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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 R 50X1 -HUM Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 ,c7 j. STAT THE SYNTHESIS OF,ORGANOGLYCOXYSILANES AND THEIR CONDENSATION, I.A.Andrianov, Iii-M.hananashvili and A.S.ochetkov, Plastic Materials, (No. 8) 13 '(1964) Organoglycoxysilanes have been described before this (1)(2). They have aroused interest in the investigation of their possible condensation reactions and (thus) the opportunity of their incorporation into long chain polymers. - In the present work are described the results of synthesOs of trifunctional organoglycoxysilanes by the reaction of ether ,interchange between methyl-, ethyl- and phenyltriethOxysilane and glycols, their properties and their condensation. The syntheses lead, in excess glycol, to calculation so that by- products of the reaction were removed along with any heterocyclic compounds formed. As shown here, the reaction proceeds in accordance with the equation: RS1(002H5)o + 3HOR'OH RSi(ORIOH)3 + 302H50H, where R = CH3-, C2H5-, 06H5-, -CH2CH2CH2CH2-. , There was thus obtained a variety of organoglycoxysilanes, as shown in Table 1. A study of the thermomechanical properties of the compounds prepared indicated that their temperatures of brittle point were in the neighborhood of -900 to -700 C. (-1300 to -940F). -01-120H2-, -CH2CH2OCH2OH2-, Table 1 (analytical data omitted) REAGENT CONC. OF GRAMS Ethylene Glycol 20.351 Ethyltriethoxysilane 20 Ethylene Glycol 23.75 Phenyittiethoxysilane 27.9 Diethyiene GlYdol 25.6 Ethyltriethoxysilane 15.3 Diethylene Glycol 27.53 Phenyitriethoxysilane 19.8 1,4-Butane Diol 31.03 Phenyltriethoxysilane 26.3 REACTANT mpLs. 0.328 0.104 0.383 0.116 0.25 0.796 0.259 0.0824 0.344 0.109 PRODUCT Ethyltris-(-oxyethoxy)-silane Phenyltris-(-oxyethoxy)-silane Ethyltris-(diethyleneglycoxy- siiane Phenyltris-(diethyleneglycoxy)- silane Phenyitris-( -oxybutoxy)-silane Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 - - The condensation of pure phenyltris-(-oxybutoxy)-silane was- carried out under conditions guaranteeing-the .removal-of-reaction by-products at 2000 C. and 1 mm. In-the process of condensation, qualitatively, of the byproducts, there was isolated I,4-butane diol,to the extent of 1.4 mol for,each moi?of.phenyltr,is- ((roxybutoxy)-silane. As In the condensation of methyltris- (diethyleneglyzoxy)-silane at 1200 C. under 0.025 mm-0.020 mm. there was also diethylene glycol, 1.25 mol for one mol of methyltris-(digthyleneglycoxy )-silane. In each case the reaction was-flinished after the production of by-product had ceased. The products of condensation were transparent, hard Polymers. The polymers prepared from methyltris-(diethylene- gIyco34)-silape were dissolved in alcohol; the polymers from phenyitris-(-oxybutoxy)-silane were insoluble in organic solvents. The products formed by these reactions show that polycondensatign proceeded in accordance with the equation: 2x ES1(ORIOH)3 -+ 3x HOR1OH + (- i 0-R1-0 i 0 RI -0 -)x. Infrared - Infrared spectra presented conformed to the chemical structures pertaining to the units of the chain. In the polymers there were observed, of ten,1429 cm-1 (corresponding to the unit Si-06H5) and 3400 cm-1 (corresponding to the unit- valence oscillation of the hydroxyl group in the associated state). The thermomechanical properties of the polymers are presented using phenyltris-(b-oxybutoxy)-silane as shown in Curve 1. As seen, the polymer does not flow up to 00? C., which property grees with the structure of the polymer. Relative Deformation 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 300? Curve 1 Thermomechanical Properties of the Polymer Prepared by the Condensation of Phenyltris-0-oxybutoxy)-silane The condensation of methyl- and phenyltris-(diethyleneglyco- silane with the methyl ester of terephthaIic acid took place in equivalent concentrations at 250? C. in the absence of catalyst. In this case the reactions suns easily with