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r5" -11711/2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON June 10, 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NSC PLANNING BOARD SUBJECT: Preparation and Use of Financial Appendices in Connection with Policy Recommendations by the National Security Council REFERENCES: Memo for NSC Planning Board, March 3, 1959'' and references therein. After several postponements of Planning Board con- sideration of the subject, the Board Assistants were requested to obtain the concurrence or non-concurrence of Planning Board Members to the enclosure to the reference memorandum of March 3. All Planning Board representatives principally,con- cerned have now concurred in the enclosure to the March 3 memorandum, with the exception of the Treasury Member, who has proposed the following changes: Page 1, paragraph 3a. Delete the second sentence and substitute the following: "It is not necessary to project costs with precision -- a broad order of magnitude estimate is sufficient." Page 3, paragraph c. An additional sentence should be added at the end of paragraph c: "Alternative cost implications should be prepared when the draft policy statement forwarded by the Board Assistants contains alternative recommendations on paragraphs of policy guid- ance involving substantial expenditures." Page 4? paragraph 8c. After the words "Planning Board" in line 3 of this subparagraph, there should be inserted the following parenthetical phrase: "(other than the Development Loan Fund and the Export-Import Bank)" Page 7 Table II. Footnote c of Table I should be repeated in Table II, being keyed to the Development Loan Fund and the Export-Import Bank. - 1 - OFFICI ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Accordingly the Treasury proposals are transmitted herewith for consideration by the Planning Board. The subject may be scheduled on the Planning Board agenda for Tuesday, June 16, 1959. MARION W. BOGGS Director, Policy Coordinating Secretariat - 2 - OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 ? STAT ?? ? . . aff- it/IA-1' s- n. 10 March 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director (Intelligence) SUBJECT: Preparation and Use of Financial Appendices in Connection with Policy Recommendations by the National Security Council LExccutivn 1: The draft memorandum dated 3,March 1959 has been reviewed. We do not have any comments on the draft in view of the second \exception of paragraph 1 of the memorandum. It is assumed that CIA operational activities will be excepted from the requirement as "programs of particularly sensitive nature." If there is any question of this interpretation of paragraph 1, we would like to have the further opportunity to comment on the proposal. H. Gates Lloyd ' Acting Deputy Director (Support) DDS 0111111W-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19 :,CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 25X1 9 March 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director (Intelligence) ATTENTION: Assistant to DD/I (NBC) SUBJECT: Preparation and Use of Financial Appendices in Connection with Policy Recommendations by the ESC It is our understanding that this Agency would not have to prepare financial appendices on any policy paper inasmuch as our programs would fall within the exception for which special arrangements have been made. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R00010061050-4-8 (1 \, ILLEGIB P(Y45 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON March 31 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NSC PLANNING BOARD a19 SUBJECT: Preparation and Use of Financial Appendices in Connection with Policy Recommendations by the National Security Council REFERENCES: A. Record of Meeting of the Planning Board, October 2, 1958, Item 2 B. Memo for NSC, same subject, dated May 11, 1954. The enclosed draft report, prepared by an ad hoc committee of the NSC Planning Board pursuant to agreement at the October 2, 1958 Planning Board meeting, is trans- mitted herewith for consideration at an early meeting of the Planning Board. MARION W. BOGGS Director, Policy ? Coordinating Secretariat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON March 3, 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NSC PLANNING BOARD SUBJECT: Preparation and Use of Financial Appendices in Connection with Policy Recommendations by the National. Security Council REFERENCES: A. Record of Meeting of the Planning Board, October 2; 1958, Item 2 B. Memo for NSC, same subject, dated May 11, 1954. The enclosed draft ? report, prepared by an ad hoc committee of the NSC Planning Board pursuant to agreement at the October 2, 1958 planning Board meeting, is trans- mitted herewith for consideration at an early meeting of the Planning Board. MARION W, BOGGS Director, Policy Coordinating Secretariat ILLEGIBC pq ?c,14,5-rcv),(.41 IL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 'N) DRAFT PREPARATION AND USE OF FINANCIAL APPENDICES IN CONNECTION WITH POlaCY RECOTM NDATIO B TM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL - Introduction 1. The President has directed that recommendations by the National Security Council include information as to the costs of the programs necessary to carry out such policy. Accordingly, each policy statement presented by the Council, with certain exceptions, will contain a Financial Appendix prepared to conform with this instruction. The exceptions to this instruction include (1) policy proposals having no or only minor cost implications; (2) policy proposals relating to programs of a particularly sensitive nature for which special arrangements have been made. 2. The Financial Appendix should reflect the cost im- plications of carrying out the new policy