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anv-i H Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ;RMAT ION REP 0 MA I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the 18, U.S.C. Semi. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person -F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY Bulgaria REPORT SUBJECT 1. The 13th Sliven at DATE DISTR. 16 July 1964 50X1 HUM 50X1-HUM Tank BAgade 2. The 12th Armored Brigade NO. PAGES 1 ?at Sliven REFERENCES 50X1-HUMi 5 4 3 2 1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. the following unedited reports: a. A:15-page report on the 13th tank brigade in .Sliven. b. A legend and sketch of the barracks area of the 12th armored brigade at Sliven. Distribution of attachment: Department of the Army: Retention NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE X I DIA X I ARMY #XI NAVY X I AIR X NSA X I AID 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification V. 4 2 50X1-HUM (Note: Field distribution indicatecibY74.'):) 0 Xl-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 NO FOREIGN SUBJECT 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM s The XIII1th taCkbri ade (TANZOVA BRIOADA) with .0240 N, 2619 E in SLIM, 50X1-HUM 1 - The XIII'th tank brigade, subordinated to the 6. Army is located in the barracks, which is at a distance of about 500 m, on the east of SLIVEN train-station, on the south of the road from SUVA to BURGAZ, on the north of the rail-toad from.SLIVEN to BUROAZ, and on the south- east of SLIVEN. . On the west Of this barracks area, where this ,brigade is located, there are two more barracks very near each other. These three barracks are located in such a way that, the one, where this tank brigade is, is located on the east of the other two barracks in this area. 50X1-HUM In 1961. battalion (school) of this tank brigade 2654 E). the training had moved to KOLAROFGRAT (4316n, 50X1-HUM In the barracks area, where this tank brigade was located, andespeoially in front of the buildings, which were used as a repair-shop, 50X1-HUM eaw some tanks. In 1960 the railroad pissed just beside? the barbed-wire line, forming the south of this barracks area. In 190; making a curve, the railroad passed from a farther distance from this barbed-wire, andin some places there was even a distance of 500 m. between this barbed-wire and the railraod. this change waemade in pasiage of the railroad 50X1-HUM because of the stavEn train-station, which was constructed recently. NO. tslow' taw aget Irma sztoatIc OlwitgradIns, sett feclassIfIcation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ?? - 2 - s 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM brigade, which was 50X1-HUM had &deigned to the , 50X1-HUM 2 - Formation tank the XIII1th formed long asp, is subordinated to the ,rd Army. This brigode to one of the units, Bulgaria command rlf WARSAW Pact: ? the XIII1th tank brigade 50X1-HUM commander to Lieutenant Colonel OOTSDF. The units,- subordinated to thie brigade 1) Tank units a 1. Battalion II. Battalion III. Battalion Major. The formation.of the% A apinnaliona is just the same, and each tank battalion has a different anima Subordinated to thin barracks, there are 3 tank Companies, and onereconnaissance squad. In one of the tank ccmpanies, there are automatio-gune. For this reason this company was named as an artillery company. Both the tank cpmpanies, and this automatic - gunners company divide into three squade. In eaoh squad, there are 10 tanks: Including the tank, which belongs to the company commander, there are' 31 tanks, in one tank company. ? Itt in located in SLIM, end ite commander is a Major. /tio located in bL/11131, and ita commandcr is a Major. I It is located in SLIVEN, a nd its commander in a .4 In each reconnaissance squad, in the_tank?battalions, there are -4 tanks/ in One tank battalion there are 66 tanks - and 31 automatic-guns. 2) Training battalion (tank school) Between 195811960 the commander of this battalion wale Major BLTOF, and till 1960 it wan locnted in SLIVER. it wan roved to KOLARDFORAT in 1961. The training battalion consist? Of 9 meibpaniese In 8 of the companies the recruit soldiers are subjected to training. And in the 9th company the senior-privates, hopping in the training of the recruit-privates, were subjected to training: In Cie training battalion, the period of training in for 11'monthe. 3) Maintenanne company, in short, R.T.O. (REMOINTNA T EHO/CESFO OB(LUJVANE -Repairing and technical maintenance) : .Till 1960, the commander of thin company was Captain, KARAO0Fi and thin company was located in slam In %lily, 1963. 