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SUBJECT: (optiano
Brochure for Kickoff of OL Conference
OL 4035-87
13 March 1987
TO: (Officer
designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number sock comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
1J45 Headquarters
4. R
5. C/B1D/OL
3E14 Headquarters
6. C/P&PD/OL
158 P&P Building
7. 'i 8
FORM 61 11 use envious
* U.S. Governin?st Mathes Offlool I MI5-4114-1134/SSISS
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, New Building Project Office, OL
Chief, Personnel & Training Staff, OL
Chief, Procurement Management Staff, OL
Chief, Security Staff, OL
Chief, Facilities Management Division, OL
Chief, Printing & Photography Division, OL
Chief, Procurement Division, OL
Chief, Real Estate & Construction Division, OL
Chief, Supply Division, OL
25X1 FROM:
Chief, Information & Management Support Staff, OL
SUBJECT: Brochure for Kickoff of OL Conference
REFERENCE: Mtpl Adse Memo from C/IMSS/OL, dated 9 Mar 87,
Subject: Reminder of Current and Upcoming
Planning Requirements
1. With regard to referent memorandum, please disregard instructions in
paragraph 3 to forward your significant activities for the 2nd Quarter FY 87
to EASS by 20 March 1987 and, instead, forward them by 10 April 1987. This
will allow you sufficient time following the end of the 2nd Quarter to include
activities for the entire month of March, and the information will be used in
the next OL Quarterly in May.
2. With regard to other information required by 20 March, these items
will be included in a brochure, "OL in Review - April 1986-March 1987 " to be
handed out at the kickoff to the OL Conference on 1 May 1987 ants 25X1
pictures and very little narrative used to tell OL's story. We nee each
division/staff's input, and I've attached a copy of last year's brochure as a
guide to content and format.
3. Therefore, please send to IMSS information on those division/staff
accomplishments since April 1986 that you would like to have included in your
section of the brochure. This information should be in the form of two- or
three-line statements for items without pictures and short captions for items
to be represented with pictures, as shown in last year's brochure. Suggested
pictures are the latest interior and exterior views of the New Headquarters
25X1 Building, etc.; progress on
construction; and other activities. Please submit slides or photos to us to
be duplicated for use in the brochure. We'll return the pictures or slides to
you as soon as possible.
when separated from SECRET attachment
OL 4035-87
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SUBJECT: Brochure for Kickoff of OL Conference
4. TO help you in selecting items you may wish included in the brochure,
also attached is a list of your division/staff's activities that were
discussed in the overviews at the last three quarterlies. Please choose from
these, add any you wish, and include activities from 1 January 1987 to date,
along with pictures or slides, if any.
5. Not all components were included in last year's brochure because of
the very short time frame for getting it assembled and published. We plan to
give broader coverage this year and appreciate your cooperation in getting the
necessary information and pictures/slides to us.
A. Brochure
B. List
1 - Each Addressee, w/atts
OL/IMSS Official, w/atts
8 - OL/IMSS, w/atts
1 - OL/IMSS Chrono, w/atts
1 - OL Reader, w/atts
(12 Mar 87)
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Information Management and Support Staff (IMSS), OL
The Data Administration Service/Tmcq A stablished data links
- permits us to
and have on-line
communicate by Delta Data and
inventory control.
2. IMSS created a visual display of OL's seven master 7its
25X1 and 224 peripheral devices
3. The Logistics Overtime Tracking System, implemented to
record and track overtime, is gradually evolving into a
time and attendance system.
4. DAS made progress in obtaining access to the State
Department's Transportation Records and Control System
monitoring overseas shipment of materiel.
5. OL, OF, and OIT are working on the Commercial Logistics
Application System (CLAS) with Cullinet to automate and
replace the Inventory Control System (ICS) and the Contract
Information System (CONIF) -- and to automate the creation
of procurement documents by using "packaged" software. We
hope to achieve initial operating capability by October
6. IMSS wrote the OL "Yellow Pages," giving the who, what,
when, where, why, and how to get things done through the
Office of Logistics.
7. DAS contracted with GE to survey OL divisions and staffs
for potential OL-wide barcode applications. After
completing the survey, GE will provide an OL Master Plan
concept of barcode applications and a prioritized order of
implementation in order to maximize OL support in the
timeliest manner.
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People, Purposes and Projects
April 1985-1986
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New Building Project Office (NBPO), OL
1. New Building - aerial shot of Old Headquarters Building,
New Building, parking garage, P&P Building, and the
Powerhouse. Latest shots of exterior and interior of NHB
and Powerhouse.
Wiring for telephones, ADP equipment, and
telecommunications is to begin in early September 1987.
