, (while one tank stopped and fired, the others moved on.) - 50X1 -HUM The tank platoon gets fire support by the Arty until the platoon has passed through the lane, and when the Pit is about to attack the first enemy trench(e) the Artyefire is sheftedto the second and third.enemy trenches (f and g),-. ;then the Pit attaciithe second and-third enemy trenches (f and g) the Arty fire is shifted to rearward positions of the enemy& efter the Pit had successfully attacked and overrun the first trench (e) the attack was stopped and evaluated. The second and third trenches (f and g) are attacked in the same manner as the first trench (the guns of the tanks fired in turn during Short halts while the leG's of the tanks fired continuously at the enemy trenches) After theiPlt had overrun the three trenches a second evaluation was made'.. The Pit-then-started its'attack on the strong point (h) of the enemy. This strong point was lecated on elevated terrain, and consistedeof.three dug-en tanks. Two of those tanks were properly camouflueed, whereaS the third tank was not (for training Durposese) . ? NOTE: Reproduction of this dorm:ens ID whole OT to _ . CLASSIFICATION ' NOTilt Tins acument contshs information afbeting tht is ptt.'nbitetl, If SCP.ET or TOP SECRET. cement oat:Iona defense of the United States within the meanie, with permirsion of the fazing; ?offiapn, Ali rectuesm for of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 er.si 32, ce amended authority to a:pt.-AIM 'Mil uz? rected to the Assistant Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in ea', Army. , ? . manner to an .unauthorireci person is prohibited by law REPLACES OCS' FO RIA 17C; 1 APR 33, WHiCH MAY SE LISED. cAtiTiON -- REMOVE PROTECTOR $HEE' BEFORE' TYPING., Chief t f Staff, OZ. Deparanent of the. D PC)RM 1048'1 t oar ea " ??? ;Wise )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RnPRi_ninAwr, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 - 114 INTE-LLIGGMCG R2PORT (Use this form szmiy p:andence with. tufty:dons in Sit 3801051,y rill. ? 101))10AN R112'. ." 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION P-AOF The tank located in the middle of the attacking platoon found a concealment in the terrain and fired at the strong point of the enemy from the front. The tans driving at the right drove in a curve at great speed toward this strong point and attacked it from the side. The left tank drove around this strong point taking advantages of depressions .in the terrain, and attacked from the reale after the destruction of this strone point the Tk Pit formed a column and immediately started the pursuit of the retreating enemy. The training exercise was now finished. If one of the phases of this exercise had not been carried through satisfactorily it was repeated? This training exercise of the Pit as now evaluated at sand-table (c), ani the following points were brought up: a. The tanks had not been directed in the direction of the enemy when they were in assembly area (a). b. The commanders of the tanks had at first picked out an observation point which did not allow them to survey the terrain properly. The description of the terrain and of the enemy positions by the CO of the Pit had been unsatisfactory. The movement of the CO and the other two Tk CO's in the terrain from assembly area (a) to observation point (b) and back had been poor (poor movement in the terrain, insufficiently camouflaged, did not take sufficient cover while surveying the terrain). 00 The tanks had given such a poor show in their drive toward the lane that two tanks had collided and were slightly damaged. They did not drive through the lane at sufficient speedo d. The greatest error the Pit made consisted in the three tanks having been ordered to halt shortly before they reached the first enemy trencho e. The short halts of the tanks were not sufficiently carried through in an / alternating fashion, so that it occurred that all three tanks halted simultanecaelyn f0 dhen the strong point (h) was attacked the tank in the midile had to fight this strong point alone for some lidnutea because the other two tanks had taken too long in circumventing the strong point. The left tank which was suaposed to attack the strong point from the rear missed with its gun fire because of bad orientation of the tank commander, and becauae of inaccurate orders given by the CO of the Plt. g. alien the CO of the Tk Co (who observed this exercise) had ordered a halt of the attack by