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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 100TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION II Calendar No. 465 H. J. RES. 395 [Report No. 100-238] IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES DECEMBER 8, 1987 Received, read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations DECEMBER 8, 1987 Reported by Mr. STENNIS, with amendments [Omit the part struck through and insert the part printed in italic] JOINT RESOLUTION Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1988, and for other purposes. 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SEeTioN 4, In order to achieve he levels ef deficit re- 4 fbietien agreed to in the Economic Summit by the President 5 and the Joint leadership ef Congress, notwithstanding ftfty 6 ether prevision of this resolution, the levels for defense 7 spending (budget function OW) for fiscal year 1988 shall net 8 exceed *2.92,000049,000 in budget, authority and Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 2 1 $485740079907009 in outlays and the levels for discretionary 2 non defense domestic spending for fiscal year 1988 shall not 3 exceed $46,2790070907000 in budget authority and 4 $476780070007000 in outlays, and individual fteeetuita within 5 this resolution shall be adjusted to meet the requirements of 6 this sentence. 7 In order to early out the levels agreed to in the Free - 8 nomie Summit, the Committee On Appropriations shall take 9 such steps tta are necessary to apportion these levels among 10 the various subcommittees and shall make such reeernmenda- 11 tions in the conference report on this resolution as ensure 12 that these levels are not exceeded. 13 The following sums are hereby appropriated, out of any 14 money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and out of 15 applicable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, 16 for the several departments, agencies, corporations, and other 17 organizational units of the Government for the fiscal year 18 1988, and for other purposes, namely: 19 SBO. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be necessary for 20 programs, projects, o activities at the rate for ever-44one and 21 to the extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2763, 22 the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judi 23 'Diary, and Related Agencies Appropriations AetT 49887 as 24 passed by the Reuse of Representatives on July 47 1987. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R0_]00900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 3 1 Sc. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be necessary for 2 programs, projects, or activities at the rate for operations and 3 to the extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2763, 4 the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judi- 5 ciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988, as 6 passed by the Senate on October 15, 1987: Provided, That 7 discretionary domestic budget authority shall not exceed 8 $10.43 billion and that discretionary domestic outlays (ex- 9 cluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed $8.03 billion: 10 Provided further, That discretionary international affairs 11 budget authority shall not exceed $3.74 billion and that dis- 12 cretionary international affairs outlays (excluding prior year 13 outlays) shall not exceed $2.77 billion. 14 (h) Such amounts its flifty be lieeeNftrT for programs, 15 projects, e activities ttt the fftte for operations and to the 16 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 3576, the 17 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 19887 its report 18 ed to the Reuse of Representatives en October 287 1987. 19 (b) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 20 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 21 extent and in the manner provided for in S. 1923, the De- 22 partment of Defense Appropriations Act, 1988, as reported to 23 the Senate on December 4, 1987: Provided, That defense 24 budget authority shall not exceed $276.11 billion and that HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 4 1 defense outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not 2 exceed $162.44 billion. 3 4e) Such -amounts as nifty be necessary for programs, 4 projects, Of activities at the rate for operations and to the 5 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2713, the 6 District of gehirfthitt Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed by 7 the Reuse of Representatives en June 2.67 1987. 8 (c) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 9 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 10 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2713, the 11 District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed by 12 the Senate on September 30, 1987: Provided, That discre- 13 tionary domestic budget authority shall not exceed $560 mil- 14 lion and that discretionary domestic outlays (excluding prior 15 year outlays) shall not exceed $550 million. 16 (d) Such omeinits as may be necessary for programs, 17 projects, Of activities at the rate for operations ttod to the 18 cxtcnt and ill the manner provided for in H.R. 2700, the 19 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1988, 20 as passed by the Renee of Representatives on June 2+ 21 1987. 22 (d) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 23 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 24 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2700, the 25 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1988, HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 5 1 as passed by the Senate on November 18, 1987: Provided, 2 That discretionary domestic budget authority shall not exceed 3 $9.31 billion and that discretionary domestic outlays (ex- 4 cluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed $5.91 billion: 5 Provided further, That defense budget authority shall not 6 exceed $7.75 billion and that defense outlays (excluding 7 prior year outlays) shall not exceed $5.04 billion. 8 (e) Such amounts ita may he necessary fat programs, 9 projects, Of activities at the fate for operations and to the 10 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 8-1467 the 11 Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs 12 Appropriations Act, 1988, as, reported to the House of Rep- 13 fesentatives en August 67 1987. 14 (e) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 15 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 16 extent and in the manner provided for in S. 1924, the For- 17 eign Assistance, Export Financing and Related Programs 18 Appropriations Act, 1988, as reported to the Senate on De- 19 cember 4, 1987: Provided, That discretionary international 20 affairs budget authority shall not exceed $13.04 billion and 21 that discretionary international affairs outlays (excluding 22 prior year outlays) shall not exceed $5.32 billion. 23 (#4 Such amounts as may he necessary fat programs, 24 projects, . Of activities at the fate fof operations and to the 25 ex-tent and in the manner provided fet in H.R. 2783, the HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 6 1 Department of ileneing and Urban Develepment-Independ- 2 ent Agencies. Appropriations Act, 4-9487 so paosed 13y the 3 House of RepresentMiyeo en September 22, 1987. 