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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/11/30 : CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED 1. Army Order of Battle and Depots 2. Border Guard Organization 3. Fortifications Around Zlatograd REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES 23 July 1953 11- 50X1 -HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1 -HUM 1. 2. Army Order of Battle and Depots 50X1 -HUM In Auguet 1951, the induction of young men for temporary training was begun. The.men were inducted under ordprq whinh. lid nidspecify the length of service The men were from the 1923 to the 1927 classes and had various occupational specialties. All the groups, depending upon their primary occupational specialty, were trained with weapons newly introduced into the Bulgarian Army; in addition they were taught the m pa- bility and distinguishing marks of American and British aircraft. the German antiaircraft weapons (Krupp 1939 model had a range of up to 12,000 meters, whereas the new Soviet weapons had a range of only 3,000 meters, and that it is necessary with the new weapons to wait until an airplane comes under 3,000 meters of altitude before opening fire. There were "many" such weapons but some of the guns were in a aismountea concition. The trainees fired (or were shown) three rounds on these weapons during the month of training. various draft groups were recalled for temporary training throughout the complete year of 1952, the last groups were assembled on or about 9 September 1952 and that they had not been released after a month as expected an infantry regiment is located in Krumovgrad SECRET 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM STATE ARMY Ev., NAVY AIR FBI AEC Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 3 SECRET 50X1-HUM -2- 50X1-HUM In August-September 1949, the Voenno Inzhinerna Tekhnicheska Shkola (Military Engineers School) was transferred from Sofia to Svishtov. It is quartered in barracks near Svishtov, about 500 meters east of the city on the highway to Tsenovo Which leads to Ruse; the barracks area extends to' the city limits. The barracks fOrmerly quartered the 33 Infantry Regiment which was transferred to Nikopol in Aptil 1949.* They Consist Of twe 3-story buildings, the smaller Of which is 50- 1)57'- 30 meters in size and is used as living quarters for the students; the larger measures idn lo itriSfPns Ana hnnq'ss. the staff headquarters and other unidentified offices,_ - there are study rooms in this building alSo. 'In addition, the-barraoks has a third building, behind and perpendicular to the first two build- Inge, which is two stories high and contains a dining hail: and other unidentified rooms._ The school has approximately 800 students, composed of young men who have ;6-iinip-leted'theii-:se.ccincla:4-education. In addition, a supply company of 200 soldiers, Mehy-horees-?.and.hay barns Whiah Serve as powder depots for the school and ai fuel diaMpb, are attached to the school? The students are armed with long-type Soviet Vintovka rifles. Some Studies are carried on in the barracks area, but most of the training is held at a place called nSuvatan, six or seven kilometers north of KhAdZhi DimitioVoSviShtaV OkoliyA, where the school has a training field With barbed the And-trenches', or at 'the place called ?Manastirall Which is two or three kilometers nOrth'ofTsaravets village and is a well-organized military training fieldiiith-many trenches, barbed wire'obtacies shaciting'range,-etc. The students are transported to the training fields in Man and Opel-Blitz trucks. 5. A munitions depot is located about 2,500 meters from Svishtov on the road leading to'PoiSki TruMbe6h, and another is located approximately 300 meters south of Polski TrUmbeeh. The buildings are behind some old stone quarries and are not visible from the-readdvand are burroundeddluLtresso The area of the depot is rectangUlat, about 20-meters from the highway, 500 meters long by the highway, and about 600700 Meters baaktroM the highway. The east, north, and half of the-west aide are enclosed by barbed-wire';',there are trees Along the southern boundary and trenches have been dug Along the-reMainding-part of the weStern side of the area. The depot was constructed in August, September, and October 1949. It-consists of seven or eight uniform buildinga?-l0-metere,aong, eirheters'wide, about two meters UndergroUnd and not more than 100.metere Above ground, covered with brick; they have ho WindOWs,'and-the. door is On the north side. The part of the 'buildings which is undergroUnd is con- crete,.and'the part above ground is whiteWaShed brick.: The buildings are arranged in aline-in-the outside part of d'forest and are at 20-30 meter intervals. The depot belongsto the military engineers technical school in Svishtov, and the supply company Of the.school furnishes depot personnel. 