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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 OOt ONGRESS .ice SESSION (oKs{t+w CSTaw ? of Item R 3._ Making technical corrections relating to the Federal Employees' Retirement, System, and for other purposes: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES L_. 19 7 M:. FOP,D.of Michigan introdiced the following bill; which was refer red to the Committee o.^. O4 A BILL ~E'.Z_:. C'.:. .',it Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 :r_ ~:?~f; ~ Sr~.?,^ `'g h~ ++,- ? 1 a ~, oir`z iir+~:r~;~k e,q?, - omt'1 :yyr"). 'y Sa>^.~svvYp'i'` ? l.. ~ '~.? F~-3~r....; ~,.1~3~~ ~~'~7~~~?0 raj, a~~at v'3 . `. .,:5ri ~ x .. 1 i"_s~-'S`i:~."i~Fk Y? ..: 7t- . r, ..: C`. 7+.~ ~"~~ ~ .c.' iiB 1 SECTION 1. REFERENCES. 2 Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever ?in this 3 Act an amendment or repeal -is.expressed in terms of an 4 amendment to, or a repeal of, a section or other provision, 5 the reference shat: be considered tc be made to a secti:. c- 6 other provision of title 5, United States Code. 7 SEC. 2. DEPOSITS FOR COVERED SERVICE AFTER 1986 FOR ` .-EJ,PLO.YEES UNDER ?CSRS OFFSET PROVISIONS.. Section 8334(c) is amended by striking the period at the end of the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the g: and, with respect to any such service li follow,in 12 performed after December 31, 1986, be equal. to the amount 13 that would have been deducted from the employees basic pay .4 under subsection (k) of this section if t:a employee's pay 15 had been subject to that subsection during such period.. 6 SEC. 3. AKENDKENTS RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEKENT OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS. :c (a) MAxiMUh'. ENTRY AGES.-- _9 (I) IN GENERAL.--Sec:-on 3307 is amended-- 20 (A) in subsection (d), by striking may, with the conc.::rence of such acen_ as the President may 22 designate, ' and inserting in lie,.: thereof 'ma-,,-' ' ; _ne e- c _ne -- ~nc . t e ! c~f ma_: Ix ne Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 wy Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R00080 1 maximum age limit for an original appointment to a position 2 as a firefighter or law enforcement officer, as defiled by 3 section 8401(14) or (17), respectively, of this title.". 4 (2) CLARIFYING -AMENDMENTS;--Paragraphs (14)(A)(ii) 5 and (.7) of section 84C' are amended by striking 'are required to be'' each place those words appear and inserting in lieu thereof -should be''. (b)..DEFINITI.ON :UNDER THE LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM..--Section 9 8704(c)'(2) is amended by inserting "or 8401(17)"- after 10 8331(20). 11 (c) AMENDMENTS TO DEFINITIONS.? 12 (1). LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.--Section 8401(17) is 13 amended-- 14 (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (E) anc (C) -is 15 subparagraphs (C) and (D), respectively; 16 (B) by inserting after subparagraph, (A) the fc rowing t3 an employee of the De.c_:rre:_ cf cr the Department cf the T=eas:. . (exc_ud:. _ any e:- _:ye` 20 under subparagraph (A)) wt occupies a pcs:tio^ that, cat 2: for the enactment cf the Federal Employees Re:irerne n: 2= Cc_~um:.ia Pc:ice and Firefighters Re,::rene-_ Systen., as 24 de _E:..._re= by the Se=:e:a: v _.c the 22 Sys?er.. Act of 1986, would be subject to the District Secretary cf tne -.: eas _ , a= and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066ROO0800020012-2 1 (C) by amending subparagraph (C), as so 2 redesignated by subparagraph (A), to read as follows: (C) an employee who is transferred directly to .4 a supervisory..or adldihi'sttatiye' positiati after. performing duties described in subparagraph (A) or 6 (B); and". 7 (2) FIREFIGHTERS.--Section 8401(14)(B) is amended by 8 striking **.for at least 10 years 9 (d)-COORDINATION OF FERS WITH THEIISTRItT OF COLUM$IA' 10 POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR EMPLOYEES OF 11 THE PARK POLICE AND THE.SECRET SERVICE.-- 12 (1) IN GENERAL.--Section 4-607(l) of title 4 of the 13 District of Columbia Code is amended by striking the 14 . period and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 15. but does not. include an officer or riember of the United 16 . States Park Police force, or of the United States Secret 17 Service Division, whose service is employment for.the 18 purposes of title II of the Social Security Act and 19 chapter 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and whc 20 is not excluded from coverage under chapter 84 of title 21 5, United States Code, by operation of section 8402 of 22 such title.". 23 (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.--Section 8401(11)(i)(II) i 24 amended by striking (other than an employee of the 25 . United States Park Police, or the United States Secret Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066ROO0800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 5 Service, whose civilian service after December 31, 1983, is such employment)". ? : ~9 - `..:. ~~.:-~F~SEIS: TO Pf l;1IENT... FUL't DOUBLE ?OYERAGE FOR EMf~.4YE?S 4 OF THE PARK POLICE AND THE SECRET SERVICE.--Notwithstanding 5 any other provision of law,.in the case of an employee of the 6 United States Secret Service or the United States Park Police 7 whose pay is simultaneously subject to a deposit requirement undez-the- 'District of- Columbia Police-and-.Firefighters'..... . 9 Retirement and Disability System and the contribution 10 requirement under section 3101(a) of the Internal Revenue 11 Code of 1986-- 12 (1) any deposits under the District of Columbia 13 Police and Firefighters' Retirement and Disability System 14 shall be adjusted in a manner consiste-it with section 15 8334(k) of title 5, United States Code (relating to 16 offsets in deductions from pay to reflect OASDI 17 contributions); and 18 (2) any benefits payable under the District of 19 Columbia Police and Firefighters Retirement and 20 Disability System based on the service of any such 21 employee shall be adjusted in a manner consistent with 22 section 8349 of title 5, United States Code (relating to 23 offsets to reflect benefits under title II of the Social 24 Security Act). 