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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 IF FROM: CABLE ?4 -SEcitrx_ ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Accession No. Date Received SA To Room No. DATE O FFICERS ' INITIALS COMMENTS Received Forwarded 0 1 0 U. 1957 ,? t , t ""i G- w agi-ex i?4-4 ? . ..... i rtz ?.-.- .ec "ft^"r \1.1: %%NJ- Q. \p*A0 ._ 7 ^ (...':';:, UP ''',1':. n.rt'., ;. ? :1 C..:`:' , "?':?7-:.*'',2 -r - ....... ???. , 0114dt 3. V 4 . 6 t pp , $ al Y All? KT- 6. 6- 3 7. 8. Idi(li 9 . 10. Cable desk Each comment should be numbered to correspond with number in To column. A line should be drawn across sheet under each comment. Officer designations should be used in To column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. Action desired or action taken should be indicated in Comments column. Routing sheet should always be returned to registry. For officer designations see separate sheet. FORM NO. --- JAN I 947 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 ( 40 ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025:9 it1G TELEGRAM Department of State 39 Action EUR Info RMR SS? SP INR SECRET FROM: Belgrade . TO: Se retary of State NO: 934 December 6, 6 p.m. (SECTION TWO OF THREE) T, c4 6 erwit. IL!". CP7d-W-Pie _ft CV, a _SP it SLU1-D _ 4. Referring to Pr sident's remarks on recognition of East .!jap Germany, Tito said h wished to clarify certain points. His Control: Rec'd: 3976 December 6, 1957 6:22 p.m. corcro: ripte LIMIT DISTRIBI ION PASS WHITE HOUSE action was not hasty o air for over a year. not been for Soviet atta It was not planned as move Adenauer nor, as had been s of deal between him and Khrus continuation of independert fo principles long enunciaf,i.d. Unt Yugoslavia could not have free na East European states and its influe would ask us to realize that it was given Yugoslavia's middle position an as based upon principle that way must b great issues between blocs. I inquired imp.?___:.4,9,..laS.12.m.sLa_v2252y2p1./12.1 could t4 of other div untries such as Korea, C na if his principles imp fact o lowed by attempts to final solution. that query, wit me help from Foreign Secreta ill-considered and had been in the would have been done sooner had it -------- s early in 1957 against Yugoslavia-:- _ to make things more difficult for---- gested in Western press, result chev. It represented logical ign policy based upon 1 recognition was Accorded in its relations with ce would diminish. He gical development should be accepted foUnd to settle these principles na and Indo- sitallaniSTOf to got out of: , by some- replfto general e on of East Germany was decided on its merits lone and repres ted? 7iiOsitive" step. Yugoslav decision-was based on its own appraisal and recognition of other countries would ha be similarly decided as Yugoslavia did not want to "sub pate its foreign policy to bloc consideratipns" (Whateve that may mean). , - liseiflari?sfurther BLE FOR, IWIITAINING O DFASI3*?I011 OR ."?();,e-TY1O-WIN A.dCORDANCE 1_ji, 13A-.' 1957 clarification of Yugoslav position vis-a-vis UNLESS "UNCLA REPRODUCTION FR COPY IS PROHIBITE SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 SECRET -2- 934, December 6, 6 p.m. (SECTION TWO OF THREE) from Belgrade vis-,a-vis US and USSR, following emerged. When I commented upon increasingly hard line of Soviet policy (Gromyko press conference, -note on N.E. to US and declarations at launching of satellite), Tito said he is convinced present Soviet declarations do not represent long-term intentions. He said West should not react so sharp'ly' to Soviet declarations and remarked some of our Generals indulged in bellicose speeches as well. We should by now be accustomed to sharp speeches and lotibecome too alarmed. I recalled that circumstances should not be overlooked when- aggresive declarations were made, attended as they were by fall of Zhukov. Tito replied he was convinced Zhukaes fall was not result of foreign policy considerations but was purely internal. I asked him how he interpreted removal of Zhukov to which he replied it was internal matter and therefore he could not properly comment. He would say, however, that West should deal "with whole complex of Soviet policies" and not worry too much about personalities. I said given type of government in USSR this was not so simple as our experience withviolated agreements fully demonstrated. Tito did not deny this but said he was still