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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 25X1 25X1 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) 27 April 1987 Demonstration at the Headquarters Compound FROM Hrs Security EXTENSION U A F E2z i F t r - Jitttt i E [ TO: o building) D OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. D /S FYI, Attached is latest information 2. C? / regarding the 27 April 1987 demonstration at the Headquarters Compound sponsored by a group 3. calling for the "mobilization F u lA1 R 1987- for justice and peace in Central America and Southern Africa". 4. \Q~~ ?+ P R i9a 5. (^~Qq \ C .13 6. 0 _-~ 7. v 8. t 10. 11. cc: DD/PTS/OS DD/PS/OS C/PA SG/OS . 12. C/PSD/PASG C/DCI/SS DDA 13. D/OL OL/FMD OGC 14. PAO 15. FORM /,I n USE PREVIOUS O U.S. Government hinting Office: 19SS-494-034K9154 [NTlfl~rt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security FROM: Chief, Headquarters Security Division SUBJECT: 27 April 1987 Demonstration At The Headquarters Compound. 1. On 30 March 1987, a meeting was held at the United States Park Police (USPP) Headquarters regarding the "Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Central America and Southern Africa" (Tabs A & B) demonstration which is planned to take place at the Headquarters Compound on Monday, 27 April 1987. The following information was provided: o Demonstrators are expected to number between 600 and 1,000. o Transportation will be via some twelve buses and an unknown number of vans and private automobiles. o The staging area has been identified as the Langley Fork Park located on Georgetown Pike (Rt. #193) (Tab E) where the demonstrators will be dropped off and picked up. o The demonstrators plan to depart Washington, D.C., at 0630 hours. A rally at the staging area will commence at approximately 0700 hours. Following the rally (length of time unknown), the demonstrators will proceed to the Route #123 Gate by walking along the shoulder of Routes #193 and #123. A second group of demonstrators will proceed to the George Washington Parkway entrance via vans. o The demonstrators at the Route #123 entrance will gather on the triangle on Route #123 and surrounding grassy areas on both sides of the Headquarters access road (Tab E) . 0 The demonstrators on the George Washington Parkway entrance will be dropped off on the grassy areas on both sides of the access road leading to the Parkway gate (Tab E). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 o Non-violent civil disobedience (Tab D) in the form of traffic disruption (only type of disruption volunteered) is planned at both entrances with anticipated arrests numbering between 100-300. All arrests arc planned to take place on federal property. Demonstrators will carry banners, posters, crosses, mock tomb stones, bullhorns, etc. o At this time there is no plan to demonstrate at Langley Fork Park or disrupt traffic along Route #193. However, details regarding the staging area activities are unclear at this time. o Application for this demonstration (Tab C) was filed with the National Park Service on 23 March 1987. It is anticipated that the permit will be honored. The permit shows the demonstration taking place from 0630/0700 to 1800 hours. However, the demonstration spokespersons indicated that the demonstration will be over by 1330 hours. o Per Fairfax County Police Department (FFX CO PD), a permit for demonstration with Fairfax County is not required for this event. o News media coverage is expected but the extent is not currently known. 2. Following the meeting, discussions were held with representatives of the USPP, GSA/Federal Protective Service and FFX CO PD re matters of jurisdictional concern. It was tentatively agreed that USPP will assume responsibility of all areas adjacent to the George L'ashington Parkway entrance as well as along the Turkey Run Access Road. The Federal Protective Service (FPS) will be responsible for the demonstration pathes along Routes #123 and #193, the Route #123 access road, and areas along the east perimeter fence line. FPS will also have concurrent jurisdiction with the Security Protective Service (SPS) within the headquarters Compound. FFX CO PD will be responsible for all areas along Routes #123 and #193 beyond the Agency property line and will also act as backup for the FPS since FFX CO PD also holds concurrent jurisdiction on the Headquarters property. The SPS along with the FPS will be responsible for all areas inside the Headquarters Compound. However, FPS will conduct all arrests; SPS will only become involved, if necessary. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 A helicopter for overhead observation will be made available through either USPP or FFX CO PD. The identification of holding areas, methods of transporting arrestees, as well as other legal and logistical concerns are being coordinated among the appropriate Agency components arid the various law enforcement agencies involved. headquarters Security Division/OS (IISD) will function as the coordinator. Updates will be provided as they become available. (The next demonstrators' meeting is tentatively scheduled for 16 April 1987 at 1000 hours at USPP headquarters). 3. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) has been requested by I-tSD to petition the National Park Service to revoke the demonstration permit on the basis that the exact nature of the civil disobedience is not being volunteered or assured. it will also disrupt the flow of rush hour traffic on the George Washington Parkway and will endanger the lives of the demonstrators and motorists alike. 4. HSD, with OGC concurrence, is pursuing arrangements with the FPS to restrict the demonstrators at the Route #123 access road to the Agency property line (some 20/30 feet inside of our actual property line). This should contain the demonstrators some several hundred feet from the Visitor Center parking lot. 5. PLANNED HSD ACTION: IiSD has established a working group to orchestrate general strategy planning among all Agencies and internal components involved. Participation will be extended to the USPP, FFX CO PD, FPS, Federal Highway Administration, OGC, Office of Logistics, Public Affairs Office, and other Office of Security and Agency components as deemed appropriate. 6. 'she designated HSD focal point is Chief Operations Branch. Questions or comments may be directed to him Chief, Headquarters Security Division Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 SUBJECT: 27 April 1987 Demonstration DDA D/ O.L OL/FMD DD/ PTS/ OS DD/PS/OS C/PASG/OS C/PSD/PASG C/DCI/SS OG C PAO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 An a.~7~~eal toy the I'cojAe Of Life United State; Our government's politiesto Crntral Amrric.a and soucttrrn Attica lac morally wrong and violate our nation s,lein,xnn. deals. Thcy violate fundamental nghca to wif-ictcrmtnanon. Iiixrry, and ponce. They betray our own dcrn.rr itti ideals They risk deeper U.S. involvement in bloody and costly (orrtgn wars whtlc the needs o(our unemployed, homeless. larmrrs, and children go unmet. They reflect a mtittan:anon of our foreign policy that increases the ruk o(nucicar war These policies must be changed! But these politics will be changed only if our policy makers to Washington know the depth of our opposition to them. So we must show them. Nonviolently. Forcefully. With passion. Together. In a united witness by rena of thousands of ad:.eru. We are compelled to issue this appeal because: In Central America, our government is. ? Escalating its terrorism and war against the people and government of Nicaragtaa through CIA-directed Contra forces. ? Providing massive economic and military aid to a government in El Salvador that is bombing its own people. repressing the church and human rights workers, and protecting those guilty of gross violations of human rights. ? Transforming impoverished Honduras into a gigantic military base for use by U.S.. Contra. and ocher foreign forces. ? Granting military aid to the Guatemalan army that is responsible for widespread massacres. the use of stratc Cc hamlets for population control, and the highest race of disappearances in the Western Hemisphere. ? Rejecting opportunities to end the conflicts through political settlements providing security for all. ? Implicating us all in the killing of innocent men, women, and children. In southern Africa. our government is: ? Continuing to support the South African government through a sanctions policy that contains major loopholes that among ocher things allow U.S. companies to reinvest their profits and make short-term extensioru of credit. ? Persisting in intelligence cooperation with South Atnca's military and security forces even as those forces repress and torture people, including church, trade union. United Democratic Front. and student leaders. ? Supporting South Africa's economic strangulation of its neighbors by refusing to provide those neighboring countries major economic support and by cutting off aid to Zimbabwe because of its c inasm of U.S. policy. ? Refusing to push South Africa to end its illegal occupation of Namibia. ? Allying itself with South Africa in its war against Angola by providing covert aid to the rebel group UNITA. ? Supporting repression against legitimate representatives of the people of South Africa and Narnibia. What we demand: ? Support peace and freedom in Central America and Southern Africa ? Stop the U.S. war in Central America ? Scop U.S. government and corporate support for apartheid ? Scop U.S. aid to the Contras! Stop U.S. aid to UNITA! Join us in a Mobilization for Justice & Peace in Central America 6z Southern Africa Washington, D.C. Saturday, April 25, 1987 March Ind Rally Sunday. April 26. 