2: (f) EFFECTIVE DATE.--:his section, and the amendments, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 :7. "~~ ' ~~e ~-c'T~ssP'r-- r.'.v -~r'~ ~~.e~..ya.;rcVC:""{4-s -1e~ =5;+~:c~Y;?!.?~F~~^~c:,. 1 made by this section shall be effective as of January 1, 2 1987. att". ? 4 .?' l4ILITARY SERVI~ DEPOSITS BY .SURVIVORS . .'}. ..T~ t mended by adding at the end A (a) Section 8422(!) s a 5 following: the'- (5) For the purpose of survivor annuities, deposits 7 authorized by this subsection may also'be made by a survivor 8 of an employee;.or?Member. 9 (b) Section 8411(c)(4)(A) striking 10 subsection (f)(4)' and inserting in hieu?.thereof %section 11 8422(e.) (5) 12 SEC. 5. DEPOSITS AND REFUNDS RELATING TO.CERTAIN SERVICE 13 UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT SYSTEK.. 14 (a) DEPOSIT FOR SERVICE COVERED SY REFUND PERMITTED ONLY 15 IF REFUND WAS PURSUANT TO APPLICATION FILED BEFORE BECOMING 16 SUBJECT TO FERS.--Section 8411(f)(1) is amended by adding at 17 the end the.following: .,.A deposit under tpis paragraph may 18 be made only. with respect to a. refund received pu:suant. to a 19 application filed with the Office before the date on which 20 the employee or Member first becomes subject'to this 21 chapter.. , 22 (b) LUMP-SUM CREDIT FOR CERTAIN CSRS SERVICE SOUGHT AFTER 23 BECOMING SUBJECT TO FERS IS PAYABLE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT 24 EXCEEDS 1.3 PERCENT OF BASIC PAY.--The last sentence of 25 section 8342(a), as added by section 207(h).of the Federal Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 7 1 EmployeesI Retirement System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 2 100 Stat. 596) is amended to read as follows: 'lIn applying },. t.his.,subsection to an employee or Member who becomes subject :, . . 'to Chapter 84 (other than by -an elec'tion' under title III- of 5 the Federal EmployeesI Retirement System Act of 1986) and 6 who, while subject to such chapter, files an application with 7 the Office for a payment under this subsection-- (i) entitlement to payment of the lump-sum credit shall be determined without regard to paragraph 1(1) or 10- (3) if, or to-the extent that,.such lump-sum credit it relates to service of a type described in clauses (i) 12 through (iii) of section 302(a)(1)(C) of the Federal 13 Employees Retirement System Act of 1986; and 14 (ii) if, or :o the extent that, the lump-sum credit 15 so relates to service of a type referred to in clause 16 (i), it shall (notwithstanding section 8331(8)) consist (1) the amount by which any ;nrefunded amount 19 described in section 8331(8)(A) or (B) relating to 20 such service, exceeds 1.3 percent of basic pay for 21 such service; and 22 .. (II) interest on the amount payable under 23 subclause (I), computed in a manner consistent with applicable provisions of section 6331(8)- 25 SEC. 6. OPTION FOR CERTAIN EKPLOYEES TO ELECT FERS COVERAGE. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA ^RDP89 00066R000800020012-2 Section 301(a) of the Federal Employees' Retirement 2 System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. 599 is .3.-.amended. by adding at the end the following 4 (3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph -(s) any 5 individual-- 6 (i) who is excluded from the operation of 7 subchapter.III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States 8 Code, under subsection (g), (i), (j), or (1) of section 9 8347 of such title, and 10 ..(ii) with respect to-whom chapter 84 of title 5, 11 United States Code, does not apply because of section 12 8402(b)(2) of such title, 13 shall, for purposes of an election under paragraph (1) or 14 (2) b?= treated as if such individual were subject to 15 subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code. 16 (B) An election under this paragraph may not be made by 17 any individual who would be excluded from,> he operation of 18 chaste: 84 of title 5, United States Code, under section 19 8402(c) of such title (relating to exclusions based on the 20 temporary or intermittent nature of ones employment). 2: SEC. 7. CERTAIN CSRS SERVICE CREDITABLE TO DETERMINE 22 ELIGIBILITY FOR 1.1 PERCENT ACCRUAL RATE. 23 Section 302(a)(1)(D) of the Federal Employees Retirement 24 Sy=stem. Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. 602) is 2: amended- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 9 (1) by striking and at the end of subclause (IV); (2) by striking the period at the end of subcl ause (V) and inserting in lieu thereof and"; and 4 .~ ' ( 3 ) by,:aa*aing after s.ubc'Iause (V) the? fb1,iowing : " (VI) the provision of subsection (g) of section 6 8415 which relates to the minimum period of service 7 required to qualify for the higher accrual rate under 8 such subsection.. 9 SEC. S. AMENDMENTS RELATING TO MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS OF .10 LAW EXTENDING COVERAGE OR BENEFITS UNDER 11 CERTAIN FEDERAL PROGRAMS TO INDIVIDUALS NOT OTHERWISE ELIGIBLE. 12 13 (a) TERMINATION OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ELIGIBILITY 14 PROVISIONS.-- 15 (1) CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM.--Section 8347 is 16 amended by adding at the end the following: (o) Any provision of law outside of this subchapter 18 which provides coverage, service credit, or any other benefit 19 under this subchapter to any individuals who (based on their 20 being employed by an entity other than the Government) wo;:Id 21 not otherwise be eligible for any such coverage, credit, or 22 benefit, shall not apply with respect to any individual 23 appointed, transferred, or otherwise commencing that type of 24 employment on or after October 1, 1988.''. 25 (2) LIFE INSURANCE.-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ? : rM `~? :_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 : CIA rRDP89 00066R000800020012-2 (A) IN GENERAL.