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en- 1 grwi uum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 U U 50X1-HUM CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY SUBJECT 50X1-HUM USSR Additional Data on the Command Control system of the Soviet RSNA-75M (FAN SONG) Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 14 August 1964 9 50X1-HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM APPRAISAL OF CONTENT 50X1-HUM 4 3 2 1 0 5 ? S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading end declassification STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA 1XIX MCI OSI (30 copies) I SAC 50X1-HUM? (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) INFORMATION REPO NFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 ? COUNTRY SUBJECT S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM August 1964 USSR Additional Data on the Command System of the Soviet RSNA-75M -(FAN SONG) Radar 50X1 -HUM 2. Except for the designation of the radar, which has been transliterated in the Subject, above, the Cyrillic designation for all units has been retained. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 , ?.? ? S-i-C-R-F-T 50X1-HUM Control Boards 1. The controls and instruments are concentrated on control boards to permit centralization of such operations as: determining state of readiness of; switching the station and transmitter on and off; setting the combat and monitoring operation modes; giving permission for independent monitoring of the vans; performing functional.monitoring.of'the:video Channel PIM -selecting the proper guidance method; launching the missiles; and returning the coordinate units of the missile and command. generating system to their-original. state. . . - ? . . . 2. Front panels of the 466A,, 064, and 1162M units mounted in the guidance cabinet of the 3A van are used as, control desksw. ? The.following devices are mounted on?the.front_panel-of unit 66A:' the station and transmitter signaling device for the switches, in the form of light registers,and_pilot lights.which indicate the readiness of the Station to be switched on from the remote control unit, and readiness of the station and transmitter. power supply units. Station.loud.7speaking? communication switches and controls. - telephone keys enabling switching the SA van telephone sets.of.gic7 anyvan, power plant and launcher without a switchbdard.- The switch providing for transmission of a. command about preparation of this plant or that number of launchers, preparation;or.readiness of launchers# is indicated on this desk, by the pilot lights. The switch changing over the guidance station transmission.- from the dummy,antenna to the antenna proper. Located on the?front-panel of unit 1464 are the following: devices allowing the station to be changed over to combat operation or to tho centralized monitoring operating mode, and also to change over, some vans to,:the local monitoring operating mode. .Controls and. instruments providing centralized monitoring of the station video channel and control command transmitter,equipment. On. ?the, 4162M unit Iront panel are located: angular and range guidance handwheel,s, launch controls. and ? return' commands applied through three channels of the missile coordinate units and command generating system with. the 'respective signaling. Guidance method selectors. On and off switch buttons for synchronizing the launcher with signaling. The station range and band- selector switch. On and off switches of the transmitter instantaneous automatic gain control with signaling system. Also located on the front panel of unit VI 62M are scales of indicating.selsyns?showing the position of the station and launchers-scan.sector bisector,and. a launcher indication switch.1 Start launcli7 Control.System 3. In the SA van of the PCHA-75M. radar are located on 0/7 control desk and the 141) -A unit of the CA-75M batalIionmissi1e battery /giC7: These .units represent part of the 'launch -control,system.. Tne?antiaircraft guided missile launch control system automatically performs by remote control the preparatory and starting operations. ? F T , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 50X1-HUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 ? S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUN The launch control system provides for: firing missiles from six launchers; maintaining continuous combat readiness of two launchers attached to the missile battery; bringing the missiles mounted on the launchers to launch readiness within two minutes, with simultaneous transition of launchers from loading angle to any angle required for firing at the target;. Launching the missile *ithin not more than two seconds after the launch commartihas been given; transmitting signals to the guidance operator's control desk to provide data on the combat readiness of the missiles and launchers, and readiness of the missile battery control channel for firing; transmitting signals warning the launcher servicing crew, two minutes prior to the launch, about the beginning of preparation of the missile for launch. Station Operating Conditions 4. The main combat operating conditions of the station are as follows: search for and detection of the target; guidance of the scan sector bisector and range gates to the target; target -tracking (manual and automatic); launching and automatic tracking of the missile. 