50X1-HUM Tanks for gasoline and other liquid Diels are located three kilometers east or Svishtov on the highway to Tsenovo and Ruse and on the bank of the Danube River. The tanks are 250 meters north of the highway and are placed in rows: three in the first row (almost on the bank of the river very close to a small dock) at 5-meter intervals, and the second row 10 meters behind the first row and between the tanks of the first raw. The tanks are of iron construction and are 10 meters high and 10 meters in diameter. The place where they are situated is called "Duschenata Fabrikall SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 50X1-HUM SECRET (lumber mill) mill) because of the lumber mill which formerly stood at this location. The gasoline stored at this depot is brought in from Rumania by steamship. The fuels are sent from this depot to reservoirs in Svishtov, from where they are allbcated tb MTS (Madhino Traktorno Stantsiya; Machine Tractor Station), STOP (nyui Tovaren Obshtestveh Prevoz;-Public Freight Transportation Union), BAT (Upravlenie na Avtamobilen Transport; Auto Transport Administration), military units, and State industrial enterprises. 7. Gasoline nreserves" consisting of about 10 towers five meters high and three to five meters in diameter are located 100 meters east of the Svishtov railroad station in the extreme east part of Svishtov harbor. Fuel from the "Duschena Fabrikan depot is stored here. The depot is under constant guard. Border Guard Organization 8. The 5 Border Guard Otryad is quartered has a-reserve company consieting of apprOximately-100 men. following details concerning the Otryad commanding officers: 50X1-HIJM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM in Momabilgrad. It a. Lieutenant Colonel Gotsev.(fnu) commander of the Otryad b. co i?AugiIst 192 replaced the rormer utryad commander Lieutenant Colonel Primyanov Major Kostav, political commander of the Otryad, replaced Captain Radev in August '190 I Captain Rangelav, chief of staff of the Otryad 9. The 5 Border Guard Otryad in Mamchilgrad has three komandaturas? as follows5oxi -HUM a. The 1 Komandatura is located at Zlatograd; it has 65 men comprising a special cavany, and ha a radio station; the soldiers are armed almost exclusively with submachine guns, a large part of which are German Schmeissers, and only a few of which are Czech Zbrojovkai; thei.e are also about five or six rifles, nsome" light machine guns, two heavy machine guns of the Maksim Sokolov type, and two trench mortars; commanding officers: (1) Senior Lieutenant Dilyanovski commander of the Komandatura 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM (2) Lieutenant Machev, commander-of the special company SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 SECRET 50X1-HUM (3) The komandatura has 13 or 14 other officers b. The 2.KoMandaturas. Okalgra Quartered in Chorbadzbiysko, Mamchilgrad 50X1-HUM c. The 3 Komandaturas quartered in private buildings near the village school in. Avrens Kramovgrad Okoliya; the komandatura has 80 men forming a special company which is the rePerve of the komandatura; it-does-not 'haVe'd radio station; the komandatura has about 50 Zbrojovka Czech-type machine guna, and the Other soldiers are armed with either Hauser or Mannaicher rifles; there are not enough Tweaponsp which was evident in the operation of July and August 1952; when some of the soldiers were armed only with grenades. roilowing are komandatura officers: (1) Senior Lieutenant Petrunov, recently-appointed commander (2) (3) tl'5-0X1-H UM 50X1-HUM of the Komandatura Senior LieutenantAndreev$ political commander of the Komandatura. Senior -Lieutenant DaychinoV, chief of staff of the. Komandatura. Lieutenant Ganchav, health officer of the Komandatura 50X1-HUM (5) Liedtenant Bozhkavy in' charge of the stroeva chaat (line unit) of the Komandatura, (6) Senior Lieutenant Nach67; Party secretary of the Komandatura (7) Four or five unidentified officers. Each komandatura of the otryad has five zastavas. the 3 Avren Komandatura 50X1-HUM are 50X1-HUM a. The 1 Zastava., ?Bozhur,n located in -the nMakaza" area near the intersection of the roads from Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad with the highway to Komotinip Greece; this zastava has a service dog; b. The 2 Zastavap HEdelwel,ss".located about two kilometers south of Igrek; anew iastava is being formed about 1$500 meters northwest of the old one; it con- sists of 40 or 50 men commanded by the following officers: 50X1-HUM (1) Junior Lieutenant Kostadinov, commanding officer (2) Lieutenant Deohev, political commander SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 5UX1-HUM SECRET -5- 50X1-HUM The zastava has an observation tower 25 meters high which has a booth for a sentry 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM c. The 3 Zastava, "Lyulyak," located two kilometers south of Divisilovo and about 200 meters from the border; at present a new fortification is being 'built' approximately 300 meters east of the old one; the old zastava was formed in August 1951 and has