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Ck/ \ xr P W C\.\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 , er ? IA DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1- 1:7 TO: INFO: FROM: ? 5.0. 11652: TAGS: SUCJEGT: 411 REF: ax. s- tan,J7 tr../ OR1G131 ?,1013 LiM1L HANDLING. AP CB 11A? EI./31 SEA REP SC1 SS 134 3Y e- A10 CO. TAR ?111 1300 10611 "Sc ?RSV ?113311 [303 LAis 00i6 USi? xseis sucCesT to cnsrwoeu 9 .1CLASS1rmAnom LIMilL0 U Pii0 I 5L34J4 MESSAGE REFEREINt.0 NC. A233 Departmen'a of State Amembassies Bangkok, Ruala Lumpur, Jakarta Singapere Amembassy Manila N/A PBOR, MY, RP ;SECRETARY OF / REQUIRED FOR MANILA 12524 .DATE: ,Sep!.:. 29, 1977 'JUSTICE SPATES CONSTITUTIONAL CHAT...]: fa.D113 1.4 t?Z RENUNCIATION OF SABnH CLAIM In a report on the legal issuessurrounding the renunciation of the Philippine claim to Sabah, Secretary of Justice Vincent e Abed Santos, has niltel it is not necessary to amend the Philippine . constitution to drop formally the Philippine clai te Sabah. Article I, Section 1 of the Philippir..e constitution defines the territory of the Philip' .nse as "the Philippine archipelago, with all the ise,:eds and waters embraced therein, and all the other territories belonging to the Philippines by hist.eric - right or legal title.." Though not mentioning. Sabah by name, 'the minutes of the 1972 constitUtional convention show that the phrase referring to '1eni,c1. title" was placed in the constitution to suppo::t the Sabah claim. Abad Santos concludes, however, .1:1,t the Philippines has ?"neither.a historic right nor a .legal ? title" .to Sabah, but only a disputed .claim.? ? . . Abed Santos also addressed the question of Republic Act 5445, which defines the-baselines of the territorial sea of the Philippines. Section 2 of ? this act notes that the definition of the baselines. TI ..'''.....ene,?1,,er0.COgIVAA4471ITIFICATIONAPPR,M00-1, CR7P,20/4/GMTa1COttihr1 9/27/77 6 C F.efs: POL/DCEllson (draft); POL/R:HliNatzke (draft); LO/LtcHitt (draft) 90R?1 DA-11111 mra ? 77,-1"FrPTED? MANILA Page 2 of the Philippine territorial sea "is without prejudice to th, delineation of the baselines of the territorial sea around tb. territory of Sabah...over which the Republic of the Philippin. has acquired dominion and sovereignty." Abed Santos .concludec that although a Philippine law cannot be invoked to support ai international claim, R.A. 5446 should be repealed "if only to dispel any doubt as to the sincerity of the government..." COMMENT: The expectation here continues to be that President ? Marcos, as promised at the ASEAN Summit. in Kuala Lumpur, will indeed take steps to drop the Philippine claim to Sabah. Exactly how he will accomplish this, however, remains uncerta. The question of the manner in which the Philippines will lege drop its claim is evidently of prime importance to the Malays. Though Malaysian diplomats in Manila are reticent to discuss issue, both Indonesian and Singapore Embassy officers have op to the reporting officer that the Philippine constitution mus be amended, excising the phrase referring to territories - belonging to the Philippines by historic right or legal title in order to convince the Malaysians of the sercusaess of the Philippine desire to settle finally the Sabah dispute. STULL Attachment: 1) Santos Report 2) R.A. 5446 r.-7371/. rEtropp-Icztr?ALLE__ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 :-? 'u -I I uf ? ; ' ; I , ,Q-213 73i2?