50X1-HUM it is still in SLIVER. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM In general this company divides into two Tank repairing and maintenance $ Thin coneiete of three squads. If, NO 50X1-HUM L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16 CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Etind r311 Thie ?orttottw??quads. On the other hand subordinated to thee part, there are technical mesees -too. These are ceneidered ae different messes, they have different work-shape. ;hese are ea follow. The sees, or work-shop, repairing the t e aeuring .devicee. ? oor vice t Hen e there are some platforms, which are used to carry int the ke on the platform. ?trio _technician? These people are in charg?Ot repetrin gurrers and fl.tttre ?Orilere I Work- Undel, , and an 3 4) me because t pumps, and all ouch OM craneep other vehicles with nks, and bridge-like devices to ' he oleo na 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM let 07. tton, there are blacksmith, oxygen, electric welding ther work-shop, where they sewed covers from canvas. tat ton there a on businesses. the traritPOrta neunic4Jon qun flIrt hava.nr thf?ratton about this nit. rivers, and the trucks, need in 7) Recormaisas_ In this titithligny, there are have motor-cycles, and Jed*** me -e-privat who ? ft) pupply_ spina& _ There are no officern in this squad. The supply (1000 were under the comand of the o.ntar rgeant-srsajores' 10)Infirals, titri-thi-iii?ire,2 otticcre, and one tofticer on duty NO FOR 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ? 4 ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM - 11) Gun repair-shop : - Here guns were repaired, and four senior eurgeant-majore were 50X1-HUM working? some howitzer gum; were repairedhere. 50X1-HUM Under the command of this repair-shop, there were made a field-Pepair-shop? were tvotrucke, which all of theee units, subordinated to the XII/ ith 50X1-HUM 1961 the training 50X1-HUM brigade are located in SLIVER. in battalion had moved to KOLARDFG;RAT. Outeide SLIM near TOPOLCARS village, (42,9 N,2626 8) there to a howitzer gunners-unit, which is also possibly subordinated to this tank brigade. Because, some of the trucks from the transportation company, subordinated to t he 2XIIIIth tank trigade, were sent to thie unit, and also eame.guns and gun-carriers were sent to the brigade, in order to be repaired in the work-shops there. This howitzer artillery-unit to located in KAOATUTE region, at a distance of 2 km, on the west of TOPOLOM vil1age.- 50X1-HUM 3 - Force : Tri?Can power e =ceps, tne 3untor-orz3ver6, and orrioers, the approximate number of the privates in the units, subordinated to the XIIIith tank brigade is as follows s In the Ord tank battalion ? ? ? Training ?: 825 ? a Maintenance company 20 a 11 Transportation " : 100 - Communication 100 . Reconnaissance I/ s 50 a ? M 4 Military engineering e 50 f% Communication mess 10 a ? - Supply squad s 10 ? I Infirmary $ 1 1200 privates TOTAL Tho personnel of the howitzer village is not included in this amount. a a a a a U 50X1-HUM 2366 11- artillery-unit, near TOPPOLCANE .FC REIGN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 - 5 - 50X1 -HUM Following in the approximate number of officera in this brigade $ In the XIII'th brigade headquarters * *. 'rd. Tank battalion 2 ? Training Battalion ? utaintenance company a ? Transportation ? 0 n Communication " a II ROCOnnaigiaelln0a 4 is ?flilitary engineering company 0 4 Comunication mesa ? 0 supply squad 0 . II is Infirnary Gun repair-nhop the officers, and junior- Officer* Junior-officer? 11 60 25 4 3 4 Y 3 - - 3 4 4 25 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL The duties of the officers, in the headquarters $ 1 brigade oomnander 2 0 0 political asaistant 1 ? regulations assistant 1 ? teohnioal ansiatant 1 communication officer 1 D.K.M.S. (Y outh Organisation) officer 1 (security offioer, called EinT8 1 headquarters commander 1 Archives chief ((secret) lchief of bultural buninessea 1 chief of munitions (supplies) The officers in the tank battalion s There are 5 of/leers in each tank company. These aro, the commander of the company, company commander technical jobs assiattInt? and 3 (squad officers. In the reconnaissance.squad, subordinated to the tank battalion, there in only 1 officer. Including the battalion cormander, political, and the technical assistant(' of the battalion commander, there are 20 officers in a tank battalion. . 