two- low wooden huts located in the middle of a thick forest so that they cannot be seen even from close by. Weapons consist of 18 Shpagins$ 18-VintOvka-rifles$ eight or 10 Mannlicher reserve rifles, four TT (Tulski Tukarlov) Soviet pistols, three MG-34 German light machine guns, approximately 30 offensive/defensive grenades; and a-heavy machine gun is expected in the near future; it is said that this zastava has more automatic weapons than any of the other zastavas of the 5 Otryad. The zastava has a service dog named "Lobe," which was trained at a special dog-training school in Sofia; in addition, the iastava has silCureoularn dogs." The unit has a total strength of 36 men, in- eluding two commanding officers, Sour "kandidat-podofitseri," four corporals, andfthe remainder privates. The commanding officer is Lieutenant Toma Ivanov Peychev The deputy comMander f;2* the stroeva chast (line unit) of the zastava is Junior Lieutenant Dimcho Dimitrov Mimchev The zastava has a 1SNM (Elmitrovski 1.1yuz na Narodnata Mladezh; Dimitrov Order of V-- 0 5X1-HUM People's Youth) group of .15 members; its leaders are Cprporal.Yerdan Penev Keranov, ESNM secretary of the zastava (2) Private Andro Dimitrov Stankov d. The 4 Zastava, "Mak," located about four kilometers south of Avren;, a new fortification is being built near the old one and near the highway which. passes by the area. The zastava has about 4o Border Guards. It has an-observation tower (called a "Vishkal'which is an open observation post) 25 meters high, which is located approximately 150 meters from the border. e. The 5 Zastava, "Sinchets," located about two kilometers south of Chernichevo, Strength 40 men and one officer. The former commanding officer of the zastava is now in prionifollowing the incident which occurred in August 1952, 50X1-HUM 11, Thinkers for the protection and defense of the zastavas have been constructed for each zastava of the Komandatura in Zlatograd. There are bunkers for "Bozhur?"Ede1wei6$1; and "Mak," located about seven or eight meters from the fortifications of the zastava. Trenches have been built around the zastavas, and are connected with the small trench of the zastava; in case of danger, the staff of the various zastavas can assume defense positions in the trenches. 50X1-HUM 12. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 50X1-HUM SECRET -6- 50X1 -HUM Border Troop Training 50X1 -HUM 13. The training battalion of the 5 Border Guard Otryad of Momchil- grad is located in Zlatograd and is attached to the 1 Komandatura which is also loCated in Zlatograd It consists of two training companies of 95 men (at the time of the 1932 class), and the soldiers belieVe that an additional two co4anied will be added from the man of the 1932 olais. -Each training company is composed of thrbe'training platoons. The Commander of the training battalion is Lieutenant Kiril Angelov, a. The 1 Company' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) with the following officers: 50X1 -HUM Lieutenant Yordan Lazarav, commander of 1 Platoor Junior Lieutenant Vasilev, commander of 2 Platoon Junior Lieutenant Atanasov? commander of 3 Platoon Lieutenant Enchev? Company commander, 28 year's old Maater'Sergeant SlaVoV, 28 years'old, ' b. The 2 Company with the following officers: (1) Lieutenant Ivanov Company commander 50X1 -HUM (2) Junior Lieutenant Chupetlovski? commander of 1 Platoon (3) Junior Lieutenant Marinovs, commander of 2 Platoon 14. The training battalion is equipped with 120 Soviet rifles, about 60 Mauser rifles, . 14 Shpagin submachine -guns, four-Schmeissert,"18 MAkaim-Gorki-34 light Machine-guns, sirDegtyaravlight'machine guns, about 10,000 rounds of7,;62 ammunitidni-aboUt- 12;006 rounda of 7.-92-amMunition,-three oases of ammunition for the Schmeisser sub- machine guns, and an unknown number of offensive and defensive grenades. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 50X1-HUM SECRET -7- 15. Young men approved for Border Guard service are sent to the border training battalion of the Border Guard otryad. The young men are given a_spectial training Couree-laiting three months; prior to 1951, the course lasted four months. After completing this training, the Border Guards are attached to a komandatura and sent to serve in a border zastava. Each otryad has its own training battalion, which maybe quartered in the same town as the otryad headquarters or in the same town es a komandatura of the otryad. The soldiers have eight hours of classes every day, with the following trainings a, First months Nomenclature of weapons, introduction to rifles, automatic pistols, and Soviet and German light machine guns, military topography which is chiefly an orientation course, study of the disciplinary manuals, the manual of garrison routine duty, and the manual of physical training to which little attention is given; b. Second months Less intensive continuation of line training, political training cortinuee as it was during the first month; during this