5. To detect targets : at long range the station operates on a repetition frequency of 1250 cps. Under this condition the transmitter triggering pulses of 1250 cps are transmitted from the synchronizer and the receiving channel passbald narrows to 3-4 Mc/s. The scan sector bisector is directed to the target by means of the 2 and p handwheels of the guidance unit (062M). In this operating condition, through a pair of se/syns (transmitting and receiving) operating as a transformer, the handwheel rotation produces an error signal voltage which is processed. by the synchrodrives (0 62M and y165m). The stable speed drive imparting the effort to the output s4ft connected with the receiving selsyn is used as drivesigic7,..Whe tracking drive output shaft carries /giC7 the transmitting selsyns, the rotation angle of which is Yon-owed up by the antenna power synchrodrive. In this case, the antennas are controlled only in position. When the target appears within the station scan sector the target mark should be observed on the guidance indicator scopes. 6. In the guidance operating mode, the indicator vertical marks are locked with the scan sector bisector. Alignment of vertical marks of the guidance indicators (in planesE.and dB) with the .:. middle of the target mark indicates that the scan sector bisector has been guided to the target. The circuit of the target angular coordinate unit servosystem (unit K73) is opened. The integrator Input is grounded via a low value resistor. Voltage fixed value corresponding to the position of the tracking gates in the center of the scan sector is fed from the integrator output. The gates are set precisely in the center of the sector by the . operator of the Pi van, by comparing therposition of the vertical marks from the coordinate units with the position of the S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized dopy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 ? S-E-C-R-E-T vertical marks from the induction antenna transmitter on the manual tracking indicator scakes.n. The induction transmitter pulse corresponds to the middle of the scan sector. Range guidance is by means of handwheel4 of unit 062M. The handwheel is coupled with the potentiometer, the voltage of which is fed to the variable delay circuit of the opened range- tracking system (K71). In this the integrator is grounded via a low value resistor. When matching the horizontal mark with the echo blip the guidance operator, by varying the voltage level, changes the pulse time position, thus guiding the tracking gates to the target. 50X1 -HUN 7. If the, target azimuth is known only approximately, the target is detected by a sector search method-. In this case the-; station scan sector swings in azimuth within an 'angle of 4 200. Also, it, is possible to swing the, center. throughout 360?.? The azimuth synchrodrive (i/163M), in this case, acts the sum of two voltages: mismatching voltage between the guidance transmitting selsyn ( t462M) and the receiving selsyn (/1 63M) and sinusoidally modulated voltage, obtained from, the V162M unit sector search rotating selsyn. 8. In cases where there are no data on the direction from which the target enters the effective range of the radar, a circular search ?method is used. In this case, constant?amplitude?voltage which drives the antenna transmitters and the MA van in a clockwise rotation at a speed of 16 degrees per second, is fed ,to the stable speed drive of unit -063M. 9. After, .the target is.detected and the station scan 'sector bisector is aligned with it, the guidance operator sends. the Command (by pushing the button) to the launchers to synchronize them with the antenna system. When the target comes within the required range, the antenna control is handed overnto the manual .tracking operators who track the target by moving the scan sector, keeping the target mark at the electronic mark nross lines. . When the target comes within closer range) Me guidance operator begins operating at a repetition frequency of 2500 'cps and with the target receiVing channel passband equal to 4.5 - 6 Mc/s. 10. In the manual tracking mode the vertical mark is also .locked with the station scan sector bisector. In this case the summary values of the following two voltages are applied, to the input of, the stable speed drive: the voltage prOpOrtional to the rotation angle of the manual tracking unit handwheel, and that ? proportional to the derivativeof this angle. Such a circuit provides target tracking in speed and in position. The angular coordinate unit operation in the manual track:ing mode does not differ from that in. the guidance operating condition except that the low value resistor coupling the integrator input with the chassis increases in value. When a previous operation mode is changed over to the target range manual tracking operation mode the guidance voltage is no. longer applied to the open tracking system and the 'integrator is disconnected frOM the "ground". The range tracking of the target is carried out in speed and R V er4 R?E?T ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T in position by means of the unit 061 handwheel. The handwheel rotating action is imparted to the potentiometer from which the speed voltage is taken and fed to the error signal amplifier of unit K71. The position voltage is obtained from the same potentiometer and through the capacitor is introduced into the integrator circuit. The operator controls the range pulse position by aligning the manual tracking horizontal mark with the target echa mark (the range sweep scale being 60 km). In case the 5-km sweep scale is set, the operator keeps the target mark between two horizontal marks. 