convinced process of liberalization in Soviet Union will continue. Russian pecple expect and await such development and pressure for it will continue. It would be wrong to assume that Soviet foreign poli?,7 is purely matter of internal develop- ments and personalities. It represents foreign policy of power- ful Socialist country developed as result of many interests. VH:HC/7 SECRET RIDDLEBERGER Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 IIP mir CABLE SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET FROM:* Accession No. Date Received SA To Room No. DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS Received Forwarded in Airir10 0EQ 1957 4:x: ?.'(:, "1"..Ckr.".3 'la (, t trK f ? ,:i",.."1 '', c 2. 44.5C) ir1:14 l \ Li n 4. Cl k- ifil k Tr .,,;;,., !, 6. S ,4f 7. / 7 .)/ i 8. 9. 10. Cable desk Each comment should be numbered to correspond with number in To column. A line should be drawn across sheet under each comment. Officer designations should be used in To column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. Action desired or action taken should be indicated in Comments column. Routing sheet should always be returned to registry. For officer designations see separate sheet. SECRET FORM NO. JAN 1 947 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 (40) Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 ICNG TELEGRAM Department of State 39 Action EUR Info kMR SS SP INR ' 1-14.awc 0'7;1_ 4',93it ?MC:Mk' t2.:44.7" -TV e/11:;MM r :-Azatc4 SECRET FRO elgrade TO S retary of State NO: 934, Pcl Control: 4052 Reed: December 6, 1957 9:35 p.m. ecember 6,-6 p.m. (SECTION THREE OF THREE LIMIT DISTRIB 4 ON PASS WHITE HOUSE Animmafts...1. 6. I said we hid p0 party declaration in repudiate some earlier Declaration of 1955 and. Tito had signed. Tito sa Manifesto in Moscow could r had not signed. Too many co drawn from speculation in West to positions it had enunciated Party Manifesto that there were between it and USSR. Perspectives somber, Tito said, caught as it is be thought basic principles of Yugoslav seeking as.iit does a relaxation of tens Failure tc make progress on disarmament kHi- - ad West shown more confidence in Khrus4c ght have been different.. He thought.pres ituation was extremely dangerous and hoped renewed efforts to reach agreement with USSR. COPY TO: At ' CM TG ibly seen reflection of this in recent.,. scow scow which, however, seemed to ?????????????ms ostulatea embodied in Belgrade scow Declaration of 1956 which anyone who read recent Party dily see why Yugoslav delegation luaions, however, should not be press. Yugoslavia stuck though it was clear from ferences of principle or Yugoslavia are een two blocs. He reign policy, on, were right. s discouraging. v earlier things t ilicernational at would make ugoslavia would continue to work for solution on. basis of ts inde- penbent judgment and will continue its efforts to ve good reltations with both blocs. CP Manifesto should no be over- i. dramatized and it will take time for process in Sovi t clef_ Union to become manifest. 'T..,7f Returning to question mf Ut-Yugoslav relations Tito lhe. hoped economic relations could continue as before. He x.eealled hope he expressed last year that eventually he cou Aget away from grants and more toward credit and loan basis. Be said Yugoslav Government intends, to do everything it tlIECO.:IENT OF THIS CABLE ISUNUM "UNCIA inar can REPRODUCTION FR IHM SPONSIPLE FOR MAINTAINING SECRET COPY IS. PROHIRITE RECORD OrDESTRUCTION OR - DISPOSITION IN ACCORDANCE lIITTLI OC.21"-aR1 ?11 12 Alin. 1C1=r1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10 CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 SECRET -2- 934, December 6, 6 p.m. (SECTION THREE OF THREE) from Belgrade can to intensify agricultural production so that it will not perpetually ask for grant aid. He was hopeful that within several years our economic relations would be on an expanded but altered basis which would make it easier for both. 8. Comment and recommendations will follow shortly. VH:OES/10 SECRET RIDDLEBERGER S Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/10: CIA-RDP83-00036R001000160025-9 FROM i CABLE SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Accession No eie2.5z Date Received SA TO Room No. DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS Received Forwarded , S,Ank 10 J.,.-.L 1957 z,'?..3.-.. th-,: ". r.? .:?-c_n-,7i ,.., ,. . - .;::1 tr'l 5-q4. cPP e---N SL: K ,