period the soldiers are acquainted with border duties and responsibilities, time is devoted to-military topography, tactical studies are begun (attack, assault in penetration, basic theoretical preparation for passport service on the border), and physical training is continued to a lesser extent; and C. Third months Political training, strong practical study of border duties and especially rifle practice, practical tactical studies are continued-and a practi- cal study of passport duties on the border; physical training is continued to some extent, 16. GibtP'manetVera of the whole otryad or of two or more komandaturas were hot Made during this 3-month period. Only once was there combat training for making a Pinceie iiikneMOnto; in which 120 soldiers representing a training platoon strengthened by Border Guards from the otryad in Momchilgrad took Part. 50X1-HUM 17. the officers in the training battalion were well trained. The soldiers received the following types of training: a. Line trainings Consisted of close order drill. Training was first held indi- vidually, later by otdelenie (squads), and last by platoons. Company training wgs never held. Line training was held only during the first month and occu- pied two to four hours daily, or about 80 hours for the whole period The - instructor was Lieutenant /Orden Lazarov in november 1952, he was commanding officer of the zastava or the komandpirmrA in Zlatograd or Chorbadzhiyskoo 50X1-HUM b. Physical trainings This training did not play a major part in the training, and comprised no more than 10 hours of class time. However, the soldiers had calisthenics every moring except Sunday for 25-minute periods, during which they did 16 muscle-strengthening exercises which were repeated several times, after which they did exercises on rings, bars, and ropes; at the end of the period there were some track coursesschiefly running and obstacle courses, These exercises were to increase the physical capabilities of the new soldier. c. Political training: Great importance was attached to political training, wilidh is shown by the number of class hours devoted to it. paring the first 15 days, there were three hours daily devoted to political training, and in the last two months, there were two hours dailys, which is a total of 225 hours for the cOm- plete 3-months course. In addition, the trainees were given 15 hours OfpOli- tical instruction by the DSNM attached to the training battalion; these were SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80S01540R001900020006-9 d. ?SECRET -8- 50X1-HUM given on important Communist holidays, such as 9 September and the October Revolution date. Upon entering the training battalion, trainees received three texts for political educations. The DimitroV Constitution-which-consisted of?' about 80 pages, the Narodna Voyska (People's Army) which consisted of about 180 pages, and Nashata Rodina (Our Native Land) which consisted of 120 pages. The l'atter-two-bboks are issuedloY the political adminietration of the"Border Guards and prai..)the USSR while attacking the Western democracies, Greece, Turkeys and Yugoslavia. Two hours of lecturing, one hour of reading, and two hours of dis- eussion, was established to create in the new soldiers hatred of the 'Western cOuntrie6 -and a blind faith :in and love of-the Soviet Union. A 4apage news- imi)ers'Granichar.(The Border Guard), is distributed; it describes Border Guards who have been rewarded for good service (the capture or killing of illegal border crossers) and new methods of detecting illegal entrants. The soldiers are not alIaked-to- take this -taper from the premises (the barracks in the battalion or the zastava at the border); if they are caught out of bounds with it, they are escorted to the komandatura and they are sent5-650_Fluv. The paper is printed once a week and issued on Thursday. Nomenclature of weapons: This course was held for 25 days on an average of two of the training battalicin had aboUt 50 time they50X1- HU .,.^?ninted with the M ho UrS per day.'Li gene'ral, the soldiers elasi hours of this course, during which following weapons s (1) Two types of Soviet "Vintovka" rifles, about 10 hours study of which four were for explaining the parts and handling the rifle and the other six fortasking questions; (2) The lieeyarev light machine gun, in general about eight hours Of stu4y,. of which three were for explanation of the parts and five for questions; The Shpagin automatic rifle, about seven hours of Study' 6r which three were for explanation of parts and four for asking questions; The MG-34 light rachins gun, between 15 and 16 hours of study, half for explaining the weapons, and half for asking questions; and ? The offensive/defensive hand grenade about four hours of study, half for explanation and half for questions. The soldiers are questioned during the mass-culture hour from 9300 to 10s00 p.m.