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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 PYS'O CCJL. BL eis ;viz vAsnOps SURYIYAI- RATIONS ut 1. The Efitas?tcrof Young Men Linde$ Towero?e. Coact...inns *. THE PHYS10JDGIC.AL 'BASIS FOR VA.;101./5 03;1511111ENTS IN SURYIVI. RATIONS Pcrt: 1: Az Efficiency of Young Ihn Under Tetrpeta.te Conditions June 195: STAT JtNE 1954. ARIGHT AIR DEAE1.01".11..\if CEIiTF.R tiere4-t Air Develoirnent .Center Aar Rer.eozch rid Development Command Polled States kr Force right. reetterron . er Force Hew, Ohio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 STAT .1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 1. rn order ti arri..e at c-nclusive jud,:oments on the problem or all-nuroose, 411_, ,v4r?,-,.nt sur7ival ratioos, cornrehensive studies, r hiuii nt.v-iDlc?c-1, 1 ' nutr1 tonal, and clinical approaches, .tf c--.ducted t t6: 1d i 1 in hce.nitIls with emphasis on the .rfects of rhv.,ical work, ..:eater, aPd in'ol; on thP bndy efficiency and ortan function cr the survivor. A*" din-'tc the nesults of the present study, the all-purpoie r4C-n should he rianned to provide: a. i c,loric lnta..e aperoxinatin, 20G0 ner d4y, and more if o-s"..sle. The potcntIally deleterious effects of the reRimens studied df,creased in the order: starvatiw, 1000 CalcrieJ, 2r(0 Calories, mad 3000 Calories.) b. A di tri: Alen or caleriee crproxtratinz 151 protein, 52% carhohver4te, and 131 fat. ;The Rrrater the deviation from this distribution, the -ore deletfrious the nutrient com- bination tended to 1-ecome.) 3. The castaway should f,e provided with water in amcuntm as liberal as feasIble. (Limitation of water to 9C.0 rl/day was always deleterious re:,ardloss of the nutrient mixture.) h. OP the basis oi crf.vious military and civilian work, the castaway should be provided vith adequate amouPts of all known vitamins. (In tho present study luxus arounts of vitamins were rrcvided in all experimenta) mixturcs and at all times.) Tf they ;are to he inco-corated in survival rations, certain present components should be imnroved technologically in order to c"iate c,!rtain undesirable clinical symotems mnd siRns which they nrorhIced. (Especially when water was limited, the chocolate bar, meat bar, and cereal biscuit, in that order, frequently evoked gastro- intestinal svmntoms. The cand,: components often evoked symrtoms In the moth.) iv S. . TABLE OF CONTIMS (Each Section Is Preceded by a Detailed Table of Contents) Page Su=nary of Conclusions List of Figures List of Tables Section I: General Introduction .Section II: Methods iv vii 1 ? 4 ?? A. Tho Subjects 6 B. Protocol of Complete Study 11 C. Nutrient Mixtures and Dietetic Methods.. 17 D. Collbction and Preservation of Specimens ? ? ? ? 42' E. Ndtriel.t and Otl'or Balances 46 F. Clinical Patholory 53 G. .xospiratory Function vnd Tntensiblo Woivht. Loss . 71 H. Cardiovascular Function 75 ? .1. Central Nervous S7stem .75 J. Body Composition 81 K. Clinical Observations and Methods 91 L. Combined Tests 92 M. Statistic/Al Methods 99 N. Summary Table of Ilethoos and Normal Ranges ? ? ? 105 Section :II: Results Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 109 STAT STAT Ff? kr 14?11. ?17 01! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 TAP1J7, OF CTIT=NTS (cont.) Pat:e A. Introduction 110 0: B. Balances End Intakes 110 177: C. Body Composition ? 150 ? D. Organ and System Function ? 181 E. Hematology 272 F. Clinical E7aluation of Nutrient Combinations . . 280 ? Section IV: Discussion 290 A. Introductiun 291 B. Important Unsolved Problems ?? .299. Section V: Summary 301 Bibliography .107 Appondix I: Methods 321 ? Appenc.ix II: Expor!.mental Data '339 Appondix III: Dietoticn 457:: ./4,enCiii IV:. Clinical Obsoritations 476. Appendix V: Metoorological Data 501 Appondix VI: Forms 509 ? vi LIST OF FiGUHES Number And Title . ? ,;?8 ? II. 1 Ttisting Protocol for Typicel To-Wook Portod . ? :? 15 . ? . II. 2 Kinocycle Used in Experiments on Involuntary and Voluntary Nork 72 ? . ? ? II. 3 Circuit Diagram for Measurement of Reaction Tido and Reflex rime ?17 ? III. 1 Caloric Balance - I 1 il . ? III, 2 Caloric Balanco - II 113 III. 3 Water Balance - I 119 III. t. Water Balance - II . 119 III. 5 Nitrogon Balance - I 7?.? III. 6 N:trogen Balanco - II ? *.? 125. TYr. 7 Nitrogon Bglance vs. Nitroi,on, Caloric And Water Intakes r . ?..a2.6 ? . . III. 3 Iiitrogon Balanco vs. Nitrogen Intako .121 III. 9 Sodium Balance - I ? UT. III. III. Ill. III. 10 I.??? Sodium Balance.- II . . l' Potassium Balange - I ;143 12 Potassium Palance - II . 