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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 1 50X1-HUM INFORM(--ATIONI REPORT INFORMATION Ktrk.)RT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the nisaning of the Zepionage Laws, Title I8,. U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorised Plre?150- X1 by law. - PROCESSING COPY COUNTRY SUBJECT USSR (Astrakhan and. Stalingrad. obiasts)REPORT Miscellaneous Information on he DATE DISTR. Cities of Astrakhan and Stalingrad NO. PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. 17 1 RD 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. leGe SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 1.. A two-page document and accompanying ma in which are locatI50X1-HUM installations in Astrakhan LN 46-21, E 48-47 as a dry dock, the Krupskaya Fish Cannery, a cooperage, an MVD building, a civilian hospitals and a grain procurement office. A. bakery (khlebozavod) is described in somewhat greater detail. Date of Information: 1945-1949A 2. A two-page document and an accompanying map containing the locations and descriptions of the following installations in,Stalingrad ? 48-450 E 44-227: a railroad station (under construction in 193)0 apartment housess hospitals, a tuberculosis sanatorium, a Communist Party buildings gasoline storage tanks) a metal parts factory, an aluminum plants a railroad spur lines an MD building, and. a theater. A. military airfield was located on a steppe outside the city. The airfield was not aurrounded by a fence. Hangers were being constructed there, and in 1953.a Stall fre.teVoti.,hadlteen , erected. Toward.' the city from the airfield were barracks which had not been destroyed in World War II. In 1953 antiaircraft defense units were stationed there. Both the airfield. andAhe barracks are located on the map accompanying the document. No further information is given on either the barracks or the airfield. Date of information: 1953. .Distribution of Attachments: Air: Loan ORR. tnan STart 3c ARMY X NAVY Fill I 1?1331111010111 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-H U M Neel Washington distribution indicated by "X", Mold distribution by "*".) 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21: CIA-RDP81-01643R061700140010-3 . L - .... --. ------.., ? re7 , R.. 11/4.111W. dlt?o: the - r The location of this . .a goes from the bridge that crobsp6, 50X1-HUM P6vierplant,(alsoon,-theBO,1da), one comes/first "'the',UrfUckaya Fish Cannery (rybnyy zavod imeni Krupskoy) A.sdbout 500 fiL from the bridge,, then to the Bonzavod (zavod bon- -dal'hgkii izdeliy - p'Ooperage), and then. to the dry dock (slip) Ne7A to-the dry dock is the power plant. , There were about 300 German prisoners of war employed at the dock, endan equal number of Russians. The Russians maintained thpt,this dry dock was the largest in Europe. The Germans cleaned the ship of.dirt and old pa.int, the rest of .the ,cprk was done by,R,ussians. BaRery (khlebozaVod). worked at,the bakery for a while in 1946. Looking from the ER station toward the PP bridge, 0ne50X1-HUM f4-ds on 111111.11111 the right of the station, at a distance of about 500 meters, a bakery. It is a brlck bui]dingi with one story, and covered with ligh' green stucco. "le building is about 50 m. long. It has an iron roof. It is surrounded on all sides by a stuccoed wall 2 meters high, Idth fragments of glass it bottles 'et into the top. hc entrances faces the ER station. 'here were civilian sentries at the entrancei, who checked on nasses and made sure that none of-the workers tried to take bread away with him. Tie- nver s were heated with a petroleLa residue called rr..asutik, geqvrre..?4% There were te:1 Germans am-loyed there at the time; t1^_ey brought the flour over from the FR station. MEM does not know how many people worked there in all, but the :umber of 1.1(len and women was about ecual. G-Oing inlOMOMMOMMOMEN School - hospital - ETD building. toward RR station the brick building about 800 to 1,0O0 metA.s OM, the RR station) ?his used to be a,schools- then it as used as 3 hospital for prisonera of war. In 1949 the build]. E from the bridge, -ne finds a four-story square ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 S 50X1-HUM ? . ." ? .?