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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~ Contacts 0 Calls 4 In 0 Out 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 30 August 1968 1. On the basis of a preliminary report from FE Division, I advised Charles Kendrick, Administrative Assistant to Senator Peter Dominick, it appeared that in fact has either been killed or died while in custody. I advised Kendrick that we were still checking on this, however, and would be in touch with him further, 25X1 25X1 3. Mr.. Steve Adams, in the office of Representative Catherine Mai {R. , Wash. ), called on beha'f of a constituent interested in employment with FBIS. Apparently the individual has a pending application with the Agency and I offered to relay the interest in F3I5 to oar Personnel office and as an alternative suggested that he might wish to deal directly with the Personnel representative who interviewed him in the Washington area recruiting office. Mr. Adams said he would check and let us know if the applicant preferred our channel. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI DD/S DD/I Acting Legislative ounsel OPPB DD/S&T EA/DDP Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 STAT S STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Contacts 1 Calls 1 IN 0 OUT 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 28 August 1968 1. Mr. Donald Jameson and I met with Mr. Chester D. Smith, General Counsel of the House Committee on Un- American Activities, to discuss his request for an appearance by before the Committee next Wednesday or Thursday. We explained to Smith the problems which such an appearance would create at this time. Smith said he understood and added that he was confident he could explain this to the Committee members who had expressed an interest in having testify. We agreed that at such time as might be available to appear before one of the Committees~HCUA would have the prior claim to him. We pointed out, however, that might elect to tell his story to the press and that we had no effective way of precluding this. Should that situation develop, however, we would make every effort to notify the Committee in advance. (See Memorandum for the Record for details. ) 25X1 25X1 2. Spoke with Mr. Jim Crouch, 25X1 General Accounting Office, regional office, in connection with his out- standing request (see Journals of 26 and 27 August) and we will meet with him and Mr. Judd Thompson, of his office, tomorrow at 2 o'clock 25X1 3. Miss Newton, in the office of Repre- 25X1 sentative Frank Horton, called and requested a personnel interview appointment be arran ed for 3 September for After 25X1 checking with I confirmed the time of 11;00 on 3 25X1 September with Miss Newton. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI OPPB DD /S DD /5 &T DD /I EA /DDP Acting Legislative Counsel Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston (Pers. ); TSD STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~ G ontacts 5 Calls 3 In 2 Out 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 27 August 1968 1. In connection with Representative Mahon's recent conversation with Admiral Taylor on the Minshall letter, I checked on the availability of Robert Michaels, of the House Appropriations Committee staff, and Representative Glenard Lipscomb. Both Michaels and Lipscomb are on leave and are not expected back until some time next week. 2. Received a call from Chester D. Smith, General Counsel of the House on Un-American Activities Committee, regarding the case, making reference to the inter- view with as reported in the Smith said that several members of the Committee were anxious to have appear before the Committee, preferably in open session, next Wednesday or Thursday. He said the Committee and the staff would be willing to work with us in any way and would abide by any restrictions we wish to impose. He also said they would like to speak within advance of his appearance and work out a script of questions and answers for his appearance. I told Smith that as he knew this was a touchy situation and I felt quite certain that an open session appearance was completely out of the question, but that I would look into the matter and be back in touch with him. Smith, who at one time held the position of Deputy Director, Internal Security for the Department of the Army and was also a member of the USIB Committee, said he appreciated that this would have to be checked out, both within the Agency and the State Department. He said while he appreciated that there were problems, he felt thatOtes- timony would have an enlightening effect on U. S. public opinion. Following my conversation with Smith I discussed the matter with Mr. Karamessines and Colonel White and suggested that if we were flatly opposed to any appearance by~a knowledgeable DDP officer accom- pany me to a meeting with Smith in an effort to point out to him the very negative aspects of such an appearance. It was agreed that we would raise this with the Director in the morning. (Mr. Goodwin and were also advised of this request. ) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 VLVIIL i Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 27 August 1968 3. Met with Mr. William Darden, Senate Armed 25X1 Services Committee staff, and Mr. William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, jointly and brought them up-to-date on the developments and current situation in Czechoslovakia. I called their attention to the Washington Post article of 23 August Neither Darden nor Woodruff expressed any concern over the Agency's performance. I raised again with Bill Darden the matter of Senate action on our retirement legislation. Darden said he foresaw no problems in getting this taken up. 4. Talked with Charles Kendrick, Administrative 25X1 Assistant to Senator Peter Dominick, about the correspondence we had received from the Senator regarding After reviewing the correspondence 25X1 Kendrick said he was aware of this case which had come up through the Denver office. He will be moving to the Denver office next week and will assure the matter is tied down there. I told Kendrick that while I could not be optimistic, ?