1113*. 13 CalciumeBalance - I ???' '149 ? 14 Calcium Balance - II.. ? .? '144'. ? ?? 15 Phosphorus Balence - I.. . .. ' 155 ... 16 Phosphorus Balance - II . . .. .. ? ... % .. , . . . 17 Chloride Balance - I. ? ? ? ? :159 ? ? ? 18 Cblorido 3alluls. - II . e. .. . ? . , .159 ? ? ' r , ? I.-, ? 'STAT vii 1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 LIST 60 FIGURES (cont.) Page: III. .19 Urinary Acidity vs. Diet 161 ? ? . ? III; 20 Body Composition: Woight Loss 16e 11 AntipyrIne apace vs: .Diet.(Antipyrile apace ? Expressod as ilody WeigW . . , . , .. 171 III. 22 Antipyrine Space vs. Expressed as Liters) 171 111. 23. Water Diuresis I 173 III*. 24. Water 11 . : 173 . . ? ? III. 25 Livor 'Serum Cholinestersse 1 184 ? .III: 26. Liver Fur.,7tion: TotaI Serum tole.sterol 191. rir. 27.Liver.Function: 3?oz,um?Choloster.1 Eaters . ? ? ? 191 ? III. :28 Liet.(Antipyrine Space Total Urtnnry Sollds vs. Diot ? .202 III. 29. Ronal Function: Endogonaus Ceeatinim Clearance ? Jaa'Detemnir." 1-).24 How Test . . . . 203. 39 Urine/bnrum Onmot.ic Ratiqa Related TA Solute Load Daily Data) . . e . .. , .... 207 Urino/Seruth Osmotic Ratios (Weekly AVerages) . . 207 B1ood:Nitrogo:,?1 Solum Urea. Nitr6gen ? 219 Fochl Whight vs. Caloric Intake 219. Total Focal Fat vs. Total. Calorio?Intake 41"1. TT?' All. 31 32: .33 34 35 17-Katosteroids: 2-3.-Dky Pod l (No. ? 36 17-Ketoriteroids: 2-3-Day Pool (No. 220 7-Day P001 'IS. f 7) ? 231 ? ??i ? , 1 ? ? 7-Day Pool vs. 8) III. 3.7 Urinary .17-Kotosteroid Exmetion 38 floating !jetab6listh IIL. 39 'Blood Glucose vs. Diet . ? ... ? ? ? . 231 ? ? ? ? viU ? 232 241 244. L!ST OF FIGURES (cont.) .? Page I ; ? III. 40 Exorcise-Stress: Pulmcrary Ventilation I . ? :.. 254. in. 41. Exerciso-Strons: Pulmon!ry Vent.l.lation II . . . ? 254 .41.' ? III. 42. Exorcisl-Stress:' Not Work Oxygon Consumption ? ? 255 43 Exorciso-Stress: Not Work R. Q 25 III. 44 Hematology: Sedimentation Rate 278 I* . III. 45. Organic Furictional Roactioris I, . 282 III. 46 *Organic Functional Roactions II. . ? ? .?. .? . 'iii. 47 0-galic Functionql Rsactions III .. 288 IV. 1 Ran -Order Ratinrs of 411 N.:.triont Combinations. . . .% 294. ,?????????:,??-t. ? - ? ? ix ? STAT . . ? .STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 *LIST OP TABLES Nuaibor And Title II. 1 Some Characteristibs of the I'welve.Malo ? ' . . Voluntoor Aubjocts II. 2 Observations -:Survival Ration Study. ? . Page'. ? 6 13 ? . ? I/. 3 Timo Table of Study ? 14 II. 4 Order Of Subs.istende on Experimental Matz:lent ? .' Mixtures . ? 18 II. 5 Exporimoiltal Nutrient Mixtures r 20 . II. 6 17holo Blood Ascorbic Acid 21 ? II. 7 Tho Five Menus Of th'e $-in-1 Ration* 23 II: 8 Numbor of Subjer4s Silbei_st?ing on Difforent Experimental Rogimons 25 ? 9 Timo Each Subject Subsisted on bliferent .II. .Nut:ion.t Mixtv.ros ' .26 Mineral Analysis C!.L_,p-irro County Tap later .(Illinois State W.ater?Surv Divisn) Chemical Analysis of RatinI:. '7emionents and. Special Supplemen.r. . .. 3? ? . 40 II. 12.Nutriont Balance Sheet . . 46 II. 13 Cotogortos of'Diily MUNOZ:7 4.61 ? II. 14 Comparison Bets:room Enuoge-,wa Creatinine and Inulin Clearance . . ? 65 ? ? ? . 41". 15 Reproducibility pf Motabulle Measuremonts of "Resting" State: Festing es. 110-1-Fasting II. 16 Validation of Meth oe 3_ J%Idging Pavsage of Time, 8a ? II. 17 Critfclue of Measuremont or Bo6y at. by Skinfold Thicknoss Tochniquo ? II. 18: Protocol of Organic Function-Reating Metabolisin Tost' ? ? - -????-? ?-? x. 89 93 1. ? 1.; " ) LIST OF TABLES (cont.) 11..19 Protocol for Assessing i-'unctionnl Activity' of the Auconumic Nervous System Nage . 96 II. 20 Hematology: ra_idation of Methods ? 101 . ..II. 21. Approximation for Croatinino, Daily Urine Molno ovar Two'Litore 103 II. 22 Approximation for Total.Oemotic Proesuril Whon Daily Urine Volumes are Creator Than Ti.o L'ters 104 If. 23 Normal Rangos 105 A. Wholo Blood Serum .B. C. Urine D. Fecos . Functional Tests ??? ? ? UI. 1 Averggo Daily Total Caloric Intake III. ? 2 Average Daily .Caloric Balance 112 3 Avierrge.Dally Water Consumption: Liquids,Pro,Formed,?Pltis Metabolic?. . . 114 ? ? III. 4 Avorago i7ator Balance During Several Experimontal Regimens . ;15 III. ? 5 Water Deficit Potential of Various . Nutrient Combinations 11() III. 6 Thirii Provoking Qualities of Nutrient Combinations 116' ? ? 0 III. 7 Mean Pro-Period Insensib10 Water L350 (1. W.i 117: III.. 8 Ineensiblo Perspiration in pelation .to ? 1 Dietary Regimen . 117 'III. 9 Averago Daily Protein Intako 10 Avercgo Daily Nitrogen Intake . 