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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 C I4G. 1 25 February P46 CENTRAL SURVEY OF TEE AND PROPAGANDA. ELLIGENCE .GROUP Memorafidum by the I. ' NCTIONIOF MONITORING PRESS CADadTS'OrPOREIGN POWERS ector /of Central Intelligence . . I. DurinWhe war the ducted a For/ign BroadcaS monitored press and props A ral Communications Commission (FCC)car- ' I4tO11ige,nce Service (F130) which broadcasts of foreign poVers. 2. The FCC was in the proces-bf'liquidating this aginey when Ito functions were taken over by he War Deprtment on 4n interim hsis on 30 December 1945. 'The -Ar Department has requested that - the Director of central Intelligence assume responsibility for thc proper disposition of former FBIS functions with a view to dc,termining the most appropriate Government 1 ' Foreign propaganda broadcafts on g - necessary recommendrItions 't,C0:; the ; (Enclosure "B"). It appears that this T)f urgency. The Central furnph the steering mem and believes:that such a: make the necessary study Paragrdph 3 of by which such a committee agency to monitor continuing basis and:make the tional Intelligence Authority hould be undertaken a" a matter IIP:e Group is prepared Interdepartmental coptee, , should be organized 4rt'once irepiive No. 1 provides a procedure ' created by unnimous approval of , the Director of Central Ii4e.lirice and, the IntelligenOs :.uthority. 5. The mer4orandum in Enda the proposed committee ancl.jg 11 members of the Advisor to the NationalIntelligence "A" is design(:d to establish it the necessary directii/e. If concur in the draft without subsantial ange, a meeti w.1 not be necessary. ItkiS x RE3TRICTED I, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED recommended that Enq1ure r.A" be prilroved, and that -each member of the Advieqy'fl3o3r4 arrange for necessary *plementation by his Department, RESTRICTED CIG 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "A" DRAFT C.I.G. DIRECTIVE NO. SURVEY OF TRE FUNCTION OF MONITORING PRESS AND PROPAGANDA BROADCASTS OF FOREIGN POWERS Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence, with the Unanimous Concurrence: of the'Intellience Advisory Board 1 a. During the war the gederal Communications Commission (FCC) conducted a Foreign BrOadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS) which monitored press and propaganda broadcastS of foreign powers. The FCC was in process of liquidating this agency when its func- tions were taken over by thelfL,r Department on an interim basis on 30 December 1945. b. The product of the FBIS was valuable to the State, Department, to the intelligence.agencies of the. Wr,r and Navy Departments, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and undoubt- edly to other departments and agencies. C. Since the interim arrangements will cease at the end -)f the fiscal year 1946, it is essential that the ultimate dispo- sition of former FBIS functions be determined at an early date. 2... By unanimous approval fte Director ofCentral Tutelli- ' gence and the Intelligence A4y ry Board an ad hoc Committee is hereby established to consis ?ffive members,lone representing the Director of Central InteIl hoe and one representing each member of the Intelligence Advifr4ry Board. This committee will promptly make a detailed stu4YIO facilities, resources :and operations for monitoring foreig press and propaganda broadcasts, encT will determine whether this Service is of continuing value to Lxisting Federal Igencies. Its report will include recommendations Which resources facilities, e.nd operating functions should be continued in the national interest. RESTRICTED CIG 3 Enclo re "A" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED b": WhLt disposition 41.hould be made of preserved resources and facilities and wha7ssignments should be made of responsi- bility for conducting Oie preserved operating functidhs. c. What budgetary a4angements should be made. 3. The committee will submit a report of findings, conclusions and recommendations to the 'Director of Central Intelliggnce, who will then prepare suitable recommendations to be submitted to the National Intelligence Authority after obtaining the conChrrence or comment of the Intelligence Advisory:Board. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be invited to sit as a member Of the Intelligence Advisory Board for consideration of these recommendations. RESTRICTED CIG 1 4 - Enclosure "A" , Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "B" 12 February 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR REAR ADMIRAL SIDNEY W. SOUERS: Subject: Monitoring of Foreign Propaganda Broadcasts. 