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IL III I IIII 1111 II II I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 95 VFNIC),,, 41 USSR 25X1 25X1 Ref. No.: 3/NBF/T27 (of 27.2,1951) 25X1 Issued : 4/8/1971 ? Copy ro.: 30/ 5Th REISSUE PRESS AND OTHER REACTIONS TO TRUMAN'S BECOMING PRESIDENT ? AND FORECAST OF CHANGES IN Ala2ICAN FOREIGN POLICY (1945) From: NEW YORK To: MOSCOW No s. : 781-787 25th, 26th May 1945 [7-part message complete] [Part I] To VIKTOR[i]. Copy to 8th Department. As a result of MATROS's[ii] accession to power, a considerable change in the foreign policy of the COUNTRY[STRANA][iii] should be expected, first and foremost in relation to the USSR (see our No. 350[a]). [7 groups unrecovered] in economic circles which in the past were not always able to exert decisive influence in questions of principle affecting foreign policy, since this [13 groups unrecoverable] 3/NBF/T27 [Continued overleaf] VF .!r. amMol????????? 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 25X1 , 1,I!I!L 1111 IJUI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 95 VENONA TOP SECRET [Part II] Part III] [Part IV] 3/NBF/T27 - 2 - 3/NBF/T27 an organised campaign to "get hold of" HATROS and bring about a change in the policy of the COUNTRY towards the USSR. This campaign was reflected in the first instance in. the most reactionary section of the press, which has welcomed MATROS's accession to power, emphasising particularly that henceforth the foreign policy of the COUNTRY will be decided, not independently by MATROS as it was in KAPITANts[iv] day, but jointly with influential members of the Senate and 'House of Representatives (including people hostile to us). [6 groups unrecovered] MATROS is maintaining friendly relations in the Senate, not only with Democrats but also with Republicans, including such extreme reactionaries as TAFT, WHEELER[UILER], BARKLEY and others. The reactionaries are -setting particular hopes on the possibility of getting direction of the COUNTRYis foreign policy wholly into their own hands, partly because MATROS is notoriously untried and ill- informed on these matters, [26 groups unrecovered] the press of the COUNTRY is conducting [3 groups unrecovered i of all reactionary groups, political and economic, to influence public opinion in the direction they desire [38 groups unrecovered,]. The leading protagonists of this campaign and its instigators are representatives of the BANK[v], the Army and the Navy [7 groups unrecovered] after KAPITANts death and the end of the war in EUROPE. In newspaper circles in BABYLON[VAVILON][vi] and GARTHAGE [KARFAGET][vii] it is common knowledge, as has been confirmed to me on separate [1 group unrecoverod] by Shi.LELI[viii], RIChARD[ix], ShEF[x], Joseph BARNES, GASSIDY, HIGHTM7R[KhAJTAUR] and many other correspondents, that the representatives of the BANK, GREW[GRtYu], DUNN, HOLNES[GOL'MS], [33 groups unrecoverable] VANDENBERG 1 EATON[ITON], CONiJ,LY[KANALLI], BLOOM, Admirals KING and LEAHY[LEGI] and GeneralsSOMERVELL[SOMMERUEL] and MARSHALL are carrying on a systematic anti-Soviet campaign wherein many [16 groups unrecovered] The sources enumerated above said that one of the bitterest anti- Soviet propagandists is KAP1TALIST[xi], who [11 groups unrecovered]. VENONA TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/93/08: CIA-RDP00M01914R001000050041-5 I I I i III LIN:. 111W 01:111. HI I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 I 95 VENON A TOP SECRET [Part V] [Part VI] 3/NBF/T27 ? 3 ? 3/1:Mg/T27 In private conversations with correspondents [C5 KAPITALIST] [1 group unrecovered] that the USSR is aiming at world mastery and is trying .to take up a dominating position at the Conference in BABYLON. To prove his words KAPITALIST does not shrink from any chicanery. Thus for example one of his latest [1 group unrecovered] fabrications was that our delecation allegedly threatened to wall: out of the Conference if our proposal about the chairmanship was not accepted.. I read the newspapers during the long journey[xii] and, in so doing, read mainly about questions of foreign policy. In all these international affairs MATROS pays groat heed to the advice of the above-mentioned representatives