120 121* 1. .III. 11 Pre-Period pata for Urinary Total Nitrogen ? ? 121 ? ?? III. 12 Urinary Fxcrettun of Nitrdgmn. 122. ? xi ? STATT i? ? ? I _ -..---- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap ? roved for Release ? I 1. ' . Page III. 13 Pro-Period Data on Fecal Nitrogen 122 III. 14 Focal?Nitrogen 123 III. 15 Average Nitrogen Balance During . Experimental Regimons : 124 , '. Ht. 16 Nttrogon Balanco in Two Subjects Successivoly on Low Caloric Intakes III: 17A Influence of Preceding Diot. on 'Nitrogen . Balance in Pira of Subjects , III. 17B Standard Deviation vs. Moan Nitrogen Balance in Eight Subjects ?129 LIST OF TA3LES (cont.) ? . ? ?128 129 ? III. 18 Pro-Period Data on Urinary Excretion of Sodium, Potassium, Chlorid'a, Phosphate, and Calcium . . . 130 ITT. 19 Pre-.Period Data '.i.ean Daily Focal Sodium, Potassium, Phnspl.orus, and Caloium' 131, 41/IIT. 20 Average Daily CorreCted Sodium Intake 133 ?III. 21 ?Urinary Excretion of 'Sodium 134 ITT. 22 Focal Sodium . 13.5 ? III. 23 Average Daily Corrected Sodium Belanca During Several Fxparimentrl Regimens ? III.* 24 Avorago Daily CO-2ted Potas.iium Intake ? ? ? .45 Urinary Excretion of Potassium .136 ;38 1 3 9 0 11.. 26 t l P c Feaoassium . ? . 140 ? ? III. 27 Average. Daily Corrected Potaasium Balance : 'During Experimental Rogimons 143. Average Daily Calcium Intake . 144 Calcium . . . 145 Focal Calcium ? 146 Calcium Balance 147* Urinary ? Excrotion'of A npriaccifien in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ? ftrt-1.77.! :47 -am ? ??? ????? retwri.mwsda=leiLlt.r4ArtroeillaltS. ? LliT OF TABLES (cont.) 'Page . I f ') ? III. 32 Average Daily Phosphate Intake ? 150 1. ? III: 33 Urinary Ercrotion of Phosphate 151 III. .34: Fecal Phosphbrus . 152 ITT. 35 'Average Phosphate Balance During ?Experilnontal Regimens' .153 .1 I ? ' III. 36 Avorago.Daily Chloride Intake IIT. )7 Urinary Excretion of Chloride III. .3.8 Average Chloride Bala:Ica During Experimental Regimens ? ? ? III. 39 Pre-Period Data on.UrinAry Titnable Acidity and pH . . . . .I11..40 Urinalysis: ?Ketonuria ? Il..I. 41 Urinary Acetone . 8 III. 42 Urinary A-monia Nitrogon III. 43. Average Doily CarbOhydrate Intake III. 44 Average Daily Pat intake'.166 . . ? ? III. 45 weAr:ht T,GS9 in Relation to :lutrient.Mixturo, '. Caloric Intake, and Water Intak e . . II1: 46 'Mean Dailyei6ht. 6f Subjocts Poring. 'tho Pre-P:ribd ? ? . ? III. 47 Antipyrine Space in R'elation'to'Epprim'ontal ? Nutrient Yrkturo . . . ? : ? . . III. 48 Body Water Determinations 6y Simultanacus ? intravenous Infueion D'20 fuid Antipyrine . III. 49 .Rocov:su?of Water L.7,ad v.s. Water Balanco . . . .. ? : .117724. 157 15i3 .160. '162 . .' 1,63 16.4 165 167 169 ? 170 . ?-? . ? . 5c) Moans and Ranges of Body Fat.DIrimg Pr'3-Poriods. . . . . :III. 51% Body Composition:. ?c:.lango in Body Fat During. ? Succ.evoing Pro-Periods . ? ? .? ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 176 ? ? STAT . STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 0_4; ?-fk ? .? ? ?-? ? ? - ? ? -- ? ? . LIST OF TABLES (cont.) III. 52 Body Composition: Per Cent 7ody Fat.ln Relation to Dietary Rogimen ? III. 53 Body Composition: ? Body.Fat, to Dtetary Rogimm fIT. 54 Influence?of Chrszac Dohydration?on Body Fat as Determined by SKInfold Thiclaioas Method . . . III. 55 Proquency DIstributiOns pf N/P Ratkos in Food 'and Excrota Kg, in Relation Pro-Period Data for Nitrogen/Phosphorus Ratio Nitrogen/Phosphorus Ratios in Relation'to . acporimental Hegimon ? III. 58 Correlation Botwoen Theoro.tical-and Actual Nitrogon Balance in Seven-Day Periods . . . . 182 Liver Function: .*Pm-:Period Data :or Tuo-Hour Urobilinogen and Sprum?Cholinostaraso . .III. 59 i . ? ? Page 177* . 179 180 . ? III. 60 Liver Function: .Two-Hotir Ur9bi1inogon Test- . III. 61 Liver Function: 24.1Lr/48 Hr Cophalln Flo,:culation Reaction ? ? ? ? III. 62 Livdv Function: 24 Hr/48 Hr Cepnalin FlccCulation Reactions in Throe Ropeatedly. ' Posaivo Reactors ? .? 183 . ? 185 . 186 ? . 188 III. 63 Pro-Poriod Data for. Serum Chtilwatornt 189 64 Analysis of Variance:. Total Seruit.Cholestorol.. 192.. III. 65 FrOo Cholesterol' in Consecutive Pro-Periods. . ? .193 66 Pre-roriod Data for Cholbsteiol Esters and Free Cholesterol ps Percentage of Total Cholesterol . , 193.. ? III. 67 Cholostorol Estors as Paicentags of%Total Cholesterol III. 68 Froe Cholesterol as Porcontaga of Tctal Cholesterol -?;;? ? xiv ???????,??? ?'?? ??? -,???? -????" ??-? ??? -????????-- ? "??? 1?????? ???-?? ???-, ?-?? ??? ?-'1^ Air ? .. !???-?? ? ? "? Lisr OF TABT.F. (co'ht.) ? ?'