which-'e'Eritement proposes. Any significant change in an existing program shown in the Financial Appendix must be based upon the policy proposal and fully explained in the Financial Appendix. The Financial Appendix should not in itself presume to dispose of policy issues. Information to be Included in a Financial Appendix 3. The Financial Appendix should preoent: a. Cost estimates to carry out the policy based on the best available information at the tAme of preparation, i.e., estimated expenditures durIng the first feur years er the ife ef eaeh program; weever is apprepriate Per a eignifieant estimate: the cost implications of the proposed new policy122 programs and 1.52. expendMres, including identification of specific aid commitments and costs related thera-5. In some cases,73T7Will not be possibleEo estimate costs with precision. In many cases, estimates of cost may necessarily be very rough, and where appropriate may be expressed as a range. In arriving at cost estimates for the oposed new polTcy, emphasIF should be directed primarily at determininghe amount ofU. S. resources needed to carry outthe RigIcy, f-Op9reneaTh some jud4ment to the avai4abilitTET ft?T0s. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-iRDP86T00268R000100010004-8 h. Other pertinent on 11,29, magnitude of the tures, existiag eapital tions, etc. financial data, if any, bearing program, such as prior expendi- investment, available appropria- It A statement ef the degpee te whiek the eest estimates iR a abeve ape seasisteat with eapPent pre- gPammiag madep apppeved pelieiest ly A statement of the deePee te whiek any addi- tional eests estimated in e abeve ea a be 44Seet. by the Peduettea OP elimination er any ether euPPeat ppegpams wikeut advepsely &Meting apppeved pelieies: fty IL Any assumrdolts necessary to explain the basis upon which the foregoing estimates and statements are made. 4. Every Financial Appendix submitted to the Council will bear the following standard caption: ???? Cost estimates in the Financial Appendix indicate order of magnitude allx. Approval of the policy statement does not indicate approval of cost estimates in the Finan- cial Appendix gna is not to be inktmelti as Council endorsement 217or limitgtion upon, the size of.takticular programs. Appropriations and expenditures to finance the policy will be subject to determination in the regular budgetary process. 5. In general, all Financial Appendices will follow the form of the attached Financial Appendix. In any case where the attached form of Financial Appendix is not suited to the substance of a policy statement, the NSC Staff will be responsible for outlining a form appropriate to the occasion. Procedures for Preparation of Financial Auendices 6. Departments and A encies a. When a proposed policy covers programs which are the operational responsibility of one agency or a coordinating committee (such as IIC or ICIS), the ini- tial draft of a policy statement prepared by such agency or committee for circulation to the Planning Board will be accompanied by a Financial Appendix. -2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 / ? the easesT the initial draft ef a peliey statement prepared by the drafting ageney fer eireulatien te the Planning Beard will net be aeeempamied by a PlnanelaI Appendix. e. Immediately felIewing the eireulatien te the Planning Beard ef the Initial draft ef a peliey state- ment In aeeerdaRee with parr 6-b7 eaeh Interested de- partment er ageney will eest that seetlen eP the state,. ment affeeting its aetivesT IR aseerdanee with the above instruetiens and the attaehed Perm ef Finanelal Appendixy and will transmit the same te the N86 Staff. b. In other cases, i. .2.2.1. where more than one a enc is ill-volved, the initial draft 17-7-policy statement pre-, pared for circulation to the Planning Board will be' accompanied la2 Part A of TET FinanciafTSPNE571:mepared hy. the NSC'StafT-FirsuTW-t-6 c below. MINN d. Part A - Cost Implications of Existing Policies Prior to the circulation to the Planning Board of the initrirffraff-Ur a polic7.staT-EmM. in accordance with par..b -b, each interested department or a enc prepare final-7M information relatinst its activities based upon existing policy, in accordance WITh the above TETEFUEETEns ana Par A of the" attached Appendix, andTll rasTte same to the'NO Staff. The Department of Defense will prepare the necessary 1-Frormation relating to assistance. The Depart- ment Of State and ICA-7111 prepare ecessary iTrrnation on ecrioniTarograms and the educational exchange programs', consultiq3: as necessary With other interested departments and aaencies, 11777Will prepare necessary infOrmation on the information program. After the Planning Board Assistants have considered the initiaT-Uraft of a policy statement, the reaponsibIe depart- ments aria--Eggn-aes will prepare finan-ail information based upon the prop= new policy, in accordance with the 1-b-Fre- r--frisructions andPI.EFE B of the attached forni= Financial Appendix, and will transmit the same to the NSC start for consoll-Etioll. 7. NSC Staff a. The NSC Staff will consolidate the financial data redeived under par. 6-c from each interested department and agency and will circulate the consolidated Financial Appendix to the Planning Board. - 3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 b. The NSC Staff will be responsible for coordinating the Views of all the departments and agencies involved, including the Bureau of the Budget, on the initial and succeeding drafts of the consolidated Financial Appendix, with a view of having available an agreed Financial Appendix for submission with the policy statement to the Council. To this endo the NSC Staff will) when necessary, convene a TOWgrineetin---OrTgpaTaatives'Frinterested TeTFRFents and agencies TO review the Financial Appendix. 