$ which is the last of the nine daily class hours. During this period, the sol- diem are graded according to a 5-point system, and if they show a lack of know- ledge concerning a particular weapons, they are assigned to further training with the weapon. The instructor is Lieutenant Yordan Lazarov. e. Military topography: This subject was introduced during three weeks of.the- second month. The soldiers had about 10 or 12 hours of class in-thii subject and were taught Self-orientation in cloudy weather and at night for dry-run firing over targets designated during the day, and working with a compass. During this period the soldiers were marked according to the 5-point system. The instructor was Lieutenant Kiril Angelov. f. Study of the disciplinary manuals During the first and second month of train- ing, for about 12 or 13 class hours of study. The soldiers are "acquainted" with discipline and are questioned and marked according to the 5-point system. The instructor was Lieutenant Kiril Angelov. (3) (5) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 SECRET -9- 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM g. Study ofthe mantel on internal service; About six hours are devoted to thia-aUbjeot-during-the fir-St-and second mOnths. Questions in connection With *fiehe, fi-othenclatUre-Of-weapons, and other- Subjects are considered. The in- structor was Junior-Lieutenant Atanasov h. Stud Of-the mannal on garrison duty: During the first and second month of training, about 13 or 14 hours were devoted to this subject. The soldiers are taught-the dUties-df "- ard" And " arrison" Work. The ? Lieutenant VailA 50X1-HUM i. Border duty: About 60 hours were devoted to this subject during the second month of training for about four hours every day. The theory of border service Is defined, types of border duty, the theory of border duty, what to do when illegal entrants are sighted, blocking roads leading to the border and summon- ing help in case of an attack On the zastava. The soldiers are-told that-they will have to answer for every step of retreat. They are instructed on their dbligationss If attacked, soldiers can retreat only 20 meters and if they retreat farther they are subject to prison sentences. The trainees also study bOrder-Passports and documents. During the third month, two hours per day are -615-e:it-in this study, which amounts to a total of 4,41 hours for the month; The trainees-have practice in -border duty, and in addition have 24-hour duty seven times with the training zastava.- A fortification near the barracks of the traininfbattalion are used for this purpose. The instructor was Lieutensit Yordan Lazaravi jo The theory of military tactics:: This study was undertaken during the second honth of training and soldiers had about 10 class hours, during which they were taUght the four types of battles Approach, offensive, attack, and penetration assault: From the second month to the middle of the third month, practical traininf in militarytactics was given for about 15 hours, during which the soldiers were given bayonet training. The instructor was Lieutenant Yordan Lazarov. k. Theory of firing: From the middle of the second month for about seven alas hours, the soldiers were trained concerning the following: Line of fire, projectory, drift, and were given practice with universalna mushka (universal gun), etc. The instructor was Lieutenant Kiril Angelov. 1. Rifle practice: This course is held one-half hour per day outside of class hours for 80 days of training, or a total of 40 hours. The soldiers are taught correct aim, correct breathing while firing, and rapid prone position and loading. These are exclusively practical exercises. The instructor was Lieuten- ant Yordan Lazarav. m. Firing:- Firing practice was held almost every day during the third month of training: (1) 'With the Mannlicher rifle, about 10 times, four with four rounds and six times with' six rounds; two times at 100 meters with a rifle rest and eight times at 200 meters without the rest. (2) With the Hauser rifle, twice with four rounds at 200 meters without the rest. (3) With" the Vintovka rifle, about 15 times, 11 of which were with five rounds at 200 ieters without a rest, and four times with eight rounds at 400 meters on a trench. At night, five times with four rounds at a distance of 35 to 70 meters, according to visibility, without a rifle rest. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 SECRET With the the ShPagin submachine gun, about 12 times, three of which were four rounds at 75 meters, and eight times with six rounds at 75 meters. At night, four times with four rounds at 30 meters. The Schmeisser automatic gun, daily firing with 10 rounds at 100 meters. The Degtyarev light machine gun, four or five times, of which two times were six rounds at 200 meters, two times with six rounds at 600 meters, and once with 10 rounds at 300 meters. The MG-35 machine gun, two times with eight rounds, two times with 15 rounds, seven times with 10 rounds, 12 times with 15 rounds, and seven times with 10 rounds at a machine target. (8) Grenade throwing was held only once with a single hand grenade. n. Daily schedules 0500 - rising, 0500-0505 - dressing and going to the parade grounds, 0505-0530 - calisthenics, 0530-0600 - straightening beds and clothing, 0600-0630 - breakfast, 0600-0650 - political information, 0650-0700 - rest, 0700-1200.