- OFFICIAL GAZETTE V0L. 65, NO. 29 ? ? to any utility or customer within the area covered by this franchise at rates tower than those at whicIr power is sold - to the grablee and without the latter's, written consent. SEC. 2. The grantee sh:;11 operate according, and at all times atthet e, la the "aremcoverage" principle; shall he "non-profit"; and shall Miring the first twenty-live years or loran long as its obligations are not fully paid. be exempt from all taxes, duties and fees of whatever hind and nature, except incense tax as applicable to nomngri. cultural cooperatives the provisions .of any existing law. to the contrary notwithstanding. "Area-coverage", as used in this Act, ineans that if -a- person lives in the territory of :in electric service coop- erative system, he shall he entitled to receive electric - service regardless of the place of his residence mion his becoming a member of such cooperative and regardless of the cost of the service to him, whether moldable or not, tile feasibility or financial possihility of providing hint service being based on the principle that the cooperative's system is designed to serve the interest of all its members collectively, all not individually: Provided, That member- ship in the cooperative shall not permit any preference or discrimination. "Non-profit" means that the cooperative shall be oper- ated without any pink or dividend to its members, lust the rates, fees, rents or other charges for electric energy and any other iacilities, supplies mailma n'',tic services furnished by the cooperative shall luc sufficient at all times: (et) to nay all operating and maintenance expenses neves. nary yr &sir:dile for the prudent conduct of its business and the prinCipat of and interest en the ebligations issued or assumed by the cooperative in the performance of the purpose fm: which it was organized; am: 0) for the creation of reserves. The revenues of the cooperative shall be -devoted . first to the payment of operating asssi maintenance expenses and the principal said interest -Sri outstanding obligatious, and thereafter to such reserves for improvement, Ile, construction, depreciation mot .:on- tingencies as the board may f titne to time joescuthe. ? SEC. 3. The grantee is hereby authorized to mortgage this franchise and its assets favor of the Electrifica- tion Administration, the Philippine National thud: mul its subsidiaries, the Development flunuk of the Philippines or any chluer lending institution subject to the approval of the Publie Service Commission. The Development hank of the Philippines is hereby authorized to obtain fordo - loans for II:lending to the grantee pm-swot to he pro. visions of section three of Republic Act Numbered Fear times:old eight bandred sixty. SEC. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. - Approved, September 9, 19G8. S. NO. 934 PuTPCMIC AcT No. Nth] ? AN AT TO AMEND SECTION ONE CP REPLI111.10 ? ACT EIDIBERED THIRTY HUNDRED ASI FORTY-5131, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO riEFINE ii JULY 21, 1059 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ? '120 ? ??THE BASELINES OF THE TERRITORIAL SEA ? ? OF THE PHILIPPINES". - 'Ile it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ' of the Philippines la Congress assembled: . SECTION 1. To correct typographical errors, Section one of Republic Act numbered. thirty hundred and forty-six ta amended to read as follows: "SrcrioN 1. The baselines for the territorial sea of the Philionin es-site hereby defined and described specifically as follows: ? ? 1"auoi Island (E) Line 1 (Y'and I. (17?) N. Lutilli,le E. LonL?ity.tle Ashoullt 21,07'03" 121'57'24" Dibbvien In . ?Talmo uk Lk.). 333'27' 71,050 ? Tunearuk Ilk. 2023'23" 122`02'06- . Line 2 (Tune:cult Pk. --Pal int ang Is.) ? 317.13' 511,105 Ilalintang Islands - . 195743" 122'09'28" . . Line 3 (Ilaliatang. 10. ? ?1.1itlica'A irk.)- - . 333't5' 97,735 . Pidicas 11k, ? Una 4.41.1idicas 111:,? Pror5o" 122?12.18" Iligail Pt.) , . 