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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 3 April 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Henry P. Mahoney Director of Logistics SUBJECT: Report of Significant Logistics Activities for the Period Ending 2 April 1986 0 25X1 1. Events of Major Interest That Have Occurred During the Preceding Week: d. On 3 April, OL will provide media support for a meeting of the Council of American Ambassadors in Room 1A07, Headquarters. This meeting, sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs, will be attended by approximately 80 current and past Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T United States Ambassadors to hear "Challenges of Intelligence Today." The guest speakers are the DCI, the DDO, the DDI, and a panel of National Intelligence Officers. A brief question- and-answer period will follow each session. OL will generate an audio recording of this meeting. * e. The Printing and Photography Division (P&PD) used its new six-color press to produce an embellished reprint of "Washington's Best Employers." The highly complimentary article appeared in the February 1986 issue of The Washingtonian magazine. It the request of the Office of Personnel, P&PD is producing 5,000 copies of a two-page brochure that begins with the February cover from The Washingtonian, is followed by the cover from the Agency's Professional Career Appointment brochure, and concludes with the reprinted article. This high-quality publication will epitomize the Agency's endeavor toward excellence. f. As a potential means of cutting costs while meeting growing Agency requirements for office copiers, OL is exploring the benefits of a proposal by the Xerox Corporation regarding the purchase of currently rented Model 1075 copiers. This proposal affects 14 copiers on a "buy-one, get-a-smaller-model-for-free" basis. g. OL reports that lease negotiations for have been suspended for the first week of April due to planned vacations of key participants of both parties. Substantive meetings are expected to resume no later than 14 April. h. OL reports that an agreement on a rental rate for has been reached between negotiators from Gates Hudson and GSA. The agreed upon rental rate is higher than the original appraisal and now must be approved informally by GSA. Justification for the higher rate is the inclusion in the lease of additional roof top and parking space. GSA approval is ex ected by 4 April and by Gates Hudson shortly thereafter i. OL received the final design drawings for the second-floor renovation project on 28 March. Requests for roposa s, wi a bid closing date of 14 April, were hand-carried to selected contractors that same day. Contract award is anticipated by 18 April. All potential contractors have been informed up front that their construction crews are required to be mobilized ten days after notice to proceed is given, with construction to be completed 45 days later. S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T n. Work continues on the upgrade of elevators at the Headquarters Building. OL reports that to date, mechanical safety edges have been replaced with electronic detectors on all passenger elevators, and the first microprocessor overlay was completed on elevator eight. Once the microprocessor overlay has been installed on an entire bank of four elevators, they will be taken out of service for 4 to 48 hours to coordinate operation. Ample notice of this event will be given all employees. F-~ * o. OL reports that the Counterterrorist Center project to renovate 4,667 square feet of space for the office of Management, Planning and Services, DI, in the 2E corridor in Headquarters Building is on schedule. The completion date is set for 13 April. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 sr:URE1 * p. Technical problems encountered last week on the concrete pours for the new Headquarters Building appear to have been resolved. Proper fluidity of the concrete is now being maintained by wetting the aggregate before mixing it with the concrete. Proper fluidity on long pumping runs is also being maintained by increasing the cement to aggregate ratio. This produces a higher strength concrete than required by the Agency's technical specification, but it enables the contractor to place more concrete more quickly. This enhanced (stronger) concrete mixture costs the contractor (not the government) more money; however, this cost is more than offset by the increase in productivity that the contractor realizes. Major concrete pours are now scheduled for each day this week in both the North and South Towers of the new Headquarters Building. * q. Negotiations with Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Associates, Inc., (SH&G) on their cost proposal for the refitup design of the new Headquarters Building (necessitated by the Headquarters Management Board decision to relocate DI and DO personnel there) were broken off on 27 March without agreement. Negotiations will resume on 7 April in Detroit, at which time SH&G will present additional justification to support its proposed fixed price of $385,912. F--] r. Headquarters compound roadway and parking lot construction will soon commence in phases to alleviate the potential for a shortage of parking. The phased schedule is as follows: (1) 2 April - South Parking Lot road (2) 7 April - East Road (Route 123 entrance to front of Headquarters Building) (3) 14 April - Lanes A thru D in South Parking An employee bulletin on these activities will soon be disseminated and plans are currently being made for alternative parking arrangements. s. OL representatives briefed transportation specialists from the staffs of Congressman Frank Wolf, Senator John Warner, and Senator Paul Trible on planned roadway improvements for Routes 123 and 193. The briefings were well received with each congressional staffer agreeing that the Agency was doing everything within reason to accommodate concerns expressed by nearby residents. 