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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, DC 20340-0001 CIVILIAN PERSONNEL Position Management 1. Purpose: To set forth policies, responsibilities, and requirements for the management and classification of civilian positions in the DIA and to prescribe con- ditions for promotion based on rank-in-person. 2. References: a. 10 U.S.C. 1604. b. DEPSECDEF Memorandum, Delegation of Authority to Implement Section 501(a) of Public Law 98-618, 16 January 1986. c DoD Directive 5105.21, "Defense Intelligence Agency;" 19 May 1977. d. DIAR 49-1, "Organization General." e. DIAR 22-30, "DIA Career Ladders." f. DIAR 22-25, "Career Programs Selection Board." 3. Applicability: This regulation applies to all DIA elements. 4. Supersession: This regulation supersedes DIAR 22-22, "Position Management and Classifica- tion:' 18 August 1986. An asterisk indicates a change within the paragraph. 5. Policy: In consonance with law, all managers and supervisors must adhere to the following principles of effective policy: a. Position Management. Executive, supervisory, and managerial personnel at all levels throughout the DIA are required to organize their work and that of their subordinates in the most efficient and economi- cal ' manner that will make optimum use of their human resources. This can be accomplished through effective position design since the organization struc- turing process involves the subdivision of missions and functions into systems, processes, and finally tasks as the basic unit, i.e., the position. These same factors must receive full consideration as programs undergo changes which abolish and/or realign positions. b. Position Planning. Positions should be planned so that there are logical entrance levels and career patterns for progression to more skilled and higher graded positions as employees gain skill and ability to assume increased responsibility. Such planning will result in effective job relationships where pay rates are commensurate with the work performed. Effective position planning will assure that (1) assignments re- quiring higher level and scarce skills are concentrated in as few positions as possible, (2) there are clerical positions to complement those of a professional, ad- ministrative, and technical nature, and (3) a source of trained employees is provided for filling higher level vacancies within the Agency. REGULATION NO. 22-22 16 September 1987 c. Pay Equity There will be equal pay for substan- tially equal work. Pay should have a direct relation- ship to the level of difficulty, responsibility, and qualification requirements of the work performed. d. Rank-in-Person Promotions. It is DIA policy to promote those individuals who bring such extraordi- nary knowledge, skill, and ability to the job that they function at a higher grade level than that normally associated with the assigned duties. These are called rank-in-person promotions. The Career Programs Selection Board (DIAR 22-25) will recommend in- dividuals to the Director for rank-in-person promo- tions based on budget availability for each semi-annual review period. 6. Definitions: a. Civilian Table of Organization (CTO)-The civil- ian position management control document for DIA. The left side shows target grade levels; the right side shows the on-board incumbent's grade level. b. Target Grade The target grade represents the full performance or expert level of work. In positions co- vered by career ladders. knowledges, skills. and abil- ities are defined for the expert level. In positions not covered by career ladders, the classification standard defines the full performance level of work. It is shown on the left side of the CTO. The target grade is not the authorized grade for the JTDRN incumbent on the right side of the CTO, but rather the target for use within an organization. It represents the career ladder potential within a particular office. The tar- get grade is open to all qualified employees within a particular office and is not a designation for the in- dividual who lines up on the right side of the CTO. c- . Target Average Grade Level. The total of all tar- get grades divided by the number of authorized posi- tions in each directorate. This average is shown on the CTO for each organizational unit and cumulated up to Deputy Directorate or Special Office level. d. On-board or Incumbent's Grade The grade of the person in the position. It does not need to be in agree- ment with the target grade. It is shown on the right side of the CTO. e. On-board Average Grade LeveL The total of all on-board or incumbent grades divided by the number of authorized billets. This average is shown on the CTO for each organizational unit and cumulated up to Deputy Directorate or Special Office level. 7. Responsibilities: a. The Directorate for Human Resources ad- ministers the position management program through- out the Agency. Specific responsibilities are to: Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 (1) Develop plans. policies, implementing proce- dures, and controls for administering the program with the advice and consent of the Senior Human Resources Board ISHRB). (2) Provide advice and assistance to management officials and supervisors on all aspects of position management, including the development and use of standardized position descriptions. (3) Carry out position review programs ensuring that civilian positions are appropriately described, evaluated, and documented. These may be coordi. nated on an organizational or invididual basis. (4) Establish internal guides and standards for use in grading and classifying Agency positions, as well as interpreting and facilitating the application of ex- isting standards to specific Agency requirements. (6) Support activities of the Career Programs'Selec- tion Board regarding rank-in-person promotions. b. Managers and Supervisors (1) Establish and maintain within their area of responsibility an effective position structure consis- tent with approved mission, manpower authoriza- tions, Agency personnel policies, and administrative authority, which