--Section 8713 of title 5, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: r S8713. Effect of other statutes Any provision' of law outside of this chapter which 5 provides coverage or any other benefit under this chapter to 6 any individuals who (based on their being employed by an 7 entity other than the Government) would not otherwise be 8 eligible for any such coverage or benefit shall not apply 9 with respect to any individual appointed, transferred, or 10 otherwise commencing that type of employment on or after 11 October 1, 1988.". (B) CHAPTER ANALYSIS.--The analysis for chapter 13 87 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by 14 striking the item relating to section 8713 and 15 inserting in lieu thereof the following: 8713. Effect of other statutes.''. 16 (3) HEALTH INSURANCE.-- (A) IN GENERAL.--Charter 8: of title 5, United i8 States Code, is amended by adding. at the end the 19 following: 20 " 58914. Effect of other statutes 2: Any provision of law outside of this chapter which 22 provides coverage or any other benefit under this chapter to 22 any individuals who (based on their being employed by an 2; entity other than the Government) would not otherwise Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ?1 1 eligible for any such coverage or benefit shall not apply 2 with respect to any individual appointed, transferred or 3 otherwise commencing that type of employment on or after 4 October 1, 1988. 5 (B) CHAPTER ANALYSIS.--The analysis for chapter 6 89 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by 7 adding at the end the following: " 8914. Effect of other statutes. 8 (b) EXTENSION OF OFFSET PROVISIONS UNDER CHAPTER 83.-- 9 (1) CONTRIBUTIONS.--Section 8334(k) is amended by 10 adding at the end the following: 11 " (4) In administering paragraphs (1) through (3)-- 12 " (A) the term *an individual described in section 13 8402(b)(2) of t`is title shall be considered to include 14 any individual-- ..(i) who is subject to this subchapter as a 16 result of a provision of law described in section i7 8347(0), ant. lg (ii) whose employment (as described in section 19 8347(0)) is also employment for purposes of title II 20 of the Social Security Act and chapter 21 of the 21 Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and 22 (B) the term Federal wages , as applied with 22 respect to any individual to whom this subsection applies 24 as a result cf subparagraph (A), means basic pay for any Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 employment referred to in subparagraph (A)(ii).". (2) BENEFITS.--Section 8349 is amended by adding at the end the following: (d) In administers-ngsusections (-a) through ?(c)-- (1) the terms 'an individual under section 6 8402(b)(2)' and -an individual described in section 7 8402(b)(2)' shall each be'considered to include any 8 individual-- 11 8347(0), and 9 ''(A) who is subject to this subchapter as a 10 result of any provision-of law described. in section (B) whose employment (as described in section 13 8347(0)) is also employment for purposes of title II 14 of t-.e Social Security Act and chapter 21 of the 15 Inte_nal Revenue Code of 1986; and 16 '(2) the term Federal service', as applied with 17 respect to any individual to whom this section apples as i8 a res.;1t of paragraph (1), means any employment referred 19 to in paragraph (1)(B) performed after December 31, 20 1983. . 21 SEC. 9. CONTINUED COVERAGE UNDER CERTAIN FEDERAL EMPLOYEE 22 BENEFIT PROGRAMS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF SAINT 23 ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL. 24 (a) IN GENERAL.--Section 207 of the Federal Employees' 25 Retirement System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ?iueeiassmea aria I,pprovea ror rceiease Lu iLi iLi I I ,ice,-rcurzsy-uuunnrcuuuouuuLuu iz-z '~V j;it ~.uS'y . . z } F~S'3~'1'?~{~a'~, r~`~.~ f .~21 {i' ; i e ~'~?.:'~ C `te`ati - Y'r?""i k r`~s-? Y..? .. rrg~:.. 41a?1;^-ks -X` 11 13 1 594) is amended by adding at the end the following: 2 " (o) An employee of Saint Elizabeths Hospital whp is 3 appointed to a position in the government of the District of 4 Columbia'on October 1, ?1987, pursuant to the Saint Elizabeths 5 Hospital and District of Columbia Mental Health Services Act 6 (Public Law 98-621; 98 Stat. 3369 and following) shall, for 7 purposes of chapters 83, 87, and 89 of title 5, United States 8 Code, be treated in the same way as an individual first 9 employed by the government of the District of Columbia before 10 October 1, 1987..". 11 (b) The amendment made by this section shall be effective 12 as of October 1, 1987. 13 SEC. 10. CREDITABILITY UNDER CSRS OF CERTAIN SERVICE 14 PERFORMED UNDER A PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT 15 WITH THE UNITED STATES. 16 (a) IN GENERAL.-- (I) CONDITIONS FOR RECEIVING CREDIT.--Subject to the 18 making of a deposit under section 8334(c) of title 5. 19 United States Code, upon application to the office of 20 Personnel Management within 2 years after the date of the 21 enactment of this Act, any individual who is an employee 22 (as defined by section 8331(1) or 8401(11) of such title) 23 on such date shall be allowed credit under subchapter of chapter 83 of such title for any service if such 2:5 service was performed-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012{/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 .''".' _, 'S V'_IylZt,`.l i. '.Y'l" 'S?r iti:t '~.?' y",'ri.X.,ti'd{P"' ` '~ 'a'.~'r,.M7nY"~Y;r! ? ke: "`^"=rri 1'?vci s_+ 14 (A) before November 5, 1985; and (B) under a personal service contract wit the 3 United States, except as provided in paragraph (3). 4 (2) CERTIFICATION.-- 5 (A) IN GENERAL.--The office shall, with respect 6 to any service for which credit is sought under this 7 subsection, accept the certification of the head of 8 the agency which was party to the contract referred 9 to in paragraph (1)(B), but only if such 10 certification-- 11 (i) states that the agency had intended, 12 through such contract, that the individual 13 involved (or that persons like the individual 14 involved) be consi=ered as having been appoirtesi 15 to a position id the civil service; and 16 (ii) indicates the period of service which 17 was performed under the contract by the 18 individual involved., and. includes copies of 19 appropriate records or other documentation tc 20 support the determination as to the length of 21 such period. 