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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8 VI. 18 Aug 86 M2 MEXICO-- In Santo Domingo, outgoing head of state Salvador Jorge Blanco said that Balaguer is wrong when he said he will take over a country in shambles. Salvador JorgeBlanco said that his efforts, especially in the economic field, overcame problems that af- flicted the Domincan Republic when he took power in 1982. Joaquin Balaguer, 72 years old and almost blind, will assume the Domincan Presidency for the fifth time 16 August for a 4-year term. Lorena Martinez is now at the international airport with a report: [Begin relay] [Martinez] A few moments ago Foreign Relations Secretary Bernardo SepulvedaAmor left for theDominicanRepublic to attend the inauguration of Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer in representation of Miguel de la Madrid. Shortly before leaving, he saidthat with the withdrawal: of the tuna embargo, the United States is acknowledging Mexico's -sovereignty uvet_its:200 Miles Of maritime territory. He added that the importance of handling bilateral issues on time, creating an appropriate atmosphere to resolve problems, and ensuring a climate of trust and respect between the two countries were stressed during President Miguel de la Madrid's recent visit to the United States. Finally, Sepulveda Amor announced that among the president's activities for the rest of the year are his participation in the UN General Assembly and a probable visit to Japan and China [not further specified]. [end relay] ?.114EFICIALS7:-DENYDEAT7AGENEMISTREATED PA161642 Mexico City XEW Television Network in Spanish 1300 GMT 16 Aug 86 [Text] Investigations continue in the case of the U.S. DEA agent, Victor Cortes, who allegedly was mistreated by Mexican judicial. agents. In Guadalajara, Jalisco, offi- cials of the attorney general's office are making inquiries together with the local authorities. Attorney General Sergio Garcia Ramirez congratulated and obtained the collaboration of Jalisco authorities, through Governor Enrique Alvarez del Castillo and Jalisco's attorney general, Jaime A. Ramirez. Commenting on the case of DEA agent Victor Cortes, the Jalisco governor said that the arrest-of the American is such a small incident that it cannot be reason for division between Mexico and the United States. Alvarez del Castillo added that he considers illogical the version which statesthat the DEA agent was tortured during his 3-hour stay in the office of the judicial police in Jalisco. Jaime A. Ramirez, attorney general for the state of Jalisco, denied that Cortes and a colleague were mistreated. He added that they were detained as suspects because they were in a car whose license plates did not correspond to the number on the rear window sticker and because they were armed and without identity documents. The attorney added that the U.S. agents were not even taken to cells. Instead they were in an office until personnel from the U.S. Consulate arrived 90 minutes later. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8 VI. 18 Aug 86 ?M 3 MEXICO The Jalisco attorney ended by saying that once the identity_ f the agents was estab- lished, both were set free, and neither was tortured. Meanwhile, in Washington, U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese was confident that Mexican authorities would clarify the situation and take appropriate steps to prevent similar incidents. U.S. Protests Incident PA160356 Mexico City Red Nacional 13 ImevisiOn Television in Spanish 1955 GMT 15 Aug 86 [Text] As a result of the incident that occurred in Guadalajara a few [days ago between a U.S. antinarcotics agent and Mexican policemen, the U.S. Government presented a pro- test note today to the Mexican Government. The-presentation'Of the protest note was announced by White House spokesman Larry Speakes, who describedthe incident as particularly unfortunate. According to Speakes, the incident involved Drug Enforcement Agency agent Victor Cortes, who reported presumectoutrages by the Mexican police. Cortes is now in Tucson, Arizona, The Mexican attorney general's office has reported that the incident is being closely scrutinized. In Guadaljara, however, the Jalisco attorney of justice Jaime Ramirez had denied that policemen abused Cortes. CHURCH URGES ANNULMENT OF CHIHUAHUA ELECTIONS PA180227 Mexico City EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish 15 Aug 86 p 11 [Text] For the church, the case of Chihuahua is not finished. "We feel that the best thing to do in order to have peace, is to annul the elections and to agree to hold new elections in which the will of the majority will be expressed without any pressure or obstacle." The archbishop of Chihuahua, Adalberto Almeida y Merino; Manuel Talamas Camandari, bishob of Ciudad Juarez; and Jose Llaguno Farias, bishop of Tarahumara, announced this in "A Moral Examination of the Electoral Process," addressed to the people of Mexico and issued yesterday by Francisco Ramirez Meza, secretary of the Social Communications Commission. They say that When the validity of an election is opposed by a general protest, the election is self-defeating "because it no longer represents ..the people's legitimate. will." In addition, the bishops from Chihuahua State's Most important cities say the elections have left doubts about the legitimacy of the authorities elected. "Any per- son who takes office under such conditions will face serious problems in carrying out his duties, unless he imposes his will by force, which by all_means is contrary to our democratic principles," they said. Therefore, they add, by annulling the elections, the regime would give firm evidence of its desire to respect the people's vote, and this could help to bring much needed peace and tranquillity to Chihuahua. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8 VI. 18 Aug 86 M 4 MEXICO On previous occasions the church officials did not receive any support, even from Chihuahua's Jesuit community. This time. Monsignor Almeida received a communique in, which the Jesuit community is offering its support and will participate in the actions to obtain peace and justice, PAN Continues Election Protests PA171600 Mexico City THE NEWS in English 13 Aug 86 p 6 [By THE NEWS staff reporter Glenn Whitney] [Excerpts] Members of the National Action Party (PAN) will move toward increasingly radical acts of civil disobedience until the results of the July 6 Chihuahua elections are annulled, a top party official said Tuesday, Jesus Gonzalez Schmall, the PAWs congressional leader, said, "We will begin to radical- ize our actions to defend democracy," In a news conference heldat the Legislative Palace, Gonzalez Schmall also announced plans to bring the annulment request to the Supreme Court. . He was not optimistic,about the success of a court fight to annul the elections, however, because the officials of the tribunal are nominated by the government, which is dominated by the Institutional Revolutionary Party. There is: little chance for ..a. decision In favor of the PAN, he _ said. [passage omitted] Gonzalez Schmall rejected the idea that many members of his party might turn to absten- tion from voting to protest the electoral process. "I realize that it might seem il- logical and absurd to continue to participate in an antidemocratic system,",he:said, "but I think the PAN must persist in its policy of. exercising all resources to bring about change in the system, "Our participation has made it possible to reveal to the people that this is not a.democratic government,," he said, "Only through active par- ticipation do we have a chance to make our voices heard.. Through our efforts, there is nobody in Mexico or outside who thinks that this is a democratic government,", [passage omitted] The PAN leader announced that the protest group headed by Chihuahua City Mayor Luis H. Alvarez arrived from Chihuahua to the city of Queretaro. This group will continue to speak against the "electoral injustices committed in Chihuahua," he said. He said the hunger strikes of Alvarez as well as those of Manuel Oropeza and Francisco Villarreal were effective in bringing about a greater public knowledge of what he termed "grave incidents of electoral fraud." Gonzalez Schmall said according to Alvarez there are many citizens in the state of Chihuahua who believe fraud occurred in the. elections and that the official results do not reveal the true wishes of the people. The government to be installed will not be accepted by the people of Chihuahua, he said,. "The end of the hunger strike does not signify there is an end to the fight," he said. "There are plans to continue the fight with greater vigor and energy," 'passage omitted] Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200110008-8