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l` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Ern. sy LOWE>, 11.1,1C 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is bite(cnY1 _I-4 I im 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T COUNTRY USSR (Tula Oblast) REPORT 50X1-HUM SUBJECT Production Difficulties at the DATE DISTR. ,.._' April 1964 Soviet-Built Urea Plant at ,,,---,'-- s5hchekino Chemical Combin NO.PAGES 2 I , 'til a-cc:14 4_11j.s te 1 L-d-e-A- / REFERENCES '. cim:I-5C /1.-? e_.,,, (T 4_,.....,, `..4.,b4- -&;7:tt,e__c_. ,...., , DATE OF 11"C4-4-4t- J9-1?--"ti 1 - -I-- - -- ?4-1-----4--/-64--- ) INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. -4 3 50X1-HUM 1. A six-page translation of a report on production difficulties encountered at the Soviet-built urea plant at Shchekino, near Tula Nine sketches, including a diagram of theaDo -HUM Shchekino chemical combine and several process diagrams, are included with the report. 2. The Soviet plant, built after the American CHEMICO process, is calculated to produce 400 tons of urea per day; so far no eight- hour prills have been made but technical grade crystalline urea has been produced.1,2 Of the four units set up within the plant, two do not operate at all, one operates off and on and one operates constantly; however, ,production at the neighboring Dutch-built urea plant was adversely affected whenever the second unit at the Soviet plant was put into operation. 3. Soviet requests for help from the Dutch in solving these problems have met with little enthusiasm or success. Soviet design engineers are now studying the Dutch-built plant in detail; presumably the Soviets intend to alter their plant themselves according to the Dutch process. Comments: 1. 50X1-HUM construction of a small urea plant by the Soviets themselves at the Shchekino Chemical Combine was begun in mid-1961. It was planned ?that the plant would begin production on 1 January 1963 and that50X1 -HUM production would be 50 to 75 tons per day. STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA 1XIX NIC !Exclude! GROUPf rom I auto atic 2 downgrading and declassification 1 50X1-HUM- (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) t_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 (-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 -E-C-R-E-T the Soviet urea plant at Shchekino beganAproddction On il-Tebruary 1963.: It was prodUcing technical urea at:'15 percept of its full capacity of 140 tons per day. The process used was of Japanese origin. Distribution of Attachment: 1016V ORR - Retention (1 copy w/o sketches) (transmitted direct) S-E-C-R-E-T r 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Country: USSR Subject: Production Difficulties at .Soviet Urea Plant at Shchekino Chemical Combine Date of Info Place and Date Acquired: 47*-- Attachtent 50X1;HUM 1144." 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1. The Soviet urea plant at the Shchekino chemical combine obviously was built after the American CHEMICO process. 2. 3. 5 Czech compressors and reactors had been installed. The loca- tion of the plant and the estimated dimensions are given in attachments 1, 3 and 4. A key to these attachments is in para II below. the plant is calculated to produce 400 tons of urea per day. In the total no eight-hour prills had been made but tech- nical grade crystalline urea had been produced. four units had been set up in the plant. two units were not at all in operation yet while one of the other units operated off and on and the remaining one operated constantly. Production in this last'Unit, -However, alsb was experiencing difficul- ties. See attachment 2 for which the key is in para 11-below. this plant took CO2 and NH3 from the Soviet NH3 synthesis but that this installa- tion supplied too little CO2 for both plants, since the production in the Dutch plant fell behind about 50 tons a day whenever the second unit in 'the Soviet plant was in operation. several times in the Dutch plant the production fell behind because of lack of CO2 but the Soviets were expanding their NH3 syn- thesis so that it can be expected to have sufficielA CO2 in the future. various problems encountered in the production in the Soviet urea plant 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM The CO2 corn-/duction chief of the combine. UMW 1 50X1-HUM EnMal from mitotic s E c R E T 4,,,qnrrn riinq nnd L7 50X1-HUM I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Page Attachment pressor for the unit which is in constant operation worked well. The greatest difficulty in this unit lay in the recirculation section. The gas separation did not function well One result, however, was that because of the CO2 and the formation of the by-product "MEA" corrosion appeared in the low pressure part of the recirculation section. 