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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 /1 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' -COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT English Translation of Herald of Antiaircraft Defense, No. -TE (444 ,(L.AxAtilo REPORT 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR. 5 May 1964 NO. AGES 1 50X1-HUM Aga C-. , ,50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE AC THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE 5 4 3 50X1-HUM: Issue No. 11, November 1963, of the Soviet publication VestnikProtivovozaushno, Oboron [Herald r" 50X1-HUM, Antiaircraft Defense pu y t e 'House of the Ministry of Defense. Moscow 2. A summary translation of each article is given in the attachment. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Distribution of Attachment for Retention: 00/FDD: 1 copy OSI: 2 copies ORR: 2 copies OCI: 1 copy Air: 2 copies AiT/FTD: 5 copies "SAC: 2 copies ---Army: 2 copiTi-- Army/FSTC: 3 copies Navy: 1 copy Navy/STIC: 1 copy NSA: 2 copies 2 copies S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassificotion STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA =DX NIC I Air/FTD Army/FSTC Navy/STIC 1 SAC 00/FDD (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) 5, 3, 2 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 grIV1 I-111RA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 ? I. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Herald of Antiaircraft Defense No 11, November 1963 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 No Foreign Dissem : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony, No 11, November 1963 Editorial TABLE OF CONTENTS -- The Triumphant Banner of the October Revolution Party-Political Work and Military Education'. Reports and. Elections .of Party Organs P. G. SMIRNOV, V. G. YASHNIEDV -- Speciality Ratings for Every Political Worker I. I. YUDIN -- On Combat Watch Combat Training ? Rocketeers Are Carrying .Out Their Servide with Honor I. I. ANISIN -- Combat Destiny' SHDEDR014. L. A. FOM1N -- Use Training Equipment Skil)fully 5% . . . 50X1 -HUM Page 2 2 2 3 V. A. SAGARDA, I. A. CHERNOV -- Flight Safety' A. I. POLYARDV -- When Launches Are. Completed L. S. DUBINA -- The Role of the Practical Training Instructor V. I. KURYSHEV -- Preparing a Commander's Vertical -Tracking Telescope for Operation 7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 . ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 A. M. MItiAYLOV S. A. BIM'S=? A. I. GAG/IN . A. kiALYSHKIN I. A. GARBUZOV S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissan Equipment and Its Use CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 -- The Contribution of Engineers and Technicians to Troop Combat Readiness 50X1-HUM 'Page 7 ?-- Success Comes to These Who Seek -- Aircraft Hydraulic Systems 8 .frerr lie-Transistor Elements of Digital Computers 8 ? Finding Defects in Power. Track- ing Transmission 'Systems ./ LIntevations:;and)Inventions' , ? ? V. S. SUKACEEV ? ? Using Radio Homing Equipment for Aircraft Communications 8 V. A. RUCHICEN 9 A. M. MAKSINIOV ^ Recoraing the Actions of Trainees Automatically OM 4?11 Improvements in Aircraft Instru- mentation ? From the HistOry. of ?PV0 Troops M.V. OST.APCHUK ? The War with the anterventiohists -b- I 3,0 S-E-CAuE!TT No Fotbigh Dissent Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 S-Ep.C-R-D4 No Foreign Dissom, In Chasti and Podrazdeleniya of Our Forces New Undertakings of Komsomol Members of the Capital District (Page 2) Abstract: Reportsthat Komsomol members of the Moscow PV0 District have begun new activities in combat and political training in honor of the 40th. anniversary of the Komsomol having received the title "imeni Lenin." The Replacement Ndll Be Reliable (Page 2 Abstract: Reports steps being taken to ensure that replacements for military personnel entering the reserves are sufficiently well trained, so that there is no loss in:Combat readiness. Excellent Evaluations for Everyone On Duty Page 2 Abstract: Announces that all Komsomol members of a communications