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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: SUBJECT: Director of Training and Education Weekly Report 14 April 1988 * 2. GTE's Midcareer Course #104 finished on 8 April with the conclusion of a very successful field trip to Albuquerque. The class met with Albuquerque city government officials; scientists from the Sandia Corporation; Air Force officers; bioengineers at Lovelace Medical; and concluded with a visit to Los Alamos Space Laboratory. An additional highlight was a trip to the Department of Energy (DOE) Central Training 25X1 Academy at Albuquerque 3. On 4 April OTE officers met with Mr. Michael Hansen, new head of the Federal Executive Institute (FEI) in Charlottesville, and Pam Guin, FEI's Director of Curriculum, to discuss possibilities for closer collaboration between FEI and OTE. OTE was invited to send a representative to a federal leadership development conference that FEI 25X1 will organize this fall. 25X1 25X1 25X1 4. On 5 April OTE Management Training Branch officers met with of the Inspector General's staff to develop an orientation/training course of about three to five days duration for new inspectors. CON9D' E/CAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 12 April 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education STAT FROM: STAT Chief, Information Systems Training Division SUBJECT: ISTD Weekly - 6-12 April 1988 Comirex is now providing part-time contractor support to ISTD to provide CAMS training. In FY89, Comirex intends to provide a full time contractor to assist with CAMS training. They are doing this in order to assist us to provide more CAMS courses then we had originally planned to present. This contractor is at no cost to OTE and is fully cleared to work on CAMS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? ? CONF IDENT IAL 25X1 25X1 ? MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: cruet, Language Training Division 12 April 1988 SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report 1. French instructor last week completed the second running of her "Interactive Video and Follow-up Activities" workshop series. Eighteen LTD instructors have attended the workshop which stresses interactive video classroom use, with activities constructed around brief video segments which engage language students in "real-life" activities. This departs from the traditional mutiple-choice, true-or-false exercises of the recent past, and is based on the theory that language teaching must be meaningful to succeed. The workshop also demonstrates that much interactive video activity is possible with just a videodisc player and a teacher where formal 25X1 computer-delivered lessons are unavailable. 2. Al the reauest of the Intelligence Training Division, Arabic 25X1 instructor gave a well-received 45-minute presentation entitled: "Encountering America; Middle Eastern Culture Shock" to 25X1 participants in the Middle East Survey course. 3. On Tuesday, 12 April 1988, LTD Farsi students and instructors will attend a lecture entitled "Iran and America: An Uncertain Future" at the Middle East Institute of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced 25X1 International Studies. 4. There were 28 reading and 31 oral proficiency tests during the 25X1 past week. 25X1 C ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 k...unrivratIAL 111 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and 12 April 1988 Education 25X1 FROM: Acting Chief, Intelligence Training Division 25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report 1. The Soviet Economy Block met for its first session on 5 April. Twenty-two students are enrolled, representing SOVA (10), OSWR (5) OGI 25X1 (2), and one each from FBIS, NCD, OIA, OSO, and SE/DO. Course Director, described the course, then outlined economic reform 25X1 efforts from Khrushchev through Chernenko of SOVA examined Gorbachev. LbAl reform efforts under 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. of LDA led a workshop on Understanding How Russians Think on 7-8 April. The first day focused on influences, with presentations by Professor Donna Bahry (NYU) on generational differences regarding political values and "getting ahead," by Steven Grant and Richard Dobson (USIA) on education, and by Greg Guroff (USIA) on historical influences. The second day examined a model of the psychological profile of a Russian, presented by and psychiatrist Friday afternoon was devoted to consideration of the model and additional areas to be explored. Twenty-one officers from across the Agency participated in the workshop. 