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. . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T MEMORANDUM FOR: Chiefs, PSIS Field Bureaus FROM : Chief, FBIS SUBJECT : Letter of Instruction 14 January 1959 - GENERAL 1. The report of the 20 November conference on television monitoring was reproduced and disseminated as an attachment to a letter to potential consumers requesting a written statement of requirements. This letter requested replies by 16 January 1959. 50X1 2. Replies received on 23 December completed response to the African Survey. A report is being drafted analyzing the response, which showed a strong shift toward West Africa. Replies, iu general stronger and more definitely positive or negative than in the 1957 survey, reflect an increased interest in and concern about Africa. 50X1 3. In a visit to U.S. Army Communications Agency at the Pentagon by the Chief, Field Operations Staff, it was emphasized that all control of allocated channels remains with that Agency and that theater officers cannot in a MINIMIZE 50X1 expropriate channels without MAGA sanction. Recent technical developments in ACM communications facilities have increased their potential capacity and lowered the likelihood of FBIS being affected by a trans-Atlantic MINIMIZE. 4. The East Coast Bureau devoted much special attention to the Cuban situation, providing excellent coverage of the climax. The only major flaw was inability to intercept Castro and Urrutia speeches from Santiago. These were not carried by Havana stations because they were also inaudible there. Considerable special cruising of Cuba was required. 50X1 5. Force is expected to be installed by 15 January 1959. FBIS has been advised that the Wirt Service to the Department of Air 6. Supplements to the Daily Report: a. 11 December - Gheorghiu-Dej Economic Plan Report to Party Central Committee, November 260 1958 b. 17 December - Khrushchey Report on Agriculture to CPSU Central Committee, December 15, 1958 c. 23 December - World Radio and Press Reaction to Launching of Atlas Satellite S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -2- 7. Radio Propaganda Reports: a. "New Moscow Approach to Cooperation with Western Socialists: Effort to Undermine Rightwing Leaderships" b. "Indications of Reduced Defense Ministry Control over Political Work in the Soviet Armed Forces" c. "Increased Appeal to Iraqi Listeners in Yerevan Broadcasts to the Middle East" ? 50X1 c. "Continued Resistance among Soviet Writers to Party Pressures for Conformity" 8. The November Radio Propaganda Report on "Soviet Propaganda on Missile- Launching Submarines" drew compliments from CCI and from the Deputy Chief, Office of Naval Intelligence. an requested additional PSIS analysis of Soviet propa- ganda on the military and scientific aspects of soviet rocketry and space-vehicle development. 50X1 9. Special Propaganda Analysis Services a. Fourteen analyses of Soviet propaganda on the two Geneva conferences, on stopping nuclear tests and on measures to prevent surprise attack, were forwarded to CCI for incorporation in the Agency support cables to the U.S. delegation staffs. Texts of key Soviet propaganda items were supplied to the delegations by the London Bureau. The service was suspended while the talks were in recess, 19 December to 5 January. b. Card files of Soviet leaders' references to ICBMs were made available to OSI and CRR. Some 80 carded references were thermofaxed for both offices. Card files of Soviet propaganda references to certain key continuing themes were made available to analysts in DD/P and USIA. c. Propaganda-analysis items on the FBIS Wire discussed (1) postponement of the USSR Writers Congress in the wake of the Pasternak Affair, (2) an East German journal item crediting the USSR with having developed a Polaris-type missile, (3) Radio Moscow's silence concerning the Khrushchev-Humphrey talks, and (4) Peking radio publicity for an anti-Nasir statement by Syrian Communist leader Bakdash. 10. The search for ways to reduce the cost to MIS of new short wave multicouplers produced by the CGS Laboratories of Stamford, Connecticut, revealed that other manufacturers are basing similar multicoupler development on date in- S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 -3- disclosed by CGS. MIS will also test Westinghouse units. 11. Sixteen magnetic belt recorders and six transcribers were delivered to the East Coast Bureau during the month. Delivery of the remainder of Bureau's 25 recorders and 24 transcribers is expected in January 1959. 12. Chief, Radio Propaganda Branch, departed on 7 Jannary on an inspection and orientation trip to all FBIS field stations. EDITORIAL BRANCH 1. General a. So that material will be published in that section of the Daily Report where the largest number of consumers would be most likely to look for it first, it has been decided that if an item emanating from a communist trans- mitter is the only good source of reportage (not commentary) on an event in a noncommunist country, it may be published in the Daily Report under the country in which the event took place. An example of this would be reports of the activities of Latin American communist parties carried in Peking's Spanish- language transmissions and unobtainable from monitored Latin American sources. This decision does not require any changes in field procedirea The dintri- bution of incoming copy at Headquarters remains unaltered. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 b. In processing monitored materials field editors are urged to strive for simplicity of expression without jeopardizing the faithfulness of translation. Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessarily complicated expressions, a few examples of which follow: "despite the fact that" ("although"); "desirous or ("want" or "desire"); "per head of the population" ("per capita"); ? "in receipt or ("have" or "have rereivAd" ; "of the opinion that" ("believe" or "think"), and so forth. 50X1 c. If a bureau for any reason must temporarily suspend filing of a multitake item, an editorial note or FYI to that effect should indicate the approximate time of resumption and completion of filing. 50X1 d. Some of the field contributions to the recent reaction report on the Atlas satellite indicate that not all roundup writers are scrutinizing the finished reports in order to tailor their products to Headquarters' needs and preferences. A few roundups were submitted in the present tense; others, while correctly written in the past tense, did not conform to accepted style concerning sequence of tenser in dependent clauses. One roundup of noncommunist comment cited broadcast times of items in several cases, although such information is seldom pertinent in a report of this nature. 50X1 2. London Bureau a. The Bureau's roundup of Dec. 4 East German Radio comment on Adenauer's visit to West Berlin, published in the Dec. 5 Daily Report, is an excellent example of the possibilities for compressing a large volume of broadcast material into a few paragraphs which highlight the essential elements. Such creative editing, which maker: for a tighter file and thenSfons An 4nmnameaR mi....inn+ as Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T is greatly appreciated by Daily Report editora. b. The bureau is commended for its expeditious and competent handling of Khrushehev's Dec. 15 agricultural report. Headquarters particularly appre- ciates being advised, as it was In this case, that lengthy_broadcant_items of this nature are being, or have been, rechecked before filing. 50X1 3. Austrian Bureau a. The bureau's effort to tighten the Austrian press review is apparent and praiseworthy. To achieve even greater conciseness, it is suggested that the review writer make more liberal use of generalizations to reflect the common editorial opinion of each political party, rather than supply detailed treatment nf comment by individual newspapers. 50X1 ? 50X1 b. The bureau should use the full logograph for Austrian radio litems: Vienna, Austrian Home Service, Dec. 15, 1958, 2300 GMT--A. 50X1 4. Mediterranean Bureau It would be appreciated if editors would follow the format for the Middle East Review used by the Daily Report, w annendA enimunist ?aliment on Middle East affairs under a separate heading. 50X1 5. Tokyo Bureau a. Editors are reminded of the continuing need for timely, detailed FYI's and cues on major newsbreaks and other items of significance. The Dec- ember report of the JCP Standing Committee on the party's third plenary session is a ease in point. 50X1 b. Although the bureau's communications problem is recognized, it is felt here that bureau editors should make every effort to proofread all publish- able copy carefully before the end of the workday, since the normal departure of the Tokyo editor?coinciding almost exactly with the start of the editorial branch workday--can result in a delay of many hours in the servicing of editorial queries regarding copy. 50X1 c. It is suggested that items filed from the KYODO morning edition which were released the preceding evening be subslugged "advance release." This will prevent occasional doubts as to the correctness of the date of an item when it is later than that on which the item is received. 50X1 6. Saigon Bureau The monthly table of contents for HOC TAP has obviated the need for FYI's on items from this source. They are, however, still extremely helpful in connection with the planned translation of lengthy items from other papers concern- ing which FDD has requested close day-to-day coordination with Daily Report editors. 50X1 RADIO PROPAGANDA BRANCH COMMENT 1. The Mediterranean Bureau's FyfIs and sample filing of items from Yerevan's "letters to the editor features" provided the basis for a report on Yerevan'q apparently increased appeal to Iraqi listeners. The branch will appreciate FYI3 on the development of this trend?including statistics, when possible, on the numbers of letters read in these programs from individual countries or areas. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-ITDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E=C-R-E-T -5- 2. The Austrian Bureau provided usefUl_support in, Fits on. Soviet and satellite press treatment of Yugoslav National Day, Soviet and satellite press coverage of Stalin's.bilthday, and treatment of Bulganin's Supreme Soviet speech by Radio Moscow and PRAVDA. 