11., Under a condition free from jamming the manual tracking operators may switch to automatic tracking when the vertical mark locks with the center of the echo mark. The manual.tracking operators control the scan sector position in elevation and azimuth so that the vertical mark is aligned with the notched mark on the indicator scope (the notch corresponds to the scan sector bisector). In the automatic tracking mode, the error signal amplifier input of the target angular coordinate unit is disconnected from the "ground" and the tracking system circuit is closed by connecting the integrator to the error signal amplifier output. The center of the tracking gates follows up the target packet center throughout the scanning sector. The position of the gate pulses is controlled by the signal. voltage generated in the discriminator. The magnitude and sense of this voltage are determined by the direction of the misalignment and the value of the enveloping packet center with reference to the center of the gate pulses. When the range target automatic tracking is switched on, the manual tracking handwheel of unit V161 is disconnected from the control circuit by means of the electromagnetic joint. Transmission of the speed voltage to the error signal amplifier input of unit K71 is stopped and the integrator is connected to the error signal amplifier output, thus closing the circuit of the range tracking system. The error signal voltage generated by the discriminator controls the position of the gates. The error signal is proportional to the value of the mismatch between the gate joint and the target video pulse center. If the target elevation is less than 5.50, it is guided and tracked in elevation by the manual tracking operator who'displaces the angular gates with the antenna being fixed. In this case, the vertical mark is obtained from the middle of the raster and aligned with the target echo mar. When the scan sector bisector reaches an ele7ration of 5,5 the pilot switbh cuts out the circuit of the stable speed drive motor winding, thus fixing the position of the elevation antenna. The total value of two voltages is fed to the AC amplifier and then to the phase detector. One of these voltages is proportional to the rotation angle of the manual tracking handwheel and the other to its derivatives (unit M65M). S-E-C-R-E-T "Mi1.1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200660001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 ; 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T 12. The DC signal from the phase detector is fed to the angular ?coordinate unit integrator of the target (K73). From the integrator the voltage is fed to the comparison circuit which generates the pulse characterizing the vertical mark position with respect to the station scan sector. This pulse is fed to the pulse-shaping circuit, which generates the angular gates, the command generating system pulse and the vertical mark triggering pulse. All these pulses are locked with each other. Transition to automatic target tracking is accomplished in a way similar to that in other operating modes. The coordinate unit operation in the automatic tracking mode in the case of a low altitude target does not differ from the operation with an elevation exceeding 5.50. In this case none of the signal from the phase detector of the manual tracking unit is applied to the integrator. When the target pip crosses the center of the indicator scope, it is necessary to depress the low altitude button of 065M unit which bypasses the pilot switch. When the low altitude button is pushed the elevation antenna is controlled by the handwheel 1465M unit (it may also be controlled by handwheel e of unit 062M). After the antenna is disconnected from the pilot switch the vertical mark in the manual tracking operation will be locked to the view sector " bisector. 13. Having handed over the control of the target tracking to the - manual tracking operators the guidance operator sets the switch (ripn) on the unit V32 panel in one of the extreme positions. At this time there appears on indicators E. or, the image of the horizontal mark presented by the unit determining the range. of the impact point (unit U187). If the unit P187 horizontal mark is within the destruction zone the guidance operator may launch the missile of the respective channel. When determining the moment of launch the guidance operator simultaneously selects the method of guiding the missile to the target.' The selected method is set in unit 062M. Prior to launching the missile .by any channel the guidance operator makes sure that the ? launcher is synchronized (light register "synchronize" should be on) and that the missile is ready to be launched (light register "ready" should shine). The missile takeu'off is indicated by light register "ready" which should go out, and the missile tracking may be judged by the motion of the: slave gate and the missile echo mark. When the missile approaches the target the single command (radio /TroximitY7 fuse arming command) is transmitted; this is indfoated by The single ?command red lighton unit V164 which should light up. In case the launched missile doe il not destroy the target, the operator may launch the next missile via another channellafter making sure that the horizontal mark of un:,t tA87 is located within the destruction zone. 14.. If the