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/ Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 LICENCE GROUP -5 -1C76""" *AAR DEPARTMENT BLDG. Waishington, D. C. 1 d T1-5127 General dosoriptious on the Continental Institute of Soience. Uystomi 01/ t Date: ? '1 3 Jr 77 1-1,A 77frie4 The Continental Institute of Science ,-Managing Bureau H23 laboratories , i.e. Director's Laboratory Chemical Laboratory for Agrioultural Products, Chemical Labo. for forest Products, Chem. Labe. for animal Prod. Bioohomical Lab. Lab. of Fermentation. Lab. of Soil Soienoe, Lab. of Fibres. Lab. of Inorganic Chou, Lab. of ilektro. ohemistry, Lab. for Fuels, Lab. for Combustion, Lab. of Metallurgy, Lab. of Machinery, Lab. of Power, Lab. for Aeroplane and Aeronautics, Lob. Institute of Electrioity, First Lab. of Civil Btgineering, Second Lab. of Civil Hngineering, Lab. of Architecture, Lab. of Air Protection. -.Examination and Testing Department. Analytical Room, Lumber Tooting, High Temperature Room, Low Temp. -Factories Machine shop, Oil Factory, Glass Shop, Plywood Factory, Furfural Factory (under construction). -Field of Animal husbandry Museum and Department of Biology. The Instituto of Morse Disease The Institute ofnriterinary --The Goologioal Institute The Wgielbe Institute Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 0 1.3\ Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 a The axplanation of the Researches of the Continental Institute of Baena. (A) Laboratories (1) The Direotors laboratory (1) Cultivation of topinembou Topinambou has not been cultivated in Manchuria. This research MO undertaken since the year 1936 in alcohol fermentation. In south Manchuria the most profitable root is thought to be sweet potato, and in north Manchuria to be topinambou. However, topinme- bou requires muoh labour especially for harvesting and it can't be regarded as a profitable root crop. As the souroe of fructose it is suitable as a crop. As to the Raffinetion, according to our research, it is not simple and requires high technique. (2) Cultivation of Mrgot Ergot is used as a styptio. Drgot has not been produced in Manohuria. Ergot is one forte of the plant disease. For six years ago, wild ergot has not been found in the Iliad of the Institute. We isolated the microorganism and succeeded to form ergot out of the rye by the artificial injection of the pure cul- tured ergot microbe. The physiological experiment of the cultured ergot IIIVA carried out and proved that the physiological effect is not inferior to the imported medicine. Under the favorable condition, we are able to obtain about 2 kgs of ergot out of one heater of rye field. (3) Researohes on storage of corn. The storage of corn is an important problem in Manchuria. The climatic) conditions here are rather favorable, compared with the other countries. However, the practical method, without large expenses is the key point of storage in this district. This research is chiefly limited to the fundamental problem, and we have not been able to find a bettor method other than the domestic) method of the Manohurian farmer. (2) Chemical Laboratory for agricultural products. (1) Researches on soya bean. Soya bean has been regarded as the source of plant oil. We tried to utilise as the protein source of national nourishment. We undertook to utilise the aminoacideof the sore bean protein obtained as the byproducts of Ajinamoto industry. Concentration of methionin ^IA investigated. Utilisation of leucin was also investigated. (2) Research. an the preparation of furfural. Furfural is prepared by the acid treatment of pentose of plant. We tried to prepare furfural from the agricultural byproducts, such as corn-oob and cotton-hull. The laboratory experiment as to the preparation has been already accomplished and the factory Is under construotion. Furfural is used as organic solvent, as well as flota- tion oil, in the fora or xantate. rumen* acid and maleic acid are also prepared from it. The yield of furfural under industrial scale ic expected to be 6 to log of the raw material. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 - 3 - (3) (4) (4) (4) (3) RESTRICTEp Researches on the plant prowittion'an plant hormones. Main probleawas the preparation of nicotine by adsorption from tobacco loaves of domestic kind and that of the pharmaseutioal tobacoo aspects. Chenioal Laboratory for Forest Products. (1) Research on the utilisation of forest products. The tannin. content of Manohurian weed bark were examined. (2) Cellulose, Lignin and highaoleoular coapouads. The Ranehurian woods were examined from the stand point of pulp and paper industry. Thus the production of rayon pulp was under- taken. Further the preparation of craft pulp from the Manchuria weed was isrestigated and succeeded in the Manchurian Soya bean stalk Pulp Company (Kai-Yuan). Thentilisation of lignin was investigated in view point of sulphite pulp industry. High molecular oompounds were investigated, espeoially pheno- lated furfural rosin* to apply them as the adhesive of water proof plywood for aeroplane. Fibrous plastics and wood. Fibrous plastics and strengthened weed were investigated. Chmsioal laboratory for animal products. (3) (1) ?adders and forage plants. Imeminotion of the nutritive values of wild grasses as well as loaves of woods as the substitutes of ordinary fodder.. Thus we Sound that several wild grasses have high nutritive