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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 sIFORMA TION REPORT INFORMA ON RE . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material- contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title. 18,11.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation Of which in any ?manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited'ir. 1-- 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ 040,414=146&44-T6Ip-hil &unary of a report on the Progress of ? Map Oorapilation in the USSR by Soviet Geologist N Belyaevsid. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1 -HUM 1 Mar 63 1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. IN a four page summo.ry by Soviet geologist, BelYnevski, of a report on the provess of map compilation in the USSR, submitted by him at the December 1962 meeting of the commission in Paris. 2. This summary gives an account of the progress of the USSR on geological mapping, and tectonic and minexo.genic maps. It briefly describes Soviet trends in the compilation of surrey maps in conjunction with geological mapping, preparation endue* of tectonic maps and requirements for drafting minezogenic maps. UNCLASSIFIRV end, 5 4 3 2 1 I STATE JI ARMY I NAVY I AIR I I FBI INV I ? MOM fran Mende 5 4 3 .50X1-HUM 2 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NO FOREIGN DIE= DISSIIII: The dieseminadon of this document is limited to civilian employees and agave duty within the intelligence components of the USN member agent:km and to thous senior ofilciahr of the member crgenclea rho mut act upon the mower, unless specifically controlled in occordrasce with paragraph 8 of DOM 1/7, It may be released to those of the U. S. Government directly participating in the productios of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED t VarlItTrAVORS. It not be disseminated to organisa- ? tions or personae/, bm/uctiag consultants, under a contractual relationship to the U.S. Government without the wales perason of the originator. ????,??=. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 -4 j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20 : DIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 ? 1 DH LA CART.: GOLOGI'li, DU ;01:0E OH THE PROGRESS OF AP COPILATION IJ THE USSR. Sum-z)ry of a report by H.Jelyeevski. 1 Two tendencies can be disi'lguished in the compilation of survey maps:one is characterised by the drafting of rNaps to corresp:nd to the complex problems end h:e resulted in a series of maps,of liAch the preparation become possible durEg the process of accumulating facts and data. During the 1 st years we succeedeY in increasing the number of 1:5,000,000 maps of the USSR which cover geologic,tectonic,neotectonic geomorphologic731,64ent.rnery,hydrogeologic.1,megnetic anomaly,m?tallogenic etc map. The preparation -)f a s,ries of naps 1:5,000,000 illustrate conveniently the geologic 1 structure of regions of the platform type and is carried out in large areas of the country with independent geologiJA? economic consider-tions.The geologic 1 maps of the SibeAan platform were already shown at the Copenhagen Congress; these maps are now supplemeatOd. with new data and can now be republished. A series of maps on this scale is being completed for the East European (Russian) platform. Another trend in geologic 1 mapping is the increang tendency to reveal buried geological structures. Hew maps have appeared and the old ones have been improved. quite recently the compile.ion of the Litho?facies Atlas was completed on a 1:5,')00,000 scale for the European part of the u_;,a. in atlas on a 1:7,500,00 sc-le is being compiled for the entire territory of the Soviet Union. It will include scores of lithological?pclaeogeograph? ical,palaeotectonic maps etc In other areas maps showing reservoir c'pacity,subsurfece drainage,hydroche ical maps are being prepared. Deep drilling has necessitated drafting maps indicating the thickness of ov,rburdentgeologic,1 structure of folded basement rocks under the platform cover and other features due to the development of the earth's crust? The pictur:3 of the geologic I map compilation in the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20 : 000?i :50,000,000 CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 2 maps which are intended for the Atlas of the ,orld. Yhe first circum- polar geologic map of the Artic is of great interest and includes the geologic:1 structures of North America and Greenland. 