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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6 acE F?REIGN S~~VI~~ DESPATG~ ~~~/.~' ?'/._i.3.~,~ FROM TO REF l~r,~er~ncsn Gonsu.~~.~ ~`::?=~ura~.~ :~~~a5 I~dras Despatch 32~~ T~ove~aber 10$ 1.95;. D~.~.'~2 use vnty ,~~., ~ _...-.- ,, _. /~~ ~;, II Tor ept. . o o' L~- -;.~ N ~~ ai 'Y . %~ 1'~'...-t. SUBJECT: (,'{)lV~~uCl~j ?f01u :'li'ii C~ti.~~~' :tasam said set ara ~;1 d you. have come Z like .?amcricanem ~ visit the United States rLe~t r o;~ th ~ {' ~: expressed s5rne surprise at this urze-~pected announcement and at the same t~rre asscred him, that I ltnevr he would be received >;?~th the honer a?iec r,~s,.ect c?~?e a great patriot t3Yz leavir.~; ~ to his elder song ~tho ~~~d aC%s as his pr~.vate secretary and has +~een a pijsot sot scandal: ax~zd reports of e~:tartion . making appo~...n.trrrents T~tith Father o:i granting ather favors? -;at~.ur=iantha ~ arz urzprepassessinr,b fa.t~ oily character ~:alzo aorz appe2rance lends val.iditp to all the nasty stor?ies told, about him Hanumant'fl.e'i 5al..d i7 i$ :~atL~gr~ his wzother ~?~tlIC3 iz~so acts c'~3 a pe7'sona~, assistarzt~secretary~,~ hi~as2lf a~~u. another secretary t~sould be leaving. by plane for the UdF~ eax?ly inn Beciember~y `i'l~;y p3.an1?zed a brief stopover in Rome and ~..n V-.~enrza there 11is :~a.t her vrculd be fitted for g7.assese, l~sked ~.f the results of the cataract operatioxz Caere ;,u.ccessful.~ ~Iar~u;~razztha said that the healir.,g etas progressing but that it lead been decided to go to ~ienz~a. for t'~e f irate checkup and f ittin cif gl,as ses ~ I ixsf er:eed that the trap onward from the U~K~ to the U~S~ etas mare car less incidental. to Frakasa~9s proaected vis~,t to Japan and Chi~.? ~ianurnantha added that the programs was still tentative but Mould be fina~zed on his fathers visit to Delhi. later' 3.ri the week F?owevera Prakasam canceled his Delhi trap follo.szg the Governments defeat ors November 6s 1,9~1~s in a rzo-confidenc? nzotion~. CST o Except for urgent medical treatment abroad, it ,seems urzlike~q' that ~Sakasam will. leave Andhra during the present f state p?nding hest e,3aecti?~~~ Despite h~ age and feeblenesse he has no intention of resi~~ aaag , 1,eadership~ Friends and Eves sap that he wants t?~ be Cb~ef meter as lung as he 13,ves? And he h~ stl,~ to give ang pat~p become of h3,g eszzt3.nuing personal appeal, axzd h?l.d r~vez? the ~aassea~~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6 =~pagP Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6 Desp. No. .~- ~ cca~'zn~rt~rae~z ~ No. ~ -~ From -- (Classification) Desp. No.- From As an sample in pointy ~attabhirama Race Minister for Education and .~sohibitia~r~ told me that after the decis~.on had finally be~;n made to .locate the capital ~ I~ur;2oa1 rather than Guntur or Vi,~awada9 there was great r~sentMerxt even 3.rz Congress ranks in the coastal area A meeting eras card by ~.acal Ca?xgressrren in Guntur whi.cLz turned out to be a mass C athering with predam.