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February 10, 1988
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
Director of Training and Education
Weekly Report
10 February 1988
* 1. The next Career Trainee (Cr) class begins its training on
16 February. There are 60 participants: DA-12; DI-12; DS&T-9;
DO/OPS-19; and DO/Reports and Records-8. All four directorates sponsored
internal candidates, bringing the total number of "internals" in the
25X1 class to 15.
* 3. Forty-seven Agency employees are enrolled in full-time academic
training for the Sprir mester 1988. This compares with 26 students in
25X1 the Spring of 1987.
4. The first draft of OTE's Field Administration course book is
being used in the 1 - 26 February running of the course. The book was
25X1 prepared by an Office of Finance Career Trainee. Following
field testing in two course runnings, the book will be professionally
edited, cleared for distribution overseas, and printed. It will be the
first comprehensive course book/reference manual for Operations Support
25X1 Assistants and other surmort Derso7nel working at foreign and domestic
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A '
SUBJECT: Weekly Report
5. OTE conducted a special Fundamentals of VM class for the DI's
Intelligence Support Staff night shift employees. The class was taught
at Headquarters, 7 - 9 February, from 1900 to 2200 hours. The
three-session class is part of OTE's ongoing effort to meet the traini
25X1 needs of employees unable to attend regularly scheduled classes.
6. An instructor from OTE's Management Training Branch is teaching
this week as a guest instructor in the Federal Executive Institute's
executive seminar course at Charlottesville
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9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
25X1 FROM:
Chief, Career Training Division, OTE
Career Training Division Weekly Report
2 February 1988 through 9 February 1988
is 04k-0 0-"444
1. t s : DA-12;
DI-12; DSU-9; DO/OPS-21S and DO/RR-Vb,, All four directorates sponsored
internal candidates bringing the total number of "internals'to 150
Tikw cutk__ 0
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9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
25X1 FROM:
Chief, Language Training Division
SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report
1. On 1 February 1988, Germanic/Scandivanian Section Chief (Steven
met with Dr. Claire Gaudiani, Acting Associate Director of the
Joseph H. Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania to discuss
the overseas language training segment of their Management and
International Studies program, and possible applications to LTD's nascent
overseas programs. He also met with Dr. John Fought, Director of the
Language Analysis Project of the Department of Linguistics and discussed
ongoing cooperative efforts in computer based language training and
translation. The possibility of a meeting with LTD staff was raised.
(g-6).0 `7 5
2. As of this weekol
Arabic section is conducting four full-time classes with an all-time high
of eleven students.
2. While in Thailand on personal leave, NEA Thai instructor (Pat
will visit the American University Alumni Association Language
Center in Bangkok to observe their unique classes using the Natural
Approach method of language teaching. U on her return she will share her
observations with her LTD colleagues.
25X1 3. On 4 February 1988, Turkish instructor SW) and her
students attended the Annual Conference and Exposition of "The American
Friends of Turkey". The topic was: "The Impact of Turkey's Developing
Aircraft Industry and Its Meaning to NATO". They toured the exhibit
afterwards and collected Turkish realia such as calendars, maps, and
25X1 books.
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SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report
4. On 3 February 1988, sixteen LTD instructors and staff
participated in an elicitation exercise at the Navy Yard. During a one-
and-a-half-hour role play exercise, 31 attaches and their spouses tried
out their newly learned elicitation skills on the LTD participants, who
represented about a dozen languages, many of which were actually used in
the role-play. After the exercise there was a general discussion on the
25X1 effectiveness of the role-play. who was in
charge, expressed his appreciation for LTD's ongoingprofessional
25X1 contribution to DOD elicitation exercises.
5. There were 26 reading and 18 oral proficiency tests the past week
25X1 to 24 reading and 23 oral proficiency tests the previous week.
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9 February 1988
Weekly Report
Training Support Division
1. A record number of 220 students have registered for 18 Spring
c--e--.-n--t-h-e Of f Campus Progrants,c-e-n-d-ur-t'e-d?b-ST-ATOTi-ty?pe-r-swamled?f-ox---t-h e
This compares to 120 students and 9 courses in
the Spring of 1987.. Some of the new offerings this semester are:
- Introduction to Calculus I
--Introductory Composition
- Introduction to Public Administration
- International Politics
2. Forty-seven
training 4a-e.gyia.:4-i.41-g?zi=i e
26 students in the Spring
ency employees ; full-time academic
Spring semester ele.?.eti,sly.d.420,This compares
of 1987.