~~? and that we would report back to the Senator on this as soon GJ/~I as information is received. Kendrick was most grateful for our assistance and said he appreciated the problems involved. He fully expects thatOhas 25X1 died or been killed. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/S DD/I Acting Legislative Counsel DD/S&T OPPB EA/DDP Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Item 4 -Chief/FE Item 5 - (Pers. ); TSD SECRET STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~u '~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ Contacts 0 .~ Calls 7 In 1 Out 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 26 August 1968 1. Called Mr. Charles Kendrick, Administrative Assistant to Senator Peter Dominick, and advised him of the letter we had received from the Senator from his Denver office concerning the problems of I asked Mr. Kendrick if he would advise their Denver office that we were in receipt of the Senator's letter and were looking into the matter. Since Kendrick was not aware of the letter I plan to see him this week about it and arrange to handle the matter directly with him. 2. Received a call from Mr. Louis Hastings, on the staff of Senator Carl Hayden, regarding an applicant for em to ment who was referred to the A enc b the Senator. 25X1 25X1 3. Representative George Mahon called 25X1 Admiral Taylor regarding a letter dated 21 August which he had received from Representative Min shall calling for an inquiry into the effectiveness of U. S. intelligence in dealing with the Czech situation. With guidance from Admiral Taylor, Representative Mahon dictated a response to Min shall indicating his satisfaction with the Agency's performance, but offering to discuss the matter with Mr. Minshall when the Congress reconvenes. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Vvir~ ~v~..~....._ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 26 August 1968 Page 2 4. Received a call from Mr. William Rita of the General Accounting Office concerning the private relief bill recently introduced in the behalf of At his request,I spoke with Mr. Donald Scantlebury, GAO Regional Manager, about the case. Mr. Scantlebury was unfamiliar with the case but acknowledged that his office would be preparing a report on the bill which had been requested by the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Judd Thompson, in Scantlebury's office, will be working on the case and will call me when he has reviewed the facts. 5. Ann Obrokta, in the office of Representative Melvin R. Laird, called to inquire if the Agency has in its employ a who is engaged to the daughter of a constituent and who claims he is employed by the CIA to investigate the black market. After checking with Personnel I informed Miss Obrokta that we had had a military detailee by this name for three weeks in December 1964 but did not currently have anyone on our rolls with this name. I also pointed out that claim is obviously false on the face of it since the Agency has no jurisdiction in the United States over this subject matter. The Office of Security has been informed. Acting Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI OPPB EA /DDP DD /S DD/5&T DD %I Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Item 2 -Personnel Item 4 - (Pers. ); TSD 25X1 25X1 STAT STAT STAT ~~CONFI~F~~~;~1'' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Releas 2e 012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~ C ontact s 4 Calls 2 In 1 Out 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 23 August 1968 2. Talked to Jack Norpel, Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, concerning his request for infor- mation about the We agreed that State would be more likely to be able to answer on this. case, I advised Donald O'Donnell, Chief Counsel for the In response to his query to us on the McClellan Subcommittee on Permanent Investigations, that we had no information over and above what was available in the press and indicated again that the FBI should be the point of contact on this case. O'Donnell thanked me for checking on this, adding that he just wanted to be sure that no "deals" had been made with regarding a possible return by him to the United States. RET 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 V4V1~6. ~ ~------ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 23 August 19b8 Page 2 STAT 6. Mr. Al Westphal, Staff Director, 25X1 House Foreign Affairs Committee, called advising that he had spoken with Mr. Ed Craft, Legislative Counsel, House of Representatives and others and recommended that we proceed with a security clearance for Mr. Bill Adams of Craft's staff. Adams has been advised by Mr. Westphal. Office of Security, has been advised. (See Journal of 14 August 1968). STAT Acting Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir - C ompt O/DDCI DD/S Mr. Houston EA/DDP DD/S&T Mr. Goodwin OPPB DD/I Item 3 -Chief, CA Staff Item 6 - Office of Security SECRET STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Contacts 1 Calls 1 IN 0 OUT 2 JOURNA L OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 22 August 1968 1. Mrs. Norris, in the office of Representative Clement J. Zablocki, called and requested an appoint- ment for who is interested in employment. He will be in town 9, 10, and 11 September. An appointment was arranged with Personnel, for 9 September at 11:00 a. m. Mrs. Norris was advised. 