22 (B) FINALITY.--A decision by an agency head 23 concerninc whether or not to make a certification. 24 under this paragraph in any particular instance s!~a__ 25 be at the sole discretion of the agency head, an= Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 't`/= .i".: ~! +~{ -sti ^~-~, z.;.c;-sL'Y.:a{..;.~-.n s k ~~~cr+,z.;' ~e,,:u.~,,,F~T-.a~~v,>;~-a t.~x~ -f 4 G A "t'~i ~T~ { ]~ ~; J2 '. 4 1 .r1~7t !. C~ i c'? 4 a /'4 44i~... _~ .. .~, n:. -~a~,e";'','F+.e'.?+"'tir a~_..'~.c.{?. ._.:. S ,-. - ..r 4 apply with respect to any'service performed under-- (A) a contract for which any appropriations, 6 allocations, or funds were used under section 7 636(a)(3) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; or (B) a contract entered into under section 9 10(a)(5) of the Peace Corps Act. 10 (b) APPLICABILITY TO ANNUITANTS.-- 11 (1) IN GENERAL.--In the case of any individual who-- shall not be subject to administrative or judicial (3) EXCEPTION.--Nothing in this subsection shall review. (A) performed service for which credit is 13 allowable under subsection (a), and (B) retired on an annuity payable under 15 subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United 16 States Code, after January 23, 1980, and before the date of the enactment of this Act, 18 any annuity under such subchapte- based on the service of 19 such individual shall be rede_e:mrined to take into 20 account the amend.rnent made by subsection (a) if 21 application therefor is made, and the deposit requirement 22 under such subsection is met, withir. l year after the 23 date of the enactment of this Act. 24 (2) AMOUNTS TO WHICH APPLICABLE.--Any change in an 25 annuity resulting from a redete:r::nation under pa:acraph Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORDMIO1S 16 1 (1) shall be effective with respect to payments accruing 2 for months beginning after the date of the enactmt nt of 3 this Act. 4 SEC. 11. EXCLUSION OF FOREIGN NATIONAL EMPLOYEES UNDER CSRS' 5 FROM PARTICIPATING IN THE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN. 6 (a) IN GENERAL.--Section 8351 is amended-- 7 (1) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection 8 (d); and 9 (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following: 10 (c) A member of the Foreign Service described in 11 section 103(6) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 shall be 12 ineligible to make any election under this section.". 13 (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendments made by subsection 14 (a) shall be effective as of March 31, 1987. Any refund which .15 becomes payable as a result of the preceding sentence shall, 16 to the extent that such refund involves an individuals 17 contributions to the Thrift Savings Fund (.e=tablished under 16 section 8437 of title 5, United States Code;, be ad used tc 19 reflect any earnings attributable thereto. 20 SEC. 12. FOREIGN NATIONAL EMPLOYEES APPOINTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 2' 1987 EXCLUDED FROM CSRS. 22 Section 8331(1) is amended-- 23 (1) by striking or at the end c` clause (x); 24 (2) by st:ikir.c the period at the end of clause (xi) 25 and inserting in lieu thereof or ' ; and ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 : CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ~.r~:i/,-:._ N2'"ti :1i'h+..Tn: :i:tiyr.'r':faq ttY, A .li y.. ,Qs,.--a vi T~';rR-~. . .vz. -- { 1~! '`. .~V....:~~'-....tti',l.~< .;; du.~a ~iV Fie. .: Sk??....ii . ._ ~:, ~~":+, .. ~'. l.'._. ._.!_JS'. t3.~!i~Y. t?Z `.'.''et+- ~.. _ .. 'u {j_ ~t2C~ rr 7: ne'ay; _~~ ~ .., ~3~n 3 described in section 103(6) of the Foreign Service 4 Act of 1980), appointed after December 31, 1987. . 5 SEC. 13. EXCLUSION OF FOREIGN NATIONAL EMPLOYEES FROM FERS. 6 (a) No ELECTION TO CONVERT FROM CSRS.-- 7 (1) IN GENERAL.--Section 301(a) of the Federal 8 EmployeesI Retirement System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99- 9 335; 100 Stat. 599) is amended by adding at the end the 10 following: 17 (3) by adding after clause (xi) the following: (xii) a member of the Foreign Service (las 11 43) A member of the Foreign Service described in 12 section 103(6) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 shall be 13 ineligible to make any election under this subsection.. 14 (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendment made by paragraph 15 (1) shall be effective as of June 30, 1987. Any refund 16 which becomes payable as a result of the preceding 1-7 sentence shall, to the extent that suc4- refund 18 an individual's contributions to the Thrift Sayincs Fund 19 (established under section 8437 of title 5, United States 20 Code), be adjusted to reflect any earnings attributable 21 thereto. 22 (b) ExCLUSION FROM FERS.-- 23 (1) IN GENERAL.--Section 840s(ll) is amended-- c: s~: ikine at the end of clause -c:- 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FROM I 01 (B) by inserting "or'' after the semicolon in clause (ii); and 3 (C) by adding at the end the following: 4 ~(iii) a member of the Foreign Service described 5 in section 103(6) of the Foreign Service Act of 6 1980;. 7 (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendments made by paragraph 8 (1) shall be effective as of January 1, 1987. Any refund 9 which becomes payable as a result of the preceding 10 sentence shall, to the extent that such refund involves 11 an individuals contributions to the Thrift Savings Fund 12 (established under section 8437 of title 5, United States 13 Code), be adjusted to reflect any earnings attributable 14 thereto. 15 SEC. 14. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN ONE-TIKE GOVERNMENT 16 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN. Section 8432(d) is amended by adding the end the lE foi lowing: However, no contribution made i.nder s~bse::icy. 19 (c)(3) shall be subject tc, or taken into account, for 20 purposes of the preceding sentence.''