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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 TRUMBATCHBV V.F. Dr. of Technical sciences. MELNIKOV E.A.s mining engineer, Institute of Mining Affairb named after SkotchinsXy A.A. Moscow, USSR DISTRIBUTICN OF STRE'SSES IN THE INTERVENING PILL;..RS AT MEDIUM AND STEEP DIPS ? Nowadays both single-stall and stoop - and - room methods are widely being put into practice for winning minerals. While projecting those methods determi.natiOn of their geometrical parameters (e.g. chamber spanning, overall sizes of pillars, thickiless of arch stratum and cap pillars in case of horizon mining) should 'always be given priority, because economical indices of the particular enterprise as well as safety mining will mostly depend upon said parameters. When estimating the strength of pillars similar to that of any other structure there should be determined' 1. Loads actuating on the pillars. 2. Values and character of stress distribution in pillars affected by the mentioned loads. 3. Strength of pillars with due account of their stressed condition and also strength charecteriStios of their rock components. Stressed condition of the pillars is one of the most important factors that determine their strength in general. It is an extremely difficult problem to determine the stresses actuating inside the pillars. Therefore, the scientists in their theoretical investigations found it necessary to determine first the stresses in the pillars formed in the pro- cess of round, elliptical and slotted openings, and, hence solution of the problem (1, 2, 3) would be considerably simpli- fied. Since chambers in the process of mining are generally of the rectangular shape the sr aticn,:3 obtained will have a im,,,i,ecifiarl in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release 1014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 4 ? partial app cast dweermina the streases. act as.- ting upon theAlit4lars,.. Therefore 'sa.me experimental Methods have been found to rmine the intrapillar stresses. The photoelastic method can serve as one of them. A number of problems have been solved due to employment ef the particularOethod concerning mainly the determination: 1:?' stresses in the'. pillars when mining gently dipped minerals (4,5) Stressed condition of pillars gentle aria di2s is not yet properly studied. In the USSR such experiments have been carricd out, for instance, by Borisenko S.G. (L). dower her the influence of side thrusts on, the rbcks have not been .taken into account. On the basis of the analyses ofJthe existin, ideas about the stressed condition of undisturbed, rocks and also on the basis of mining data: and that of laboratory measurements there can be concluded that: 1. Rocks in the unmined solid imAsses are in the stressOd , A condition characterized by the vertical, component of stres- ses in the given pidnt of the massifthat corresponds to the weight of the covering idol: and horiiontal component depending upon the properties, of the rocks under consideration ; 2. Proceeding from the millinr!, data and that of labora- tory measurements side thrust factor for different types of rocks can vary within the range of 0.5 (for hard rocks) to 1.0 (for ,soft roe 47,9)-. The at13 the present rape iae carriod out expe- rimental znvti4ons on models-ulint-,the photoelastic method to study he influence,,,, the angle Of dip, side thrust factor and the shape of pillars upon the stressed, condition of the t;oak.. The models have been manufactured of igdantine and luloid i.e. optically active -materials. The MOdele iMt4e.1. stopp - and - room ,Method and six chamiers save been re ced with pillars between them. The r00,ti44'at the , he t h , it th b was acoa nd 2. n,,,-inceifiarl in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 - 3 - tion of' stresses. in the pillars has been studied with the angle of dip being 10?, 45., 600 and, 909 accordingly. The investigations have been conducted with different values of the side thrust in order to find the influence of the stressed condition of the unmined rock upon the value and character of stress distribution in the intervening pil- lars. As the material the pillar models and surrounding rocks were made from is operative within the limits of elactic deformation there should exist