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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032 r`" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENC' INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18. Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of Its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. COUNTRY Korea SUBJECT Translations of North Korean Newspapers PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE DISTR. 23 June 1954 NO. OF PAGES 1 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Enclosures: Five (Translations are unclassified For retention to: State (2 sets) OCI (2 sets) OCD (3 sets) CONFIDENTIAL STATE( x ARMY j INAVY I JAIR FBI AEC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 '1 J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 CRTH KOREQH PREfJ JUHHARY Newspaper a Kaesong Sinmun (Kaesong Press) Date I Sunday, 18 April 1954 No. 496 Vol. 93 Publisher i Kaesong Press Agency Place 8 Kaesong Frequency a Daily Editor s KIM Myonggho 1. FINE CUSTOM OF COOPERATION IN RURAL-AREAS. 2. CAMPAIGN FOR INCREASED PRODUCTION Women workers of the Kaesong area are now developing an active campaign for increased production. They are eager to meet May Day with more brilliant results. 3. ACTIVE MILLET SOWING IN PANMUN COUNTY Farmers of Panmun County are now trying to complete millet sowing before May Day. 4. RELIEF' GOODS FROM SOVIET UNION The following relief goods were sent from the Soviet Union in the period between January and Marchs 254 carloads of various machines necessary to build and equip the S unghori Cement Factory in P9yongyang, 55 carloads of material for the reconstruction of the Central Radio Station, 40,000 tons of fertilizer, 6,000 horses, 140,000 tons of cotton yarn, 150,000 tons of synthetic rubber, more than 20 kinds of oil, 2,000 tons of agricultural insecticide, quantity of the every day necessities. From 1 to 5 April the following goods were received from the Soviet Unions 17 auto cranes, 7 winches, 16 rock drills, 17,000 tractor parts, other machinery, 1,200 horses. more than 300 tons of manufactured chemicals, hundreds of tons of cotton goods. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 5.. RICE TRANSPLANTING IN PANMUN AREA 6. CHINESE INDUSTRIES EXCEED THEIR GOAL FOR FIRST QUARTERLY PERIOD According to the report of the Chinese National Statistics Bureau, factories under the five industrial fields-...heavy, light, spinning, fuel, and machine industries .... are calculated to have exceeded their production goal during the, first quarterly period by 4.7 to 8.9 percent. 7. PEKING UNDER RECONSTRUCTION The reconstruction program in Peking is very active. The total area to be built up this year is 2,400,000 square meters, plus 3,000,000 square meters which have been under construction since last year. The major, buildings due to be constructed are the following,-, the Peking Steel Industrial Institute, Peking Aviation Institute, Peking Geological Institute, Peking Petroleum 'Industrial Institute, Peking Mining Institute, and Peking Industrial Institute. Peking University is to have its huge library enlarged to cover 20,000 P'yong. It will be equipped with 1,500,000 volumes. 9. ARTICLE BY YI KUK-NO CARRIED IN MINCHU CHOSON American imperialists have made several attempts at plotting against Asiatic achievements. Such intrigues will only precipitate their own downfall. The wheels of history will not move backward because of any imperialist resistance. If Americans ignore the fact that today's Asia is not that of the past and have not learned a lesson from the Korean war, they will soon have another blow. 10. EFFICIENCY INCREASED,AT NAESONG POTTERY FACTORY DUE TO MECHANIZATION 11. USE OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZER 12. WORKERS' LIVING STANDARD IMPROVED (PHOTO OF WORKERS BOARDING HOUSE) 14. PREPARATION FOR MAY DAY CELEBRATIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 15. FAINERS IN PANMUjd COMM ENCOURAGE? BY GOY ?NMF fiP FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION. 16, HAPPY CHILDREN AT N Of SCHOOL Children of Hoeo-ri, Yonan County, are happy with their new school. Dressed in new clothes sent from the Soviet Union, they enjoy their recess by dancing or singing. 