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25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 25X1 l;_INOTES SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE AND TEC1NOLOGY ADVISCRY PANEI ;Approved Iy STAR on 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 25X1 CIA AGENCY-WIDE LCNG-RANGE PLANNING- to the DCI C in planning, improvements are in order. Special Assistant 25X1 The Agency long-range Flan is still evolving. Last July ;19711) in response to STAP recommendations, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence sent a memorandum to the Executive Committee ;F.xCom) asking that.a study of the Agency lcng-range planning process he undertaken by the ExCom.Staff. A long-range issues planning paper-was produced. The paper concluded that although the Agency is doing well nine-year plan. The current plan is tc evaluate the present planning and management issues, recommend areas for improvement, and identify long-range planning issues. This shculd be completed by NovAmher. Weekly meetings of Agency planners are being held. They raves discovered that a number of planning programs already exist. For example, Data Processing already has an Agency-wide icng-range plan; N.FAC has a five-year plan; and the Cffice of Communications has a The next step will be to identify major foreign policy and management issues. This raises a number of questions. Should, or can, the two lists be linked and interrelated? Should they he tied t_) resources? If so, how will the Agency ccmptrcller fit into the plan? How much detail should.be included? It is hoped that this first cut will be completed by November 1980. In the discussion that followed, STAP felt that it was good that the Agency was facing up to the issues in planning and that thr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 planning is being tied to resources. The process is considered the most important benefit of long-range planning, not the production cf a formal planning document; it must to a continuous process that actively involves top management. Constant support is important and is necessary for R&D plannig. Some concern was expressed that the planning process described was not for the entire Intelligence Community, but only CIA. Exemplary projects, should be publicized as examples of O involved in scientific and technical areas. 25X1 things 25X1 that have gone well. There was concern that the planning period as only five years, a period too short when lead-times of 10-20 years are. 25X1 STAP believes that the real value of the planning exercise is. that it forces the players to gc through the Flanniing process, not t:) produce a report or product. Resources Staff, DDS&T Chief, Planning an-1 25X1 The principal goals of the R&D Plan were identified as: 1) support for the Operations Directorate; 2) enhancement of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service; 3) complete and timely exploitation of new types of imagery; 4) CIA support for the, SIGINT Program 25X1 5) continued support to Naticnal Intelligence Programs; 6) 25X1 planning and execution of an Agency-wide RDEE program. responsive.ta and consistent with the other goals, as well as the requirements of the Administration Directorate and the Naticnal Foreign Assessment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 TOP cFrnrr 25X1' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 4 Center. The two major requirements of the plan are to enhance productivity throughout the Agency and to respond tc world tren.1s and/or increasingly hostile environments. Because of that., the hi.gh,st quality equipment must be used everywhere. In days past, there wera relatively few areas of the world th t a required the test equipment. A number of problems result. R&D planning is a year-lcng process. Each directorate develops its long-term requirements, reviews RBEE proposals and then ranks th- reiuirements and proposals. The. DDSET develops the proposals an! structures a comprehensive program consistent with on-gcirl(- -activities, new initiatives, and funding constraints. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 A 25X1.# Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 Operations support gets the largest single share of the RD&E C budget priuarily because the hostile threat is increasing. 25X1 n r v q 25X11 -25X1 Because resources are not keeping pace with requirements, productivity must be enhanced. Future improvements appear to be limited by the growth of available funds. The RD&E program funds will grow in excess of 5% rcal growth per year. Most of this will go to upgrading NPIC. Grows.!- o` this size will allow only modest endeavors to be undertaken and it will not allow more than one significant program simultaneously. The RD.E costs may tend to be overshadowed by the high costs associated with producing many copies of multi purpose devices. Production casts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 - av a u~. a a. ~i which are too high are becoming an increasing problem, especially in DDO support.. Some development has been cancelled because of this. F with clear goals and requirements. 