330'39 30,155 . Lligan 1-'1. ? ? 18?18'45" 112?20'15" Line 5 (thee" VL7-- ? - biloltaor Pt.) ? .? - 351'23' 130,030 Ditolong I'd. 17?037511" 121'31,11" - Lino li tIlitolong 11.? . . ? Piviuisa Pt.) ? , ,? IMO' 34,378 .. Divini.,0 It, , ? Lice 1 (Divilosa Pt.-- 10'.18'00" 122'20.06" . Ilijohati 21'01' 57,781 ..11.) . Dijelian It. 16'1843" .122'14.25" ? . Line 70 (1)ij..Inin Pt.- - - Belubalik Pt.) , 10"52' 141,380 ..;.? Ilulatralik l't. ? , ? Line 8 ( tlolohalik Pt. 13.02'50" 121?59.30" ? ? -,Tiii;Wa I.) . 300'15' 120,983 . Tinaga, I. 14'29'45" 123'57'16" ? ? Line 9 (Tillage I.-- ?lloradalet 1:1;s.) ? 250?27' 1.13,1300 Plorsulalea Ms. ? ? ? 1 l'011'II". 121'16'54" Line I'S (11 ora.laInt Rks.-8Intolin 1:k.) 300'34' 1,053 - ? Malulin 1:k. 11"00'211" 124'17'23" Line 11 (31nlolin Ilk. --Atalaya Pt.) ? 331*.in' 178,4C0 Atnlaya Pt. 125?0,1'02" ? Line 11a (Alalayn Pt. .12'10'59" ?? ?Pinch ISO.) 313'30' 22,238 - 057545-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 73E8 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOL 65, No. 29 Didanee N. LnIlltule E. Lonettule As!math Metier%) flagman I. Line 30a (Baguet' I.- Taganak I.) Taganak 0. Line 37 (Taganak 1.- Gt. Ilnkkungann 6'0600" 6?04'05* 118?26'42" 118?1810" Cl. Ilakkungaan 610'12" 119'06'42" Line 37a (GL Bak. kungaan-Sibaung I.) Sibnung I. 6'17'45' 117'69'15" Line 38 (Sibaung-L- Muligi I.) Muligi 1. 6?53'00" 119'25'00" Line 39 (Muligi Mangsee Is.) Mangsee Is. 7'30'10" 117'1820" Line 29a (Mangsee In. -Cape Melville) Cape Melville 74850" 116'59'30" Line 40 (Cape Mel- ville-Ligas Pt.) Lips Pt. 7'5628" 110'55'45" Line 41. (Ligan Pt.- Cay) Cay 750'30' 1165515" Line 41a (Cay-Secam L) Secam I. 8'10'47 117?00'30" Line 42 (Scram L-N. of Canipan Bay) N. of Cnnipan Boy 83650" 117'15'06" Line 43 (1. of Cold- pan Bay-Tatub Pt.) 'Caleb Pt. 8'44'40" 117'21'211" Line 41 (Tatub Pt.-- Punta Baja) Punta Baja 9'02'60 117'37'53" Line 45 (l'unta Baja -Ma(apackun I.) Malapackun 1. 9'15'30" 117'50'04" Line 46 (Malnpackun T.-Piedras Pt. Piedra!! Pt. 10?11'28* 11848'18' Line 47 (Piedras Pt- Tapiutan I.) Tapiuten I. 11'1340" ne? 1 rur Line 48 (Tapiutan I. -Pinnacle Bk.) Pinnacle Pb. 121684" 119'51'45" Line 40 (Pinnacle Ilk. -Cape Celestite) 7662' 15,535 118?39' 24,805 110?01' 18,470 21636 79,915 119'14' 140,541 134'50' 48,815 153'64' 15,665 170'40' 5,666 20452' 22,925 201;09' 54,990 218'57' 18,570 222'04' 45,125 223'30' 92,195 225'00' 148,260 203'19 124,900 20847' 108,000 200'40' 134,230 , JULY - JuLY 21, 1969 PIDAHISE696:44...jr,ar:'. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 7387 DIAtanee I n N. LatIlltd? E. lAtteltude Misuth Meters) Cape Calavite Line 50 (Cape Cala- 13'2610' 120'1800" vite-Cabra I. 148'12' 58,235 Cobra I. 11'53'30' 120'00'08' Line 51 (Cabra Capones Is.) 179'20' 119,400 Capones Is. 1955'00" 120'00'20" Line 52 (Capone!' Is. -Palauig rt.) 168'09' 59,100 Palauig Pt. 152650" 119'58'40" Line 53 (Palauig.- Ilermana Mayor I.) 16417' 40,870 Hermann Mayor I. 15'4710* 119'47'20" Line 53a (Hermann Mayor L-Tambobo Pt.) 16710' 20,490 Tambobo Pt. ... . . . 15'58'00" 119'44'65' Line Si (Tambobo I't. -Rena Pt.) 181'43' 22,010 Rena Pt. 16'10'25" 119'45'18" Line 64a (Rena Pt.- Cape Bohm)) 191'39' 18,675 Cape Bolinao 16?20'20" 119?97'25" Line 55 (Cape Bolinao --Darigayos rt.) . 22620' 80,016 Darigayos Pt. 16'50'15" 120'20'00" Line 66 (Darigayoa Pt.-Dile Pt.) 179'08' 81,616 Dile Pt. 178436' 12019'58' Line 56a (Dila Pt.- Pinget 1.) 18827' 12,060 Pinget I. 1740'68" 110'20'53" Line 5Gb (Pinget Badoc I.) 102'46' 27,170 Radoc I. 17'55'20' 12024'22" Line 57 (Badoe Cape Bojeador) 19503' 65,270 Cape Bojeador 18'29'90" 120'84'00" Line 58 (Cape Mica- dur-Dalupiri I.) 222'16' 101,740 Dalupiri 1. 