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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? -?; W ALL,EN. TOR OF CENTItAL TO?, THE: NATIONAL WAR. C MAY 1960 lutrAs or v L? Soviet bloc we If today I speak of Sovtt labthties1forget that the Soviet t a very powerfuln, secona greatest military and tn4ustriat power rid, *triv?g over the nee decades to reatb th, firstce nd possiibly no Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? SEPPEI Yet the Soviet Union like 2. y othe ountry has ea.kne 8 see. Some of them are inherent and cannotbe correctecL Some of them are ebort4erm difficulties which are likely to be overcome. Others are important only because they relate directly to the rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States. In this review Isbll not attempt, to distinguish among these type ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? 3. I shall rather deal with weaknesses which arise from (a) geography; (b) the political and social system of the Soviet Union; (c) the international position of the Soviet Union; (d) the industrial, agricultural, and general economic situation in the Soviet Union; (e) its military situation; and (1) its ideology. Finally, I shall mention a few other weaknesses that fall in no particular category. (A) Geographical When it comes to defense, or for selected offense against neighboring European or Asiatic targets the Soviet Union is in a position of great strength. Furthermore, its great land mass permits wide dispersion of vulnerable assets and secrecy and security for those assets and for its striking force. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? 4. On the other hand, dealing with targets more distant from the USSR, such as the United States, Africa, and Latin America. the Soviet is at a certain disadvantage, though modern technology, missile and air transport somewhat mitigate this. The Soviet has no military bases outside the Bloc. It does not even have thoroughly dependable centers of political strength, in which it can find a secure base for extending its influence in the neighborhood. Our alliances and treaty relationships should give us such bases of action nearer to the USSR. Also, for the time being at least, the great superiority in commercial shipping of the United States and its friends gives us advantages in overseas trade; but air transport is cutting down this advantage. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? Social and Political ) Their internal political system. Past history has taught us that dictatorebipe do not last indefinitely, ve they almost always erate, sometimes fallingrevolt of the people de again ? $0111e tbex?. Cr they mellow and reform, f their initial aggressiveness. It is true that modern weapons make the French Revolution type of popul upheaval somewhat outmod Dictatorships have endured for a ion by.tbe army. tion on the wUlingnees of troops to permit. themselves to be used against the people. e long run I kel LL H rted be a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 SLLt ( y veil be in the evoluttonary itag?f the Soviet .ato hip., This. strength over the long run, but it of dynamic aggressivene of better e to come to feel they mgbt have had eariier. Even Khrushchev cannot. popular feelings and pre Soviet people begin ally disregard the evolu o br ught vitith education and 'with more and more fore* contacts. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? c7prr " ? (2) We may ask whether the form of government of the Soviet ta an inbereit. weakne88 The us power i Party Secretar In roc - 957, when Ichrushchev, though his opponents had .a majority of 7 to 4 in the Preeldium, purged Molotov, Malenkov, Knoll v h, etc., after a succeefu1 Appea to the Central Committee. At the moment both the Pr aidium and the Central Committee are e ked with Khrush?v supporters SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? IIP 8. But packed organisations sometimes change. If lihrushchev should have a serious defeat in his foreign policy in industry, or in agriculture, there might be trouble. However, there is no clearly defined or Institutionalised way of dealing with basic disagreement between the dictator and any disagreeing associates. As long as the dictator can get away with it, the dissenters conform or disappear. This may not be a weakness as long as it works but come the day the dictator does not get away with it, there is trouble and no clear way of settling it peacefully. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? SECRET The problem ol d aling with th. succeQsion ? while techuLaUy in t1I hands of the preuidux Central -Committee ? to inherent weakteee. Will lQirushchev'e successorer e as after Stalin, by a period of so-called collectzve leader and the emergence of the dictator? WiU the Armycome play a _role? Ce re two ciuestion marks. raditioi p. toe Short for eatablishe4 procedure. However, Communilt Party and its organa have strict discipline its relativeestr d numbers ?e. eight miLlion out of over 140 miUion potential voters a basis ciimparab e to U.S.A. make it welI4cntt. The Party leaders r alise importance of cohesive action to protect their control, SECREI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21: CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 SECHI One cannot reasonably predict that t ? fail to pieces ottani,. tonally or co-exetenCe line dangerous for their OWfl pos io . The sa e of Mao and companyChina. They have no use for the c s ce ? ? The decision to return would face K rusbcbev with ous dile has evidence at moment that he on of doing it. It would probably not, however, result in a blowupin the USSR if done gradually. It would weaken Ith hchev's . ternattonal position. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21: CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 SECHI One cannot reasonably predict that t ? fail to pieces ottani,. tonally or co-exetenCe line dangerous for their OWfl pos io . The sa e of Mao and companyChina. They have no use for the c s ce ? ? The decision to return would face K rusbcbev with ous dile has evidence at moment that he on of doing it. It would probably not, however, result in a blowupin the USSR if done gradually. It would weaken Ith hchev's . ternattonal position. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? '5ECPZ Y Ye, re ago during he war whenWendel- ilkie vtaltCd Ru he euggeete4 that Stalin by educating -Iiis people, ritight be edlic t himself o4t rdf a job. Stalin mighed. u hev may be ponder 6 he lou of the old revolutionary i leo 0 _Alm!! or the questt?arises whethe the vim and vigor may be lost to the movement. Ideological revolutions such as COnunti 1.6nt purports to be# tend to Lose their vigorousdrive alter they reach their objectives, and adherents become' more interested in vested i 1 o nterests and kee acquire o politica or material rather than engaging adventure 6:. --RRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? 13. While Khrushchev makes a vast numb?r. of speeches, and his regime clai creativeness,he is not perso credit fo high degree f doctrinal dialectian. 'He is eminently a practicalman4. His moat rkable innovations industry d agric he organisation of take care :o historyal will United S ates._ As capitalism took ( feudalism so communism will e of eofcaptaUem, and our grandchildren will all live in a communistocie To accomplish this he seems to rely not so much on the power of ideology n military and industrial power, n demonstrations of the increasing strength of the Soviet Union, in particular are heM is d weapons of subversion. These latter d up a bit, in th ? hemisphere and in the untried areas of Central Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? 111 a dialectic Now to turn Iro problems, riv. -world- ? The Warsaw Pact.countri viet into a thus protecting the. Soviet ho . The Kremlin knows baw? :batt a are unreliable, would be a serious sethacit for the.USSR. Poland today stilia powder keg. The though they have made most progrcssin Bulgaria and CcechoBlovakta.? ion, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21: CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? IIP 15. They are not likely to really win them over to full and wholehearted cooperation in any time in the near future. As I have said, many of the Satellite leaders fear the co-existence policy. The refugee flood from Eastern Germany to the West which reached 17, 000 or more during the month of April, points up their weakness in this area. 2. Communist China. (Expand orally, touching on fact that China still follows the hard line -- still in the days of Stalinism. Further U3SR faced with the choice of helping China become strong, and this they fear, or of dragging their feet as regards military, nuclear and industrial aid, and thus incurring the displeasure of the Chinese.). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? IIP 16. The USSR must inherently fear a greatly strengthened state on the Mainland of China. Mao is irritated at his exclusion from Summit Meetings and is muddying the Soviet copybook of co-existence by his actions in Tibet, on the Indian frontier, and in Indonesia and elsewhere. And Mao by his program of creating communes has irritated the Soviet leaders who propose to sell both domestically and abroad a much more restrained pattern of the ideal Communist state. Mao has set himself up as a fountainhead of real Communist ideology. Khrushchev doesn't like it. In the last weak or two the doctrinal controversy between Moscow and Peiping, as evidenced by Chinese writings and Soviet speeches, reached an unprecedented height. I believe there is some basic trouble here, though we must be careful not to overestimate its implications for the near future. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 liP IP SECREI . Yugoslavia. One of the most lrritatin areas to the' om nnist ruler is e demonstration that * untry under CommunIst leaders follow an independent inc and still survive. Yugoslavia is creating a 17. ous heresy. It is nioridangerous to Moscow than is a state that baa always been an outright enemy. of.theUSSR. . By and large,Soviet policy over the Las on few new allIes. This is in contrast.tothepreviou? It niay represent a slowing down, and any slow down may be dangerous ? revolutionary state. Las On balance, new terri Conrnunism since the tak.ovex 0 Xorth Vietnam. As a apart of the ee World. d China, has been Attar Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? SIT.6NE1 411 ? The latter has had had effec evidenced by the Bun free East Austria, .heJ satellite:a ea0 as 18, , in part due to Its contiguity with In general, territorially the Soviet Bloc is no stronger than it was ten years ago. The open threat In Greece and Aorbaijan and Korea was thwarted the Berlin Blockade was ended. The Cornxnuntst threat in Italy though still great less dramatic than it was twelve years Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? ? 