6. In the building for end processing difficulties firat of all appeared in the crystallizing equipment. Again four installa- tions had been set up but at the most two worked. Each installa- tion was calculated to produce 25 tons of crystalline urea per day. The system looked a lot like the Dutch system and was probably a copy of it. 7 a crystal propeller Lscrelvi in the propeller gcrelvi there was a single blade. The Dutch installation has double blades (see attachments 7 and 8 - Isey para // below), this could be the cause of difficulties on this point. To manufacture prills the concentrated urea solution is even more highly concentrated by vaporizing in a vacuum. The process has to be quick in order to avoid forming "biureet." There were four vaporizors in the plant for the end processing. They were hooked up together in twos. They were Luwa (Swiss) model, type 6, and probably copied from them. The plant manager had a Luwa instruction booklet. The vaporizors had been set up according to the instructions in it and were calculated to produce 100 tons per day apiece. To obtain the best end product the con- ditions were, according to the instructions: a pressure of 350 mm. of mercury, a temperature of 150 C, and the vaporizors six meters above the pumps. The Soviets had adhered strictly to these rules. these conditions in them- selves make it impossible to form a good end product.1 the following circumstances also are the cause of this installation's inability to produce any prill end product: 1. The flanges were only half attached to the vaporizors. 2. Underneath in the vaporizor water vs added and it ram out again on the other side. The moisture content" of the product mks too high as a result and made it impossible to prill. 3. Two vaporizors were hooked up to one vacuum installation with vacuum pump and injector which is not feasible. 4. Underneath in the vaporizors no "false air" was injected which experience has shown to be a good method. 5. The swan necks in the lines to the pumps did not belong there and must operate to a disadvantage. 6. The connections at the pumps were faulty. These connections did not belong there and must cause leaks. The pumps were Rheinhatte model (the same as in the Dutch plant) and in themselves worked well. 7. The urea reservoir above the prill tower did not belong SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 8. Attachment there. It is incorrect to store the very highly con- centrated urea solution in a reservoir above the prill tower since by staying there"biureet" is formed in the product. The urea must come to a low temperature as :soon as possible and be brought directly from the pump via the prill cup ink-the prill tower. See attachments 4, 7, and 9 (key in para // below). Pgige The ifrillztap was probably a copy.of the Dutch model the way in which it was copied made it suitable for production of not more than 80 tons a day. At the plant were two prill towers each about 8 Meters in' diameter and about 35 meters tall.. two prill towers of these dimensions are indeed necessary for a total production of 400 tons a 9. At the unit which was in operation the following workers were employed: four men at the compressor, three at the recirculation section, and eight at the crystallization installa- tion. According to Dutch standards the numbers for the com- pressor and the recirculation section were not too large but for the crystallization installation there were four more men than.necessary. 10. there is possibility of improving the process in the Soviet urea plant without much drastic alteration. Although the Soviets have said they did nCt know where to look in studying the Dutch urea plant', four Soviet design engineers have been walking around continuously in the Dutch plant to copy the whole plant and to ask the Dutch personnel all kinds of questions. According to source, the Soviets certainly intend to alter their plant themselves according to the Dutch process. 11. There follow below keys to the attachments: Attachment 1: Diagram of Shchekino chemical of Soviet urea plant. Index: 1. Soviet urea plant: synthesis (see attachment 5). 2. Soviet urea plant: absorption and (see attachment 6). 3. Soviet urea plant: end-processing prill tower (see.attachment 7). 4. Compressor hall under construction 5. Office buildings. 6. Main entrance. 7. Cooling towers 8. NE15 synthesis ??? 9. Second entrance. 10. Guard house and guard. 11. Entry gate. 12. Closed off gate. 13. Wooden fence. 14. Compressor hall under construction combine'and'location recirculation 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM building desorption columns building and two 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 I - ? ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 ? 15. Air separation and 16. Graduated coolers. 17. Main-building of Dutch urea plant. 18. Dutch urea plant and prill tower. 19. Formaline plant. 20. Planned expansion for Dutch urea plant. 21. Caprolactam plant. 22. Formaldehyde plant. 23. 0ut6rmost fence of Shchekino chemical combine. Dimensions: a. ? 35 meters b. + 30 meters ? c. ? 30 meters -d. ? 20 meters Main building 1 = + 25 meters ? Main building 2 = ? 15 meters and prill towers ? 30 meters. Page 4 Attachment compressor hall. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ?/773407WhiM57/ Roads Attachment 2: Diagram of mostimportant assembly and the difficulties in the Soviet urea plant. -Index: A. BuildingContaining the synthesis-recirculation (point 1 of attachment 1). B. End-processing building. (point 3 of attachment 1). 