company have pledged to achieve excellent evaluations in training so that full combat readiness will be achieved during. all hours of duty assignments. A Deserved Award (Page 2 Abstract: . Reports that the Komsomol organization headed by Sr Lt ORLYANSKIY was awarded a certificate by the Central Committee of tlie Komsomol for excellent evaluations in combat and political training. (A captioned photograph by V. BALAKIREV on page 2 shows Sgt Ye. POPOV, specialist first class, standing in front of an aircraft. POPOV . is identified as an aircraft mechanic.) , The Triumphant.Banner of:the-October-ReVolution--- Editorial Pages 34) Abstract:? ' 'Marking the 46th anniversary of the October Revolution, extols triumphs of Communism and .presents a ;arty history of the. Soviet Union. .7 ? -1- S-E-C-R-E-T . No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized dopy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 . ? S-E4-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissam. : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 PARTY-POLITICAL WORK AND MILITARY EDUCATION Reports aid. Elections of Party Organs -- Editorial (Pages 8-11) Abstract: 50X1 -HUM. States that PVO party organizations held reports-and-elections meetings/at which new party leaders were elected. and reports concern- ing accomplishments of the past year were given by group party organizers and secretaries of party organizations, bureaus, and committees. ' Following the meetings in primary party organizations, party confer- ences were to be held. .insoyedineniya, military, educational institutions, establishments, and military districts, to discuss the status of party-, political work. ? Speciality Ratings For Every Political Worker -- by -Col P. G. 'SMIRNOV and, Maj V. G. YASBNIKOV (Pages 12-15) . ? Abstract: Discusses the necessity for political workers in PVO units -to have ratings in technical specialities,, stating that. even deputy com- ? manders for politica/ affairs are not excluded from this necessity because of their politica/ work. Technical ratings higher than that of specialist 3rd class are considered. necessary levels of achievement and. commanders are urged. to initiate technical training programs and.. to check the technical training levels of their political workers. (A captioned photograph on page 15, shows Capt M. SERGA conducting a class on political education.) On, Combat Watch Abstract: By It Col I. I. YUDIN Pages 16-18) , Concerns training activities, and. achievements of a rocket regi- ment commanded by Col Nikolay 'Veniaminovich HESSONOV, a former com- mander, of an artillery battalion. The following personnel are iden- tified as subordinates of RESSONOV: Tech-Sr Lt PEREELLITSIN, Engr- Cart DOLGUSHIN, Sgt TKACHEV, Pfc NOVOLSELlTSEV, Tech-Sr Lt MOSBKOVTSEV, Coat LAVRINYUK, Lt DOROSBENKO, Sg SYCH, Capt DANILOV, Capt RYABYKIN, Sgt SOKOLOV, and Sgt GRECHKIN. .."?,2- ? S-E-C-R-E-T . ' No Foreign Dies= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 No Foreign Dissent. COMBAT TRAIN= : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 50X1-HUM Rocketeer? Are Carrying Out Their Service with Honor -- Editorial (Pages 19-22) Abstract: Maryng Artillery Day, discusses accomplishments and problems of combat training. Excerpts: Air defense .equipment has been changed drastically. On the basis of new achievements in electronics, radio technology, and telemechanics, Soviet designers' have developed various highly effective rocket com- plexes which are capple of destroying modern air targets at any alti- tude, day or night, ;and in various weather conditions. Air defense personnel of PVO Strany are now equipped with everything necessary to defend the aerial borders of the Soviet fatherland reliably.... But it would be incorrect to be content 'with what has been achieved. While marking Artillery Day, we must pay attention to, shortcomings which unfortunately we still have., We must mobilize all of our strength to correct these shortcomings and not allow them in the future. Infringe- ments of regulations governing the well-being of personnel are still' condoned in certain podrazdeleniya. There