1. During December 1945 the Var. Department Was informed that the Federal Communications .Commission was in process of liquidat- ing its Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS) which monitored press and propaganda broadcasts of foreign powers. Although systematic coverage of toreign.propaganda broadcasts was believed primarily the concern of the State Department, it was also valuable as an auxiliary activity to the intelligence functions of the War and Navy Departments. Other government agencies were served by the product of the FBIS. Therefore, as an interim measure only, pending any program the State Department night initiate, the W.Ir Department expanded its monitoring program t.) meet the need arising from the liquidation of FBIS (Tab "A"). 2. The 14_1, Department, with the approval of the Federal Com- nications Commission (Tab "B"), accordingly employed former 7-BIS personnel and placed them on the vox Department payroll ffective 30 December 1945; and all FBIS facilities, including those held by lease or contract, were acquired by the War Depart- ment on loan or by transfer. The War Department arranged for the _(_negotiation of outstanding leases and contracts, which now 'rnstitute a charge against its current operating expenses. Fend- in R detailed arrangements, it acquired by loan fixed facilities end equipment owned by Federal Communications Commission, necessary for the functional to continued FBIS operations. See Tab organization of FBIS. tic II 3. It is inappropriate and outside of the scope of its responsi- hilities for the War Department to continue monitoring foreign prcss and propaganda .broadcasts beyond the fiscal year 1.946 (June 30,, 1946). Another government agency should be prepared to RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED continue the FIS function after that date. It is the fore proposed that the Director f Central Intelligence ass responsibility ;for the proper d4 position of the FBIS 4#d its related Central Intelligence funCtions and make the necessary recommendations to the National intelligence Authority with a view to determining the most appropriate government agency to I,. , ? b . , monitor foreign prop-gand,ai roadcasts on a continuing basis. It 4-H- ,6 is recommended that the WO ,and Navy Departments be informed as early as practicable as tbthe ultimate disposition of::,PBIS. 3 Incls: 1. Tab "A" 2. Tab "B" 3. Tab "C" RESTRICTED CIG 1 / tHOYT S. VANDENBERG .Lieutenant General, GSC Asst. Chief of Staff;G-2 Enclosure "B" Declassified and Approved For Release2012/12/13 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RES*ICTED TAB "A" ENCLOSURE "B" 21 Derember 1945 Hon*able Paul Porter ChaUman, Federal Communications Commission 7'Tashington, D.C. Den Mr. Porter: tio gen brio :The var Department s advised that the Federal Communion- , Zommission is liqu ting the Foreign Broadcast Intelli- Y -,$ervice (FBIS), whi01 monitors and digests propaganda 4sts of foreign powprs. ' 71Systematic coveragOpf foreign propaganda broadcasts is .,.,1 bel yed primarily the c ern of the State Department. It also is 34.1able to the Wnr and.'Navy Departments. In the circum- sta p of these times it71s an essential source of intelligence. "s a1nterim measure, pending any program the State Department nitiate, the War Department plans to expand its monitoring - r)rogram to meet the needArisitg from the liquidation of the FBI gra It is proposed that all FBIS personrel, without change of '01" duties or accrued leave, be transferred to the War Dep ent prior to 31 December 1945 and that the Commission holci the ersonnel together by continuing operations pending an ord41y determination and transfer of those essential to con- tin tll.operations. is considered impOrtant that agreement in principle to the ecessary transfers be reached immediately in order ,to avoid lossol' continuity and ofexperienced personnel. A mutually sati.factory settlement of the details on readily be made by renr Sentatives of the 14_,r Department and of the Commission. The G-2 iyision will represent the War Department in this matter. RES TOTED ffIG 7 - Tab "A" to Enclosure "B" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED Your acceptance of tthese proposals is requested. It will fatilitate War?Departmen plans, to expart4 its monitoring program 16 the national interest A RESTRICTED CIG 1 Sincerely yours, / ROBERT P. PATTERSON Secretary of' War Tab "A" to Enclosure. ";p" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED, TAB "B" TO ENCLOSURE "B" . December 27, 1945 Honorable Robert P. Patterson Secretary