? ? III. 69 Urinnlysip: Probilinogon .(Ehrlich's Tont) . . ?196 Page 7D? Pro-Roriod Data for Uriilary.Volume and SPecifio ? ?197. . . ^ III. 7iA Urkno.Wolqmo:'Unlimited Neter 198' ' 'III. 71B Urine Volumo: Limited Water 199 LII. 7.2A UFinary Speeifi:c'Gravity:Tnlintod Water ? . . ,. .200 Iii..7?3?Uri?nary 'Specific G?aviti: Li-:!Cod Nfttei" ? 201 Pro-Perfod Data on Endogolln,li Cf?eltitline . ? Clearance ?8 . .? ? ? 202 ? ? ? in. 74 "Serum Creatinino 204 ? ? III. 76 ? III. 77 III. 78 Pro-Poria rtta tor Urin-lry UrIn'ary Croatinine .... .. ? Mean Serum Csmolar Concentration for Eight Subjects ? . . . . ? ? . ; . 204 ? 205 Pre-Period Data for Sorum Urea Nitrogon ? ? 79 Addis Count: Pro-Period Data 90 Addis Count I. Casts 81 Addis Count II. Blood Cella '? 82 ? ? ? ? . . . . Two-Hourly Urinary Ex6retion.of.Formed Elononls. During Starvat.ion by IndiviJull.Subjects 205 209' 211 212. 213 ? 214. III". 83 T4o-RouP1y Urinary?Exc.r.etion cf Formed Elements Daring Puro tarbonydrato?Rogim.m by Indilidual .Subjects. 215 84. Addis Count ITI:"Lbukocytos :?? ? ? 216 fIl. 85 Addis Count 'IV: Epithelial Cclls. 217 - ? in. 86. 3astrointostlnal Function: ^ Avoingo Daily Wet Wolght of Feces Durinc, tho Several Exf,erimentA.1 Rogimens ? ? 21$ ? . ? nprlaccifiPri in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ' STAT STAT e" f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 i ? it LT's; OF TABLES (cont.) . -) . ? , *Fat Page .? ? I ? III. 87 Pro-Pertod Data for Focal . 219 I. 80 Total Focal Fat in Relation to Exporimontal Regimons 221 ? ? ? in. 89 Qualitativo Analysis of Feces:IFat bv Sudan IV : ? 222 III. 9b Fat AbsorptiOn in Relation to Experimontal ? . Rogimons 22 III. 91 Qualitative Analysis of Feces: Musclo Fiber 22,3 III, 92 Effoct of 5-in-1 and Exporimontal Ration .romponents on Fecal Bonzidino Reaction 224 ? .? 111..91 Individual Variability in Focal BPnzidine ReActions Lluring Periods of 5-in-1 Ingestion.. . . 225 ? ITT. 94 Relationship botwoon Procoding Diet and Focal Bonzidino Reaction Duri'n6 Saboaquont Recovery 22.6 .? III. 95 Benzidino Roactionp of Stools frim To Subjocts ? . on Various Moat Diets 226 III: 96 Pro-Period Data for Urinary.17-Metostotoid Elcrotion 230 . . 97. PreLPoriod Data for Serum Electrolytes . . . 237 III. cgl Serum Sodl:?.m in Roaatio'n to Experimental Rogimens ? III. 99 Sorum Potassium in Relation to Experfmental 238. Regimens . ? ? 2.39. . ? III. 100 Sorum Chlortdo'in Rolation to ExperimontEil ? Regimens 240 ? .III..101 :Pro-Por.iod Data for Heating Metabolism ? ? 249 III. 10? Pro-Period Dat.a for Urinary Creatine ? 24.1 III. 10,3 Urinary Croatino in. Rela.tion to Exporimontal Regimens. ? 242 ? 104 Pro-Period Data for Whole Blood.Glucoss. .20 ? . ? .xvi I ? ? LIST OF TABLES (cont.). Page ? III. 105 Pro-P,drio.d Date for Slood EnzYmcs 245 III. 106 Pancreatrc Function: Serum Amylaso 246 NT. 107. Pancreatic Functipn: 3orum Lipase III. 108 Parathyroid Functic LI Serum Clicium ? ? ? ? s ? . ? 248 III. 109. Inorganic Phophate III. 110 Pre-Pertod Data for Resting Resr!netory. F.-motion: PCmonary Ventilation,.Oxygon Con, Lption: and Respiratory quotient 249 III. ill Reapiratory Function: Resting Pulmonary Votrtilation 250 'TII.'112 Rsspiratory F%,.ncilen: Resting Oxygon ? ?Consumptkon . ? ? 251 III. 111. Rospiratory Funi.tion: Resting Gross fleapiratory Quotient P52 III. 11.4 Cardiovascular F.tnction: Pre-Poriod Vnluos for ? llosting Blood Prossuro and Pulec 256. III: .115 Cardio.vascular Function: Routing Systolic Blood ? Pressure 257 Iii. 116 Cardiovascular Functinn: Resting Diastolic Blood Pressure III. 117 Cardiovasclaar Function: Resting Puiso hato . . .258 259 ? ? III: 118: Circulation Timo in Indivi.tual Subjects 260 ' III. 119 :Pro-Poribd Values for Resting Qral Tomporattre. 260 III. 120 Re'sting Orel Temporature 261 III:. 121 Mean 'Reflex and Reaction Time in golatIonto .Experimental Regimen 263. . 122 Pro-Poefod Data for Passage df Tiro 263. ? 'II/. 123 Panflago of Time I. 26 Soconds '264 ? ,,?-???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ? STAT STAT ?.?? -?-????-????????