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I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1V - --- " , ? , ?,,. 1 ; -:%j .k .f.' . it POORM r- n varch 1964 SUBTFCTI License for Far and Gathering Firewood in FBIS Kadena Housing Area. Chief, Foreign Broadcast In rmation Service Okinawa Bureau , APO 239 L. Reference is made to your letter of 11 Feb 1964, subject: "Microachments 1:Cadena Housing Areal FBIS." 2. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of reference letter, we are i'nelosing two executed copies of license No. USA711-0-145 formalizing the use of approximately 3,40 acres of land in subject installation fox farming and gathering of firewood by Ryukyuans. The license is issued to the Munic- ipality of Chat= Son for a period of five years, effective 1 March 1964, bat revocable at will,V..the Hnited States Government,. 3. Any violations by the land users ,of the conditions contained in the "tand-1,T3e Regulations* Of the license should be reported to us for necessary corrective action through usca. FOR IV Immo' YNGINIMR: L as or rimnishedi vicy Incl. ITSOAR Land Div$ APO 48 A* X. .LONG Chief* Real Estate Dtstiaiort Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 LICENSE TOR FARMINLAND GATHERING FIREWOOD._ ?{4.;-1 *'N_: A.., ..WF. . _ LICENSE N7r.?..?, USAED -0- 4*. By this,inztrument,the United States grants to the.!UnicipalitY,of,,, 0 (it , 1,1 vc frff gst cam Aco as .represented by its Mayor?, for .a, perIod 02.1 196k 3 )4 3. Ef 1969 2 ie 5 .dir , . not to exceed five (5) .years, beginning 141110A,1964 ,and ending2114Alual_1561, but, revocable at any time by the? United a ts Qj ga AJ tqf 1; R a States, a license without. cash. compensation for the. sole purpose of farm- .")3,./.1 af vc tic el ing and gathering firewood upon portiona:e?the United States military - 14 10,4741c installation designated _,_4a41faES,fi11Ogr4S1 i1atL_7__,,_L_?:______, 2r.A.R,Q) (6:44.fP 2k-cg * YA e) , totalling approximately .AquilL acres..o land as shown delineated in, reen on/ the drawing attached hereto and Made a part hereof as - Ai - ? , ? . . , _ . . Exhibit not subject to the conditions hereinafter defined and to the "Land- _ 't 0 lUse Regulations" attached hereto and made B. part hereof as Exhibit A*!.. ? ? In return for. this license ,the,licensee shall be responsible for ....the::, 36F d'? a,? :, *-TzT t al: co: use, repair, maintenancerestoration,.:and protection of thepremises,. fC,Ag.':54 g gf ikOt PffH,A5 g , ga , gi cg vc fg 20 under the general regulations of-the United States.. It is agreed that upon permitting other persons to use any of the premises for farming Or 0 Pi t.'Z' fit gt aj Fr-I f . gathering firewood, the licensee shall ,not charge cash hut shall, only re' -quire such other persons to conduct their activities in accordance with a 4. , 11:411 .Cg VC A gv vc the United States regulations of theAlse,repair, maintenance, restoration, t: t$ 3 fit 0 t vc ?.a 0 . and protection of the pretipps,_ - . POO Form 94 Acv 20 Fob 04 / ? PrP1/1,Ous edition is obsolete ? ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 License Nr. usAp-04145 It ,is understood: lt:T ,That before any other person is permitted use of any of the prem- ises for farming or gathering firewoodi the licensee will first offer such use Hto the owner from whom the United States acquired the premises; and hi4,,-fit 62-1: _47,T41,..A: If vc fit.ffl a 5 vc 4; further, the,lioenSes,will furnish,toithe United States for its approval e.) TO' vc RI , Jt the description of any land and the identification of the persons using:, t.tZ14:1 41- z",A -3.?-1113)1 or occupying such:land, .upon request; 2. That to insure ,compliance with its regulations .of the use, :repair, g CO ft. fi4 2- fiS g 47 1"4 ? U:-vc 12`11--"A maintenance:, :restoration, and protection of the premise, ,the United States may insPect.:,t.. he., premises ; 14 0 3.,? That :from time to time,without revocation of this licenses the, United States may withdraw part :Of: or add to :the area of the premises; 4. That to :compensation will be :paid for damages to Cirois or wood piles resulting from the withdrawal ofyany :area covered by this, license, r44,, N-41730:- 4 4Z. 474 V4, . '6 fio or from revocation :or normal expiration of this licens6; but when the requirements of :the United States permit, the United States shall. allow 14 ng g) 14 Q) ** VUvc , ff gik .co fv planted crops and piled wood to be .gathered: 1.,/(1,C-gTftel?it,EfrONg 1.! 