8. Bureau of the Budget a. The Bureau of the Budget will advise and assist the Mc Staff in functioning under par. 7 above. b. If the cost estimate of the Bureau of the Budget differs from that of any department or agency, the Bureau will discuss the differences. with the NSC Staff and the department or agency in an attempt to arrive at an agreement. c. If the policy statement under consideration involves expenditures of an agency not represented on the Planning Board, the Bureau of the Budget will identify such agency and assist the NSC Staff in securing the appropriate data. 9. Planning Board a. The Planning Board will consider all financial information concerning a policy statement before making its recommendations to the Council. b. In the case of a conflict of views as to cost estimates, the Planning Board may either defer considera- tion of the proposed policy statement pending further examination of the cost estimates or proceed on the basis of available information. In any case of conflict of views relative to cost estimates, the Planning Board will submit to the Council a summary thereof. c. In case a department or agency indicates that the cost to carry out any aspect of the proposed policy statement will be additional to current programming, the Planning Board will take this factor into considera- tion in making its policy recommendations to the Council. 10. Council Consideration The Council will consider all financial information transmitted to it by the Planning Board in presenting its recommendations to the President. - 4 ... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 ? FINANCIAL APPENDIX Cost estimates in the Financial Appendix indicate order of magnitude only. Approval of the policy statement does not indicate approval of cost estimates in the Finan- cial Appendix and is not to be interpreted as Council endorsement of, or limitation upon, the size of particular programs. Appropriations and expenditures to finance the policy will be subject to determination in the regular budgetary process. SPECIAL VOTES 1. All estimates are subject to the assumptions, footnotes, and summary explanations shown below in this Financial Appendix. 2. Although the Export-Import Bank was established by statute for the purpose of promoting the export of U. S. goods and services, Export-Import credits may normally also be expected to advance U. S. national security objectives. For this reason, data on Export-Import Bank lending is included in this Appendix. 3, The Development Loan Fund and the Export-Import Bank do not operate by programing the funds available to them among recipient countries, but in general await the receipt of applications for specific projects and act upon such applications according to their merits and the availability of financing from other sources. Neither the DLF nor the Export-Import Bank makes any forecast as to future commitments. These institutions, therefore, take no responsibility for the cost implications contained in this Appendix. 14 Similarly, data on P. L. 480 agreements are included because these agreements may be expected to serve U. S. national security objectives, even though a major purpose is the distribution of surplus agricultural commodities. -5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 1 1 PART A . COST IMPLICATIONS OF EXISTING POLICIES Table I. Current U. S. Programs or Authorizations (Fiscal Years . Millions of Dollars) : : (Actual) 1957 : : (Actual) 1958 : . . (Estimated) lzed) Military-Assistance a/ : . Technical Assistance ? . Economic Assistance : : : : Lending Institutions: ? . : : s : : Development Loan Fund b/ : : : .../ Export-Import Dank12/ : : : 2/ PL 480 Agreements d/ : : : : 2 : Educational Exchange : : : : . . : Information Programs s : : : Other, if any : : 2 : 1 : : : : a/ Includes the value of all grant military assistance whether on a country, regional, or worldwide basis; but not the value of excess stocks. Country programs include: equipment and supplies; training; and construction and consumables. Regional or worldwide programs include: packing, crating, handling, and transportation charges; follow- on spare parts; and the cost of repairing and rehabilitating excess stocks. Loan Commitments 2/ (Actual figures as to date of Financial Appendix will be given in the table. A footnote should be added giving such information eon.. cerning the prospects for the remainder of the fiscal year as is feasible, depending on the period of the year in which the appendix is prepared.) c1/ At export market value; includes Title I and II agreements (Title III agreements where of special significance) 1. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/19 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 PART A . COST IMPLICATIONS OF EXISTING POLICIES Table II. Current U. S. Expenditures, Deliveries, or Disbursements (Fiscal Years . Millions of Dollars) : (Actual) I (Actual) : (Estimated) : 1957 ? ? 