50X1 FIELD OPERATIONS =err 1. Bureaus are reminded that Headquarters authority is required before a bureau may drop the last cast covered from a country. Notification in the Coverage Change Report of the deletion-of'such-a cast is not sufficient. 50X1 2. Bureaus are again reminded that all information, .however marginal, which berg nn any technical Emmert of radio broadcasting should be flagged "copy to 50X1 3. It has been noted that the domestic bureaus and Panama Post have adopted the habit of referring to Panama Post in teletype messages by the simple abbreviation "PP". Owing to the common usage of these same letters both in Washington and the field by another organization, it is requested that the full name "Panama Post" or simply "Panama" or other appropriate equi- valent be used in lieu of the abbreviation. 50X1 ADMINISTRATION 1. The "Official Use Only" control stamp on the FBIS Daily Reports is not a security classification and is not to be used in conjunction therewith. It is designated to control dissemination and provide protection 'under copy, right, slander, libel and communication laws. Although foreign national employees may have access to the Daily Reports, control of these? publications should remain in the hands of a responsible classified official. FBIZ Daily Reports are the only "Official Use Only" documents which need not be placed in cabinets when not in use. In installations not under FBIS control, such as Eabassies, security regulations of the host organization should govern the custody and storage of the Daily Report. 50X1 2. With respect to paragraphs 4.e. (1) and 4.e. (2), 50X1 it should be noted that the rates are now $13,970 per annum and $537.60 per biweekly pay period. 50X1 3. Bureaus are advised that no mail (private or official) should be addressed to 1717 H. St. 4. The following FBIS regulatory issuances were released during the month of December: S-E7C-R-E-T Dist. F-3 Dist. F-3 50X1 50X1? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -6- PERSONNEL CHANGES 50X1 1. New employees in FBIS: Name Assignment Teletypist 50X1 Ed. Br. Librarian Ed. Br. 2. Reassignments Naze Fr= To Chief, Ed. Br. Deputy Chief, FBIS 50X1 Chief, London Bur. Chief, Ed. Br. Asst. Chief, Field Opr. Staff Chief Monitor Okinawa Bur. Chief, Okinawa Bur. Chief, MedBureau Deputy Chief, London Bur. Chief, London Bur. Watch Officer Watch Officer ECB MedBureau Watch Officer Watch Officer MedBureau WCB 3. Separations Name AttAchmerit Ft= Analyst RPB Editor Ed. Br. 50X1 50X1 OGER G. SEELY ormnr In Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 14 January 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chiefs, FBIS Field Bureaus FRCM : Chief, IBIS SUBJECT : Letter of Instruction GENERAL 1. The report of the 20 November conference on television monitoring was reproduced and disseminated as an attachment to a letter to potential consumers requesting a written statement of requirements. This letter requested replies by 16 January 1959. 50X1 2. Replies received on 23 December completed response to the African Survey. A report is being drafted analyzing the response, which showed a strong shift toward West Africa. Replies, in general stronger and more definitely positive or negative than in the 1957 survey, reflect an increased interest in and concern' about Africa. 50X1 3. In a visit to U.S. Army Communications Agency at the Pentagon by the Chief, Field Operations Staff, it was emphasized that all control of allocated 50X1 channels remains with that Agency and that theater officers cannot in a MINIMIZE expropriate channels without USACA sanction. Recent technical developments in ACAN communications facilities have increased their potential capacity and lowered the likelihood of IBIS being affected by a trans-Atlantic MINIMIZE. 4. The East Coast Bureau devoted much special attention to the Cuban situation, providing excellent coverage of the climax. The only major flaw was Inability to intercept Castro and Urrutia speeches from Santiago. These were not carried by Havana stations because they were also inaudible there. Considerable special cruising of Cuba was required. 50X1 5. Force is expected to be installed by 15 January 1959. IBIS has been advised that the Wire Service to 6. Supplements to the Daily Report: a. 11 December b. 17 December c. 23 December the Denartmen of Air - Gheorghiu-Dej Economic Plan Report to Party Central Committee, November 26, 1958 - Khrushchev Report on Agriculture to CPSU Central Committee, December 15, 1958 - World Radio and Press Reaction to Launching of Atlas Satellite S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 IrrVW1 -2- 7. Radio Propaganda Reports: a. "New Moscow Approach to Cooperation with Western Socialists: Effort to Undermine Rightwing Leaderships" b. "Indications of Reduced Defense Ministry Control over Political Work in the Soviet Armed Forces" c. "Increased Appeal to Iraqi Listeners in Yerevan Broadcasts to the Middle East" c. "Continued Resistance among Soviet Writers to Party Pressures for Conformity" 50X1 3. The November Radio Propaganda Report on "Soviet Propaganda on Missile- Launching Submarines" drew compliments from CCI and from the Deputy Chief, Office of Naval Intelligence. ONI requested additional FBIS analysis of Soviet propa- ganda on the military and scientific aspects of soviet rocketry and space-vehicle development. 