10'10'15" 121'1302" Line 59 (Dalup(ra Catimapan Pt.) 213'26 25,075 Catanapan Pt. 16'21'35" 121'20'58" Line 60 (Catanapan PL-Deguey I.) 202'27' 118,870 Denary I. . ...... 26'2608" 121'4636' Line 61 (Dequey Rana) 180'47' 42,265 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 7394 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOL 65, No. 29 . Finch Ilk. Line 12 (Finch Ilk.- SE of Manjud Pt.) SE 51anjud Pt. Line 12a (SE of Man- jud PL-Sora Cay) Sera Cay Line 13 (Sora Cay- Runga Pt.) Ilunga Pt. Line 13a (13unga Pt -Tubabao 1.) Tubabao 1. Line 14 (Tubabao Tugnug Pt.) Tugnug Pt. Line 15 (Tugnug Pt.-- Suluan I.) Suluan island Line 16 (Sultan, Tuason Pt.) Tatman Pt. Line 17 (Tuason Pt.- Cauit Pt.) Cauit Pt Line 18 (Cauit Pt. A rangusa IL) Arangasa Is. Line 19 (Arangusa -Quinablangan I.) Quinablangan I. Line 19a (Quinabla- . ngan I-Above Lan- guyan It.) Above Languyan R. Line 20 (Above Langu yan R.-Pusan Pt.) Pusan It. Line 21 (Pusan Pt.- Tugubun Pt.) Tugubun It. Line 22 (Tugubun Pt -Cape S. Agustin N.) Cape San Agustin (N) Line 22a (Cape S. Agustin (N)-Cape San Agustin (5) Cape San Agustin (5) Line 23 (Cape S. Agustin (S)-Pan. oil Bate Pt.) Inuisnes N. mounts R. Loseaste Astma(b 5114.) 12'3240" 125'12'57" 12'27'54" 12517'59" 12'21'47" 125'22'46* 12?1210" 125?3040" 12'06'06" 125.'33'58' 11'21'06* 125'37'40" 10'45'20" 125'57'40" 9'48'33" 126'1000" 9'18'35" 12612'25" 811260" 126?20'23" 7'4258" 126?3430" 7'29'10" 120'3610' 7?16'50" 12611650" 0119.24" 12628'00" 6117'03" 120'1208" 6'1615" 126'11'40" 313'56' 12,665 322'27' 14,225 321'03' 22,793 331110' 12,086 355'22' 83,235 331'03' 75,326 317?61' 107,070 355'25' 65,415 342'44' 49,703 318'40' 131,330 353"08' 25,619 356'52' 22,489 26119' 36,259 20'33' 83,350 30116' 1,707 39'23' 125,100 301.? 21, 1969 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 7385 N. Latitudo E. Longitude Asietuth 141) Panguil Data Pt. 5113'45' 1252842" Line 23a (Panguil Hato PL-Tapundo Pt.) 66'32' 7,484 Tapundo Pt. 5'22'08" 1252459" Line 21 (Tapundo l't. -Manumit 1.) 89'19' 7,667 Manumit I. 5'22'05" 125'20'50" Line 24a (Manamil I. -Habit I. (W) 139'01' 3,051 Raba I. (W) 5'23'20" 125?1945" Line 25 (Baba I. (W) -Middle of 3 Ilk. Awash) 12447' 149,840 Middle of 3 Ilk. Awash 6?09.39" 124'13'02" Line 26 (Middle of 8 Ric. Awash-Tong. quit I.) 36'18' 259,490 Tougguil I. 6'00'15" 121'12'45" Line 27 (Tongniiii I.- Sundstwunilla Li 61'29' 115,950 Sumba:amulet I. 5'3010" 12011735" Line 2$ (Sumbasuunba 1.-Iiiini1,usan Is.) 43'19' 44,415 Kinapusan Is. 5"1237" 12041'05" Lino 29 (Kinapusan Is.-Manuk Manka 1.) 63'14' 101,290 Manak Mart T. 447.50" 119112'10" Line 30 (llanuk Moo- ha L-Franees Reef) 98?30' 80,847 Fi futures Reef 411-151" 119'1454" Line 31 (Frances Reef -Ilajapa Reef) 134'34' 29,330 Sabina Reef 4119.04" 119'0336" Line 39 (RaJapa Reef -Pa(lguan I.) 161'05' 13,480 Patignati I. 4?431ur 119?0136* Line 33 Wanganui 1.- Oniapay I.) 238'48' 42,470 (hammy I. 455312" 11921'15" Line 34 (Onnipoy Sunga-Sunga I.) 240'11' 51,005 Staiga.Sanga I. 6'011'12" 119'46'30" Line 35 (Sanga-Sanga I.-Pearl Dank) 170'05' 80,200 Pearl Rank 5'49'04" 119'39'01" Line 36 (Pearl Rank- Ragaun 1.) 103'13' 137,050 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 ? '241.4=40.=?=a3v+icevoalimetme1.r.autn?-'-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 .4.14.4tit/9,2-17 Republic of the Philippines KAGAWARAN.NG KATARUNGAN ? Department of. Justice. ' ? Nanila.. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF JUSTICE ON THE CONSTITUllONALITY -TT Tar W1THDRa1Tt OF THE SPIIAH CLA1g7 AND OTHER LE(iirTaULTHELATED TMETO The decision to drop the Philippine claim to SO raises two legal issues: (,) uhotnor the renuncia'Aoh4A- necessitate an amendment to the Constitution, particularly Article I, Section 1,' defining the national territory; and (2) whether there is .a necessity to repeal or amend N.A. No. 3046, as amended by RA, No. 5446, otherwise known as the "baselines law". Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution provides as follows: "SEC. 1. The National territory .comprises - the Philippine archipelago, with all.the' .and waters embraced therein, and all theother territories belonging to the Philippines by ?historic right or legal title, including the territorial sea, the air space, the subsoil, the seabed, the insular shelves, 'and the other sub- marine areas over which the Philippines has . sovereignty or jurisdiction. The waters around, between, and connecting the- islands of the archi- pelaao, irreepectivo of their breadth and dimen- sionn, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines." (Art. I.) And Section 2 of R.A. No. 54469 which law amends R.A. No. 3046 (defining the baselines of the territorial sea of the Philippine Archipelago) reads as follows: -2- "SEC. 2. - The definition of the baselines ? of the territorial sea of the Philippine Archi- pelago as provided in this Act is without - prejudice to the delineation of the baselines ? , ? of the territorial sea around the territory of _Sabah, situated in North Borneo, over which the Republic of the Philippines has acquired dominion end sovereignty." 1. It must be observed at the outset that the definition of the national territory in the Constitution makes no . specific reference to the Sabah territory. Nowever, sore . ? . Quarters have suggested that the inclusion of Sabah in the national territory is to be deduced from the phrase "all the other territories belonging to the Yhilippinee by historic right or legal title". The question then that has to be resolved is whether Sabah territory belongs to the Philippines by historic right or legal title. Unfortunately, we can only honestly assert that what the Philippieee has ?in respect of the Sabah territory in Neeth Borneo is neither a historic right nor a legal title thereto but a diapeted claim. Hence, all references in connection with the relation of Sabah to the Philippines invariably ore to a so-called -"Sabah claim". As a matter of law, the tern "historic right" as used with. reference to the acquisition of territory by a state, .connotes title created in deroealtion of internatielial law through historical processes by which one Gtate has asserted a jurisdiction originally illegal and this has bees acquiescei in by the community of nations. In essence, the title is validated only by the creation of A specific Custom, which is. an expression of universal or almost universal consent. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 1388 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VoL. 65: No. 29 Raile Line 62 (Mille?rani' N. LANhole 20?13'00" E. Longitude 121?46'55". Asinsuth planner iln Meters) 1. (W) 200?30' 48,110 Y'aini I. (W) 21?07'26" 121'56'39" Line 63 (ranii I. (W)?I"aini I. (51) 2G8?40' 237 rami I. (W) 21?07.30" 121'.;6'16" 'Line 64 (Y'anii 1. (M)?Y'anii I. (E) 307*08? 1,376 Y'aini I. (E) 21 *07113" 121?57'21" ? SEC. 2. The definition of the baselines of the territorial sea of the Philippine Archipelago as provided in this Act is without prejudice to the delineation of the baselines of . the territorial sea around the territory of Sabah,. situated in North Borneo, over which the Republic of the. Philip- pines has acquired dominion and sovereignty. - SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. - Approved, Sept. 18, 1968. ? H. No. 17066 (RErusuc ACT No. 5447]. - AN ACT CREATING A SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND TO BE (70NSTITUTED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF AN ADDITIONAL REAL PROPERTY TAX AND A CERTAIN PORTION. OF.THE TAXES ON. VIRGINIA-TYPE CIGARETTES. AND DUTIES ON ? IMPORTED LEAF TOBACCO, DEFINING THE ACTIVITIES TO BE FINANCED, CREATING SCHOOL BOARDS FOR THE PURPOSE, AND - APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFROM. De it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ? of the Philippines in Congress- assembled: SECTION 1: Declaration, of policy: creation of 'Special Education Fund.?It is hereby declared to be the policy of . the government to contribute to the'linancial support of the goals of education as provided by the Constitution. For. this purpose, there is hereby created a. Special Education - Fund, hereinafter referred .to as the Fund, to be derived- . from the additional tax on real property and from a' cer-.. tain portion of the taxes on Virginia-type cigarettes .and - duties on imported leaf tobacco, hereinafter provided for, which shall be expended exclusively for the following acti- ? vities of the. Department of Education: '.? ? (a) the organization and oneration of such number of ?. , . extension- classes as may be needed to accommodate all children of school age desiring to enter Grade I:including' the creation of positions of classroom teachers, head teachers and principals for such extension classes, which shall not exceed the-standard requirements of the Bureau of Public Schools: Provided, That under equal' circums- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8' ) - 3 - Absence of nrotest is the key to the legal reallty of the title. (O'Connell, International Law, Vol. I, pp. 485-486.) It is general knowledge that the Philippines has not .sucCeeded in establishing or perfecting its cl_EiainInnallah as against i:elaysia, which has consistently disputed our claim to this territory. It is to be conceded also that no state has acquiesced in, or supported, the Philippine nnnn claim, and that the Philippines has never at any time exer- cised effective possession, much less jurisdiction or control over any part of the North Borneo territory; worse still, the Philippines has not made much headway in press- ---------------- ing its claim it will be recalled that in 1963, the P.hilippine government signed an accord whereby it agreed to an ascertainment., in line with the principle of self- determination, through a survey to be conducted by the UV Secretariat, of the preferences of the people of North Borneo. This accord allowed for the possibility that the result might. be favorable to the ? inclusion of Sabah in the federution of Malaysia. As it turned out, the UN survey .? ---------- revealed that the North Borneans wanted to join Malaysia, and this result necessarily militated against the strength of our claim. Furthermore, the continued refusal of the government of 'malsysia to submit to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the ]egal iseue on the Philippine claim, deepite the in:vitation of the Philippine government to do so, has made a legal solution to the Sabah oro-elere more elusive than ever. And a military solution to the problem is definitely out of the question. For such an action will contravene the Charter of the United Nations, the Philiopine Conetitution and the ASEAN Treaty of Concord and Amitr Aceerdinvly, it would be pretentious and untenable . " to assert, that Sabah is a territory bolonging to the _ 4 - Philippines by historic right or legal title and that it is already a part of the Philippine territory as defined by ? the Constitution. The conclusion that what the Philippines has, with respect to Sabah, is only a claim, in shared by the framers of the new Constitution as indicated by the report of the subcouncil of the