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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 -LEGIB Q9'dD~7w z~ A. Tent:. at ivy 1)c c.i:; ion: issue a di.iectlvice from the President or from the I,SC, for the ilCi_ to develop a plan for submission within 30 days co ldcntify high priority substantive intciligence needs and a systematic production and collection strategy and timetable to meet these nerds. E. DCT_Appeal: I do not disagree that. the Intelligence Community rau:;t continue t:o ianprove its responsiveness to user needs. llowevc,r., 1 do object to the proposed 0.``,13 solution as redundant to and dis. opt:ive of the efforts already under way to address the problem, especially since I cannot in good Conscience see it as a panacea. This has been and continues to be a major function of the Director of Central Intelligence, most recently reinforced by the issuance of Executive Order 11905 with an even stronger mandate than previous instruct:ions to the DCI. The entire process of managing both the resources and substantive efforts of the Intelligence Community is geared to this end. It is not only a continuous process but also one that is continuously being evaluated. The DCI identifies priority intelligence needs and methods of meeting them in such periodic documents as DCI Directive 1/2, DCI Perspectives, DCl Coals and Objectives, the DCI's Annual Report, and various other directives and requirements statements. Under the provisions of EO 11905, the DCI and the CFI constantly revi_ew the resources required to meet these needs. Plans are in train currently for a meeting of the NSC in December, pursuant to EC 11905 and NSC directives, to assess the problems and performance of the Intelligence Community. A report on the activities of the CFI has been prepared for this assessment. A report on the value and problems of intell.:igpnce production is in final preparation. The new management initiatives undertaken as a result of EO 11905 are .barely six months old. They should be given more of an opportunity to take hold before passing judgment upon their efficacy. ILLEGIB Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 DCI TALKING POINTS Issue l: 1 's]ponsivene__s of l:nt:c].]i~,cnce to User Needs ISSUE: Issue a directive from the President or from the ]NSC, for the DC:I to develop a plan for. submission within 30 clays to identify high priority substantive intelligence needs and a systematic production and collection strategy and timetable to meet these needs. o l:espons:ivcness to user needs is a long-standing problem for the Intelligence Community. We have been and continue to focus a considerable effort on improving the situation. o The complexities inherent in the intelligence process itself and the equally :intractible complexities of the policy-maker's environment: produce an unpredictable and not readily definable or cont:r_olable interface. o I wish the problem were as amenable to simple management solution as the 033,111 proposed plan. Unfortunately it is not. o Extensive efforts are already under'vway spurred by the initiatives in EO 11.905. o Imposition of an arbitrary and superflous planning initiative would produce either A trivial but laborious addition to the current extensive efforts in this area, or A major, unnecessary, and most probably unproductive disruption of these on-going efforts. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 Issue Paper National Foreign Intelligence Program 1978 Budget Issue #1: Responsiveness of Intelligence to User Needs Background The Intelligence Community operates in a largely self-contained environment that emphasizes the requirements for security and undervalues the exchange Qf information and ideas with most outsiders. It is interested in maintaining a distance from policy concerns in both the foreign policy and national defense fields in order to protcct the "objectivity" of its analysis. With a full generation of intelligence personnel brought up always entirely within the agencies themselves, the intelligence agencies have developed a remoteness from policy officials. and their concerns that serves neither well. Rotation of intelligence personnel into non-intelligence positions is almost universally ignored and, similarly, the rotation of non-intelligence personnel into intelligence activities almost never occurs. Without attempting to assess blame, three factors seem to contribute most to this problem: 1. Excessive compar.tmentation within intelligence activities.. Given the obvious need for security of some intelligence activities, the intelligence community has built up an excessive array of security compartments and "need to know" criteria that frustrates even the most patient consumer. The maze of security clearances and requirements leads many consumers simply to ignore the intelligence community, rather than to utilize its information and product. 2. Identification of consumer concerns. Intelligence activities, both production and collection, appear to operate on the community's own internalized perception of consumer needs. No concerted or systematic effort is made by the community to interact with its consumers either to identify their needs or to adjust its own perception of them. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 r 3. Resistance to outsiders. The agencies' personnel structures are almost compi.,_ dominated by personnel who have spent a career in intelligence. Both in produc, and collection activities, there is almost universal resistance to hiring new blood into their activities except at the most junior levels. Concurrently, there is extreme reluctance to rotate personnel with consumer organizations or even among the intelligence agencies themselves. Based'on our NSSM 246 experience, we believe a concerted'attack on this problem is necessary. Statement of Issue Should the President direct the DCI to develop a plan for submission within 30 days to identify high priority substantive intelligence needs of users and a systematic pro- duction and collection strategy and timetable to meet these needs? The intelligence product seems increasingly irrelevant to many major policy concerns. The remoteness bred by excessive security compartmentation and the isolation of intelligence from policy problems is serving neither the President nor his major policy officials well. Mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of information, personnel, and ideas could be put into operation at very little cost if a concerted effort was attempted. These could include issuance of all intelligence products at Top Secret or lower classification (no compartments) and limiting coinpart- mentation to sensitive collection and processing techniques (sources and methods) only. The DCI is aware of this problem and has requested, through the NSC, your approval for a major reform of compartmented security systems. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93T01132R000100010016-6 1. 1 -- An explicit policy of personnel rotation both with outside consumer organizations and among the intelligence agencies themselves would help to alleviate the present isolation of intelligence producers and collectors;, -- Explicit identification by OMB/NSC of several NSSM 246 problem areas, such as, warning of and sustainability of a Warsaw Pact attack and Soviet technological, surprise, would serve to test the community's responsiveness prior to more drastic action. Cons. -- The intelligence agencies have historically resisted efforts to break down security and related personnel barriers; they can be expected to continue to do so. -- Poor consumer relations are as much a consumer problem as an intelligence problem; the required interaction cannot be forced by the intelligence agencies alone. -- There is some increased danger both to security and to the objectivity of the intelligence process*by radical steps of this kind. -- Some steps to improve consumer contacts have been initiated; the results of these efforts should be awaited. Alternatives R. Make no concerted effort at this time to improve the responsiveness of the intelligence community to user needs. #2. Direct the DCI to develop a plan for submission within 30 days to identify high priority substantive intelligence needs and a systematic production and collec- tion strategy and timetable to meet these needs. The plan should consider necessary changes to security and personnel policies and identify high priority NSSM 246 problem areas identified above as some of the areas requiring analytical and collection attention. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93T01132R000100010016-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6 CFI Request: Alternative #l. Appropriate steps are being taken within the intcll pence community to address these problems on an incremental basis. al.ofTattacI os t2his problem OMB Recommendation: Alternative #2. A concerted plan needs to be made by_the DCI with Presidential t planprof attack that provides for position to and should develop a systematic identifying and responding to user needs. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/26: CIA-RDP93TO1132R000100010016-6