. 21 SEC. 15. GOVER1MENT'S 1 PERCENT THRIFT CONTRIBUTION NOT 22 FORFEITABLE FOR DEATH IN SERVICE. 23 Section 8432(g) is amended-- 2; (1) in paracrapr. (M.;, by st7.-**K-"n:, Except as 2= pr:,vided in paragraphs (2) and (3), and inserting in Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 u~.;l 1~; i.n~ys Declassified and Approved For Relea{sMe~~2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ~'` t1~r-r~.:' ar C`5..".t~'~ S)7" i~ ?'r 7.Si+?n ~~, 's`,Y TiT,^jwi 3; MTS... .?vrT"..;l :.-n[".SF..Y- ./j ~x ti ..? J,,:1,.e' ~_ }!'. a". yYn,? "S7. M .Ct~A".rRTt t :S l~ 4 '1}. 1 lieu thereof "Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,"; and (2) by adding at the end the following: 4 (4) Nothing in paragraph (2) or (3) shall cause the 5 forfeiture of any contributions made for the benefit of an 6 employee, Member, or Congressional employee under subsection 7 (c)(1), or any earnings attributable thereto, if such 8 employee, Member, or Congressional employee is not separated 9 from Government employment as of date of death. " . 10 SEC. 16. CLARIFICATION RELATING TO AMOUNTS SUBJECT TO LEGAL 11 PROCESS FOR CHILD SUPPORT OR ALIMONY. 12 Section 8437(e)(3) is amended by adding at the end the 13 following: .. For the purposes of this paragraph, an amount 14 contributed for the benefit c` an individual under secti'cl 15 8432(c)(1) (including any earnings attributable thereto) 16 shall not be considered part of the balance in such 11 individuals account unless such amount isn onforfeitable, as 16 determined under applicable p-ovisior.s of section 8432(g;. 19 SEC. 17. CLARIFICATION RELATING TO SOURCE OF FUNDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES OF TSE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN. 22 Section 8437 is amended-- 23 (l) in subsection (d), by inserting a period after 24 . earnings in such Fund'' and by strikinc the matter 25 thereafter; and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 20 (2) in subsection (e)(1), by inserting **subsection 2 (d) and" before *'paragraphs (2) and (3), 0.- 3 SEC. 18. EXCLUSION FROM AGE-BASED REDUCTION UNDER CHAPTER 83 4 FOR CSRS PORTION OF ANNUITY MADE SUBJECT TO 5 REDUCTION UNDER CHAPTER 84 FOLLOWING AN 6 ELECTION INTO FERS. - 7 Section 302(a)(4) of the federal Employees' Retirement 8 System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. 603) is 9 amended by adding at the end the following: 'Notwithstanding 10 the preceding sentence, in computing accrued benefits under 11 this paragraph for an individual retiring under section 12 8412(g) or 8413(b) of title 5, United States Code, section 13 8339(h) of such title (relating to reductions based on age at 14 date of separation) shall not apply. - 15 SEC. 19. INTEREST ON REFUNDS OF CERTAIN EXCESS CONTRIBUTIONS 16 BY INDIVIDUALS MAKING ELECTIONS UNDER TITLE III OF THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ACT 18 OF 1986. i9 (a) FOR INDIVIDUALS ELECTING FERS COVERAGE.--Section 20 302(c)(2) of the Federal Employees Retirement System Act of 2. :986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Scat. 605), as amended by 22 section 302(a) of the Federal Employees' Retirement System 23 Technical Corrections Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-556; 100 24 Stat. 3136), is amended to read as follows: ..(2) In accordance with regulations prescribed by the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ~: . _ .. . ~ . ~' . ; .. .- ; - r',~`xc! ? ~- ys _y'! ~. r;5h ._ .{.._ _ ?m~.~~, it .. _ . r A 1 Office of Personnel Management, a refund under this 2 subsection shall be payable upon written application ;therefor 3 filed with the Office and shall include interest at the rate 4 provided in section 8334(e)(3) of title 5, United States 5 Code. Interest on the refund shall accrue monthly and shall 6 be compounded annually.''. 7 (b) FOR INDIVIDUALS ELECTING COVERAGE UNDER CSRS WITH 8 OFFSETS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY.--The last sentence of section 9 303(a) of the Federal Employees Retirement System Act of 10 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. 605), as added by section 11 302(bl of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Technical 12 Corrections Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-556; 100 Stat. 3136), 13 is amended to read as follows: A refund under this 14 subsection shall be computed with interest in accordance with 15 section 302(c)(2) and regulations prescribed by the.-Office of 16 Personnel Management.. l7 SEC. 20. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL MERIT INC)EASE UNDER THE 18 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND RECOGNITION SYSTEM 19 FOR EMPLOYEES OF SAINT ELIZABETES HOSPITAL. 20 (a) IN GENERAL.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 21 law, the effective date of any merit increase under section 22 5404 of title 5, United States Code, during calendar year 23 1987 shall, in the case of any individual employed in or 24 under Saint Elizabeths Hospital on Septe..?be: 1, 1987, be 25 considered tc be the first day of the first applicable pay Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 1 period commencing on or after September 1 (rather than 3 (b) DEFINITION.--For purposes of this section, Saint 4 Elizabeths Hospital" refers to the institution identified 5 under section 3(1) of the Saint Elizabeths Hospital and 6 District of Columbia Mental Health Services Act (Public Law 7 98-621; 98 Stat. 3371). 8 SEC. 21. DEADLINE FOR AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THRIFT SAVINGS 9 PLAN. 10 (a) THE 1-PERCENT CONTRIBUTION.--Section 8432(c)(1)(A) is 11 amended-- 12 (1) by striking "At the end of" and inserting in 13 lieu thereof "At the time prescribed by the Executive 14 Director, but no later than 12 days after the end of"; 15 and 16 (2) by striking at the end of each succeeding pay i7 period, and inserting in lieu therep: within such :8 time as the Executive Director may prescribe with respect i9 to succeeding pay periods (but no later than 12 days 20 after the end of each such pay period),. 