19, .takeover. fore licy area, rushchev's basically a.failure,indicating 80,ME3 race on of? The f.future will, tell how the Co wits ubversive program, speazheadecl. by the Soviets, of which wesee evide c in Cuba and other parts o Latin ica a particularly ntral Africa, Ethiopia and elaewhera, will work o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? IIPo. 5. MILITARY WEAKNESSES. I have suggested at the outset that the Soviet geographic position, strong though it be for resisting attack for aggression against periphery states, and long-range missile attack, still has inherent in it a measure of weakness as regards launching limited attack against distant targets overseas. "Volunteers" were easily useable in Korea, Northern Vietnam and even if the necessity arose, in Greece, Iran and Turkey. Despite the debate about our readiness for so-called 'limited wars" it is unlikely that today the Soviet could do what we did in countries as distant as Lebanon, Korea, or Taiwan. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 , 411 Hence, tn many choose between open on the other, ?countries. For example a the wo,id, the Soviet has to Sovtetinttiaily responded with econorntc and expected to see the Soviet Loilow-up with certx military moves iii. suppozt of a?talceov ? The facts of the .mattei are that they have been extreMely reserved and cautious n this area so near tothcLrfro not contiguous,g themselves to economic and the military aid on a somewhat reetricted and ieffective 5cale. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 22. 6. SOVIET ECONOMY AND INDUSTRY. N.N e see no immediately critical problems in the Soviet economy or industrial fields. In general, there is no immediate and serious shortage of basic raw materials. But like all of us they have certain problems. At the moment due to the war losses and the great inefficiency of their use of agricultural manpower, there is a shortage of manpower for industry. Today they have on their farms about six times as many workers as we do. Despite its far smaller agricultural labor force, the United States produces about one third more food than does the Soviet Union. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 111 4j. The manpower shortage is probably one of the reasons for their cutback in their military forces and for the fact that a large proportion of students reaching the age of 15 are now being sent to the assembly lines and will continue their education on a part...time basis in the evening. The availability of essential raw materials will probably not impede the successful execution of the Soviet Seven-Year Plan, 1959 - 1965. There are,- however, some raw materials problems. To support the planned expansion of the steel and aluminum industries for example, the USSR must exploit leaner and more costly ores. In the case of the steel industry, it must process very expensive coal for the necessary metallurgical coke. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 .? ? Let. Their Coat of securing essential supplies of nickel and cobalt from indigenous sources would be considered prohibitive in the West. These costs, however, are offset by reduction in energy coats from the rapid expansion of oil and gas, improved efficiency in electric power production, and improved technology in the processing of ores to metals. Only in the case of natural rubber and possibly copper is the USSR likely to be dependent on non-Bloc sources for the supply of an essential industrial raw material. In this connection it is well to note that today they are using their raw materials sparingly insofar as consumer production and consumer goods are concerned and diverting them very largely to the national power segment of their economy. For example, they use a very modest amount of gasoline for the small number of passenger automobiles they produce. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 . ? ? 411 45. The task of extracting riches (tom the frozen Tundra of the Far North is not appealing. It is true that the Soviets are now paying serious attention to housing for the first time in their history. But the Soviets much.publicized civilian construction plans will not be completed until well after 1965. Even then the available living space, on a per capita basis, will still be only a small fraction of that now being enjoyed in the U. S.. and for that matter, in Western Europe. Furthermore, the quality of construction is inadequate by our standards and even in the newest apartment house, the chances are that the plumbing will not work. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? Z6. 