2) Rifles s (Wea na) a) Tanka of T 4-100 t so s there were about 210 tanks under the command of thin brigade. These tanks are active during a war too. b) Tanke of T/3445 type . These were used in the training battalion, and there were 10 of these tanka used for training. Also in the X/IIIth tank brigade barrack? area, there were 40 more of these tankes kept an reaerve, which were repaired. ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ? company, - 6 - 50X1-HUM c) Automatlerune of CAU-l00 type : there are about 90-93 of these automatic guns. d) Light machine-guns of DIKTMOF (D.P.) type .These were mounted on the motor-cycles of the ?reconnaissance and there are about 10 of them. e) Automatic infantry-rifles of KALASNIKOF (AN) type Except the tank drivers, every private h3d oneof these rifles. f) Automatic-rifles of SPAGLH (PPSH) type s- The senior-privates, who were the mess commanders in the training battalion, were armed with such rifles. g) The old Austrian infantry-rifles of MALIOHER type : They gave this kind of rifles to the privates in the training battalion. h) Pistols of TOKARSV a* M 1933 (TT) type $ The tart drivers and the officers were armed with such pistols. 50X1-HUM ? 3), Transportation means, and Military enrineering and oommunication vehictie 8 A) Two tanks of T/34 type, having no arms, and used in pulling the defected tanks from one place to another $ There were two of these tanks and they belonged to the life-saving section of the mmatntenance company, subordinated to the briga de. They were used tor saving the tanks, which were defected in some place. They carried steel ropes, in order to Pull the tanks with the pulley system. b) The Platform, used for delivering thetanks from one place . 50X1-HUM toS another: In the summer of 1960, these were brought to the Prigs:di The platform consists of a must:ice, mounted on 16 wheels. It wan eing said that they were made in Brlgaria, and that the wheels were plane wheels. A platform could hold one tank at a time, however'in the trials made, the tires could not stand the weight of the tank and they crectked. For this reason this platform was not used. c) Tractor of 640 type In the summer months of 1960, when the platform, for pulling the tanks was brought to the brigade, also a TS-80 type of &mien made tractor, for pulling this 2latform, was brought to the brigade from the drivers school in LOVEO. Later, when they figured out that they would not be able to use the platform, they began to use this tractor for pulling 'the defected tanks. ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for, Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 - 7 . 50X1-HUN .? r-? .? ? d) A portable bridge counted on the tank of T/54 type t This facility belonged to the military engineering unit. The height of the bridge is availible for one tank to pans. e) Tractor of D.T.-54 type In 1958, thie vehicle belonged to the military engineering company, and in the spring of 1960 it was given to the maintenance company, but it was not used. f) A portable crane, mounted on the truck marked ZIS s This crane belonged to the maintenance company, and they took out the motors of the tanks, which needed repair, by the help of this crane. this crane was a Bulgarian made one. g) A/BIEWOunted on the truck marked. either MAZ or YAAZ (Thin Inanity was poseibly of K-104 type) Thin orane wan also given to. the maintenance, company. With this crane, which could hold 21 tons, they could raise the tank towere. They could aleo use this portable crane in pulling the tanks, which were struck in the mud, to a emooth land. 501-HUM Company. h) Two fuel tankers, of VLW-111 type I (Czechoslovak made) . Two of theee facilities were given to the transportation i) The care which could both in the water and on land The military engineering company, 'subordinated to the brigade had three of these cars. NO of these were smaller and the third was larger. they were Russian made, but ans.t estimate their type:: now. . j) Trucks s - These were under the command of the transportation company. there were about 50 of these trucks, and also there wan one more under the command of the repair-shdp. This truck in of CAZ-65 type. 50X1-HUM In the transportation company there were trucks of ZID-150 TATRA (2), PORT - 6 (they were old ones, and there were about 2-350X1-HUM of them), and OPELBLIZ (10) typed. k) Ambulances There were two of them. One of them consieted of a wooden coach-worR mounted on ant OPELBLIZ truck, and the other wee a new one, poseibly of either PAZ-65-3 or A8-3 type. These were under the comand of the infirmary. 