will achieve optimum balance of economy, effectiveness, and employee motivation and/or development. (2) Utilize appropriate standard descriptions to the maximum extent for subordinate positions. (3) Certify in writing that the description is an ac- curate statement of the major duties and responsi- bilities of the position and its organizational relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Agency functions for which the supervisor is responsible. (4) Establish and maintain an official operating po- sition description file (con;;aining the copies of descrip- tions provided by the Assistant Deputy Director for Human Resources (RHR)) where it will assist in plan- ning, carrying out, and evaluating work assignments of subordinates as well as in organizational analyses and maintenance of the manpower data base. This file should contain a copy of each position description used in the organization and be readily accessible to em- ployees, upon request, to review their own position description. (5) Comply with position management procedures relative to the CTO. C. This regulation establishes a DIA SHRB respon- sible for management of the CTO. The membership of the SHRB consists of. Executive Director (ED), Chairperson; Deputy Director for Resources and Sys- tems (RS); Deputy Director for Foreign Intelligence (VP); Deputy Director for Operations, Plans, and Training (VO); Deputy Director for JCS Support (JS), and Deputy Director for External Relations (DI). RHR will serve as Executive Secretary. The Comptroller (OC) will serve as financial advisor. Members may be represented by alternatives. d. This regulation provides for the Career Programs Selection Board (CPSB) established by DIAR 22-25, to review requests for rank-in-person promotions. 8. C'I'O: a. General. The CTO will identify a target grade level for each civilian position in the DIA below DISES level, except wage system, part-time, foreign national, and temporary positions. It will be marked "For Official Use Only." b. Average Grade Control. An average of all target grade levels will be computed. Each Deputy Director for and the ED will be required to manage positions within the authorized average established for his/her subordinate organizations. c. Target Grade and On-board Grade The actual grade of a position's incumbent may be higher, lower, or the same as the target grade. d. Promotion Point. A bank of CTO promotions per- mitted annually within the budget estimate. Each promotion made equals one point, regardless of grade e. Minimum Management Controls. Each Deputy Director for and the ED shall establish controls within subordinate directorates to ensure that the approved target average grade level and promotion points are not exceeded. As a minimum, these controls will include: (1) A control point where each SF52 (Request for Personnel Action) is sent for comparison with the CTO. The comparison should confirm that taking the ac- tion will not cause the target average grade level to be exceeded. (2) A control point where each SF52 involving a pro- motion is sent for approval and counting against the fiscal year's promotion points. f. Optional Management Controls Each Deputy Director for and the ED may establish controls to include: (1) Subordinate control points at the Assistant Dep- uty Directorate level or at a lower level. (2) Control of target average grade levels or promo- tion points at the Assistant Deputy Director level with or without a reserve at the Deputy Directorate level. (3) Boards or committees to prioritize directorate options with regard to grade levels or promotions. (4) Review of reorganization proposals to determine if SRB action is needed. (5) Review by the appropriate Subject Matter Ex- pert of all promotion actions proposed in the career ladder to ensure minimum essential training and de- velopmental activities have been accomplished. * g. Changes to the CTO. Twice each year, normally in the spring and fall, each Deputy Director for or the ED may request changes to the left side of the CTO as follows: Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 (1) RHR issues a call for CTO changes. (2) Proposed changes to the CTO are reviewed/evaluated by RHR and then the SHRB meets formally to approve: disapprove. * (3) Upon formal approval by the SHRB, RHR will make left side (target) CTO changes. h. Out-of-Cycle Changes to the CTO. Changes to the left, side (target) of the CTO may be made at other times as a result of a reorganization as described in paragraph 10.e. below. 9. Position Descriptions: a. General. Position descriptions identify the major duties and responsibilities of a position and constitute a basic and essential ingredient of any position management or position classification program. They provide an official record of a decision by the respon- sible management officials that certain work-is to be performed by an employee or group of employees. In the latter instance, a standard position description will be used to cover a number of like positions with- in a given organization element or on an Agency-wide basis. b. Purposes and Uses Position descriptions have many and varied applications. For example, they re- flect grade level; contain knowledge requirements for purposes of recruiting, selecting, and promoting, re- flect performance appraisal factors, career ladders, and applicable career development programs; estab- lish competitive levels for reduction-in-force; and in- dicate either "exempt" or "non-exempt" status in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. c. Preparation. Management is responsible for de- termining the duty assignment of each position and for utilizing standard descriptions to the maximum extent possible. RHR will provide advice and gui- dance, as necessary, to management officials and su- pervisors on such matters. Multi-purpose or standard descriptions covering a group of positions common to specific operating elements will be jointly developed by management representatives and human resource managers. d. Format and Content. RHR will classify, using ex- isting or new standards, as well