17. EXEMPLARY SALES GIP,L, KIM SUN-HI (PHOTO Or SALES GIRL) 18. POEM ENTITLED "VICT0RIOU SPRING" ... By KIM Tun-thong 19. EDITORIAL OF "(LE" , ORGAN PAPER OF VIET MIN LABOR PARTY 20. STATW'RNT OF FRENCH COMMUNIST PARTY 21. U.N. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OF 9,12 ard, 14 APRIL 22. NATIONS DEMAND PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WF.AI'ONS AND H-BOMB End Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 h1TH KOREAM PRUJ 5UKRY Netr'spaper a Kaesoug Sinmun (Ktaesong Press) Date a Wednesd y, 21 April 1954. No. 95 Vol. 498 Publisher t Heesong Press Agency Place Keesong Frequency a Daily Editor a KIM Myong.ho rem 1. Nom KOBKA LAt7wns INTO 1KTERNATIGNAL DIPTAMATIC BBUTIONB(EDIq'C IAL). With the honorable title "heroic North Korean peopled bestowed Upon us by the peaee?lovirig people of the world, end led by the Soviet people, North Korea is now launching herself into the realm of international relations by participating in the Geneva Conference. North Korea will, no. doubt, contribute much to the conference toward the unification of the fatherland and the peace of the world. 2. KABSONG CONSTRUCTION TRUST TAK1 COUb1TE1i-.14EASi To CORNEOT DV MS. To carry out the task as stated by Premier KKK. I1.sung at- the meeting of the Central Committee of the Korean Labor Party In March, the Kaesong Oonatruction Trust took eounter-.measures for the rationalization of the labor system by correcting many defects in its works. Z. SEEING OF MILLET' AND PULSE. . . The farmers in the gaesong area have finished the seeding of millet and have begun the seeding of pulse. They have exceeded their seeding goal of millet by 100.5 percent. 4. FARMERS IN XAEf'UA'G CO1JNTY SEED RAW COTTON. . . 5. M 4BEI OF NORTH KOREAN SUPT ME PFPIM I S ASS LY GATHER IN P' YONt}YA1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 6. GENERAL KUIJEMIERU (SIC), NEd POLISH DELEGATE TO NEUTRAL NATIONS SUPERVISORY COMMISSION, ARRIVES IN KAFSONG. . . 7. NEWS a. b. FROM THE SOVIEP UNION . Seeding of crops. Soviet Government and Party award title "heroic mother"-to many women. According to a Teen dispatch from Moscow, the Soviet Government, and the Party awarded the title "heroic mother" to aboat 418000 women who rendered a distinguished. service in bringing up babies. we 2 8. WORK OF KAESONG UNHAK..RI PE(PLESS COMMITTEE , To achieve a big harvest, the Kaesong Unhak ri-People's Committee ie now guiding the farmers under its juriediction'by correcting many previous defects, teaching the technique of agriculture, and helping the poox farmers and families with members in the Army in the spring seeding. 9. EFFORTS TO LOWER PRICES OF CO?',NODITIES The workers of the Kaesong Textile Factory are now making every effort to lower the prices of the commodities after studying premier KIM Il-sungos report given at the meeting of the Central Committee of the Korean Labor Party. They have already succeeded in lowering the prices of the commodities by 5.8 percent. 10. STRENGTHENING OF POLITICAL AND CULTURAL EDUCATION IN FACTORIES. All factories in the Kaesong district are now strengthening the political and cultural !education for all factory 'corkers to make them contribute much to the NX rehabilitation by spreading the struggle for the correction of. many defects in their previous works in the NK rehabilitation after studying the Premier KIM Il-song's report addressed at the meeting of the Central Committee of the NK Labor Party held March of 1954. 11. RECONSTRUCTION OF 4ATE1 AY IN YONAN COMPLETED . . . The reconstruction of the waterway "Toryorgchamkwan" in Yonan has been completed. In connection with the completion of the reconstruction of this waterway, the farmers in the Miya. Ryongbol and Tenkuchil fields are now very busy preparing for the cultivation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 and transplantation in order to get a big harvest. Reconstruction of the Toryongchamlwan began on 10 October 1953, on the basis of Cabinet Instruction No. 142 concerning, the reconstruction of the irrigation systems in Yonan area. Paae3 12. HAPPY LIVES OF FARMS IN YUHYON FIELD IN SINGHTJNG.-RI, PANMUN COUNTY. 13.. PHO'ln OF NORTH KOREAN GIRLS RECONSTRUCTING BUILDIM. 