1) ,Jeeps s They are of 04-69 type, and they were called UAZ. There were three of them under the command of the communication mess, subordinated to the brigade. It is 'leo poeeible that the reconnaissance company had some of these jeeps too. FM(1 I-II IRA 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/16 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ? . m) Motor -cycles Theee'are of 14-72 type, having baskets. there 50X1-HUM wore about 10 of these motor-cycles only in the reconnaiesance company. There is also an old motor-cycle, marked MAI., which was given to the command of the security officer in the brigade headquarters. n) Portable repair-shops s - There were 5 portable repair-chops of the brigade. These consisted of a closed coabh-work, mounted onZIL trucks. In two of these, there wereeven lathes. Three of these five trucks, which were in the form of a portable repair-shop, belonged to the tank repair-chop, and the other .two belonred to the automobile repair-chop sections. These portable repair-shops can be available for repairing al/ kinds of defects in the tanks and the cars. Also, under the ?Demand of the weapon repair-shop, there .are tWo more of these trucks, put An the form of a portable repair-chop. o) Automobile, L. 50X1-HUM It belonged to the brigade commander. The coaoh,work. of this car is much highter, as compared with the ordinary care. p) Carriages s. Brigade has a few carriages, used in supply or such cimilar services,: . 8 = 50X1-HUM 0 Portable radto, and wireless devices s In all the tanks, and the jeepo, which belonged to the 50X1-HUM reconnaissance and oomounication units, there are receiving and trasmitting radio devices: There are portable radio wireless devices in two more trucks, having closed coach-work, which belong to the brigade. Those are devices having a higher capacity. There are about 40 new tanks of T-54 typeo.which are kept in a shed on the north of the rood to BUROAZ, which pieces from the north section of the barracks area, where this brigade to located. In front ofAhie shed some-carriages are put, in order to prevent the tanks from being seen fromithe road. These are the tanks inroserve Some privates of 50X1-HUM the brigade are ropponsible ferprotecting those tanks. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 4.- Training The young men taken to this brigade, are first made to join' in the training battalion, and after being subjected to a training in this .battalion for 11 months, they are divided into the army units of the brigade. The ones, taken, to the training battalion are divided into eight sections, and each private is givena pair of winter treusers, having . narrow lower part, a patr of boots, cloak, cap, bandolier, 2 sets of under garments, and two pieces of cloth, to wrap around the felt. They are also given beds, which are in the form of two bunks, put one above eaohother. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 I - 9 _ ? bUAl -HUM ? Each private has a separate bed, which is filled With straw, a,pillow, and instead of a quilt a large blanket. In case of a mobilization, the private takes a small blanket with him. In one monthe, after the privates begin the training, each of them is given an infantry-rifle, of MAL/WHER type. ? Then the lessons begin. During the training, the subjects, whioh will be taught to them are given in separate leeeons, and according to a program, no the private?, in .the training company have a school life. The daily program is as follows I Rre. 03.3o Waking up, and gymnaetice ? 06.00 Putting the bed in order, and cleaning 06.30 Getting together, and a control made by the surgeant O 07.00 Breakfak O 08.00 Getting together, morning control made by the officer, and distribution of dutiee. ? 08.30 Lessons begin 12.30 End of the lessons, and lunch ? ? 13.30 Rept after the lunch ? 15.30 Getting together, control made by the officer, and diotribution of duties. O 16.00 Leasons begin ? 18.00. End of the leosons, and free hour. 19.00 Supper ? ? 20.00 Rept after the supper ? 21.30 Getting togerher and evening control 22.00 Going to bed. 50X1-HUM lesson? till Saturday noon, and spent Saturday 50X1-HUM afternoon cleaning the olase-roome,-and didn't have any lessons on 50X1-HUM Sundays. In order,lo help the private? to understand their lessons easier, there is a unit, called the 9th company, subordinated to the training battalion, and the eenior-privatee in thin company help the recruit-privates in giving them the practical knowledge about the tanks and parte of the tank?. Each company, subordinated to the training battalion, wan divided into 3 battalion and each battalion divided into 3 mesees. The commandere of the messes ,were senior-privates. The practical and theoretical eubjents given to thin training , ;battalion 1)-Olose order drill This was applied in everyopportunity. Thin was eopecially- giVen an importande previously, and it wan applied to each moos separately. biter they began to apply the trainlng.to equada, sometimea even a company was subjected to thin training as * whole. Generally, this subject wan ? given by the commanders of the meeses and equade. ??