radio after the first enemy trench had been overrun the tank of the platoon leader stopped and the sepond tank had moved on to a point before the second enemy trench, and the third tank had even moved to a point located between the second and third trench before it halted* This demonstration lasted from 0800 to 1600 hours. ,!;very Tk Pit now held the same attack on its ewn. This took about two or three weeks in all TheLsame attack was also practiced on:Co level. a_ An exercise on Bn level was carried -through-in. another terrain,and comprised a meeting engagement. Source was not present when tne-ekercise on Co level was held, and was under arrest when the exercise on Bn level was heido The exercise on Bn level was evaluated as satisfactory by the Div Hes. In the training area .at MCHTEW, a6 which Source was present, the training program also included the training of CO's of battalions and other officers. This lasted siX days. A lec i h id followed b a seminarm: 50X1-HUMn tactics of the "Imperialistic" Armiee0 following was also included in this training program: an assumed situation was marked doen 'on a map and referred to an attack against an enemy which had prepared a hasty defense0 aareh columns and marching tr)\ I;;42,64_1:.,1-ZifiL-4 NOTE 1 ReprothictIon of this document' In whole or ?s.49-14.,\Vilf46.94SaillAINIXu-S non LD prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, except 771th przmission of the issuing office. All requests for authority to reproduce will be directed to the Assistant Chief cf Staff, 02, Department of the Array. g:Dil FORM Y CCT Or. L/TSt This dm:lament terateins informadon affecting thn. national defense of the United States within the meaning of the P.spionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or dm revelation of its contents in ,sanner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by lute. REPLACES ocs Fpnrit 170, 1 APR SS, WHICH MAV SE USED, crwricni ? REMOVE PROTECTOR SliErt- BEFORE ?VPINO. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 DA iNTSLLIGENCE- RCIPPRT (the this form. only in accordance ? WI& itittrieCtiCft$ bt a 380,101) CLASSIFICATION time for the, individual units vfere computed. A:A11;Xfollowed which' stress was laid on target designation and the description hb.terrain because theue were two things on which the officers badly.rideOsp. ? Ar71117N111P\ ..',. ? ' 1 , In the training area at NCCHTEN sharpshooting with 916?4uns and G of the T-.54 t.f,trdi_w_a_s_,1,1so.__cioticed (during dap-time and at night),I the deputy of the Co cif subject neat had so badly organized these exercises, ;net they had been delayed forhilf-a-day. The results of these exercised in day-time were evaluated ad satisfactory and 50X1-HUM excellent. The results of the shootifig exercises at night-time were evaluated as satisfactory and partly aS poore In early Oct 57, subject Regt returned from EOCUTEN to the caserne at LOEUAU and prepared for thePaUtumn inspection by the Div, held at the end of Oct 57. The requirements'for this inspection were: 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM Condition of tanks Condition of the motor vehicles Condition of the weapons and ammunition The results of political indoctrination Execution and speed of alarms Results in tactics (for officers) Knowledge of the contents of service manuals (for officers) Firing with infantry weapons Firing with MGs from tanks Basic training Chetical training Sports 'Check of supplies ,Zuestioning of officers, ECC and EU (wishes, complaints, suggestions)o This inipection was evaluated as satisfactory. The following items shoved poor results: the pistol firing of Officers, knowledge in tactics, and of the contents of service manuals (except Staff Off). C;t training was rated as pooreste The movement from LOEBAU to NOCHTEE and back was carried out by mile For the last three to four years troop trensports from the casernes to Nochten training area and back have been mostly by rail, in order to trait troops in this type of transportation. The number of RR axles required is figured out in the Regt, and an officer of the EGA comes from awBus to supervise such movementso Early in Aug 57, a CPX of the 7th Tk Div took place in Bezirk Dresdeno Source was not present. He heard from the CO bf subject Regt thet the Staff of the Div was graded as poor by ID because it had not mastered the situation., bec,use the radio communication, had been interrupted at times uo that entire regiments had been ordered in the wrong airection and could not be contacted, again until three - fourth (3/4) of a day later. 