4 (f) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 5 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 6 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2783, the 7 Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independ- 8 ent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed by the 9 Senate on October 15, 1987: Provided, That discretionary 10 domestic budget authority shall not exceed $40.87 billion and 11 that discretionary domestic outlays (excluding prior year out- 12 lays) shall not exceed $18.46 billion: Provided further, That 13 defense budget authority shall not exceed $350 million and 14 that defense outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not 15 exceed $280 million. 16 (t) Such amounts fro may he nccmary for programs; 17 projects, e ftetiyitieo ftt the rate for operationo find to the 18 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2712, the 19 Deportment of the Interior ond Related Agcncic2 Apprepitia- 20 tion e Aet7.19.887 os passed by the Reese of Repreentative 21 Off June 25, 1987. 22 (g) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 23 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 24 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2712, the 25 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropria- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 7 1 tions Act, 1988, as passed by the Senate on September 30, 2 1987: Provided, That discretionary domestic budget author- 3 ity shall not exceed $9.79 billion and that discretionary do- 4 mestic outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed 5 $6.66 billion. 6 44 Such aniewite e flifly he necessary for programs; 7 projects, e activities at the rate fer operations and to the 8 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 80587 the 9 Departments of baher-7 Health and Ruffian Services, and 10 Education, mid Related Agencies Appropriations Act, -19887 11 aa passed by the House of Representatives en August 12 1987. 13 (h) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 14 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 15 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 3058, the 16 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and 17 Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988, 18 as passed by the Senate on October 14, 1987: Provided, That 19 discretionary domestic budget authority shall not exceed 20 $38.26 billion and that discretionary domestic outlays (ex- 21 cluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed $19.20 billion: 22 Provided further, That discretionary international affairs 23 budget authority shall not exceed $5 million and that discre- 24 tionary international affairs outlays (excluding prior year 25 outlays) shall not exceed $1 million. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 8 1 (4 Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 2 projects, Of activities at the fate for operations, and to the 3 extent and in the manner provided fef i H.R. 2714, the 4 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 4-9887 as pi/booed by 5 the Reuse of Representatives en June 2447 1987. 6 (i) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 7 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 8 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2714, the 9 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed by 10 the Senate on September 30, 1987: Provided, That discre- 11 tionary domestic budget authority shall not exceed $1.77 bil- 12 lion and that discretionary domestic outlays (excluding prior 13 year outlays) shall not exceed $1.56 billion. 14 (j) Such ametutto as may be necessary for programs, 15 projects, 812 activities at the fate for operations find to the 16 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 49067 the 17 Military Construction Appropriations. Act, 49887 as pftomd 18 by the House of Representatives en July 4.47 1987. 19 (j) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 20 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 21 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2906, the 22 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed 23 by the Senate on October 27, 1987: Provided, That defense 24 budget authority shall not exceed $8.50 billion and that de- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 9 1 fense outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed 2 $2.37 billion. 3 Oi-1 Such amounts as may he necessary for programs, 4 projects, Of activities at the rate for operations and to the 5 extent and in the manner provided fer in H.R. 8620, the 6 Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies 7 Appropriations Act, 1988, an reported to the House of 8 Representatives en Coeteher 20, 1987: Provided, That with 9 respect to the line items fer which monies are appropriated in 10 the paragraph under the heading 11 eaft-Peit-A-LPH+Ns 12 COMMODITY eft-EDIT eeft-Pelt*TION 13 ef9aft-A-TI-Ne fix-Pisii-fsErfs 14 in title I of such bill, any monies otherwise available to the 15 Commodity Credit Corporation not otherwise obligated (in- 16 eluding the proceeds of repayments of price support loans 17 made on the 1987 Of previous crops and any proceeds of 18 sales of commodities from Commodity Credit Corporation 19 stocks) may be transferred to such line items Of may be used 20 to reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation during fiscal 21 year 1988 for net realized losses sustained, hut not previous 22 ly reimbursed (pursuant to the Aet of August 4-77 1961) 23 (44 if the Secretary of Agriculture determines such 24 transfer Of use is necessary to ensure the efficient and 25 effective implementation of the programs under the 26 Food Security Act of 1986, and HJ 395 RS--2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 10 1 (-24 the Secretary provides advance notice of the 2 transfer or use to Gengreso7 3 (k) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 4 projects, or activities at the rate for operations? and to the 5 extent and in the manner provided for in S. 1800, the Agri- 6 culture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies 7 Appropriations Act, 1988, as reported to the Senate on Oc- 8 tober 16, 1987: Provided, That discretionary domestic budget 9 authority shall not exceed $15.11 billion and that discretion- 10 ary domestic outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not 11 exceed $6.33 billion: Provided further, That discretionary 12 international affairs budget authority shall not exceed $1.06 13 billion and that discretionary international affairs outlays 14 (excluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed $1.35 billion. 15 (1) Such amounts fts may be necessary for program37 16 projects, er ftetivities at the fate for operations and to the 17 extent ftlifl in the manner provided far in H.R. 2890, the 18 Department of Transportation arid Related Agencies, Appre- 19 priatione Act, 1988, fte passed by the 14-ou2e of Representa- 20 fives July 4-37 1987. 21 (1) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 22 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 23 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2890, the 24 Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appro- 25 priations Act, 1988, as passed by the Senate on October 29, HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02125: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 11 1 1987: Provided, That discretionary domestic budget author- 2 ity shall not exceed $10.52 billion and that discretionary do- 3 mestic outlays shall not exceed $9.18 billion. 4 (in) Such amoimte its may he fieeeOffEtfy for pfegfftflit 5 projects, Of ftetivities ftt the rate for operations and to the 6 extent and i the manner provided for iii H.R. 2907, the 7 Treasury, Postal genPiee; and General Government Appro- 8 priatimis Act, 1988, es passed by the ilettse of ltepresenta- 9 fives Oft Ally 4-5i 1987. 