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50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: 6IA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Hydroelectric Power Plants in the USSR DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPORT DATE DISTR. 28 Feb 64 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM THIc IS lINPVAI ['ATP(*) imunotaATinki 5 4 3 2 1 'STATE the following Soviet papers on Hydroelectric Power Manta in the USSR: 50X1 -HUM a. Bratsk Hydroelectric Station, Moscow 1962 (in English) b. Kremenchugskaya Gidroelektrostantsiya (ICremenchug Wdroelectric Station) (in Russian). 50X1 -HUM I ARMY I NAVY end I AIR 5 50X1 -HUM 4 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I FBI I AEC 50X1 -HUM CON7'1101.i.Ell DISSEAt NO =SEM ABROAD 4111111MOMMOM The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the HMI member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DC1D 1/7, it may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated ?So organisa- tions or personnel, Including consultants, tinder a contractual relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitid Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 ? ' ,B,Hcnp no csoeii aenwnwe sinnneTcn TpeTbeii peKoi B Enpone (nocne Bonn( H orikylian). OcHolman macca rHApowlepropecypcon (Ao 90%) cocpeKoToneHa Ha H14/KHeM rlaCTKe ,L1,Henpa ? OT KHeBa (Tonnee OT ycTbn p. BcneAcTaHe pe3Koii HepaaHomepHocTH cToKa peKH HCKJ110I1 11TeJlb110 BancHoe 3HaneHHe npno6peTaeT co3Kanue Ha orimenpe KpynHbix aoKoxparilininn, cnoco6- HbIX 3aperynHponarb CTOK. Ha1160JIee Kpyrniblm SIBHICA noAoxpamininne KpemenmyrcKoil rac, cTpou- TCJIbCTBO KoTopoil 6mno Hagar? B 1954 r. Bon,oxpaliwnwne 6yAeT HMeTb JIJIMHy 185 KM, nnoulaAb 3epKana 2 250 KM2 H 110J1e3libli3/4 06bem nopnAKa 9 mnpA. m3. TaKofi o61,em 1103130.1111T ocylnecunin roKonoe (c nepexoaom Ha mHoroneTHee) perynHponamie CTOKII, onaroKapn KoTopomy 11,1HTC51 3Hep- rooulava ncex HuncepacnonoweHnmx rsinipo3.1eKTpocTaH3nii KacKana, a TaKace ynentwaTcn cyAoxoAlible rny6m1b1 Ha ,B,Henpe OT KHeBa jo 11,HenponerpoacKa. Kpome Toro, BoAoxpaHH,nnige Kpemennyromii rac KacT 003M0AHOCTb opo- CHTb Ao 3,5 WM. ra 3aCyllIAMBbIX 3eMeAb. Crimp cooppKwalii rnApoy3na HmeeT 11pOTAI,KeHHOCTb 12,6 Km. OCH0BaHl4eM 6eTOHHbIX COOpplieHHA cnywar rpalurrm. 3emnnlime 11110THHbl pacnonowenm Ha necKax. KomnomonKa coopy}KenHii rpopoy3na, Hawman c npanoro 6epera, cne- myrowan: 3eM.I1 flHaT1 IIJIOTHI1a, w.rno3, 31amle rac, BOAOCJ1HBHaA H 3eMJIAHaSI HJIOTHHbl. 3eMJITIHbIe 11.30T1111b1 AJIHHIMi 10,72 KM 3aHnmaloT 97% o6weri npo- THKieHHOCTH Hanopnoro clipowra (12,4 Km). [Jo rpeomo MIOTHHbl npoatnenbl onmonyTHan >Kene3Han Kopora HOpMaJ1 1,1106 KOJICH, anron,opoca H JIHHHH 3.aeK- Tponepeo,avii 330 KB. Bepxoame OTKOCM ympenneum 6 Huntheii 4aCTI4 JO opo- mentyronHoii 6epmm Kameinwii HatipocKoit To.nuinuoii 0,5-0,7 M. Bmwe 6ep- Mbl OTKOC yKpenneH acene3o6eT0mimmfi 11J111TaMI1 Ha ine6enowlom 4311.flbTpe. CyKoxoA1mi3/4 111a103 ? oKHoKamepHmil, c pacrweKennTenbuoii cHcTemoii 1111- TaHHA, C HanonHeHnem H onopontherniem xamepb] 110Cpe3CFBOM /303,011p060a- HbIX ranepeii, Hanimarowmxcn B Bepxueil ronooe. KoncTpyKTHKHoii oco6eH- HOCTWO 111J1103a SIBJISICTCH OTKa3 OT ?aweu C pactionomewnem MeXaHH3MOB B rononax. TlepeA 111.111030M nyTem ycrpoiicTaa narm6b1 nonHonoma AKHHoii 2,5 KM o6pa3yelTm anannopr AAA OTCTOK CyA0B. HIUKHAR roAosa LuAma cos- meatelia C 00,10 cinopa Ann nponycKa WeJ1e31103,0p061110r0 HyTH. 3a 111,61030M HAeT HH301306 110)1X0,3111,16 Kanan c 6eToHHoii 1112111.1aJ1bH0f1 CTeHKOi3/4. Me)KAY WJII030M 11 3Kamiem rac pacnonomeHa 3eNinsinan BCTaBKa AJIH- H06 360 M. 3AaHme 1"3C I1pHHBTO 6e3 manumHoro 3ana c ycTaHonKori reHepaTopon rioA CIleaHalIbHb1M14 KonnaKamn, 131.1110.6HAeMbIM11 '3aBoxkom ? 