1. ,Compressors (four units). 2. Recirculation apparatus (heater, separator, condenser) (four units). 3. Crystalization propellers 5crewil (four units). 4. Vaporizors (four units). 5. Two prill towers. Attachment 3: Part of plant which does not work at all. Part of plant Which works occasionally. Part of plant which operates but where there are a lot of difficulties. bijaZfq Cross section of,synthesis-recircUlationandithe absorption and desorption columns (see atta64Ments 5 and 6). Index: 1. CO2 compressors. 2. Synthesis control panel. 3. Coolers and. separators. 4. Decomposition apparatus. 5. HY - NH3 pump. 6. "BD"- water pump. 7. Urea synthesis column. 8. Absorption and desorption columns. 9. Steps. 10. Centrifugal pumps. Estimated dimensions: SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 ? Page Attachment a - 12 meters . b - 5 meters c ?- 2 meters d - 1 meter e - 5 meters f - 5 meters g - 7 meters h - 25 meters j - 15 meters 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Attachment 4: Cross-Section of the end-processing building and the prill towerq (see attachment 7). Index: 1. Vaporization apparatus (heater, vaporizor, separator). 2. Crystalization. 3. Vaporization apparatus. 4. Luwa, model 6. 5. Pumps, Rheinhatte model. 6. Elevator. 7. Prill tower. Estimated dimensions: a - 18 meters b - 7 meters o - 10 meters d - 5 meters e - 15 meters f - 5 meters g - 8 meters h - 30 meters j- 5 meters k - 1.5 meters Attachment 5: Process diagram 1. Four units at 100 tons a day. Index: 1. CO2 compressor (Czech). 2. Reactor (Czech) (200 atmospheres; 192? a). 3. Three plunger NH4 pumps. 4. "BIrwater pump (250 atmospheres; 1.8 cubic meters/14TO_rubour5 5. First step of decomposition. 6. Second step of decomposition. 7. Carbamate condenser. 8. Urea stock tank. Attachment 6: Process diagram 2. Index: 1. CO2 absorption column. 2. CO2 desorption column. 3. Mix compressor. ? ? Attachment 7: Probes g diagram 3. Index: 1. Heater. 2. Vaporizer. 3. Carbamate condensor. 4. Crystallizing propellers 5crew/ (capacity 25 tons a day). ? 5. Reservoir 6. Joining of second Luwa. 7. Luwa vaporizor, type 6. 8. Smelting pump (Rheinhatte model). 9. Stock tank. 10. Prill cup. SECRET PI 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 f - kJ , .11. , Page 6 kftachment 11. Vaporization to about 92%; urea solution. 12. Vaporization to about 99.8%urea solution 13. Prill tower. Attachment 8: Diagram of a crystal propeller .5-crej7. Index: 1. Vaporizor. 2. Reservoir. 3. Crystal propellers L;crews 4. Single crystal propeller 54 Double crystal propeller 6. Propeller 5creil blades. Diagram of end processing in Soviet VElporizors, Luwa model, type 6. 2. Vacuum installation with 3. Stirring device. 4. Flanges. 5. Water supply. 6. Swan neck. 7. Distance of six meters. 8. Connections. 9. Pumps, Rheinhutte model. 10. Reservoir for highly concentrated urea solution. 11. Prill cup, Dutch model. 12. Prill tower. Attachment 9: 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM screw in Soviet urea plant. screw according to Dutch process. urea plant. Index: vacuum pump and injector. Comments: ? 50X1 -HUM 1. In the Dutch process they use type 5 vaporizors figuring on a production of 200 tonsa day under a pressure of 40-60 mm mercury and a temperature of 138 C with the vaporizors ten meters above the pumps. In practi-- 50X1 this seems to be the most ideal conditions for a good end product. -HUM 2. At the Dutch urea plant there is only one prill tower of larger dimen- sions moll suited to produce 500-600 tons per day. SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 ,./ r -fr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Attaoiiment /2 1 2/ I 22 0 1"1-1 o 0 /3 \ ,`? \\.\\\\ ,N.\\\.\\NN, 1 5 ' 50X1 -HUM /9 23 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : ICIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 50X1 -HUM IPRoces , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : OX1 -HUM CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 2 IT 2 7 tC e A /0 q.1.1011Iq0q4y 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 LCIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 50X1-HUM Attachment A S-1g R 7 < < A .50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 ? 0 , 3 1 50X1-HUM Mol.verh. NH 3/CO2 = 3,5 50X1-HUM /92?6' 24 o aia 192'e 5 1,4 04 Recicle N113 iYH t CO2 50X1-HUM ?,r? 1 50X1-HUM ',scot 401. it 414.. 0 t gout ? 4 A 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM ? 50X1 -HUM Co2 6110 clas laSeo?is Nita+ CO Pica ?0 Recycle N113-1?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 ? // 5 \/ C water 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM 1. ? 50X1 -HUM ? - 50X1 -HUM i 3 50X1 -HUM, /3 16-0'd 50X1 -HUM gr1V1 LA IRA 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 t a pilrn on'ed 50X1 -HUM 1 1 SEC? 7, 1' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 . . 50X1 -HUM CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5 a chin (n-1-. N/----ll 50X1 -HUM 3 7..^. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/21 : :1-HUM CIA-RDP80T00246A031500060001-5