Constitutional Convention that drafted the article on national territory. The report states as follows: "This provision had been lengthily discussed on the floor of the Convention but just to recapitulate, the idea here is to adopt the archipelagic theory in the definition ? of our National Territory; to remove the vestige of colonialism by deleting the treaties mentioned ? in Article I of the 1935 Constitution which showed that the Philippines had been the object of inter- national commerce; to provide for a broad and ell- embracing delineation of our territorial juris- diction no as. to include the waters in and around .and in between our multifarious islands regardless of their breadth and length; and finally, to safernand.oniLnkaips to eertainterritories, like Sabah, through historical right or legal title." (Pp. 3?-36, Vol. XVI, No. 5, Journal of th:, titutional Convention of 101.) In justifying the need to "protect the pendin,; :2-abah claim of the Republic of the Philippines", the corittae recited the unsuccessful efforts undertaken by the Philip- pine government in .pressing its claim over North Borneo since April 24, 1962 when the Nouse of Representatives approved a resolution urging the President of the Philip- pines to take the necessary steps to recover the Sabah Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 -.5-. territory, up to the breakdown of the )Bangkok talks .in ? 1968 when the Malaysian representative refused to discuss the .modes of settlement of the Philippine'claim. ? The committee stated that "it is probable that there will be talks on the Sabah dispute in the future.' and it was be- cause of this probability, among other reasons, that the comMittee justified the phraseology of tha article on national territory in the Constitution. Separate stateMents of committee members also invariably make references to the Sabah territory as "a claim" of the Philippine Government . (e.g. sponsorship speech of Delegate Jai M. Arad on Feb, 12, -1972; Position Paper of Delegate- j. Hermosa dated Jan. 13, 1972.) It is clear, therefore, that ? by making reference to territories belonoing the Ph-llippines by leotoric right or legal title, the framers of the. Constitution did. have in r.ind?the Zele,h claim, but there .:as ne doubt in their minds that we only hold a claim. The report indicates that. the . ? Convention merely ootleipoted the poosibility that the ? ? ? Philipoine claim mighl: ultimately be decided in our favor. At the time the Constitutin was enacted, the Convention could oot have ignored the manifest fact that Sabah vas not pet a 7e.rt of the fhilippine territory, and in coatemplating to "safeaeord our claim" to Seboh, it msrely provided for a contire-eney, oe ineued it wao Sri no lefeoi pooition to affirm? f"..? a conclusion 'Rich is not oaly obviously contrary to fact, but also one actively disputed by parties upon Lhom the Philipeine Constitution has no binding effect. ------ It is true that R.A. NO. 5 446 was already in force at the tine Of the adoption of the Constitutin. Section 2 of this law, which amended P.A. No. 3046, defining the base- lines of the territorial sea of the Philippines, provided that the definition Of the baselines therein is without prejudice to the delineation of the baselines of the ' territorial sea around the territory of Sabah, situated in- - North Borneo, over which "the Republic of the Philippines - has acquired dominion and sovereignty". But it. cannot seriously be contended that this law conferred legal title or confirmed "historic right" to Satah. The Philippine elaim is being disputed by Malaysia, .and the Sabah issue is not a domestic or internal problem to be settled by national legislatien. The onactmeot