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ? LIST OF TA3LES (cont.) III. 124 Passage of Time II. 45 Seconds III. 125 Passage of Time III. 70 Seconds Page 265 266 III. 126 Preferences for Ration Components in Relation to Regimen at Time br Testing 269 ? III. 127 Rnbitnation to Poet Components of 5-in-1 '9ation III. 128 ?or Cont Of Calories from Marious roods During Pre-Periods and Recovery III. 129 Pre-Period Data for Hematology: Red Cell Count Hemoglobin, Remstocrit, and Sedimentltion Rete During Fre-Periods 270. : .271 272 273 275 276 276 130 Hematology: Hemoglobin 131 Hematology: Hamatocrit Pre-Period Data for Total Serum Protein Average Serum Protein . . . .... Pre-Period Data for Hematology: Mean Corpuscular Volume, ',lean .3orpUscular Hemoglobin and:tean Corpuseular Hemoglobin Concentration . . During Pre-Periods 277 . III, 135 Pre-Period Data for Hematology: White Cell Count, Neutrophil Count, LymphoCyte Count, Dir,sct Eosinophil Count and Direct Platelet Count During Pre-Periods IV. 1 Rank-Order of Nutrient Combinations: 292 IV. 2 Yensurements Studied and Not Included in Table IV. 1 Because. Relation to SurvIval Potential Unproven , IV, 3 Symptoms. and. Signs Developing During Experimental Periods "Survival Potential" 279 iv. 4 Paler Expeditionary Rations of Peary and Amundsen 295 297? . . 299 ?? , ?. . ? - ? fi ? - V*1- . SECTION: 1 . .GE'!ERAL INTRODUCTION : ? . . ?? ? ? .? " ? ? . . ??? : . ? ? Thir, One year .study'wha dssigned a6 'a Contributidn.te tycl* lirolem?bf thu all-purpose, all-envirprimeiit sur:iival.ratIon. , . . .. ?? :eithin the.sxperimee.tia, conditibns spocifiod by the'contract,.tt '.... .:. wis ;,'roposed that a :it,ti'dy '3,roul.d be mpde of yowls -men subsisting on a '.:riety'of.nutrient combinatonis.undorriemper, ? .ui:e conuitidn., and wiX1Conly ncOerate.phYstcal, ordur ? . td provtde systematic', complete, stAtiatically va1:0 in.ovma!?ion. 1 .r . : ? ?? ? I ? ? I on bolily officiency.and. or&n.functi8n. *Such a si..udy?would' perhit e?lbccluent? juigsments to. be ? ? a.vetriety of. nixtrfent combination's ip sustaining ? , "suivival potent,i41" (Kline and Dymw,.. 1953).of.castdydy??forcbd: . . to Aurvixe, esaape, end.uvaio. under .any 6ir'cuinsange3 of?egvirbriz- ? ? ; mon 't and physical eertion. , .. ...'' ? In the inif'al,plunning of tbo.present st.udy.,-.P.A4 ' '. . . ? the puolir'ied.literature concorning'surv.i.val rationa,' i,i %a-up . ?, ?theu4it iret .%,c) overriding considurations woult) be .water..iiitake, toial ciklorie int's;-and the tatibs of?pnifotn, orig)eh'ydrste aAd . '...? ... ? ? fat. At Lirst, the imporance or inorgrmis , :.tabolit,en wars mini- . . . mized; (4.s. the st4y progressell, the pbssible,phyiiologicAli'ole .. :.. :. ? .bf these p.lements in the'maintenRnce 'or.Z,rcan Nnction?and bodily. ' . ? - ? e-felciencY tecartie apparant:'7Hence, .the prose-I-It r,00rt'Aill . ? .% : . emphasize four., not,threc.. 41ajor ? ? . ' . .: ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ' In this.fudy, .wl:lich.was t:-.3ndu.ated in. a. metabalib N4ard:.1ri a ? ? un,fverscty hospita14. it was .cot even to e'Famino' % . three.pehpr varidoles rhibh:are flanamental,in'thinking about? .. . ? 'su2vivlid situationi.-L--.. yrOric, Weather, and. injury.' These'vaPiabIeS . theilld ba studied domprehens1y617 in the rutuTo, when the present ... . ? bnsc-line data can be?given their,tTue evalbgtipri as a..part.of a ' .. .: , ? . . 'much largur, Fiord complex picl,ture tlian we werwable to ;study.. : ? . , ? ... . ' : , ? ? . ,. , ? Proviout inve4tigalors th thisistreaihnve.overempnt6iZed- . ... 1...:.* . . . . primarily brw or. anothor.11mitoS amact pf,tha sorVA.V'al problOm. . . . They Ilave st:essedi fbO?tho'arost.'parbr'a'spetitt such: 0.-a9ceptabi1:'-,' it:y, palatability, field .4til.ity;-staaility Of cb:Mponenta?,.:ndtrient,, ..',.,. j- b-,lance; especially v,ith.respect td r:.1.tro&en'i hnd-frtirilmn1 watei.'? sre-utr4-ents without. much reE'era to the eTficlbucT of.the body at ? , ..., whole and with Almost'no syfitem,itic dtte4t-i.d.n to ? . ? ? ...furdOods of 'the ha.l.or: 1.)ody organ'iYst.ems. ' prifoftunately,-hudgntary .',:... . , .1 'T ? ..r rectricions and luck of space .and .pe.rson-nel have necesit.ated for ? most ob5ervers e less than sritiaTwei.pr7.stati3t1l for ' . 04.poMmentx: T,45 major 'Cr.itYelsmi, ihteti can e levelled wt ? .? ? moSt..p.ovio?us stlidtes on Phis 45cst,ici., the katora%ory and? ? ? 7 ? 1 . ? ? ??.? ' ?: ' ? ?? ? :?? ? STATI ..o iAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 - . . 11, - -1:n Plo 'field;, -arc failure comprchensivoly to study the ?elultiplo: .:.. . ? nuti:f t tonal 'Interrelations v.hich must, be conskda.:od in any -survival ! ? ? r at ion; ' viz.; ?degroe of water doficit, amount of calorie deficit,... ; ? ? and vitr:Ong.'raios Of protein, carbqhydrato, and fat in the survivta ? . retion. ? donaoquently, the major defects lie ilsmilly in ladk of.' ade.qu'ate ?paire4 controls; in lack df *adequate ranzo of water deftcit, ' .. ' c?aldr.fe .