2. In view of the developments in Czechoslovakia, I checked on the availability of our Subcommittee staff contacts with a view toward discussing the situation with them. Except for Mr. Kelleher, who was briefed yesterday, and Mr. Blandford, all are on leave for at least the remainder of the week. 3. Passed on to Acting Chief, CA Staff, Colonel White's views with regard to the case. I plan to see the Chief Counsel of the McClellan Subcommittee staff tomorrow regarding his inquiry to us. Acting Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI OPPB EA /DDP DD /S DD/S&T DD /I Mr. Houston MA . Goodwin STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Contacts 2 Calls 0 IN 1 OUT 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 21 August 1968 2. Talked with Phil Kelleher, on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee, who expressed interest in the situation in Czechoslovakia. In the absence of Russ Blandford I discussed the Czechoslovak situation with Kelleher along the lines of the various situation reports and the guidance provided by the Director. Kelleher expressed surprise that the Soviets took such drastic action but acknowledged that everyone should have known that this was a possi- bility in view of the presence of Soviet troops in the area. STAT cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O /DDCI EA /DDP DD /S DD/S&T DD /I OPPB Mr. Houston c mg egis ative ounse STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 20 August 1968 Contacts 5 Calls 1 1N 0 OUT 2 1. At his request met with Mr. Donald F. O'Donnell, Chief Counsel of the McClellan Subcommittee, and Mr. James Dillon, an investigator on the Subcommittee staff. Mr. O'Donnell gave me some of the background on the case of who was indicted for kidnapping in North Carolina and is wanted on a fugitive warrant for leaving the United States to avoid process of law. O'Donnell is interested in any assistance the Agency can give regarding current developments in this case, especially the alleged offer by ~ to provide information if charges against him are dropped. I told O'Donnell and Dillon that any information which we develop on U. S. nationals in the performance of our functions is passed on to the FBI and the Department of Justice, but I offered to look into the matter and be back in touch with them. I have taken this up with in the Office of Security. (see Memorandum for the Record for details. ) 2. Met with Mr. William Miller, on the staff of Senator Cooper, in connection with the case involving correspondence in China. I gave Miller some of the background on the case including the fact that we had maintained contact with Senator Kuchel. I also told Miller that it was my understanding that since Senator Kuchel will not be returning to the Senate next year this matter is being taken up with Senator Cooper, who has been involved in the case, plans to see Senator Cooper during the week of 9 September. quite possib who is from s an acquaintance of Mrs. Cooper Miller was glad to have some background on the situation and said he would be alert to any future developments. He said he would be in touch with us if anything comes up which would be of interest to us. 25X1 25X1 25X1 (b)(6) STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 20 August 1968 Vice President, 3. an Age Page 2 Mr. Ellertson, in the office of the called and asked how he might get in touch with Mr, icy employee. Ellertson said that had been in Ellertson that was currently on leave were graduat personal contact 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. Met with Robert Hanover, in the office of Representative Daniel J. Flood (D. , Pa. ), in follow up of our interim reply to their inquiry on behalf of a former Agency employee who believes he is entitled to disability annuity based on Agency service. I advised Mr, Hanover of our unsuccessful efforts so far in contacting and of our interest in reviewing the facts and assisting in the presentation of any appropriate claim. Hanover said they had no personal knowledge of the case but would check with Representative Rooney's office, from whom they had received it as a courtesy referral. If did not contact us in a period of time, Hanover would like a 25X1 close-out letter which in turn could be forwarded to 25X1 Later Office of Personnel, advised that subsequent 25X1 to my meeting with Hanover had called and would be in for an 25X1 appointment this Thursday. told Bell that his attorney had advised 25X1 against his meeting with Agency representatives.) Mr. Hanover was advised of this development. After checking with I advised as presently assigned to Headquarters but in Ocean City. It developed that Ellertson and e school friends and Ellertson merely wished to with him. He thanked us for our assistance. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~,, ,.