10 (m) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 11 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 12 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 2907, the 13 Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government 14 Appropriations Act, 1988, as passed by the Senate on Sep- 15 tember 25, 1987: Provided, That discretionary domestic 16 budget authority shall not exceed $8.49 billion and that dis- 17 cretionary domestic outlays (excluding prior year outlays) 18 shall not exceed $6.94 billion: Provided further, That defense 19 budget authority shall not exceed $15 million and that de- 20 fense outlays (excluding prior year outlays) shall not exceed 21 $15 million. 22 Such amounts ttff may he neeessary for continuing 23 the following activities, fret otherwise provided for in this 24 joint resolution; which were conducted in the fiscal year 25 1987, wider the terms aml conditions provided in applicable HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 12 1 appropriations Acts fer the fiscal year 1987, at the current 2 rate: Provided, That no appropriation Of fund made available 3 Of authority granted pursuant to thie subsection shall be used 4 to initiate Of resume any project Of activity for which ftpf0- 5 priationo7 funds, or authority were net available during fiscal 6 year 1987: 7 activities authorized by the Older Americans Act; 8 dislocated worker assistance programa authorized 9 by title 144 of the Job Training Partnership Act; 10 activities authorized by titles 417 X--,- XVII, 11 Yi44(7 and XX of the Public Health Service Act mid 12 the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1986; 13 Work Incentives (WENT) activities authorized by 14 title AL of the Social Security Act; 15 child abuse awl adoption opportunities activities 16 authorized by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treat 17 melt Act, as amended, title 14 of Public Lew 45-2667 18 and by sections 402 409 of Public Law 98 173; 19 activities authorized by the Family Violence Prc 20 NT-el/64Hk and Services Act; 21 activities authorized by the Developmental Dis 22 abilities and Assistance and Bill of Rights, Act; 23 activities authorized by the Native American Pro 24 grams Act; HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 13 1 activities of the United States Mint in the Depar-t- 2 ',tient of the Treasury; ftfitl 3 ttetiNities of the White ilense Conference o Drug 4 Manse tnid Control in the Executive Office of the 5 President. 6 (n) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint 7 resolution, the levels for defense spending (budget function 8 050) for fiscal year 1988 shall not exceed $292.0 billion in 9 budget authority and shall be $285.4 billion in outlays and 10 the levels for discretionary nondefense spending shall not 11 exceed $162.9 billion in budget authority and $176.8 billion 12 in outlays, and individual accounts within this resolution 13 shall be adjusted to meet the requirements of this subsection. 14 SEC. 102. Unless otherwise provided for in this joint 15 resolution or in the applicable appropriations Act, appro- 16 priations and funds made available and authority granted 17 pursuant to this joint resolution shall be available from No- 18 vember 20, 1987, and shall remain available until (a) enact- 19 ment into law of an appropriation for any project or activity 20 provided for in this joint resolution, or (b) enactment of the 21 applicable appropriations Act by both Houses without any 22 provision for such project or activity, or (c) September 30, 23 1988, whichever first occurs. 24 SEC. 103. Appropriations made and authority granted 25 pursuant to this joint resolution shall cover all obligations or HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25 : CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 14 1 expenditures incurred for any program, project, or activity 2 during the period for which funds or authority for surch 3 project or activity are available under this joint resolution. 4 SEC. 104. Expenditures made pursuant to this joint res- 5 olution shall be charged to the applicable appropriation, fund, 6 or authorization (including a continuing appropriation for the 7 full year) whenever a bill in which such applicable appropria- 8 tion, fund, or authorization (including a continuing appropria- 9 tion for the full year) is contained is enacted into law. 10 SEC. 105. Section 1515 of title 31 of the United States 11 Code is amended by striking subsection (a) and inserting in 12 lieu thereof the following: 13 "(a) An appropriation required to be apportioned under 14 section 1512 of this title may be apportioned on a basis that 15 indicates the need for a deficiency or supplemental appropria- 16 tion to the extent necessary to permit payment of such pay 17 increases as may be granted pursuant to law to civilian offi- 18 cers and employees (including prevailing rate employees 19 whose pay is fixed and adjusted under subchapter IV of chap- 20 ter 53 of title 5) and to retired and active military person- 21 nel." 22 SEC. 106. The provisions of appropriations Acts within 23 the purview of this joint resolution, and the provisions of ap- 24 propriations Acts within the purview of the following joint 25 resolutions making continuing appropriations (section 101(c) HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25 : CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 15 1 of Public Law 96-86 (93 Stat. 657), section 101(f) of Public 2 Law 98-151 (97 Stat. 973), section 101(b) of Public Law 3 98-473 (98 Stat. 1837), section 101 (a) and (c) of Public 4 Law 99-190 (99 Stat. 1185, 1224), and section 101 (g), (i), 5 and (1) of Public Laws 99-500 and 99-591 (100 Stat. 1783- 6 242, 1783-287, 1783-308, 3341-242, 3341-287, 3341- 7 308)), shall (to the extent and in the manner specified in 8 the pertinent section of any such joint resolution) be effective 9 as if enacted into law. Those provisions are effective on the 10 date of enactment of the pertinent joint resolution except to 11 the extent a different effective date is specified in the joint 12 resolution or pertinent appropriations Act. 13 SEC. 107. Amounts and authorities provided by this res- 14 olution shall be in accordance with the reports accompanying 15 the bills as passed by or reported to the House Senate. 16 Sue. 4-08, In addition to any emus otherwise provided 17 herein, there is appropriated 00070440 to the United States 18 Information Agency,"Educational and Cultural Exchange 19 Programs", which shall he made available to the Seattle 20 Goodwill Games Organizing Committee for cultural ex-- 21 changes of persons arid ether ex-change-related activities as- 22 eeeiated with the Goodwill Games to be held in 4-990 in 23 Seattle; Wit-shine:m:17 HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 16 1 SEC. 4449, Section 2-144d) of the Immigration and NO- 2 tionalit-y Aet ie amended by inserting the following Frew 3 Par-atfaPhi. 4 "(3) No application feca collected by the Immigra- 5 tion and Naturalization Service (INS) pursuant to see- 6 tion 2444(b) of the Immigration end Nationality Act 7 4-EgA4 may be used by the INS to offset the costs of 8 the special agricultural worker legalization program 9 until the INS implements the program consistent with 10 the statutory mandate its follows: 11 "(A) During the application period as defined 12 in section 24040(1)44 of the INA the INS shall 13 not exclude from entry Of deport any alien and 14 shall grant, where applicable, admission to the 15 United States, work authorization, and provide an 16 employment authorized" endorsement Of other 17 appropriate work permit to any alien who pre- 18 sents a nonirivoloas application for adjustment of 19 status subsection 407 20 .