of the LVOIY, the Army and the Navy. BARNES AND ShliEL' in talking with me forecast that one should expect an even greater intensification?of the press campaign [9 groups unrecoverod] the campaign are at present pursuing a double aim: to get MATROS firmly into their clutches and at the same time to obtain [22 groups unrecoverable] [2 groups unrecovered] has shown that the campaign of intimi- dation has spent itself, particularly [5 groups unrecovered] the conviction that without financial aid [1 group unrecovered the USSR ravaged by war, is in no condition to re-establish its economy with any speed. Therefore [8 groups unrecovered] aid demanded at the present time in [16. groups unrecovered] economic aid [2 groups unrecovered] supplementary credit. To quote the above-mentioned sources, the foreign policy of the courITRy at the present time is moving in the direction Of full [59 groups unrecoverable] the moat active propaganda which, judging by its latest information, is clearly distorting the facts. In a recentoonversation with me, the Director of the Institute of Pacific Affairs, GARTER, in the main confirmed RIChARD's.statements about the COUNTRY's policy in MINA (which have been reported to you [5 groups unrecoverable] 25X1 25X1 Sh1EL1 and BARNES have expressed serious alarm at the anti- Soviet atmosphere which has arisen in the COUNTRY and were, extremely in- dignant at what MATRO3 had said, [7 groups unrecovered] the ISLAND[xiii]. KAPRAL's[xiv] statement on the question of the sixteen Poles was described by ShMEL' as "disgusting servility towards EDEN". RIChARD particularly asked that our attention. should be drawn to the fact that the Head of the COUNTRY's [delegation] [b] to the Reparations Commission, VENN 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/08 : CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 VtNONA 95 TOP SECRET [Part VII] - 4 - 3/NBF/T27 PAULEY[POLE-T], although a private owner of oilfields, actually represents the interests of Standard Oil and in RIChARD's opinion his appointment is a "gesture of friendship" by MATROS to the oil men. There is no need to speak of the position of -business circles in the campaign which has developed here, inasmuch as these circles are fully represented in the most responsible positions [C% in the BANK] [70 groups unrecoverable] [37 groups unrecovered] Today a report was published that MATROS has sent to the USSR his personal representatives HOPKINS [122 groups unrecoverable] DAVIESts[xv] trip to SIDON[xvi] [16 groups unrecovered] No. 482 SERGEJ[xvii] Notes: [a] Not available. [b] Inserted by translator. Comments: VIKTOR: Lt.-Gen. P.M. FITIN. [ii] MATROS: i.e. "SAILOR"; Harry S. TRUMAN... [iii] COUNTRY: The U.S.A. [iv] KAPITAN: i.e. "CAPTAIN"; Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT. [v] BANK i U.S. State Department. [vi] BABYLON: SAN FRANCISCO. [vii] aUREIAGE: WASHINGTON, D.C. [viii] ShMELT: i.e. "BUMBLEBEE"; Walter LIPPMANN. [ix] RIChARD: i.e. "RICHARD"; Harry Dexter WHITE was known by this covername, but he seems an unlikely figure to occur in this list of newspaper correspondents. 3/NBF/T27 rip% le-, is. el TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP00M01914R001000050041-5 HI II ill. 1,11 h? K1111111 01 I III IIi Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/08 : CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5 k NON 95 TOP SECRET _ 5 - 3/NDF/T27 25X1 25X1 Gem:Lents [Cont [ x] shar : i.e. "CHIEF"; unidentified covername. [xi] KAPITALIST: i.e. "CAPITALIST"; probably William Averell HARRIAK. [xii] Long journey: PRAVDTN, the originator of this message, returned to FEW YORK from SAN FRANCISCO on 14th May 1945. GREAT BRITAIN. [xiii] The ISLAND: [xiv] hAPRAL: [xv] DAVIM [xvi] SIDON: [xvii] SERGEJ: 3/NBF/T27 i.e. "CORPORAL"; Edward R. STETTINIUS, Jr. Joseph E. DAVIES, who was engaged on. special missions to LONDON and MOSCOW as President TRgaNis personal representative. LONDON. Vladimir Sergeevich PRAVDIN, Editor of the TASS News. Agency in NEW YORK CITY. ? He covered the United Nations Conferenc.1 at SAN FRANCISCO, which was in session from April 25th to June 26th 1945. tVp 11`11,, 25X1 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000050041-5