station has engaged a group target the operator may launch three missiles, with six-second intervals between launchings, observing the cycle circuit operation by the lighting of the light "cycle" on unit 002M. When the launcher (with missile) is ready to be fired, the "launcher readiness" (ground) command is S-E-C-R-ET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 fed to the P3 and Tit relays (unit i4621.),. ;The relays, operate . and are then blocked, thus preparing the circuit for launch. When the button "launch" is pushed, a current of +26 volts is supplied through closed contacts 3 and 4 of relay P4 to the winding of relay P9)blocking through the return elements (button "return") and the normally closed contact of relay P10. When the combat operation command is sent, P1 and P2 of unit Vt 64 operate causing their contact to close. After relay P9 of unit162M is energized, command "ground" is fed to the command transmitter system to change over the transmitter operation from the dummy to the antenna proper. Another current of +26 volts is applied via contacts 7,8,9, and 10 of unit 'AA 62M (relay P9) to the AA van (command "launch") and, via relay winding (relay 168) of _the on control desk. In this way the command "ignition" pass circuit is preapred.. When the command transmitter is changed over to the antenna, +26 volts are fed to the P3 relay winding of unit 064 making contacts 1, 2 close. Through these'contacts?the +26-volt zurrent (ignition) is fed to the on control desk,: b.rt(1. after successively flowing across the normally opened contacts of the "launch" relay, the signal ready blocking relay (relay 164), and the synchronization signal blocking relay (relay 163), is 'finally fed to the launchers in the form of command "launch". 15 After the missile has left the launcher, transmission of command "launcher readiness" tsa,relaysTP4 and P3 of unit Pi62M ? is discontinued. The circuit is returned to the initial position by means of the return elements either automatically (when +26 volts are supplied from the command generating system time mechanism to relay P10 winding) or mechanically by button return. . Prior to launching the missile the K72 missile range coordinate unit operates in the slave gate setting mode. The integrator is connected to the output of the slave gate setting circuit generating the voltage which provides the necessary fixed delay in the variable delay circuit. Thus, in the slave gate setting mode the tracking gates occupy the definite initial position. Unit K72 is changed over to the automatic tracking operating condition automatically with the help of the lock-on circuit at the moment the missile passes the point corresponding to the initial position of the range tracking gates. When the "launch" button of unit 1)162M is pressed, command "launch" is fed to the lock-on circuit. Five seconds after missile launch (missile independent flight time) the lock-on circuit is ready to lock-on the missile. After the missile signal is aligned with the second tracking gate, the discriminator generates the voltage to switch on the lock-on circuit. The latter feeds the command for switching on the automatic gain control circuit of the receiver and transfers the unit to the automatic tracking mode. One-half second later the iok-on circuit transmits the command for switching on the angular unit automatic tracking control and the command for switching the radio control which, in turn, switches the rotation mechanism in the command generating device and connects the command generating system output to the command . transmitter input. Simultaneously the delay circuit (34 second) is triggered which sends the command to switch over the bands of ? S-N-C-R-E-T 50X1 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 CI 'A=RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 S-E-C-R-E-T the angular unit and the range tracking system as well as ? to change the angular system from wide to narrow gates. Prior to launch of the missile, coordinate units (like the range unit) operate in the slave setting mode. The tracking system circuit is open at this time, the integrator input is grounded through the low value' resistor and fixed voltage makes it possible to set the tracking gate center on the bisector of the scan sector. In the slave gate setting operation mode the width of the two tracking gates occupies the scan sector of the station. After the command for switching on the automatic track- ing operation mode is received from unit K72, the tracking system circuit closes and the gates follow the missile signal. 16. In addition to the combat operating mode, the station may ? operate in the monitoring operating mode needed during operation monitoring, periodical inspection, maintenance, etc. Unlike the combat operation, in this operation mode the launch command is not fed to the launchers, the station centralized monitoring simulating equipment is connected and independent equipment tests may be performed for indi%7idual vans. Comment: 1. This listing of equipment is essentially as received. Adequate punctuation between items was lacking in the original. 