--and tht re mmi-nkii, 35 ars.-
3. OTE and OIT began acceptance testing of the on-line registration
system TEAMS on Monday. Because this testing, which will last for about
one month, will require intensive activity by all the TSD staff, OTE
divisions should be particularly careful in meeting registration deadlines
and be prepared for minor distruptions in the registration process during
this period.
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9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
Chief, Secretarial, Administrative, and
Communications Training Division
Weekly Report
?16,r GY47 ,A,Q5e4..stAral
2. HSACA'15) and7 -1LDD) planned and
presented a half-day workshop entitled The Dynamics of the Secretary and the
Manager Working Together as a Team for Office of Personnel managers and their
secretaries on 4 February. Eighteen secretary/mana er teams including the
Director of Personnel and his secretary, attended.
3. The first draft of the Field Administration course book is being used
in the 1-26 February running of the course.4-
? S. ? 0.;t.._ _117.
an Office of Finance Career Traineec
. Following field testing in two course
runnings, the book will be professionally edited, cleared for distribution
overseas, and printed. It will be the first comprehensive course
book/reference manual for Operations Support Assistants and other support
personnel working at foreign and domestic installations.
4. The Secretarial Training Branch held a one-day Geography Workshop for
60 secretaries at the Headquarters Building. Guest speakers briefed the
participants on the USSR, China, the Middle East, India, and Africa.
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8 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
Chief, Information Systems Training Division
ISTD Weekly -- 3 February 1988 - 8 February 1988
ore P,61/ueiGtaii
1.5 special undamentals of VM class i-s-be.i.ag-i-Te-1-t1 for -W DI-
Intelligence Support Staff night shift employees. The class io eing
taught at Headquarters p4ka69,vbdty-4 7-9 February 64AftwrI900,ao4- 1-10
, 2200 hours. The three-session class - is part of
(915si-STB's ongoing effort to meet the training needs of employees unable to
attend regularly scheduled classes.
2. On 8 February, met with the Chief of
the Information Systems Security Division, Chief of the Security
Education Staff, and the Career Management Officer for Physical and
Technical Security, to discuss the development of ;ADP security training.
The Office of Security is interested in developing a certification
program for ADP security officers who complete a tour with ISSD. They
have requested that ISTD work with them to develop a curriculum of formal
training experiences, on the job experiences, writing, testing, and
evaluation of previous life experiences in order to become certified.
They have also requested that ISTD work with them to develop a training
program for OD&E managers on security implications in the development of
ADP systems.
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Administration Division Weekly
1-5 February 1988
SSCI Conference scheduled for 25-27 February has been cancelled.
DI Management Conference including DDI and ADDI scheduled for
25-26 February in place of SSCI.
MG Conference for approximately 80 people rescheduled for 11-13 September.
DO Conference scheduled for 11-12 April (used space on hold tor OTE).
DC/AD attended Integrated Logistics Support Program (iLSP) at hqs. on
4 February regarding issues/concerns for the New hqs. Building.
EXO, DC/AD, C/LOGS, and C/Audio Visual met to discuss requirements tor
Classroom 2A074, NBB, which have been expedited by the New hqs. Project Office.
Congratulations to
on his recent promotion!
OTE Orientation for 21 employees was held on 2 February, and all AD 6rancn
Chiefs participated.
C/AD Secretary attended one-day "Interviewing Techniques" course.
C/AD Secretary notified the recipients of the OTE Awards Ceremony on II
February at 1400 hours. 60 people will receive awards. The DDA will present
the awards.
Budget and Finance
Office of General Counsel is currently reviewing the proposed hN regarding
decentralizing financial processing tor external training.
C/BF attended the "Stress Management tor Managers" course given oy
Personnel Decisions Inc. - interesting and hopefully beneficial.
Lifti.q411iiLk itAL
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Training Selection Board
Sent MOTO to STOs requesting nominations for tne President's EXecutive
Exchange Program for 1988/89.
Scheduled TSB meeting on 22 February to discuss Congressional Fellowsnip
25X1 Received ExDir approval to nominate ObWR, the CIA Advisor
25X1 at the Air War College to replace
The re-alarming of five rooms (CIB & P66) should take
place early next week.
On 4 February, Security Officer gave a security awareness presentation to
the Topical Issues Branch.