value, quit* teeparative to cultivated grasses. The application of wood loaves as fodder is worth. motioning. (2) Utilisation of oottle products. Tho first problem' was the investigation of hair of seine. The second probIemwas the research en wool of native sheep. The third problem was the splendid achievement of the high class of the photographic gelatins fren the calve bids. Bieohosioal Laboratory. (1) Researches on nourishing substances. The native nourishing substances were examined, especially ',hopped and fermented vegetables and Mansburian souse. (2) Researohes on the nourishment especially Vitamin* problem. In Manchuria, vitamin* problems are very importsot. Determination of vitamin* content of vitamins A, Si, 12, and C of the Manchurian feeds were determined. Serious problen of folk life is the supply of vitamin* C in winter season. Rational storage of vegetables, soyebean malt and onion are the practical method. Censerning ^itamin* 112 problem will be given later an. Laboratory of Fermentation. (1) Fermentation ohmaistry. Fermentation chmoistry is very important in Manchuria. Hawthorn wine is invented in our Institut* and prepared in one of brewer in Chang-ohwa. Other fruit AIMS are also investigated. LA0171107E0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 (7) (a) -4- f"-`, $ Kaollan-chu (Manchurian millet) is the most popular Weverage of distilled wine. The preparation of lactie acid free: the Waoliang- clm-lee has been investigated. (2) Researches on useful microorganism. Fermentation chemistry is not limited nowaday, to the brewery. Vitamins by forming microorganism was found and determined to belong to Erenothesium. This method is now investigated in industrial scale in Manohurian Product Industrial Company in MUkden. Laboratory of soil science. (1) Chemical, physical and nicrobielogioal researehes on soil. In Manchuria, so called alkali-sell (one kind of saline soil) is distributed in Middle and southwest distriets. Alkali-soil is alkaline due to the presence of sodium carbonate. Sodium sulphate and ether salt are also present in it. Alkali-soil is not productive. In order to utilise this soil, our researches have been undertaken. The causes of infertility was proved to be net only due to alkalinity of soil, but the promos of sulphate. This is very important point. Tbm fixation of nitrogen from air by microbe is another important problem of agrioulture. We cultivated root nodule bacteria of soyebean root and are applying this cultivated bacteria to the cultivation of soyebean. (2) Chemical manures and self supplying manures. Chemical manures were not used in Manchuria for twenty years ago. However, it was found by the examination and statistical investiga- tion, the fertility of soil is decreasing year by year, especially in South part. Thus the problem of manures became important problem in agriculture. The chemical manure, ordinary used, is ammonium sulphate. Is our Institute the manuring value of calcium: wanes:id, as well as, its practical way of manuring were investigated. The application of calcium cyanamid as the disinfect is very geed idea. The self supplying manures are very importwat problem in the native agriculture. Scientific researches were also carried cut, but their results are not worth mentioning. Laboratory of organic Chemistry. (1) Researches on the organic chemical industries. Chief problem: has been in the fat and oil industries. In the South and West districts of Manchuria, so-called Mongolian apricot is abundaat. In this laboratory the utilisation of apricot kernel was established as the following: Apricot kernel (alone fruit) Apricot kerna oil kernel oil cake sle (very good substitute to olive oil) l'47%t dalin (gluoppide benseldoe- 9ESTRIrlarrn aje illastisair) he INGJAMMOISII Or Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 - 6 - ? (2) Rosearohes on medioines especially on Chinese medicine. The utiliaatioas of wortleberry and artemiold were investigated. The results were not conspicuous. Cultivation of Artemicia is one of the important problem in Manchuria. (9) Laboratory of Fibre. (1) Researohes on tugger silk. Tussor silk is obtained from the cocoons of wild tuasor worm. In this laboratory new method was invented to elevate the strength of silk by 1 gran per denier. This invention was used in practical faobry. (2) Researches on the.plant fibres. In order to prepare the fibres from bast fibres, this investigation was undertaken. Especially separation and refining of fibres by the electrolytic method is investigated and proved to be effective, however, thin prooess was not examined in industrial scale. Refining by fermentation process was also investigated and in prelatical work applied. Researches on the plant fibre sources. Chief problem was conoentratedla the cultivation of so-called Mongolian mulberry, cultivated chiefly in North China. The aim of this research wan to cultivate it, an wind protecting plant as well as fibre source. It was found that we nay be able to cultivate in Middle Manchuria. The cultivation was carried out in the agricultural Experimental Station of Sau-pin province. (10) Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry. (1) The production of plug for motor-oar. The preparation of special porcelain from tale occurred from South Manchuria was studied. Using a small quantity of flux, the powdered end pressed talc WW1 fitted about 1400c. Tho porcelain thus