50X1 9. special Propaganda Analysis Services a. Fourteen analyses of Soviet propaganda on the two Geneva conferences, on stopping nuclear tests and on measures to prevent surprise attack, were forwarded to CCI for incorporation in the Agency support cables to the U.S. delegation staffs. Texts of key Soviet propaganda items were supplied to the delegations by the London Bureau. The service was suspended while the talks were in recess, 19 December to 5 January. b. Card files of Soviet leaders' references to ICBMs were made available to OSI and ORB. Some 80 carded references were thermofaxed for both offices. Card files of Soviet propaganda references to certain key continuing themes were made available to analysts in DD/P and USIA. c. Propaganda-analysis items on the FBIS Wire discussed (1) postponement of the USSR Writers Congress in the wake of the Pasternak Affair, (2) an East German journal item crediting the USSR with having developed a Polaris-type missile, (3) Radio Moscow's silence concerning the Khrushchev-Humphrey talks, and (4) Peking radio publicity for an anti-Nasir statement by Syrian Communist leader Bakdash. 1C. The search for ways to reduce the cost to FBIS of new short wave multicouplers produced by the CGS Laboratories of Stamford, Connecticut, revealed that other manufacturers are basing similar multicoupler development on date in- S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 -3- advertently disclosed by CGS. FBIS will also test Westinghouse units. 11. Sixteen magnetic belt recorders and six transcribers were delivered to the East Coast Bureau during the month. Delivery of the remainder of the Bureau's 25 recorders and 24 transcribers is expected in January 1959. 12. OhieflRadio Propaganda Branch, departed on 7 Jarman on An inspection and orientation trip to all FBIS field stations. EDITORIAL BRANCH 1. General 50X1 50X1 =nv 50X1 50X1 50X1 a. So that material will be published in that section of the Daily Report where the largest number of consumers would be most likely to look for it first, it has been decided that if an item emanating from a communist trans- mitter is the only good source of reportage (not commentary) on an event in a noncommunist country, it may be published in the Daily Report under the country in which the event took place. An example of this would be reports of the activities of Latin American communist parties carried in Peking's Spanish- language transmissions and unobtainable from monitored Latin American sources. This decision does not require any changes in field procedures. The distri- bution of incoming copy at Headquarters remains unaltered. 50X1 b. In processing monitored materials field editors are urged to strive for simplicity of expression without jeopardizing the faithfulness of translation. Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessarily complicated expressions, a few examples of which follow: "despite the fact that" ("although"); "desirous or ("want" or "desire"); "per head of the population" ("per capita"); "in receipt or ("have" or "have received"); "of the opinion that" ("believe" or "think"), and so forth. 50X1 c. If a bureau for any reason must temporarily suspend filing of a multitake item, an editorial note or FYI to that effect should indicate the approximate time of resumption and completion of filing. 50X1 d. Some of the field contributions to the recent reaction report on the Atlas satellite indicate that =tall roundup writers are scrutinizing the finished reports in order to tailor their products to Headquarters' needs and preferences. A few roundups were submitted in the present tense; others, while correctly written in the past tense, did not conform to accepted style concerning sequence of tenser in dependent clauses. One roundup of noncommunist comment cited broadcast times of items in several cases. although such information is seldom pertinent in a retort of this nature. 50X1 2. London Bureau a. The Bureau's roundup of Dec. 4 East German Radio comment on Adenauer's visit to West Berlin, published in the Dec. 5 Daily Report, is an excellent example of the possibilities for compressing a large volume of broadcast material into a few paragraphs which highlight the essential elements. Such creative editing, whirh makers for a tighter file and therefore an increased amount of nublinhAblo matArinl Declassified M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000306180014-7 -4- is greatly appreciated by Daily Report editors. 50X1 b. The bureau is commended for its expeditious and competent handling of Khrushchev's Dec. 15 agricultural report. Headquarters particularly appre- ciates being advised, as it was in this case, that lengthy broadcast items of this nature are being, or have been, rechecked before filing. 