25X1 3. of the Topical Issues Branch directed the third running of the Middle East Survey, which took place on 4-8 April and was attended by 22 students from a variety of Agency components. The course featured a heavy emphasis on current issues in the region, especially the crisis in the West Bank, and on the cultural values and outlook of Middle Easterners. Three speakers of Middle East origin were included in the program. The most distinctive feature of this running was the high degree of dialogue between speakers and students, with almost all lecturers running over their allotted time because of the number of 25X1 questions they had to field. 4. STI conducted the Technical Writing Course on 5-7 April for 16 students. They rated the overall course 4.4 and instructor effectiveness 5.0 (on a 5-point scale). This was the first time, since the course was opened to all Agency employees in January, that students from other 25X1 directorates, mainly from the DA, outnumbered those from DSU. 5. STI conducted the Managerial Power Course for 20 DSO. students, mostly mid-level managers, on 6-8 April. Dr. George Peabody of the Associates for Creative Leadership presented the course, which was an intensive learning experience in the fundamentals of responsible managerial power. The course consisted of lectures and role playing exercises and was rated by the students as a worthwhile experience that 25X1 would benefit managers and non-managers. 25X1 COnripraiIRL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? ? c1,-.ik-Anr.tipm. Administration Division Weekly 4 - 8 April 1988 Conferencing Last minute requirements forwarded for DDO semi-annual conference at Beechtree 11-12 April. Space DC/AD toured East, South and Central Buildings with contract architect, engineer, and Hqs. configuration management space rep in anticipation of 25X1 relocation of OTE employees Design requirements will be due by 1 June. 25X1 25X1 Miscellaneous DC/AD met with support to OTE. C/Info Management and Support Staff/OL re OL Katherine attended PRIM Basic Course 4-6 April. Executive Secretary, TSB, spoke with AD Branch Chiefs about ADP requirements for their sections, sent out verification of central emergency and locator cards to all GTE personnel, and sent financial disclosure 25X1 statement Training Selection Board Prepared for Chairman, CIA-TSB's signature the nominating letter to the Armed Forces Staff College for Class 84 starting in August 1988. GONNE:DMA!. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 IIP Budget and Finance Cl and DC/B&F met with D/OTE, DD/OTE, EXO, C/AD, and 25X1 discuss 88 Budget requirements 25X1 25X1 Plans Officer to Secretary B&F along with DC/PB briefed T&A clerks in LTD on proper procedures for recording night differential via ELECTAS. Security Gave security practices and procedures presentation to NEA/LTD on 8 April. DC/PB participated in a continuing series of briefings for LTD employees on panel/promotion procedures. Liz prepared letters to go to colleges announcing plans to recruit for Co-ops this fall and winter. A copy of GTE's poster was sent to Employment. An OTE-wide Vacancy Notice for the TSD/ETB Branch Chief position was issued with 15 April close date. Panel Support: Sent out the router explaining the procedure for the GS-c16 to GS-07 promotions; PARs and recommendations are due to personnel no later than COB 25 April. Sent Secretarial Panel instruction folders to Panel members for review prior to panel meeting on 13 April. Continued preparation for the IS and the GS-15 Annual Panels. Started preparation for the GS-12 Semi-Annual Panels, GS-11 LIP Semi-Annual Panels, and the GS-11 Semi-Annual Panels. Check-ins: Title Office Grade Date Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? CONFICENTIAL 25X1 25X1 25X1 Logistics Set up new bicycles in Fitness Room. Bid for fitness room showers came in at $30,000 plus. GC feels bid is too high and has requested another bid. zfiDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and 12 April 1988 Education 25X1 FROM: Chief, Leadership Development Division Office of Training and Education 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 1. On 6-8 April, MTB ran its sixth "Leading People in CIA" of 1988. 25X1 Chief of the OGI Geographic Division, did an excellent job 25X1 mananer-in-the-rlascrom 4 'f 25X1 3. Executive Seminar No. 12 began on 11 April at the Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit, Maryland. The twenty new SIS officers participating come from the following components: DCI Area-one, DS&T-eight, DDA-five, DI-four, DO-two. The Deputy Chief, DO/European 25X1 Division was unable to attend the Seminar. On Tuesday the Director, Public Affairs Office met with the group. His talk was very enlightening and well received - and he said that he got a lot out of being there. Mr. Baker was informed that the participants were very impressed with the DCI after their meeting on Friday 8 April and 25X1 appreciated the one-hour plus time he gave them. 25X1 4. is arranging for the second running of the new Intelligence Issues and Challenges (IIC) Course which has replaced the Advanced Intelligence Seminar. Designed for Agency officers in grades GS-14 and above with a maximum participation of 22, the course will be held 23-27 May 1988. The precourse session is scheduled for the 25X1 afternoon of 16 May. 