production of by-product methanol as shown below: 2n R6i(OR1OH)3 + 3n CH316H4g001-13 6CH30H + (RSi(OR108C6H10-)3)n Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 - 3 1. where R = OH3-, C6H5-; RI -01.120H200H20112=; Methanol was collected in yields of 72% of theory, paralleling the production of polymer.which was .soluble in a toluene-ethanol mixture. Subsequent Condensation produced polymers, insoluble in solvents. .If the soluble polymers are-heated-at 2000 C. at 1 mm, they pass over to the insoluble polymers. This shows that condensation of methyl- and.phenyltris-(diethyleneglycoxy)- silane with dimethyl terephthalate produces a "pro" polymer and that heating rearranges this. The thermomechanical properties of the soluble polymers, prepared from methitris- (diethyIeneglycoxY)-silane and dimethyl terephthalate and the properties of the polymers after supplementary condensation at 2500 C. and heating-two hours are shown in Curve 2. In the condensation of the oxysiIane with-dimethyl terephthalate no further production of glycol was Observed as with the condensation of the original organoglygoxysilane. Relative Deformation Curve 2 ThermomechanicaI Properties of the Polymers Produced from Methyltris- - (diethyleneglycosy)-Silane and Dimethyl Terephthalate. 1- as formed, 2-after heat treatment. The condensation synthesis of organoglycoxysilanes with tolylene diisocyanate produced cyclic polymers as shown below: 2n RS1(ORIOH)3 3n OCK61-13N00 OH3 (RSi(ORIOFH96H3NHgORIO-)3) GH3 0 In the reactions as run, the effect of heat was noticed, the amount of which depended on the numerical amounts of the reactants. The thermomechanical properties of the polymers'are.shown in- - Curve 3, from which it is seen that the polymers are liquids at 300-400 C., that after six hour treatment at 1500 C. the liquids have.practicarly disappeared, and that it shows that these are the final possible structures of the polymers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Relative 15 Deformation a 10 - 5 - 4 - I 3 0 500 1000 1500 200? Curve 3. Thermomechanicai Properties,of Polymers: 1. Prepared from Ethyltris-(p-oxyethoxy)-silane and Tolyl ene Diisocyanateaas ForLed. 2. Same, after Heating. 3. Prepared from Phenyltris-(diethyleneglyocoxy)- silane and Tolyiene Diisocyanate after Heating. Ffom these polymers one can prepare many different manufactured articles. Curve 4 Temperature Dielectric charactbristics of the polymers prepared from pheny1tris-(i,oxybutoxy)-silane and tolyiene diisocyanate. Tangent angle of dielectric loss: 1. at f = 400 gts. 2. f = 1.5 x 106 gts. Dielectric permeability: 3. at f = 400 gts. 4. at f = 1.5 x 106 gts. An investigation of the electrical properties of typical polymers classified as plastics shows a sharp maximum dependence of dielectric loss on temperature. The Debaevskii maximum (Curve 4). at the point 400 gts lies at 780 0; at the point 1.5 x 100 it is shifted to one side at the higher temperature of 125? C. Each property of these polymers was investigated. Table 2 (analytical data omitted) Compound n20 al D CH3Si(OCH2CH2OH)i5 1.4515 1.1980 C2H5Si(OCH20H2OH)3 1.4538 1.1642 06H551(00H2CH2OH)3 1.5025 1.2068 C2H5Si(OCH9OH200H2CH2OH)3 1.4588 1.1478 C6H5Si(00H3CH20CH20H2OH)3 1.4969 1.1862 C6H5Si(0CH2CH20H2CH20H)3 1.4967 1.1115 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 5 Experimental Part For the reactions of esterification (we) took pure alkyl taryl)triethoxysiiane and dry glycol. Pre aration of Meth ltris- ox ethox -silane. In a flask were placed 4.01 z. 0.34 mol f ethylene glycol and through a dropping funnel there was intVoduced with heating and intensive stirring, 20.1 g. (0.113 mol) of methyltriethoxysilane. There was forked at first an emulsion with distillation of by-product alcohol. The temperature was maintained for four hours at 1750 C. After this, 13.15 g. of alcohol had been collected (85.2% of theory). The main product of the reaction Was vacuum distilled at 5 mm. and 10001200 C. The product of the reaction was a viscous colorless liquid,. n20 1.4515,d22 1.1980. MR 50.96; Calculated MR 61.168. Analysisl-Found % OH 22.16, 22.73; Si 12.95, 12.65; Mol. Wt. 227. C H/E306Si Calculated, %; OH 22.5; Si 12.4; Mol. Wt. 226.30 By similar methods (rhe other) organoglyzoxysilanes were synthesized and identified (Table 2). Condensation of Phen itris- to-ox buto -silane. 