50X1 3. Austrian Bureau a. The bureau's effort to tighten the Austrian press review is apparent and praiseworthy. To achieve even greater conciseness, it is suggested that the review writer make more liberal use of generalizations to reflect the common editorial opinion of each political party, rather than supply detailed treatment nf camment by individual newspapers. 50X1 b. The bureau should use the full logograph for Austrian Vienna, Austrian Home Service, Dec. 15, 1958, 2300 GMT--A. 4. Mediterranean Bureau It would be appreciated if editors would follow the format for the Middle East Review used by the Daily Report, which appends communist comment on Middle East affairs under a separate heading. 50X1 5. Tokyo Bureau a. Editors are reminded of the continuing need for timely, detailed FYI's and cues on major newsbreaks and other items of significance. The Dec- ember report of the JCP Standing Committee on the party's third plenary session is a ease in point. 50X1 radio items: 50X1 b. Although the bureau'd communications problem is recognized, it is felt here that bureau editors should make every effort to proofread all publish- able copy carefully before the end of the workday, since the normal departure of the Tokyo editor--coinciding almost exactly with the start of the editorial branch workday--can result in a delay of many hours in the servicing of editorial queries regarding copy. 50X1 c. It is suggested that items filed from the KYODO morning edition which were released the preceding evening be subslugged "advance release." This will prevent occasional doubts as to the correctness of the date of an item when it is later than that on which the item is received. 50X1 6. Saigon Bureau The monthly table of contents for HOC TAP has obviated the need for FYI's on items from this source. They are, however, still extremely helpful in connection with the planned translation of lengthy items from other papers concern- ing which FDD has requested close day-tc-day coordination with Daily Report editors. 50X1 RADIO PROPAGANDA BRANCH COMMENT 1. The Mediterranean Bureau's Fypt and sample filing of items from Yerevan's "letters to the editor features" provided the basis for a report on Yerevan's apparently increased appeal to Iraqi listeners. The branch will appreciate FYI5 on the development of this trend--including statistics, when possible, on the numbers of letters read in these programs from individual countries or areas. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -5- 2. The Austrian Bureau provided useful support in FYIs on Soviet and satellite press treatment of Yugoslav National Day, Soviet and satellite press coverage of Stalin's birthday, and treatment of Bulganin's Supreme Soviet speech by Radio Moscow and PRAVDA. 50X1 FIELD OPERATIONS COMMENT 1. Bureaus are reminded that Headquarters authority is required before a bureau may drop the last cast covered from a country. Notification in the Coverage Chan7 Report of the deletion of such a cast is not sufficient. 2. Bureaus are again reminded that all information, however marginal, which bears on any technical aspect of radio broadcasting should be flagged "copy to 3. It has been noted that the domestic bureaus and Panama Poi* have adopted the habit of referring to Panama Post in teletype messages by the simple abbreviation "PP". Owing to the common usage of these same letters both in Washington and the field by another organization, it is requested that the full name "Panama Post" or simply "Panama" or other appropriate equi- valent be used in lieu of the abbreviation. 50X1 50X1 50X1 ADMINISTRATION 1. The "Official Use Only" control stamp on the FBIS Daily Reports is not a security classification and is not to be used in conjunction therewith. It is designated to control dissemination and provide protection under copy,- right, slander, libel and communication laws. Although foreign national employees may have access to the Daily Reports, control of these publications should remain in the hands of a responsible classified official. FBIS Daily Reports are the only "Official Use Only" documents which need not be placed in cabinets when not in use. In installations not under FBIS control, such as EMbassies, security regulations of the host organization should govern the custody and storage of the Daily Report. 50X1 2. With respect to paragraphs 4.e. (1) and 4.e. (2), 50X1 now $13,970 it should be noted tha per annum and $537.60 per biweekly pay period. 50X1 3. Bureaus are advised that no mail (private or official) should be addressed to 1717 H. St. 50X1 4. The following FBIS regulatory issuances were released during the month of December: S-E-C-R-E-T Dist. F-3 Dist. F-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -6- PERSONNEL CHANGES 50X1 1. New employees in FBIS: Name Assignment Teletypist 50X1 Ed. Br. Librarian Ed. Br. 2. Reassignments Name From To 50X1 Chief, Ed. Br. Deputy Chief, FBIS Chief, London Bur. Chief, Ed. Br. Asst. Chief, Field Opr. Staff Chief Monitor Okinawa Bur. Chief, Okinawa Bur. Chief, MedBureau Deputy Chief, London Bur. Chief, London Bur. Watch Officer Watch Officer ECB MedBureau Watch Officer Watch Officer MedBureau WOE 3. Separations Name Attachment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300180014-7 From Analyst RPB Editor Ed. Br. 50X1 50X1