2. The Agency received the "Building of Excellence Award" for
1986 from the Institute of the Ironworking Industry for the
high quality of design of the NHB.
3. NBPO monitored the $7 million Bid Package 4 for two new
Visitor Control Centers (at the Route 123 and George
Washington Memorial Parkway entrances to the Headquarters
complex) and associated roadway, curbing, and lighting work.
The old guardhouse at the Route 123 entrance has been
demolished, and the new Visitor Control Center there is
partially operational.
South Parking Lot was reopened after repaving, etc., and
206 more spaces were added by restriping and by eliminating
traffic islands. North Parking Lot was reopened after
repaving and restriping, with spaces increased from 1,500
to 1,900 including the North entrance road area, which was
completed at the same time. This project included
reconfiguring the lots, new curbing and lighting.
4. The contract totaling over $1 million for 94,600 square
yards of carpeting for the NHB was awarded in July 1986.
This is enough to carpet 13 football fields! The carpeting
has been delivered and is being stored in a temporary,
weather-resistant facility on the ground level of the
parking deck until installation in the NHB.
5. The National Capital Planning Commission unanimously
approved the Agency's submission for offsite road
improvements to Routes 123 and 193, and work began on the
Route 123 portion in March(?). We expect completion of the
contract by November 1987.
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6. The George Washington Memorial Parkway 1,000-foot
Acceleration Lane Project has been completed. The major
objective, to provide a safe means for employees to merge
with north-bound traffic, has been accomplished.
7. Progress was made on the Powerhouse modifications project
(Bid Package #3). Two boilers were successfully operated
in the automatic mode on natural gas during FY 86. These
are the first of four reconfigured boilers which have the
dual-fuel capacity to run on either natural gas or No. 2
fuel oil.
In June the 15KV switchgear was energized. This equipment
will eventually provide power to the entire Headquarters
The new cooling tower system was completed and put into
operation. The old towers were removed, and the Powerhouse
space addition and retaining wall, enclosing the cooling
towers and pumping station, were completed.
The new chilled water piping and pumping system was placed
in service.
The old emergency generator system was partially demolished
and replaced by seven new gas-turbine generators.
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Information Management and Support Staff (IMSS), OL
The Data Administration Service/IMSS established data links
- permits us to
Wang and have on-line
communicate by Delta Data and
inventory control.
2. IMSS created a visual display
25X1 and 224 peripheral devices
of OL's
seven master units
3. The Logistics Overtime Tracking System, implemented to
record and track overtime, is gradually evolving into a
time and attendance system.
4. DAS made progress in obtaining access to the State
Department's Transportation Records and Control System
monitoring overseas shipment of materiel.
5. OL, OF, and OIT are working on the Commercial Logistics
Application System (CLAS) with Cullinet to automate and
replace the Inventory Control System (ICS) and the Contract
Information System (CONIF) -- and to automate the creation
of procurement documents by using "packaged" software. We
hope to achieve initial operating capability by October
6. IMSS wrote the OL "Yellow Pages," giving the who, what,
when, where, why, and how to get things done through the
Office of Logistics.
7. DAS contracted with GE to survey OL divisions and staffs
for potential OL-wide barcode applications. After
completing the survey, GE will provide an OL Master Plan
concept of barcode applications and a prioritized order of
implementation in order to maximize OL support in the
timeliest manner.
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Personnel and Training Staff (P&TS), OL,
1. OL believes that people are our most important resource.
We think Logs people are among the Agency's best, and we're
grateful for the fine job our Personnel Staff does.
2. Competitive promotions are OL's primary way of recognizing
and rewarding our employees who are paid on the GS pay
25X1 Statistics show a total promotions for OL in FY 86,
or 39 percent of all OL employees promoted.
For the period April 1986 to April 1987, we've given
out promotions, or percent of all OL employees
3. OL also gave QSIs and awards totaling
and from April 1986 to April 1987, we've given
awards totaling $ .
4. We spent over
in FY 86;
QSIs and
on training for OL employees last 25X1
year and have spent from April 1986 to April 1987.
5. OL has an in-house recruitment program. In FY 1986 P&TS
25X1 reviewed applicant files/resumes, scheduled 493
25X1 interviews, placed applicants in process, and had
applicants--about 7 percent--who entered on duty. OL
again finished over ceiling in '86.
From April 1986 to April 1987, P&TS reviewed applicant
files/resumes, scheduled interviews, placed
applicants in process, and entered applicants on duty.
7. OL officers traveled to Penn State and Michigan State
Universities in 1st Qtr 87 in regard to the co-op program
and to recruit possible staff employees -- with good
responses from the students.
8. A trip to Boston for interviewing resulted in placing
several candidates in process, including one OL-sponsored
CT candidate.