(1.t.of.ii.t, .and nutrient co,* innt ions ; .and (as in Phd?preat . ?. ? .. i' ? stady7..inadequote. corisidnration. of stress, ,ather, oXer.clse, . .aacy: ? : ., . ? injury'i tcreei.h6r: tl-,1 b:si,c nutritional vari . abloa. ' ' ? . , . .. : . . ?t . ? Rucoht so ices of infor?mation on the 'ourvival probl.em are tvo: : ? . .61:11t/iry evidUnco from .f.* ield exparienco, field pe3t3, .field experi-. ? .?. n'en.ts gtv.1 laboratory oxporimPhts; and civilian evidencb frol?Chs? ..' ? liter:A:6;re' of explorers; cl rnical inydstf6-ation'espe'cislli dur !Jig ? ? 'Ina' aTter ? LTor)d War: II in malpbur 'shed populations and in concem- ' . :' . 't'at ton e.li71P.d.?,,id 1,:bOrntory InVeti&atlona spo-cifiberify dosigned .. ? . to ?study dno Or tin? thin' A spe'e t of ?cnronic and acute mhlriuifition. ? . . : ? ? ? ? ? . ? .qoosizse. pr the 6xigenoies of military campargns in Mst. 1 ? ? . half op tne cent.ury, most of the .emphasis' orr: eurxival . ? ' zonteted about the ?problem of military perscinnel , ? lbalated this in Dthe i.,-,.br for -unce of natty() duty.. From iim'o ? ? . ? ? '? - ' e tiod, e-*Ipha'sis has qh if Lod drastically" durih y- among thneZ3 ? ? ? . l???? ' ... ??? mnjar consid?cratlons i.o.,? the logistic :(field utility, stability,. ??? ? . ? ? . calbric ?donsi ty) i th& nutritional biochemical (vitamins, .n.itilogoii? ? ? .? 1 ? balanco);.?azid what might be termed the clinical (ra.limal efficiency, ? ? adoluato calorfezt ahd ? At: the present time it might appotir ..* that we are in, a phase of ovvromphasis on the logistic and nutri- : tionai.bioz.hernical aspects ot survival rations and reso.'r?ite'undar- ? ? o.tphasis ?01?1 tne tptal ef?ficioncy and organ .functi.dn of thb casta'war? Ihitssol.f. ??? . ? ? ... ? ' . . . .? . ? ? . ? ? .. v ." ? .? tm. spite of tho fact that much bf the writt6n literaturp.has ? do.alt with the militar.y problem, it is emphasized .hare .that therei Is a v:ory ift?portant civilidr. problem. In times. of national : ? ?? . ?? .. ? eisArncy it-,11,:y. beCCar.o necessary that large segments of Our ? ? ??? ? .? .? roptilstion.; urban, !, ill hip: 0 to ?be providod witth minal . ? ? SubsISto?nce taf usual avanues of transportation .have*.broken dor. i '? *;(4.?lbcied.. grpups. of: 'civil.inns nay be ongag.1-3 in guerilla warfare.....' ? ,?? .. ? ? . 'In -peaco? tie, Flan. groups of 'exp.lorors always Taco ti..) 'pro?ISIem .'? ?? ? Of thlter all these conditions, it is cortain.that the'. .. .?. ; . . .. , ? . .. ? .? czlincopt's of-,the -military survival ration will 'apply to the ci:v51.1ans. ?? 4 ? . . . . .? *.?,Tlio. reaent n ' 'study had. two major dis. Tho first .W.A3 to. extend . ? .? ? ??' ' prevtrou3??Icoo1.edga of survival rations Dy a .at 1C ?Sui?vey? of . . ? ? ? .? ? theli.. of ft?...: is . on* 11u.7..r.r. r.:1?:.1.1,cot3 of t.1..3 posible cpmbinati ons of : ?? ? . . w.L.t.,i, fnt.ske:, ?csaorie" intake, and nctrogen/a7:bohydr?atejltfat nattoi ? ' `??? . ? in pcitdrittal ration, the emphasis boing prir.cipally On. . ??? " . ..? ? .. .0.^ '1:1..c tency ;of 'the bady as a idiblo and the functiohing. of: impqrtant. . ? ' ? .. .. .orgen stf5ms. In other words,, our er?..thasis was -,n to 4...asilth ?? ??? ? .. ...' .. and weilfaf?e o.f? the: c.astawliy himself, in addition .-.o oz:thodbx? ? . . .: , ?.?? .? ? ? ?? 2' ?,: .? , ? . ??.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? .? : ?? . .' . . .-? ? . ? ? . ? ? . . . ? . ? . ? ? ? .. ?? -. .*iochcr-i'cal ahd, lona' into-prettains. of intalTs, t,Ilanoos ' ? ' a -8. cd-rcstri,on of blp ?si. an,j.(rxeretp, '3(-0 .,:. , he .1. t A oh( ained . . ? ? ct.Z:r. tn,tse :flax:mai :Foun6 'ren...In?.cn tenf-vrato c ln.litA. n1 , exposed to ? ? :- ro v ic is itudes. of uniqe stees:; or v4ra::':or Jr '1.1.jury, 'v.uuld .servo ? . . as contrdl data fon Inti-p: ?.tta"..1 on dc Atil,'.1e2 to .loo -.ado'. nlaye- ? ? . : ?? . (Itlerktly or einf-?Nn fn t :e.:f ' ,' : .1 %In ' .r* ,-.. --:!4.t 1,,an. of v x.tre -n Lela . ? ' . .. 'Md .ld Ind In !".>"rvi-? .n:)I1 ., r*c.irle t,' n :. t-ulat lov f .oscnpo : ? neld.:e33j:cn: 11' rt-or 3 ?,'"'..nter nnd 'o-P-c ...v. Ivonri, :it s. As a . . b-p,tno t 'durt,'..1 -ins..1-.1.11t, 4 J'?,:est:t or 1-1 -.1-h' 1.1;?.;r-..Ct. i ln as rogaiSlo . . . . ? c^::ilir., .ti,o ot.1:,,r i? %-c' pnt .rrtIlt?nsz. vi.z. ,' rohn',111.?,t fon of. % ? -'?ttw 141- nchoci ec..2.., %.:7,.:: .,,. .... 1 :1 :t:.., .. ipnal -, i'l t d a f.-'..- in-1 ? ? : .r.t.ion?wl,on t..o I ;*C r .?,.f ;.:(cs:?nnd -Ionths. . . . ? .? ?? . ? ? ? .. . . , ::En:satabli!