~.:xant Corr~:~anist participation, The question arose as to who could face 'the mob ar~ra quell their antaf;onisme ~Jhile the T~eputy Chief Minister Sanjeevz.ah iLedcl~~, is a. fl'aent anu adroit speake.r~ the +,;ask was beyond Yzim~; ~alcasarn to rpeo. up to the :u kc n He said that noTa was not the timxe or the place f'ar ?ry..i: ~ ~:,a set i ortli Vary they had decided on T~urnool as the capi,to7. ~~ but hhat ;,e 'Rod a secret book ~.n brYz%eh every reasons and there were many was full~,~ docr? :~nted~, The peayJle :ere to believe him not to question hir=+.B tlYzen the ti~-rre eras r?' peg he vao~a.ld open the boolt and tell them .brhy~, 1~aw they' were to accept his Trard;, 1?ccarding to ~atta'ohirama. I~ao~ this was a most rema.rl{able demonstration of bluff ~mich no one else in tk-e Congress could have done su.coessf.`ul7-arm Gomrtnznists and Can;ressites alike accepted his word and departed peacefully because Frakasarn had said itm ~akasam"s p~sence is same?rhat in the order of an emergency brake =,~ you, marry not have to use its but it i s very comfartin~; knot~ing -that it is there, At the openang of the Assembly debate folloi~~i.rzg the Gavernores address and sta?`~.ement o.f gaverxunent policy Prakasam ab,nounced that IZenee~-~ forth the deputy Cm?''i.~~ 5an..jeeviah Reddi~, would act as 7~eader of tY~ House and would answer a1.1 questions on behalfu Aieverthel~ess~ I'x?akasarn attended and sat through evcr-~y session. of the AsNembl~r without a moment out fcr relaxation or a sm.ol~ ~.xi the corridars~, fLe a_s rer~a;rkab3y al.ert~ hears everything remembers everythin.gJ, ~'attabh~.z'a~a recounted another incident that had happened that very ~;~en araL~asarr~ at t.xe carc~.usian off' a series of speeches by the Opposi ~i>on~ leGned across the ?t,aY71e ands quot:i.ns word for ~rord a point-made by the Commzzn3st Copal. Y*aa mach earl..ier a.~. the c~.eba.te~ had reprimanded him for parodyanL, ~1a;?T he had sa7.d :aan 19.2 brYien he was a ;nember of the Confress o Go: `,al Itao shamefacedly admitted. the carrec.tness and the basis of the xepra.,r", Bu.t t.e reproof came as a shook to the whole Assembly. that ~raka,sarr~ old as he is~ bl:.L.nd as he is~, is still so al.ert~ so keen _ There LraSre ?~'k:.ny x.~tr~rors L~,hat ~'ra?~asa~.Vs dev:xtian tc~ his twc~ sons and his ~.r151.~.1:f_:i.r,~news tia 7-a,?~texa 'La a~~}r cri%ic? srn ay. their corrupt practices had weakened x:.3_s ~xi-~n presi~:L."e an Ar1dLYra.a As far as I calzld Bath, r theso reports are ;xrf^i?nde~ ~ L rve-r;;-acre adra-~ is ~~liat I'ra,?asalrxY s sons are unscrrapulous ar._d otrt ~Y,r> pro~'it an their .fatherY s na~rxe; at the s2.~ne tirxie the- sons a e accepted. as sir?rply t~ealt spots and in na Tray da.~:a~;in?; to a great mans reputatiaYx~, ?sx a way9 his bland a~:fection for them is an.a~t~~Qr tri~;ute to his perscmal~.ty and. endears hire further to the peopie~ `file 5ecreta~riat and his cabinet calleagues are9 however ~ completely aTlve to the situati.aa~ az~d feel t'nat they have fairly tiae? 1 isolated the sons ?'rc doing any damage o all p~ ers - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6 P Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6 agF ,,. ~l. No~ Desp. No. - ~ COY3Fm~TI~L esp. `No.~~ From (Classification) From ., papers are eompleted a~ a 7~inisterial level and mere],g sent to Prakasam a~ a forms:li.t~rm ~o gaps are left for his decisions no alternatives left 1'or has choice ~~n.ioh the sons might exploit for squeeze mone~? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/24 :CIA-RDP79R01012A000500040008-6