(13) During the application period fts defined 21 in section 210(a)(1)(A) of the INA the INS shall 22 permit any alien who presents a nonipiveleue ap- 23 plication for adjustment of statue under subsection 24 (a) to file an applieation for adjustment of status 25 within the United Stater as provided for in section HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 17 1 2-1-0(4)(4)(43) Of outside the United States, as pf0- 2 vided for in section 210(14(4).(43) an47 specifically, 3 ander the procedures contained in 8 CFR 4 ?210.6. 5 "(C) INenfrivelottal application is defined as 6 ft declaration by the alien ander penalty of perjury 7 that the alien has in feet worked the required 8 number of man days, that identifies the type Of 9 nature of documentation the alien intends to later 10 produce in conjunction with ft complete applieft- 11 60137 that identifies current Of immediate past 12 employer(o)7 if known and that acknowledges that 13 false Qtatementa concerning eligibility constitute a 14 violation of title 487 United States Code, and/or 15 as an application defined in 8 CFR ? 210.6(c).". 16 SEC. 110. Na funds appropriated in this Of any other 17 Act may be used to deport Of otherwise require departure 18 from the United States of an alien who either is the spouse of 19 ft legalized person through ft marriage entered into before 20 November 67 1986, Of was the child of ft legalized person as 21 of November 67 1986: Provided; That the terms "child" and 22 " p " have the meanings given each terms in section 101 23 of the Immigrant and Nationality Act, and the term "legal 24 ized person" means, an alien who has been granted lawful HJ 395 RS---3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 18 1 resident status under section 240 Elf 245A of the Immigration 2 ffiid Nationality Act. 3 SEC. 4447 Ii addition to orry ettilie provided under this 4 joint resolution, there is appropriated $4,000,000 to the 5 Commission en the Bicentennial of the Constitution for rt 6 grant to the We The People 200 Committee, 7 SEC. 112. Nene of the funds made available under this 8 joint resolution Of ftfty subsequent appropriations Act fer 9 fiscal year 1988 for the Small Business Administration shall 10 he used for the implementation of section 024 of Public Law 11 99 661 end section 024 of Public Law 99 591 prier to Sep 12 tember 30, 1988. 13 SEC. 113. The Secretary of the Army, acting through 14 the Chief of Engineers; is directed to continue with planning; 15 design, engineering end construction of the Des Moines Ree - 16 reatienal River end Greenbelt project in accordance with the 17 General Design Memorandum dated September 1987 and 18 Public Law 99 591 using funds heretofore, herein, ef here 19 after appropriated. 20 SEC. 4447 Pffeag.eq. MeimPfe-A-TieN,--The project for 21 flood protection on the Lower San Joaquin River, California, 22 authorized by section 4-0 of the Peed Control Act approved 23 December 22, 4-944 (-58 Stat. 901), is modified 24 44 to authorize the Secretary of the AR=Fly7 acting 25 through the Chief of Engineers; to perform; in eomiee- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25 : CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 19 1 ties with the clearing and snagging authorized to be 2 performed en such river from Stockton, California, to 3 Fr-614 Dam fte part of such project by the Supplemen- 4 tal Appropriations Act, 1983 (67- Stat. 310) 5 (A} clearing and snagging in the area of the 6 North Fork of the Kings River in Mendota Peel 7 from the southern-1y boundary of the James Reekt- 8 mation District Number 1606 to Mendota Dam; 9 (13} fish aml wildlife mitigation; and 10 (0} such rip rapping in the area of the clear 11 Mg and snagging oo such rivers as may be ncces 12 &art to prevent erosion from such clearing and 13 snagging; and 14 (-2-) to increase the estimated cost of the clearing 15 and snagging Oft the bower &an Joaquin River, includ 16 Mg the activities authorized by paragraph (1)7 from 17 $670007000 to $8700070007 18 SEC. 115. Notwithstanding folly other prevision of 1aw7 19 none of the funds appropriated under this Aet er any ether 20 Aet shall be used by the Department of the Interior to imple- 21 ment ft reorganization of the Bureau of Reclamation. 22 Sno. 116. (A) The McGee Creek Project of the Bureau 23 of Reclamation shall net be deemed completed until such 24 time fiti construction of all authorized components of the HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 20 1 project are completed, including access raft& and recreation 2 areas, 3 04) The Bureau of Reclamation shall fret transfer title of 4 the project to any other entity Of require repayment of the 5 project Of permit refinancing of the project until such time itia 6 the project is completed according to the terms of (-A) above, 7? 843e:, 117. Ffeffi within funds available for Energy 8 Supply; Research on4 Development Activities, *875007000 9 shall be made available aff ft grant for the Loma Linda Uni 10 ver-sity Medical Center Proton Beam Demonstration Cancer 11 Treatment Center and shall remain available until expended. 12 SEO. 118. FfOfft within funds available for Energy 13 Supply; Research ftlid Development Activities, *270007080 14 shall be made available fes o grant for the Center for Physical 15 ftlifi Environmental Science ftt East Central University; Ada, 16 Oklahoma, and shall remain available until expended, 17 SEO. 119. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 18 is authorized to extend the time period required for eem- 19 meneeffiefit of eeftatmetion of Project No, 4506 for o addi- 20 tiena4 two years upon application by the licensee to the Fed 21 era-1 Energy Regulatory Commission if the Federal Energy 22 Regulatory Commission determines that ftn additional exten 23 sion is warranted under the standard set forth in section 4-g of 24 the Federal Power Act and is in the public interest, taking HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 21 1 into consideration the comprehensive review requirements of 2 the Federal Power Act. 3 4 SEC. 120. Of the funds made available in fiscal years 5 1985 and 1486 for expcn3ca necessary to enable the Prc3i 6 dent to carry eut the previsions of section 24 of the Afflie 7 Export Control Act, *6470007000 which Wit?ff allocated for 8 the Republic of Korea and which remains ftff uncommitted 9 balances i rescinded. 10 SEC. 121. In addition to the previsions of section 404-(e) 11 for Foreign Over-agent Rx-pert Financing and Related Pro 12 grams Appropriations Act, 4-988 insert the following: 13 "(a)(1) Notwithstanding fifty numerical limitations speei- 14 fled in the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Attorney 15 General Rifty admit aliens described in section (134 to the 16 United States its immigrants if- 17 "(A) they ore admissible (except as otherwise pre- 18 vided in paragraph (2)-) ibe iffifFtigfailts7 ftfid 19 "(B) they are issued ftli immigrant ?4so itild depart 20 from Vietnam daring the 2-year period beginning OA 21 days after the date of the enactment of this A4, 22 "(2) The previsions of paragraphs (14), (15), (20)7 (21), 23 (25)-; and (82) of section 24244 of the Immigration 1111E1 Na- 24 tionality Act shall fiEft be applicable to any alien seeking ad- 25 mission to the United States kinder this section, and the At- 26 terney General on the recommendation of ft consular officer HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 22 1 may waive any ether provision of such section (ether than 2 paragraph (27), (29), Of (-84) and other than so much of pftra- 3 graph (48) as relates to trafficking in narcotics) with respect 4 to such an alien for humanitarian purposes, to assure family 5 unity; Of when it is otherwise in the publie inter-eat. Any such 6 waiver by the Attorney General shall he in writing and shall 7 he granted only on an individual basis following an investiga- 8 tion by ft consular officer. 