a linear dependency between the loads acting on the models and the stresses formed inside them. Therefore it turned to be sufficient to determine expe- rimentally the stresses in the models with two meanings of side thrust 4attor, whereas for all the other meanings to determine their value in accordance with the formulae menti- oned below. Two systems of forces actuate in our case upon the model:. weight of taa material the model is manufactured from and the forces of the side thrust. Now using the principles of mutual independbnce of actin, forces and superposition there can be c&icuded tht.ec the stress in SOMe point of the model will be. where = (1) stress in the given c)int caused either .by the weight proper of the Molel materiel or the load applied fro. out-Stie., -:side thrust factor -1 6 - stress in the same point of the model caused by the side thrust forces which equal the for- ces of the weight proper. With the change of the side thrust values in the. model and the vertical load remained, stresses in the considered point of the niodel will be: ecc, , (2) 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 ? . , ? where m2 - new value oj the side thrust factor. Now bringing together both equations (1) and (2) we shall hare m 61 - ? and 5B - mi Thus to find the value of the stresses with the meanings of the side thrust factor of ? mn t6 following equation sh:nIld be used or = 6dB + Ihnt (nal ? ran) 62, (212 ) 6.1 - In1m2 (3) This method can successfully be used when finding the stresses in the models made of igdantina since with the 1-ethod of investigation accepted fav,urable conditions can be creatJd for flat defermation inside .odels with the side thrust factor being one. Besides there can be every opportanity for flat stressed condition with the side thrust factor being 0.5. In this case formula 3 will be modified in-t(: = 2 (I T. ) 2 - (I -2 m .v.6) 61 (4) As the model vr,s _Lade f c 11,11 'id the plate with-the cut out rooms was nifrily tr,3t/'hed in the first an then in the second hormal direction as a result of the applied load. Stresses in the given point have been determined from the etuation (5) .Fig.1 illustrates the pillars and covering rocks with the side thrust factor values varyir, tr9w,G.4 tc 1.0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 PRFIRP1'? obtained as a resUlt of investigating. 04.the models the values of the mean normal and tangential atresseS.- The stresses are given in the units of the normal stresses actuated upon the pillar. The mean. normal stress of ,the pillar at a flat pitch has been taken as a nnit. Fig.1 shows that the normal pressure, actuated upon the pillar, is decreased with the increment of the angle dip ex? cept the case cf hydrostatic pressure in an undisturbk.--...1 rock massif i.e. the . case when the value of the normal pressure actuated on the pillar does not. depend upon the angle of dip and equals the full weight of the covering rock, whereas the shearing stresses constitute zero. Both the increase of the angle of dip, an decrease of the side thrust factor lead to decrease of the value of the normal stress upon the pillar at inclined beddings. For ins? tance, with the angle of dip being 450 maximumdecrease of .load with the side thrust factor being 0.5 censitutes 2570 of the load that dould be observed in case of a gentle dip. Accordingly, these values for the side thrust factors of (5.4 and 0.6 will be 30 and 20 -ot::r cent. From Fig.1 it becomes .:.bvious that maximum decrease of load takes place with the dip angle being 900 'i.e. when it is two times less compared with the flat pitch having the side thrust fact../. of the order of 0.5. Shearing stresses appear in the pillars at inclined boddings and -their' values car.: be determined by the dlip angle and the value of the side thrust factor in an undistar? bed rock massif. Peak vaues the shearing stresses are obtained (see the diagrz-lia. on Fig.1) with the dip angle being 45?. The diagram brings the mean values of the shearing stres? ses actuated upon the stratification planes. Though these stres? ses are not considerable as compared with the mean stresses normal to the stratification- plane, still under certain favou? rable conditions they can result in ?shifting the pillar. < - nom/ Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 ? ? ? a Checking the possibility of disturbing the intact pil- lars by the shearin6.stresses can be obtained by com2,arison of the created sheaan?; stresses that should be r,.:fertad to the normal ones with the friction factor on the plane of thickness being as follows: g 6- where vp - angle of friction on the planes of weakness. t' The meanings of - at g = 0.5 are brought in Table 1 for different dip ant.les ct. =mom., ???? Table 1 0 10 20. 