50X1 -HUM ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 _ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 - ? Attachment CONTROL BOARDS THE STATION CONTROL BOARDS CONCENTRATE THE CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS ENABLING TO CHECK THE STATION EQUIPMENT READINESS FOR CENTRALISED SWITCHING TO SWITCH ON AND 01111 THE STATION AND TRANSMITTER IN A CENTRALISED WAY TO SET COMBAT AND MONITORING OPERATION MODES OF THE STATION TO PRESENT THE PERMISSION FCR INDEPENDENT MONITORING OF THE CABINS, TO PERFORM THE CENTRALISED FUNCTIONAL MONITORING OF VIDEO CHANNEL, PF1K, TO SELECT THE NEEDED GUIDANCE METHOD, TO LAUNCH MISSILES, TO RETURN THE COORDINATE UNITS OF THE MISSILE AND COMMAND GENERATING SYSTEM TO INITIAL STATE, FRONT PANELS OF dilIT 066A, P164, 062M MOUNTED IN THE GUIDANCE CABINET OF CABIN ARE USED AS CONTROL DESKS. THE FOLLOWING DEVICES ARE MOUNTED ON THE FRONT PANEL OF UNIT 066A: THE STATION AND TRANSMITTER SWITCHES, SIGNALLING DEVICE, IN THE FORM OF LAMP REGISTERS AND PILOT LAMPS INDICATING THE READINESS OF THE STATION TO BE EiWITCHED ON FROM THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT READINESS OF THE STATION AND THE TRANSMITTER POWER SUPPLY UNITS. STATION LOUD SPEAKING COMMUNICATION SWITCHES AND CONTROLS -- TELEPHONE KEYS ENABLING TO SWITCH THE YA CABIN TELEPHONE SETS OF ANY CABIN, POWER PLANTS AND LAUNCHERS WITHOUT A SWITCH BOARD. THE SWITCH PROVIDING APPLICATION AcCOMMAND ABOUT PREPARATION OF THIS PLANT OR THAT NUMBER OF LAUNCHERS, PREPARATION OR READINESS OF LAUNCHERS IS INDICATED ON THIS DESK BY THE PILOT LAMPS. ihE SWITCH CHANGING OVER THE GUIDANCE STATION TRANSMISSION FROM THE EQUIVALENT ANTENNA TO THE ANTENNA PROPER. LOCATED ON THE FRONT PANEL OF UNIT V164 ARE THE FOLLOWING: -- DEVICES ALLOWING THE STATION TO BE CHANGED OVER TO COMBAT 0?ERATION OR CENTRALISED MONITORING OYERATING MODE AND ALSO TO CHANGE OVER SOME CABINS TO LOCAL MONITORING OPERATING MOLE. -- CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS PROVIDING CENTRALISED RFCIET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 mt. a.. AO% on MN .11C 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 -2:- Attachment *MONITORING OF THE 'STATION VIDEO CHANNEL AND CCNTROL COMMAND TRANSMITTER EQUIPMENT. ON THE 062M UNIT FRONT PANEL ARE LOCATED: -- ANGULAR AND RANGE GUIDANCE HANDWHEELS - CONTROLS OF LAUNCH AND RETURN COMMANDS APPTJED THROUGH THREE CHANNELS OF THE MISSILE COORDINATE UNITS AND ,7, COMMAND GENERATING SYSTEM WITH THE RES1JECTIVE SIGNALDPG. -- GUIDANCE METHOD SELECTORS. --ON--OFF SWITCH BUTTONS OF SYNCHRONIZING THE LAUNCHER WITH SIGNALLING. --THE STATION RANGE AND BAND SELECTOR SWITCH. --ON AND OFF SWITCHES OF THE TRANSMITTER INSTANTANEOUS AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL WITH SIGNALLING SYSTEM. BESIDES ON UNIT q62M FRONT PANEL ARE LOCATED SCALES OF INDICATING SELSYNS SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE STATION AND LAUNCHERS VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR AND A LAUNCHER INDICATION SWITCH. START CONTROL SYSTEM. IN CABINLYA OF TM PCHA-75M STATION ARE LOCATED ON on CONTROL DESK AND THE PW-A, UNIT OF THK CA-75M BATTALLION MISSILE BATTERY. THESE UNITS REPRESENTS A PART OF THE START CONTROL SYSTEM. ANTI AIRCRAFT GUIDED MISSILE START CONTROL SYSTEM AUTOMATICALLY PERFORMS THE REMOTE CONTROL OF THE PREPARATORY AND STARTING OPERATIONS. Thh START CONTROL SYSTEM PROVIDES: FIRING MISSILES FOR SIX LAUNCHERS CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINING COMBAT READINESS OF TWO ALLOWANCES ATTACHED TO THE MISSILE BATTERY BRINGING THE MISSILE MOUNTED ON THE LAUNCHERS TO FIRING READINESS WITHIN TWO MINUTES WITH SIMULTANEOUS TRANSITION OF LAUNCHERS FROM LOADING ANGLE TO ANY ANGLE REQUIRED FOR FIRING AT THE ? TARGET, PERFORMING OF TBE LAUNCH OF A. MISSILE WITHIN THE TIME NOT EXCEEDING a SECONDS AFTER TEE LAUNCH COMMAND IS APPLIED, PRESENTING SIGNALS TO THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR'S CONTROL DESK TO PROVIDE SIGNALLING ABOUT CCNBAT READINESS OF THE MISSILES AND LAUNCHERS AND READINESS OF Tlib MISSILE BATTERY CONTROL CHANNEL FOR FIRE, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 t- 71 r-f cflY1-lIJM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Attachment PRESENTING SIGNALS WARNING THE LAUNCHER SERVICING CREW TWO MINUTES PRIOR TO THE LAUNCH ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF PREPARATION OF THE MISSILE FOR LAUNCH, STATION OPERATING CONDITIONS. STATION MAIN COMBAT OPERATING CONDITIONS ARE THE FOLLOWING: SEARCH FOR AND DETECTION OF THE TARGET, GUIDANCE OF VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR AND RANGE GATES AT THE TARGET, TARGET TRACKING (MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC TRACKING), START AND AUTOMATIC TRACKING OF THE MISSILE LAUNCHED. TARGET DETECTION AT LONG RANGE IS CARRIED OUT WHEN THE STATION OPERATES AT 1250 CPS REPETITION FREQUENCY. UNDER THIS CONDITION THE TRANSMITTER TRIGGERING PULSES OF 1250 CPS ARE PRESENTED FROM THE STATION SYNCHRONIZER AND THE RECEIVING CHANNEL PASS BAND GETS NARROW UP TO 3 -- 4 MC/S. THE VIEI: SECTOR BISECTOR IS DIRECTED TO THE TARGET BY MANS OF HANDWHEELS AND OF THE GUIDANCE UNIT (4 5). IN 'MIS OPERATING CONDITION BY MEANS OF A PAIR OF SELSYNS (TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING) OPERATING AS A TRANSFORMER THE HAND WHEEL ROTATION IS TRANSFORMED INTO ERROR SIGNAL VOLTAGE PROCESSED BY TBE SYNCHRO DRIVES 00162M AND 1/65M. THE STABLE SPEED DRIVE IMPARTING THE EFFORT TO THE OUTPUT SHAFT CONNECTED WITH THE RECEIVING SELSYN IS USED AS DRIVES. THE TRACKING DRIVE OUTPUT SHAFT CARRIES THE TRANSMITTING SELSYNS WHOSE TURNING ANGLE IS FOLLOWED UP BY THE ANTENNA POWER ingfitiSYNCHRO DRIVE. IN THIS CASE THE ANTENNA ARE CONTROLLED ONLY IN POSITION. WHEN THE TARGET APPEARS WITHIN THE STATION VIEW SECTOR THE TARGET MARK SHOULD BE OBSERVED ON THE