14. WOMAN COMRADE KIM CHUNG..RWA RENDERS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN PROTECTION OF RAILWAY DURING KOREAN WAR (PHOTO OF COMRADE KIM CHUNC.-HWA) . . . 15. PLEASA)IT WORKERS OF YAM OIGG CofaMl+1ICATION DEPARTMENT.. . 16. CLEANING IN RYONGSAN-DONG, KAES O11G 17.' LETTER TO KIM MYONG-SUK, STUDENT OF SONGDO POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY,. FROM MAJOR. YI CHOW TREK, CONGRATUI,ATIWG KIM ON HIS NEW STUDIES. . . 18. MY EXPERIENCE AS A LEADER IN THE CULTURAL CIRCIE . . By HO Kyong-h'wi Chief of Democratic Propaganda Office in Samchong Ri, Kaepuug County Pme. 19. DFYEIAWMENI' OF FIVE YEAR ECONOMIC PLAN IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA 20. SONG OF MAY DAY. 21. PEAOE..I4VING PF(PLE OF WORLD WANT STOPPAGE OF HYDROGEN B014B MWERIMENTS. .22. WAR RESULTS OF INDO-CHINESE P1X 'LE'S ARMY . . . 23. AMERICAN ASSISTANCE FOR INDOCHINA . . e,~a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 r,ORTP KOREAN PEJIJUMt1RY Newspaper b Kaesong Sinmun (Kaesong Press) Date 2 Friday, 30 April 1954 No. 103 Vol. 506 Publisher t Kaesong Press Agency Place * Kaesong Frequency a Daily Editor b KIM Myong-ho Paige 1 1. EARNEST DESIRE FOR GENEVA CONFERENCE TO SUCCEED . . . In spite of the American imperialist's furious effort to wreck the Geneva Conference, all peace-loving people in the world are, earnestly hoping for the su~scess of the Conference, which to-being held for the purpose of solving the Korean problem and ending the war in Indochina. 2. MAY DAY DRIVE OF INCREASED PRODUCTION . . . ' With May Day near, workers in the Kaesong Food Factory and the Kaesong Farm Implements Manufacturing Association are striving hard to increase their production, and are gaining.good results. 3. GENEVA CONFERENCE BEGINS TO DISCUSS KOREAN PROBLEM . . . On April 27 the Geneva Conference began the discussion of the Korean problem,and Foreign Minister Nam 11 presented to the meeting North Korea's plan for the peaceful solution of the problem. 4. NORTH KOREAN SPOKESMAN HOLDS A PRESS CONFERENCE AT GEiJ'EVA . . 5. N+IOLOTOV INVITES CHOU TO LUNCHEON . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 tL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 False 2 6. NAM I L' S SPEECH MADE AT GF.TEVA CONFERENCE ON APRIL 27 0 Addressing the Geneva Conference on April 27, Foreign Minister NAM 11 outlined a short political history of Korea from August 15, 1945 up to the present, and proposed for the,peaceful solution of the Korean problem the following.- General elections throughout Korea, withdrawal of all foreign military forces from Korea, and a guarantee by the peace-minded Far East countries to the developnert of a unified and independent Korea. t 7. USSR, BUDGET FOR 1954 APPROVED 8., MAY DAY PREPARATION BY RAILWAY GUARDS . . In preparing for May Day, the railway guards In North Korea are strengthening their defense of the railways, and at the same time are preparing to ceibrate the Day. 11. MEDICAL SUPPLY FOR CITIZENS . . . For the use of citizens in Kaesong district, abundant medical supply arrived recently. lodoform, iodine-tincture, digestives, aspirin, absorbent cotton, and DDT were included in it. 12. PHOTOGRAPH Approximately 20 women learning. 13. PAK CHONG OK'S HAPPY LIFE . . Although her husband has gone to the South Korea, PAK Chong-ok plows her 3,600 pyon of farming land and leads a happy life. by KIM Yong-bo 15., NO# MARINE PRODUCTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO CITIZENS 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 PF& e4 16. A 4ERI CAN WRITER HOWARD PAST AWARDED STALIN PEACE PRIZE . . 17. POPULAR SOVIET HOUSE IN INTERNATIO AL EXHIBITION . . To the 36th International exhibition held in Lyons. France on April 24, th Soviet Union participated in for the first time, and the Soviet House where various Russian goods are exhibited is very popular. 18. VICTORIOUS FIGHTING OF VI1IN PEOPLE'S ARMY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 oTR KOEN. PREJI JUMHRY Newspaper : Kaesong Sinmun (Kaesong Press) Date Sunday, 6 December 1953 No. 382 Vol. 223 Publisher Kaesong Press Agency Place s Kaesong Frequency : Daily Editor KIM Myong-ho Page 1 1. POLITICAL TRAINING IN RURAL AREAS. 