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25X1 9. In FY 86 P&TS and over OL careerists in 31 working
groups completed a review of all training courses conducted
by OL or attended by OL careerists. They recommended 112
courses for inclusion in the OL Catalog of Courses.
Several additional new courses are now under way. We
expect to distribute the new OL Training Catalog soon.
10. In conjunction with P&TS, the Technical Group, DAS/IMSS
developed a VM-based computer system called the Logistics
Employees Training and Tracking System (LETTS). It
provides complete profiles of all training scheduled for
and taken by OL employees, as well as information about
language skills, travel, and conference attendance. It
also contains the training budgets for each OL staff and
division. Upon request, P&TS will provide OL employees
with a printout of their training record for the past five
11. The first OL Mid-Career Course for Wage-Grade Employees was
held in April 1986 and was attended by 12 students; the
second course in September 1986 and the third course in
March 1987 were each attended by 14 students.
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Procurement Management Staff (PMS), OL
1. The Coopers and Lybrand study, completed last summer, is
the first look at the Agency's procurement system by an
outside group in about 10 years. Of the 39 recommendations
made by the consulting firm, 24 were recommended for
implementation and six have already been implemented. (Get
25X1 more info from
2. PMS initiated the Contracting Officer Intern Program,
hiring inexperienced people and training them through a
combination of Agency courses and on-the-job training
during the intern period.
3. PMS reviewed procurement training courses available at
various facilities, completed a manual specifically
identifying core courses and their availability, and
awarded a contract for the first procurement course to be
given in-house by a contractor ("Management of Defense
Acquisition Contracts (Basic)").
4. From April 1986 to April 1987, the Agency Contract Review
Board reviewed cases with a value of over
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7. The first edition of a "Procurement Newsletter" was
printed, with technical procurement articles and personal
news stories.
8. The criteria by which a team from PMS will review all
Agency contracting teams was developed and approved, and
the review process is now under way.
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Security Staff, OL
1. From April 1986 to April 1987, OL/SS handled
security inspections at contractor facilities and
security clearance actions . (Compare with statistics for
same period last year. This could be in graph form.)
2. A new policy for Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence
(FOCI) has been established. The Chief, Security Staff, OL
assumed chairmanship of the FOCI Review Panel from the
Chief, PMS/OL and is the focal point for FOCI reviews and
The Chief, Technical Security Group, OS became a panel
member to provide expertise on technical threats.
FOCI processing is facilitated and expedited through
minimizing formal panel actions.
Of unclassified contracts, only sensitive ones like ADP
procurements are subject to a FOCI review.
3. The Security Staff, OL, coordinated with the Security
Education Group, OS, on topics to be presented at security
awareness briefings scheduled for all OL staffs and
divisions. The first briefing took place on 15 January.
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Faciliti*as Management Division (FMD), OL
1. One of FMD's biggest design and construction projects was
the Counterterrorist Center. It took 7 1/2 months,
required renovation of more than 25,000 square feet of
io_a n seven corridors of the HQ Bldg and the relocation
rkstations from 11 different offices, at a cost of
-- and was finished three weeks ahead of schedule. lilo
2. FMD implemented the Configuration Managerment System to
provide a total systems approach to the planning,
allocation, and construction of space in the New and Old HQ
Buildings and all external Agency buildings.
3. The Configuration Management Staff provided assignment
25X1 plans for backfilling Key, and Ames Buildings and
turned over to RECD requirements data and conceptual
25X1 planning information
4. FMD formed a "Tiger Team" comprised of 37 skilled craftsmen
from Allied Maintenance Corporation, our HQ Building
Maintenance and Operation contractor. Some members of the
team worked on a number of Agency renovation projects
5. FMD completed the system requirements document for Phase I
of the Central Plant Operations and Maintenance program.
Allied's updated computerized Headquarters facility O&M
procedures are to be available by May '87.
6. FMD's couriers are now qualified to go overseas.
7. Number of design/construction projects and dollar value for
the period from April 1986 to April 1987 compared to April
1985-April 1986.
8. Number of work projects and dollar value; number handled
in-house and number subcontracted (same periods as in 8).
9. Number of trouble calls and percent completed within
48-hours (same periods as in 8).
10. Motor Pool mileage, trips, passengers carried, and
comparison with last year (same periods as in 8).
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11. Number of passengers in chartered buses and in motor coach
trips (same periods as in 8).
12. Mail and Courier figures for incoming and outgoing mail and
for internal courier mail -- plus comparison with last
year (same periods as in 8).
13. Square yards of carpeting installed (same periods as in 8).
14. Statistics for classified trash disposal (same periods as
in 8).
15. Line items weighing (?) handled at the Headquarters dock
(same periods as in 8). Mention new North Dock and include
16. Executive Dining Room - number of meals and guests served
at cocktail parties (same periods as in 8).