110CTaBIBIHKOM re- HepaTopon. KOHCTpyKRHH reHepaTopa KaeT BO3MOIKHOCTb Hp0H3BOACTBa pnAa pemouTHmx ,pa6oT 6e3 CHATHA KOXIlaKOB. ;Off eToro ripeKycmoTpeHm cpeAcTna TaK Ha3mnaemoil gmanoil mexamwawHID, npn nomoum KoTopou moryT 61.1Tb Bb1HyTM 110J110Cbl poTopa, crepncHH o6mOTKH cTaTopa, B03,10X00XJ1aaHTeJIH 11 cermeHTE4 MOHTaXitlaSI n.nowtaAma. npHanTa 3aKpbrioil, HO C paa6optioa Kposneil C HH3KHM pacrionomteHHem no.na. OCHOBHbIM KpaHom Ha 33,aHHH rac ABJ151eTC51 2 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 K0.3.nouora KPH rpy3cm0abemHocrwo 500 T, Km-0mA noaanaa Ha moirrarK1Iy10 naolloaKy Kpyrifibie AeraaH ? porop renepaTopa, padovee Koacco Typ6HHIA r. rt. OtaeabHue yaaw B npeicAax nicHuraKthoii n.unaaaKH ncpemetaaalicb moo-Bohm KpaHom rpyaoHORItm tome? 30,5 T. IHApowieKTpocralumg oGopploBaHa 12 nonopoTHo.lonacrithimil Typ6IIna- iu Anamerpom pa5omero Koaeca 8,0 m. reHcpwropbt TpempaaHme. nep- THKaabHwe HanpsuKcHnem 13.8 KB c HOHHLim YcraHoo.aciwau A10111110CTI, KpeMe114yrCKOO 13c 625 Min. Cpeaireroaonan nmpa(orna Inenrpoliteprsin cocriminer 1,5 Ar.qm. RBI ? 4. 6.naro,tap1 peryairpyromemy 'Lumina? kpemeiirryrcnoro noaoxpannancaa Ira 0,5 14/11):1. MIT ? Li plumy:run 111,1Oil0OTKI1 ira 1111)KCJ1COCO11111X l'9C. Ilepc11.1vIn 911CP11111 Kpemermyrcnoii 13C upon moanrcsi Ira nanpancelmnx 154 n 330 KB. BoAocanBliasi nacirnua 11MCCT 10 npo.ncroa no 16 M. pacctatranubrx na uponycn pacxoaa 20 350 irrYcen. Thin ramemin 311CIO 1111 nepenirnarornericn crpyir cooppnetru t000rmbrii K0J1ORCl Ii npope3noii nopor. Ornoa ROJIbI, nponyrbaemuft trepea no,ao:_irinnylo nnoTiriry ii 13c, OC)- 1BeCTIVIACTCS1 4cpe3 OTBOASOB110 xaHaa, Koropuil oTiteaKeTcn Aam6o0 OT 1111- 308010 noAxolta K wato.iy. Ha noir npaBoGepcamoii namGe paCriononceirbr noacranann, macaoxoasificrno 13C 11 KomnpeccopHan. B ;mune 1959 r. nyiieiti u 31. units?with enlarged double block (2 units \\ itch into a seuie of single-phase transformers 500/15.75 kV), Connection to the switchyards accomplished for a voltage of 220 kV by oil-filled high-tension cables and for a voltage of 500 kV by air lines. The powerplant has 20 units with Francis turbines of 230,000 kW capacity each, with design head If =100 m, operating at 125 rpm, with runner of 5.5 diameter; generator capacity, power factor of 0.85, is equal to 225,000 kW. The switchyards for 220 and 500 kV are on the left bank. The superstructure is made mainly of prefabricated rein- forced concrete with walls assembled of three-layer panels. The roofing is of prestressed reinforced concrete T-beams. The remoteness of the construction site of the Bratsk project from the industrial centres of the country, sparse settled sur- rounding areas and poor transport communication in the initial period necessitated creating local building industry and extensive construction of settlements and roads. During the preparatory period of 2 years (1955-1957), the following was accomplished: about 100 km of access roads were constructed: 650 km transmission line was built from the Ir- kutsk hydroelectric station to Bratsk, with substations; local construction industry was set up including plants preparing building materials, and repair and maintenance works; storage facilities and specialiml mounting-construction bases were or- ganized; thus a total of 2,650,000 cu m of construction interprises 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2* ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 4 ? Spillway section. /?deformation Joint hollow; 2?Inspection galleries; 3? grouting galleries. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 were built; settlements for the construction personne with a to- tal living space of 230,000 sq m and construction roads of a total length of 340 km were also built. The :?Ji stru, ? erected in two stages behind cof- fertlaiti.-. First ?4 ,11 as erected the darn on the right bank, including the spillway sections and a series of blocks of the powerhouse. At this time, the diversion flow was passed through the nari ow left bank part of the river bed of a width of about 300 m. The left bank section of the darn with the rest of the power- house was erected in the second stage. The diversion flow passed through ten ternporary bottom openings left in the spillway part of the dam. The reservoir began to be filled early in September, 1961, after the bottom openings had been closed. The first two units of 225,000 kW each were put into operation late in November, 1961, at 50 m intermediate head. A construction steel trestle connecting both banks at a height of over 90 m was erected parallel to the dam centre line, with a total amount of steel of 27,000 tons, for placing- concrete, mo- unting and construction operations and to maintain continuous It? II. 1111,MT" ??? .....? ...., . .4.? . ? ..... . ......., ? ...... ... ??.? . "???