5i 0 -5. That no structure, or other permanent properties will be placed EIJ p: a?rc Z t in .1it crt . on the preMises, without the, prior Written consent of the United States; Af a H: fig g f-R 6. That the licensee shall be responsible to arrange for the repair , .?. r7k-..fg Os: VC of replacement of, .or payment for any ..oni'.i3ed States property damaged 'in- cident to the use anck,occupation.:of the ,land,: fair wear and tear excepted; R,d; iA 6, t. fl P00 Form 94 Rov 20 Feb 64 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 License Nr. USAED-0, ;and shall save the United States harmless for damages to the property or injuries to persons as a result of or incident to his occupation of the land; -443: . That no Member of or Delegate to Congress has gained or will gain -)1" lad i7ii6-t* ?L'. a a trg v. Ft irs 17rj LIE ,e T-11 benefits from this license; and that if the premises are not now taxed and "htvz, t Ef 70' TR, 5(st are later made taxable, this license shall be renegotiated. tc_^ CI 1'1 a-ef-' s Dia TIT rdE 4.14- rib ,-k-Es )irt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand by authority of the 0. rS Ei 19 64 IT t' Alj Secretary of the Army this 310d day of *troth 1964 . (E. 9 21K .L? . THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA )? The above instrument, together. with the conditions thereof h? ffic s accepted this 60'day of , 19?4_. i6 3 .):1 6_ B "3? ? WITNESSED Ca.?, E A WITNESSED P00 tilt A POO Form 9)4 Rov 20 Fob 64 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 LAND-USE)REGUIATIONS 5JA RU 1. The rights herein granted are contingent on continued United States Government control over the area, and are Sub'ect to the rovisions \)12S5 of '10 Mister 14400 No, PA 92 ifiL:ti Qj tiTaE and any amendments thereto, under which documents the United States ex-7, RP '6 -1171 11-"? (7.J %ft ik 7 (4,1,40 erciseS such control, and to the provisions ?of any successor documents. It: b' 6 ? 2. In general, entry to the installation will be permitted only ? vc 3 7c VJ vc Sr. A 6 1-35. a El Q.) 5 `b during the hours of daylight? Entry to the installation will be subject . ti.12 IN Fri.1 Kg 4)-ei % to such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Instal- 4-F1' cE -C -8 6 -)A A VC -Ai < ? (0 A gZ lation Gotmander.?Arrangements for pasSes arid other necessary identified- co 7c. 6 (fi 16 A? k 5J\ FA rs tion of enter-the.area May.bemade,through the Installation V IS C 6 ? Commander:. ? 34 A Tecord,of Tpersons farming in,the:area will be maintainip.11 4/E ;a7 A A-cra :(!) times :by the Mayor. of the Son and will,be.held ready at.allrtiMesfcrin- spection by. representatives of the United States Government,. 4. That the United States shall not be responsible for damages to qc- L. va property or injuries to persons which may arise from or be incident to the n rif A a En N 8 exercise of the privileges herein granted, or for damages to the property 6 0 VS v-) 11E (0L CrC Z6 6 0 tifr: i'41+ TIT of the licensee, or for injuries to the person of the licensee's officers, agents, servants, or employees or others who may be on said premises at -It 6 rig! A , ?)EI M A their invitation or the invitation of any one of them, arising from govern- Co A *, mental activities on the said premises, and the licensee shall hold the Eft 6 th-L1:,.?.1,:i.ti-g--,2,:eaAafic-PWITIC United States harmless from any and all such claims. iv1"-'"?Ii-f*-A-az1s6Inft-irf*.E ,481.,zal L-TaATZ . troo rover** Oido License Nr.: USAED-0- EXHIBIT "A" f4A Incl to POO Form 94, Rev 20 Fa ,t4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 ate in the areas now being termed wlU be permitted sion hen been I*iz'st obtaiued $*nm the atter, Foreign Broadd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP07-00469R000100190015-1 STAT