5t2HELILAIL.,lerts en SSD security officer, Sr Lt XAUM,tE, fnu, ie attached to subject Regt who had constant contact with the CO of subject Regt, with the political officer the SED secretary and the CO of the regimntal personnel section, It is :lourcece belief that KAUFL,ANE, fnu, had formed an org-mization of informers among the pereonnel of subject Regto CONIC,2:106NTAAii-2., 50X1 -HUM As of 19529 never learned of a case where will was censored. However, all incoming mail was picked up by the First Sgt of each Co who was obliged to take all mail to the political officer of each Coo NOTE: Reproduction of this document' Part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP with permission of the Jesuit:A office,' La_a:otief to reproduce will 17 atter:leo _Chief of Staff, 02, Depattnient of the ....? I, DA,Tcres 104E-34 CLASSIFICATION In whole et: ,in NOTE: This document contains inforn.ation affecting the, ' SECRET, except m00=11 defense of the United States Richin the meanin3 AU requests for of the Espionage Act, SO V.S.C. 31 tmd 32, es emendad. to the Assi.stant Its transmission or the reiielatioa of its contents in arts 'Army, manner to an unauthorized person is prohibitzd by Inw......=i REPLACES OCS FpRIVI lig I APR 5$. WHICH Iiiitle sir USED, PROTECTOR SHEET REFORM rePING. QM/MN REMOVE. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2 1-01043R00230003000141 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 50X1-HUM iiitiNTSLUGGI4C5R5PCiitr- ((Az dtif form oil, haaccarcieince,"., vitk-iverioCtiOfti iti'SR 38o-301) - CLASSIFICATION . - To*HIMDITNiTIVAII- if'mail arrived for a'soldier from the .est such letters were paused on to the pioltical officer of the Regt who called for the addreseee in question, .The . latter was more or less forced to open the letter and read its contents in the presence of the political officer and the off ice e All personnel of the Regt were instructed every. month to the effect that they must not have any contact with the est. and every Officer, NoO'and had to sign a paper each month stating that he and his family will observe this e? - order* An order existed in subject Regt received from EGA Hq.stating that 'subject Regt;had to give assistance to Kumpfgruppen and the G3T groups in their preemilitary- training activitiese This order was disregarded because subject Regt itself was lagging behind.in its military training program. 'Source re., called only-one case in 1957 when two or three officers were ordered to assist- the local GST organisation in a field exercised b. Alerts An air Observation team composed 'of three men (1 NCO and two EM) existed it subject Regt. One of these three men Wad always stationed on the roof of one of the caserne buildings, and he had binoculars with hime In. case of an alarm the duty officer had to open a sealed envelope cone taining the written, orders for an alarm (details unknown to Source). This duty officer now had to. operate a siren end to contact the telephone exchange in the oaserne. ' The CO of the Regt and his deputy were called back into the caserne oeler the telephone. At the same time all units of the Regt were notified of the a14rm by telephone and by messengers at the disposal of the duty officer0 i:Oreover, alarm is given in each unit as soon as the siren is scunded. In each unit of subject Regt a system had been worked; out whereby every officer living outside the caserne area within a-certain distance had to be called back into the caaerne by a runner. Officers who reside further away from the caserne *ere picked up by truck* All Off, NCO and EM living, outside the caserne area had to report to their unit in the caserne at time X plus 30e . - The first measure each unit had to carry though in case of an alarm wad a,blackeout. Each NCO and EM then had to pack his personal beloneings and hand them in at the clothing section. The soldiers then had to pick up their weapons and the ammunition in the armory of each Co, and each Co had to assemble, within the caserne buildings. The soldiers had to have all their, field equipmentc, The individual units then moved, to the tank area and to the motor pool respectively to get their tanks and theit vehicles ready for moving out? 7 . A rear party of each stay* behind in the caserne for about one hour t64ilkestire,thaVbVeryone-let theciaSSizie, thattherucks'atke ef'the'tank,cte;-e6 ? e, , ? eejze:loaded on trucks, and they also had' to hand over to a. rear party of the Iket thecaserne buildings'as well-as the:pereonal belongings of the soldierS' (tO be sent,to their hoe address)*, The First 3gt and two or three soldiers of sech.Co go to the fori-suPpli depot in the caserne area to get the food for their men, a two-days supply as , *roe believes. 