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, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110009-7 VI. 25 Aug 86 M 5 In addition, National Peasant Confederation Secretary General Mario Hernandez Posadas termed as unacceptable PAN's antinationalist and antipopular posture, and condemned the party's practice of seeking the support of foreign organizations to settle matters that only concern Mexicans. [passage omitted] "Once again, the reactionaries have gone to a foreign country to disparage the nation and request the intervention of the reactionaries' foreign allies, whose destabilization purpose is clear," Hernandez Posadas warned. He also said that the United States has already realized that. the Mexican Government and people will never permit their destinies to be determined from abroad. The accords signed by President de la Madrid and President Reagan were signed in the context of the Mexican people's nationalist nature and determination to continue to freely .shape the nation's course. He added that the people will not forsake the defense of their freedom and sovereignty, nor will they pay attention to those who only want to surrender the country's riches and seek personal profit. In addition, Gilberto Rincon Gallardo, leader of the Unified Socialist Party of Mexico [PSUM], has said that Mexicans will solve the .electoral problem for reasons of national dignity. Mexicans will not accept a policy treating the country like the Philippines [filipiniacion], with the U.S. intervening in the'solution of Mexico's problems. "The PAN is mistaken if it thinks that the struggle for democracy-in Mexico requires tutors." Rather, there would be room for accords with the national political forces if they [the PAN members] limited their actions to the domestic area, as "we will not be accomplices to electoral fraud," Ricardo Gallardo said., Regarding the results of President De la Madrid's Working, visit to Washington, Rincon _ Gallardo feels that the restoration of cordial relations With the United States "is only a temporary solution." He said that the accord with the IMF will only make the problems last longer and such an accord will last only a few months. ."today, the struggle is more complex than obtaining a credit." Interventionism will not cease, but continue, because economic integration has already reached such a.level that the United States demands security and political guarantees for U.S. investments rand the .opening of the Mexican Market to U.S. products. (DEFENSE_ SECRETARY=ONTANTIDRU-a=07Raff0 PA221549 Mexico City Red Nacional 13 Imevision Television in Spanish 0300 GMT 22 Aug 86 [Text] A total of 16,769 members of the Mexican Army participated in an antidrug light- ning operation. This was reported to President Miguel de la Madrid by National Defense Secretary General Juan Arevalo Gardoqui. The operation included nine military zones. The Army destroyed 332 poppy plants and 7,215 marijuana plants; confiscated 333 kg of packed marijuana, 49 kg of marijuana seeds, 6 kg of poppyseeds, and 14,700 toxic pills. In addition, 1,922 firearms of various types and calibers were confiscated, as well as equipment used in drug plantations. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110009-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110009-7 VI. 25 Aug 86 M 6 MEXICO Gen Arevalo Gardoqui appealed to State and minicipal authorities to coordinate efforts with the military in the struggle against drug trafficking. He spoke highly of Yucatan's Governor Victor Cervera Pacheco for his concern over this problem and his constant contacts with the commanders of the 32d military Zone. HEALTH SECRETARY ANNOUNCES. BELIZE AGREEMENT FL221320 Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 0439 GMT 22 Aug 86 [Excerpt] Belize, 21 Aug,-(NOTIMEX) -- Mexico and Belize have agreed to sign a letter of intention in the area of health to control dengue and malaria epidemics at the bor- der with Quintana Roo. The agreement was announced jointly by Health Secretary Guillermo Soberon Acevedo and Belizean Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel during the fourth bilateral meeting held to assess the progress made in health matters. [passage omitted] BRIEFS DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENTS -- Foreign Secretary Bernardo Sepulveda Amor has appointed Ambassadors Antonio Villegas Villalobos and Daniel de la Pedraja as chief for Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, Asia and Oceania, respectively. [Excerpt] [Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 1701 GMT 23 Aug 86 FL] INCREASED AIRPORT SECURITY -- As Part of the government's Campaign against drug traf- ficking; private planes and helicopters that arrive at any of Mexico's 56 airports without previous permission or after the airports have closed will be refused fuel and be subject to investigation by the'governmeht, the government announced Monday.. Humberto Lugo Gil, director of the Airports and Auxiliary Services Authority, said he has issued instructions to airport administrator's to step up surveillance of aircrafts suspected of carrying drugs. Lugo, speaking at the fourth national meeting of the Airport Administration, said that 11 of Mexico's airports will undergo increased security. [Excerpt] [Mexico City THE NEWS in English 20 Aug 86 p 6 PA] MARIJUANA PLANTATION DESTROYED Judicial Police agents'have destroyed 70 hectares of marijuana in the Chihuahua mountain range: It is estimated that this discovery was the most important in the past few years in the struggle against drug trafficking and was part of the "Pacific Seven" operation begun by the country's Attorney General Office, in coordination with the National Defense Secretariat, 8 days ago. [Summary] [Mexico City Red Nacional 13 Imevision Television in Spanish 0300 GMT 12 Aug 86 PA]. DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED -- The attorney general's office .has arrested 23 drug traf- fickers from a gang which had in its possession .231 kg of pure cocaine The cocaine is worth more than .$30 million. [Text] [Mexico City. Red Nacional 13 Imevision Television in Spanish 1955 GMT 20 Aug 86 PA] Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110009-7