1958 : 1 : : Military Assistance 2./ : : : : : Technical Assistance : : : : : Economic Assistance . . I. Lending Institutions: : : Development Loan Fund b/ : : Export-Import Bank b/ : ? ,.. : : r PL 480 Agreements 2/ : : (...., Educational Exchange : : Information Programs : : : : Other, if any : : ? a/ Includes the value of all grant military assistance whether on a country, regional, or worldwide basis; but not the value of excess stocks. Country programs include: equipment and supplies; training; and construction and consumables. Regional or worldwide programs include: packing, crating, handling, and transportation charges; follow-on spare parts; and the cost of repairing and rehabilitating excess stocks. b/ Disbursements. (Where significant, reference should be made in a footnote to repayments.) c/ At export market value; includes Title I and Title II agreements (Title III agreements where of special significance). - 7 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIODP86T00268R000100010004-8 PART A - COST IMPLICATIONS OF EXISTING POLICIES Summmlalanation and Comments I. Defense Comments 40.01.11.M.IMIMPL-111?? A. FY 1950-56 MAP fiscal data B. Force goals -- strategic and MAP supported C. U. S. military commitments D. Description of grant aid programs and contents E. Cost sharing programs; e.g., YMDP, FAP, NATO Infrastructure F. Reimbursable aid programs G. Analysis of expenditure trends H. Description in general terms of anticipated developments (and their effects) which would cause significant de- partures in the FY 1960-62 period from the aid levels shown in the tables for the FY 1957.59 period. II. State and ICA Comments A. Major economic assistance prior to FY 1957. B. Economic (and where appropriate, political) commitments C. Economic and technical assistance programs, including Defense Support D. P. L. 480 agreements. E. Educational programs F. DLF and Ex-Im Bank loans G. Where significant, grants and credits from international institutions and other free world governments. H. Significant private investment. . 8 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/19 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 'NJ fl PART B - COST IMPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED POLICIES TABLE III. Projected U. S. Programs or Authorizations (Fiscal Years - Millions of Dollars) ? (Est.) 1959 (Projected) 1960 1961 : Total 1962: 1959-62 Military Assistance 2/ Technical Assistance Economic Assistance Lending Institutions: Development Loan Fund Export-Import Bank PL 480 Agreements b/ Educational Exchange Information Programs Other, if any single figure or range should be used to cover he combined lending activities of the DLF and the EX-Im Bank over the four-year period. A rootnote should indicate to what extent actual commitments during the current fiscal year are Included in the total four-year figure. 2/ Includes the value of all grant military assistance whether on a country, regional, or worldwide basis; but not the value of excess stocks. Country programs include: equipment and supplies; training; and construction and consumables. Regional or worldwide programs include: -oacking, crating, handling, and transportation charges; follow-on spare parts; and the cost of repairing and rehabilitating excess stocks. b/ At export market value; includes Title I and II (Title III agree- ments where of special significance.) - 9 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 f ) ? PART B - COST IMPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED POLICIES Table IV. Projected U, S. Expenditures, Deliveries or Disbursements (Fiscal Years - Millions of Dollars) : (E : 1959 (Projected) : Total 1960 1961 1962 : 1959-62 Military Assistance Technical Assistance Economic Assistance Lending Institutions: Development Loan Fund Export-Import Bank PL 480 Agreements Educational Exchange Information Programs Other, if any ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A single figure or range should be used to cover the combined lending activities of the DLF and the Ex-Im Bank over the four-year period. A footnote should indicate to what extent actual disburmentsduring the current fiscal year are kncluded in the total four-year figure. 4 Includes the value of all grant military assistance whether on a country, regional, or worldwide basis; but not the value of excess stocks. Country programs include: equipment and supplies; training; and construction and consumables. Regional or worldwide programs inciu packing, crating, handling, and transportation charges; follow-on spare parts; and the cost of repairing and rehabilitating excess stocks. 1)./ At export market value; includes Title I and II (Title III agree- ments where of special significance.) -10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/19 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 A N PART B - COST IMPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED POLICIES Summary Explanation and Comments I. Defense Comments A. Description of the grant aid programs for the period FY 1959- 1962 with a general analysis of their content. B. Discussion, as appropriate, of changed force goals, new policies and necessary assumptions underlying the programs described in (k) above. C. Statement indicating generally those program costs which are clearly identifiable as being attributable to the proposed policies; referring where appropriate to the specific policy paragraphs. D. Analysis of expenditure trends. II. State and ICA Comments A. Description of the estimated economic assistance and other programs for the period FY 1959-62. B. Discussion, as appropriate, of considerations and assumptions underlying the programs described in A. C. Statement indicating generally those program costs which are clearly identifiable as being attributable to the proposed policies; referring where appropriate to the specific policy paragraphs. -11- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8 ( ILLUSTRATIVE SCHEDULE OF PROGRESS OF AN NSC PAPER THRQUGH THE NBC MECHANISM Draft Policy Statement and Financial Appendix, Part A, circulated Board Assistants First Meeting on Paper Other Board Assistants Meetings, if necessary Agency Contributions to Financial Appendix, Part B to NSC Staff Planning Board First Meeting on Paper and Financial Appendix Board Assistants Meeting (also meeting with NSC Staff on Financial Appendix when necessary) Planning Board Final Meeting -12- March 2 March 9 March 12-13 March 20 March 24 March 25 March 31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010004-8