4ech Bn has one field kitchen at its disposal whereas in normal -pilee all the kitchen personnel were attached to the supply Pit subordinate to the Regt 'Staff 11(10 , X time plus 45 was the time by which-all units of subject Regt had to te assembled in the caserne area ready for moving out to the assembly area. Pie Inc]. 6.) - ? ? NOTE: Retunctuction of this document In whole cm In 92n is ptobiblutd, if -SECRET: or TOP SECRET. except with purtntislon ,of the t issuing' office. All requests for authority to reproduce. WEL be directed to the Assistant Chief of Stiff, 02, Department of the Army. CLASSIFICATION DA R)RM/0484 I OCT 89 ? NOTE: This ,doeumene cantatas informatiot affectins. the_ national defense of the lJnited States within the, meaning of: she Septum:ire Act. $3 U.S.C. 31 end 32, as amended. Its transmission or the teveladan of its coamtma in env meaner to an unauthorised person is Prohibited by 'sew- REPLACES OCS FpFtla WO, II APR 83, WHICH MAY BEA).-SEO:- CAUTION HAHOVE. PROCTOR SHEET BEFORE TYPING.: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/ /04 . CIA- - 0 71nnrmnni Declassified in Part- Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 =1&.. 'DA. INTEU.IGSNC,S;REPORT-' ? ' giscAit hi; only in ai*ontance . ? .iadOnierucciookt:*SR:300:305.5) ? ? 1 &MAL , , _ .. ? ? 4; , ,..: ,. . --t-ti. The three battalions took differint'routes on their way to the aesehbly. 4 .r.r? ,The Lit Bn took route .(See Incl 6). It picked up ammunition at.aiW'' ? .? , . - -.3 zNe -,ata . e? dted.close to p level crossing. , (see Incl. 6). The ammunition Was broug)t e- , sItSO4,810,?.nt2,by,truck,from ammunition depot .(3ee:Incl 6). The other.'two:e. liktalions; loaded,ammunl.tien in the easerne area prior to movina out to the 4sembly area. This ammunition waz carried by truck from ammunition depot intp: the caserae.areaf Thiuwas'ammunition for tanks but probably als.iu.ltiaild,acifi 14antl:4- l .i. ,. . , .,y.ammunitiond, .; 1 ' Tie Rest Staffr,thefSig Co and the Rear SE4vices tcok prescribed routeo The 2d and 3d1k in took route (See Incl 6), through the town of LOEBAU in the direction ofi:OTTENHAIN (UTZ 33UVS7856) but thurce did not know the continuation oft:their route into the,assembly area? ? . . 4.1 supporting units (AN Co, Ztz Inf Co, the Recon Co, the 2ngr Fit, the decontiAmination squad?the medical center) took a route or routes unknown to Source. Upon arrival in the assembly area they took up positions located ground and between the 'teat Staff, the 2nd Bn and the 3d Bn (See 5,6 and 7,Incl 6 The individual Onits of the Ragt had to reach the assembly area by X. time plus ).8O.. The rear services were allowed extra time, they could reach the Azzembly area aVOut.an hour later* , i.-- - ? CLASSI9CATIOM ? ? ? -HUM ? The entire assembly area was located in a forest. The various units r were widely dispersed to prevent destructiOn of the whole I.iegt in case of an . atomie attack. All vehicles and tanks were supposed to be dug in according but were actually only camouflaged by branches of trees so as not to cause too much damage to the forest,' Since the time subject Regt was activated the assembly area has been located here. A temporary .communication center was set up by the Sig Co in area (see 8, Inc)..,6), and telephone. lines were temporarily laid out to the Regimental Staff (See 5, inol 6) and to the 2d and 3d Bn (See 6 and 7, Incl '6) but Source cannot say whether telephone lines were also. leid to the 1st Bn' (See 119 Inci 6) and to the other individual units.. Radio communication in thie Assembly area was not used and forbidden to be useda The Regt stays in this assembly area until it receives further orders from higher MI., On Regt leVel such a combat alarm and move into the assembly . area was onlylpracticed once in spring 1957, The Regt returned to the caaerne two days later* The individual battalions practiced such an alarm including a move into the assembly area several times in 1957c. Limited alarms within the.caserne area by individual battalions, and supporting units were practiced at least twice a. month. 