2. Tectonic Mgp The 1:5,000,000 map of the USSR has frequently been shown at conferences:that on a 1:10,000,000 scale has recently been prepared. Experimental maps 1:2,500,000 are now being tried under the direction of T.N.Spijarski.The main aim of this map is to show the particular doveloiment and structure of ce tin regions. It shows further:structural stages,maDor folds and faults,manatic complexes and,on the platform regions:isolines showing the structure of typical units of the cover,isopacs of the sediments. The map reflects the tectonics in a way as yet unachieved. The drafting of this map resolved many of the problems of the larger scale tectonic maps (1:1,500,000 - 1:500,000. TI,e need for these maps is now felt for the preparation of previsional and metallogenic maps. PaPs at this scHle can be divided into three gourps:tectonic maps,generil maps and specialised tectonic maps. Fhe first neo-tectonic map of Russia was published t,lo years ago (1:5,044x-4)). Further maps,based on this latter map,eee being drafted on a largr sc le;firstly in the oil-bearing re-ions (Turkmenia,estern Siberia etc) They are all experimental. The analysis of neotectonic and geoporphai4icd dLta (morphometric analysis) facilitates greatly those of seismic data. The ordinary tectonic maps show stJ.uctures controling the repartition of magmatic manifesttiens,depth of d positd etc. In the platform areas, tne hypsometric position of two or more horizons an indicated by isolines,faults and local geophysical anomalies. Special attention is paid to structures deteemining mineral reparti'Aon and magmatic phenomena ,ehen present. :-'he tectonic Taps of platform areas have considerable practical laplication in the search for favourable structures for oil drilling.!hey Like the rese voir capacity maps are indispensable for research for oil and undergr- nd water. Specialised maps are now being drafted for specific mineral prospecting(bauxite,coal etc). They show essentially the tectonic relief of the besement,its depth as well as interpreta ion of lithological and geo- physical data. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: IA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 ? 3 The study of the structure of or fields has shown the necessity of drafting large scale s ructural maps (1:25,000 and larger) which iedicate all the fu'damental elements of f ulting,folding e:c which effect mineral dis ribution. These maps arc still experimental and their coo:ent varies according to the structural characteristics of the deposit:they will assist in prospecting for hidd n or deeply buried deposits;they Lend towards .he previsional me'allogenic maps. The inclusion of geophvsical data on tectonic maps,enlarges their scope and tectonic maps now er.: based on observed data. 3 iiiim-roaenic_ mims. During the 1958 Meeting of the Com ission for the Goologicel ap of the Vforld in Paris,the US;11 had the opp rtunity of showings ome patt-rns of small scale minrrogenic mapson which it was possible to recognise zones of similar geologicel structure and subsequently similar ore mineralisa,,ion. Such maps deeonstree many tiervrtant problems of regional and general metallogeny:the polycyclic conditi-ea pertai'ing in the majortty of geosynclinal belts and geosynclines wharacterised by prolOged multi?phase development. The important role of met-llogenic 'isolation' of the intrusions is stressed;that of deep fpults as regulators of the distribution of magmititee and their acompanying ares as also endogenic doosits of mineral resources connect-d with them. Small sc .11 maps load to the draf ing of larg(r scale maps where one can determinemore precisely sectors favourable for prospecting but also forecast the type of min rel d posit end give quantative estim? ations. In new retions,where sufficent geologic data is missing, 1:500,000 is coesidred suitable for minaragonic and previsional maps. The requirements for draftin of minerogenic -,aps are now known. They sut carry the main pecularides of the geologic formations so as to show the paragenetic rela:Aons between mincralisations and certain manifestations of tectonics,magmatism,sedimentation,metamorphism etc. The demonstration of ppatial and genetical connections between ore deposits and coun:ry rock is of special im-ortance. Direct as well as indirect characteristics of deposits must be reflected on the map :i.e; results of geophysical work geochemical and mineralogical investigations . This general and special data may oberburden the map and render it Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: IA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: -2,1A-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4 4 illegible.Practice has shown alp.t it is necessary to compile not one,but several mineragenic maps Aich gr-up the ores acording to their geneUc affinity. For examnle on may is concerned ,!ith ahtimpny and mercury deposits The maps show on sdecially selected geologic 1 background a special over? print .::hich includes symbols for o-e doposits and their manifestations. Reservoir capacity,papaeogranhical etc informa-ion can be add d according to the ores concerned. Conventi-hlal symbols mu'A be car and easily remembered. E.T.3hatzalov has sug.;ested a retiv:r detailed system v!hich h s been successfully applied for mineragenic maps. These maps gener1111: show,according to the total sum of inform? ation available: a) known depesits,their extent and concentration. b) areas characteAsed by economic deposits and possible occurrence of industrial d -posits. c) areas favourable for prospection. c) areas of possible occurrence of deposits Qualitative classification of areas acordin:4 to probable economic value only reflects the initial stage of prognostication Experimental work on these paps is only starting,but they are the base for every day and planning of prosppction. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: ICIA-RDP80T00246A020300290001-4