21 (b) AMOUNTS BASED ON INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS.--The 22 second sentence of section 8432(c)(2)(A) is amended by 2 October 1) of such year. 23 striking at the end of such pay period.' and inserting in 24 lie_ thereof within such time as the Executive Director may 25 prescribe, but no later than 12 days after the end of each Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 I such pay period.''. 2 SEC. 22. AKENDKENTS RELATING TO DISABILITY ANNUITIES t 3 (a) INITIAL DISABILITY ANNUITY OFFSET TO BE BASED ON 4 ACTUAL SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFIT; AMOUNT 5 OF OFFSET NOT SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT UNTIL AFTER THE FIRST 6 YEAR.--Section 8452(a)(2)(B)(i) of title 5, United States 7 Code, is amended to read as follows: 8 '(B)(i) For purposes of this paragraph, the assumed 9 disability insurance benefit of an annuitant for any month 10 shall be equal to-- 11 " (I) the amount of the disability insurance benefit 12 to which the annuitant is entitled under section 223 of 13 the Social Security Act for the month in which the 14 annuity under this subchapter commences, or is restored, 15 or, if no entitlement to such disability insurance 16 benefits exists for such month, the first month 1 thereafter for which the annuitant is entitled both to an 1E annuity under this subchapter and disability insurance 19 benefits under section 223 of the Social Security Act, 20 adjusted by 21 " (II) all adjustments made under section 8462(b) 22 after the end of the period referred to in paragraph 22 (1)(A)(i) (or, if later, after the end of the month 24 precedin; the first month for which the annuitant is 2: entitled both to an annuity under this subchapter and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 2 Social Security Act) and before the start of the month 3 involved (without regard to whether the annuitant s 4 annuity was affected by any of those adjustments).". 5 (b) REVISED METHOD FOR REDETERMINING A DISABILITY ANNUITY 6 AT AGE 62,--Sectior. 8452(b) of title 5, United States Code, 7 is amended to read as follows; disability insurance benefits under section 223 of the (b)(1) Except as provided in subsection (d), if an 9 annuitant is entitled 10 of the day before the 11 the annuitant s birth 12 to as the annuitant s 13 shall be redetermined to an annuity under this subchapter as date of the sixty-second anniversary of (hereinafter in this section referred redetermination date ), such annuity by the Office in accordance with 14 paragraph (2). Effective as of the annuitant's 15 redetermination date, the annuity (as so redetermined) shall 16 be in lieu of any annuity to which such annuitant would 17 otherwise be entitled under this subchapter. 18 ..(2)(A) An annuity redetermined under this subsection 19 shall be equal to the amount of-the annuity to which the 2G annuitant would be entitled under section 8415, taking into 21 account the provisions of subparagraph (B). - (B) In performing a computation under this paragrap^-- (i) creditable service of an annuitant shall be 24 increased by including any period (or periods) before the 2: annuitants redeterrr.inaticn date during which the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 : CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2s j annuitant was entitled to an annuity under this subchapter; and 3 ..(ii) the average pay which would otherwise be used 4 shall be adjusted to reflect all adjustments made under 5 section 8462(b) with respect to any period (or periods) 6 referred to in clause (i) (without regard to-whether the 7 annuitants annuity was affected by any of those 8 adjustments).. 9 (c) METHOD FOR APPLYING COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENTS TO 10 CERTAIN DISABILITY ANNUITY PROVISIONS.-- 11 (1) MINIMUM DISABILITY ANNUITY AMOUNT SUBJECT TO 12 ADJUSTMENT AFTER THE FIRST YEAR.--Section 8452 is 13 amended-- 14 (A) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection 15 (d)(1); and 16 (B) by adding after subsection (d)(1), as so 17 redesignated, the following: 18 (2) In applying this subsection with respect to any 19 annuitant, the amount of an annuity so computed under section 20 8415 shall be adjusted under section 8462 (including 21 subsection (c) thereof)-- 22 (A) to the same extent, and otherwise in the same 23 manner, as if it were an annuity-- 24 ''(i) subject to adjustment under such section; 25 and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 w ?~?;~* Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ru FORDHIOIS ~(ii) with a commencement date coinciding with the date the annuitants annuity commenced or. was restored under this subchapter, as the case may be; and '(B) whether the amount actually payable to the 6 annuitant under this section in any month is determined 7 under this subsection or otherwise. 8 (2) DISABILITY ANNUITY COLAs.-- 9 (A) IN GENERAL.--Section 8452(a)(1)(B) of title 10 5, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: " (B) An annuity computed under this paragraph-- 12 ''(i) shall not, during any period referred?to in 13 subparagraph (A)(i), be adjusted under section 8462; but 14 %% (ii) shall, after the end of any period referred to 15 in subparagraph (A)(i), be adjusted ?:o reflect all 16 adjustments made under section 8462(b) after the end of 17 the period referred to in subparagraph (A)(i), whether 18 the amount actually payable to the ar:uitant under this 19 section in any month is determined ur:der this subsection 20 or otherwise. . 21 (B) CLARIFYING AMENDMENT.--Section 8452(a) of 22 title 5, United States Code, is amended by add:nc a: 2_1 the end the following: 24 (3) Section 8462 shall apply with respect to amounts 2: under :his subsection only as provided in paragraphs (1) and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 : CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 r.~.ra= 1 (2).? 