84 EsRELREEIlaLagIsa A court martial syetem did not exist in subject Regt. There ie a prosecutor in. Div jI:4 for whom two to three officers in subject Regt function as inyeuti- _gators'. Source stated that it often. happened. in his unit that officers and men were turned over to civilian courts for trial. Such matters were put into the hands Of the prosecutor in Div who filed the indictment with a civilian court where the trial was held,' 1 ll , . - e n officers "court of honor!' did 50X1-H UM , not exist in subject Heat but 1 a written order from :OA He according to which an officers "court.of honor" is to be set up by approximately the middle of Jan 580. , . 9.ZioraCe and Discipline ,CONFEDLNU t24, From. alg .56. when this R:egt was,intrigrated into th.a]CA'aria)1p. to Alit 57$ ???- ? : ? ; 1,10TEI. Ettprodurtloe: of -thls? document in whole or in_ P49TEI4 ,This dormant courant information affecting Ott pan is prolliblord:1-0iSECRIIT or ,TOP'.. SECUT. except . 'tuitional defense ' of the Unitid States -Irttltin.,th.t :au:ruing -with pentagon of..-thir Jsrubm, offleett . All request:I for of 24. 5ap3otia0 Atte.'50,US.C. 31., and: 32? as , etheided.."- authority 'to ?riprzateo, v111-131, directed to the Assistant "Its trsiturilaL or r.tte.'revelatIon of, its 'conthrit's in any Chief- ,of Staff. CZ Depatersont -of:..the qt.rtuy. manna to an unauthorized parson b prohibited by bum . ...!..t,..............,........?.....!..-............. , FORM ? ?_--,-.:4-?..,.? qp DA _ 10484.,- REPLACES OC FORM "17 C-; T. APR 53, 4 t OCT 63 cwrioN --- REMOVE PROTECTOR SHEirtil4010iit;'Vit11473., ? .. ' ? . ; C!...A531TION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01n4f1Rnn9qnnmnrirm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 ".7 j tt r===1.1011011W 41M2=-.X.-*K410[101111 -.? CLASSIFICATION% R tA iNTELLIGENCE- RC-PORT S11.1144:1=1V.INc?3:0-43:4):.NTItAL 50X1-H UM the morale and discipline as well at its combat effectiveness were very poor? 9 1 , The reasons for the very poor morale and discipline were: a. Part of the tank commanders anu tank drivers did not have any tanks at disposal and therefore did not get the 30 Eastmarks extra pay-per month (as specialists). They were dissatisfied, undisciplined, reluctant to du their duties, and even refused to carry out orders. b. The Regt was continuously filled up by new recruits from other units. NCO and EM were often transferred from one unit to another within subject Regt. This frustrated a proper and regular training, and caused dissatisfaction among the soldiers. Co Up to Aug 57 a regular training program was not carried through in Subject Regt. .The soldiers had to help creating the prerequisite for such a training program. The old firing range was ,reconstructed, training aids had to be made, the soldiers had to help construct new garages. This led to lethargy and diasatisfaction among Off, NCO and 01. d. Units of subject Regt were far too often detailed for guard duty, within the caserne, at the'ammunition depot (UTM 33UV3 789609)0 tn an u/i place in the area of DOPERLUG-KIRCHHaIN (UTN 33 UVT 0022) and even to Div Hq in DRESDEN. There were NCOs and ER in the Regt who had not had any weekend leave for six months and longer. This also led to dissatisfaction among Offe PCO and Ek. ghat happened on a large scale were unauthorized absence from the unit and tefusals?to'obey orders. In Jun/Jul 57 two EM even deserted to the aest, , It *as said in the Mgt that they had written a postcard to one of the Regt Officers from ,Ieut BERLIN. . Checks made by higher Hq (Div, ND and EGA Hq) in Jun/Jul 57 revealed that the combat effectiveness of the Regt was not ensured, and that the morale and the political conditions were in an unhealthy stated The Regt went for two months training into training area at VCCHTEN in . dig 57. The morale and disoipline improved here to some extent at first. During these two. months of training activities leave was not granted, the training wee overdone, the weather got worse, the billets were in a poor state, the flu epidemic broke out and medical treatment was unsatisfactory. The morale and discipline again got worse. On 5 Oct 57, the Regt returned to the.caserne at LOEBAU. On the way back two soldiers desertedbut were caught in LEIE:IG. They had planned to defect to the West. They were imprisoned in the military prison at DRESDEVa urce heard from an Officer of subject Regt that they were discharged from the E4A after 20 days imprisonment.. Up to the time when Source left on 12 Dec 57 the morale and discipline in. the Regt had improved but there were still cases of unauthorized leave.