- instructions, 1200-1415 - noon meal and rest, 1415-1430 - pre- paration for instruction, 1430-1500 - rifle training, 1500-1800 - instruction, 1800-1830 - cleaning ofweapons 1830-1900 - evening meal, 1900-2000 - mass cultural hour, 2000-2100 - fatigue duty, 2100-2145 - rest period, 2145-2200 - evening inspection, 2200 - lights out. 50X1-HUM o. Responsibilities of the Border Guard for the defense of the borders (1) The duty of the zastava. The officer on duty in the zastava attends to the correct preparation of the guards and to their being at their posts at the assigned time, supplies them with the necessary weapons, and meets them upon their return. He controls the sentry and attends to discipline of the sentries; this detachment consists of two men ?eerving 12-hour watches, from 2000 one day to 2000 the following day.. Ino addition' the officer on duty safeguards the secret documents of the zastava and knows the plan of duty assignment for the 24-hour period and the location of secret posts. Only the most trustworthy soldiers are assigned as officers on duty in the zastava. (2) The sentry duty of the zastava. The sentries must watch for foreign planes flying over, must watch the zastava area, and must watch for unknown persons in the areas they inform the officer on duty in the tastava concerning every completed task. This duty is carried out by three persons who change each four hours, and runs from 2000 on one day to 200C on the following day. In case of emergency, or the presence of illegal entrants in the areal the number is doubled. The sentry duty on the border. This duty is performed by two or more soldiers on 24-hour duty starting at 1900 hours. The Border Guards assigned are given advance warning of their selection. After leaving, they do not know when they will be changed. The change of duty is dedignated on the following day. The border sentry squad is told immediately before setting out the exact area where it will be on duty. The duty is continuous for 24 hours and its primary purpose is to watch for unknown persons in the border area. (3) The lookout post. This is stationary duty for two or more soldiers, who a-re placed at vantage points such as crossroads, canyons, trails, and other easily accessible places. The site of the lookout post is announced before departure,. at which time the soldiers are told when they will be replaced and by wham. This duty is for 24 hours, especially-when there is a report of movement by suspicious persons in the area, which is ? usually only during evening duty. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 (5) MCRET -11- 50X1-HUM Inspectors of automatic signal devices in the field (a new Soviet innoioutio0. This duty is distributed at the personal discretion of the commanding officer of the zastava. It can last for not less than three hours and not more than seven hours daily depending upon whether Oi nOt there is a report of suspicious persons in the area. This duty covers the whole zastava area: and has the task of inspecting auto- matic signal devices. There are 80 automatic signal devices in the area of the "Lyulyak" Zastava of the 3 Komandatura. An automatic signal device is a wooden block about 25 centimeters long, 10-12 centimeters in dia- meter, and weighs 45 kilograms. It is bored through the center from end to end, making a hole of 25 to 30 millimeters in diameter which is exactly the size of a rocket. Only the head of the rocket shows outside the opening, and it rests in a special groove. On the opening'Onthe side of the block is a piece of material covered with wax to protect the rocket from dampness. On the other end of the block is a small piece of wood which is nailed on one end with a bolt which can be revolved until it closes the opening completely. Exactly in the center where the cap of the rocket is set, A small'hole has been bored into the piece of wood, into which a striker mechanism has been placed. On two sides of the stump, two metal 5-millimeter rods are hammered and on the blockpon two sides, are bored large holes into which the metal rods are slipped. Between the block and the stump, a rod 20-centimeters long is placed: to Which a tight trip wire 30-40 meters long stretching to another tree has been tied. The trip wire is about one meter above the ground, and anyone who passes the Greek-Bulgarian border would touch it in moving. The Metal rods which support the block would recoil and the block wduld fall Off the stump of the tree, causing the striker mechanism attached to the small piece of wood on the under part to strike the cap of the rocket and thus ingnite the rocket. the automatic signal device was devised About two months ago by Corporal Polikhronov (class of 1929) of the 2 "Edelweiss"Zastava of the 3 Commandatura in Avren and that it was immediately widely adapted. The devices are placed 150 meters from the border. The inspectors have to inspect all automatic signal devices to replace damaged ones or to put new rockets in those which have been burned out by having been touched by a passing person or animal. (6) The pursuit group (poyska grupa, formerly lovma grupa). This is a mobile border group consisting of three or more Border Guard soldiers. It is equipped with a service dog which tracks trespassers. An officer is always attached to this pursuit group. 