2. NORTH KOREAN SEPREMS PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY TO MEMIT The 6th plenary conference of the NK Supreme People's Assembly will be held in Piyongyang on 20 December. 3. CHINESE ENGINEERS HEIP IN RECONSTRUCTION 770 Chinese civil engineers have undertaken the construction of the Cabinet Secretariat and the Foreign Ministry buildings. 4. SIDE-FARM P RODTTCEES COOPERATIVE FORMED AT KODUS AN)Ot''G A side-farm producers cooperative has recently been formed at Kodusandong Pongdong.ri. Panmun County. sponsored by the Panmun County People's Committee. With a loan from the Farmers' Bank the cooperative is now raising many cattle. 5. COMPLETION OF AUTUMN PLOWING IN KAESONG ABTA. . . 6. WORKERS OF KAESONG STATION REPAIR RAILWAYS. 7. PRELIMINARY POLITICAL CONFERENCE OF 2 DEC 'MBER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Page 2 - 9. FARMERS' MEETING AT PANMUN COUNTY In November farmers of Panmun County held a meeting to excharga their experiences in applying modern farm methods. 10. DAMMING OF WATER IN CHOKANG RI . . . Farmers of Chokang.ri, Panmun County, have completed damming up water in the area. By this act more than 30,000 pyongs of paddy fields will be enriched and yield large crops. Page3 13. NIGHT SCHOOL AT IOOSONG Having completed their harvest, Kutosong farmers are now earnestly studying Hangul. 14. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LECTURES IN KAESONG. . . The Kaesong CityCommittee of the Korea=Soviet Cultural Assoc-,. ation is inviting students for the 4th high class of Russian langvage lectures. 15. PHOTO OF FISHING BOAT. 16. LETTER FROM STUDENT OF KAESONG IN LENINGRAD . . . KIM Chong kun, who is-now studying at a light industry college in Leningrad, has recently sent a letter to his father, stating that he is studying happily with a great ambition to devote his future life to improve the homeland's light industry. (PHOTO !)`s'' STUDS.`) 17. SOVIET MOVIE "VALIANT F',1 PLE" BEING PERFORMED IN KAESONG AREA. 18. E LA.RY SALES GIRL KIM SUN. OK 19. US ENLARGES ITS ORGANIZATION OF AGENTS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Page 20. 8TH TJN CE1~TERAL ASSEMBLY . 21. BERMUDA CONFERENCE. 22. U. N. SECURITY COTMCIL MEETS . . . 23. TWEBIALIST NATIONS WANT TO INCREASE TRADE 1ITH DWOCRATIC COUNTRIES 24. BRITISH WORKEuRS' OO ON STRIKE. . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 KOM DREJf fUMAV Newspaper Kaesong Sinmun (Kaesong Press) Date : Tuesday, 8 December 1953 No. 383 Vol. 224 Publisher g Kaeson; Press Agency Place Kaesong Frequency s Daily Editor : KIM Myong ho Page 1 1. COLLECTIVE GUIDANCE OF PARTY . 2. CEI BRATION OF 17TH ANNIVERSARY OF STALIN CONSTITUTION . . . 3. NORTH KOREAN AMBASSADOR CHOE IIr ARRIVES IN PEKING. . 4. TUJIN (PHONETIC) APPOINTL'D SOVIET AMBASSADOR TO CHINA 5. CONSTRUCTION MAT;HRIAL ARRIVES . . By 20 November the Soviet Union has sent 546 carloads of railway 'construction material. Most of the material is being used to-build up the main railway lines in the Hamhung_Chaongjin area. 6. PRELIMINARY POLITICAL CONFERENCE OF 3 DECEMBER . . . 7, MEDICAL WORKERS IN KAESONG AREA MEET. Medical workers in the Kaesong area recently met to review their post work. According to their reports, the death ;ate in 1953 was Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7 reduced 3.8 percent from the rate in 1952, due to the application of advanced medical techniques and drugs. 8. BWERIENCE OF TEACHING MODERN FARM METHODS. . 9. KAESONG BRICK YARD UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Kaesong Brick Yard, which will produce an estimated 5,000,000 bricks a year, will be completed in a few days., 10. PRELIMINARY POLITICAL CONFERENCE OF 3 DECEMBER Page 3 11. WAR ACHIEVENZNTS . . . 12. HOUSES BEING RETURNED TO OWNERS IN RESTORED AREAS. 13. SOVIET UNION ON ROAD TO COMMUNISM . . . 14. 1YME FOR CHILDREN ENTITLED, "FLAG OF OUR COUNTRY" . 15. LO:V LIVING STANDARD OF SOUTH KOREANS ON ISLANDS OFF WEST COAST. 16. NORTH KOREAN'S STATEMENTS ON PRELIMINARY POLITICAL CONFERENCE . . P 17. RUSSO_INDIAN JOINT COMMUNIQUE ON CONCLUSION OF TRADE PACT. 18. FRENCH CPPOSE GERMAN REARMAMENT . . . . 19. FRE T' RRSPONSE TO HO IS STATEMENT. . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040032-7