as prescribe format and content for position descriptions. a Number of Copies (1) Copies of position descriptions through the GS-15 grade level will be maintained by RHR and at the lowest supervisory level. An employee has access to the description for his/her position in the supervi- sor's or RHR's file. (2) DISES position descriptions are maintained in RHR. Access will be provided to DISES members and senior DIA officials with a need to know. 10. Reorganizations: Reorganizations often involved the deletion of existing positions for some Deputy Director for or the ED and the gain of new positions for another. a. Whenever reorganizations are contemplated. management officials should discuss the matter with RHR in advance to ascertain the effect the proposal will have on existing positions and requirements. Ix When the reorganization will impact on the as- signment of positions to another Deputy Director for or the ED, or on the target grades shown in the Civil- ian Table of Organization, the SHRB's approval will be required. Included in the SHRB approval process will be a reeomputation of the CTO target grades for the gaining and losing SHRB member. c. Any Deputy Director for or the ED may rearrange positions within the organization, keeping the left side grades constant. Promotions above the left side grade may be made through the rank-in-person process. d. When work complexity increases, a group of po- sitions may warrant a higher target grade. The pro- posed changes in the CTO will be discussed with RHR and then presented to the SHRB for approval. The CTO target grades and target grade average will then be recomputed. * a As a result of a reorganization and before the next formal SHRB meeting, a Deputy Director for or the ED may request out-of-cycle changes to the left side of the CTO when the lack of CTO grade flexibility will adversely affect the efficiency of the organization to perform its mission. Proposed out-of-cycle changes should be sent to RHR for review and evaluation. RHR will send the evaluation and proposal(s) for simultane- ous written review/coordination and approval by SHRB members. Upon concurrence by a majority of the SHRB members, RHR will make the left side (tar- get) CTO changes. 11. Rank-in-Person Promotions: a. The Career Programs Selection Board will recommend candidates to the Director (DR), DIA for rank-in-person promotion above the target grade in the CTO. The DR will retain final authority for the promotion decisions. b. Rank-in-person promotion consideration will generally be limited to employees who" have a mini- mum of 1 year in the position impacted and a mini- mum of 2 years experience in the DIA. The promotion must not result in the Deputy Directorate exceeding its average target grade in the CTO. c Rank-in-person promotion is based on impact in a specified position beyond the CTO target grade. This impact is generally not transferable to another posi- tion which is constituted in the CTO at a lower tar- get grade d. Individuals may be considered for rank-in-person promotion only upon nomination by management. e. RHR will issue a call for promotion consideration twice a year, in April and October, to Deputy Direc- tors for and the ED. The format of submission will be specified in the call. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4 DI AR 22.22 f. Promotions desired will be prioritized by Deputy Directorate or Special Office. g. Promotees and non-promotees will be notified by RHR as soon as practicable after DR decision. Pro- motions will be effective the pay period following DR decision. h. There is no charge to the CTO promotion point bank for rank-in-person promotions. The promotions. however, may not cause the Senior Review Board member's on-board average grade level to exceed the authorized average grade level. 12. Appeal: a. General. At any time an employee believes that the classification of his/her position is in error, he/she may appeal the classification. DIA's classification ap- peal system has four steps. Consultation with RHR (to include forwarding of any written decisions) should occur at each step. b. Step 1. When an employee feels that the title, series, or grade of his/her position is incorrect, the mater should be brought to the attention of the su- pervisor. The supervisor will explain the basis for the existing classification, consulting with RHR if needed. This initial step may be accomplished in writing c Step 2. If dissatisfied with the oral or written su- pervisory response, the employee may appeal to his/her Assistant Deputy Director (or equivalent in staff offices) within 10 calendar days of receiving the response. Within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the y appeal, the Assistant Deputy Director will provide the t employee with a written decision. d. Step 3. If dissatisfied with that decision, the em- ployee may further appeal to his/her Deputy Direc- tor (or Staff Office Head) within 14 calendar days. Within 30 calendar days, the Deputy Director will pro- vide the employee with a written decision. e. Step 4. If dissatisfied with that decision, the em- ployee may make a final appeal to the ED within 14 calendar days. Within 60 calendar days, the ED will provide a final DIA decision. There is no further right of administrative appeal. f. Representation. An employee is entitled to be represented by an attorney or other representative. The employee must designate the name of the representative in. writing. DIA may disallow as an em- ployee's representative: (1) an individual whose activities as a representa- tive would cause conflict of interest or position, (2) an individual who cannot be released from offi- cal duties because of priority needs of Goverment, (3) an employee whose release would give rise to un- reasonable costs to the Government, or (4) any person who does not possess appropriate security clearance. (The Agency will not initiate secu- rity clearance action solely for the purpose of em- ployee representation.) GORDON NEMS Executive Director B041 HR-1 Ct` (S) 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000300430003-4