are even some podrazdeleniya where there are shortcomings in launch and tactical training of person- nel and in the use and maintenance of equipment. (A captioned photograph of Engr-Sr Lt ISPOLATOV by K. AREAD'YEV appears on page 20. The caption praises ISPOLATOV for his innovation work.) (A captioned photograph by A. J40V of:Pfc M0LODTd0V, Pvt POTAPOV,' and Jr Sgt FALEYEV, specialists,first clasalTears on page 22.) /.. Combat Destiny-- by-Lt Col I. I.ANISIN (Pages 23-25) Abstract: Discusses training carried on in a rocket podrazdeleniye. Excerpt: When they heard the command, the operators immediately took. their places at their scopes. Although the cabin, was blacked out, they, quickly found. necessary switches yithout making' mistakes. The rectangular scopes glowed with a greez4Lsh-light. .3- S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 No Foreign Dissam "Sear'dia" commanded HUZHELEV: Then ,a, reflected signal was noticed in the chaos of dancing lights. A very la6onic report was given. "Target is a group. 'Enemy' has used interference." CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 50X1-HUM Although all measures were taken to separate and single out a useful py_se from the interference, it continued to be effective. It seemed for a while that the target was hopelessly lost. But the observers of the aerial expanses have a special flair, a skillful eye. They know how to follow the shy blips, to notice them through the phosphorescence. Communist Sgt LUN'YAEOV was ready to go to the aid of his comrades at any moment. While he watched what the "enemy" was doing, he whispered from time to time: "Decrease brightness, more accurate focus." Then, the enemy entered the firing zone. Immediately, the command- erhs.voice was heard, "Launch!" An outlined point flashed at the bottom.of.the guidance scope.' it / moved to the center of the scope. This is a combat rocket. As if in confirmation of this, a huge noise was heard. In a few seconds, a second rocket flew to meet the second target. "This is good," said a rocketeer.. "Wait a minute," noted Officer KUMRTXV as he watched the scanner uneasily. ? Then, his presentiment came true. It seemed as if a thunderclap was driven through the compartments. , A technicalLlapse proved costly. The second rocket passed by the target and explqed at a very high altitude with great farce as if indig- nant at not hav*Ig met the "enemy." But still the "battle" was con-' tinued with success. The following rocket launches hit their targets . exactly. However, the soldiers felt unsatisfied. The specialists looked at the commander guiltily. When he had finished working out some data4 KUZTIFLEV asked as if by change, "What happened there?" He heard in answer, "An unforeseen misfortune." Then, a techni- cian said, "You know, Comrade Commander, that all maintenance work was done according to the rules. All compartments were tested under voltage. True, there was a small spark. But this simply happened like when an automobile spark plug lead is not fastendd:. We did not think that it was important." "What happened then?" the commander asked sternly. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 ? -4 S-&-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 "A conduotor.did not release 'honestly'," Lt RUK1N answered. "And why was it not seen earlier?" "Because the compartment was under the factory seal." ? "What do you mean under the factory seal?" the podrazdeleniye commander interrupted him. Turning to the secretary of the party. organizaton, he said, "The communists should assemblg and discuss all of t is thoroughly...." Interceptions Are Executed Excellently bylgaj I. N. LAVRUKEEIN (Page 25) Abstract: 50X1-HUM Describes air interceptions carried out by pilots belonging to a , squadron commanded by Lt Col BELOUSOV. Use Training Equipment Skillfully -- by Col M. M. SBOKUROV end- Engr-Lt Col L. A. FOMIN (Pages 26-30) Abstract: Discusses the use and implektation.,of various training aids for radar operators. Flight Safety -- by Lt Col:V. A. SAGARDA and Lt Col I. A. CBERNOV (Pages 31-34) Abstract: Discusses haw flight safety depends on careful and thorough plan- ? ning of maintenance and other flight-connected operations and on thorough training of personnel. (A captioned photograph by K. FEDULOV of Maj Ye. DUBOVITSEIY, pilot first class, appears on page 32. Lt Col N. BERESTOV, pilot first class, is shown discussing a flight with Capt A. GORELIK in a Captioned photograph by P. GORDIYENKO'on page 34.) -5- ? S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 ? / ? S-E,C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 When Launches Are?Completed -- by Engr-Capt A. I. POMMY .