1987 Monday, April 27, 1987 Interfaith Worship Service and An Event in Which Some Will Engage Training in Non-violence in Non-violent Civil Disobedience Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 AN APPEAL TO THE PE~PI~E OF THE US. Our government's policies in Central America and southern Africa are morally wrong and violate our nation's democratic ideals. They violate fundamental rights to self-determination, liberty, and justice. They betray our own democratic ideals. They risk deeper U.S. involvement in bloody and costly foreign wars while the needs of our unem- ployed, homeless, farmers, and children go unmet They reflect a m:ilitar:zatior. of our foreign policy that increases the risk of nuclear war. These policies must be changed. But these policies will be changed only if our policy makers in Washington know the depth of our opposition to them. So we must show them. Nonviolently Forcefully passion Together In a uni- ted witness '_-y tens of thousands of citizens JOIN US IN A MOBILIZATION FOR JUSTICE & PEACE IN CENTRAL AMERICA & SOUTHERN AFRICA Washington, D.C. Sunday, Saturday, Monday, April 26, 1987 April 25, 1987 April 27, 1987 ri interfaith Worship Service March and Rally ? Event-in which some will ? Training in Non-violence engage in Non-violent Civil Disobedience Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 WE ISSUE THIS APPEAL BECAUSE: In Central America, our government is: ^ Escalating its terrorism and war against the people and government of Nicar_igua through CIA-directed Contra forces. A Providing massive economic and military aid to a government in El Salvador that is bombing its own people, repressing the church and human rights workers, and protecting those guilty of gross violations of human rights ^ Transforming impoverished Honduras into a gigantic military base for use by U.S., Contra, and other foreign forces ^ Granting military aid to the Guatemalan army that is responsible for widespread massacres, the use of strategic hamlets for population con- trol, and the highest rate of disappearances in the Western Hemisphere. ^ Rejecting opportunities to end the conflicts through political settlements providing security for all ^ Implicating us all in the killing of innocent men, women, and children In southern Africa, our government is: ^ Continuing to support the South African govern- merit through a sanctions policy that contains major loopholes that among other things allow U.S. companies to reinvest their profits and make short-term extensions of credit ^ Persisting in intelligence cooperation with South Africa's military and security forces even as those forces repress and torture people, includ- ing church, trade union, United Democratic Front, and student leaders. ^ Supporting South Africa's economic strangula- tion of its neighbors by refusing to provide those neighboring countries major economic support and by cutting off aid to Zimbabwe because of its criticism of U.S. policy ^ Refusing to push South Africa to end its illegal occupation of Namibia ^ Allying itself with South Africa in its war against Angola by providing covert aid to the rebel group UNITA ^ Supporting repression against legitimate repre- sentatives of the people of South Africa and Namibia ^ Support peace and freedom in Central America and Southern Africa ^ Stop the U.S. war in Central America ^ Stop U.S. government and corporate support for apartheid ^ Stop U.S. aid to the Contras. Stop U.S. aid to UNITA National Mobilization Headquarters 712 G Street, S.E., Washington D C 20003 202-547-0061 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Sr. Luise Ahrens, M.M. President, Maryknoll Sisters Sr. Helen Amos, R.S.M. President, Sisters of Mercy of the Union The Rev. James E. Andrews Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church (USA) Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron 01 14, Cap, Archbishop of Agana, Guam Sr. Kaye Ashe, O.P. Prioress General, Sins:nawa Dominicans Asia Bennett Executive Secretary, American Friends Service Committee Rabbi Balfour Brickner Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, NYC The Rev, Arie R. Brouwer General Secretary, The National Council of Churches The Most Rev. Edmond L. Browning Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church Sr. Kay Burton, SNJM Provincial Director, Sisters of the Holy Names Sr. Margaret Cafferty, PBVM Congregational Superior, Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rev. Ben Chavis Executive Director, Commission for Racial Justice, United Church of Christ Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB Prioress of Mt St. Benedict Bishop C.D. Coleman Senior Bishop, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Philip R. Cousin Eleventh District, African Methodist Episcopal Church and President, The National Council of Churches Bishop James R. Crumley, Jr. Lutheran Church in America Bishop Maurice J. Dingman Catholic Diocese of Des Moines Bishop Paul A. Duffey The United Methodist Church Bishop Nicholas D'Antonio, O.F.M. Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans, La Rev. Water E. Fauntroy United States House of Representatives, Wasi ungton, D C Sr. Helen Flaherty, S.C. President, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Sister Patricia Flynn, SSND Provincial Leader, Baltimore Province, School Sisters of Notre Dame Sr. Helen Maher Garvey, BVM President, Sisters of Chanty of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit Sr. Joyce Hoben Provincial Moderator, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (Ohio Province' Bishop J. Clinton Hoggard Fourth Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Bishop William A. Hughes Catholic Diocese of Covington, Ky The Rev. John O. Humbert General Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bishop Joseph L. Imesch Catholic Diocese of Joliet, 11 Rev. Jesse Jackson President, The National RainLow Coalition Rev. Joseph E. Lowery President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Bishop Raymond A Lucker Catholic Diocese of New Ulm, Mn The Rev. C.J. Malloy, Jr. General Secretary, Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Bishop Dale Melczek Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit, Mi They Rev. Donald E. Miller General Secretary. Church of the Brethren Bishop P. Francis Murphy Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore Sr. Maureen McCormack, S.L. President. Loretto Community Bishop James P. Niedergeses Catholic Diocese of Nashville, Tn. Sr. Anne O'Neil, RSCJ Provincial, Society of the Sacred Heart, U.S. Province Sr. Kathleen Popko, S.P. President, Sisters of Providence The Rev. Avery Post President. United Church of Christ Bishop Kenneth J. Povish Catholic Diocese of Lansing, Mi Sr. Carol Quigley, IHM President, Leadership Conference of Women Religious The Rev. Graham H. Rights President, Provincial Elders' Conference, Moravian Church, Southern Province Archbishop Mar Athanasius Y. Samuel Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 Rabbi David Saperstein Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Alexander Schindler President of Union of Arr,erican Hebrew Congregations William F. Schulz President, Unitarian Universalist Association of Churches in North America Sr. Julie Sheatzley, CSJ President of the Sisters of St Joseph of Medalie The Rev. J. Ralph Shotwell Executive Director, International Council of Community Churches Morton Bahr President, Communications Workers of America (AFL-CIO) Owen Bieber President, United Auto Workers (AFL-CIO) Kenneth T. Blaylock President, Amencan Federation of Government Employees (AFL-CIO) Bernard Butsavage President, International Molders and Allied Workers Union (AFL-CIO) William H. Bywater President, International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine Workers and Furniture Workers (AFL-CIO) Cesar Chavez President, United Farm Workers of America (AFL-CIO) Mary Hatwood Futrell President, National Education Association James Herman President, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Dolores Huerta Vice President, United Farm Workers of America (AFL-CIO) Georgianna Johnson President, Local 1 199-Drug. Hospital and Health Care Employees Union, RWDSU (AFL-CIO) Keith W. Johnson President, International Woodworkers of America (AFL-CIO) James M. Kane President, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Bishop John J. Snyder Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine The Rev. Gordon L. Sommers i-i esident, Provincial Elders' Conference, Moravian Church, Northern Province Bishop Walter Sullivan Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Va Rev. C.T. Vivian Chairman, Center for Democratic Renewal Dr. Doris Anne Younger General Director, Church Women United David Livingston President, District 65, United Auto Workers (AFL-CIO) Frank D. Martino President, International Chemical Workers Union (AFL-CIO) Gerald W. McEntee President, Amencan Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFL-CIO) Joseph Misbrener President, Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union (AFL-CIO) Henry Nicholas President, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees (AFL-CIO) James J. Norton President, Graphic Communications International Union (AFL-CIO) Charles A- Perlik President, The Newspaper Guild (AFL-CIO) Cleveland Robinson Secretary-Treasurer, District 65, United Auto Workers (AFL-CIO) Jack Sheinkman Secretary-Treasurer, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (AFL-CIO) John J. Sweeney President. Service Employees International Union (AFL-CIO) William Winpisinger President, International Association of Machinists (AFL-CIO) William Wynn President United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (AFL-CIO) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89G00643R000800170037-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/16: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000800170037-1 OMB CLEARANCE NO: 1024--0021 Expires 2/29/89 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DEMONSTRATION OR SPECIAL EVENT IN PARK AREAS AND APPLICATION FOR A WAIVER OF NUMERICAL LIMITATIONS ON DEMONSTRATIONS FOR WHITE HOUSE SIDEWALK* AND/OR LAFAYETTE PARK Date o this application 1. Individual and/or organization sponsor(s) Apc-11 SG ~~.i. /~..'~'~ L ~i Address(es) 71.z t - SL _ C~- i~C 2C - Telephone Nos. (include area code) Day c-1 7 -col,' I Evening / 2. This is an application for a permit to conduct a DEMONSTRATION SPECIAL EVENT (For definitions, see instructions.) 3. This is an application for a WAIVER OF THE NUMERICAL LIMITATIONS on certain demonstrations. Yes No ' (A waiver is required if it is expected that a demonstration on the White House Sidewalk */will 6. Purpose of proposed activity. 7 Year 5. Location(s) of proposed activity. (Include assembly and dispersal u1 areas.) p (,~, ~~? r