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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 _ ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optional) Fiscal Year 1983 Funding Supplement Pei-icy, EXTENSION NO. FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Director of Personnel 14.1-arrring, anti4farrergentent 5E58 Hqs DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. /b #1 - Concur #3 - Approval STAT STAT DCl/Admin6 7C17 Hqs 2. 3. Maurice Lipton Comptroller 4E06 Hqs "5,71-/ i/ i ITIP 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ' _ 12. 13. , 14. 15. FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 8 MAY 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Maurice Lipton Comptroller THROUGH FROM SUBJECT Office of the Director of Central Intelligence Administrative Staff : Harry E. Fitzwater Director of Personnel Pe1ic77?Pfannilig, aR4?Management : Fiscal Year 1983 Funding Supplement REFERENCE Memo for Heads of Executive Departments and Establishments, from Secretary of Labor, subject: Public Law 96-499, dtd 16 Mar 81 1. Public Law 96-499, known as the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, directs that unemployment compensation benefit costs for Federal employees are now payable by the employing Federal agency. Enacted 5 December 1980, the new law establishes a Federal Employees Compensation Account (FEC Account) in the Unemployment Trust Fund which shall be used for the purpose of providing unemployment benefits on Federal service performed by civilian employees and former civilian employees of Federal agencies. Currently, the budget of the Department of Labor contains the Federal Unemployment Benefits and Allowances appropriation which funds State employment security agencies for the payment of unemployment benefits on the basis of Federal civilian service and Federal wages. Under current law, Federal employees may receive unemployment compensation if they meet the qualifying require- ments of the paying State law. The new law requires each Federal agency to reimburse the new FEC Account from its appropriations for the benefit costs attributable to its employees for services performed after 31 December 1980. Reimbursements are to be made in response to billings from the Department of Labor to the various Federal agencies. 2. We have been advised by the Department of Labor that, for planning purposes, the average former Federal employee received unemployment compensation benefits in the amount of $94.00 per week for 17 weeks, and that approximately 50% of Federal employees who apply for benefits are eligible to receive them. During calendar year 1980, fiPT CORD CflP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 ? the Agency receivedr----Irequests for information pertaining to wage and separation data about former employees. Using these statistics, it would appear that the Agency could expect to be billed for approximately former A ency employees who would be eligible to draw approximately in unemployment compensation benefits in an average year. 3. I believe it appropriate that the Office of Personnel Policy, lalaaxiiRtr-ertel-Matiragsemet4 should fund this program for the Agency. In conversations with personnel at the Department of Labor it was their opinion that billing, if any, to this Agency during the current fiscal year will be minimal. Therefore, I recommend that provisions be made for an unfunded requirement of for FY 81, and for FY 82. It is further recommended that a funding supplement of be incorporated in the Office of Personnel MIftlitgemen budget to fund this program for the Agency in FY 83. CONCUR: arry itzwater "c of the Director of Central Intelligence nistrative Staff APPROVED: Maurice Lipton Comptroller ;liCZ 14915? Date Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 STAT STAT STAT /? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 17; ? 1-?' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SERETARY OF LABOR . wArAirfrUi MEMORANDUM FOR: HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS A FROM: Secretary of SUBJECT: Public Law 96-49J Omnibu Reconciliation A t of 1980 ? 1. Purpose. To inform Heads of departffients and agencies of the provisions of new legislation enacted --b.ythe 96th Congress, and of the duties and responsi- bilities of the Secretary of Labor and the Heads of departments and agencies. Background. Public Law 96-499, Section 1023 (Attachment A) establishes a Federal'Employees Compensation Account (FEC Account) tn the Unemployment Trust Fund (UTF) which shall be used for the purpose of providing unemployment benefits based on Federal service performed by civilian employees and former civilian employees of Federal agencies. Currently, the budget of the Department of Labor .(DOL) contains the Federal Unemployment Benefits and Allowances (FUBA) appropriation which funds State employment security agencies (SESAis) for the payment of unemployment benefits on the basis of Federal civilian service and Federal wages. Under current law, Federx1 employees may receive unemployment compensation if they meet the qualifying requirements of the paying State law. The new law requires. each Federal agency to reimburse the newFEC Account from its appropria- tions for the benefit costs attributable to its employees for services performed after December 31, 1980. 