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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 Journal -Office of Legislative Coutxsel Wednesday - 23 July 1975 `Page 3 12. (Unclassified - Dl~'M) Taok a call. from. Timothy Leech, Staff Assistant to Representative J. Edward Roush (D, , Ind. }. Leech had read in the July 12th Washixx ton Lost that CIA estimates of Sovic;t grain produc- tion differed substantially frorrx the estimates of the Department of tl.grir_u.Itxx.rc:. Leech inquired about our methodology and techniques in estimating gx-a,in production. I said I ould ir.~quire and get ba.clc to hi.rn as soon as passib).e. STAT have bce.n notified. 13. (Internal Use Only - DFM} Called Cluy McGor,nell, Set~r.atc: STAT Appropriations Committee staff, regarding the propasecl an:renclxnents of Senator Richard S. Schweiker (R., Pa..) restricting th.c use of xxn.vaucl~erecl funds. McConnell had alerted us to this problem earlier this rrxanth. I inquired whether Senator Schvreiker has pressed this z~iattox-, and lxc~ said that four appropriations have been marked up thus far by the Camxnittee~ and Schweilcer has not offered his amendment: to any of them. ~Ie the Defense appropriations bill would be before the Conarrxi.ttee in Septen~ber. I told him we had one prablexrx with the language of his amendment; a.nd he suggested we prepax?e an informal paper for the Carrrnzittc:e's use setting forth our problerxx. I said we would prepax?e sucl~ a paper, STAT 15. (Unclassified -- RC) Roy Careenaway, staff of Sena.tar Alan Oran>f.orr_ (D. , Calif. ), called to request information on haw one of tlxe Senator. "s constituents could leave by air fx?onrx Luanda, Angola. Later the same afternoon., I called the office back and advised them th~.t thc: constitoent. co~.xld leave by Air Zaire from Luanda to Kinshasa or take an intc:x-nal. Angoliatx airlines flight (TAACa~ to Nova. Lisboa anc[ ther} hoa}.c ul:a to other flights going to Lusaka, 'Cambia. Alaparently, Senator Crarxst:ori"s office was talcl by the Department of State that thex?e was a siY--xxzant:h ~,vait for intern a.tional flights leaving Angola. This is true. in toms of major airlines going direct to Lux?ape but is not true of ai.r} gai.nt; t:c> otlxer African capitals o:r other internal airlines leavi.rig Irax-n t}~ere. There were freighters in the Luanda hax?bor which the canstitczent caxxlcl ha}~ a x.?ide an. in an emergency. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 ~vurnal - Vtxzce of 1_~egi~l~~tiv~_: Cot~xzscl Page fi Wednesday - 23 July 19 i 5 ~~ .~._,,. ~' ay ~..,.,K~ ~).,~ :a ~s~. nab i 25. (U.ncl~:~a.>:iCi~~;+. -- ,I1~.1U) 'I'r~.(i:,ed wi.tlx Sally Slxe:Itan, Legislaf:ive Aide to .Senator J_~loyd l,c~.~it::c,~i (Ti. , 'C'c~. }, and told. her. Mr., Cary and Mx?. IIcp~vorth tivou.lcl brief floc: Sc~:riator at 3:00 p, zxz, on :E_'_ortu~;al. I asl:c>d i.f anyone else was go_i.rtt; to :izi anct she said only the Senator would hc~ present, 2,8, (Unclassified - GLC) Called Michael Oppenheimer, of GAC7~, by way of follow-up to his telephone call to Bill Christison the other d~xy oxz C~AC?'s investigatiazz of the Mayag_uc incident, I told him that we 17ac1 been in tauclx with tlzc NSG staf:E which is trying to focus on this matter on a Gavex`nz~c.xrt--wacl.c: basis since:: DOD and State agencies axxcl NSC were all i.nvalvecl. I tole hizzx as: soon as I x?eceived same guidance .from the NSC staff, I would be in touelx wzi:lx him, I mentioned in the course of our conversation that under normal cix-c.ixrxz-_ stances wc: would respond directly to congressional committce~s on a xnattcx- o.C this sort, but in view of the involvement of the NSG and the others, v~Tc ~~*auIcl await the -White House's gLlldanCe, 29. (Unclassified - JMD) Elly Vogtmaxxn, Senate Foreign I~c:latioxxs Committee staff, called and asl~ed if the briefing schecl.u:Ied far lt'rz?lay at. 10:00 a, rn, could be changed to 11;30, After clxeeking with tl-re Dirf c~taax-~s office, I confirmed 11:30, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000^5700040022-1 - ----?.?-..,??. ~.x~...~.... v.~. .uGb'lJlcl.l:AVt. VVU115C1 Page' t ~iA INTERNAL USE ~~l~Y ~ ~?. ~, 30. (Confidential - t~~LC} During the coux?se of the clay I talked with Les Janlca, on the NSC staff, to sec if I could-get further infornxatian al~aui: the following: handling of th.e GA(J inquiry on the Mayaguez __ this i~r stall up in the air but I mentioned. that we were doing apost-mortem on this. whic:lz. might be of some help; the Allen Dulles testimony of 196Q which is on CerrlerF~l Brent Scowcroft's, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs at the: Wlxitc~ House, desk far clearance -- Janlca said he would da what he could ora tlxis; and the briefing of the House: Armed Services Committee on tlxe:~ intclligE.xxcc: stake in Turkey -- I told hinx that the Director had been standing bar af: tlxc House Armed Services Caxntxaittee to brief that group for aver ~.ri x'ninut:e, and we were still hopeful that the briefing would take place ('as it out the Committee was unable to complete its open session on three piece:;;, of legislation and arrangements were made for General y/'alters to corrxe baclr;. tomorrow at 2:30), 31. (Secret - GLC} .