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/16 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 50X1-HUM 2) Gymnastics Each morning thio was applied practically. luring thio lesson, besides the physical exerviees on the ground, they also had some exercises with some tools everyday, and it was given by the commander of tha dquad.. 3) Political training e, theoretical. lesson 4 times a weak. There was a special book for this subject, which contained taMO parte about the Government Administration, Constitution in Bulgaria, the Administration of the other cooialiat countries, the aid made to Bulgaria by the Ooviet Union, the industrial attempts Bulgaria had made, the easy circumstances in the mai:diet countries, and the poverty in the capitalist countries.. This subject was also taught by the commander of the squad. 4) Regulations. : In this lesson, the regulations of the armed and -tank units, and the internal service regulations were taught theoretically. 50X1-HUM thie subject twice a week, and it was given by the commander of the squad. 5) Tactical knowledge e_ In this lesson, both theoretically and practically they taught the attacking and defending tactics of the infantry, mess and the squad on the field. In this lesson, the training was done in two different parts. They gave more general knowledge to the ones, who would be a tank driver, and a wider information concerning the attacking and defending tactics by a tank, was given to the privates, who would be the tank commander. For this reason, the once, who would be a driver, had this subject twice a week While the tank commanders had the extra lessons, some technical knowledge was given to the tank drivers. This subject was also given by the squad commanders. . 6) Shooting training, and weapon knowledge : In this lesson, both theoretically and practically, they taught how to use a pistol of TTT type, an infantry-rifle of MALIBBER type, 50X1-HUM an automatic-rifle of KALASEIKOF type, a light machine-gunm of DIKTERTUF . type, and gave some information about the parts of the weapons. During the training shooting practice for four 50X1-HUM timeeS Twice with the KAMM rifle, onoe with the pistol, and once with the automatic-gun. 7) Defence of Atomic, Biological, and Chemical War s In this lesson, mane taught the ways of using the 741470ata.16 6.X1-HUM ifere 1n case of an atomic, or chemical war. As a of defe23c6 ffe a private had a gas-mask, pelerine, socks, and gloves. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ? 11 50X1-HUM This 0440. e le made of such Me riga which ie eimilar paper,to and it is thrown away after being uced for once. This le put in the box of the gas-madk. The oeko and glovee are made up of suoha !notarial, which is mixed with rubber. During the explosion of an atom bomb, the'private has to I*0 down, and he hoe to get up after some time. While he Ites down, he also he? to close his eyes with hie hands. In this lesson .the practise wee also made, taking the privates to a room, full of poisonous gee, and after ling them to wear their gas-maika, to- etay there for some time. 8) Specialisation tratningl , A great importance 141110 gtven to thte subject. Everyday: outside the other lessons, all the free houre were taken for thie lesson. During the leseon, we Were given knowledge both theoretical and practicaly about tb.. tanks, parte of the tanks, motors' electrical devicee, geor bootee, and weapone. ,Por this laeson, eeperaim roome were given to the , coMr,and of the training battalion. Several parte of the tanks were kept in these room*, and the privatee were taught everything procticaly. Thit subject wee divided into several parte, 8124 eaOh part wee taught in a different room- 1 14) The side part of 4 tank of T/54 type. Knowledge about the tank is given to the privates, and showing- him on ths tank, they plain him where this part ie and for hat it is used. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM tn 1 b) A different room, where the electrical devices, and one of 4 tank to shown to the private , and knowledge given about them. o) In this roam, knowledge about the motor of a tank, T/34 tips) is given to the private0. d) Here the privates are given information only about the -box of stank. 