-.:?t.,; ey.,:01-:.- ? -,,f 0,st,:i,t.fla to c . . . . . . . ... .. ,j0 .4....,?::. ;frot,i..57? !;!..t.:11. o414,tf:ii,7 c ...'t tlops o".' 1 tro.t): 'sae I la tine., -. ' qt-Y.,1- f'"rrl:cnnel., co,- at 't.1- sr.--e t?f"-.N :?r,i4 a tat:.3. lc:11 :1.,,I.11d..:.on- , ?clusiong fr. i7. a ..'?-e 1. t:T-1 e:...:: af (.1,?:t11::, ','cy,-. -i!c:il, vhysloloWal ? . and c'llrlicn1 .,:.::- -ori -414%. 7 ,, ,- 'G Of't 1..,f C, :tr.) Is ce-o ., .r1-1-:0 Int . %. '? 1.n.t-s, Iltttrit.o do:r5ic.q. .:., ?)11.1):",t 1,ns '1 ?-1' L 13 C 1. %% )1 in t?'et ? . .? ho Itm al.:.,2.y's. :.3.:31sc...d .f - n oile. v..0111 nn n -femat'e ration, t.ei . .. . ,. r017..t,70.:? :J.ek.g.*:bn .the. ov,:vj.-- If, n1 'ndtbi c.c.: .. b i nn Lion; ? xi f fnnliy . ?'? 'f2i. 0.10 .4,:l.:% on. a' 1 th 2j3 r?s;,n:',11t.Att, rw-loh In 10,1:h 'fi 6' hnd ? ? , ..4.erd lInfstrit.S.A 1 In .,:f.;nn:.:?I ty.: . A sc;con4 kind of control was . . ? ? : that-of potr4 ttsntrcl. For e vul,y subject for' v,hom unt or Int ako . ? wap llmi?ted,. there two ?s1.=1tano )sly anothor sub just subsiat.inz ? on 'the snno nu.::rIcnt co-lb inat.ion, 'hut wi'th qnradtrid i,od. wator. .. ,. . /I: tniTd. cczneel-t of cont?rol tra.s intrcJacdd bY. sahjocting at. one t 1_^, or 'Andther every s?Iloject to .a pf;r1o.d of starvpit ton, in thlch ' presumably survival is lenit prot"?led and also. :to, a r:ori:od.of.t.'wd . Ceok.s on 'a 3C0.0 calor ie qa.iegunte .in op 1 .rrwr..n itricint.s. This, ...1 after 'Las c:1d"r?-'d. to..Tro-1.:t.e ,,,,ti-al ly "Iuriival potential," .- .Znd the. de't.',Et 1: :,-.-?3 .out 't%e v61.I 51 ty of. v.i'l- ,-,neelit :.f* "1,0S1 G is:ro con'tS61" end "ragative .conteol.%1 ? . ... ? ... . L. .. . . . . ... . , ? . :- . . . . . : rn% the course ?'.:.f .1-.:e ti?:%, 111 oonti r:..e. I '19 Acre. at?iliod.of: .. cai.cTio, intWo .6t .3*(-v, .2..:.,3, l'iyc, And .,' 1 r? ? ,v, 'n or intake or * % ,,:.:U.,m1 per. drly an3 lz-I.4!-;4:ed In .TnAltity;. hrt.1 di n!.r?P' ut io?ratiod :-. . .. . of ,:. a.:15,rfos o .1 de d fT.c": ., ::(-.', -i n, 1.:.:: 'r4tr, lnd .fnt rting.fng .. ? from v.(.ry. 1.,%4 Ifo. -1,ry Ili .1:n q'"?:-. -, -12n ct to enche , ? 7',.:1, 20 n itr i out ? 'eft' b'in t .ip-Is acire **cat,. !, n y ,-,T. . ?1, r,' r9 ...!A(.!;S ;mint'. ? ? .:?.:?Distrrt c''.:-? nt.'s.?:?.!x?-?-?`-s. in?.?.1.,N i??? -1, ???k 1. 1.,! t. ri.t...i.?c^'' fair)), ..".7.nt:crsli :,:::-:tta: at t...rni..crq'ty of?'s : ::.::,.o . ?? . . ..1:f tr!c-r:t '-)til,.:*:'_. - :-_r, n:,s, t ?s'%, '-:f ..-r.,::,n'.f'1%t/on, .el.inicpr: .: ? . ? ots.sTys.t1c)-Iff.:.r.:1-71.r. :1':4,11 ,:al. r..7. ?'' ' d, of 111' , 4. n%1.1 e.'CrilL3 viero' . ,L...s-ds ?a:t rt.-,..t. 11 .1- .in tn rv a Li. .7 r ?!..A.,Jt1:3 %f n 1 1 .( ?r --ostnthis pro . ? .'.. .,%:.,c.:,,,Ite Ih .? -:(..7t 'sc,:".t.!')n. .f. t It '0' roet ( S.?,..t ion 1I)% -,. ... ? :, . ? . : ? . ? ? ? ,,. . ? ? ' . , , . ? .? . . . . . ? . .. ' . ? ? Wt.>, 17.o-'ro n -tc 3..%., (to-;nr'es?aii:.tin, sitrvivnl: . ? , ? ? ... . . . . - 'f-a-tton.6t ...zetl-er,tr.i.nd vf,: c... sta',1:1*-.% .t .r..0 :le.: 't ning 71.y9.i ol 00 eal :. . . , -anzl. dlin' rc.l. tases. 9.1.dcli.:...o to;%t nta cr.n.h11.d..0,o test .. '.. i., 'ad.d.. -15pt-Vccpt4ul.e f or .surv/ vors: . . - ...: - ? ? ? . , ? . . ? , ? ? , ? ? .? ? . ?? . % . . ? . ?? :.. .... . .... ? .. ? : ? : ? " ??? , ?? . ? .??? : ? ? ?? ...? . . ???? : ..? .? ? . ?:? ; ? . 4.? ? ?? ???? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. ? .? . . ? - ? ..,_ ? _ .? . ???? STAT ?? STAT . , 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ? -. . ? ? ? ..F.Ectio:i . ? ? ? YETHOI)S': TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A. TYle?Suojocts . ? . 6 1. Colo otton. of aubjecis 6 . ' 2. Handling or Subjocts .: ' 7 . ? . ? ? ? . , .B. Prwtocol of. Comp1eto'Stgdy: . ' .. 11 ).? Groaps'of'Subjeci'a , . ? ? ?12 2. Portods and Phasos of Investigation ? 12 ?.? 3. Snhedmling of Toots , ? 14. .. It. Tho 1:1112nal Cycle ? ? 16 ? ? 5.: of Snloalstenco on E4pwrimentfi1 Nutrient ? rixturos : ? .. .. 16. ?E!.. rothodologY' from Tho Point of 1..'io.* Of The . ? . i?:told Tr.1.i.1 ?17' , , ? : C. NutrivntTixtures and Diotottc Methods ? . % 17 II' 1.%Nutrient Mixtures17 '... 2. Proparation.of Food . ??? . -. . 29 ? ? . 3.. ...Poals?ruld Service ... , .. ? . , .. ? , . - . 31 4. carcuaatigna. ? ? 314. ? ;.( 5.: Chomieal Analysis of Foods ..... .'. . .. . . , : ? 38 . 6? Acc'optability and?Paltitability. '39 . . i?[ ? D. Collection'and Prosorvaion of'Spocinons. e ? 4? . *1. 'Food ? ', . : ....... .. .. :2. Eicrota 0..... . : , ..? . . .142 2 .i . .; . %. ????? 