[n a conversation with Ralph Pre:stora, staff of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, I ad.visc d o:f ther Chairman's discussion with i;he .Director regarding the possible Subcorrxxxxiti:ee25X1 action to terminate the ~rogram. I said we had. recently "`sertxiaTxed. this dawn" and would be appy to provide any information. oax this subjcet ~vliiclx the Subcommittee might desire. Preston suggested that wlxexx it becaane a lii.ile clearer as to just what the Subcamxxaittee proposed to do, that he arxcl th.e Chairman get together with the Director and myself along ~,vith oux- proj;eci: officer to discuss the matter further. I told him we would }.~e lial~py to do this. and would await his call. 3~. (Confidential - GLC) Ta:Lked witlx Ed Braswel.I and Clax-lc 1Vlcl?'aclclc:xx, both of t:he staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to bring thorn, xp to date on several items including tlxe Director's final decision on th.c letf:ea- t:c, Kepresentative Jack Brooks (D, , Tex.) on his request far a copy of tlxe lc}7 3 1G report and several athc:r iterrzs. .I also mentianc,d that tive ~,vc~rc. ixistzllira.~; ~lrl F.L'>IS tickex in the _Library of Congress so they could . handle congressiazxal. inquiries on FBIS matters, Braswell seemed to think that this wa;; a goc>d: clc.~~:,, I also took up with Braswell the matter of Senator Lloyd Bentsen's. (D,,, ~l'cX, attribution of information we had given his staff from press sources on Soviet: financial support to Portugal with the admonition that it not be attrilxuteel tEr thcti Agency, Bxaswell agree-d~ tll n1y assessment that }3enfisen clicl rnc~t dr liberatel~r div~.xlge infarmation contrary to our agreement and also a.gx-eecl tlx~t wc. 41xo~:ilcI respond to the Senator's request far a briefi:~g on Portugal. Ui~i i~~~~~f1~l~l II~l= f1Ali v r^^'...3 rw `` } Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08 :CIA-RDP77M00144R000500040022-1 Journal -office o:f Legislative Counsel Page g ,r c:u.lsV~uety - GJ JUly 1`J (_2 ~y~-^~: w '~,l~+N 33. (Confidential - CTI.,C) 33ob Flepworth and. 1 rnet with Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D. , Tex,) in x?esponse to his rc;rluest for a briefing on _ or~~a~~-- I confronted the Senator with his disclosure of information on Porto a which~ve had given to Sally Shelton, of his staff, as px-ess infor- xnation not to be attributed to the Agency. The Senator was. obviously upset. ? through soiree mistake he hart acted contrary to the Agency~s ground rules in this matter a.nd offered to confront Miss Sheltox2 on this in our presence. (See Memo for the Record). 34. (Secret - GLC) Me.t with Bill ..Ashworth, staff of Senate Foreign Relations, in response to his request and he asked if we co~rld give Senator Stuart Symington's (D. , NLo.) Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Organizations and Security Agreements, Senate Foreign Relations Gomznittee, a briefing on Tuesday, the 2'~th of July covering nuclear weapons developments in the 29 riatiorLS who are parties to the international. agreement. far coopex?ation? I3e said that Symington has gone to the IAEA on this matter anel plans to hold hearings next. Tuesday which will include in addition to the Agency witness, i~Tessrs, Freedman of ERDA, I~x?atzer o.f State and George Vest, Director of Politico.-Military A:Efairs, Department of State, He said the Senator would ~,~:ant. our tivitness (presumably Carl Duckett) to discuss the steps which each nation. has taken (or has not taken) in the development of nuclear weapons. He said he would also want us to cover those countries who we thought would join the "nuclear club" whether or not they were parties to the international agreement. He specifically :mentioned 25X6 1-ie also cautioned against our invoking the safeguard provisions L~JCb since, as he put it, Senator Symington can effectively dispel this argument. i told hixn. I would. be back to him an this tomorrow, 35, (Unclassified -WPB) Called Bab Carlstrom, OM$, to alert him to our reports on 1I. R, 61 and S, 1428 (criminal justice information) axed to asl:. hirsi to expedite -their clearance. .i painted out that they were virt'aaLy identical to the repcart the Agency submitted earlier on the Justice Departmer_.t draft gill on criminal justice inforxnatian,. 1-le said he would cto his best. ~ GE`O GE L. CAf' Legislative Counsel o/DDCx Mr. ~Varrzer Mr. Lehman EA/DDo Mr, Tlrrz