~; ~., , A ~~~~~u`~ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 20 August 1968 6. Talked with John Richards, in CA Staff, on the status of the situation with respect to The Radios. Richards advised that the matter was now in the hands of the Bureau of the Budget which is to explore possible alternatives to the problem and submit its suggestions to the Agency. No Agency action is required at this time. 7. In response to her earlier inquiry, met with Miss Mary Dwyer, in the office of Representative Rogers C. B. Morton (R. , Md. ), concerning an employee applicant, who had been recently rejected. Mr. Benston's mother had written the Congressman inquiring about the specific reasons. I showed Miss Dwyer a copy of our final letter to Benston and explained that he just did not meet our overall standards for employment. Miss Dwyer seemed satisfied and said that she felt she would now be able to close out the case. Acting Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O /DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DD /I DD /S DDiS&T OPPB EA /DDP Item 6 - Security D /Personnel Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 r Contacts 0 Calls 1 IN 1 OUT 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 19 August 1968 (Unclassified - Donald O'Donnell, Chief Counsel for STAT Senator McClellan's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, called. He said he would like to see me when convenient on a matter which might be of interest to us as well as to the Subcommittee. I plan to see Mr. O'Donnell tomorrow. cting Legis ative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt OPPB ODDCI EA /DDP DD /S DD/S&T DD /I Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Contacts 3 Calls 1 IN 1 OUT 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 16 August 1968 1. Sam Scott, a member of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, now working on the staff of Senator Everett Dirks en, called and asked if we could indicate to him whether this Agency had an employee by the name of who resides in I told Scott that I would check on this and be in touch with him. (The Office of Personnel is looking into this. ) 2. In the absence of Senator Thomas Kuchel I talked with his Personal Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Crayford, regarding who has been in touch with our office and with Senator Kuchel in the case involving correspondence with China. Mrs. Crayford indicated that Senator Cooper has been in touch with Senator Kuchel on this case but Mrs. Crayford is not aware just how Senator Kuchel wishes to transfer action on this matter to Senator Cooper. She is holding their file in the meantime. Mrs. Crayford thought it a good idea, however, for me to be in touch with Mr. Bill Miller, on Senator Cooper's staff, on the matter as I had suggested. I plan to see Miller in the next few days. Murphy gave me an item from the Danish newspaper, B. T., having to do with NATO documents which were found in a dump in Denmark and asked if we could translate this item for him. I told Murphy I would see what could be done. 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 16 August 1968 background information on Page 2 In response to his request provided House Committee on Un-American Activities. See Memorandum for Record. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir - C ompt O/DDCI DD/S Mr. Houston EA/DD P DD /S &T Mr. Goodwin O P PB DD/I Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 n~~'/~r ~ Contacts 0 ~ y /.''~j? Ca11s 4 IN 0 OUT 1 1. During the course of a conversation on other matters George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, ment Toned that the Director had been quoted in a classified hearing concerning his views about the security of NATO. I plan to see Murphy tomorrow and he said he would elaborate on this at that time. 2. Mr. Stenersen, in the office of Senator JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 15 August 1968 called and requested a personnel interview for Mr. afternoon after 3:30 p, m. An appointment was and Mr. Stenerson was advised. 3. Irrf ormed Senator Claiborne Pell that we had located whom the Senator was interested as a result of an acquaintance stemming from Pell's Foreign Service assignment in Czechoslovakia some years ago. I provided follow-up letter. address and confirmed this in a 4. Spoke with Miss Sally Jones, in the office of Representative William Ayres (R. , Ohio), concerning the application of who had complained that the Agency had failed to respond to him, Based on the information supplied by Personnel, I told Miss Jones that we had reviewed application twice in the past (February 196? and February 1968) and had notified him that we did not have a suitable vacancy in each instance. I said that we had no record of a third application but that we were pulling his file from our archives and would be back in touch with her. STAT RY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Comet O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr, Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 14 August 1968 1. Representative Ogden Reid, who East situation. See details. Contacts 1 Calls 8 IN 1 OUT 2 and I met with briefed on the Middle Memorandum for the Record for 2. Received a phone call from Mr. Joseph Casey, of the Jersey Journal regarding the0case. See Memor- andum for the Record for details. 3. Spoke with Mr. Al Westphal, Staff Consultant, House Foreign Affairs Committee, who concurred in the desirability of initiating a security clearance on House Legislative Counsel (see 8 August Journal). Apparently, none of the members of the Legislative Counsel office have clearances to Westphal's knowledge and he would like to review the matter more thoroughly since there no precedents to follow. Westphal understands that we are deferring to him completely for the present and he said he would inform us of his recommendations in the near future. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 14 August 1968 5. Howard Soloway, in the office of Repre- sentative John J. McFall, called on behalf of a constituent to inquire whether the Agency had any openings for language instructors. According to Soloway their constituent is qualified to teach both Greek and Russian. After checking with the Office of Personnel I advised Soloway that we had no current openings for language instructors. I explained to him the confusion which had arisen over an advertisement the Agency had placed in a local paper for part-time instructors and the ultimate dissemination of information about this advertisement in an article in the Wall Street Journal. Soloway said his constituent had mentioned the Wall Street Journal article and was pleased to have this clarified. 6. George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called to ascertain whether the Agency was in a position to translate an article which appeared in the Danish newspaper BT of 29 July concerning possible classified information found in a dump in Denmark. I told Murphy I would check on this and let him know. Mr. Murphy also expressed interest in a New York Times story of 22 July 1968 on a Russian nuclear physicist, Andrey Sakharov. Murphy is interested in any information we can provide on the origin of this article 7. John Norpel, on the staff of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called to say that he had received a call from Bill Grogan, on the detective squad of the Yonkers Police Department, indicating that they had come across a white racist bulletin carrying the title "Where it Is. " After checking Norpel had reason to believe that there was a definite tie-in between this publication and one compiled by an Agency employee entitled "Where's What. " Norpel said he suggested to Grogan that he contact the Agency concerning this. Norpel merely wished to alert us to the fact that he had referred Gro an to us. All of the above information was passed on to of the Office of Security. 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 C01'~ FI DENTIAL Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 14 August 1968 8. Mr. John Lynn, in the office of Repre- 25X1 sentative John Jarman, called to say that the Congressman will be introducing Admiral Rayborn to a Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Oklahoma City on Friday, and Mr. Lynn was anxious to obtain biographic and other information we could provide him with respect to Admiral Rayborn. I sent Mr. Lynn a copy of the biographic information used at the time of Admiral Rayborn's confirmation as DCI along with an Agency pamphlet. STAT J HN M. MAURY -Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODD CI OPPB EA/DDP DD/S DD/S&T DD/I Mr. Goodwin STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 INTER USE QNLY Contacts 5 C aIls 4 IN 0 OUT 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 13 August 1968 STAT 1. Carol Tuchmann, of Representative would appreciate a general briefing on 14 August. referred her to OLC, who after checking with the Director, advised Miss Tuchmann that could provide the briefing at 11:00 a. m. on 14 August as requested. Miss Tuchmann explained that Mr. Reid was primarily interested in hearing about the Middle East in preparation for an early trip to that area. Ogden Reid's office, called) Ito sa Mr. Reid that the r e part and that we were now in the process of preparing a response to had been a misunderstanding regarding the contact on letter was being sent to Senator McCarthy. I explained field office. I told Marshall that according to~~a copy of this regarding a contact made with him by a representative of had received from of the University 2. Talked with Mr. George Marshall, in the office of Senator Eugene McCarthy, about the letter the Director STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT attempting to straighten this out. Marshall said they had not STAT case unlessOraised a question as to our actual purpose in contacting STAT him. I told Marshall that in view of reaction we thought he would STAT prefer not to have any further contact with us in view of his 0 STAT association, but assured Marshall that should there be any further corres- pondence between~~and the Agency we would keep him informed. STAT received a copy of this letter as yet and he would do nothing on this until he heard further from us. Later in the da I hand carried to Marshall a copy of the Director's response to along with a copy of letter, Marshall said he had not been through his mail today and therefore did not know whether their copy had arrived. I told Marshall that we trusted that the Director's response would set the matter straight. After glancing at the correspondence Marshall said he assumed this would be the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 1NTEI~~E ONL~~ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 13 August 1968 3? Delivered a memo on Chapter 8 of Stewart Alsop's book The Center to Austin Smith, House Appropriations Committee staff, for delivery to Robert Michaels. STAT 4? Talked to Mildred Baxley, in the office of 5 I H Representative W. R. Poage (D., Texas), concerning a teenage constituent, who wishes employment with the A ency. It was agreed that STAT our Office of Personnel will reply directly to~ with a copy to Miss Baxley. STAT 5 ? Talked to Francis Matchett, Sub- committee on Manpower and Civil Service staff, concerning the present status of S. 1035. Matchett said nothing is being done at the moment and he does not expect any action until the current recess is over. STAT 6. ~iHi Spoke with Duane Scribner, Adminis- trative Assistant to Senator Walter Mondale D. Minn, concerning the 9 August letter from I explained that STAT was indignant about a contact with him by an Agency STAT representative and that today we were replying to his letter concerning a misunderstanding on his part on the purpose involved. Scribner had not yet seen a copy of letter. Later in the day a copy of the Director's STAT reply was delivered to Senator Mondale's office with the understanding that Mr. Scribner would call if he foresaw any problems. 