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Prof. Vassil Peevski
The geodesic works in Bulgaria date only since 85 years.Du-
ring the war for liberation of Bulgaria in 1877 - 1878 Russian to-
pographs made a topographic survey of our country on the scale of
1 42 000 and Russian geodesists lay a triangulation with .a total
of 1274 points. The triangulation points were stabilized only by
bottles and the measurements were hardly precise enough, due to
which this triangulation could not be used for further needs.
After the liberation of Bulgaria the development of the geo-
desic works starts in two directions: - 1) To meet the demands of
the Bulgarian army and 2) To meet the demands of the national eco-
At the beginning the Bulgarian army uses Russian maps.About
the year 1897 the Topographic Department by the General Staff of
the Army, created several years ago, proceeds to make the first
Bulgarian topographic map on the scale of 1 : 40 000. The Russian
map 1 : 105 000 is used for the purpose, the sagens being turned
into meters not only for the different elevations, but for the ho-
rizontals also, the names are turned into Bulgarian, etc.
After the year 1901, when the Topograpalc Department was re-
named into Hilitarjr Cartographic Institute is put the beginning of
the creation and issue of a five-coloured map of Bulgaria 1 : 50000,
for whose basis are used Russian maps once again.
Both maps 1 : 40 000 and 1 50 000 are left unfinished be-
cause of the wars 1912-1913 and 1915-1918.
In the year 1921 the State Geographic Institute (the new name
given to the Military Cartographic Institute) starts with the lay-
ing of the first-class triangulation of Bulgaria Which encloses,
together with the points laid down in Dobroudja later on, a total
of 93 points. They are stabilized well with Mo subterranean and
one surface centers and a constructed concrete pillar. The average
length of the sides is 40 - 50 km. The measuring of the angles is
done according to the method of Shralber with a weight 12. The ave-
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- 2 -
rage mistake of the formula of Ferero ammounts to - 0.490". Four
basis have been measured with lengthg from 6.5 to 13.5 km, where a
relative, exactness of over -1 : 2 500 000 has been achieved. Astro-
nomic measurings of 19 points have been done. The levelling is
done by the method of Boltz, and for the plepose 159 conditional
equations have been formed and solved. Average mistake of direction
after the levelling is 0.426".
For a referent elipsoid was taken the elipsoid of Heiford
and for a projection the conform Gauss-KrUger in two stripes '(24
and 27) and a coefficient of reduction' 0.9999.
The first-class triangulation was finally finished in the
year 1930. Parallel to it was being laid the second-class triangu-
lation, which encloses a total of 275 points with a distance of
20 - 30 km from one another. The stabilization of the second-class
points is the same. Measuring of the anglesqwas done by the method
of Shraiber with weight 6. Levelling was done by a mediocre method
in different groups of points.
The laying of the third-class triangulation was begun in the
year 1929. In order to be achieved the necessary denseness, it was
laid in three stages. The stabilization of the points was simplio.
tied - it was done without a concrete pillar. The measuring of the
angles was done_by the guriss method - in 4,6 or 8 gurisses. The
third-class triangulation encloses a total of more than 6000 points,
lying 3 - 3 km from. one another.
The State Geographic Institute began in the year 1924 the
creation of a precise levelling. The first-Class levelling con-
misted of 21 polygons with a total length of 4500 km, while the
second-class one enclosed over 100 levelling lines.
In 1930 the State Geographic Institute started the new topo-
graphic survey 1 t 25 000. In the beginning ground photographing
found a wide application, as well as the single-imaged air photo-
gramotry, and later *nth* sir,stereophetogranetry as well.
While the State geographic Institute was working to meet the
dmillasida cof the Army only, far the, needs or the natlional **enemy.
were eraated many services, working indepantently from One, another.
This, of course, led in many cases to a real chaos. VerroTten
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triangular points were laid one next to other, the same regions
were surveyed several times, etc,
The more important services, doing geodesic works were: De-
partment of Waters, Ministry of Public Buildings, Roads and Public
Works of the inhabited places, Direction of Forests, Ministry of
the surface
were wasted
our country
and others. In general, up to 1944 more than 1/3 of
of Bulgaria was large-scale surveyed. Enormous means
on these surveys, most of which are with doubtful qua-
the establishment of the people's democratic rule in
In the year 1944, the geodesic works had to be put in
order. In the year 1948 was created the "Organization for Geodesic
Survey" which was charged with the carrying out of almost all large-
scale surveys. However, radical solution was achieved in 1951 when
"Main Direction for Geodesy and Cartography" was created.
The Main Direction was charged with the management, control
and carrying out of all geodesic works for the demands of the na-
tional economy, creation and issue of all kinds of maps,4production
of geodesic, appliances and others.
Attached to the Main Direction were created the following
sections: Designer's Organisation "Geoplanproject" with a seat in
Sofia and 6 branches in the province, Designer's organisation
"Cartproject", Map Factory and the Enterprise for geodesic applian-
The Main Direction and its sections carried out an enormous
work in meeting the demands of the socialist construction in our
country spread out in unseen dimensions. Cartography developed
further on, production of geodesic instruments was begun. At the
moment a large-scale survey 1 : 5000 of the whole territory of Bul-
garia is carried out.
Considerable sucsses were also achieved by the Military Topo-
graphic Service, follower of the Military-geographic Institute. It
finished definitively the topographic map 1 : 25 000. Our state
triangulation was considerably improved, it was passed over to the
elipsoid of Krasovski, etc.
Since 1944. wide perspectives for work opened before the BU/-
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garian geodesists,I
i,J c
arq charged with ever ?more important ax4 ro.a.pcuoible,
;.- -
The Bulgarian geodesits work with all their strength, with
enthusiasm and real self-denial for the building up of socialist
Bulgaria, for the prosperity of the Bulgarian people,
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Geodiitische Geriiie
und aerophotogrammetrische
Aufnahme? und
zur losung oiler
VEB Carl Zeiss lENA
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ia =P. es pi
iJ Cl =
Surveyors all over the world have cut
costs radically with AGA Geodimeter instru-
ments, saving as many 150 manhours per
measurement. It's easy to calculate what this
means in actual money.
Proven accuracy and reliability
Backed by more than 15 years of field experience on six continents,
AGA Geodimeter instruments produce accuratte, rellabre results in wi-
dely varying climates and under all kinds, of conditions: in city traffic,
across water and In rugged terraipai
AGA GEODIMETER ? surveying with the
speed of light
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CIA-RDP80-00247A003000220001 2 "
of photogrammetric progress ?
components of a range of equipment comprising
120 valuable photogrammetric instruments:
C 8 ST EREOPLANIGRAPH Universal Plotting Maschine.
permitting direct plotting of 12" and 24"
focal lengths; standart equipment
Including printing counter;
Punch-card controlled COORD1MAT
with printing head;
PSK Stereocomarator,
the comparator without air-conditioning
SEG V Rectifier
with vanishing-point control;
RMK Aerial Survey Cameras
with A-characteristics;
AR Reseau Cameras
of r and 12" focal length;
NT 1 Navigaion Telescope
giving 85? allround vision;
S 2c Statoscope
with central pick-up;
Topographic Plotter STEREOTOPE,
independent of focal length..
AEROTOPO Instrumente-Vertrieb
Cmb H 7082 Oberkochen/Wartt.?BRD
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?...J L. N.J LY L. I I I....
Ex port
Hungarian trading company for instruments
Letters: Budapest 62. P. 0. B. 202
Telegrams: instrument Budapest.
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