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? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500230002-3 ? 50X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENUY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C, Sees, 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. IMIN?11?1111111M11111011?1110 50X1 COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Ic.runovo Airfield and ITearby Fu.el Depots DATE OF INFO. PLACE & CTE ACQ. ???????????????.111......0.00. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES PROC 29 August 1958 3 50X1 E EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM Location and Size 50X1-HUM Krumovo airfield, which is eight to ten kilometers southeast of Plovdiv and six: to seven kilometers north-northwest of Asenavgad, is one 02 the best natural airfields in Bulgaria. There are no fences around the field which is bounded by the Chgya river on the east, an irrig,Uan canal on the south, arable land on the north, and the Plovdiv-Lsenovgad railroad on the vest, although some of the buildings of the field are on the opposite side or vest side of the railroad tracks. The field covers an area of 1,500 to 2,000 square meters. Runway The surface of the runua7 is sand covered Trith a special kind of Grass which keeps the runway firm. The drainaL;e of the rummy is good and a2ter the heaviest rains the runway can still be used. The usual direction of the runway is north-northwest to southmsoutheast. There are no electric lights on the runway and it is illudnated during night flights by special oil lamps. Source claims that any kind of jet, even the FARmER,, can land at Krumove airfield, although he never sax a jet at the field. Planes In June 1953 there were 60 to 70 planes of the Attack Boi-aber Rer;Lraents stationed at the airfield? These were BEAST' s,COACH's, ind'FLORA' 3 The BEAST planes were received from the Soviet Air Force after 1,orld Var ii, the COACH planes arrived from the USSR in 1951 and the early model 1. LORA STATE Fri ARMY ?TIC NAVY # F-71: AIR FBI AEC (Note: as : ? .ution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP81-0104:1Rnn9cnn9-4nnno esomato,',.72,r11124 .7.4N j'1'4C. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500230002-3 v, ?fr 3 ? e) i { '01,tu TY' '? 01, ) 4r-L , 1 ", h 03 Ct?OwlitzFwi-D-E-14-114-A.01, cis 2 en moo transferred Cron Graf I tiev airfiel4 ii 195i then the Fighter Division at Graf Imatiev receivtil FAGOVso there are no nore than ten FLOE4'5 at anUMOVD airfield, All the planes ere parked in the open in two triangular areas southwest of the rummy. Attack Bcanber 11...ents Two Attack Bather Regimental and their Supply Battalion, all subordinate to the Attack Bomber Division at novdiv Airfield, are stationed at Lrumovo. The combined strength of the two reginents is apprcorinate3.y 300 officers, 6o to 80 noodecomnissioned officers and about '200 enlisted nice. Only 30 of the officers are pilots. The buildings occupied by the reginentzt at the field-are located on both sides of the Plovdivoy ?Asencagad railroad tilich crosses the western end of the field. Installations The buildings cal the werbei.n side of the tracks are: a. GuarcUlouse on the gravel road entering tho airfield Iron the Plovdiv.* Ase,novgrad highwqr; faar by four meters in size. b. Three wooden buildings containing the offices of the Supply Dattdion; each eight by four rioters in size. c. Building containing moss hail, club and quarters for pilots; two.- story, brick buildings, ten by six meters in size, vit4ii ubite valls and red tile roof. de Warehouse for spare parts a oneeustcry brick building, six by ten :meters in sizes with red tile roof. e. Wooden building used as a photography laboratory. f. 'Wooden building containing a repair shop for switchboard instruments. go Juildinc containing office of mess officer. h. Hospital; one=erbcry, brick building. 