GUIDANCE INDICATOR SCREENS. IN THE GUIDANCE OPERATING MODE THE INDICATOR VERTICAL MARKS ARE LOCKED WITH THE VIEW SECTOR BTSECTOR. ALIGNMENT OF VERTICAL MARKS OF THE GUIDANCE INDICATORS (IN THE PLANES E. AND 0 ) WITH THE MIDDLE SFERFT 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 _ " AiTc?c,KULtintlin 50X1 -HUM OF THE TARGET MARK INDICATES THAT THE VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR HAS BEEN GUIDED TO THE TARGET. IN THIS CASE THE CIRCUIT OF THE TARGET ANGULAR COORDINATE UNIT SERVO SYSTEM (UNIT K73) IS OPENED. THE INTEGRATOR INPUT IS EARTHED VIA SMALL VALUED RESISTOR. VOLTAGE FIXED VALUE CORRESPONDING TO THE POSITION. OF THE TRACKING GATES IN THE CENTER OF THE VIEW SECTOR IS PRESENTED FROM THE INTEGRATOR OUTPUT. THE GATES ARE SET PRECISELY IN THE CENTRE OF THE SECTOR BY CABIN UA OPERATOR BY COMPARING THE POSITION OF THE VERTICAL MARKS FROM THE COORDINATE UNITS WITH THE POSITION OF THE VERTICAL MARKS FROM THE INDUCTION ANTENNA TRANSMITTER ON THE MANUAL TRACKING INDICATOR SCREENS S tk,:. 11 FT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 trAIRKT cnvil--11 inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 ? ? Attachment THE INDUCTION TRANSMITTER PULSE CORRESPONDS TO THE MIDDLE OF VIEW SECTOR. RANGE GUIDANCE IS PERFORMED BY MEANS OF HAPDHEEL A OF UNIT 1A62M. THE HANDV:113EL IS COUPLED WITH THE POTENTIOMETER WHOSE VOLTAGE IS FED TO THE VARIABLE DELAY CIRCUIT OF THE OPPMD RANGE TRr-,CKING SYSTEM (K71). IN TIS THE IHTEGRATOR IS EARTHED VIA A SMALL VALUED RESISTOR. WHEN MATCHING HORIZONTAL MARK 'ITR THE ECHO BLIP THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR BY VARYING TIE VOLTAGE LEVEL, CHANGES THE PULSE TIME POSITION THUS GUIDING TEE TRCFING GATES TO THE TARGET. IF THE TARGET AZIMUTH IS KN3T1J ONLY APPROXIMATELY T.;EN THE TARGET IS DETECTED BY A SECTOR SEARCH METHOD. I THIS CSE THE STATION VIE 1 SECTOR IS SWINGING IN AZIMUTH WITHIN AN ANGLE OF t 200. BESIDES IT IS POSSIBLE TO MOVE SWINGING CENTRE THROUGHOUT 3600. THE AZIMUTH SYNCHRO DRIVE ( 146.3M) IN THIS CASE ACTS ACCORDING TO THE SUM OF TO VOLTAGES: MISMATCHING VOLTAGE BETWEEN THE GUIDANCE TRANSMITMO SELSYN ( 1416-2M) AND THE RECEIVING sELayw ( Mom) ,-- VOLTAGE MODULATED SINUSOIDALLY OBTAINED FROM ME UNIT 1462M SECTOR SEARCri ROTATING SELSYN. IN THE CASES WHEN THERE IS NO DATA ABOUT THE DIRECTION IN WHICH THE TARGET ENTERS TIE STATION EFFECTIVE ZONE, USE IS MADE OF A CIRCULAR SEARCH METHOD. IN THIS CASE CONSTANT AMPLITUDE VOLTAGE DRIVING ANTENNA TRANSMITTEAS AND CkBIK nA.A. TO ROTATE LOCIC4I.SE WITH THE SPEED OF 16 DEGREE PER SECOND, IS FED TO THE STABLE SPEED DRIVE OF UNIT wom_ AFTER THE TARGET IS DETECTED AND THE STATION VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR IS ALIGNED WITH IT TTE GUIDANCE OPERATOR PRESENTS THE COMMAND ( BY PUSHING THE BUTTON) TO TLT: LAPNCERS TO SYNCHRONISE TTEM 717ITH THE ANTENMG SYSTEM. AFTER TUE TARGET REACHES THE REQUIRED RANGE THE ANTENA CONTROL SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 c-nci _Hi im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 _ to Attachment IS HANDED OVER TO THE MANUAL TRACKING OPERATORS WHO TRACKS THE TARGET BY DISPLACING THE ViE4 SECTOR KEEPING THE TARGET MARK AT THE ELECTRONIC MARK CROSS LINES. WHEN THE TARGET APPROACHES A POINT OF A SHORTER LINE RANGE, THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR, STARTS OPERATING IN A MODE CONSISTING IM THE OPERATION WITH 2500 CPS REPETITION FREQUENCY AND WITH THE TARGET RECEIVING CHANNEL PASSBAND EQUAL TO 4.5 -- 6 Mcis. IN THE MANUAL TRACKING MODE THE VERTICAL MARK IS ALSO LOCKED WITH THE STATION VIEW 10 SECTOR BISECTOR. IN THE PRESENT CASE APPLIED I'D THE INPUT OF THE STABLE SPEED DRIVE ARE THE SUEMARY VALUE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO VOLTAGES THE VOLTAGE PROPORTIONAL TO A TURNING ANGLE OF THE MANUAL TRACKING UNIT HANDWHEEL AND THAT PROPORTIONAL TO THE DERIVATIVE OF THIS ANGLE. SUCH A CIRCUIT PROVIDES TARGET TRACKING IN SPEED AND IN POSITION. THE ANGULAR COORDINATE UNIT OPERATION IN ME MANUAL TRACKING MODE DOES NOT DIFFER FROM THAT IN THE GUIDANCE OPERATING CONDITION EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THE LOW VALUED RESISTOR COUPLING THE INTEGRATOR INPUT WITH THE CHASSIS INCREASES IN VALUE. WHEN A PREVIOUS OPERATION MODE IS CHANGED OVER TO THE TARGET? RANGE MANUAL TRACKING OPERATION MODE THE GUIDANCE VOLTAGE IS NO LONGER APPLIED TO THE OPEN TRACKING SYSTEM AND THE INTEGRATOR IS DISCONNECTED FROM THE "GROUND". THE RANGE TRACKING OF THE TARGET IS CARRIED OUT IN SPEED AND IN POSITION BY MEANS OF UNIT 1461 HANDWHEEL. THE HANDWHEEL ROTATING ACTION IS IMPARTED TO THE POTENTIOMETER FROM WHICH SPEED VOLTAGE IS TAKEN AND FED TO THE ERROR SIGNAL AMPLIFIER OF UNIT K71. THE POSITION VOLTAGE IS OBTAIFED FROM THE SAME POTENTIOMETER AND THROUGH THE CAPACITOR IS INTRODUCED INTO TEE INTEGRATOR CIRCUIT. THE OPERATOR CONTROLS THE RANGE PULSE POSITION By ALIGNING THE MANUAL 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 griv1 uum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 -ULEILSEtrittliii; TRACKING HORIZONTAL MARK WITH THE TARGET ECHO MARK (THE RANGE SWEEP SCALE BEING 60 KM), IN CASE 5 KM SWEEP SCALE IS SET THE OPERATOR KEEPS THE TARGET MARK BETWEEN T40 HORIZONTAL MARK.. UNDER INTERFERENCE FREE CONDITION THE MANUAL TRACKING OPERATORS MAY SWITCH ON THE AUTOMATIC TRACKING, WHEN THE VERTICAL MARK WILL BE LOCKED WITH THE CENTRE OF THE ECHO MARK. THE MANUAL TRACKING OPERATORS CONTROLS THE VIEW SECTOR POSITION IN ELEVATION AND AZIMUTH SO THAT THE