9 "(3) Notwithstanding section 224-(e) of the Immigration 10 and Nationality Act, immigrant visas issued to aliens, under 11 this section shall he valid for a period of 8 months, 12 L(4)(4) An alien described in this subsection is an alien 13 who, as of the date of the enactment of this. Act, is residing in 14 Vietnam and who establishes to the satisfaction of a consular 15 officer Of an officer of the Immigration and Naturalization 16 Service after a faee-to-faee interview, that the itlien 17 li(A)(i) was born in Vietnam after January 4- 18 1962, and before January 47 1976, and (ii) was fa- 19 by ft citizen of the United States (such an alien 20 in this subsection referred to as a 'principal alien); 21 it(43) is the spouse or child of ft principal alien and 22 is accompanying, or following to join, the principal 23 ahem Of 24 "(C) subject to paragraph (2), either (i) is the 25 principal alien's natural mother (of is the spouse Of HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 23 1 child of such mother); er (ii) has acted in effect es the 2 principal mother, father, or next-of-kin (or is the 3 spouse e child of Queh en alien), end is accompanying, 4 Of following to join; the principal alien. 5 "(2) An immigrant visa may not be issued to en alien 6 under paragraph (4)(4) unless the principal alien involved is 7 unmarried end the officer referred to in paragraph (44 has 8 determined, in the officer-Ls discretion, that (A) such en alien 9 hes e bone fide relationship with the principal alien similar to 10 that which exists between close family members and Q4) the 11 admission of such en alien is necessary for humanitarian pur- 12 poses Of to assure family unity. If en alien described in para 13 graph (1)(C)(ii) is admitted to the United States, the natural 14 mother of the principal alien involved shall not; thereafter, be 15 accorded eny right; privilege, or status under the Immigra-- 16 tion end Nationality Act by virtue of such percentage. 17 "(3) El-0f purposes of this subsection; the term 'child' has 18 the meaning given such term in set:4,km 101(b)(1) (A), (B), 19 (C), (D), and (E4 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. 20 4e) Any alien admitted (er awaiting admission) to the 21 United States under this section shall be eligible for benefits 22 under chapter of title lAz of the Immigratioik end National 23 Ay Ae.t to the same extent itO individuals admitted (or await 24 ing admission) to the United States under section 207 of such 25 Act tcre eligible for benefits under such chapter. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 24 1 "(d) The Attorney General, in cooperation with the Sec 2 retary of State, shall report to Congress 1 year,. 2. ycar3, and 3 years, after the date of the enactment of this Act on the 4 implementation of this section: Each such report shall include 5 the number of aliens who are issued immigrant visas Oft?1 who 6 are admitted to the United States under this Act and number 7 of waivers granted under subsection ft).(2) and the reasons for 8 granting such waivers. 9 "(c) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this 10 section, the definitions contained in the Immigration OftEl 11 &ma-14y Act shall apply in the administration of this section 12 and nothing contained in this section shall he held to repeal, 13 amend, alter, modify; effect, Of restrict the powers-,- duties, 14 functions, Of authority of the Attorney General in the admin 15 istration and enforcement of such Act Of any ether law relat- 16 Mg to immigration, nationality; Of naturalization: The fact 17 that an alien may he eligible to be granted the status of 18 having been lawfully admitted for permanent residence under 19 this section shall net preclude the alien from seeking such 20 status under any other provision of law for which the alien 21 may be 22 SE43, 122. Section 17(d)(4)(G) of the United States 23 Reusing Act of 1937 is amended by striking 46 months" 24 and inserting L48 months". HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 25 1 SEC. 123. Any cooperative hank established under the 2 Iftw of any State which WM' directed by the State banking 3 anther-4y of such State to obtain Federal deposit insurance 4 bet-Ween January 47 4-9857 end January 47 1987, shell be 5 deemed to be an insured institution described in section 6 2-1)(4)W4 of the Federal Rome Lean Bank Act. 7 Sim* 124. No funds shell he expended for the purposes 8 of preparing necessary documentation for end issuance of ft 9 special use authorization permitting land use end occupancy 10 end our-face disturbing activities for any project to he eon- 11 stfueted en Lewis Fork Greek in Madera County, California, 12 et the site above, end ftflifteent te Ger-lieu Falls bordering the 13 Lewis Fork Creek National Recreation T-r-ftil until both of the 14 following conditions ere met: 15 (44 A joint study is completed ftivi submitted to 16 the Congress by the United States Forest Service ftnd 17 the California Department of Parks end Recreation re- 18 gar-ding the project's impact en the aesthetics of Cor 19 lieu Falls, together with ft finding that the Lewis Fork 20 Creek project will net substantially impact the flew ftt 21 Gorlieu 22 A study is eempletefl end submitted to the 23 Congress by the United States. Forest Service concern 24 ing the project's impact on the Chttkehansi Indian HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 26 1 Tribc, together with ft finding that there will he lie 2 impact en the tribe's adjacent sacred het springs. 3 SEO. 125. Hereafter, the Secretary of Agriculture is au-- 4 theficed; except for urban rodent eetitrel; to (3.011414 11.44i- 5 ties and to enter into agreements with States; local jurisdic 6 tient individuals; and public end private agencies, erganica- 7 tions, end institutions in the 694r-el of nuisance mammals 8 end birds end those mammal end bird species that ere reser 9 voire for coonetie diseases, and to deposit any money collect 10 ed under any such agreement into the appropriation accounts 11 that incur the costs to he available immediately end to 12 remain available until expended for Animal Damage Control 13 activities. 14 SEC. 126. Section 144(g)(2) of title 23, United States, 15 Code, shall net apply to the Virginia Street Bridge in 16 Charleston; West 17 Sue. 127. Fef 80 percent of the expense necessary to 18 carry eut ft highway bypass project in the vicinity of Pcto3 19 key, Michigan, that demonstrates methods of improving eee- 20 Bernie development end regional transportation, there is au- 21 theficed to be appropriated *28,000,000, to remain available 22 until expended, of which *500;000 is hereby appropriated; to 23 remain available until expended: Provided; That all funds ep- 24 prepriated under this head shall be exempt from any limita- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 27 1 tion en obligations for Federal aid highways and highway 2 safety construction programs, 3 SEC. 128. Funds made available to the United State 4 Postal Service pursuant to section 2404-(ft) of title 8-97 United 5 States Code: shall he used hereafter to continue full postal 6 service to the people of Holly Springs proper, including ip- 7 grading, remodeling; and improving the United States Post 8 Office building located at 440 North Memphis Street, Holly 9 Springs, Mississippi, 10 SE?. 129. (ft) Nene of the funds made available by this 11 Of fifty ether Act with respect to any