7. INDUSTRY In industry, problems remain but they are centered around the need to increase efficiency and productivity rather than output alone. Khrushchev is still tinkering with his economic reorganization which went into effect in 1957 substituting a form of territorial control for vertical ministerial control of industry from the center in Moscow. The lack of a competitive market has resulted in lags in the introduction of new technology, in the continued use of high cost production facilities in many industries, and in a price structure for producers' goods which is virtually meaningless. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? v is aware of the need recently declared that plant managers in the no longer receive substant of the physical output called for in _ cosi 0 ec managers Pr s. M v Unio completion us. show substantial Lmprovement in the uct on if they are o be rewa bonuse5. We can in organization Kremlin is o a by Incentive cad about a good deal o Aew exprim.ents ement over the ext few years as the solutionso these pioblems. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 110 AGRICULTURE - 'Agriculture .The resin problemthe Soviet Union, collectivization and the resultant et concentrated on the deve1opnnt of industry in the ected; the ny 1950e that country ceased to be sufficient tnfood eupply for the into the growing of grain on the new Iartda ohchev met this ch d neVr lands ar iberia and Ka f crop acreage subject to great uncertainty. quently th?re is insufficient moisture harvest, as happened;l959 ? 'old a aatL1acto Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A00150262061-3-0 -0 4110 The other majox agrtculturalprogram was thettroduction of corn. But remember that 80 n Use north of rn does not mature and =Ufa be cut in the green stage. The is.nocountepart in the SovLet Union to?,o r own highly pr uctive corn belt. The uncertainty of a ricultur cauee&severe damage to a crop in the North Caucasus and the $outhBrn Ukraine. A considerable part of the winter grain acreage in theBe areas must be re-eeeded, and output on the r to be adversely affected. A continuattori oithiunfavorable spring weather could seriouslydelay planting .a'4posstbly could even result acreage in an acreage reduction from the 1959 level be affect a a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ? Factors of geography and climate will always make agricultural production in the Soviet Union much more risky and uncertain than either in the U. S. or Western Europe. MISCELLANEOUS WEAKNESSES. 1. No convertible currency. This restricts their trade dealings to barter type of operations. (But speed in affecting barter deals with underdeveloped nations, as contrasted with our redtape type deals, has created impact, though at times some of the goods delivered In barter have proved second rat..) 2. Limited currency of Russian as a language of general communication as contrasted to English; the great lingua franca of the world. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? ' Shortage of ade f world (The te with the b??ko "Ugly .Arne rtcai gn. languag. s. the exception lack eIy trained operatives for Kaznacheyev ony of as asconth This lowl Pauc,ty cif production of music. Lack in 1tta sculpture. The robably not any Soviet do not ted ;Pe L the d of the aztl with ture and poetry, r ballet La great but it is stUlold fashioned and good as the ttme oth? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 411/ ? their leisure. Existenceof boredom and inadequate meansluting correspondent; write forTimes" chester Washington Po ?t April 21: "I hope it all comes true. I hope there is benevolent Russia, a mighty force for good in the old complexes rdian".. evolving a newly world, freed of 'tions. I hope the pundi with all my heart I wish the Ru elans well. have my doubts4 I felt all to "But to be yo? strongly the batof uncertaintythat hangs abovethe Rust scene, the sense of hidden movements d unsus queerness of it a and ignorant, bewildered, the Log and ignorant, stranger, -convinced,. irrevocably alieni re in-. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 11 111 that no count over survived long as CO Russia is skills; massive salen of backwardness; ho Ruaain Is ut a de atheistic country and history has shown gious purpose has dictions; great technical chlevementa combined oad shortages,. transportation problems except air transport. 711 and Lentngrad and yet thousands of small villa change over th Ltles like Moscow s which showittUe dea e; great in industry backward in agric re; outatandirAg in music. etixile. in the other s; Russia is great in m th gs and ebrivOled, tn many 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0 k-o - IIP In the contest for survival which is Joined between the Free Vsiorld and the world of International Communism ? the U.S. and the Soviet Union -- we must prepare to meet their elements of strength with equal or superior strength on our part -- and at the same time understand and know how to exploit peacefully but effectively the very great vulnerabilities of the Soviet Bloc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80M01009A001502620013-0