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... [ 11- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 CIA-RDP00M01914R001000010132-8 BRIDE TO BE KEPT UNDER LOCK AND KEY : NEVER TO BE REMOVED FROM THE OFFICE. USSR Ref No: S/NBF/T224 OgV1 25X1 Issued: 7/8/1952 Copy No: )4) REFERENCES TO "THE POLECATS". Item i From: NEW YORK To: _MOSCOW No.: 72 V\e?4-,4444f \IfWilDtAse\ [5.oups unredoveredikhE..ji] ipfready to depart. [3 groups unrecovered] making use of the fact that KhE...'has recengy,been 14 with bronchitis [9' groups unrecovered] DAWiJ LEWITTliiiJ In brder that the .staff of the POLECATS LkhOR'KIJfiv] ' 1.3Q.Z170 's unrecoverable] which according;to.avai able information will consent to a two months' trip for t atment. KhE... has advised us. that if the business goes ormally he will be able to leave in?twe Weeks time. Thejtatt,of/the.POL ATS will decide on Monday the 22nd' of Mayrthe'question of whe e KhE... is to stay in the COUNTRYSIDELvJ: if/ME... agrees 5 groups unrecovered] house, the POLECATS will arrange f1r KhE... to stay with - him; in this cape, at a new man, [D5SochE:.,) will be under constant obserVation and will not haVe,.eomplete [0% freedom] of movement;/if we do not agree to thi' KhE... 'will persuade staff of the POLECATS that is better for him to stay Ilya hotel. .Please telegraph yo consent to '[contin ed overleaf]' Distribution ? S/NBF/T224 [ 11 Pages ] ? ? nariaccifiari in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 :.CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8 ITEM 2 From: NEW YORK To: MOSCOW Nos. 751-752 1 S/NBF/T224 the a er an ? a.m. 'rth-'2ne May. No. 39 MAY [MAJ][71-] 20 May Comments: [i] KhE...: previously reco ered as HENRY [KhENRI], ut now known to be a ame beginning KhEJ, K K, KhEL or KhEM. Identified as Floyd Cle eland MILLER own in Trotskyite circ s as Mike RT. (see Item 3 of this .4??????????????????????????????????,r. [ii] DAX: Jame . CANNON, national secretary of the Soc list Workers' Party, sent tol prison o 31 ec 1941. iii] LEWIT , Morris: organisational secretary of ? ? ? ing_ngtional secretary af er CANNON went o [iv]/4120RtKI: Trotskyites. [ COUNTRYSIDE [DEREVNYa]: exiCo. 2/41] MM: Pavel Ivanovich V1DOSI V. W.S. No.: XY-60.1 Item 2 From: NEW YORiC,, To: MOSCOW Nos.: 751-752 [Part I] To VICTOR. 26 May 1944 [Two part message complete] Rose.K4RSERCi1 has received a,/etter from the POLECAT [KhOREK] Dianc4n FERGUSONiiiiJ (lives in the OLD WOMANts [STARUKhA]LivJ house) in which is described the situation regarding the alteratirons to the OLD WOMANts house, her finances [and]laJ health, [C% and which] says: " I tried to persuade her to go for a rest to CUERNAVACA, ACAPULCO or some other place; while the [continued Overleaf] S/NBF/T224 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8 ILJ L-1.11111.11 UI $., ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 : CIA-RDP00M01914R001000010132-8 BRIDE TOP SECRET TO BE KEPT UNDER LOCK AND KEY: NEVER TO BE REMOVED FROM THE OFFICE. S/NBF/T2214. alterations to the house were going on, but she would not agree. Judging by what various persons have told me it is essential that she should go away somewhere at theend of therstmmer or at the beginning of the autumn." LEWITTLIT, on receipt off;he,letter (the detailpd cqntents we got from SATYRI71J) called up KhE...Lviii and told him that in view of the rainy period which would soon begin theelimate of the capital of the COUNTRYSIDE [DEREVNYaliviiiJ was hardly suitable for medical treatment and after that quoted Duncan's letter. KhE' ... replied that he could not of course go there for treatment at such a time, but that he would . go to one of the above mentioned dry places in the COUNTRYSIDE or to his mother's property [IMENIE] in TEXAS, adding that he could go to the COUNTRYSIDE and take the OLD WOMAN off for a rest to ACAPULCO, to whieh LEWITT agreed. At the same imq. KhE... said that he could arrange for the 0.W.'s [a]Lixi rest on his mother's property in TEXAS. We propose for [C% your decision]: ? 