3. Procedures. In order to implement the requirements of the law, there must be certain preliminary actions taken to insure an orderly and efficient transition to the new procedures. Concurrently, the Secretary of Labor will establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of 5 USC 8509. The following information is being provided to Federal departments and agencies regarding the implementation of P.L. 96-499. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 -2-- a. On January 1, 1981, DOL transferred funds from the FUBA appropriation to tne FEC Account in the UTF. States will be able to withdraw funds from the FEC Account in amounts necessary to pay unemployment compensation for Federal employees (UCFE) after December. 31, 1980. However, Federal departments and agencies will be required to reimburse the FEC Account only for unemployment benefits based on Federal civilian service performed by employees of such departments or agencies after December 31, 1980. b. A three-digit numerical code has been assigned which identifies each Federal agency. (See Attachment B). c. States will identify all benefit payments, by Federal agency, that are based on Federal civilian service performed after December 31, 1980. States will submit certified reports to DOL each quarter showing the amount of payments chargeable to each Federal department or agency. d. The Secretary of Labor will certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal departments and agencies the amount of the deposit which each Federal department or agency is required to make to the FEC Account for any calendar quarter; and the Secretary of the Treasury will notify the Secretary of Labor as to the date and amount of any deposits made to the FEC Account by each department or agency. e. The first certified billing document to a Federal department or agency will be made by DOL during the quarter beginning April 1, 1981. f. The Federal department or agency is required to reimburse the FEC Account in the U.S. Treasury in the total amounts reflected on the certified billing documents. Adjustments to a quarterly billing will be reflected on subsequent billings. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP06M00974Rnnn1nn1onnn1_ . - , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 -3- 4. Summary. The basic procedures described above are provided as information to department and agency Heads. The procedures will enable each department and agency Head to plan for the reimbursement to the FEC Account for unemployment benefit payments made to former and/or present Federal civilian employees. More detailed instructions pertaining to reimbursing the FEC Account will be provided to you at a later date. In order to safeguard Federal funds and insure that only eligible claimants are being paid, instructions concerning the need for Federal departments and agencies to monitor UCFE determinations and benefit payments are being sent directly to each UCFE liaison officer designated in accordance with 20 CFR 609.12. Technical assistance and guidance will be available to assist your staff in this effort. 5. Ingyiries. For information pertaining to this memorandum, contact the Employment and Training Administration, Unemployment Insurance Service, telephone 202-376-7060. Attachments Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 ? CIA-RDP06M00974ROOn1nn1gnnni2-4 _ _ Declassified .? t; - Piihlj Law 96-499 . Attachment A ? in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 An Act To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 3 of the First Concurrent Resolu- tion on the Budget for the fiscal year 1981. Be it enacted by the &nate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerie a in Congress assembled, TITLE I--,SHORT TITLE AND DECLARATION OF PURPOSE SHORT TULE SEcriou 101. This Act may be cited as the "Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980". PURPOSE SECA 02. It is the purpose of this Act to implement the recommen- dations which were made by specified committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate pursuant to directions contained in section 3 of the First Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for the fiscal year 1981 (H. Con. Res. 307, 96th Congress), and pursuant to the reconciliation requirements which were imposed by such concurrent resolution as provided in section 310 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. PUBLIC LAW 96-7499?DEC 5, 1980, 94 STAT. 2111i7 arneerre ON ACCOUNT OP PEDERAL 55RVICE TO RE PAID DT EMPU3V1NU ? 111131RAL AGENCY Sec.. 1023. (a) Title IX of the Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "rtesetsit IDAPLOTEEl COMPENSATION ACCOUNT -"Sec. 909. There is hereby established in the Unemployment. Truet Fuhd a Federal Employees Compensation Account which shall be used for the purposes specified in section 8509 of title 5, United Stutes Code. For the purposes provided for in section 904(el, such account shall be maintained as &separate book account.". (b) Subchapter 1 of chapter 85, title 5, United States Cede, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: '18409. Federal Employees Compensation Account The Federal Employees Compensation Account fas established by (section 909 of the Social Security Act, and hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Account') in the Unemployment Trust Fund las established by section 904 of such Act)shall coneist o(? "I1) funds appropriated to or transferred thereto, and "(2) amounts deposited therein pursuant to subsection tee 'ThI Moneys in the Account shall be available only for the purpose or making payments to States pursuant to