25X1 STAP feels that the Agency-R&D Plan appears to be well developel 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 25X1 l~r ~c~.nr r PAGE 8 CI SOVIET SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING-H ICER equipment has been critical to their expansion. The Soviets started late in manufacturing semiconductors ccmparel to other producers. In 1969 they were producing only about 100,000 units compared.to 30,000,000 in the United States. In 1973 they launched a major effort to acquire foreign technology to build plants. Most, of their acquisitions have been covert. Equipment som?times passes through three or four countries before arriving in the USSR. Soviet current output is 300-400,000,000 units per year. Western behind the West that they cannct catch up. Soviet semiconductor technology primarily uses bipolar logic with digital circuits. Although most Scviet production is based on Western design, the CMOS processor appears to be of indigenous Soviet design. This may be an indicator that they realize that they cannot copy indefinitely or they will be hurt. Still, they may already he so far resistors and packing materials, both silicon and silicone. The Soviets continue to import large quantities cf semiconductor items. Besides the equipment mentioned above, they are importing photo In the discussion, SIAP expressed concern about the flcw equipment and raw materials to the Soviet Union. Although sore o iers appear indifferent. 25X1 11 525X1 extremely difficult to stem the flow entirely because there are so many sources for technclcqy. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93BO1137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 1 1 Cnvc. 4 FUTURE COMMUNICATIONS? Director of Communications The Office of Communicaticns dates back tc the OSS. Initially all. communication was by HF radio, serving basically two customers--the DDO and the Department of State. There has been a continual growth in volume of traffic and numbers of custcmer: with no signs of abatement. Most of the equipment in use today is extremely old. Although it is still working, it cannot handle the volume, which puts a tremendous load on the people operating the systems.. Like other areas of the Agency, inflaticn is causing problems in 25X1 X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 TOP SECRET PAGE 10 25X1 replacing aging equipment. In constant dcilars, the budget is decreasing slightly while the cost cf eguipment is rising. In addition, they are losing experienced personnel, putting a heavier burden on those who are left. The Office of Communications is currently ccnfronting the following issues: + Demography-changes in the population: people have different interests; sore wcmen in. work force; zero population growth. + Investment Strategy--meeting the new high-technology needs with available resources. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 1UY 5tkCH?T I PA(;Y: 11 STAP. thinks that communication is clearly an important function and that maximum efforts should be made to keep the Agency current with the technology. In line with this,efforts should be made to join communications with data processing. 25X1 The discussions with truce Clarke and Evan Hineman centered on three major topics: How can STAP help NFAC?; Evaluation of FLINT Satellite Collection; and the Senicr Review Panel review of NFAC Production.. On _the topic of STAP helping NFAC, the problem of what to present to the new administration after the elections in November. In the discussions that followed SAP suggested that the Agency's view cf the world not be presented; in all probability, the new President will already have his own world view. Instead the briefings shoul?' concentrate on US capabilities in intelligence and problem areas. Among the problem areas are the vulnerability of satellites, the noel to get more deeply into ncn-military intelligence. such as economic warfare and food as a weapon. Anothcr suggestion-was to give the new administration a sense of thetrends in the world tcda. These would include such areas as Q Intelligence collection arms control, verification, and the overall strategic situation, to name a few. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0 25X1 possible to help them meet those problems. Finally, it was suggested that a briefing on the most important problems that the new adm:inistraticnwculd immediately face. Then present a sort of "intelligence Berlitz course" to help the new administration members assimilate as much infcrmation as quickly as Evan Rifleman then raised the question of FLINT collection and the balance between strategic and tactical. He felt that perhaps too muchemphasis is being placec on the collection of tactical ELINT and asked that STAP review this situaticn. His fear is that not enough "strategic ELI.NT" is available which results in many analysts having "blinders on" in this area.. Mr. Hineman suggested that STAP: 1) establish a baseline--discover what the NFO is doing currently and what are its plans; and 2) interview technical analysts to determine what they need to do their work and what information they feel that they are lacking. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr. Clarke briefed the.STAP on a recuest that the Agency's Senior Review Panel (SRP) review NFAC production. for a one-year period. This effort will be in two phases. The first will he to establish the facts on what NFAC does or does nct do. The second will be to judge how well or how poorly we're doing. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/08: CIA-RDP93B01137R000400020039-0