0) Tank_weapons 2 , Here the weapons on a tank, ogoh as a, gun or a machine-gun were ahown to the Privates, and tau ht to them. f h .0e?y the privat 0 who would be assigned to the Units, having T/32) tpOke were taught. This Section to kept very eleoret, and they en don't give the notes, concerned with the leasone, to the privates. In the evenings they collect thoee notes, and keep them in a cupboard. the wave of toeing the weapons were 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 . ? - 12 - 50X1-HUM The privates, who were subjected to training in this battalion, subordinated to this brigade, were divided to the tank battalions, and they were also sent to YA11130L, KOLAROFGRAT, GRUDOVOr and ELHOVO to the tank unite there. Except SLP1Ert there weren't any tanks of T/54 type in any.other place, and for this reason, the privates weren't given the opportunity to obtain any knowledge about the tanks of T/54 ? which were kept secret? The tank commanders, who graduated from this school had a rank of a eurgeant, and the tank drivers had a rank of a corporal. Usually, the training beran in October or rovember. Six months later, that is in May, they are given an examination, and the ones, who succeed in this examination stay in the school, but the others are sent to the tank units, either as a tank gunner, or to serve in other jobs? reconnaissance, the privates of the communication, and military engineering units, are subjected to training training by their own unite, in the I; 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM pia'., where that unit is locatedY 5 - officers in the.XIII'th Tank Brigade $ Brigade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel T9DTSOF 50X1-HUM Briffede Headquarters Coarander, Lieutenant Colonel NIKOLOFt 50X1-HUM Brigade Commander, Technical Assistant Lieutenant Colonel KUT3IDICOF 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ? ft. - Trainin battalion Commander Ma or BETOF 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Training battalion Raitioal Commander Ansiatant, Captain JEKOF I . Training battalion 6th Ooopan7 Oorzrnder Captain 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Maintenance. and revelments Company Com-aro:1er, Captain KAMOOF 50X1-HUM Maintenance, and repairmenta Company, eleotricel device? and inatallatione ohief, Firot Lieutenanti_ALYAZOF 50X1-HUM Brigade electrical works and devices commander, major perRump5OX1-HUM Brigade VehiolLueolCon:402mL1121921.11102.2_ 50X1-HUM L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 50X1-HUM ' ? ' 6 - Fuel and ammunition depots There is a small fuel depot in the battacke area, where the brigade to located. The fuel for this depot was taken by the tankers of the brigade from the fuel depot of the 3rd Army, which is located 4 on the east of the barracks area of this brigade. in the fuel depot of the 3rd Army then- was sufficient fuel stock to blow up whole SLIVER. The cisternshere are under the ground. Nothing is seen above the ground. Before 1944, this was used as a fuel depot too. . The ammunition depot of the brigade is located on the east of SLIVER, on the math of the road to BUROAZ, on the south of the road from ROVSSELO village to ICBM village, on the hills, on the west of SOTIETA village (4241 N 2624 8). There are both underground and above-ground depot here. The above-ground depots are small and look like houses, and there are about 5-6 of them/ The fuel depot area of the 3rd Army is surrounded by two lines of wire. The protection of this area to given to the unite, subornidated to SLI'TO garrison. Sometimes, aome guards from the brigade were also sent for the protection of this area. the ammunition depot was also surrounded by two lines of wire, and that it was protected by the guards, sent from the brigade. there is another ammunitiOn depot of the brigade, and it is located in the district, called. YABILEATA. This place is located on t hill, on the west of a land, full of vineyards and gardens, at a small distance from OITOVO village (4235N 26110, on the south- west of SLIVER. The obeerliation-towera of this area are seen when looked at*thia place from SLIVER-CI NOVO village road. 7 - The reserve weapons of the brigade 1) Tanks of T/34 type 40 tanks- of this type, which are repaired, are kept as reserve in the barracks area of this brigade. They call these, (NEPRIEOSROVERZAPAS) - reserves which will not be used. 2) the north of to callflage front of the Tanks of T/34 type m There are about 40 tank? of this type, kept in a shed, on SHOW road, and on the north of the barracks area. In order these tanks, there are some old carriages, put in rows, in open side of the shed. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1=HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 A In thebarracks whore thty made the shootin JLLYAZOF made some target, barracks 14ette Vhen some bu by the machine-guns on the tanks t The tanks were placed the tank rved on these surfaces, Was e?ter to shoot the moving tar brigade, there is a s t -riflee, Zn 1960, First Li lectric current, in the shed these began to move, privates shot them. facee, made of *e shaked sacehou too, so tank on this surface. 50X1 -HUM ? The practic ot shooting d.ctr1ote called either, 8flY XAMIX of SLIM. Heft the ehoottnge were made yor sisnoeurin S.TEAA village (42,6N 2 which is parallel to the ma were made inthio district. The brigade .does Both dal- the summer and ? 9 - Attached herewit buiZdtngs in the barracks: brigade 60te and they si7tv to nunakt. ueue gun moan made- in the AR, on the north st the north direct n. rent to & plate near re foilowing the path, shooting practices Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ;11.`r JUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A0007005400u1-31 Legend of the sketch of the barracks where the 12th Armored Brigade is stationed in Blivan? 1. principal, entrance. ? 2. K.P.P. (pronounced uNroae) poet for checking entries and elite. 3. Barber .4." Dormitory of the training battalionand Hdq:unit;e end Hdq. of the brigade. 5. Exerciaing place of the Miguel corps. 6. Battery charging dept. 7, Garage for the vehicles of the liaison (squad. S. Garage for the vehicles of the signal corps,' engineering and reconnaissance companies. 9. Cara for tanks. 10. Canteen 11. Fuel oil depot og the Vehicles. 12. Poison-gas chalber. . 13. Offices of the war battalions. 14. Dormitory of the war battalions. 13. , latrines. 16. Ammunition store. 17. Various depot.. 18. infirmary. , 19. Laundry 20. Exit gate of tanks and trucks. 21. K.T.P. (pronounced Ka-Te-Pe) post for checking the vehicles. Tanks? 22. Storehouse and shed. 23. Depot 24. Depot 25. Tank. garage utilized for training. 26. Places for cleaning the vehicles. 27. . Tank garage kept in reserve. . 28! Tank garage. 29.- Place where oils are warmed up. (In winter the oil, of tanks to go on trips is heated here and the engines are fuelled with way any frost that: say exist it thawed And the engine Ls able to operate more. quickly.) 1, ? 50X1-HU 50X1-HOM MN Exclude0 frorn Mask doingragill. sod ealassiticattou Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 4." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ' w - ? 2 30. Tank garage. . 31. Fnelmoil pumps for the vehicle*. 32. P401-oil depot. ' 33. Grounds for firing at targets inaction. 34. Exit gate used only-in ram of analarn. 35. Repairehop of weapons. 36. Carpentry 37. Spare parts depot. 38. workshops of the maintenance and repairing sections called wrx. 39. Practical training rooms of the training comPenY? 40. Exit.entry control post of the repair and maintenance section. 41. Workshop of the repair and maintenance Section. 42.. Depot 43. Shoe-makers and tailors. 44. Garage of the transport section. 45. Dormitory of the transport section. 46. Canteen 47. Offices of the brigade. 48. Officers lodgings. 49. Openair theatre. 50. Swisidng pool. ? 51. Stadium ? 52. Garage of T/54 tanks kept in reserve. 53. Asserbly grounds. 54. Grcunde where sports instruments are used. 55. Training grounds. . 56. Barracka Of the artillery unit. 57. Fuel-oil depot district of the Sliven garriton. 58. Building store trucks are kept in reserve. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 4." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3 ' w - ? 2 30. Tank garage. . 31. Fnelmoil pumps for the vehicle*. 32. P401-oil depot. ' 33. Grounds for firing at targets inaction. 34. Exit gate used only-in ram of analarn. 35. Repairehop of weapons. 36. Carpentry 37. Spare parts depot. 38. workshops of the maintenance and repairing sections called wrx. 39. Practical training rooms of the training comPenY? 40. Exit.entry control post of the repair and maintenance section. 41. Workshop of the repair and maintenance Section. 42.. Depot 43. Shoe-makers and tailors. 44. Garage of the transport section. 45. Dormitory of the transport section. 46. Canteen 47. Offices of the brigade. 48. Officers lodgings. 49. Openair theatre. 50. Swisidng pool. ? 51. Stadium ? 52. Garage of T/54 tanks kept in reserve. 53. Asserbly grounds. 54. Grcunde where sports instruments are used. 55. Training grounds. . 56. Barracka Of the artillery unit. 57. Fuel-oil depot district of the Sliven garriton. 58. Building store trucks are kept in reserve. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700540001-3