(Pages 35 Abstract: Discusses how launch results are analyzed in a rocket chastt to be used in further training to eliminate shortcomings. (A captioned photograph by Z. SORKIN on page 37 shows Capt S. PAVLICHENED and Pvts G. NAGONEDOV and V. RUIN checking the operation of a radar. The Role of the Practical Training Instructor -- by Engr-Lt Col L. S. DUBINA (Pages 38-41) Abstract: 37\ 50X1 -HUM ? Suggests that the role of the practical training instructor in ,higher military training institutions be enlarged and discusses ways to do this and why it should be done. (A captioned photograph by R. IVANOV on page 40 shows Sr Lt V. ERASNOKUTSKIY, a GCI controller, working at a plotting board.) (A captioned photograph by I. DREVETSKIY on page 41 shows Mai P. GERASIMCHUK of the Zhitomir Military Radio- technical School working on electronic evipMent.) ? Individual Work Guarantees'Success -- by Eftgr-Capt K. K. TASLUNOV (Page 42) Abstract: , ,? . ? Letter to the editor aupport of an article published previously 'in Vestnik PV0 which maintained that under modern conditions all officers should work systematically to increase their;knowledge of physics and mathematics. Officers Should Train According to Scientif'iC and Technical Achieve-,. . ments -- by col G. N., ALEKSANrROV (Page li.2)k. Abstract: Letter to the editor maintaining that officers must study new developraents in technical fields related to their combat assignments'. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 S-EC-R-E-T . ? No Foreign Dissem ? ? Preparing a Commander's Vertical Tracking Telescope f 50X1 -HUMor Operation =-. by V. I. EURYSHEV (Pages 43-45) Abstract/ . .' Discusses methods for setting up a commander's vertical tracking telescope for use under different.observation conditions, how to check the operation of the instrumentl'and different ways to orient it. EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE The Contribution of Engineers and Technicians to Troop Combat Readiness -- by Maj Gen intend Serv A. M. MaZEAYLOV (Pages 116-50) Abstract: ? Discusses the duties and responsibilities.of engineers and techni- cians in maintaining a high level of troop combat readiness and in,. keeping combat equipment ready for action. (A captioned photograph by K. ARKAD'YEV of Sr Lt.YERENENED, spe- cialist first class, appears on page 48. The caption states that YEREMENED, a platoon commander, was awarded the Medal for Combat Services.) (A captioned photographby,P. IVANOV on page 50 shows Lt R. SHANGAREVETStanding at the rear of an aircraft refueling truck. Success Comes to Those Who Seek -=. by Maj S. A. BEL'SKIY (Pages 51-53). Abstract: , Discusses haw rocketeers discuss achievements.in-such a way that', ',shortcomings are revealed to urge personnel to greater efforts in training.. (A captioned photograph by P.;GORDIYENED on page 53 shows ' Capt Tech Serv V.-SANDULOV, specialist first 'class andleader ofa. maintenance group, checking anedrcraft cockpit..). -7- No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 s at ? No Foreign Dissent. Aircraft Hydraulic System-- by Engr-Col GAGIN (Pages 54-58) 50X1-HUM Abstract: : CIA-RDPSOT00246A072800310001-9 Explains how to train aircraft maintenance Personnel in aircraft . hydraulic systems maintenance and discusses the construction and func- tions of aircraft hydraulic systems in detail. Ferrite-ansistor Elements of Digital Computers -- Engr-Col Ye. MALYSBEIN (Pages 59-62) Abstract: Describes how and. where ferrite-transistor elements are used. in digital computers. , . ? Finding Defects in Power Tracking Transmission Systems Engr-Lt ' Col I. A. GARBUZ0V (Pages 63-64). Abstract: ? Explains how to locate defects circuits with an oscillograph.?' 