7? Spoke with Mr. Ralph Preston, House STAT Appropriations Committee staff, concerning specific items in the military construction appropriations bill. Mr. Preston was most helpful. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI OPPB EA/DDP DD/S DD/S&T DD/I Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Item 4 -Personnel HN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ' T1AL Contacts 0 Calls 7 IN 1 ')TJT 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 12 August 1968 1. Phil Kelleher, of House Armed Services 25X1 Committee staff, called regarding Syrian MIG-17's reportedly landing in Israel. I and referred him to the Pentagon for 25X1 further details. 2? The office of Representative Daniel 25X1 Flood (D. , Pa.) was called in connection with the inquiry on behalf of former Agency employee, Robert Hanover, who 25X1 is handling the case, was advised that we are pulling the facts togethe r and that we expect to be able to report more fully later in the week. The courtesy of an interim reply was appreciated. Personnel, 25X1 has reported that a thorough review of the case has been initiated and will keep us advised of developments. 3. Contacted the offices of Senators Bayh, Baker, Cannon and Inouye, and the office of Representative Melvin Price to determine their possible availability for a visit with the Director this week. All of the Senators are out o f town and in addition Senator Inouye is deeply involved in preparation of his speech as Democratic key noter. Representative Price is unable to make the visit at this time. OHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir- Compt OPPB EA/DDP DD/S DD/S&T DD/I ODDCI Mr, Houston Mr, Goodwin Item 2 -Personnel STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 INTE~~NAL,t~'S{E ONLY contacts 2 Calls 1 Il\? 2 OUT 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 9 August 1968 Legislative Assistant to Representative Charles Chamberlain, in response to his query for a biographic check on and advised him a preliminary check identified nearly 30 individuals of that name. Mr. Wells thanked me very much but indicated that it was not of significance to check the name further. 2. Received from Representative F. Edward Hebert a letter resume of employment qualifications of It was requested if appropriate a personnel interview be in~ such addi tional information required be obtained from STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT 3. Spoke with Mr. Ernest Baynard, STAT House Government Activities Subcommittee, concerning the prognosis of S. 3640 (Hoover-type commission to study organization and management of the Executive Branch) which has been referred to the House Executive and Legislative Reorganization Subcommittee. Mr. Baynard said he would be glad to check into this for us; that he doubted such a bill would be cleared by the House this Congress; and said he would see that the bill was appro- priately amended if it caused us any problems in its present form. STAT cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDGI EA/DDP DD/S &T OPPB DD/S DD/ I Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Item 2 -Personnel Legislative Counsel STAT p~ i T ~rl ~ ~I V L. ~ . 1 ~ S.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9}B~(aTIAL JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 8 August 1968 C ontacts 5 Calls 2 Il\T 0 OUT 3 1. Talked to Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and Mr. J. R. Blandford, House Q,rmed Services Committee staff, and brought them up_to_date on the matter. 3. Informed by Security, that the New York hospital in which Senator Margaret Chase Smith is a patient refused to accept a small package for her from the Director without an okay from her Washington office. I called her Administrative Assistant, Bill Lewis, who said he would straighten it out. 4. Delivered to Gloria Kafer, in the office of Representative Del Glawson (R. , Calif. ), a suggested reply to a constituent, who had inquired about an article on the Agency which appeared in the Washington Observer. 5. Delivered bio raphical data on to Garner J. Cline, House Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee staff. 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 CONFIDENTIAL Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 8 August 1968 6. In the absence of Mr. Edward Craft, 25X1 Legislative Counsel, House of Representatives, met with the senior Assistant Attorney, David Carper, and discussed the desirability of a security clearance for Mr. William Adams, Assistant Counsel, House Legislative Counsel office, in view of his legislative drafting function for the Hous? Foreign Affairs Com- mittee which from time to tune involves provisions of interest to this Agency. Mr. Carper was assured that our dealings with Mr. Adams would be in conjunction with and not independent of the Committee. It was agreed that we pursue this further with Mr. Craft when he returns and with Dr. Al Westphal, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff. STAT ~,egislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI DD/S&T DD/S DD/I EA/DDP OPPB STAT Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 7 August 1968 Contacts Calls IN OUT 1. Called Mr. Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, and provided the information he had re uested concerning the welfare and present whereabouts of (See Memorandum for the Record for details. ) 2. Spoke with Harry Fox, in the office of Representative John Saylor (R. , Pa. ), and gave him certain information concerning the general pay and benefit structure for CIA employees which he requested to aid him to advise an individual to determine whether he should seek employment with CIA or NSA. Agency employment brochures were sent to him at his request. STAT Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir -Compt ODDCI OPPB EA/DDP DD/S DD/S&T DD/I Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~~L ~,un~ac~s ~ Calls 3 IN 1 OUT 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 6 August 1968 1. Barbara Crivella, in the office of Representative Albert Johnson R. , Pa. ), called to make a personnel appointment for An appointment was made with Mr, Personnel, for 2:30 this afternoon and Miss Crivella advised. 2. Stephen Ellmann, in the office of Representative Sidney R. Yates (D. , I11. ), called to request any infor- mation we have for his own use pertaining to the Agency's role in the makeup of foreign policy. Mr. Ellmann was sent three copies of the pamphlet "The Central Intelligence Agency, " 25X1 25X1 4. Met with Mr. Charles Johnson, House Post 25X1 Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who advised that it is his impression that Chairman Henderson will be reporting a bill on the privacy of Government employees some time after the session resumes in September. Due to press of other business in the Committee he has not kept abreast of the day to day details, however, and suggested that I might want to talk to Mr. Bray when he returns to the office tomorrow. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 uvivr~utl~TIAL Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 6 August 1968 5. Met with Mr. George Marshall, Executive 25X1 Assistant to Senator Eugene McCarthy, and reviewed with him the most recent Agency correspondence relating to Mr. Marshall 25X1 thanked me for coming by and advised that their letter had been filed when originally received in May. Recently the office had received a telegram from and it was decided to verify the determination to file 25X1 without responding. No further act ion or response by the Agency is desired. 6. Met with Mr. Eugene Hegarty, Admin- istrative Assistant to Representative Daniel J. Flood, concerning the correspondence recently received by Admiral Taylor from Mr. Hegarty advised that) is known to them and in fact had called Mr. Hegarty while he was in town recently. Although they have not had extensive contact with him it would be their office's judgment that although he is a person that might be considered as a bit eccentric he is not a person that should be avoided. The DDCI and DCS have been advised. Mr. Hegarty also noted that Mr. Flood appears to be recuperating from his current bout with the hospital bed. -JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt ODDCI OPPB EA. /DDP DD /S DD/S&T DD/I Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston Item 4 - 25X1 25X1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~,ontacts 1 Calls 5 IN 2 OUT 0 JOURNA L OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 5 A ugust 1968 1. Met with Mr. Peter Alter, in the office of Senator Edward W. Brooke, and reviewed with him the correspondence from I advised Mr. Alter for the Senator's information that the allegations set forth in the letter were without foundation. Mr. Alter thanked me for the information and advised that no further action would be necessary on the part of the Agency. The Senator's office has already written to indicating in effect that the magazine Inside Detective is not a very authoritative source for such information. 2. Re ceived a call from Mr. Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Se curity Subcommitt ee, who requested information on During th e past two months "persons who have been in 25X1 correspondence with him" have heard nothing from him. 25X1 3. Jay Sourwine called to ask further details about 25X1 the whereabouts and situation of and particularly whether the 25X1 Agency was in touch with him. 4, Called William Lewis, Administrative Assistant to Senator Margaret Chase Smith, to ask about the timing of the Senator's operation. He said she had entered the hospital (Harkness Pavilion of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City) but the operation had not yet been scheduled. He added that the Senator did not wish flowers, The Director was advised. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~t~KtT, Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 5 August 1968 5. Checked with the office of Senator Ernest Hollings and learned that the Senator will be out of town this week and probably all except one day of next week. The Director was advised. 6, Was informed by Sam Papich, FBI, that 25X1 the FBI liaison officer had information indicating that Chairman Henderson, Manpower Subcommittee of House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, will probably meet privately with Senator Sam Ervin (sponsor of S. 1035, Constitutional Rights of Federal Employees) in an effort to work out a compromise before Congress reconvenes. The Bureau liaison officer under- stands that as of the moment Senator Ervin appears willing to exempt FBI, CIA and NSA from the application of his bill provided the other provisions are preserved. Mr. Papich would appreciate being informed of any information on the matter which we can turn up and he was assured we would let him know if we learned anything further. 