50X1-HUM Ambush (Zasada). This is an immobile border duty for six or more soldiers, It is not sent out every day, but only when information has been received of trespassers crossing the border in either direction. The commanding officer of the komandatura can order the stationing of an ambush. In such an instance, the place for the ambush is made and the expected trespassers are desaribed as much as possible, In the command for stationing an ambush it 'is statedthat in case a person passes by, the ambush must not arrest him and thus give away the ambush position. A lookout post (sekret) is attached to the zastava to catch anyone who might pass by who is not the target of the aMbush. There is no definite time for this duty. An offi- Cer-16 always attached to ambush duty, which can be assigned either day or-ni-g:ht.- -Its weapons depend upon the Information given about the . trespassers. Usually the detail carries a light machine gun. (8) The covering detachment (zaslon). This is an immobile border duty which consists of six or more Border Guards to protect (inspect) an area in Which-trespassers have been reported. The detail iM appointed. through a special commission of the commanding officer of the komandatura. In case of a search, the cOvering detachment will be stationed in a given place while the pursuit group (poyska grupa) will begin the search. (7) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 50X1-HUM SECRET -12- (9) The border post office. This duty consists of two persons who have to classified ?'espondenc& from the komandatura to the zastaVa afid-back to thekoMandatura. The details are named by the commanding officer of the zastava in case of need. (10) Patrol. This is a mobile border detail of two or more Border Guards. It is not a daily duty but is sent out once or twice a week to verify the documents of persons living in the border zone and of the persons working in the 2-kilometer border zone. It is designated by the commanding officer of the zastava. (11) The trouble-shooting support group (trevozhna grupa). This is a reserve border detail of seven or eight men which is prepared at all times to hurry tb the aid of a detail-which might need it, either because of a skirmish oi'-other danger. The men sleep fully clothed except for their shoes and unfastened belts. This is a daily detail. (12) The-escort (konvoy). This is a detail which escorts captured persons from the zastava to the komandatura. It consists of two or more border guards, two for each captured trespasser. It is appointed by the command- ing officer of the zastava in case of need. (13) The observation post. This is an immobile border detail of three or more soldiers, one of whom stays in the observation tower, while the second rests, and the third is on guard. According to Army regulations, each observation tower must be supplied with a telephone, but hardly any zastava have one. ?The detail is daily and lasts a whole daTor from 6600-1000 hours and from 1200-1800 hours. Its task is to watch for the movement of trespassers from Bulgaria to Greece or Greece to Bulgaria. ,An examination of-the'detail is made by the commanding officer -of the zaStava, USUI14- - once every 24 hours. Be is accompanied by one soldier; in some instances, :the commanding officer of the zastava can entrust the instruction of the details to some reliable Soldier. In case the detail notices a person in the dietance, one shot is fired into the air to serVe as a :Waining to the person to stop and su-rrender. -I-f-he dae6 nOt?atop;-the-sedond shot is to kill. If the person is near, he is warned to stop with a short command: "Stoy; gore .riitseten (hands up).--If he daes'not stop aridti-ies to lib' down or to escapes the detail shoots to kill. After the August 1952 in- :Went, the soldiers were told to shoot without warning. SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 SECRET -13- 50X1-HUM q. Emergency signals (according to a table)s (1) Two rifle shots to summon an officer. (2) Three rifle shots', a break-through in the rear (a person is passing from the border into the interior). (3) Four rifle shots call for help. (4) Five rifle shotss a break-through into the opposite territory (a person is moving from the interior towards the border). (s) A-short burst of automatic weapon fire, to summon the trouble-shooting support group. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 18. On 1 ar h ? 2 unior Sergeant Asen Georgiev Ignatiev a member of the DSNM, together with an unidentified Border (hnn771 of the otryad in Dospat was on duty on the border. V At this time a group of illegal en ran s number not known) was trying to enter from Greece. Ignatiev noticed them, hid, and drew the other soldier to one side. Thus concealed, he waited for the illegal -entrants with the intent of capturing them alive. The illegal entrants, h-owever, noticed the soldiers and scattered. Ignatiev opened fires and was killed in the resulting skirmish. Support came from the zastava and the illegal entrants retreated (direction V not known); however two of the trespassers were killed, pre- sisMably by Ignatievts first shot. Ignatiev was? buried with military honors at Karathafiovo; he was posthumously promoted for worthy service to the rank of Junior Lieutenant. His family received 100.000 leva as a reward and wag grantnd n pension. 50X1-HUM 19. In somstava areas, the inhabitants of the border villages have formed "gxupa za silde-ystirie na granic*nite voyskin (groups for cooperation with the Border troops). These olips V have been Vorganized with the mutual consent of the commanding officer of the zastava, V the commanding officer of the komandaturas and the Party secretary of the respective rayons. The composition and number of the groups vary; only ektraordinarily trustworthy Party members who can V be trusted with weapons (the Mannlicher carbines) are recruited. A group for cooperation which has been formed is attached to a given zastava and aids only that zastava. The members of these groups finish their studies under the personal supervision of a commanding officer of the zastava. They are not paid, and are not allowed to move in the 500-meter border zone, ?if they move in the remaining bor4er zone they milst have .the - proper documents, a civilian V cooperation prroun ia attached to 4 Zlatograd Zastava (name unknown) of the 1 Komandatura in Zlatograd, which is stationed in a village seven kilometers east and a little southeast of Zlatograd. Fortifications Around Zlatograd 20. Five rows of trenches have been built around Zlatograd. The first row begins in the hills about700 meters west Of the tOwnionoves toward the top of the hill, then winds along the southwest and starts 600-meters-td the north:of-he'ErMa River and then runs parallel to the river.. It is three kilometers longs and about two kilometers from its Western sections the walls are intermixed with trees. Every 10 meters there are foxholes. 21. At the beginning Of the first row there is a wooden bunker six meters long and two meters wide. The part facing the highway is arched and has three or four openings for weapons; this bunker is to defend the highway to Zlatograd. It is 50X1-HUM SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9 SECRET 50X1 -HUM dug into the ground so that only 0.80 meters show above the earth. It is covered with dirt, and only the side with the openings is uncovered. There .re two exits, connected with the nearby trench. The bunker has walls made of dak beams 15 by 15 centimeters in Size, with beams on top, and four- or five woOden supports on top. There is an underground ammunition depot in a building dug into the ground 2.5 or 3.0 meters located about 80-100 meters southwest of the bunker. The building is of brick construction with a reinforcement of con- cretelplocks 15 to 20 centimeters thick covered with dirt; this hiding place is connected with the trenches. This row of trenches, the bunker, and the ammunition depot were constructed during the summer of 1951. 22. The second trench begins about 500 or 600 meters from the first trench. It. is and' kilometer long and runs parallel with the first trench, at a. distance df 150 meters to the south. Its line is interwoven with trees. The trench is 1.5 meters d3eP, 080 to 1.0 meters Wide, and has foxholes every 10 meters." A bunker of-the same tyllee-as the one described above is located at the beginning of the trench, and a second bunker which is poorly made is located about 150 to 200 meters west of the first one; this one is used as a secret observation pt and not as a pill- box. 23. The third row of trenches- is located 1.5 kilometer 6- west of ZlatOgrad and about 350 meters south of the Erma River. It is constructed in the same way as the trenches described above and is 800 meters long. 21. There aretwo rows of trenches near the monastery located One kilOmeter ,s6litheezt Of-ZlatOgrad. The langer one goes-P-1'6M the-nOrthern Side Of the: monast;ely' distance of about 100 metersvand extends in an east-west direction for a distance of-2-,000 meters-.- The --Other- trench ?s 50- meters iSouth :Of the iiithiuteiy- 6iiends for 300 meters in a. northeast.:66Uthwest direCtiOn;, - These twotrenches are con- structed the same as those described above and have foxholes. 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020006-9