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 ? 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. On On Tuesday 5 April C-11A-P-f-MT-B- mf- Who ts ffow-s-erv4n1.721 the Inspector General's staff. We- ?thzu.5.55641 develop4111 an orientation/training course of about 3-5 days duration for new inspectors. F-The need for suc?a? course has grown with the IG's plan to bring more officers onto the staff for shorter periods of time, perhaps a year or less. This is in line with Director Webster's interest in beefing up the IG staff, sharpening its focus on potential improprieties, and lookina into Agency standards and practices in the area of "discipline.? provided us with his initial thoughts on topics for inclusion in the course. We agreed to review his suggestions and get back to him 25X1 with our su estions for course design and content. and 25X1 Chief, LDD have all served on the IG Staff and should be useful 25X1 in helping evelop a course for new inspectors. 6. Stress Management for Managers, a mainstay of the Electives for Managers program, ran 7 April 1988 with 25 students attending. There were 6 cancellations but no no-shows. The reconfirmati ts by 25X1 MTB seems to a partial answer to this chronic problem. The course was a success by any standard. The overall course rated a 4.6 on a 1-5 scale, while instructor presentation received 4.9. Sue Gebelein from Personnel Decisions, Inc. has had 15 years experience in 25X1 stress management and is an exceptional instructor. The level of stress expressed by some in the class was of concern to MTB. Employee Assistance brochures were made available at the end of the course with the suggestions that EAP's services be used if the techniques 25X1 learned in the class were not, in themselves, enough. 25X1 7. attended the pilot running of the OIT Management Development Seminar 4 - 8 April 1988 and served as co-trainer/manager-in-residence with Fred Hawkins, the contractor who 25X1 developed the course. The course was held and included discussion with ED Maloney, D/OIT, the five OTT Group Chiefs, and OTT and OP personnel involved in handling difficult employee problems. The focus of course, which as tailored to OTT needs, was personnel management. The course material complemented, rather than duplicated material presented in MCIA and LPCIA. A highlight of the course was a task given to them to make recommendations to him on how OTT 25X1 could better handle trial period employees. OTT has mployees 25X1 with less than three years experience and emp oyees w o have not officially completed the probationary period (OMS, and OS processing pending). Based on student suggestions and evaluations and observation by the contractor and staff trainers this course will be revised before it is offered again. Revisions will consist mainly of shuffling the CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 25X1 SUgJECT: LDD Weekly Report agenda and emphasizing some material over others. No date for the next course has been set. The instructor was competent, flexible, and has an ADP background. The material was relevant and the students enthusiastic. This should be a good OTT follow-on course to MCIA and 25X1 LPCIA, perhaps 3-4 times a year. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Student evaluations at the end ot the course were auite positive. All of the speakers did well, but Dick Kerr, and the "speakers from the DDA" were singled out as being particularly outstanding. Many of the students commented that of all the directorates they were most taken with the DDA because of the breadth of its responsibilities and key support role. 25X1 10. will also brief a group of US Navy offi Naval 25X1 Academy on 14 April. This briefing is at the request of who 25X1 heard of presentations on Soviet naval strategy done at the 25X1 National War College. 125X1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL 11 April 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: Acting Director, Center for the Study of Intelligence SUBJECT: Weekly Report/CSI The secretary to Coach Joe Gibbs has informed our Conference Coordinator that because of his very busy schedule he must decline the DCI's invitation to appear as an Agency Guest Speaker. She said that he is unable to accept about 90% of the speaking invitations he 25X1 receives. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Among the draft submissions approved for publication by the Editorial Board of Studies in Intelligence at its 5 April 1988 meeting are "The White Lady Intelligence Network" by WOTD/CID and "The Penkovskiy Case," by OTE contractor Leonard McCoy. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9 R Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150003-9