12.1 g. (0.0325 mol) of phenyltris-(oxybutoxy)-silane was condensed by heating two hours at a temperature of2Q0? C. in a vacum of 2 mm. TOA yield was 4.02 g. (0.0446 mol) of 1,4-butanediol, ric13 1.4458, (11 1.0106, m.r. 23.76; calculated 23.6, The product of the reaction, a transparent, light-yellow hard polymer, was insoluble in most organic solvents. Condensation of Meth Itris-(diehYleneglycoxy)=pilane and the DIME-1 Ester of Tere thaIic Acid. In a reaction flask, 8.4 g. 0.03 mol of methyltris- diethyleneglycoxy)-silane and 6.82 g. (0.0422 mol) of dimethyl' t6rephthalate were mixed and the reaction mass stirred at 250? C. for one hour. The yield was 1.46 g. (0.0456 mol) of methanol (72% of theory) and a reaction mass of yellow-brown material (which was) heated to fusion. A test of its solubility showed that the product of the reaction was soluble in a mixture of alcohol and toluene. Subsequent vacuum distillation of the reaction product for two hours at 1500-2000 C. and 2 mm. brought out the desired polymer, insoluble in organic solvents. _ Condensation of Phen-itris-(dieth iene leux -silane and Dimetjrl Tere hthalate. This was accomplished by a method analogous to the above. For the condensation, 5.85 g. (0.0139 mol) of phenyltris-(diethyleneglycoxy)-silane and 4.05 g. (0.0244 mol) of dimethyl terephthalate were taken, yield 0.8 g. (0.025 mol) of methanol (60% of theogy). ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 The product of thereaction..was a.light,yellow, hard polymer. andenstion.of Methyltris7' -oxyethoxyJsilane with Tolylene Diisoc-anate, There were mixed 416.g 0.0051.mol of methyltris- -oxyet oxy ,silane and 12:.g.-(0.007,mol) of. tolyiene d isocyanate; then the temperature-was raised.from;180 to-400:C.- At the beginning the mixture-formed-an-eMU1SiOn. which disappeared-after five minutes. The transparent liquid mass was poured out ontp a plate and left to harden by drying at room.temperature'for 20 hours, then placed in an oven and dried for six hours at 1500 C. The reaction.produpt was a hard transparent polymer._ Found, .%: N 9.18,9.16. -Calculated, %: N 8.62. ,The condensations of other (related) organoglycoxysilanes with tolyiene diisocyanate were carried out by the same method (Table 3). Table 3 Characteristics of Organoglycoxysilanes, Condensed with Tolylene Diisocyanate (analyIical data omitted) Initial Reactants Ambunt Taken for the Reaction mol - Ethyltris-(-oxyethoxy)-silane? 1.07 0.0045 Tolylene Dilsocyanate 1.28 . _ _ 0.0074 Phenyitris-oxyethoxy)-silane 107 ' 0.0037 Tolylene Diisocyanate 1.02 0,006 Ethyltris-(diethyleneglycoxy)-silane 1.13 0.003 Tolylene Diisocyanate 0.84 0.0048 Phenyltris-(diethyleneglocoxy)-silane 1:18 0.0028 Tolylene Dlisocyanate . 0177 0.0044 Phenyltris-(-oxybutoxy)-silane 1.17 0.0031 Tolylene Diisocyanate 0.86 0.0049 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 4 I, ? 4 ' f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0 - 7 - ? Summary . 1. The reaction of methyl-, ethyl- and phenyitriethOxSriiiane with glycols serves to synrhesize the, following: methyl-, ethyl- and pheny1tris-(0-oxyethoxy)-silane, ethyl-1 andphenyitris- (diethyleneglycoky)-silane and phenyltris-(b-oxybutoxy)-silane from which were prepared polycondensation pfoducts(Polymers). ?2. The: condensation of synthetic organoglycoxysilanes with the dimethyl ester of terephthalic acid, (with) toiyiene diisocyanate aef!ve as the source of other polymers: . Literature 1. M.M.Sprung, S.. Org. Chem., 26 (to. 1) 58 (1958) 2. Si?. Heterolinear High MolecTilr (Weight) Compounds, "Science", 18 (1964) STAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003900610001-0