VERTICAL MARK IS ALIGNED WITH THE NOTCHED MARK ON THE INDICATOR SCREEN (THE NOTCH CORRESPONDS TO THE VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR). IN AUTOMATIC TRACKING MODE THE ERROR SIGNAL AMPLIFIER INPUT OF THE TARGET ANGULAR COORDINATE /E UNIT IS DISCONNECTD FROM THE "GROUND" AND THE TRACKING SYSTEM CIRCUIT IS CLOSED BY CONNECTING THE INTEGRATOR TO THE ERROR SIGNAL AMPLIFIER OUTPUT. THE CENTER OF THE TRACKING GATES FOLLOWS UP THE TARGET PACKET CENTRE THROUGHOUT THE SCANNING SECTOR. THE POSITION OF GATE PULSES IS CONTROLLED BY MEANS OF THE SIGNAL VOLTAGE GENERATED IN THE DISCRIMINATOR. THE MAGNITUDE AND SENSE OF THIS VOLTAGE ARE DETERMINED BY THE MISALIGNMENT DIRECTION AND VALUE OF THE ENVELOPING PACKET CENTER WITH REFERENCE TO THE CENTRE OF THE GATE PULSES ? WHEN THE RANGE TARGET AUTOMATIC TRACKING IS SWITCHED ON UNIT M61 MANUAL TRACKING HANDWHEEL IS DISCONNECTED FROM CONTROL CIRCUIT BY MEANS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC JOINT. APPLICATION OF THE SPEED VOLTAGE TO THE ERROR SIGNAL AMPLIFIER INPUT OF UNIT K7I IS STOPPED AND THE INTEGRATOR IS CONNECTED TO THE ERROR SIGNAL AMPLIFIER OUTPUT THUS CLOSING THE CIRCUIT OF THE RANGE TRACKING SYSTEM. ERROR SIGNAL VOLTAGE GENERATED BY THE DISCRIVINATOR CONTROLS POSITION OF THE GATES. THE ERROR SIGNAL IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE VALUE OF MISMATCH BETWEEN THE GATE JOINT AND THE TARGET VIDEO PULSE CENTER. IF THE TARGET o THEN IT IS GUIDED AND TRACKED IN ELEVATION ELEVATION IS LESS THAN 5.5 IPPFT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 -.? BY THE MANUAL TRACK OPERATOR WHO DISPLACES ANGULAR GATES WITH THE ANTENNA BEING FIXED. IN THIS CASE THE VERTICAL MARK IS OBTAINED FROM r4t,,f,A MIDDLE OF THE RASTER AND ALIGNED WITH THE TARGET ECHO MARK. WHEN THE VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR REACHED 5.5 ELEVATION THE PILOT SWITCH CUTS OUT THE CIRCUIT OF THE STABLE SPEED DRIVE MOTOR WINDING, THUS FIXING THE POSITION OF THE ELEVATION ANTENNA. THE TOTAL VALUE OF TWO VOLTAGES IS FED TO THE AC AMPLIFIER AND THEN' TO THE PHASE DETECTOR. ONE OF THESE VOLTAGES MAW #fgfti PROPORTIONAL TO MANUAL TRACKING HANDWHEEL TURN ANGLE AND THE OTHER TO ITS DERIVATIVES (UNIT 1465M). ET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 PT cny _IAN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 - THE DC SIGNAL FROM PHASE DETECTOR IS APPLIED TO IkNGULAR COORDINATE UNIT INTEGRATOR OF THE TARGET (K73), .FROM THE INTEGRATOR THE VOLTAGE IS E , PRESENTED TO THE 0004100; COMPARISON CIRCUIT GENERATING THE PULSE CHARACTERIZING THE VERTICAL MARK POSITION WITH RESPECT TO THE STATION VIEW SECTOR. THIS PULSE IS FED TO THE PULSE SHAPING CIRCUIT GENERATING ANGULAR GATES, COMMAND GENERATING SYSTEM PULSE AND VERTICAL MARK TRIGnERING PULSE. ALL THESE PULSES ARE LOCKED WITH EACH OTHER. r. TRANSITION TO THE TARGET AUTOMATIC TRACK IS ACCOMPLISH IN SIMILAR WAY U N IT TO THAT KNOWN IN OTHER OPERATING MODES. THE COORDINATE OPERATION IN A THE AUTOMATIC TRACKING MODE IN THE CASE OF LOW FLYING TARGET DOES NOT DIFFER FROM THE OPERATION WITH ELEVATION EXCEEDING 5.5?. IN THIS CASE NONE OF TRE SIGNAL FROM THE PHASE DETECTOR 0; MANUAL TRACKING UNIT IS APPLIED TO THE INTEGRATOR. WHEN THE TARGET PIP CROSSES THE INDICATOR SCREENS CENTER IT IS NECESSARY TO DEPRESS UNIT 1/165M LOW ALTITUDE BUTTON WHICH BYPASSES THE PILOT SWITCH. WHEN THE Daw ALTITUDE BUTTON IS PPS1TED THE ELEVATION ANTENNA IS CONTROLLED FROM UNIT 1A65M'HANDWHEEL (IT MAY ALSO BE CONTROLLED BY HANDWHEEL E OF UNIT 1162M). AFTER THE ANTENNA IS DISCONNECTED FROM THE PILOT SWITCH THE VERTICAL MARK IN THE MANUAL TRACK OPERATION WILL BE LOCKED TO THE VIEW SECTOR BISECTOR. HAVING HANDED OVER THE CONTROL OF THE TARGET TRACKING TO THE MANUAL TRACKING OPERATORS THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR SET SWITCH OW (flpn) ON UNIT 1432 PANEL IN ONE OF THE EXTREME POSITIONS. AT THIS TIME ON INDICATORS E. OR p APPEARS THE IMAGE OF THE HORIZONTAL MARK PRESENTED BY THE UNIT DETERMINING THE RANGE OF TRE IMPACT POINT (UNIT 107). IF UNIT 1,187 HORIZONTAL MARK IS WITHIN THE DESTRUCTION ZONE THEN THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR MAY LAUNCH THE MISSILE OF THE RESPECTIVE CHANNEL. DETERMINING THE LAUNCH MOMENT THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR SIMULTANEOUSLY rrrnrT MOO 50X1-HUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A00020006-0-0151-IiM 94, 16. tn. ? Attachment SELECTS THE METHOD OF GUIDING THE EISSILE TO THE TARGET. THE SELECTED 50X1-HUM METHOD IS SET IN UNIT 1462M. PRIOR TO LAUNCHING THE MISSILE THE GUIDANCE OPERATOR By ANY CHANNEL MAKES SURE THAT THE LAUNCHER IS SYNCHRONISED (LAMP REGISTER "SYNCHRONISE" SHOULD LIGHT.) AND THE MISSILE IS READY TO BE LAUNCHED (LAMP REGISTER "READY" SHOULD SHINE). THE MISSILE TAKE OFF IS INDICATED BY LAMP REGISTER READY WHICH SHOULD GO OUT AND THE MISSILE TRACKING MAY BE JUDGED BY MOTION OF SLAVE GATE AND MISSILE ECHO MARK. WHEN THE MISSILE APPROACHES THE TARGET THE SINGLE COMMAND IS PRESENTED (RADIO FUSE ARMING COMMAND) THAT IS INDICATED BY THE SINGLE COMMAND.RED LAMP ON UNIT 1464 WHICH SHOULD LIGHT UP. IN THE CASE THE LAUNCHED MISSILE HAS NOT DESTROYED THE TARGET THE PEN OPERATOR MAY LAUNCH THE NEXT MISSILE VIA ANOTHER CHANNEL PRELIMINARY MAKING SURE THAT THE HORIZONTAL MARK OF UNIT 1487 IS LOCATED WITHIN THE DESTRUCTION ZONE. IF THE STATION IS ENGAGED WITH A age1F0 GROUP TARGET THE OPERATOR MAY LAUNCH THE THREE MISSILES WITHIN SIX SECONDS INTERVAL BENEEN LAUNCHINGS OBSERVING THE CYCLE CIRCUIT