prepared has geed nature, for heating and electrical insulation, and is suitable for plug of motor-oar. Now it is undertaken to produce it in industrial scale. (2) Studies on rare element minerals from Manohuria. Sine* 1940, we have studied rare minerals occurred from various localities in the granite region of Rei-Cheng prefecture, South Manchuria. There were found new occurrences of euxenite, fergusenite, botafite, oolumbite, allanito and arca, which were identified ehemically or mineralogioally. (3) (3) Their state of occurrence shaft that euxenite and forgasonite only can be mined for extraction of uranium and rare earths. The technical treatment of the extraction of these elements from the ore has not yet been commenced by us. On the resource of potassium. In this country, no potassium deposit baa been found so we have to obtain by the extraction of potassium from potassium feldspar, which Is occurred in South Manohuria abbidantly. Heating the finely RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 c ?a. , ,1 sEu powdered ore with a mixture of ?claims oxide and calcium chloride over 900?, the potassium compounds are sublimated in the well of cooling chaMber. From this raw material thus obtained potassium compounds are extracted ohemioally as a purified form. The other various methods of heat treatment of the ore mixture baize been exaeined. Proe the toohnical point of view, it is, however, concluded that the latter method is too difficult to realize in practite. Laboratory of Electrochemistry. Chemical application of electricity. The chief problem in the so-called indirect electrolysis of sodium sulphate as the following diarrem. NaC1 1 by electrolysis 4 NaOH N 4. Cl (from cathod) synthesis EC1 Nita Na2SO double deconposition IMS104 This method is to be examined under industrial scale in Manchuria Soda Company in Kai-yuan. (2) Researches on galvanic elements. In Manchuria, one of the important problems is to find suitable elements in cold season. As to the primary elements suitable elements wore constructed by the application of a CaCl2. As to the batteries the problem was not solved except improvement of thermal insulation and artificial boating. (12) Laboratory of fuel. (1) Properties and application of coal and autimas. ? The properties of litnehurian coals has boon examined. (2) Researches on treatment of butylalcohol in order to improve the octane value was investigated. The utilization of birch oil for anti-frozen lubricating oil and liquid fuel was investigated. Ndrogenation prooess has been applied and tested under semi-industrial scale. (13) Laboratory for Coibustion. (1) Researches on the combustion apparatus and oven. Suitable oven for home life was investigated. ? V ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 ? (2) (3) - 7 RESTRICTED Researches on the combustion. method. .Bseearohes has been carried out chiefly on the methods of burning of boilers. This is one of the most important problem for economising octal. Reeearohee on the heat economy of faotories and house keeping. Tha economic control is the significant problem. It is not only the improvement of combustion, but the insulation and economio use of haat energy are included. (14) Laboratory of Metallurgy. (1) Ferrous as. well as nonferrous metallurgy. The chief problem in the refining of molybden from poor molybdenore of Manchuria. A new method has been invented in this laboratory by the application of eedium sulphate. Semi-industrial examina- tion was not realised. (2) Soientifio researches on the brittlness of steel and iron. This research was undertaken to determine the correlation between the composition as well as heat treatment to the physical properties of steel. By applying osoillograph, very interesting result WA obtained. (15) Laboratory of Machinery and (16) Laboratory of Power. (1) Researches on machines, especially internal ocabustion. Engines which can be applied to a motor oar or tractor with gas generator using bituminous coal were carried out. Several motor cars were brought into practice. (2) The study of fluid problems, especially the theoretical study an cyclone has Veen done, epecial cyclone designed by Prof.:36er Ikemori was used in army's gen (gs) power mill. (5) The testing of materiels used for nmohinee, especially for farming ? tools were carried out. (2) Laboratory for aeroplane and aeronauties. Researches on ice formation on aeroplane. The conditions of ice on aeroplane wore scientifically examined. The strength of adhesion of too to aeroplane body and propellor was determined under various conditions. The most dangeroug temperature for ice formations is determined to be -7 to-15 o under these experimental conditions. Suitable protecting method against ice was not found except applying ethyene glycol. Experiment on the fatigue test of lumber for aeroplane. Although the fatigue test of metals has been studied in many ocumeion? that of lumber hats not been determined. Very interest- ing result was obtained concerning the fatigue of lumber. (IS) Laboratory of Elootricitien. This laboratory was established recently and the equipments are not enough. The theme are as the following: (1) Electrical communications. (2) Electric machine. (3) Electrical transportation. Prirr74!1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 - - However, the main research is the eleottical determination of water ?cutout of plywood. Uowever, the suitable