'Legislative Counsel cc: Ex /Dir- Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 calls 2 in 1 out 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 2 August 1968 1. Delivered to the office of Senator Thomas Dodd, in response to a request from the Senator's Staff A~ sistant, Mr, Alan Kranowitz, yesterday afternoon a copy of the Applicant Information Sheet No. 1, signed by 2, Returned to Mr, James Kendall, Chief Counsel, Senate Subcommittee on Preparedness Investigation, the draft Committee report on the status of U. S. strategic power, together with security deletions and revisions necessary for publication. Mr. Kendall was most complimentary and noted the timeliness of the Agency's comments. 3. Received a telephone call from Mr. John Norpel, Research Director, Senate Internal Security staff, who advised that a former analyst now retired, had been in the office to complain about the Agency. Mr. Norpel indicated that "the poor woman really doesn't know what she wants, but does need help." She feels the Agency is having her followed along with other similar complaints. He also provided her current resident addresses. I thanked Mr. Norpel for his call and advised him that we are indeed interested in the welfare of our retired employees. No action is requested on the Committee's behalf. The Office of Security has been notified. 4. Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, who advised that it would be helpful if the response to the Chairman's question concerning the Alsop book, The Center, could be in two parts -one for the Chairman's use in responding to constituents and the other for the Chairman's information. I also briefed Mr. Michaels in general terms concerning the case. Mr. Michaels noted in passing that there had been some Committee interest in the Saturday Review article which criticized the efficiency of the spy in the sky satellite. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 ~~~~?`C~~v~ 25X1 25X1 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 2 August 1968 5. Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, House Armed Services Committee staff, and briefed him in general terms concerning the ~ case. Mr. Blandford was most appreciative. Mr, Blandford also indicated that although he expects very little Committee activity during the recess he will be in the office during the next week. Assistant to keep the office advised on the status of application. way of follow up to the request of the Senator's Administrative Talked to Legislative Assistant to Senator Daniel Brewster, concerning the status of his employment application with the Agency. This is by JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/5&T 25X1 STAT STAT Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 1 August 1968 Contacts 2 Calls 6 IN 1 OUT 1 1. George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, called to inquire whether Colonel Steig Wennerstrom had had access to NATO materials. After checking with I informed Murphy that there is no evidence that Wennerstrom had access to NATc~ material but that we could not eliminate this possibility. 3. Harold Bergan, in the office of Representative 25X1 Sidney Yates (D. , Ill. ), called to arrange a personnel interview for An appointment was made with today at 1600. 4. Mrs. Dorothy Brown, in the office of Senator 25X1 Jennings Randolph, called to arrange for a personnel interview for 25X1 An appointment was made with Personnel, 25X1 for 2;30 p. m. and Mrs. Brown was advised. 5. Mr. Ellmann, in the office of Representa-25X1 tive Sidney Yates (D. , Ill. ), called to cancel their subscription to the Communist Ghina and Asia and Pacific Daily Reports. FBIS was so advised. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9 SECRET Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 1 August 1968 Page 2 6. Met with Mr. Alan Kranowitz, Staff 25X1 Assistant to Senator Thomas J. Dodd, in response to the Senator's transmittal note request concerning the employment turn down of 25X1 After discussion, Mr. Kranowitz requested a copy of the 25X1 Agency form statement provided applicants concerning Agency policy relating to information to be furnished applicants who are not accepted for employment. had complained that she had not been given a 25X1 statement for specific reasons for turn down of her application for employ- ment with the Agency. 7. In response to his telephone request, met with 25X1 Representative Ogden Reid and talked to him several times during the after- noon. Representative Reid desired verification of certain fact statements relating to Vietnam for use in a letter that was to be dispatched in the afternoon. (See Memorandum for the Record for details. ) 8. Called Mr. Frank Meyer, in the office 25X1 of Representative Gerald Ford, in response to Mr. Meyers inquiry yesterday regarding the case. I explained that I could not go into 25X1 any details as to the possible reasons why had not been 25X1 accepted for employment by the Agency, however I told Mr. Meyer, off the record, that w~e did have some information tending to confirm some allegations which had already come to his attention from other sources. /JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir- Compt O/DD CI STAT STAT Mr, Houston Mr, Gooey?~in DD/I DD/S DD/S&T OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/26 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000200200005-9