5.. Wooden building contng food supplies. j. Roofed storage area for 'wood and coal. 64 The buildincs on the eastern side of the railroad tracks are: 0.0 Guardhouse containing the office of the officer an duty; one-story, brick building, four by six meters in size, 'with Irliite lralls and red tile roof. b. Building containing classroom for pilots; twonistory, brick building, five by ten meters in size, Ifith yellow IlaUS and red tile roof. Headquarters building; tairog,story, brick building, twelve by six meters in sizes with ttite valise d. Building containing soldiers! mess hall and kitchen; one-stov temporary buildings twelve by six meters in size. Vlarchouso for clothing =I shoes*, onecastory, brick building, eight by five meters in size, with yelow walls and red tile roof. f. To soldiers barrad:s; temporary construction, temlve by six meters in size. ge Wooden building for parachute storage; tenpornry building, thelve by si neters in size. h. Wooden building vith unknoun contents; building, four by eight meters in size. Annunition and weapons depot; onemstory, brick building, twenty eight meters in size, ctelith white trails and red tile roof. jo Tzloodea lyuacting containing battery shop, four by eight tieters in size. 070 C-041GDF..1.0DiseprIA.01.1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-n1nzvlpnn9gnn-rv-vvy, 50) AMA i'lliilliMORIMIVAEFE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 1 50-Yr 2013/11/01 : C Fuel ,4923a 70 The fuel depot on the field is located on the west side of the Plovdiv. Aseaovcrad railroad tracks in an area surrounded by a tal, L0 centi.0 meters thick. The fuel is stored in barrels in the Ippon. 8. There are two other large fuel depots near KTUMOVO airfield which are described as follows: a. Between the Plovelivoasenovgrael railroad end approxinabe3.y 11500 meters northwest of the Asenovorad railroad station, there is a fuel depot uhicil contains seven to eicht reservoirs, each having a capacity of 100 to 150 tons and installed in concrete casinos thich are painted yellow, and 300 to 400 barrels, each having a capacity of 150 to 200 liters, Although this depot does not belong to the Air Force, it is often visited by tmcis from Krumovo and Graf Imatiov airfields which load 2acolinc azd oil from the depot. b. Between the PlovdivasLeved.orad railroad and highwqr, 1,000 to 1,500 meters north of the Filipovo railroad station, tllore is a fuel depot vihich contains six to seven reservoirs each ilavinL: a capacity of 100 to 150 tons. Each reservoir is surrounded by an corthen embankient and a special railroad branch conp.octx the PlovdivLevskiad railroad with the depot. Des-Lacs the reservoirs there are numbers of barrels stored in the open. This depot does uot belong to the Air Force. Another fuel depot, thich is subordinate to the Air ..,orce, is believed to be two kilometers southeast of Kramovo airfleld oil the boTZ.:s of the Oliva river but Source can provide no further infor:iation &Just it. 1. Comment: Deactivation of the two IT@Dents mre bocun in Ay 9 and scheduled. to be completed by 15 L',optc2bor 1258. Comment: he planned reduction of the Bulgarian Armed Forces would not take place because of the Middle East situation, attachment to this report is a sketch .of Krumovo Airfield with an attached legend. Distributio7 of Attachment: Air - Loan Army - Loan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500230002-3 50X1-HUM 50X1-HU1V50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500230002-3 ;CHF LEGEND TO SKETCH 1. Plovdiv-Asenovgrad Highway 2. Gravel road leading to the airfield 3. Plovdiv-Asenovgrad Railroad 4. Railroad Guard House ). Krumovo Airfield Railroad stop 6. The Chaya River 79 The irrigation canal 3. Guardhouse 90 Cuardhouse and office of the "officer on duty"; one-story brick building with white-washed walls and red tiled roof 10. Classrooms for pilots; two-story brick building with yellow mills and red tile roof 11. HQ -Main building of the airfield; two-story brick building with white-;washed walls 12. Soldier's dining room and kitchen; one-story temp()rary building 13. Clothing and shoe storage; one-story brick building with yellow wulls and red tile roof 1L. TWO soldier's dormitories, temporary woo6en buildings 15. Parachute storage, temporary wooden bui:ding 16. 'Wooden building (contents not known) 17. Parking lote for planes 18. Ammo and arms storage; one-story brick u. n,?.,),,)(i with mite-washed walls and red tile roof 19. Wooden building - battery c:b..arc, shop 20. Wooden buildings; offices o 'i.e Sunply Battalion 21. Pilot's dining room club - d hotel - two story brick building with white-washed walls and rr.) tile roof 22. Spare parts storage; (01 1D1,110-Inv with red tile roof 230 Photo laboratory 24. Repair shop for switchl.. :.Acou,-(pnts 25. Office of Food Supply c.172, 26. Hos-Dital. one-story brick building 27. Food storaoe in wooden building 28. Roofed storage for flrewocd c61.(; Goal 29. Open air storage for gas and irromidc b an:u cm thich wall. Gas and oil kept in barrels. 11111111MEMILDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500230002-3 j.? X 1 .? .