ot.War Pentagon Building Washington, D. C. My dear Secretary Patterson: This Will acknowledge .your letter of 21 December 1945 proposing tljtransfer to the War Department of the CommiSbion , ,. personnel vto have been engaged in the monitoring of fo eign , 1,,. shortwave broadcasts and further proposing the loan to (he , 'War Department of all Federal Communications CommisSion'lacili- 1 i ties which have been employed in that activity. i The:O6mmissiOn accepts the proposals made in your letter and steps are being taken ments which 'you suggest. To this end representatives of the War Department and repi:,esentatives of the ? for the purpose ofimaking detailed plans. immediately to effectuate theCarrange- C'Dmmission met this morning The CommissiOn is pleased that the War Department .has found it possible to carry on this important activity. RESTRICTED: CIG 1 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 By Direction of the Commission /s/ PAUL A. PORTER Chairman - Tab "B" to Enclosure IB" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 RESTRICTED FUNCTION' ORGANIZATION OF THE FOREIGN Bb AST INTELLIGENCE SERVICE Office of the Director (6 positions) Directs and supervises the execution of all the functions of the service; responsible for supervision of the field Offices, coordination of the work of the various divisions and units, liaison between the service and the government departments which it serves. Monitoring Division (53 positions) Monitors (linguists) summarize in English and provide ex- cerpts from significant broadcasts being received at the Silver Hill station. Pll broadcasts ones are translated in f4ll, others in response to speial Section in the Division mainta broadcasts by station, frequen basis for making up the mOnito Broadcast Intelligence Seryice monitored are recorded. Important some as part of regular schedule, requests. A Program Information 47 a complete list of foreign and time, which is used as the rg schedule for all Foreign 8I5) monitoring Stations. Publications Division. (74;posi Ons) Prepares and issuesmime aphed and typewritten reports n incoming broadcasts for rap &distribution to government agencies requesting them. I Theqe include a daily report of texts, summaries and excerpts ofFar aStern broadcasts prepared by Far Eastern Section; a similar rep rt of European broadcasts prepare by European Section; a siMilar report of European broadcasts by Latin :merican Section speil reports in answer to queries. , Ts Division maintains cumultling, detailed knowledge of the content of the monitored radiobroadcasts of foreign powers. Soecial Services Section serves the Division by maintaining files of background facts, namls and places and serves as a centsr for telephone and written queries for particular information from r other agencies. RESTRICTED CIG 1 - Tab "C" to Enclosure 'B" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 'Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6 i RESTRICTED Operates gener41,specialized 'teletype services to thterested government agenciesto provide rapidly factual in- . larmation of what 13 being broadcast by foreign powers; receives and transmits to monitors and editors the requests from user kgencies f7)r speciftcsubjects or kinds of information to be , monitored. Administrative Service ti: Division (35 positions) Receives stencils of reports from the Publications Division 4id transcripts from the Monitoring Division; mimeographs, (Mates and distributes by messenger and mail the reports thus processed; also receives, regords, distributes and files incoming and outgeting correspondence, mimeographed reports, transcripts and recordings; maintains a messenger service. Field organization (106 positions) The field stations,4re located at strategic points for the interception and Washington of foreign broadcasts not monitored in the Washington area. There are FBIS stations at Guatts.Kaucli T.I4; and Portland, Oregon. These stations monitor translate edit and dispatch by radio and pouch to Washington, D.C., Press and propaganda broadcasts of foreign powers.* The London and Cairo offices have access to similar Materiai monitored lay B.B.C. and M.O.I. respectively and performs the sam4;seleCtion, editing and transmission functions. Te foregoing functional organization of the Foreign /4 DroadcaOt Intelligence Service is substantially that taken over by the War Department :effective 30 December 1945. It is subject to review prior to final approval by the War Department. RESTRICTED tIG I R? - 11 - Tab "0" to Enclosure Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/13: CIA-RDP10-01569R000100030039-6