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Declassified- in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80-00926A007600660003-5 1 U.S. Officials Only .CORFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY 14?WI SUBJEC ?Ion of Status Changes- and Work of garian Geological? Society 50X1 -HUM THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE Of THE UNITED STATES. WITHiWTHEMEANING OF TITLE IN. SECTIONS 71I3 794. OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION. OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED' PERSON IS BIT 0 BY A,. THE EPROD CTION OF TV S REPORT IS PROHIBITED THIS IS UNEVALUATED DATE DISTR. 6.C.l954 'NO'. OF PAGES. .3 50X1 -HUM NO. OF ENCLS. . The Hungarian'Geological Society was simply an independent scientific discussion group before Communists seized Hungary. The State Geological Survey performed many types of scientific geological eploration for Hungary; MAORT L-71agYar Amerikai OlajiPari BaszvanYtarasag peX;ormed and exploited the bulk of petro- leum exploration. Neither asked for n6. received assistance or advice from the Society. Neither the State Geological Survey nor MAORT activities were discussed in the Geological Society. Since 1948 this has changed. the Society is strongly backing the State Geological Survey with advice and assistance. Elemer Vadasz made this change in the Society's activity. In 1951 he was attempting to introduce a militant spirit of attending lectures, absorbing and echoing bombastic propa- ganda, and visiting the USSR and 39tellites. the Society is interfering in activities of the Hungarian-USSR oil comPany that took over MAORT holdings. the fawning references to the USSR did not appear until after 1950. Then in 1951 and later even the opening of Society meetings began with praise of "our glorious ally and great friend, the USSR". Vadasz demanded that the scientist be a politician following the Marl.- Lenin principles. Science and industry must work in Communist cooperatton against the enemy. BY direction and indirection'the USSR and-flSatellite 50X1 -HUM scientists are praised. A. USSR man, 11Eaftinole, is claimed to be the father of geological education. Many references and quotations are made concerning USSR scientists and their materials. Conversely 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM D ISTR IBUTI ON mio STATE ARMY'FBI IAIR NAVY This, report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office fl Collection and Dissemination, CIA. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80-00926A007600660003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80-00926A007600660003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY -2- all references to those from the Free World are eliminated. This means that science in Hungary is being .dictated and ianot free. Political interpretations are given emphasis even in-reviews of books. For instancel'the geological theories of the scientist Ldnne are used to show that he Opposed the church in his day'and was therefore :a .Commnniat. 4. The members of the Society appear for the most part to be doing the same work with the same characteristics that ;they had before 1947. Vadasz and George Kertai 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Oappear (1951) to be tfte.dominant forces in the organization. This is characteristic of their jealously suspicious hunger for power and their zeal to organize and reorganize activities which will reflect glory on their administrative skills. Vadasz was president of the Society until 1951; when he was replaced by a trusted colleague. Kertai became secretary in 1951, having been editor prior to that time, r- This group has created a new geological hieschool at Nagykanizsa Lapprox 46?57'N -- l6?587 which was the field centbr of MAORT operations. Creation of this school is Undoubtedly an effort to show how active and hard working. Vadasz and Kertai' are. Personnel Trouble In 1951 all was obviously, not well in the Society. This is indicated by a speech of Kertai in which he admonishes the group that, "Everyone must' cooperate! Our geological 'work is often obstructed by personalities who hinder us and gossip behind each ethers' backs. Such dangerousEpirit only aids our enemies. We may be sure that such destructive force is actuated by the hand of the political enemy who enjoys seeing the activity-slacken and the spirit falter. Without mercy we must arise and'destroy all gossiping cliques and petty criticisms. We must have constructive and hard critics but we will not receive that from the enemy." Vadasz' comment "Onthis speech was that he agreed completely with comrade Kertai. 50X1-HUM evidence of ,the same old jealous biekerings that had been customary before 1948. For instance, Tibor. Szalai read a paper about the geological formations in a certain area. When he finished, J\--Ardelyi,aSked. the nasty question, why had Szalai failed to mention the tectoAic fault line at Morif In 'a meeting of geological scientists this is as insulting as reminding a historian speaking of the presidents of the US that he had failed to mention 'US Grant. 50X1-HUM Evaluation of Society the members of the Society perform the same quality of:work:as in- 1947.. In 1951, hoWeverl'members were obviously being forced to Produce greater quantitieS of, work and publiSh more with no improvement in quality.. Many of their articles' are superfinIal,':-VoT 50X1-HUM instance, a 1953 article by. Charles Sebestyen "Simple Apparatus for-the Detertitation of the Magnetic-SUseeptibility of ' Rocks", failed even to'mentiOn that the rock must be pulverized before-proper measurement ean be made., Before 1948 nothing could induce some geologists to write artieles. Ladislas Facainay 50X1-HUM 19)1 Facsinay had articles in the Society Bulletin. Facsinav. Charles Kantas never published.. However, by and Stephen H.S.z' 50X1-HUM and Laszlo Egyed can provide new and competent material in their fields and are probably Hungary's best men., None of these persons are qualified to 'discover new oil fields or to arrive at any revolutionary new ideas in oil exploration techniques or equipment. CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY ' km Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP86-06926A007660660003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80-00926A007600660003-5 coll.FlpENTIAL/us otpziALs ONLY _3_, 10. The society still has (1953) many adequately competent scientists who work like slaves and do much.,-research_and publication. However, their work shows no revelation-or evidence ol techniques, which will help in oil exploration. For instance, the, article in the 1949 'hazy geimemorative issue of Foldtani,KOzlemy pretends to discuss important, new geological findings,. Actually, the MA.ORT maps and explorations,' prior to 1947, s.re-- basis of the article. In a 1951 issue of the same publication a USSR petroleum man Varencov, a pro essor and director of the` Moscow Geophysical Survey, reported his ,observations df;. _ Hungarian oil areas and activities. His report contained nothing about _ discoverion that were not known in 1946 to MAORT personnel. - end. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80-00926A007600660003-5