2 (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendments made by this Otection 3 shall be effective as of January 1, 1987, as if they had been 4 enacted as part of the Federal Employees Retirement System 5 Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335; 100 Stat. 514 and following). 6 SEC. 23. CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS RELATING TO FUNDING. 7 (a) FUND BALANCE.--Section 8331(18) is amended by adding 8 at the end the following: 9 but does not include any amount attributable to-- (i) the Federal Employees Retirement System; 12 (ii) contributions made under the Federal 13 Employees' Retirement Contribution Temporary 14 Adjustment Act of 1983 by or on behalf of any .15 individual who became subject to the Federal 16 Employees' Retirement System;". 17 (b) Section 8423(b)(1) is amended by striking the period 1E and inserting in lieu thereof except that in computing 19 any supplemental liability under subparagraph (B), any 20 benefits, deductions, or other amounts may not be taken into 21 account unless they relate to a period of service performed 22 by the current or former employee involved while subject to 23 this chapter.. 24 SEC. 24. CONCURRENT ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS UNDER CHAPTER 81 25 AND CHAPTER 83 OR 84 OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORDMI01S 4 (A) CSRS.--section 8337 is amended by striking 5 subsections (f) and (g) and inserting in lieu thereof 6 the following: 7 (f)(1) An individual is not entitled to receive-- 8 " (A) an annuity under this subchapter, and CODE. 2 (a) IN GENERAL.-- 3 (1) AMENDMENTS.- (B) compensation for injury to, or disability of, 10 such individual under subchapter I of chapter 81, other 11 than compensation payable under section 8107, 12 covering the same period of time. 13 (2) An individual is not entitled to receive an annuity 14 under this subchapter and a concurrent benefit under 15 subchapter I of chapter.81 on account of the death of the 16 same person. 17 (3) Paragrap-:s (1) and (2) do not bar the right of a 18 claimant to the greater benefit conferred by either this 19 subchapter or subchapter I of chapter 81. 20 . 1 (g) If an individual is entitled to an annuity under 21 this subchapter, and the individual. receives a lump-surr, 22 payment for compensation under section 8135 based on the 23 disability or death of the same person, so much of the 24 compensation as has been paid for a period extended beyond 25 the date payment of the annuity conmences, as determined by Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Y >, J 1 the Department of Labor, shall be*refunded to that Department 2 for credit to the Employees' Compensation Fund. Beforg the 3 individual may receive the annuity, the individual shall-- 4 (1) refund to the Department of Labor the amount 5 representing the commuted compensation payments for the 6 extended period; or (2) authorize the deduction of the amount from the 8 annuity. 9 Deductions from the annuity may be made from accrued or 10 accruing payments. The amounts deducted and withheld from the 11 annuity shall be transmitted to the Department of Labor for 12 reimbursement to the Employees Compensation Fund. When the 13 Department of Labor finds that the financial circumstances of 14 an individual entitled to an annuity under this subchapter 15 warrant deferred refunding, deductions from the annuity may 16 be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in such 17 manner as the Department determines appropriate.. 18 (B) FERS.--Subchapter VI of chapter 84 is amended 19 by inserting after section 8464 the following: 20 ''58464a. Relationship between annuity and workers 21 compensation 22 .. (a) (1) An individual is not entitled to receive-- (A) an annuity under subchapter II or V, and 24 (B) compensation for injury to, or disability of, 2:, such individual under subchapter I of chapter 81, other Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORDMI0l- 30 1 than compensation payable under section 8107, 2 covering the same period of time. 3 ..(2) An individual is not entitled to receive an annuity 4 under subchapter IV and a concurrent benefit under subchapter 5 I of chapter 81 on account of the death of the same person. 6 (3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) do not bar the right of a 7 claimant to the greater benefit conferred by either this 8 chapter or subchapter I of chapter 81. 9 ''(b) If an individual is entitled to an annuity under 10 subchapter II, IV, or V, and the individual receives a lump-, 11 sum payment for. compensation under section 8135 based on the 12 disability or death of the same person, so much of the 13 compensation as has been paid for a period extended beyond 14 the date payment of the annuity commences, as determined by 15 the Department of Labor, shall be refunded to that Department 16 for credit to the Employees Compensation Fund. Before the 17 individual may receive the annuity, the individual shall-- (1) refund to the Department of Labor the amount 19 representing the commuted compensation payments for the 20 extended period; or (2) authorize the deduction of the amount from the 22 annuity. 23 Deductions from the annuity may be made from accrued or 24 accruing payments. The amounts deducted and withheld from. the 25 annuity shall be transmitted to the Department of Labor for Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 01 1 reimbursement to the Employees Compensation Fund. When the 2 Department of Labor finds that the financial circumstances of 3 an individual entitled to an annuity under subchapter II, IV, 4 or V warrant deferred refunding, deductions from the annuity 5 may be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in 6 such manner as the Department determines appropriate.''. 7 (2) CHAPTER ANALYSIS.--The analysis for chapter 84 is 8 amended by inserting after the item relating to section 9 8464 the following: % .8464a. Relationship between annuity and workers compensation. . 10 (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.-- 11 (1) Subchapter V of chapter 84 is amended-- 12 (A) by striking section 8456; and 13 (B) by redesignating section 8457 as section 14 8456. 