1. As the POLECATS know that the climate of ? ACAPULCO is dry and warm KhE... to go there for treat- ment arid on the way call in at the 0.W.'s [S.] and [Part Ili together With Duncan persuade her to go fer a rest. This will enable KhE... while in her housertq acquaint hiMself with the surroundings [OKRUZhENIE]ibi and [1: group Unrecovered] [D% about] (C% important] POLECATS of the COUNTRYSIDE. On therreturn journey from ACAPULCO to the. COUNTRY[STRANA]lx1 KhE... breaks his journey for about 10'days'to carry out the task , ? (of the editors of the magazine "Fourth Internationalnl.xincj of collecting Information for articles on the Sinarquistas [SINARKISTY1Lai. This will allow hpt,to collect additional data on the POLECATS [on]la] our task. 2. KhE... to refuse the trip for treatment to the COUNTRYSIDE. Instead of this to go for treatment to his mother's property. After [/4. groups unrecovered] rest [B% to occupy himself] in carrying: out the task of- the'magaZine "Fourth International' and on this pretext leave for the COUNTRYSIDE for two weeks. In this case he will no be .able to acquaint himself in detail with the 0.W.'slixJ surroundings though he will be able to collect the basic data about the POLECATS of the COUNTRYSIDE and the O.W. Wire your decision not later than tO a.m. on the 29th of May. At the same time please Send a detailed task for KhE..:: while in the COUNTRYSIDE and at [B% the 0.W. 's]. KhEi..'s mother ? has expressed a wish to pay the expenses of his trip fer'treatment. . . No. Io8 MAY [MAJ][xii] . $ NBF/T224. . [Continued ov ?TOP SECRET? (CANOE BRIDE nprlacsified in Part- Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8 J I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8 S/NBF/T224 T.N.1 [a] Inserted by the translator. [b],OKRUZhENIE: the word may havesa slight technical flavour. Compare:its.usein the messages published inS/ARU/T2772, where, in the Context of agent nets working among the Frontier Troops in Estonia, some informants are recruited IZ OKRUZhENIYa ("from the surroundings" or "surrounding district") as those recruited among the personnel of the 'units concerned . and their wives. [c] Unless the parentheSis bezinning after "task" lathe result of a garble, it seems probable that the end of the parenthesis has been omitted after the close of the quotation marks ? [d] SinarTlistas: a Spanish portmanteau word (1--17(;r1 from "syndicalist-anarchists". Commeno:[1]" Rose KRASNER:Mr0. David Fulton KARSNER (nee GREENBERG), by this time married to James P. CANNON ("DAK"), national ? secretary.of.the.Soodalist Party, who was Dec 19 1.\\04)/ Elii] KhOREK: Trotsky h Duncan rERGUSON u4-(1 tuo went to Mexico : \.-0 ? ? lalter ROURKE a.s v secretary to Nat iv] STARUKhA:Natal'y [v] LEWITT, Morris: ( of the S.W.P.and after CANNON went [vi] SATYR:. unidentifi [vii] KhE...: Floyd Cle'vyland MILLER, alias . mike COAT. [vlill .JEREVNYa: Mexico. : fix] The O.W. ?.]: i.e; "the OLD ,WOMAN" [STARUKhA . [x] STRANA: the United States of America., [xi] Magazine of the S.W.P. [xii] MAJ: Pavel Ivanovich FEDOSIMOV. S/NBF/T224 W.S. No.: -XY-60.2 1Cont1nued overleaf.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDPOOM01914R001000010132-8