17. Info on exhibits, furniture, signs (same periods as in 8).
18. An FMD employee won the design contest for the fitness
jogging tunnel.
19. Number of pneumatic tube carries (same periods as in 8).
20. In support of the Agency's "Operation Santa Claus," FMD
personnel and more than 30 Agency volunteers from other
25X1 Headquarters components buildings helped
collect, pack, and deliver seven bikes and 264 boxes of
toys, clothing, food, books, etc., to 12 organizations in
the Washington area.
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Printing and Photography Division (P&PD), OL
1. P&PD started the "Flying Squad," and PD later added members
to what is now the "OL Flying Squad". Fifty employees have
volunteered to go anywhere, anytime, to provide urgently
required craftsman and logistics support to the Agency
OL has developed a 3-day course to certify members of the
"OL Flying Squad" for all kinds of OL disciplines and skills
that they would use overseas.
2. P&PD improved procedures for producing the Midday
Intelligence Report. To get it to the Intelligence
Community faster, articles are now originated on the Wang
network, transmitted to VM, then linked to ETECS for
3. P&PD installed a six-color press for faster turnaround and
higher quality color printing. Jobs requiring more than two
colors can now be printed in one pass rather than being run
through the press in several passes as is done with
conventional two-color presses.
4. P&PD installed the improved Electronic Page Controller,
which will allow copy to go from computer to metal plate via
laser. We're making progress on the necessary software.
5. P&PD implemented 100-percent electronic page makeup, by
which all pages are assembled on a computer terminal.
6. P&PD enhanced their digital prepress capabilities, which
enables them to combine text and graphics in page format on
a computer system.
7. P&PD set up a new co-op program that brings college students
in to work for 3 months at a time while they're completing
their schooling. They're fully cleared and receive pay
while here.
8. To help stem information leaks, P&PD implemented a system of
secure printing -- overprinting page-sized copy control
numbers on all pages of a controlled classified document to
trace it to the responsible party.
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EJl.o IN.EA .L
10. P&PD is investigating the use of laser disk technology to
replace or supplement current microform capabilities and to
place its file of photographs on laser disk.
12. P&PD printed a great variety of publications, some of which
are listed below:
25X1 copies of Your Employee Benefits Statement, a
synopsis of each Agency employee's compensation, insurance,
retirement, voluntary investments, and leave status.
13 volumes, consisting of 2,245 pages, of the Congressional
Budget Justification Books.
copies of the "Factbook on Intelligence." (21-22 Aug) 25X1
copies of "The World Factbook."
copies of "A Professional Career in Intelligence."
copies of "DDA Professional Careers"
13. From April 1986 to April 1987, some totals for jobs
completed in P&PD's Printing Branch were books bound
and documents copied; for the Photography
Branch, photo prints and microform images.
14. P&PD helped prepare "The Fighting 69th" exhibit honoring
General Donovan, the first Director of CIA's predecessor,
the OSS, and took photos to be used in a booklet for the
Historical Staff.
15. In connection with a new exhibit for the Smithsonian's Air
and Space Museum, P&PD took motion picture footage of an
interview of the first U-2 pilots and the designer of the
camera that was used in the aircraft.
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Procurement Division (PD), OL
1. From April 1986 to April 1987, PD processed actions
with a dollar value of . This does not reflect
any contracting team activities.
2. Some of PD's procurement actions are listed below:
for additional deliveries and upgrades for the 25X1
SAFE program.
for workstation support services to provide
technical services for terminals, workstations, and
in engineering services and equipment
Automated Requirements Management System
maintenance service for IBM equipment.
Automated Printing and Reproduction Systems (APARS)
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Them ALP rnntract for the NHB was increased by almost
-- to include cafeteria
renovation and the feasibility plan for a Child Day Care
9. The Cray computer is a research supercomputer PD is
acquiring for the DI. Two of these systems are to be in
the NHB and will provide far greater capabilities than we
now have.
10. OL/PD issued a delivery order to Cullinet Software, Inc.,
for $210,000 for five software packages. They were
purchased on behalf of the Offices of Information
Technology and Logistics in support of the Commercial
Logistics Applications System (CLAS) initiative to improve
the Agency's procurement, inventory, budget, and payment
activities by replacing existing data processing systems
and becoming an integral part of the Agency Corporate Data
11. PD awarded a contract totaling $100,000 to Cullinet
Software, Inc., to provide education units for use by
Agency personnel to attend courses offered by Cullinet on
the new application software packages being purchased.
12. PD consolidated 130 Wang maintenance contracts into two
major contracts, one classified and one unclassified,
realizing almost $1 million in savings.
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