fiscal year may be used 12 to make ft contract for the manufacture of distineeree paper 13 for United States currency and sccuritica pursuant to set-gen 14 5111 of title 8-17 United States Code, with any corporation OF 15 other entity owned Of controlled by persons not citizens of 16 the United States, Of for the manufacture of such distinctive 17 paper outside of the United States OF its, possessions. This 18 subsection shall not apply if the Secretary of the Treasury 19 determines that no domestic manufacturer of distinctive 20 paper for United States currency Of securities exists with 21 which to make ft contract and if the Secretary of the Treaa 22 ury publishes in the Federal Register ft written finding atat 23 ing the basis for the determination, 24 Os} Nene of the funds made available by this Of fifty 25 ether Act with respect to any fiscal year may be used to HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 28 1 procure paper fef passports granted Of issued pursuant te the 2 fist aeetiefi of the A4 entitled "An Act to regulate the issue 3 and validity of passports, and fef other purposes", .approved 4 July .87 1926-. (22 U.S.C. 2-14,a)7 if such paper ie manufactured 5 outside of the United States. Of ita possessions Of i procured 6 from ftfky corporation Of other entity owned Of controlled by 7 per-sena net citizens of the United States. This subsection 8 shall net apply if no domestic manufacturer fef passport 9 paper exists. 10 SEC. 130. INT-TER-Bs41 ON 43-AOIE PAY FOB FEDERAL 11 FI1iPEre-YEE67?(8) GENERAL. Section45.9.6(b) of title k 12 United States Code, ia amended 13 (4) by fedesignating paragraphs (2) and (8) as 14 paragraphs (8-) and (4)7 respectively; and 15 (2) by adding after paragraph (4) the following,: 16 "(2)(A) An amount payable under paragraph 17 (1)(A)(i) of this subsection shall he payable with 18 interest. 19 413.) Such interest 20 L(i) shall be computed fef the period begin 21 ning en the effective date of the withdrawal Of re- 22 duction involved and ending on it date net more 23 than 80 days before the date en which payment is 24 made; HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 29 1 L44 shall be computed at the fate Of rates in 2 effect under section 66244444 of the Internal 3 Revenue Code of 1986 during the period 4e- 4 sefibed clause (i); ftfrd 5 "(iii) shall he compounded 6 "(C) Interest under this paragraph shall be paid 7 out of amounts available for payments under paragraph 8 44 of thieBuincetion.". 9 (4) CTE-IstERAteept tte provided in partt- 10 graph (2), the amendments made by subsection (ft) shall 11 take effect Oft the date of the enactment of this Act, 12 mid shall apply with respect to ftny employee found, in 13 ft final judgment entered of a final decision otherwise 14 rendered Oft Of after such date, to have been the sub- 15 jcct of an unjustified Of unwarranted personnel action, 16 the correction of which entitles such employee to an 17 amount under section 6696414(4)(4)(i) of title 67 United 18 States Code, 19 (2) EXCEPTION. 20 (A) CASES IN WilI011 * RIGHT TO INTER 21 EST W*E3 RESERVED. The amendments ma-de by 22 subsection (a) shall aloe apply with respect to any 23 claim which was brought under set-gen 6496 of 24 title 67 United States Code, and with respect to 25 which a final judgment was entered or ft final de- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 30 1 ?igen otherwise rendered before the date of the 2 enactment of this Act, if7 under ter-1=1+S of such 3 judgment Of decision, ft right to interest was spe- 4 cifically reserved, contingent en the enactment of 5 a statute authorizing the payment of interest en 6 claims brought under such section 45467 7 03) ME44-1441) F oempwri-Ne. INTEREST. 8 The amount of interest payable under this pftra- 9 graph with respect to a claim shall be determined 10 in accordance with section 549644244 of title 67 11 United States Cede (as amended by this section). 12 (g) SOURCE. An amount payable under this 13 paragraph shall be paid from the appropriation 14 made by section 1301 of title 847 United States 15 Code, notwithstanding section 4544644(2)(g) of 16 title 67 United States Cede (as amended by this 17 section) Of ftfry ether prevision of 18 4D-) DEADLINE. An application for a pay-- 19 merit under this paragraph shall be ineffective if it 20 is filed after the end of the 4-year period begin 21 Fling Oft the date of the enactment of this Act. 22 SEC. 131. The Administrator of the General Services 23 Administration shall initiate the planning process necessary 24 to design and construct a facility for the Social Security Ad- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 31 1 ministration in Wilkes -gaffe; Pennsylvania, pursuant to ccc 2 tier} 115 of Public Law 99 591. 3 So. 132. PAY INGREA-SE FOB FEDERAL ErMPEO-Y- 4 BES-: ?(a) P-PRORNEF ftliy 5 ether prevision of low7 in the ease of fiscal year 4-9887 the 6 overall percentage of the adjustment under section 4806 of 7 title 67 United States Code, in the rates of pay under the 8 General Schedule, and in the rates of pay under the ether 9 statutory pay systems, shall be ant increase of 8 percent. 10 44 EFFReTwE DATE. Each increase in o pay r-ate 11 schedule which takes effect pursuant to subsection (a) shall, 12 to the maximum extent practicable, be of the same percent 13 age7 and shall take effect -as of the first day of the fifft appli 14 cable pay period beginning en or after January 47 19887 15 (e) F-T7T1Hi)INe any ether 16 prevision of lav, amounts appropriated in order to provide for 17 the adjustment described in subsection (a) in fiscal year 1988 18 shall cover Rot to exceed 84 percent of the increase in total 19 pay for such fiscal year. 20 (4) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this section 21 (44 the term "total pay" meant with respect to ft 22 fiscal year, the total amount of basic pay which will be 23 payable to employees covered by statutory pay systems 24 for service performed during such year; HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 32 1 (24 the term "increase in total pay" meant with 2 respect to ft fiscal year, that pact of total pay fef such 3 year which is attributable to the adjustment taking 4 effect under this section ("wing such year; ftfifl 5 (8) the term ."statutory pay system" has the 6 meaning given such term by section E404.(e) of title k 7 United States Code. 8 SRe, 133. (ft) Notwithstanding any other prevision of 9 this Act Of any other law; Fie adjustment in fates of pay 10 under section 5405 of title 67 United States Code, which he- ll comes effective en Of after October 47 1987, and before Clete - 12 toff 47 1988, shall have the effect of increasing the fate of 13 salary Of basic pay fof any office Of position in the legislative; 14 executive, Of judicial branch Of in the government of the Di3 15 tfiet of Columbia to a fate exceeding the fate (or maximum 16 rate, if higher) of salary Of basic pay payable fef that office Of 17 position its of September 30, 1987, if7 as of that date, such 18 fate (or maximum fate) is- 19 (44 fixed at et fate which is equal to OF greater 20 than the fate of basic pay fef level of the Executive 21 Schedule under section 684-6 of title 67 United States 22 Code, Of 23 to ft maximum fate which is equal to 24 Of greater than the fate of basic pay fof such level 25 (of to ft percentage of such a maximum fate) by reason HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 33 1 of section 4808 of title 67 United States gefle7 Of Orly 2 other pm-vision of law Of congressional resolution. 