OPERATION BY LIGHTNING OF LAMP "CYCLE" ON UNIT 14 62M. THE MISSILE START SWITCHING DIAGRAM IS ON FIG 31. WHEN THE LAUNCHER WITH MISSILE IS READY TO BE FIRED COMMAND " LAUNCHER READINESS" (GROUND) IS PRESENTED TO THE RELAY P3 AND p4 (UNIT 1462M). AFTER THAT THE RELAYS OPERATE AND THEN THEY ARE BLOCKED THUS PREPARING THE CIRCUIT FOR PERFORMING THE LAUNCH. WHEN THE BUTTON "START" IS PUSHED +26 V VOLTAGE THROUGH CLOSED CONTACTS 3, 4 OF RELAY P4 SUPPLIED TO THE WINDING OF RELAY P9 BLOCKING THROUGH THE RETURN ELEMENTS (BUTTON "RETURN) AND NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT OF RELAY P10. WHEN THE COMBAT OPERATION COMMAND IS APPLIED P1 AND P2 OF UNIT W64 OPERATE MAKING THEIR CONTACT CLOSE. v;rAFT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 um , Attadhment 50X1 -HUM AFTER RELAY P9 OF UNIT 162M IS ENERGIZED COMMAND "GROUND" IS FED TO THE COMMAND TRANSMITTER SYSTEM TO CHANGE OVER TRT TRANSMITTER OPERATION OUILAI4v Artrre OA/ FROM THE tiRMEEEW7 TO ANTENNA PROPER. APART FROM THAT A VOLTAGE OF +26 v VIA CONTACTS 7, 8, 9, 10 OF UNIT VI62M (RELAY P9) is APPLIED TO CABIN AA (COMMAND "START") AND VIA RELAY P2 CONTACT (UNIT 1464) THE START COMMAND IS APPLIED TO TPE START RELAY WINDING (RELAY 168) OF THE on CONTROL DESK. IN THIS WAY COMMAND "IGNITION" PASS CIRCUIT Is PREPARED. WEN THE COMMAND TRANSMITTER Is CHANGED OVER TO THE ANTENNA +26 VOLTAGE IS FED TO THE P3 RELAY WINDING OF UNIT 1464 MAKING CONTACTS 1, 2 ARE CLOSED. THROUGH THESE CONTACTS +26 V VOLTAGE (IGNITION) Is FED TO on CONTROL DESK THEN succEssIVELy FLOWS ACROSS NORMALLY OPENED CONTACTS OF RELAY "START", SIGNAL READY BLOCKING RELAY (RELAY (64) SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL BLOCKING RELAY (RELAY 163) AND IN THE FORM OF COmMAND "LAUNCH" +26 V Is FED TO THE LAUFICNERS. AFTER THE MISSILE HAS TAKEN OFF APPLICATION OF cOMAND "LAUNCHER READINESS, TO RELAYS P4, P3 OF UNIT 146211 if#004041####W#1461514#16 IS CEASED. THE CIRCUIT Is RETURNED TO THE INITIAL POSITION BY MEANS OF THE RETURN ELEMENTS EITHER AUTOMATICALLY (wFEN +26 V VOLTAGE Is SUPPLIED FROM THE COMMAND GENERATING SYSTEM TIME MECHANISM TO RELAY Plo WINDING) OR MECHANICALLY BY BUTTON RETURN. PRIOR TO THE LAUNCHING OF THE MISSILE THE 1(72 MISSILE RANGE COORDINATE UNIT OPERATES IN SLAVS GATE SETTING MODE. IN THIS CASE TF E INTEGRATOR IS CONNECTED TO THE OUTPUT OF THE SLAVE GATE SETTING CIRCUIT GENERATING THE VOLTAGE PROVIDING A NECESSARY FIXED DELAY IN THE VARIABLE DELAY CIRCUIT. THUS IN THE SLAVE GATE SETTING MODE THE TRACKING GATES OCCUPY THE DEFINITE INITIAL POSITION. UNIT K72 IS CHANGED OVER TO THE AUTOMATIC TRACK OPERATING CONDITION MJTOMAPICALLY WTTH THE IMP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15 OF THE EncK mEcTRCUTT 50X1 -HUM : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 nv LJI IRA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 " E, R E Attachment AT THE MOMENT WHEN THE MISSILE PASSES THE POINT CORRESPONDING TO THE 50X1 -HUM INITIAL POSITION OF THE RANGE TRACKING GATES. WHEN UNIT 1.462M BUTTON START IS PRESSED COMMAND START IS APPLIED TO THE LOCK ON CIRCUIT. FIVE SECONDS AFTER THE MISSILE TAKE OFF (THE MISSILE INDEPENDENT FLIGHT TIM) THE LOCK ON CIRCUIT IS READY TO LOCK ON THE MISSILE. AFTER THE MISSILE SIGNAL IS ALIGHNED WITH SECOND TRACKING GATE THE DISCRIMINATOR GENERATES THE VOLTAGE SWITCHING ON THE LOCK ON CIRCUIT. THE LATTER PRESENTS THE COMMAND FOR SWITCHING ON THE AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL CIRCUIT OF THE RECEIVING DEVICE AND TRANSFER THE UNIT TO THE AUTOMATIC TRACKING MODE. 0.5 SEC LATER THE LOCK ON CIRCUIT PRESENTS THE COMMANDS FOR SWITCHING ON THE ANGULAR UNIT AUTOMATIC TRACKING CONTROL AND THE COMMAND FOR SWITICHING THE RADIO CONTROL WHICH IN TURN SWITCHES THE TWISTING MECHANISM IN THE COMMAND GENERATING DEVICE AND CONNECTS THE COMMAND GENERATING SYSTEM OUTPUT TO THE COMMAND TRANSMITTER INPUT. SIMULTANEOUSLY THE DELAY CIRCUIT (3.3 SEC) IS TRIGGERED WHICH PRESENTS THE COMMAND TO SWITCH OVER THE BANDS OF THE ANGULAR UNITS AND RANGE TRACKING SYSTEMS AS WELL AS TO CHANGE OVER TO THE ANGULAR SYSTEM FROM WIDE TO NARROW GATES. PRIOR TO THE START OF THE MISSILE COORDINATE UNITS (LIKE THE RANGE UNIT) OPERATEIN THE SLAVE SETTING MODE. THE TRACKING SYSTEM CIRCUIT IS OPEN AT THIS TIME, THE INTEGRATOR INPUT IS CONNECTED TO THE GROUND THROUGH TM SMALL VALUED RESISTOR AND FIXED VOLTAGE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVIDER IS FED TO ITS OUTPUT. THIS VOLTAGE MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO SET THE TRACKING GATE CENTRE ON THE BISECTOR OF THE VIEW SECTOR. IN THE SLAVE GATE SETTING OPERATION MODE THE WIDTH OF THE TWO-TRACKING GATES OCCUPIES THE VIEW SECTOR OF THE STATION. AFTER THE COMMAND FOR SWITCHING ON THE AUTOMATIC TRACKING OPERATION MODE IS RECEIVED FROM UNIT K72, THE TRACKING SYSTEM CIRCUIT CLOSES uruT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 41 r r41 P. WM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1 Attachment AND THE GATES FOLLOW VIE MISSILE SIGNAL. APART FROM THE COMBAT OPERATING MODE THE STATION MY OPERATE IN THE STATION MONITORING OPERATING MODE NEEDED FOR OPERATION MONITORING PERIODICAL INSPECTION AND MAINTENENCE ETC. UNLIKE THE COMBAT OPERATION IN THIS OPERATION MODE THE START COMMAND IS NOT APPLIED TO THE LAUNCHERS, THE STATION CENTRALISED MONITORING SIMULATING EQUIPMENT IS CONNECTED AND INDEPENDENT EQUIPMENT TEST MAY BE ALLOWED FOR SEPARATE CABINS. 50X1 :HUM 50X1-HU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200060001-1