3. . 6lood ? . ; ? . ". % . 45 .. ? . . : . . E. Nutrient and Other Balances ..? 46 . I 0 ..i..* .0 .. ..aloric . .*. 47. ? ? 2. Viatiq?? . ? ? ? ? A ri ? 3. troson ' '. ? . : I ' 4. Fat Abserpon % .. .. ..... . .: Si. . *I 5. Minerals ? . i 51 E) ? ? . . vi tamins ? ' . J% Acid-Baso 'Balance . ? . : .. ? .... ? . ? .. ??? . . . 5 52 ? . .? : . .1 . . F. Clinical.Patholosy ? ? ? . .? 53? ? .. 1.-? 1!e7:at61osy .53 ? I ? 2.,' Clinic-al. Chemistry . ? ? ? 54 3. 0U:s1nAlysix ?? . 58' . )1,.. An'ttlysis%of Ppcos - .... - . ..?., . . 59 5; Lfvel: Funcitpn ? 60 . 6. Kldnoy'Funcion .. . . 63' , 4. *?,Endcwrcno'F4notions ? 69 , ? ? . . ' ? ? 40 14 ?Z?????, ftP,a.?? ,,??? .01pb?????,??-?,,,,,...4 ? "VT". ????????,??????/.... ? .:.? ? . ? ? [ ?1 ? .^ 1 ? ? ??? ? . . ? I'n8o G. Bvs pl:Tatory Function and Insensible Voight Loss ? ? ? 71 1. Collol!ttin, Scv:plint:, nr14Annly'sis?or 71 ri . ? 2. Insfu.stblo gelea- Loss . ?73 ? il 3. Roproludibility of "ReWnr?Eottlymihution's ? ? : 74 . ? . . . H. Sardievnsoular Funttion . . ?? ..... ? .. ??? . . .. % 7Y ? 1. Bloba Rrossure : .. . 75 ? 2. 'Pulso !lac& ? ? 75 ?3. Circulation.Ti o? . ? I 75 ? J. Elloctet,cordiosram /5 ? l' : ? . I ? I. Control NOVV011.3 *%StOM ? /5 1 ? . 1. Phomotoi Tostz: 9eacot1on qines on, Pcflox.Timo. '76 2. P:yeholoal Tosts. . . ? ? . ? 78 . ? 3:. 1%octrouncbpho1osraphy . % ? 1 8 . 1 . ? . S. Poi,iy CompostLioa. ? ? ? ? el . 81' . . i 1. ? ? Body ' aeight . . 82 2. Body Wator . 82 1 _S. Body ''at ? :. 87 i 4,- Lubli 3ody Muss : ? v0 0 . . e K. Clinical Observations and Methods , ,..'. % ' ... .-. . . 91 '. L. Combined Tests ' . . 092 . . 1. OrganicTudot%ontRpsting Motabplisrli Test 92 . .. 2: Exorc1o.o Strias in As13es'ar"nt of.Antonomic . ? Function. . ?? 94 ? ? . ? M. Stattstical Mot.hods '' . ..... . . 99 . .1. Tho Concept of S'elf-Control . . 99 i -2. 'Th' v Concept?Of P)sit,ive and 1:L%gat1vo Control . : : 99' 3. Vulldatten f All rethods. - . ?.,1' .. ? . . . % .4. Diszussion of tho Handling.of itlinuoCs of Urine?for'? :.?,. .. the CRloulation of Mean,Vaily Exork,Lion ? 101 . 1 ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? N., Suzary Tablo-ofTothods and ?:orcial RtUlgos 10.5 , :- ? .. . ..... . . ? ? .. __? I II ? ? ?? ? ? k. ? ? : ? . ? ? ? 5 :? _ .1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/19: CIA-RDP81-01043R003700220001-2 ? . A . TP SU9JECTS 1.. 5eloction ef 5:1:bidets . . ? ILO most critical nLpect of a,ny metabolic study /3 the propqr? r3c1-ect1 C' ubect. ? %Vol th?te.orts .;:ust be in good . healt.11, pl./el-03.1o; lan11-:oriont.od, and intellic;nt. These roqui.ra-'-itt an;ti?1 uo led as close?ly t5 h0f; 0..1310 ao that the jects c.anbec+Ipected to wi ??1-.stand tr.e. stress of prolpnFed ? sub.113tonce za3nr.tonous and strail:e iiots tmdur riin1y controlled and oxtre-l?nly conlitiona. With th.3 cb..ctives in mind the Iivot.24tcra irtet?vie.-.1d a nui--er of volunteerl: Tho objectives Of ;the erperl.nent; ware o?t:-Ilained Icgo?-?e: ....:1-ch? the I ,25able restric- tions, (Int:toe, and bo illy reactions. If the candidate appeax:ed to the t.;; e nf ! n.11;:r1 given n thorn &Fin physical ion by a .pny 3 ician and an .E.I.%9.) .chest pinto, resting . ? -stabol ic rote, *arinaly Its, and. complete hemt&tolc,y ..7ore tone. If .the ltrry, ph"..sic61 e:taminition, and 1,..J??)ratory teats failed to Ahro? any TiCAl or, poycholo 'abnormal rtie -hich might be g&-....?rjt?ed by the ?1 tress of the inv?edti gat fort, trio irldt viduai was Wcceptod /13 a 31.1130C.t rer t he* C4'.r.arl:rerit ? 7.r.C.,;11 t..t3 et oup of ?voluntucu:s intervies:od and. .nrnined, twelve yo in; -en were chosen. Vitra statist.ical data on thes.s ren are given in Tabl 1.1. 1. ? ' ? ? TICTIL.E I. 1. ? . .? . ? ? sov*F. cv,kRAorr?nirs-rics ?T AT.,LVE ALE VOLUNTL SURJECTS ? Sp:b j oc t ? A,-se Itoight? Initial .No. yr .? in . , ,701.??Int Color ?heligion .... ? . . , . ? lis- ? All '2- 41 ? ' 66 ? ? ? ? 152, 23 1:73E:0 ? Protestant 68 ,? ?? 156 , Winitm . Hebrew 2'5 71 185 ? White -Protestant .14. 25 73 . 182. White ' 5 ? White Codholic .22 P9 itot ? Habra.. ? 6 ? 20 67 ?1113 White 'Ilebrew 7 . y. 26 71 147 ..4'hite Protestant, .8 27. .70 1146 ??? ' KM t e :Prgtdstant 9 .. 2, 'tz.E3 151 ? Wt, Protestant 10 214 ? .61c ? 160 ahite Hebrew . 11 ..27 . 69. ? 144 *. : Whitb ,Catholic ? 12 .24 72 . ? 161 ? White Iic,brew ^ ? Apperr.113; IV are givi'n tlfe. complete case histories.' df each of these twelve volunteers together the results of the ? ? ? 6 .____ ? ? .? ??? ?*. ? ? . ? ? ??? ? ,-2?rolininory lab ;ratery 0