C/PB held the PB Bi-weekly w/DDTE and discussed OTE and DA strengtn
DC/PB met with CMO and an OP representative to discuss impact ot,tne PAR
on OTE panel deliberations. Input was sought from OTE on suggestions tor
changes in PAR formatting and procedures.
Liz attended a co-op briefing in the Auditorium on 5 February.
Panel Support:
Katherine and DC/PB continued the preparation ot the IS Performance
Award Panel information to be forwarded to the DA.
Continued preparation for the 66-07/08 LIP, GS-07/08 iA and the
GS-07/08 General Panels.
Check-ins Title
o ?
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,25X1 in maintenance 21 March to approximately 1 April.
Drapes installed in front of Room 902.
C/AD and C/Logs met with OL, re refurbishing ground tloor.
She will send samples of wall coverings.
Architect is drawing plans for new counter with design similar to one in
Agency Visitor Center at Hqs.
Issued Notice to OTE employees on availability of Exercise Room.
Pleion screens received for TSD and DAC. DAC renovation completed except
for minor electrical work.
Received another 100 chairs for LTD Language classrooms; replacement or
classroom chairs nearing completion.
Architect received Arlington County approval tor Fitness Room showers. de
will now draw up final plans for submission to Dominion Nanagement tor price
Worked with MPB and Logs re shipment of camera to vendor tor repair.
Delivered computer to Hqs Learning Center.
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9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
25X1 FROM:
Acting uniet, intelligence Training Division
25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report
1. OTE has begun a series of brown-baa analytic training sessions
25X1 for analysts at Headquarters. of Analysis Training Branch
is planning and directing the series and led the first session on
5 February, "Are You Asking the Right Questions?" Nineteen people from
the DI and the DO, from Intelligence Assistants to branch chiefs, turned
out for the class. They liked the idea of using the luncheon forum to
discuss analytic issues and techniques. The next session, "Gut Feelings
and Pa er Trails," will be held on 12 February in Room 1D35 Headquarters.
2. Erich Bloch, Director of the National Science Foundation, will
speak on "SU in the Year 2000: Key Issues and Implications for
Strategic Intelligence" in the Headquarters Auditorium at 0930 on 3 March.
This is the first in a new lecture series being conducted for Agency
employees by OTE's SU Institute. The next speaker, in May, will be Noel
Hinners, NASA's Deputy Administrator and Senior Scientist.
3. The second running of the Workshop on Reviewing Analytical
25X1 Papers (RAP) took place on 3-4 February, again with as the
course director. The 16 students included senior analysts, editors,
branch chiefs, and division chiefs. They rated the course an overall 4.4
on a 5-point scale (compared to 4.3 in the first running). Eight
students gave the course an overall 5, seven a 4, and one a 3. The next
25X1 running will be in late April.
4. On 3 February, 15 students completed the second running of TIB's
two-and-one-half-day Introduction to Military Analysis Course (IMAC).
The students said the course met most of their training objectives. The
class included 12 analysts from the DI, two reports officers from the DO,
and one State Department officer--the vanguard of the INR contingent that
OTE has agreed to train. Based on student and staff evaluations, we
propose no more major changes in the course, but we are considering
changing its name to Introduction to Military Forces, a title that would
25X1 raise more appropriate expectations of this knowledge course.
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25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report
5. Professor Donald Zagoria of Hunter College discussed "The
Sino-Soviet Dispute" in the Soviet Foreign Policy Block on 8 February.
He traced relations from alliance in the 1950s, to confrontation by the
1960s, to currently a form of detente marked by a more normal
state-to-state relationship that Zagoria anticipates will persist. The
crucial issue is China's basic orientation, expected to continue to be
favorable to the West with encouragement from the U.S. and Japan. China
seems convinced that the West poses less of a security threat than the
Soviet Union and offers reater advantages in trade, credits, and
25X1 technology access.
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11, low
9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
Acting Director, Center for the Study of
SUBJECT: Weekly Report/CSI
AD/CSI travelled to NSA on 2 February 1988 to meet with
deputy director of NSA training;
Dean, Department of Cry tolo ic Management, National
Cryptologic School; division chief; and
course manager or NSA's CY 500 and CY 600
courses. We discussed the content and administration of the
CIA day at Headquarters in both courses. The meeting was
cordial and frank. It was 'clear that we have many of the same
problems endemic to training operations and this session helped
to confirm both our intent to provide the NSA groups with a
schedule that meets their needs and our desire to continue
hosting these sessions.