4 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T All were invited to attend the next meeting of the Agency's Traffic Advisory Committee now scheduled for 14 April. Formal notifications for this meeting have been mailed. t. OL reports that solicitation for 761,400 square feet of carpet for the new Headquarters Building was sent to nine carpet manufacturers on 1 April. The bids are to be received from vendors by 1 May. The carpet will be required on-site in August for installation by the new Headquarters Building contractor (Centex, Incorporated). 2. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week: my P. Mahoney 5 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT STAFF WEEKLY REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING 2 APRIL 1986 1. Progress Report on Tasks Assigned by the DCI/DDCI: No tasks assigned during this reporting period. 2. Items or Events of Major Interest that have Occurred During the Preceding Week: A. DAS (1) DAS, RECD and OIT representatives met on 1 April to discuss Wang Systems requirements first and second floors. Installation of the Wang distribution system on the first floor must be acceptable to Wang Labs else the maintenance contract could be jeopardized. Wang Labs will suggest a layout of 25 Alliance systems for the present 2nd floor DAC, on the basis that the entire facility will become available for only Wang equipment. (2) Supply Division's FARS system required eleventh hour 3 modification to alter GSA requisition parameters. The new codes become effective on 1 April and are in place. (3) Wallace Computer Services, vendors of the software used in the Mail and Courier Branch to record/track document receipts, has offered to analyze a system bug that is bringing the system to its knees. TG/DAS is recommending that Wallace solve the problem rather than a more inefficient approach of having TG start at square one. B. Regulations (1) IMSS actions on regulations included the following: Employee Bulletin, "Rehabilitation of North, South, and West Parking Lots," forwarded to C/RPD/OIS. LI 45-30-67, "Emergency Situations in the Headquarters Area," forwarded to C/OC/OL-ISC. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Congressional Affairs, was provided OL's comments. INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT STAFF WEEKLY REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING 2 APRIL 1986 (3) OTHER Completed the coordination process of H.R. 3963 within 25X1 Y OL. Deputy Director for Legislation, Office of C. Headquarters Claims Review Board Status of Headquarters Claims Review Board personal Property claims for March 1986 is as follows: Received: Adjudicated: Amount Claimed: Amount Paid: Claims Denied: 16 17 30,826.48 25,633.16 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 1. Progress Report of Tasks Assigned by the DCI/DDCI: No tasks assigned during this reporting period. 2. Items or Events of Major Interest that have Occurred During the Preceding Week: a. The Production and Services Contracts Branch, Procurement Division, has completed negotiations with Infra-Structures, Incorporated of West Babylon, New York, for the award of an Office A, of Information Technology requirement for "Command Center" equipment. The Command Center equipment consists of various custom designed furniture modules that can be stacked in various ways to hold communication and computer equipment in the smallest possible space. 9 X1 25X1 c. On Thursday, 26 March 1986, a meeting was held between General Electric (G.E.) representatives and a contract officer from Production and Services Contract Branch/Procurement Division to discuss purchase of various items from G.E. and that a decision had not yet been made on certain other items. G.E. was told that some items would not be purchased Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 The two major items still undecided are the furniture and the alarm system. G.E. was requested to provide backup cost data for the items the A e is interested in purchasing. Because of budget constraints 25X1 the Working Group would like to make the payment for the items in isca year 1987. A lease with purchase option was offered to G.E., however, they would like a more definite arrangement. The type C 25X1 \' d. Representatives of the New Building Project Office and Production and Services Contracts Branch, Procurement Division, met with officers of Smith, Hinchman & Grylls on 27 March for the purpose of negotiating a change in scope in the architect/engineer services contract for the Headquarters addition. In response to the contractor. again after the COTR has reviewed the hours further with the effort required seemed excessive. Negotiations will be undertaken overnment's request for rearrangement of 244,000 square feet of space n the addition, the contractor proposes a lump sum of $385,912. This igure was rejected by the government because hours proposed for the e. On 28 March 1986, in support of the Communications Engineering Division, Network Systems Engineering Group, Office of Information Technology, the Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, Procurement Division, issued a request for proposal for the development, integration, testing, installation and maintenance of a Message Handling Facility. Proposals in response to this request for proposal are due no later than 12 May 1986 with an anticipated award of September 1986. f. On 28 March 1986, members of the Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, Procurement Division, met with members from office of Information Technology, Directorate for Administration; Office of Strategic Weapons Development, Director for Intelligence (DI); and Office of Research and Development, Director for Science & Technology to discuss an upcoming DI requirement of an $11M acquisition of a Cray 3. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Period Ending on 02 April 1986 Items or Events of Major Interest That Have Occurred During the Preceding Week: 1. A review was completed of the recommended new foreign iJ ownership, control, or influence policy by the Procurement Management Staff, Security Staff, and the Procurement Division. A final draft is being prepared for coordination. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY DIVISION WEEKLY REPORT FOR PERIOD OF 27 MARCH - 2 APRIL 1986 25X1 I. Items or Events of Major Interest that have Occurred B. On 3 April '!V the Office of Logistics will provide media support for a meeting of the Council of American Ambassadors in Headquarters Room 1AQ7,?j bjhA4,Feg~tdi9g~be sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) A Approxima?~ely7 0 current and past United States Ambassadors w!!! be-1 l .~ to hear 'Challenges of Intelligence Today'. The guest speakers are the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), the Deputy Director for Intelligence (DDI), and a panel of National Intelligence Officers (NIO). A brief question and answer period will follow each session. P&PD will generate an audio recording of this meeting. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T D. The Office of Logistics, Printing and Photography Division (OL/P&PD) met the 29 March deadline for producing 'Your Personal History Statement'. This extremely labor intensive job required that P&PD print the title cover and envelope, sort the individual statements (received from VA~~ the Office of Information Technology), collate the sorted documents, stitch ~~ R.. each individual set of materials, and hand-stuff same into envelopes. 'Your Personal History Statement' is a synopsis of each Agency employee's status with regard to insurance, retirement, voluntary investment, and leave status. Comments from other Agency components are highly 25X1 complimentary with regard to P&PD's efforts on this project. E. The Office of Logistics, Printing aM-F otograpny Division f%tP&PD) used its new 6-color press to produce an embellished reprint of 'Washington's Best Employers'. The highly complimentary article appeared in the February 1986 issue of The Washingtonian magazine. At the request of the Office of Personnel (OP), P&PD is producing 5,000 copies of a 2-page brochure that begins with the February cover from The Washingtonian, is followed by the cover from the Agency's Professional Career Appointment brochure, and concludes with the reprinted article. This high-quality 25X1' publication will epitomize the Agency's endeavor toward excellence. F. The Office of Logistics, Printing and Photography Division (OL/P&PD) is continuing to study potential deterrents against the copying of classified documents. Thus far, a variety of alternatives such as the G. As a potential means of cutting costs while meeting growing Agency requirements for office copiers, the Office of Logistics, Printing and Photography Division (OL/P&PD) is exploring the benefits of a proposal by the Xerox Corporation regarding the purchase of currently rented Model 1075 copiers. This proposal affects 14 co iers on a 'buy-one, ~ ~ 25X1,.Uv get-a-smaller-model-for-free' basis. H. At the request of the Director of Logistics (DL) the Printing and 25X1 1 Photography Division (P&PD) sent two employees 25X1 AI0 to conduct an on-location video recording of the recently Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T renovated Auditorium. This recording will be edited for inclusion in a video tape of Office of Logistics (OL) recent accomplishments. Editing 25X1 will commence as soon as slides can be 25X1 obtained for the purpose of showing 'before and after' compariso ns. 25X1 I. In accordance with the Office of Logistics, Printing and Photography Division (OL/P&PD) mission, more than $4,000.00 of television equipment purchases were approved during this reporting period. Established as a safeguard against unnecessary duplication, equipment incompatability, and poor quality hardware, P&PD has conducted an Agency-wide television management program for the past three years. During that time there have been many instances where P&PD's efforts have saved Agency components from procuring equipment that would not completely satisfy their needs. At the same time P&PD has offered guidance as to the current market value of hardware, what 'track record' the equipment has with other Agency users, and other information that is pertinent to the component's requirements. While the direct dollars saved have been small (as high as $500.00 per line item), the payoff in terms of customer satisfaction has been well worth the effort. To date P&PD has signed-off 25X1 on $247,196.83 worth of television equipment for FY-1986. 25X1 25X1 * J. The Office of Logistics, Printing and Photography Division (OL/P&PD) is searching for a replacement for the badge numbering device located in the Office of Security (OS). The existing unit was identified by P&PD personnel when the original identification camera system was installed in Headquarters. This unit is currently suffering from intermittent mechanical problems. P&PD is looking for a state-of-the-art personal computer (PC) controlled unit. Due to the unique requirements of this system P&PD may have to design and install a custom-built badge numbering device. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T II. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 S E C R E T REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION WEEKLY REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING 1 APRIL 1986 1. Progress Report Tasks Assigned by the DCI/DDCI: No tasks assigned during this reporting period. 2. Items or Events of Major Interest That Have Occurred During the Preceding Week: ( a L 1 L s 4-k f a. - Lease negotiations for have been suspended. the first week of April due to i*e planned vacations of bftt~ key participants of both parties. Substantive meetings are expected resume, n0 G'?^r `f'l`Gv /V b. Proposed Allocation of Parking Spaces - The parking coordinator for the external buildings has prepared a drawing proposing the location of Reserved- tor, Official, and Handicapped parking spaces at the facility. The parking coordinator will present the proposa to the working group meeting and give copies of the drawings to the components' representatives. The Real Estate and Construction Division OL, will request their comments and work with Office of Development and Engineering and Foreign Broadcast Information Service to ensure parking is a non-problem. 0 L_ 11 y e11. r a.1w Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Period Ending 1 April 1986 SUBJECT: Real Estate and Construction Division Weekly Report for 25X11 (drawings for the second floo 25X1 25X1 contractors that, same d d T 28 Marc , 38.6- Requests for Proposa communications hardware at the same tiThe outside, uncle 'ed ate JO}ne 86.E two wVeks have bo' n addedy%to the sc1-edule to allow for the possibility', of construction change orders. Delays may also occur due ",to the coordina'tn problems associated with installing Office of Technology't. ~ Contract award 4114-9 'e by 18 April 1986. Zon ractors have been informed up front that their construction crews are required to be mobilized ten days after notice to proceed is given with construction to be completed 45 days later. / CTS The Technical Security.Divisio A"6 been advised in writing that Wocup~ I construction crews-are working. 25X`I,. renovations to the old Credit Union space 25X1 scheduled to be completed by 4 April 1986. AL cIt r4nlvek The final design on i &6. ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 SUBJECT: Real Estate and Construction Division Weekly Report for Period Ending 1 April 1986 i. Real Estate Branch Representative Attends Management Concepts Course - A Real Property Officer from Real Estate and Construction Division, OL, attended a course entitled "Cost and Price Analysis of Lease Proposals" on 24 - 28 March 1986. This course was given by Management Concepts Incorporated, and was held in Tysons Corner, Virginia. The course was designed to focus on analysis techniques used in negotiating lease contracts. The course was both relevant and informative, and will be of assistance when 25X1 neaotiating leases for our A enc 's space requirements. L~~I S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 SUBJECT: Real Estate and Construction Division Report for Period Ending 1 April 1986 3. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 l.V1VC"1L~N'1'lAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION, OL WEEKLY REPORT PERIOD ENDING 2 APRIL 1986 1. Events of Major Interest That Have Occurred During 1flb l :JreAa'nica`1 safety edgeV A-4-fl s have been re 1 w't h i4QLoik'" 25X11 1 25X1 electronic detectors on all passenger elevators~ar*- Z 1 ~..~,._.. =ZLJU le first microprocessorvlltd oeray was compee on elevator eight. I-nstallatiAr~_.._of_th.ks- 0Ver-lay-.-regti.ired considerably more time- iec-ause.o? the unanticipated unorthodox ins ta11atioa--o -_a- "F rreentan's Emergen r ~e rvte pee~kage b-y GSA seirsla-- eer-s` rgcr. Painstaking tracing of each circuit. and connection was necessary to create a ,model- procedur-e for subseguuen-t eVerl-ap .inst-ai_lations. Now that this has been accomplished, downtime f C, k A, i$p a pva n XGSed ~ r,e bank Q fjQou ~g 9JP~ S , I U.H 40 e s Onc%ran entr a evators1 b has ean nnmp1PtAr_ 44e-be taken out of service for 4 to 48 hours to coordinate operation.of- _h._ fourut vaI Ample notice of this event will be given all employee 1AA c. C~Whe Counterter orist Center (CTC) project to renovate 4,667 square feet of space for DDI/MPS in the 2E corridor in Headquarters is on schedule. The completion date is set for 13 April. '61'4d d. The DDO/PPS renovations for the 3D00 area have been delayed because was not completed on time. Phase II completion date has been extended to 14 May vice 29 April and Phase IV completion has been scheduled for 30 June e. The Engineering Branch, Facilities Management Division, OL, completed the preparation of guidelines for an operations and maintenance program for the Headquarters compound. Copies of the document were issued to the Allied Site Manager on 31 March for his review. A meeting with Allied representatives is scheduled for 2 April to discuss the guidelines and to develop a methodology for a comprehensive operations and maintenance plan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5 CONFIDENTIAL f. During the week of 24 March, the Mail & Courier Branch (M&CB), Facilities Management Division, OL, hand sorted and deliv d th Offi f ere e ce o Personnel, Personal Benefits VP \t q Statement for each Agency employee. The statements were '` packaged by the Printing and Photography Division and given to M&CB in five shipments, each containing between four and five thousand envelopes. The shipments were spread out over four 25X1 days and delivery was completed by COB Friday, 28 March. 2. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Chief, Facilities Management Division, OL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200160022-5