- . . ? In F-0.V57,,apProxim?ately 150 R.G.C-and IL were 'discharged. Toward the 6id of their term of service they Slowed down in. their ectivities, did not ' cdre, and took no interest in military activities. ? Last men, in the Regt resented politicarindoctrination, including even offkers. The soldiers kept their notebooks on political indoctrination in very bad shape, they slept during lectures and wrote letters or read bookee Tie reasons for thit were: Political indoatrination was too, one-sided, the same subjects were repeated over and over again. any lecturers were not qualified and did not prepare well for their lectures. The political indoctrin- ation was on a far too theoretical arid. donotenoas basis and did not correspond With the life outside the casernee' 16a Ieiscellaneous In spring 1957, C. CONF)11511iAWifitiiil 50X1-HUM a demonstration of NOTE: Rentoducdou of this document in whole or in nett to peel:dished, if SECRET at TOP SECRET,. aceln with permission of the holing offtm. All :equates for authority to reproduce 'will be directed to the &stamen Chief of Scuff. Denatement of the Army. IA.FORM 1 OCT 53 48-'11 CLASSIFICATION NOTE This document eontai.ns information affmetus the national defense-. Of the United Sanas within the, twar.ifte" of the Espionage Act, SO U.S.C. 31 and 32, 03:smendect. Its tranymiosion or,' the revela*m of its contents in. any. manner to an unauthorised person 18 mhibitcd by luw. ? . ., . ?=mancor REPLACES OCR. FORM 17C.1 APR Si. WHICH isf- AY REUSED. ' CALITLOT-I ^?? REMOVE. PROTECTON! SHEET BEFORE t YPINC.. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA- -010 . fInnnqnnnl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 AO. .,..,50X1 -HUM I CLASSIFICATION D'AINTELLIGEIICE REPORT' I - : -pc Olt pm olity ddednianc,d 444Sit. 4eflQfl fl SR 3863,1051) .1. s..;? Eak .1 realarm 'in the 7th arty Regt at ;Unit:11'(.1TM 331.1V8 3638)6 In ?this' 'Regt gum This gun had a very long tube with muzzle break, was sal. hle,h muzzle velocity, and an 'enormous force of penetration. -,tin eziiif qi`teatoitnted on this gun which had three rubber..tired wheels, including a trail . iiilA',?-Source believes-t4at it was the 85 mm APAT Gun when he was shown the,' ? ,. .i 50X'11'-16ivi , ralwatrations in the IdentifiCation Haridbook soviet Crdnance Siquipment6 :: t4 . ,,, . ? -, ? i;? . , ... . . . , .. ? ? , . . ...'1',1 7- 4),Urint.; this demonstration: at Z1'1111039 the "Propagan- ? ? - .?..,..:,.. .. diat"':o.c, !the 7th ...1:, Regt (located in the came ca?serne), showed :3ource and another officer'1;13,?57.,nim fully-autoraatic AAA gun idntifi?ed as the 57 mm M1950 AA gun from Identificat.on Handbook, soviet Ordnance Equipmen't this equipment liad Suet been reCeived. Further details 'on Gun are unknown 50X1 -HUM in Nov/Dec 57, the followino. CO ta of the follbwinp Rpgts were released, arAi transferred into the reserve Lt -Col ,BlilIENNIEG fnu, of the 14th Tk Regt 9 SPRB iRG Maj JUNG', qi1U, of the 15th Tk 'teat, 3P411:18.2G kaj T4aITTEIMNE, fnu, of the 7th hrty RT.gt, ZITTAU6 Maj JUN, mu, was one of the officers in the 7th Tk Div who was said to be very much liked by his co-officers and subordinates, and it my be that he Ifos not reltased but transferred toanother unit unknown to Sourced 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 1.14CLO3URES 10 Order of Battle Summary 20 Organizational Chart 5. Organizational Chart 40 Organizational Chart 5,, Sketch showing a Tk Pit in attack and defense 60 4.2/ver1ay showing the assembly area, ) ci--Tari7013?4\ it I 50X1 -HUM "limb 50X1 -HUM Non: Acnrodattion , of this don't:neat In whole. or In out-As ptolafbItni, ,szatwr or TOP' SECEEZ.:waseac* with permission of the Issulag, ofilcut; AU tecranstar.qor uthority to aproth - Chief of Staff .,'02. ,Depattrnant Anarv a xsea directed to the Aial?innt. I +.1. ,.?/.7++.1r 1. ? ilt CLASSIFICATION , NOTIft? This document contains &armada= affscens thb :narfOrta1 defense of th United States rIthIn the meaning of thre. Esplonate Act, W. U.S.C, 31 and 32, as amend:A- in transmission .at thq: reveladon.,of its contents = any rearm= to an mauthottrati person tr' ProhiblIrad Erar tam, FORM-'044 ft OCT 53 . EPLACIES OCS 'FORWE.17C. Valk Sae,A41.11.,:).:41t 0,,Auonsm HIMOVZ, PROTICTOR ettEicr r.tYPV;IG. ? a? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ ? CIA RDP81 01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 t. ? I , . DA INTELLIGM+IC IMPORT-. (die .4itis /min inky in accordance . ? %. '...st4tkops grunion, in SR 38a3oll):. 1.4.%';.1T ..1:-.11. 1.1v 411.`DESQII.4.211(1/Z: ? 012? 1.314IT: BGA PEr:V: LOEBAU NO 3127 ^ . -.1 ? . . . CLASSIFICATION 601417.11..vlairrIArs Mt= ?ilec inj 50X1 -HUM ? ? - 73 ? ilAt OTD. OF TJATTI.,1i;S? RY 16th Tk liagt ET,v1 P.7,11SCJITALrinS: CO: Maj NINTEN, Thu C of 5: Iliaj KONIG, fnu Pal Off Maj TREFTOW, amid ...IL" ? . Fkiatatip: Approx 2 BMW Trucks: Approx 25 LOA Approx 5 K30 kltrels: 15 type Simi, with sidecars, 750 ccm each Otho.r: 2 ambulance trucks, type unknown Approx 3 decontamination trucks, type C0-5 Approx 6 maintenance trucks, type 3 to 5 tank-trucks, types unknown Approx Incl ' S1.11? Lcs.rir TO: 7th Tk Div, Dri4ISs).E19 3d MD, ISIPZIGi ARTY: None Tk: 35 to 42 type T-54 AG: None APC: None Other: 3 to 5 armored personnel carriers MTW 2 amphibious tanks ISTSTCCII'TVE1':TIC13A.I, tL EQUIP: None, UNIT fli.')TORY: DOECKE, frianf red ? 1 , Ifetr;e: None Cid: (UT 33uvs 778620) ? StrencEl_ 132 ? ? ? ? 01.1.21 ?77-56 tiqg r 60 Actual Strength Guns: None Hoy:: None Gunaiow: 130 Off 550 NCO & EM 60 Civ None AT Guns: None AA Guns: One Btry 37mm guns (number and types of guns unknown) Other: one SMALL AIMS: UnknOwn quantities of pistols type ,Ts-ioo, carbines .'type M1944 Was M1941 and. light MGs DATE -OF INFO. Dec 57 DAF2-.;-,4 0-1` Served in Enn,..c unit ? Pcncual eta:Iv/at-Lon Hearsay - USAREI173. IC Pon C9 I M:ty 5Gs.1)Nill IOWA! It-11 NOM Rept*: ? _notion, of tide document in 1wholo or. in van to nromoned. it ssakur, or. TOP sEcsur, atteet, , with rermiation of the iambic office-1...All Mute*. rm authority to reptod ba? dIrei 'to the Ambient CL Lrf of Siit 02 DeDameteor of Arrow ' C? LASSIFICATION SOT& The doeament'odeiSibir hifititastIon effecting iht: Caali'MENTIAL,' 1,40 ,naT ittairej%)niie c'fAitte 5VD,NAtiv ardthlt ammenes= (When. fiLth in Ls transmission or die _revelation of. Its contents- in our =inner to an unantted. pereon is prohibited by law. oceemense 1 OCT CS . ) MtPLACRS 001 FORM .1'fOAPR 'RS, WHICH - 1 ? , ? , ?AG..., (I) Xl-o-im.cens IriX. -,R viz% Avsmovicrow paw? asrOwk. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 "m 1044)151 cirnot?-- ftsmo ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 j ki? V5V-.124 " INTELLIGEitt REPORT (Use this form orgy 44accordmice? with instrucidorisin SR-38olo5.5) , ? 50X1-H UM NGE 1 - CLASSIFICATION 16th Tk Hee:, 14.NBAU %),I&YIIDEIN.YRAL Actual T/0 and E of 16th Tk Rtgt, LOEBAU, GDR ,, ? Regt Hq and Hq Elm approx 33 Off approx 7 NCO & EM Approx 6 clV let, 2d and 3d Tk Bn arength ,ieapons & Equipment: Api3rox 130 Cff Apbrbx 550 ECU & EM Approx 60 Civ 35 tp 42 T-54 Tks, 2:'Amphib Tks 3 to 5 APCs 1 BtkY 37-mm AA Guns ofUnkn type (number gund unknown) ? " 4 ? TwC,Sedans BMW Approx 25 Trucks 113A APOrox 5 Trucks K30 A.1.1.AsOX 15 Mtrels with eiaebare, Type slm, 750 com Two ambulance trucks ,A14)rOx 3 decontaminati' 6i4iCks type G-5 p4OldiOX.:60/i4ntenanc,p- t;fpe G-5 5 tank-trucks, type unknown 3ig Co 5 Off APProx 40 NCO & EM . 1 slit CO 4 to.5 Off Approx 40 NCO & EM Recon Co 5 Off Approx 40 NCO and .1f, Mtz Inf Co 5 Cf f' ftom 5 to 60 NCO & EM Band (3tandort-Crohestier) Subordinate to MD III Logistically subord,- to subject Ret CONFfillYENTIAL Incl 2 Crganizational Chart Regul, Pit 1 Off Approx 15 NCO & EM Engr Pit 1 Off Lpprox 15 NCO & EM Sup Pit 1 Cff tpprox 20 NCO and EM 6 Civ Trans Pit 2 Off Approx 15 NCO & EM 10 Civ C,'y Squad 2 NCO 10 EN; Yed Center . . 2 Cff, Approx 6 140( EW:1 2 to 3 civ Fire Protection 1 NCO Oultural Center 1 Off 1 NCO 2 Civ x) The actual strength of the Mtz Inf Co fluctuates from 5 to 60 NCO and Ulm Recruits get tecaftry traininZshie::unitLfor six weeks, and are then transferred to one of the spetiai-Un4b-afthe'Regt* NOTE: Reproduction of this document in whole vs in Part is prohibited, if SECRET pr TOP SECRET, esteepc with permission of the issuing office, All requests 'for authority to reproduce' wrd he difeeted to the Assistant - Chief of Staff, 02, Department of the Army. DA CLASSIFICATION ti nikcq.pfl OCT !!3. 'No-IF a 4=9 114 :? CL:ABSIfICATJ9N NOTE: This document contains information milisming the national defense of the United States within the meaning of tho Explonaise .Act, SO, U.S.C.- 31 end 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of Its contents-in any:4. manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by', Ittzth , ,?