therefore cf 5446 amounted to no mere than a unilateral or declaration or assertion on the Dart of the governeent, ------- which cannot have binding effect upon or be decisive of the rights of, e. foreign state disputing the Claim. Al: the- elmS- of the enactment ef R.A. No. 5446, the le,-islature was not unaware the'; the legal merits of the Philippine claim to Sabah had already been considerably weakened by ,nA result of the UN Secretariat's survey which was favorable to tha inclusion of Sabah in the l'ederatioo of Malaysia. Pc. aeorent of legislation. con establish the coneelusion that the Philip- _ piaes?had acouired dominion anti sovereignty over SAbah whore this assertion is manifeotly 2Qoainst the existing facts. There is reason to believe that the statutory deolaratien merely reflected the Instrument executed by the liviro heirs of the Sultan of Sulu en April 24, 1962, wher/O.,y the said liaise recognezed and accepted the ultimate soyereionty, title and dominion of the Republic of the Philippines over the Sabah territory and authorized the Philippine Government to prosecute the claim to said property through airy and all peaceful modes of international settlement, as well as the "Instrument of Cession of the Territory of North Borneo" dated September 12, 1962, whereby the heirs of theSultan of Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 r. ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 ? - 7 - Sulu formally ceded and the Philippine Government formally accepted, the Territory of North Borneo which, according to.the.instrument, had theretofore been. under the sovereignty, title and dominion of the Sultanate of Sulu for "the last two hundred and more years", and a later document executed in 1968 whereby the said heirs recognized the right and authority of President Ferdinand E. Marcos to act for or on their behalf with a view to effecting settlement of whatever proprietary rights and benefits the heirs may be entitled to. But R.A. No. 5446, being purely municipal law, cannot be the basis of historic right or legal title as against Malaysia. In fine, the inclusion in the definition of the national territory in the Constitution of "territories belonging to the Philippines by historic right or legal title" provided for the possibility that Sabah might eventually become a part of Philippine territory, but it did not, as it could not, have settled or established the Philippine claim to Sabah, even by a- categorical declaration that Sabah is a part of the Philippine territory. It is my conclusion, therefore, that the renunciation of the Sabah claim docu.not require an arLendment of Article I, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution, as Sabah is not included in the definition of the national territory, whether expressly4or by necessary inference. 2. iiegarding the necessity to repeal the provision of Section 2 of R.h. No. 5446, amending N.A. No. 3046 (defining the baelines of the Philippine territorial sea), it is my opinion that this section ought to be repealed, if only to dispel any doubt as to the sincerity of the gpvernment in its announced position that it is no longer pursuing its claim - 8 - against Malaysia. While, as earlier stated, our own law cannot be invoked to support cur claim as against Malaysia, the fact remains that the expressed intent to extend the ? baselines of the Philippine territorial sea to the baselines -Of the territorial sea around the territory of Sabah, is inconsistent with the present position of the Philippine government to abandon or renounce the Philippine claim to Sabah. Submitted by: (SOD.) VICENTE ABAD SANTOS Secretary of Justice Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300110001-8 4