3 (13) For purposes of subsection (a--)7 the fate Of maximum 4 fate (as the ease may be of salary Of basic pay payable fte of 5 September 807 1987, for any office Of position which was flat 6 in existence en such date shall be deemed to be the fate Of 7 maximum fate (as the ease flifty be of salary Of basic pay 8 payable to individuals in comparable offices Of positions en 9 such date, as determined under regulations prescribed 10 444 by the President, in the ease of any office Of 11 position within the executive branch Of in the govern 12 melt of the District of Columbia; 13 (2) jointly by the Speaker of the House of R-epfe- 14 sentatives and the President po tempore of the 15 Senate, in the ease of any office Of position within the 16 legislative branch, Of 17 (8) by the Chief Justice of the United States, in 18 the ease of any office Of position within the judicial 19 bfaneli7 20 8.148, 134. Nene of the funds in this Of fifty other Act 21 shall be used to promulgate Of otherwise implement the 22 notice of proposed rulemaking Oft foreign repair stations 444 23 CFR Parts 135 and 145) that was published by the Depart 24 merit of Transportation fbrkfl the Federal Aviation Adiftioiratfft- 25 tiff} in the Federal Register en November 247 1987. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 34 1 S-Bel- 136. Frx-LP.EmsfeN 44F ATTAINMENT DEAD 2 LINES. (a) NeN-A-EFF-ApimENT ARE-AO /40ii 4gEONE OE 3 CARBON MeNe-x-IBE,?Ne restriction Of prohibition under 4 section 44-0(a).(2).(4), section 4-7.6.(a) Of 03)7 Of section 846 of 5 the glean Air Act shall be enforced in fifty State before 6 August 847 1988, by reason of the failure of fifty State to 7 attain the national primary ambient air quality standard 8 under the Glean Aif Aet for photeehemieal oxidant* (ozone) 9 Of carbon monoxide (Of both) by December 847 1987, the 10 failure of any State to adept and submit to the Administrator 11 an implementation plan which meets the requirements, of part 12 1) of title I of that Aet and provides for attainment of such 13 standards by December 847 1987, the failure of any State to 14 implement such e 136117 Of ftliy combination of the foregoing, 15 If ftliy such restriction Of prohibition took effect in any State 16 before the enactment of thie Act by reason of fttly such fail- 17 tiro,- the enforcement of that restriction Of prohibition shall be 18 suspended until August 847 1988. Prier to August 847 1988,- 19 the Administrator shall apply the provisions of section 173(1) 20 and (-4} of that Act without regard to the December 847 1987 21 attainment date, 22 ch) FAx-AE+T--A-TioNs A-ND DEEIGN-A-TIONS-:?Pfief to 23 August 847 4948, the Administrator shall evaluate air quality 24 data and make determinations with respect to the degree to 25 which areas throughout the nation have attained, Of failed to HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 35 1 attain, either Of both of the standards referred to in subsee- 2 tier} (ft) ftlifl shall designate these areas failing to attain either 3 Of both of such standards ftff tamattatimeeet areas within the 4 meaning of pftft ef title of the Clem A4 Act. 5 843-e7 136. (e) Seetierk 315 of the Communieations Act of 6 1931 (47 U.S.C. 84-5) is amended 7 (4) by fedesignittag subsections (a) through (4) as 8 subsections (3-) through (e)-; respectively; aml 9 (2) 13-y insetting before subsection (3) the following 10 Flew subsection: 11 (a)(4) The Congress finds that 12 "(A) despite technological advances, the cicctro 13 magnetic spectrum remains o scarce {Hifi valuable 14 public 15 4:13) there are still substantially flier+ persons 16 who want to broadcast than there ore frequencies to 17 allocate; 18 "(C) o broadcast license confers, the right to use 19 valuable public resource and o broadcaster is therefore 20 required to utilize that resource os o trustee for the 21 American people; 22 "(D) there is ft substantial and emigrating gevete- 23 mental interest in conditioning the award Of renewal of 24 ft broadcast license on the requirement that the limn 25 ee ftffsizife that widest possible dissemination of infer-ma- HJ 395 RS LDeclassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 36 1 tion from diverse and antagonistic Dourcca by present - 2 Mg ft reasonable opportunity for the diseussion, of eon- 3 flieting views on issues of public importance; 4 "(E) while flew video and audio crvice have 5 been proposed and introduced, many have net sueeeed- 6 ed and even those that are operating reach ft far small - 7 er audience than broadcast stations; 8 "(F) even when and where new video MCI audio 9 service are available; they de not provide meaningful 10 alternatives to broadcast stations for the dissemination 11 of news mid public. affairs; 12 "(G) for more than thirty years, the Fairness 13 Doctrine mid irt corrollario, as developed by the Fed 14 oral Communications Commission 011 the basis of the 15 provisions of this Act, have enhanced free speech by 16 seeming the paramount fight of the broadcast rtudieffee 17 to robust debate en issues of public importance; ?44 18 -414) the Fairness Doctrine (4) fairly reflects the 19 statutory obligation of broadcasters under this Act to 20 operate in the public interest, 4i) was given statutory 21 approval by the Congress in making certain amend 22 merits to this ftet in 1959, and (iii) strikes a reasonable 23 balance among the First Amendment fights of the 24 public, broadcast licensees, fffkfl speakers ether than 25 owners of broadcast HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 37 1 "(2) A broadcast Halm? shall afford reasonable Oft0f- 2 tunity for the dismission 4 conflicting views en issues of 3 public importance. 4 "(3) The enforcement and application of the requirement 5 imposed by this subsection shall be consistent with the rules 6 and policies of the Commission in effect en January 4- 7 1987.". 8 (b) This section awl the amendment to the genummiett- 9 tions Aet 4 443-4 added by this Qcction 10 (4-) shall take effect upon the date of enactment of 11 this Act; 12 (2) shall apply to all eases within the jurisdiction 13 of the Federal Communications Commission en Of after 14 such date; *Rd 15 (3) shall supereede the holding and findings of the 16 Commission in its memorandum opinion and order of 17 August 67 1987, In re Complaint of Syracuse Peace 18 Council Against Television Station WTVH, Syracuse, 19 New York, (F.C.C. 87-266) 20 SEC. 137. HAITI. (a) Su-sPENsfeN OP AD 21 During A-NeB,---D+Hing fiscal year 4-9887 none of the funds made 22 available by this joint resolution OF by any ether Aet Of joint 23 resolution may he obligated OF expended to provide assist 24 ftriee for Haiti (ether than the assistance described in subsee- 25 tier} (13)) unless the democratic process set forth in the Haitian HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 38 1 Constitution approved by the Haitian people on March 2.9; 2 1987, especially those previsions relating to the Previsional 3 Electoral Council, is being fully itfid faithfully adhered fi,e by 4 the government of Haiti; 5 44 Ex-eEPTieNs;--Subseetien fa) does net -apply with 6 respect to humanitarian assistance provided through private 7 and voluntary organizations or nongovernmental organiha- 8 tions Of to assistance pro-aided in order te enable the eentintl- 9 ation of migrant and narcotics interdiction operations; 10 fe) OTH-Eit SANCTIONS. It is. the sense of the Con 11 gross that; in order to further encourage the Government of 12 Haiti to adhere le the constitutionally mandated transition to 13 democracy, the President should 14 (4) suspend Haiti's eligibility for benefits under 15 the Caribbean Basin Freenemie Recovery Act; ftfid 16 (2) seek international cooperation to encourage 17 such adherence by the government of Haiti; through 18 the imposition of an international ft-FIR& embargo and 19 comprehensive trade and financial sanctions. 