-- , REPLACES OCS:FORM 17C, 1 APR 53. WHICH HAY BE.USED. '? CAUTION ? BEHOV,BTROTACTOR SHEET BEFORE TYPING. 1; ? *a ?....???????? .? ? ? c 41, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 INT4LUGGNCE REPORT - (gseihts.foim only in acconiance eV". N. MAjAkiistMdctigni it.1 SR 38olops) CLASSIFICATION II ? , . ,I.6th Regt LO:0.111 NI a Tk-Plt in attack and defense: ? -... h :Enemy I trong-, poiny ".? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ?sikr, 1.1 ? \ ? 50X1 -HUM ????????????.... ?Sq. o )-a ' 1-1 ? . tfl ? 1 ??? ? ? ? 4 I. ? AINDRi ? 78`41:YEEr ReProduction of ? this document aunt is. prohibitert-i(- SECR.Fr or TOP. with rmission of the fseuenu cam authority to 'reproduce velll be directed, ChSeCi.of Staff. 02, pepatanent f ilic? FORM... CIA ei OCT ea .1.1. ?e.,,,.."?21tg313 ? In ?hot, ee In - ..CLASSIFICATION SECREL 'except All requests for to the 4Ssistant Array. ? NOTVi. This documenz contains information effecting The national defense of the, United-St-Ems within the, meaning of the Espionage Act, .50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as arnanded. Its OOttis1io or The rooelatiOn ,of int contents in an, manner to 'an; unauthorised person is prohibited by law. :?,- fiEFL.ACES 006 10Fit4 TIC, I APR 53, 41714iC).(14141"ii_tiErtiSE15; CAVTION ?-?? RZMOVO PROTZcTOR ,SHEIST t3skifit Tycilfsi%, , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 2014/03/04 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 R 50X1 -HUM Next 91 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 41 - Ilf co CO: Sr .Z/ _Dew/Fr/16 leek' off: st 730//*/* Off : L/ 77-1744/ /9,12,rox .5:5---aff,New.1*--E/41 fin., Z7' ir.11/Selirifi flie. If/A/A-7-ReAck' 5/i-e/7.goi4 .. 151. Zi , 1-..6 S-7/1ewt4 ZfilklIgiv/P Zad, Co CO : (4,01, 7ech Ofil: lbk.e4 7:20/11 Of- f....5-,-,e/ NF.am,9A/A;iii,a, .---.s "9.6 ov.2.. 1 is 2,-,06 .94.- :1/71- ..5)74t?eit9 1-'4 Irn wfrz., .5 44 a fr-ci/e. stre/-7,97`.1-4, al', t-ox 45ta rh42. 3.01 Ik wa s Me this e T-54 io fro 7_41/(7e Ales. (yps,i4 de I ier Sou Ice. had 0/7.../y ye a/ .51/ ch, 741c. ot abOhi o us ,Lk s w 0 eqf eivi ,,14/ S 3-d .2311 CO Cvpil .230Z.DT., F/Ja, : ZI. 1.11NTER.Do CofS.J L71' .2)/N7ER167?.. Tee f ZA/Oz., Off. an,4-A- /9.cs cofs 2 2-1/6-Ez c17 4/11 04C: CoA,7` /,,94(4 4/f St.iti See: 8i 2/ /41.97:1ChWAT, fiy?t, E.P.1 S'ec 11.9?/S.P.O.V:: f Mhq 40--o.r- 121 011.4/ *L- Z711 istl Co : .,474 Zi/V/VECARJ fiz 7eCl2, 011 : //74. cc .5-, Ii' '?MNiV - TSaJSI 74P enr9 56- OFF, NCOs ot-,&"/If 4- 3.-06 Ph` 2`i^ e /19 If) ailk4,i4/4. IMMI0 2 n-04 Co CO : 'SI-LI E / ER , c/a - Tech. Off: 444ni ?oil, 07cf :SCl/RE-FER,f,,,, To 47/ S ?Le 1-7_97112-: .9s Above 1 I W//IL. 35,-a 42 7-.5-4 ly/0 r he 19/ 7-k Bn. 14,4?..5 7417 e? n, 23/7, . 7?.1_5? ed o 14, o r ' ' Ando AI/As-4=9a- o e 0,1C4a/7 ar-i` 4c /;4744.2".e.ce 7? c e Gr,-.445?. a. No de./,a CONE/DENT/ Zfrsok. P/74 K57/-6,/i974A enknow NNW IMMO in1'Ae17e. 0/-104y/7/Z bout- crryy 72.4-3 c be e 17%r4 leks. 017C de. Vs g'1/?q/i/..6/, ,Z n,,i.ifiart in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 CONFIDENTML ficiaal 710ancL Fof Me /6"' 7-4iwk Ref; LOEB/Qt./ inclosare 3 ,0/y4q17/z. Sio. /7a/ rhar/a/ Nefe/77e/7/a/ /-kadea.QP/ers I C /Val WIN TE.R, fp?.. S ___Naj_LKOENIG, fnu _De"): L/ 11/PP Rsvist: Sr Li-BE/ER ..Depze Ey in. Gen er-c? / Engr.. Lt.EJTNERI1iIU. ReCon. Sr ?To /1" W Sr L/. RENK, Hon ra S Capf -/iiNE Ilarry Capt. KOECIs; 4- -Da Irl/E1INERTI-m4 1Rect-ea-tioit, Sports Sr: 27'. Iri ? ES Persorme./ Sr NET-SCH/Na, Guen/er I? Pm amen,/ Sr. 1-.Z. YERSE, Pau/ Sip. frfaj: .3/71111CMIN rn ness .SrLf 11,97F0- -SC11117; int, Tec A- Off Ing . CT:zip 74 ER/9 NirE,4 C/o #7 //7_9 Sir L1 NE1//Wyfiff, Shoo in .9 Cap/. HERMANN : Si- Li. Wil/b/.14-R.0 1 Ch Xuels. Tk..5 : L/ 14/OLF:,1-n4 Lt IIE/NHE, Rolf POL 4/ JO//A/or JoliNe; Mairfred- F-1 LiLBOE1-1/%7E, Rolf Mo/or Poo/ St: 271. x recht7ir. L7L SCH/58_, \Pohl Off iiiaj r-REprow xx Ewa/ d- 45e. /7Z5-e_ ISED S -11,9N/tj Raii7efr Prop a an da, .5-4. ecieER-r- ,E66E1?Z. 1E01 Sec. LA W/PP.1 ER, iNa/lfre.c \Med Ce/7/el- SI-. 2/9NOER,--1;a_ a. Ciit/7/: I tn eista/0- 1 Con 74/4c1i Si- 2/ 80/.EONCIIEA; F/71?, (fern 1C/uvs-y st- Abfra Si-.2/GROEGER R .51D- off/Ler: Sr. ,4/ It',90-P/1/94/N, X PR /4-.2)R 7C/6 fl7a ? 44/4S 0/7 1e 4 V- ?/1d pail- ein Ih?eserve kteas 7`0 h XX 7-41;170s jETva /1-o be it, u./ th tht I ea i/e. the ei,v/i shor-74y CONFIDENT//IL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release? 50 -Yr . CIA -1-e7s-erve 2300030001-A 1-e/eo4:54:4 7 / d /IS 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300030001-8