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 5 CP 1.r lbw GRET ? ? - . ? , ," viElb-?'' occupied- by the idD does 'not''-,knoW- any details ..? . ? ? -- -" . ,. proximate '10.0.-aiibn7. is shown., on, the Map:z'by-, . 2i....-A. _ .,., .. i-i.Ospital. .- About 200, meters from ,the .e.da'' of the Pa station' on. the --1310p by . 62 was a three-story gray sQuare *buildirg. ._ ... , ,_.:- ? 1.4-i?,?;?-M---;,-?:%.--,-- -, ' e ;It:was:1a hostital for civilians. ,_.?,:: Its , - ?-? '50X1-HUM,, - Grin Procurement Office (Zagotzerno). Wooden barracks-belong- ing-to the Grain .Plocurement Office -pere located on Kazachiy ? ?Yerik, 1 1/2 km. from the dry dock. The grain was ref4De'd here. _ "r ,,The area was enclosed by a barbed wire fence. d-es not know any details. u.?? - ? is not able to show the exact location; he thinks that the 1-?arrao;.cs ? , either in' the area :-.-:prked on the man by thP. letter 3 or 71. H?-??The barracks were right ein the '.-ank of the Kazachiy Yank.' Bridge. The s-,urce knows only that he did not see any towers 'on- the bridge. Leces think that the bridge was senarable (ti-is :refers to the ELE. ? bridge across the Bolda). , 50X1 -HUM _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM STADTPL Mtn und Griinanlagen A Kooperaliwnaja Ploschtschad ft portivmaja Ploschtstled C ?Aerodromnaja Ploschlschad D = Plosddschad (12.?) Dwanadzalowo Marta 1919. God. E ? Woksalnaja Ploschlschad F Teat r-Ssad Karla Markssa 0 ?Ploschtschad Karla Markssa H Ploschtschadtlatt-z&t_-,- 1= Bratsk') Ssad K Park Kultury i Otclycha L?Ssad Burowa M = Ploschlschad Schaumjana N Gogolewskaja Ploschlschad 0 - - Ploschtschad Dshona Rida P Lunapark o =Ploschtschad Parwowo (-1.) Maja R Ploschtsdiad Sswobody S Grashdanskaja Ploschlschad T=Becharinsketa Ploschtsched U Ploschischad Dekabristow V- - lppodromnaja Ploschtsthad Truppenausgabe %Ausgabe vom IX.1942 o o o ? o-o o o o GI o o ? o o o OOO 0 000 *000 ?0000 00O OOOOO ?00 OOO ??0 0000000,00 ? 0 0 50X1-HUM ?=ae,o? Ilk I:-% - VI IN IIP k.. aid IL7011 ..." 9V11424 ... 1111"4.4"* ' ""14.11'. .41%141k.. -..- U. tAt .Ail?4111 ? W. ? 10.1111 ? ir 1 amwars 4-."... 44 ' 0 bb 1WW4.I r1 11 I ; 2; a i il2:it .treyr II l'il2 1 P - I ir 4,, .1117 - T1 aliiii..7711". r? 1 lifrrig 0.ilt. ig qt."' rill? . , _ ? 11"47.11110 Oa ill . 1641,11?11fligliptub . ' ? ''' b. *Or --;.- ?? t: .. .-ir. i ........ 4..1. ,i' ."7, IV if Oill: obi 1 I 0 4 . . .0 rig... . . . . . .111 0 ? IOW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 50X1-Hln Sazarewo Objektvenelchnis Aa Treibstofflager 1) Olbacken? haus few& 140 qm 3) AnlegebrOcken. Bebaute lache etwa 140 qm b Treibstofflager 37 Rundbehiller, 5 Roh61- becken, SchlauchbrOcken, Kraftanlage, leitungen c Treibstofflager 1) Roh6lbecken 0 aftwa 120 m 2) Pumpstation *Ma 430 qm 3) Ver. waltungsgebaude etwa 500 qm 4r2ehisbs- gebaude etwa 1150 qm. Bebaute niche *t- wee 2080 qm. d Treibstofflager 3 Roh6lbeckan 0 120 en, Pumpstation ? Tr?ibstofflag?r Nr. 8 10 RuncInhilter, Zuleitungsrohre, Schlauchbrikka, Fatfabrik Dsershinskij B Holzverarbeitende Werke Hentillung von Kisten, Fassern (.Verpackungsgegen- stinde) Ca Fischkombinat, Kraflanlage, Werkstatfen, Holzbrucke b Fischkombinat 1) Verarbeitungsgebiude 2) Versandgebilude 3) Lagerhauser 4) Be- triebs- und Nebbiud? 5) Venvaltungs- gebiude 6) Traniiilageen c Fischverarbeitungs-Kombinat I 1) Fa- brikationsgebaude zusam. etwa 39 600 qm 2) Lagergebiude zusammen etwa 19 200 qm 3) 13etriabs- und Nebengobaude zus. etwa 8200 qm. Bobaute Flkho etwa 67 000 qm d Fischveratbeitungs-Kombinat II ?Mi- koloin" 1) Verarbeitungs-u.Betriebsgebaude -'2*----zus?ialwe ?42 1100 qm 3) Venviltungsgibaucm-zus.