15 (2) The analysis for chapter 84 is amended-- 16 (A) by striking the item relating to section 17 8456; and 18 (B) by striking " 8457" and inserting in lieu 19 thereof 8456 20 (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.? 21 (1) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 22 the amendments made by this section shall be effective as 23 of January 1, 19E7, and shall apply with respect tc Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORDM I 015 32 benefits payable based on a death or disability occurring 2 on or after that date. 3 (2) EXCEPTION.--The amendment made by subsection 4 (a)(1)(A) shall take effect on the date of the enactment 5 of this Act and shall apply with respect to benefits 6 payable based on a death or disability occurring on or 7 after that date. 8 SEC. 25. ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO PARTICIPATE IN 9 THE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN. 10 .(a) DEFINITIONS.--For purposes of this section-- 11 ?. (1) the. term %*Executive Director" means the 12 Executive Director under section 8474 of title 5, United 13 States Code; and 14 (2) the term "Thrift Savings Plane refers to the 15 program under subchapter III of chapter 84 of title 5, 16 United States Code. 17 (b) REGULATIONS.-- 18 (1) IN GENERAL.--The Executive Director shall 19 prescribe regulations relating to participation in the 20 Thrift Savings Plan by an individual described in 21 subsection (c). 22 (2) SPECIFIC MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED.--Under the 23 regulations-- 24 (A) in computing a percentage of basic pay to 25 determine an amount to be contributed to the Thrift Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 's~kF Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 w. ';s, 1-H"~.'~'.'l. -'?' 1 Y +.f _ ' 7 ..Z`r u ~' '`ik1"~ rk 5 _ * y:,~ iC s' y w="it FOftDMI O 1 S . 33: Savings Fund, the rate of basic pay to be used shall be the same as that used in computing any amaunt 3 which the individual involved is otherwise required, 4 as a condition for participating in the Civil Service 5 Retirement System or the Federal Employees' 6 Retirement System (as the case may be), to contribute 7 to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund; 8 and 9 (B) an employing authority which would not 10 otherwise make contributions to the Thrift Savings 11 Fund shall be allowed, with respect to any individual 12 under subsection (c) who is serving under such 13 authority, and at the sole discretion of such 14 authority, to make any contributions on behalf of - 15 such individual which would be permitted or required 16 under the provisions of section 8432(c) of title 5, 17 United States Code, if such authority were the 18 individual's employing agency under such provisions. 19 (c) APPLICABILITY.--This section applies with respect to 20 any individual participating in the Civil Service Retirement 21 System or the Federal Employees Retirement System as-- 22 (.1) an individual who has entered on approved leave 23 without pay to serve as a full-time officer or employee 24 of an organization composed primarily of employees (as 25 defined by section 8331(1) or 8401(11) of title 5, United Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11 CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORD14I015 2 (2) an individual assigned from a Federal agency to a 3 State or local government under subchapter VI of chapter 4 33 of title 5, United States Code; or 5 (3) an individual appointed or otherwise assigned to 6 one of the cooperative extension services, as defined by 7 section 1404(5) of the National Agricultural Research, 8 Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 1 States Code); 9 3103(5)). 10 (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.-- 11 ?. (1) IN .GENERAL.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 12 the regulations prescribed under this section shall 13 become effective in accordance with the provisions of 14 such regulations. 15 (2) EXCEPTION.--The regulations prescribed under this 16 section shall, with respect to individuals under 17 subsection (c)(3), be effective as of-April 1, 1987. 18 SEC. 26. SPECIAL PAY OF VETERANS ADMINISTRATION PHYSICIANS 19 INCLUDED IN AVERAGE SALARY UNDER FERS. 20 Section 4118(f) of title 38, United States Code, is 21 amended-- 22 (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ~81 or 83" and 23 inserting in lieu thereof - 81, 83, or 84"; and 24 (2) in paragraph (2)-- 25 (A) in the first sentence, by striking chapter Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 ~7tlEBiL~+s~~iuS~hJ-'"~il~E6=' '?.~tiGr'~5~~.+'7~r~~~A`~iav: Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2 FORDMI01S 83 of title 5** and inserting in lieu thereof ~chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, as the case may be''; 3 (B) in the second sentence, by striking **section 4 8331(4)', and all that follows thereafter through 5 or and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 6 section 8331(4) or 8401(3) of such titl-e?(as 7 applicable) only-- 8 (A) for the purposes of computing benefits paid 9 under section 8337, 8341(d) or (e), 8442(b), 8443, or 10 8451 of such title; or and 11 (C) in subparagraph (B), by inserting -if" at 12 the beginning thereof. 13 SEC. 27. APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR CERTAIN FORMER SPOUSES. 14 Section 4(b)(1)(B) of the Civil Service Retirement Spouse .15 Equity Act of 1984 (Public Law 96-615; 98 Stat. 3205), as 16 amended by section 201(b)(1)(C) of the Federal Employees 17 Benefits Improvement Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-251; 100 19 (1) in clause (i), by inserting and before May 8, 18 Stat. 22), is amended-- 20 1987" before the semicolon; and 21 (2) by amending clause (iv) to read as follows: 22 (iv) the former spouse files an application for 23 the survivor annuity with the Office on or before may 24 7, 1989; and. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/11: CIA-RDP89-00066R000800020012-2