agreements entered into. under this subchapter and making payments of compensation under this subchapter in States which do not have in effect such an agreement "tall Each employing agency shall deposit into the Account amounts equal to the expenditures incurred under this subchapter on account of Federal service performed by employees and former employees of that agency. "(2) Deposits required by paragraph Mahal] be rnatie during each calendar quarter and the amount of the deposit to be made by any employing aeency during any quarter shall be based on a determina- tion by the Secretary of Labor as to the amounts of payments, made prior to such quarter from the Account based on Federal service performed by employees of such agency after December 31.1980, with respect to which deposit has not previously been made. The amount to bedeposited by any employing agency during any calendar quarter shall be adjusted, to take account of any overpayment or underpay- ment of deposit during any previous quarter for which adjustment has not already been made. -"(d)The Secretary of Labor shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount of the deposit which each employing agency is required to make to the Account during any calendar quarter, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall notify the Secretary of Labor as to LI I Ik11? 11111. - Dec. 5, 1920 H.R. 7765j Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980. ? Si USC 1331. 94 ? PA' MS PUI3LIC LAW 9G-499?DEC 5, 1980 5I I the date and amount of any deposit made to such Account byany ' uUch agency. / le) Prior to the beginning preach fiscal year (commencing with the - fieaal year which begins October f, 1981) the Secretary of Labor shall testima, tr ..) the amount of expenditures which will be made from the Account during such year, and "(2) the amount of funds which will be available during such year for the making of such expenditures, and if, on the basis of such estimate, he determines that the amount described in purigraph (2) is in excess of the amount necessary? - 13) to meet the expenditures described in paragraph (1), and 141 to provide a reasonable contingency fund so as to aseure that there will. during all time,' in such year, be aufficiert sums . available in the Account to no the expenditures described in paragraph (1), he shall certify the umount of such saxes, to the Secretary of the ? Treasury and the Secretary of the Treeaury shall transfer, from the ?? Account to the general fund of this Treasury, an amount equal to such excess. "(0 The Secretory of Labor is authorized to establish such rubes and. regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to tarry out the provisions of this section. ?Igi Any funds uppropriatecl after the establishment or the s'aeount, for the making of payments for which expenditures are authorized to be made from moneys in the Account, shall be made to the Account; and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the?Account, from time to time, such sums as may be necessary to assure that there will, at all tunes, be sufficient sums available in the Account to meet the expenditures authorized to be made from moneys therein.". (c) All funds appropriated which are available for the making or pep-firms to States after December 31, 1980, pursuant to agreements entered into under subchapter I of chapter 85 of title 5, United States Code, or for the making of payments after such date of conspensation under such subchapter in States which do not have in effect such an oeirement, shall be transferred on January 1, 1981, to the Federal Employees Compensation Account established by section 909 or the Social Security Act. On and after such date, all payments described in the preceding sentence shall be made from such Account as provided by section 8509 of title 5. United States Code. LEGISLATIVE IIISTOE/V: HOUSE REPORTS Na 11;-1 tOarnrw. the Ekkhol N.? !lb-117A ? Conferenort CX/NGR ESS/ON AI. RiatR V,k 120 115P,At June 30, S. VA:.; consuiersi nod posed Senoto July 23, S. ea:ri cono.dered and posed Smut,. Sept- 4.11 R coanatirrral and posed I kese. Sept. 17, u?S rAA:. end S. 174.11 ooesisd tn Senate: II R Tha.00ssolsi. pored In Innt. 5.14- 15 Ilou-o de...erred to &VIA, eusr?olosent unJ to o cuslesser DK. 3. llous mod Sense sen,d to confe nce rayon WEEKLY COMPILAT)ON OP PRESIDENTIAL AX:UMENTS, V.4 is. No 11 Ds. 5, Pre.defil.i rensrks. 0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP06MOn974Pnnn-inn1carvv14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 ? ? Identification Codes For Federal Departments and Agencies Code Title Legislative -Manch 005 Congress 010 Architect of the Capitol 012* Copyright Royalty Tribunal 015 Botanic Gardens 017 Cost Accounting Standards Board 020 General Accounting Office 025 Government Printing Office , 030 Library of Congress 035 United States Tax Court 040 Congressional Budget Office .045 :Office of Technology Assessment -Judicial Branch 110 United States Courts Executive Branch 205 White House Office 207* Office of the Vice President 210 Office of Management and Budget 215 Office of Administration 220 Council of Economic Advisers 221 Council on Environmental Quality 222 Council on Wage ani Price Stability 213 Executive Mansion and Grounds 224* Executive ,11.:,sidence at the White House 225 Domestic Policy Staff 230 National Security Council 235 Office of Science and Technology Policy 238 Office of Special Representative for Tradc Negotiations 41* ? ? ? ?? . ? . ? .?? ?? ? a... ?? . 