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Th1s material contalne mformatlon e8ectlag the National Defense of the IIalteC Btatea wlthln the meanlag bf the 8aDlonege Iowa, 7Ytle 18. U.B.C. Bees. 783 aaA 799. Lhe tranemlealoa or revelation of which many manger to an unauthorised perms Is DnhlbiteQ by law. S E C R.E T NO FOREIGPI DISSEM COUNTRY USSR~East German~~Poland~Czechoslovakia REPORIi DATE OF 1NF0. PLACE 8. Slmimary Soviet Bloc Transportation Report for October 1962 DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1-HUM Soviet Bloc transportation Information is given on international traffic and transportation in the 50X1-H U M USSRr East,Germanyr Czechoslovakia and Poland. Army: Retention of Copy Air: Retention of Copy #3 S E C R E T NO FOREIGN DISSEM orour i tnd?dN ban ameme,u er.nrnreina ..a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 .~/ ~ a s. , ? , ,- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 ++~ :~tu~Ei'~.~~:~3~.13rTL:rt~I:i. I ~~ ~~~~~~{~ ~~~~~E~V~ 50X1-HUM Io International Traffic 1?el+it.ons A?reenent oi;,~zed by USSR and ri?nland on reopenin? of $ai.IIla Canal, Border crossint stretch Cierua ::a?To {CSSR) =Chop (IISSR) electrified since 20 October. 195?_, Nur~bor of types of electric anc! Dioscl locouoti.v~s reduced by Pe-r>,a;ient Traffic Comraissio:n of Council for 14atual Economic Aid, Various RR stretcher, equinpod with se^i??autot~atic b7.ock installations in Leni.nOxa1 jur_ction area, RoutinC altored of Ivdelr ~ 0'b River RR line under conatrnction; about 200 i:ilo..ieters of track laid by 7.ate Uepterrber 19G2 inamen.l:a, a Pytil:hatl:ig and l:rrosl.avl ?? Danilov stretches put into electric operation, iiirny o liui:htayo. hi;;L?~rc.,yy to1?alin~ 200 l:iloeetexs, in i'a1:vts1:~ Last Sibexia areal opeuci: to traffic,. - L::teni; or: expansion of roads ir.. Gvordlovsl: area ciurin;; p?~::t three years s and 1c3G?. expanc~icn plan,. IL1rlinCilt completion of ::cscoc: trot lli[,h1ra~~~ Eerlin Outer RinE further e~pa.+3ed, Nee: routinC of interzonal'ic possible as a result of improveaent of Sec:~.ins Dall;,carf enci Dt~:a.i;en Ri? .:tationso i?eL-ul~.r frei.~irt train trcffir, (potash s:iil:~lents~ opener? on neu Gerstun~;en ?? Poerthr: line:. S~Iti-C-Tt-3-'P CROUP 1 ii0 YC:?. IC;' DISCiic:I . ~: IO'tI L::oaudedfrom Futonatic ~~~~~~ UoFmprading and tion ~~ ~~~-~~~E~ ~~~~~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 !vv ~..;x_;lor lli:i:~!;r!1.iA'!'IGII? RR aorsonnel cornaitted to strictor secrecy, Additional stoi.ers tra9.ned ea train crew recerve. seasonally iute+lce nl.litary requireue,lto of Cie Rr_icllsUahn, Aiilitary Uorder crossing traffic trith nain traffic in perso~lnel rotation. Reavy nilitary traffic on Iielnstedt - Derlin .lutobahn and on _ IIi;;heray r~5~ in nid-Geteber. 1?!i@ening of roads; particularly of lii~;hway P-5. Production Ue~^un at new tine plant near Dresden further expansion and increase of production plannedo Shippin? Ulocl:ed on E1Ue Rivcr in Rol;aetz - Rehnert areas and on Iiavo2 Canals Ueceuse of r..ilitary trainin,,; exercises, 1Jinter tiraeteUle for air traffic introduced; nanUc~x of flights reduced. Tranaloarliuc in arrears at Ciexns. n.T~ (CS:;R~USSR) Uoxder cro;sin~~ stati.ono Arrears in frei;;ht. conveyance of CSD (Caechoslovai:ian Gi;ate R~ i.lrOads) i21CTCtS9Cde Eleotric oporatiorta Ue~wt on IIrani.ce naPt, s Polanl_a n,0, stretch, Electrified Aussi;,? (Usti n?L,) - Iir..rt>itz (Ciu~:Uarovice) stretch put i.n operation, Preliminary wort: Ue~wl for electxi.ficati.on of 1~rave~Gnichav ., Zdice line. Shc?re of steam loco;lotives still 71 percent in C]) locomotive' pa-r. l;, Repair capecity for danared frei~i:t cars insufficient. Repairs carried out partly Uy conai~~,lorso Ia late Sopte;.rUcr/ca-rly OctoUerr stool: of coal partly nil to one days require:::cnt?s~ ;J ~E _C ..1,..L..