-ehva 5700qm 4) Versand- und Lagerhallen atwa 3000 qm 5) Nebengebaude etwa 16000 qm 6) Transportanlagen 7) Holzverabeitungswerk (Fatfebrik) ewe 10 500 qm 8) AnlagebrOdce 9) Holzlager. Bibaute Fraiche etwa 105 800qm. ? Fischverarbeitungsfabrik .Proletarir I Fischverarb?itondes Work g Konservenkombinat (Fleisch- und Fisch- konserven) Da 2 Sigewerke, nach anderen Angaben Fatfabrik b Sagewerk c Sagewerk d Sagewerk NT. 1 ? Sigewerk I Sigewerk g Sagewerk Nr. 3 h Sagewerk Ea Went .Lenin 1) Kraftanlage etwa 1000qm 2) Workstation und 13etriebsgebaude etwa 9500qm 3) Verwaltungsgebaude etwa 600 qm 4) Nebengebiude zus. etwa 2100 qm. Be- baute Niches etwa 13 200 qm. b Kleinere Werft Or Fischfcuiter c Wert! .Artem Sergiewc_ d Instandsetungswerft .Karl Marx 1) Werkslitten und Befriebsgebiudes etwa 10000 qm 2) Verwaltungsgebiude zus. etwa 3000 qm 3) Nesb?ngobliteche zus. elves 2700qm Bebaute FI.Sche etwa 15 700 qm ? Instandsetungswerft .Stalin 1) Ma- schinonhaus etwa iaoo qm 2) Montagehallen etwa 1700 qm 3) Werkstatten *two 4200 cps 4) Venvaltungsgebiude *Iwo 430 qm 5) triebs- und Nebervijobliude &we 36013-qm 6) Purtsphaus efwa 50 qm. Bobasste nacho etwa 11 780 qm. F Eisenbahnbruck? Lange' eiwa 1150 in, Broile *five 4,50 in u. 7,50 in, Eisonkonwuk- tion, 12 Piesiter, grbIster Abstand shwa 135m. - Mapp?mr0afata ' Ga tfaueas-Elekfr. Work f)-Koscai-..und Ms- . schinentsius ofwa 2500qm 2) Transionnaforen-- haus etwa 1250 cern 3) Schalhvartes efwe 570 qm 4) Schalthaus etwa 360 qm 5) Bo- hiebs- und Nebeogobiude &we 1500 qm. Bebaute niche etwa 6180 qm. b Altos Elektr. Work c Stadt. Elektr. Werk 80 ostw. Greenwich Crorl'ittsge. Stadtplen yen Astrachan, Herausgegebon vom Gen SI d H AblIg. I. Kr. Kart. u. Verm. Was. (IV Mil. Geo.) 11011401110 .It ulOand ? 1912; Redo ?Rohrer durch die Sowjet-Union? 1928; Wass SSSR 1931; Gored Astrachan i Okrest nosti 1927; Astrachanskaja Gubernija 1927; Plan Goroda Astrachan' 1935. Beispiel fin Anwendung des Meldenebes: Park liegf: 7313 59. 1 ? Mil-Goo-Angabo;1 nod, Bildpkroskiner. der Sondoriuftbild- abeil dos ItLM(5ob4), Lufibildor dos_ Lw. FOhruncset1.---: k und vim O(W Ws WI Aust. Ha Frihfabrik und Werth Jur Fischerboote, 4 Rundbehilfer b Fatfabrik I KOhlhauier 1) KOhlhiluter zus. ehva 14 600 qm 2) Nebengebilude efwa 4600 qm 3) Rundbehalter 0 7 m 4) Transportanlagen Bebaute Niche etwa 19 200 qm. J Schlachlhol Ka Kaserne 1) Unterldinfle sus. etwa 5400qm 2) Venvaltungs- und Wirbchattsgebaudo zus, etwa 1500 qm. 13ebaute Fliche etwa 12900qm b Kaserne (alte Siaciflastung) 1) ankh. ahem. Kirche &we 2165 qm 2) Unterkunfts- - gsb4Odi zus. 14,1-2 4465-q-iii 3) Wirtsdiafts. u. Venvaltungsgebitude zus. shwa 5400 qm 4) Neben- und Lagergebiude zus. elwa 6470 gm, Bebaufe Filth. Myra 2270G qm 1 1 c Kasserne 1) Unterkunftsgebiude etwa 2730 qm j 2) Wirtschaftsgebaude efriv 1020 qm 3) Nabongabliuda &we 1100 gm. Bebaute Flarkie etwa 4850 qm. L Fleischkombinat Ma Kralnk?nhaus b Kreinkenhaus ? c Kratri4enhaus Na Batin h o 1) Emplangsgebaude ohva 1650qm 2) Outerhallen ohva 14 700qm 3) Eitenbahn- betrfebsgebiude elwa 600 qm. Bebaute Fla- che iotwa 16 950 qm. b Striteenbahndepot 0. Flulliplat b Flu 'split (*.hem. Rennbahn) P BrAabrik Oa itefabrik b %ft Isiabrik c sAid iefabrik ?, - _ Oberarbeitung nach Luftbitdorn und Drudtt Drudtereibitherisi(mof.) 90.1" R Wasserwtvk 1) Pumpstation und Nsben- gebaude etwa 1500 qm 2) ansds. Klir-Becken u. Nebengebiludo elm 3750 qm 3) 4 Frisch- wasserbeeden van 14-19 m 0 4) Alias Wasserwork (ant& altos Schlot) etwa 950 qm Bebaufe niche etwa 6200 qm S Blechlabrfk Ta Spirituslabrik b Spiritusfabrik U. Schuhfabrik b Lederfabrik V Stidt. Oberfahrstelle W R?gionales Verwaltungsg?biud? 1) Verwaltungsgeblude etwa 6150 qm X Maschinenfabrik Y PulverIag?r Z Seifenfabriken Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R0017nn14nn1n_q A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Stalingrad Date of Information: 1953 50X1 -HUM ' 1. Construction of the new railroad station was not complete. A new building was being erected to take the place of the one that was destroyed during the war. The new building is of brick. The walls had already been erected, but they had not yet been stuccoed. The building, including its tower, is about ? 