1. ? ?1I ? ? .1 ? ? . ? -? ? ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 i.oae Title Executive Departments 405 State 410 Treasury 421 Defense, except Army, Navy, and Air Force 422 Army 423 Navy 424 Air Force 425 Nonappropriated fund activity?Army . 426 Nonappropriated fund activity--Navy 427 Nonappropriated fund activity--Air Force 429 Army and Air Force Exchange Service 430 Justice 440 Interior 445 Agriculture 430 Commerce 455 Labor 460 Health and.Human Services 465 Housing .and Urban Development 470 Transportation 4475 .Energy 480 Education Independent Agencies 502 Action 503* Administrative Conference of the United States 505* Advisory Commission on Federal Pay . 506 United States International Development Cooperation Agency 507* Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 508* Alaska National Gas Transportation System 509 Appalachian Regional Commission 510 American Battle Hommimms Commission 511* Board for International Broadcasting 512 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 520 Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System 521* Coastal Plains Regional Commission ?530- Civil Aeronautics Boa.. 531* Committee for Purchase of Products from the Blind and Severely Handicappee 532* Delaware River Basin Cammissio 534* Four Corners Regional Coranissiori 535 Office of Personnel Management 518 Commission on Fine Arts 539 Commission on Civil Rights 541 Consumer Product Safety Commission ? 543 Commodity Futures Trading Commission 545 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 rsz., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 , ? - Code . Title Independent 547 Community Services Administration 552 Environmental Protection Agency 554 Equal Emplo7ment Opportunity Commission 555 Export-Import Bank 557 Farm Credit Administration and Districts 570 Federal Communications Commission 572 Federal Election Commission 574 Federal Emergency Management Agency 575 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 576 Federal Rothe Loan Bank Board 577 Federal Labor Relations Authority. 578 Federal Maritime Commission 580 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 583 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission .Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Federal Trade Commission 592 Foreign-Claims Settlement Commission 600 General Services Administration 601* Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation .602* Japan - U.S.-Friendship Commission . 620. United States International Communications Agency 621? Inter-American Foundation 622 International Boundary and Water Commission 623 International Trade Commission 625 Interstate Commerce Commission 627* Marine Mammal Commission 628 Merit System Protection Board 630* National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 631- National Aeronautics and Space Administration 632* National Alcohol Fuels Commission 634 National Credit Union Administration 635* National Commission for Employment Policy 637* National Commission on Air Quality 639* National Commission on Libraries and Information Sciences 640 National Capital Planning Commission 641* National Commission on Social Security 642 National Gallery of Art 644 National Foundation on the Arts andthe 645 National Labor Relations Board 650 National Mediation Board 652 National Railroad Adjustment Board 655 National Science Foundation 656' National Transporation. Study Commission 657* Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission t -" ? ??????? ?:??? ? :?? 7- 11:".-Atr. ? X.:. I . ? ? ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R0001001900012.1 -.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3 Code Title Independent Agencies 658* New England Regional Commission 6597 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 660 National Transportation Safety Board 661* NUC Safety Oversight Commission 663 Occupation Safety and Health Review Commission 664 Overseas Private Investment Corporation 665 Panama Canal Commission 667 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 668 postal Rate Commission 670 Railroad Retirement Board 672* Old West Regional Commission 674* Ozarks Regional Commdssion 676* Pacific - Northwest :Regional Commission 678* Pennsylvania Avenue Zevelopment Corporation 680* President's Commission on Ethical Problems 682* President's.Commission on Pension Policy. 684* HPresident's Commission on World Hunger 68.6* SelectCommission on Immigration Refugee Policy 688* Southwest Border Regional Commission 690 -Securities and Exchange Commission 695 Selective Service System 697* Susquehanna River Basin Commission 700 Small Business Administration 702* U.S.-Japan Economic Relations Group 705 Smithsonian Institution 706* U.S. Metric Board 708* Upper Great Lakes -Regional Commission 710 Soldiers' and Airmen's Home 730 Tennessee Valley Authority 732 U.S. Postal Service 735 Veterans Administration 740 Water Resources Council Use Code 999 for agencies where -a code isnot available or agency is not classified. SESA's must list these agencies separately and provide the . required data. gm, An asterisk indicates that these departments or agencies da not appear in the 7Employment Security Manual" on the list 'relating to the codes used in reporting data on the ES-202 Report. SESA's will be informed of changes in the above list. ? 731iti0s-e3e illI hiciso eliazs 6 [PM It thy4 ?? ' ':? . . ? . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP06M00974R000100190001-3