[1..k....???? Intake dam. I?hollow of deformation joint: 2?inspection galleries; geErieS; 4- Qnstr.,ck, powerhouse. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 r)j , t . , --.;,,-. , --, ? .i.,4.0, r-' ,.. i ....... --? '... ) --.4i-1., r't*'*-!' . ? ' ? ,. . ???---, . 11 , : ' ' ? ,d . ,,,,,"" 4 .. 441fatria. \ \I; t,* , t t " :a>, aj . r-177771.Y-...'11 ,. ; ?------- ?-------- . -...,,,,;,__ ; 4:7 1 -- ,..,.. ?.... ii,\-f r ,k3,! .11- ? .VJ ...,1.4.......---. ? v p. ? f ; railroad traffic on Taishet?Lena railroad v in filling the R. servoir. The lower floor of the trestle is a railroad and liigli i\ hr idge. On the upper floor of the trestle are cran, Rump.. railroad traA, ith six 22-ton travelling hammerhea i111, ae.;"'` ? The concrete is delivered to aires trucks in 6.4 cu m buckets placed on the truck platforms. During the first stage of concrete work, placing of the con- crete mix was performed from a small constiuction trestle, 30 m high and comprising 7,000 tons of structural steel, installed between the? downstream face and the powerhouse. The concrete was delivered by a 10-ton portal-boom crane in 3 cu m buckets. At the upstream the concrete mix was placed by 10-ton tower cranes. At present the smaller trestle is used for the construction of the powerhouse. The concrete mix is prepared at two mixing plants: three- section plant with four 2.5 cu m concrete mixers in each, with 375 cu m per hr or 135,000 cu m per month capacity; the second one-section plant with four 2,5 cu m concrete mixers and a total capacity of 125 cu m per hr or 45,000 cu m per month. The cement storage of 8 silos holds 16,000 tons of cement, 2,000 tons in each silo. Concrete placing in the darn is in pillar-like blocks with ver- tical construction joints spaced 13.8 m along the entire length; the joints are grouted after the mass concrete cools off. Impermeable and frost-resistant concrete, grade 200, is used in the external zones of the darn and grade 100 concrete for the core. The concrete mix is pl.ced in lifts each 3 m high, with 50-cm layers, and compacted by pack vibrators with capacity up to 45 and 120 cu m per hr. The pack vibrators are controlled by 5-ton mobile tower cranes, which are also used for installation of the forms. Wooden cantilever forms, steel forms and concrete lining blocks (weighing 5 and 7.5 tons) are used to form the lifts. During the summer the maximum of 135,000 cu nr per month was placed with a height of about 6.5 m per month, and 86,000 cu ri per month in the winter time. Cooling of the concrete was of two-stage tubular system wit!. 2.5-cm diameter tubes. The coolant at the first stage is the river water with a temperature not higher than .1 15?C, at the second stage- brine with a temp-rature of --5? C. Dam untie; cortstructiol, Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2 ) -5- Unit 220,000 220,000 kW. ? Measuring instruments and meters are provided at ten spe- cial sections of the dam for observation of displacements in the dam body, temperature regime, deformations and stresses in the concrete, stresses in of the foundation, and seepage. The total volumes of all structures of the project are. exca- vation of earth and rock-----3,400,000 cu m: eartl liii aci r,..ek fill-9,600,000 cu m, concrete and reinforced conetete----4,800,000 Cu m. The Bratsk hydroelectric station is de5igned mainly for power and navigation. At the initial period of operation electric power will be transmitted to the existing and ncwly built indu- strial areas in Eastern Siberia; subsequently, after establishment of the 500 kV transmission line, Bratsk hydroelectric station will be connected to the Siberian power system. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A025800120001-2