25 meters high. AIIMINIMINIIIMIIMIIIIMMIIMMINIEL 2. Ulitsa Mira leads from the tractor plant, past the Krasnyye barrikady gun factory (orudinyy zavod) and the Kxasnyy Oktyabr' metallurgical plant, to the railroad station. The heaviest traffic is on this street. Going from the tractor works to the Krasnyye barrikady factory, one finds on his right a row of big new houses that extends as far as the Krasnyyeluaxa barrikady. These apartment houses are set back from the street at a distance of about 50 meters. All of them have four stories, and they are unusually long - more than 100 meters. The buildings are gray and pink and have sheet-iron roofs, painted black. Opposite the Krasnyye barrikady factory, also on the right-hand side of the street, is a hospital that serves the factory em- ployees. It is a three-story building, finished in gray stucco, about 50-60 meters long. It is set off from other buildings. There are some trees in front of the building. Beyond the hospital, on the right side of the street, is a row of tenements of the same sort as those described above, which extends to the House of the Communist Party (Dom partii - number one on the map). The source does not know the building's official designation - the prisoners of war called it the ParteigebRude. It is a three-story yellowish building, which was constructed after the war. There are four columns before the entrance. The wall is decorated with the portraits of many Party leaders. 3. Between ulitsa Mira and the Volga is a group of at least fifteen gasoline storage tanks (#10 on the map). They are cylindrical in shape, 12-15 meters high, 8-10 meters in diameter, and painted a saver color. 4. Next door to the House of the Communist Party (#2 on the map) is a factory that produced metal parts - the prisoners of war called it a Schraubenfabrik (screw factory). It is set off from the street by a stuccoed yellowish wall about 2 meters high. The source has not been inside the premises. There is planting - bushes and flowers - between the factory and the House of the Communist Party. 5. A tuberculosis sanatorium (#3 on the map) is on the right-hand SECIIEf 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 ert ap? , ? " a Sitr- side of ulitsa Mlra (if you are facing the railroad station). 50X1-HUM It is the building just before the railroad station. .The front of the building is composed of three parts that are connected by low covered passages. The entrance is in the central part 'of the building. Two long one-story buildings have been erected behind this three-part building in front. Construction on the two rear buildings was still under way in 1953. They had been stuccoed but not painted. The building material used was brick. The maffx roofs were of red tile. There is a gorge between the hospital and the railroad station. This gorge is spanned by a wooden bridge. The source does not know where the railrOad bridge was for the line that connected the tractor plant with the tailroad station. 6. The railroad line connecting the tractor plant and the railroad station does not run as shown on the map. It actually turns off to the right from ulitsa Mira at the point where the area occupied by the Krasnyy Oktyabr, factory comes to an end. The approximate route is shown on the map with a pencil line. 7. Military air field (#4 on the map). Located on a steppe. The field is not fenced off. Hangars were being constructed there, and in 1953 the steel framework had been erected. 8. Barracks (#5 on the map). These barracks were not destroyed during the war. In 1953 antiaircraft defense units were sta- tioned here. The source does not know any further details. . 9. An aluminum plant was under construction in the area shown by #6 on the map. 10. MVD building (#9 on the map). Three- or four-story red building square in shape. The roof is flat and surrounded by mt columns that are joined by transoms. There is a theater (#7 on the map) near the MVD building. It was not destroyed during the war. The main 'entrance is from the Volga side. There is a distance of about 150 meters be- tween the theater and the Volga. There are four columns in front of the entrance. The building is white. A broad gm/lit granite stairway leads down to a passenger pier from somewhere near the MVD building. The stairway is about 100 meters long and 50 meters wide. There is a landing between every set of 10 steps. The source does station at the Fer19 dl.un not know whether there is an additional railroad .0.nt marked #8 on the map. f 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3 Are4? 4oAs a . [6-a-M-Titt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140010-3