304J 52 0 L,.0 c7 0.176 C.248 0.310 0.333 For example, if there are clay partings in the pillar the value of c.n be taken as 100. In this case with 20`) there will be a danse2 of crushing the pillar by its displacement. The .vales of the mean-noral and tangential stresses at medium dip obtained by the iilvestigations of the modcis are in good condormity with th:. data calculated from the formulae 7 and .8 which .in turll have been deduced by means of decompositioni the streSs,.;s actuating on th-, pillar as shown in Fig.2 8 H 2 m Sin2 ) (7) Su 4 1: = 1/2 (I - m ? Sin 2 e4 (8) - au_ 6- volume weight of the covering rocks H - depth. of the pillar Skp - pillar xposurere where Dar!. - Coov Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 S - pillar sectional eirea et - angle of dlp U' side thrust factor Figs 3, 4 and 5 illustrate the general character Df stress distribution on the pillars the axis uf which is nor- mal to the stratification at the dip angles being 30?, 60? and 900. The figures show the isemetric lines of the maxi- mum tangential stresses 1, max expressed in fractions of H. The data obtained testify that stressed conditien of the pillars in the case of medereee di substantially differs from that of gentle dip. In ti e latter case a great deal of experiments carried out on models proved the mean lerti- cal section of the pillar be the weakest point and, there- fore, estimation of the supporting stress ef any pillar 15) should proceed from the said point. For high pillars e.g. h/b > 1.5 (Fig.6) when the greater part of the pillar is under conditiens of uniaxial compression, estimation of its supporting strength should be proved by the uniakial compres- sien test results. With the h/b;)odient. c2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Iltri METHODS OP STYMIE CrIMENTRATS UPGRADING (Summary) K ? G.Bakinov, I.I.Va.neev, C.X.Gorlovsky, U.I.Sropkin, N .V .Zashikhin, A.S.Konev. t ? v,? ? 3 . ? ?',.! r.?0- ? , , ? 10. ' ? - - ? ,4 ' ? ' ? ', ,-.. ? 5.1 ? .fr? . ..45,4,r.k!'. , ? .,,,,.;;" (i...-..1,,, . ," , :...'7. , '' ' ' " ' A?.- .., .. ? ...: . ?,,..- , ... ..,? . , ,..,, ?i?C-?. .- . , ,. ? , * '.,...14- . -,, ???:. ' - -' ' :..?',,, .,_'`k4. a.17s-,- ...,,, ...,,,..3,,,. (,..,.! 6r:'.,..i.",,- - .. .. ?,. ..., . .. ? .. , j 7 .- . : ,?..:. .-..1..,?I'' . . ... .',14-,, ....,5,.i.,- -' , .....,,,,,. -,.,f,,,,,N,.. ..,_ , . , ?,. , , , . ?.? .,..? 4 ,,. ...? , ,i? , . r , lir . 't , , hi .? . ? . 4 ''' 1...S!.1'.4: ' 4 : ' ' .. .' '..,-t$.r 1 ' . 'Cr:, ' . ;.. . - '. ? , --FY'''. . . ,.1.. ? ' .- ' ' ' 1 ? ' .. ' ' ' - ' ? ..1.1. '-',0';? . i'. . . .. . . ' L 1."' ' ' t ':''' ? ''' ''.. 3;*.) V i li ' ' ? ..",),.. '.; .47-:-. -.'. . ". ;`..,,s ;,- ''..1?.-, ' 4,',..!, 7 tr.,',' ."...,- 4-'. . I ,. ,.. 4 ? ., .... ???? 5 5 -.74, ? ? ? ? . - ., ,..?-? ...? , ,,,,,t. .x? ? ? ,,.. --.... , ,..? " , . , ? r5,1 > ,i: r r ? .., . .4ji r I ? , ? i I. ' 0 i 4. .... c ...... ? ? - ? ..,.. .? -? ,7 ? '-' ? '.' , -I. ??? -' .;,1. - ? #1.1 .1- ..1- t i,' .? i,..i,i. -. .4 i ..- ,? . - ? 1:,.1' ." .. . ? : ., ? ??:"., . L., ? k. ,, ,,,... ?,,, ' ,,,L, .:1 . , . r ..:.5. ?r?, 6,- '.? ,a 5?"??, 5 .4 ..; . . . 1'1. -. ? ' ? -.),k, ., .1.? 3 . . ' -* ? ? . 6 , ' 1, 1? ".. ' , ? ? 5 5.1 ? ";?'. 4?/...;',5,5". ? .1,?,41Z - ? - '," '? ''' , 4 - ), ???'?'' ? -,.. 1 --"-? 10., . ??? 'i- '?' ??? ? ..,. , ' ,i- 1 - 7., e,,,,,,- " ?A ,... -.1,-,,, ? ? ,L, ... A 1-1`.7.-t.r. A . ? , ?1-t,,? ,,, , 4. .? , 4, ? ..,,,. L., , ? - , ri... A-4.,, '-. ,'' .?. ,....' (: , .. ? ' ' :....-,) ? '''' -7.' .'. 1 ? -,, , .0 { :,.. , ,, . ?... ' 2'. )7; ' ' . , .,?''' ? . -, .... ? . ,r!, .?., ? ; ? . - A? . "1 ,, ? 1 .2?? . ? '1 ? ' '!""