20 SEC. 138. (a) Nene of the funds appropriated for fiscal 21 year 4-988 by this Joint Resolution or any ether law may be 22 obligated Of expended to enter into, renew; extend, amend; Of 23 otherwise modify fifty contract for the construction, alter 24 atioti; Of repair of any ptthlie building Of public work in the HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 39 1 United States with any contractor, subcontractor, o supplier 2 if such contractor, subcontractor, Of supplier 3 (44 is ft citizen Of national of Japan; 4 (2) is a corporation, partnership, Of other entity 5 organized Of existing under the laws of Japan, oiy 6 subdivision thereof, Of ftliy instrumentality of Japan Of 7 such a subdivision; Of 8 (84 is owned Of controlled, directly Of indirectly 9 (A-) by ft citizen OF national of Japan; 10 (134 by ft corporation, partnership, Of other 11 entity organized Of existing under the laws of 12 Japan, any subdivision thereof; Of ftily instrumerk- 13 tality of Japan Of such a subdivision; Of 14 (C4 by any combination of two er more of the 15 persons Of entities, Of both, described in subpar-ft- 16 graphs (A) and 04) of this paragraph, 17 (b) The President Of the head of a Federal agency may 18 waive the restrictions of subsection (a) of this section with 19 respect to an individual eentraet, if the President Of the head 20 of sm.:3h agency determines that such action is necessary in 21 the public interest. The authority of the President Of the head 22 of ft Federal agency under this subsection may net be dole 23 gated, 24 (e) As used in this section, the terms econtruetion11, gal- 25 teratier "repair", "public building", and ."public werk22- HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 40 1 have the same meanings such terms have under the Act of 2 Mar-eh 87 1988 444 U.S.C. et seq.), commonly referred te 3 rts the guy American Act. 4 Siie, 4497 Fr-0111 funds appropriated under this Act, rt 5 State's allotment for the program year beginning July 4- 6 19887 under section 801 44 for the Job Training Partnership 7 Act(Public Law 47-8.00) shall he reduced by ftft amount 8 equal to the enexpended balance of such State's allotment tte 9 of June 8.07 19887 in excess of the allowable unexpended 10 carry forward. The term "allowable unexpended carry for- 11 WELT-? shall be defined as 244 per centum of the State's allot 12 melt under section 801(b) of the Job Training Partnership 13 Aet for the program year beginning July 47 1987. Funds net 14 alleted to States that exceeded the allowable unexpended 15 carry forward amount shall be allotted by the Secretary in 16 accordance with section 804414 among States giving primary 17 consideration to States which have net exceeded the allow 18 able unexpended carry forward amount as of Julie 807 19887 19 mid have an average tmempleyement rate far the most recent 20 twelve menthe greater than the national average for such 21 period, Im no ease shall such funds be realletted to ftfly State 22 which had as unexpended balance as of June 80719887 in 23 excess of 86 per centum of its allotment wider see/gen 801(b) 24 for the prOgr-ttill year beginning ea July 47 1987. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 41 1 SEC. 108. Two PERCENT PAY INCREASE FOR FED- 2 ERAL EMPLOYEES AND MILITARY PERSONNEL.?(a) Not- 3 withstanding any other provision of law, in the case of fiscal 4 year 1988, the overall percentage of the adjustment under 5 section 5305 of title 5, United States Code, in the rates of 6 pay under the General Schedule, and in the rates of pay 7 under the other statutory pay systems, shall be an increase of 8 2 percent. 9 (1) EFFECTIVE DATE.?Each increase in a pay rate 10 or schedule which takes effect pursuant to subsection (a) 11 shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be of the same per- 12 centage, and shall take effect as of the first day of the first 13 applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1988. 14 (2) DEFINITIONS.?For purposes of this section- 15 (i) the term "total pay" means, with respect to a 16 fiscal year, the total amount of basic pay which will be 17 payable to employees covered by statutory pay systems 18 for service performed during such year; 19 (ii) the term "increase in total pay" means, with 20 respect to a fiscal year, that part of total pay for such 21 year which is attributable to the adjustment taking 22 effect under this section during such year; and 23 (iii) the term "statutory pay system" has the 24 meaning given such term by section 5301(c) of title 5, 25 United States Code. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 42 1 (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the 2 case of fiscal year 1988, any increase in the rates of basic 3 pay, basic allowance for subsistence and basic allowance for 4 quarters for members of the uniformed services, including 5 cadets and midshipmen, shall be limited to 2 percent effective 6 January 1, 1988. 7 SEC. 109. Notwithstanding any other provision of this 8 Act or any other law, no adjustment in rates of pay under 9 section 5305 of title 5, United States Code, which becomes 10 effective on or after October 1, 1987, and before October 1, 11 1988, shall have the effect of increasing the rate of salary or 12 basic pay for any office or position in the legislative, execu- 13 tive, or judicial branch or in the government of the District of 14 Columbia to a rate exceding the rate (or maximum rate, if 15 higher) of salary or basic pay payable for the office or posi- 16 tion as of September 30, 1987, if, as of that date, such rate 17 (or maximum rate) is ? 18 (1) fixed at a rate which is equal to or greater 19 than the rate of basic pay for level V of the Executive 20 Schedule under. section 5316 of title 5, United States 21 Code, or 22 (2) limited to a maximum rate which is equal to 23 or greater than the rate of basic pay for such level V 24 (or to a percentage of such a maximum rate) by reason HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25 : CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 43 1 of section 5308 of title 5, United States Code, or any 2 other provision of law or congressional resolution. 3 (b) For purposes of subsection (a), the rate or maximum 4 rate (as the case may be) of salary or basic pay payable as of 5 September 30, 1987, for any office or position which was not 6 in existence on such date shall be deemed to be the rate or 7 maximum rate (as the case may be) of salary or basic pay 8 payable to individuals in comparable offices or positions on 9 such date, as determined under regulations prescribed- 10 (1) by the President, in the case of any office or 11 position within the executive branch or in the govern- 12 ment of the District of Columbia; 13 (2) jointly by the Speaker of the House of Repre- 14 sentatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate, 15 in the case of any office or position within the legisla- 16 tive branch, or 17 (3) by the Chief Justice of the United States, in 18 the case of any office or position within the judicial 19 branch. Passed the House of Representatives, December 3, 1987. Attest: DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Clerk. HJ 395 RS Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8 Calendar No. 465 100TH CONGRESS II. J. RES. 395 1ST SESSION [Report No. 100-238] JOINT RESOLUTION Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1988, and for other purposes. DECEMBER 8, 1987 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations DECEMBER 8, 1987 Reported with amendments Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/25: CIA-RDP91G00006R000900010003-8