'transmission , ? An Outstanding Counnandei. M/Sgt- I. K. FOTAPENKO (Pagei 64 Abstract: Describes how the officer candidates in the school platoon 'com- manded. by Sr Lt LUGINA have received, good. training results. INNOVATIONS AND INVENTIONS ? Using Radio Homing Equipment :for Aircraft Communications Maj V. S. SUKACHEV (Pages 65-67) ? Abstract: ? ? Explains how an airera.ft controller; can use radar and. radio hom? - ing equipntent such as the:ARKT5 radio, compass to transmit instructions to an. ,aircraft when the airbOaiae? radio. is not functioning,. _ ? ; ? S-E-C-R4161T... No ir9.11.0.5401;ALW.0.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 No Foreign Dissera , '50X1-HUM 'Recording the Actionse Trainees Automatically -- by Engr-Capt RUCHKIN (Pages 68) Abstract Describes the construction:and operation of a simple device used to record the problem-solving actions of trainees in an automated_ classroom. Improvements in Aircraft Instrumentation - by Lt Col A. M. MAKSIMOV (Pages 69-74) Abstract: Based on foreign press material, discusses improvements in auto- matic guidance and autopilot instruments; including navigational com- puters, inertial guidance.systemp, etc., required and used on high- performance, all-weather aircraft. Part of the article discusses the use and operation of gyroscopes in these instruments. On the Book. Shelf (Page 74) Text: G. D. SM1RNOV. Navigatsionnyye sputniki [Navigational Satellites] (1963, 87 pp., 16 kopecks). The construction of new radio navigation systems which use signals transmitted by artifical earth satellites is discussed in an easy to understand form in this smA31 book. The author discloses the principles of operation of such a system and des- cribes ground and onboard equipment developed on a principle of measur- ing the known spatial position of a satellite. In his book, Molekulyarnyye usiliteli i generatory SVCh [Molecular' Super-high Frequency Amplifiers and Generatorsj (1963, 78 pp., 14 kipecks) Ye. A. EDISYREV discusses the properties of atoms and molecules used as the basis for the development of principally new instruments which not only provide amplification, but also generate oscillations in the 'super-high frequency ranee. The author in popular form discusses the construction and operation principles of the operation of maser ' amplifiers and their use in various branches of technology. Communications specialists will be interested in the training aia developed by the group of authors S. L. DAVYDOV, I. P. BTSOV, and F. L. LEMZON-ALEKSANDROVi Radiotekhnika [Radio Equipment] (19630 342 pp., 86 kopecks). It prbVides basic information on radiO'technology which must be 'known to study modern communications equipment in detail. In a popular manner, the authors explain the laws of radio wave pro- pagation, the role of antennas in their formation and reception, and the physical processes occurring in transmitting and receiving equip- ment elements. -9- No 'Foreign Diseenil? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 S-E-C-R-E4 No Foreign Dissem : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9 ? FROM THE HISTORY OF PVO TROOPS The War with the Interventionists in the North by Col M. V. OSTAPCBUK (Pages 75-78) Abstract: Presients a historical sketch of the military difficulties of the Soviet Union in northern regions immediately after the revolutionkof 1917. 50X1 -HUM First Victory -- by Maj V. S. SHUMIKHIN (Page 76) Abstract: ' ? Describes World War II air Combat of Lt Sergey DEMIDOV who was . subtequently awarded. the Order of the Red. Banner. (A photograph of V accompanies the article.) ? EV HMO Our Friends in Combat Combat Help for Soldiers -- by Col A. V. YAKOVLBV (Pages 79-80) Abstract: Discusies activities of the; Bulgarian,e.rmed forces magazine, Armeyski pregled, in honor of the 10th anniversary of ,the magazine. (A captioned photograph-of four Bulgarian Air'Force.pilots accompanies the article.) ? , SR o Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800310001-9