` K. ? ? ' '4' ? "i; - ' ? . eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-R0P80T00246A0 STAT :MODS 1A11.17IDE C0NC-11'111113 UPC/DIG K.Gaakincv, T.I.vunoev, min.ong., min.une., ;ard.tech.sci., 1)sput7 Director in ahArgo of scientific work, N.V.ZaahiAcnin, Cand.tecluepoi., !Wild or tho Depart. of Non.gorrous motels pr000ssing, A ?S onev, Candsteall.sci. Imititabo Mokhanobr, Loningrad Inlitituto 21 Linia 34;41kbitfad USSR for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 3eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A07550019Uuu-i-0 14.Tv ':MQ 3 OP 3UIIDE CONC,24T2A75 UPGRADING K.G.BAkinov, T.I.yaneev, uln.enc., .1.0orlovek/, min.ong., U.I.Xropkiu, Gand.teah.soi., Deputy Director in oharge of aoientifie work, N.V.3maikhis, cand.teoh.nal., [lead of the Depart. of Non./errous metals processing, .r.Konev, Cand.teoh.soi. at Institute Melhanobr, Leninerad STAT institute Nekhanobr 21 Unit. 8.a- 1..4_ 7A -_---. ArUd for Release 2014/04/07 CIA-R0P80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 NEW METHODS OF SULFIDE CONCENTRATE UPGRADING SUMMARY The first part of the paper is dealing with the rip? salts of laboratory research as well as with the Jades- trial application of a flotation process for sulfide cop- pr-nickel or+. wew high-eiolocular depressors of readily flo..41 ,Ilicate minerals such as oarboxymethyloellulose, cellulose salfarie esters and copper-ammonium solutions o;: cellulose, have been used. It has been shown that the use of carboxyaothylcellulose with optimum physioel-chem- lcal vi,riables (degree of substitution - 50, degree of polorization - 500), instead of the previously used as clpressor - sodium silicate, permits: to increase consid- erably the content of valuable constituents in the ?out:4n- Trate, to obtain clarified tailing water without addition of coagulants and to use it as reclaimed water In flota- Ttcn. 'q: recont consumption has beln considerably reduc- ed too. Tho results of the r.Juearch an the interaction of cacboxymethylcellulose with the surface of sulfides and readily floated silicates have Also been considered. It is shown in the second part of this paper that the C,T)liditioning of the pulp with sodium sulfide and active LarUon proved to be most effective for the preparation fmlfide lead-copper concentrates. This method ensures Sqfficient desorption of the collector from the sulfide suceface and its removal from the liquid phase of the falp iithout washing and dewatering. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 4,1 Conditions have been devised for the separation of per-lead concentrates containing bornite and dial- These are based upon the depression of copper minerals by a complex zinc cyanide. It has been shown too that in order to obtain a stable depression of cop- per minerals the stability of concentration of the zinc- cLanuie compiguk.ti lotL,tion is to be ensured. This is achi-J,Jd by: a) the reduction of ore and bulk concentrate sliming during the preparation stage (this reduces the rate of the Line-cyanide complex interaction with chalcocite); b) oy a periodic addition of the depressor every 5-6 minutJ0 in the course of flotation. he aocomplishment of these conditions has allowed to obtair from a bulk concentrate assaying 22 per cent o copper and 11 cent of lead, a lead concentrate wi2a u0 per cent lead and 3 per cent copper content as well as a copper concentrate with 25.5 per cent copper, 2-4 per cent lead at a recovery about 80 per cent lead 96 per cert sopper into the respective concentrates (of an initial bulk concentrate where 40 per cent of copper -1-e chalcocite). 7:temB of he second part of this paper describes a Sepsion process without using cyanide, and the dezino- cepper of iiad-14a4 concentrates assaying copper in form of ??c;ic This procedure is based upon the depression o-C _;;:lena by sodium sulfite (Na26*nd ferrous sulfate in a ,akly acid medium. The new procedure as compared to the (.1nide method and applied to lead-copper concentrate sops- 33 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3 r,tion increases the selectivity and reduces the coat of Aineral processing. Applied to sulfide polyaetallio ore :1'021 30MO ore deposit it has ensured ths following astol- lur,:issi data: an increase of gold recovery by 3.2 per ;ent, of copper into a copper concentrate ? by 8.8 per of zinc into a zinc concont.cate . by 1.9 per cont. An upgrading of copper, as well as of lead concentra? has been reached. Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A075500190001-3