Bill Baker, Director of Public Affairs, hosted the
Brookings luncheon on 5 February 1988. The group, as usual,
was kindly disposed toward the Agency and its operations which
made for a frank and cordial question and answer session
following the briefing.
On 9 February 1988, eighteen members of the USIA junior
officer trainee class were briefed on the role of the CIA,
emphasizing particularly our overseas responsibilities. The
class was in the third week of a nine week orientation program
prior to departure for overseas posts.
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9 February 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education
25X1 FROM:
Acting Chief, Leadership Development Division
Office of Training and Education
25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report
1. An exceptionally outstanding running of Managing in CIA was held
1-3 February for 20 GS-10 and under supervisors. The overall course
evaluation of 4.85 was among the highest ever received and the oral and
written comments of the students indicated they received some fundamental
learnings about management from the program. In part this was due to the
contribution of Manager-in Residence Chief of the Operational
Support Group in IMS. More than any other manager who has sat in on Managing
so far, had a feel for the classroom and was able to establish a
natural rapport with students. Another contributing factor was the
outstanding job done by as course chairman and
as instructors.
2. met with the division
chief-level head of the Employee Assistance Program in OMS. They discussed
issues relating to informing managers of EAP services and ways to establish
25X1 closer cooperation between MTB and EAP.
3. met with MTB contractor
to discuss an MTB skills and team building workshop. made
various suggestions about how such a workshop can be held most effectively.
MTB is looking for a time slot in its busy schedule when such a workshop can
25X1 be held--probably in late March or April.
4. Four instructors completed the Looking Glass Inc. instructor workshop
on 5 February. The workshop, the last day of which was cancelled by snow in
January, is an essential part of ensuring that Looking Glass continues to
25X1 challenge our best managers. It was conducted by assisted by
25X1 LGI Program Chairman
)1te.e.e Or
25X1,0 a.
04? .
us 5. of ?SACTD collabanaielLan. a half
day workshop for Office of Personnel managers and secretaries on
boss-secretary relations. The students included OP Director Ted Price. The
25X1 reactions from the students irig excellent.
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25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report
25X1 6. this week is teaching in the Federal Executive Institute
executive seminar course at Charlottsville. His involvement was arranged as
a result of his visit to FEI last Fall. His participation is part of the
effort to promote closer cooperation between LDD/MTB/EDS and FEI and to gain
25X1 a greater understanding of FEI programs.
7. Twenty Agency employees attended a particularly well received
5 February running of the Electives for Managers course, Stress Management.
There were only two "no-shows" this running. Thirty-one originally
registered for the course, but there were nine cancellations. The students
rated this course 4.6. The rating for instructor effectiveness was a
particularly high 4.8--testimony to the effectiveness of PDI contractor Susan
The student comments were very positive. There were a number of
comments such as, "This is one of the best courses available" and "I thought
it was the best Elective I have taken to date". One manager felt "that this
course should be available to all levels of Agency personnel and done as
early in their career as possible, and included in the basic Agency
will conduct a Managing Change workshop for 20 NPIC
for the NPIC Managers Course on 12 February.
9. will serve as an assessor and feedback giver for the
Executive Seminar on 22 and 24 February 1988
10. On 10 February, will attend the Professional Managers'
Association (PMA Board meeting, and on 19 February she will attend a PMA
sponsored luncheon to hear Rep. Frank Wolfe (R.-VA.) discuss legislative
25X1 issues affecting federal employees.
25X1 11. traveled to Morganton, North
Carolina on 4 February 1988 to meet with John S. Flood, Associate Director of
the North Carolina Outward Bound School, and Carrie Mozena, Associate Program
Director. The group traveled to and toured the Table Rock base camp in the
mountain wilderness of the Southern Appalachians. Course content and
administrative arrangements for the 1 - 7 May course for SIS officers were
finalized. Office of Logistics Procurement and Security have not completed
the contractual arran ements with the North Carolina School for the OTE, OTS,
25X1 and OSP courses.
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25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report
12. The distribution of the Executive Development Program "Training
Notes for Executives" was delayed due to an unusual number of errors in the
printing of the quarterly publication. EDS continues to have ?reat
25X1 difficulty in obtaining quality printing in a timely manner.
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