~y~ Ito' i)(r$;..1~::L;A7.'IUIf Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Relea_se__2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 1?0 FUR~aIGty DIS:=1:iiIi?a~TIOiT V? Poland 510~~ oonatruotioh pro~iess on new SaLolla m lpimi.enrla iToua (north of Bialystolc) linen ICutno - 7Conin stretch put in eleetsic operation on 29 Sopteuber 19620 H~ilrocd bride under construe :ion over River (Oci~;,;e=~ clienU~ii~ lino P:edyi:a o Przer.~yi;l), S-Is-C-R-;=P iT0 PURi;IG:i DIS~;SiffiiA`IUiI Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-R DP80T00246A065900320001-5 Ia International.'Praffic Reletione 1, ffSSR~Finland~s A~reeront on Reo~eninJ? of 'the Sail~a Canal Ratified (See Txanaportation Sur.;pary for Au~uat 1962) On 27 Septanber 19625 the a~reonent on the repair acid reopening of the Saina Car_alq initialled four rreelcs previ,oualy, was si~~ied by Finnish Trafflc 1[inistor Savela and Soviet J4inister for lti~h Seas Navigation Bakayevo in Moscow._ Apart fron Finland+s taking on 50 ,years+ le?ae the canal section thxougn Finlands including; a 3G-m strip of land on wither banl: of. the canal' and t1:e harbor area near Pyborg (USSR)5 the agroonent includes the follotain6 Hain pointsa a.) The canal ;:iay Ue used Uy perchant veassls of a?~y nation, U) Prce~pr:asage through the Soviet stretch of the canal is gvarhntced for all ships traveling?widor Soviet colors. c) `Pransportation of trooper stns and other ~rar nat6ricl is p,ohiUitcd on the curial, Finnish wa,rahips arc not allawod to use fire c~.nal, (It is open to question v:?ethcr this prohibition also ?pnlies -io :3ovict nili cry tr~nsporta), d) '~'i+e USSR reserves hersolf the right to pxohibit the paosa;;e of ships of a third country throu,;l; the Soviet cwne,l suction under special. circwistancesr uhencvcr it is deenf:d necessary for Soviet security, e) The USSR also reserves herself the right to issue special tonporosy decroes for the "inprover_ent of ~cner~l grid lOCal security"~ , f) t!i`thin the next five years Finland is to nay a single sun of 342 pillion finnarks fox the use of the canal installations and buildin~;a on Soyie?t territorys and a yearly sun of 50 nillior_ finnarlca for expenses ariain;; during rile restoration of tllf? canal; "after the canal has Ucen put into operations Finland is to pay a yearly rent of 64,2 to 9207 pillion finnarls according to tiie voluee of tonnage shipped durum;; ~ year, S-L-C-R-Id-T NO 7:'ORP:TCI1 DLiSliI~IIhATIGPI ' ' TT (T iT .1D IP'M TT ..T CCTP T-tT TY I. TT l1TT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-R DP80T00246A065900320001-5 f;) Finland eonmits herself to expand the total lenGth of the canal at her oVm oosts and tc restore or build the required leaks: brides, and s?;ruatttres (estimated expenses about 14 billion finmarks)o h) Finland is entitled to collect dues for the use of the Soviet canal sectiono In generatl, the Finnish public is dieaaatisfied trE 58rr~~ stxetcli cif ih~ n.e~r Sol>o~.i~a ~, S~"a.~enna. PTot~ta l~.:a.e ~no:~ti~ e~ ~3iwlysto~.; cxass izz tl~e ,;; zone under construction. since ~,~~9~ is tc be co~t~aleted by late ~.~62~ (See i'~~nsportation S?u*:~a.r;~? fcxr I?~a.rcl~z 19b~ g para. IVY 1 a) o SMI~~C~ ~~m',~. 1 ?f '~J V~.l~,~`. L~_~ fJ~aJ ti ~.J: 1,1:9 f.1 .i .~.V:. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5 NO P~~:~";TGIJ JI5GI::II~F~1~?"U~1 20 ~lcctriFicu~ion On 29 Septezlbar 1962' tho Kutno ~ (79 ::rt) atrotah eras put into ~loctric ol~gratian. {;;oe nr~nsnertatian Sus.Yr~csy far ao;,~teuber 162, pr~:.ra IV, 2) o 3a 3rid;:a Con,tr.sction (G4ura-Cha,n~; "~one~ Qn the Mat].yka ~- Przegy? 1~Zura~rics, wine 9 arxothor RR brxd?e is under constw~uction irz:.:3~.iately nor-~h oi' tk~e bride over 'the Wia,z River (also called J'arek; o. tributary of tho San River),The brict~e will t~resuc~ably be dau'ole~~track; it3 completion is p'!ennec~ for 2963 The clr~arance capacity o#' this inportan-~ ~au;~e~chatl~in~ Line will thus pe increaserJ. consicerably~ _... . ~ ~ ~.v-v Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A065900320001-5