method is not yet found. Aeother probleA is the email elootrio generator driven by wind mill were investigated and to a certain degree suoceeded. &mover, trout:aka stundpoint of praotice, this method should be improved in the future. (10 The first Laboratory of Civil 2eginscring. (1) Such cements used as substitution for ordinary portland cement are researched, especially natural comente and cement-mixtures are tested. (2) The properties of soil cement and its applicution for the pavement of a road or an aerodrome are investigated. Especially relations between the size of soil grains and the meehanical properties of soil and the meohanioal properties of soil cement are tested. (3) Bitumiuous substance and its application for a road are resesrohed, especially on the standpoint to save the materials. (20) The second Laboratory of Civil Lngineering. (1) liethods of the treatment of sewage are researched, especially the testing used on Imhoff's tank, and the method of irrigation were . carried out. in Uanohuria the severe winter causes many obstaoles to the treatment of sewage. (2) Uethods of the improvement of drink water are researched, espeoially the purification method on a small seals which can be applied for citizen has been researched and the testing on precipitating sub- stances was carried out. (3) The relation between Resin Beck disease and drinking water has been researched and found theirs is no relation between them. (21) Laboratory of Architecture. (1) Building materials such as bricim, mortar, concrete, roofing material, etc. are tested. Under the war conditions these investigations were very important for saving materials. (2) Building constructions, such as brick construction, reinforced concrete construction aru investigated. 4-specially brick construction with reinforced concrete construction shows practical significance. perimental house has been constructed in our Institute, in which steel has been saved up to about 70;4. (3) Architectural, sanitary problems, such as room temperature, humidity, ventilation probleas were investigated. The theoretical as well as practical investigation to fine the relation between the room teepera- ture and the outdoor timperature are analytically researched. The area of window for the winter life should not be too large in the Uorth Aknohuria, say, north of Chang-chun. (22) Laboratory of Air Protection. (1) Physical end chemical air protection. The method ot smoke generation and others were examined. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 9 67p77:7" L?L_)) 1-1k? (2) Testin of gas mask for citieet use In the whole of Manchuria was carried out. (2$) Laboratory of applied physics. This laboratory was established recent4. The remarkable result is the invettion of so-called pressure element, which allows local pressure by elootrical way. (1) Anal (3) (B) The ixsmixiation and Testing Department. . 04. yeas are carried out by the request ct official, manufacture* citizen. Lumber Testing Roam. Almost lumbere produeed from all part of Manchuria were tested. Special effort ha a been put in finding lumbers suitable for the oenstruction of wooden aeroplane. h Temperature Room. The plan was to construct s oral type of equipments to give high temperature but interrupted by the war condition. A chief research, was concentrated to prepare glass with inland materials. This purpose was realised by the preparation of sulphate glass. Sodium sulphate can be supplied as the byproduct of rayon industry and salt field. Moreover, over 20,000,000 ton of natural sulphate is found for eight years ago in West Manchuria lake. Silica sand, which does not belong to the first class, VMS found in Chi-lin province. (4) Law Temperature Room. One of the most characteriatic pointe of our Institute is the Low temperature Room. The construction of this equipment was planned and directed by Professor T. Rode. After 4 yeare of effort, this equipmont was completed in the year 1943. The refrigerating medium is ammonia* The Low Temperature Room corn- posed of three rooms, one big room the motor car can sit and be examined on how the start of the motor is interrupted by low ? temperature. The big room can be kept to -74. 5c. Think that triple point of ammonia is 780c. the completeness if insulation of heat and capacity will be understood. In Manehuria, communication, homelife, people's sanitary condition are apt to be interrupted by the low temperature of winter. Lowest temperature in Chang-ohun is about 4.37%. and it Hai-la-lu 400o. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5 . . . , 1 / '' 10 - (0) IftetOrieAfr'olmirr The aim of our factories is the research of. industrial technique and self service of our Institute. (1) Maohine shop. Motor truok with gas generator using bituminous coal was oontruoted in this shop. Thus we can roaliie the invention of our Institute by our awn hand. (2) Oil factory. The oil presses are used for the industrial testing, the tested rim materials are poppy grain, sweet corn f!erm, grape seed, sunflower seed and eto. Peppy oil was exported to the V.8.A. before the last war. (3) (4) (5) Plywood factory This factory was constructed for the aim of rational utilisation of Manchurian hard wood. Plywood for the use of aeroplane was aehieved firet by this faotery. Glass shop. For self service. Neural factory (under construotion). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010012-5